View Full Version : The Age - AFL clubs push for stand on violence against women

30-04-2024, 10:21 PM
The AFEL is paying piecemeal attention to numerous causes and this is one where a simple statement of a commitment to educate its men on the horrendous scourge that is gendered violence against women, with actual follow-up and measurable outcomes would be more suitable.

Frankly, the last thing this situation (national emergency) needs is a thought bubble from a hugely patriarchal organisation being played out with only a few days planning.

AFL clubs push for stand on violence against women

AFL clubs have backed a move by West Coast urging the league to make an organised and coordinated statement this weekend condemning violence against women.

West Coast chief executive Don Pyke made the request in a letter to AFL bosses Andrew Dillon and Laura Kane. An AFL spokesman said that all clubs had responded positively to Pyke?s proposal and the AFL was working with clubs to come up with the appropriate response before the weekend.

30-04-2024, 11:00 PM
Surely a statement condemning violence against women should be enough. Follow through? Like follow the journalists to make sure they cover it right?

30-04-2024, 11:26 PM
Maybe this can coincide with Tarryn Thomas' triumphant return to the AFEL. Why not also have Wayne Carey commentating.

01-05-2024, 01:44 AM
Maybe this can coincide with Tarryn Thomas'
triumphant return to the AFEL. Why not also have Wayne Carey commentating.

Or Ben Cousins being regarded as a legend.

01-05-2024, 06:37 PM
AFEL just ended this national Crisis, with some more empty symbolism:

All 18 AFL clubs have been told there will be an on-field pre-match activation in Round 8 to "pay tribute to the women whose lives have been tragically cut short due to violence."

Both teams & coaches will come together "arm in arm."

01-05-2024, 06:45 PM
Gee there'll be a few players/coaches/commentators and plenty of fans shifting awkwardly in their seats during that 'pre-match activation' (whatever the fork a pre match activation is).

01-05-2024, 07:48 PM
AFEL just ended this national Crisis, with some more empty symbolism:

All 18 AFL clubs have been told there will be an on-field pre-match activation in Round 8 to "pay tribute to the women whose lives have been tragically cut short due to violence."

Both teams & coaches will come together "arm in arm."

This is so significant and will really ensure all the men within the competition don't commit acts of violence against women in the future.

01-05-2024, 08:28 PM
This is so significant and will really ensure all the men within the competition don't commit acts of violence against women in the future.
Better than staying silent

01-05-2024, 08:28 PM
This is so significant and will really ensure all the men within the competition don't commit acts of violence against women in the future.

Now that’s DV ended. Racism ended. Maybe the AFEL can get economy wide inflation down, I mean without them dropping any of their prices anywhere. That would be silly.

I bet the AFEL people behind these decisions are three white guys who finish every team meeting with, moves and all:

"Wherever there is injustice, you will find us." "Wherever there is suffering, we'll be there." "Wherever liberty is threatened, you will find..." "The Three Amigos!"

01-05-2024, 09:35 PM
Better than staying silent

Not sure it is if there's no commitment to do better.

01-05-2024, 10:10 PM
Not sure it is if there's no commitment to do better.

AFL can influence many lives.

“…Enough is enough and this must stop. Behind every death is a woman who lived and who was loved. When it comes to violence against women, the only acceptable figure is zero…”

01-05-2024, 10:27 PM
AFL can influence many lives.

On this we absolutely agree, which is why I would like organisations like the AFEL to do more. A moment's silence prior to a game isn't doing more. It's acknowledging a problem that everybody knows exists, but shouldn't.

If the AFEL was to follow this action up with substantive programs for its male participants and became a genuine advocate for women's safety and a vocal critic of violence perpetrated by men, then I'd change my tune.

Bulldog Joe
01-05-2024, 10:49 PM
On this we absolutely agree, which is why I would like organisations like the AFEL to do more. A moment's silence prior to a game isn't doing more. It's acknowledging a problem that everybody knows exists, but shouldn't.

If the AFEL was to follow this action up with substantive programs for its male participants and became a genuine advocate for women's safety and a vocal critic of violence perpetrated by men, then I'd change my tune.

The league is full of virtue signallers, but they are soft on action.

How can they entertain the thought of allowing Tarryn Thomas back or ever condone a Wayne Carey having a commentary box spot with the record of violence from him

01-05-2024, 11:05 PM
The league is full of virtue signallers, but they are soft on action.

How can they entertain the thought of allowing Tarryn Thomas back or ever condone a Wayne Carey having a commentary box spot with the record of violence from him

Agree. Or allow Gary Ablet Snr in the Hall of Fame.

01-05-2024, 11:22 PM
Timing is everything
We've had Tom Morris informing the AFL community that the clubs will lock arms this round to rally against violence against women
We've also had Brad Scott backing Tarryn Thomas to return to the AFL and saying he's a good person.

Surely Tom Morris was the wrong man to announce that and Brad should have just not made public comments about Thomas that painted him a positive light.

01-05-2024, 11:40 PM
On this we absolutely agree, which is why I would like organisations like the AFEL to do more. A moment's silence prior to a game isn't doing more. It's acknowledging a problem that everybody knows exists, but shouldn't.

If the AFEL was to follow this action up with substantive programs for its male participants and became a genuine advocate for women's safety and a vocal critic of violence perpetrated by men, then I'd change my tune.

Don't get me wrong, I am not fully endorsing what the AFL are doing, just stating what they are doing, which is better than nothing. Hopefully it grows legs.

02-05-2024, 12:11 AM
Timing is everything
We've had Tom Morris informing the AFL community that the clubs will lock arms this round to rally against violence against women
We've also had Brad Scott backing Tarryn Thomas to return to the AFL and saying he's a good person.

Surely Tom Morris was the wrong man to announce that and Brad should have just not made public comments about Thomas that painted him a positive light.

I think Brad Scott announcing to the world he's a dickhead who can't read a room and is potentially a men's violence apologist is a good thing. I would prefer at the very least we identify the men's violence apologists who are in leadership positions as these are the people who we need to target for a change in attitude.

Rocket Science
02-05-2024, 01:40 PM
Don't get me wrong, I am not fully endorsing what the AFL are doing, just stating what they are doing, which is better than nothing. Hopefully it grows legs.

Come on.

A belated sniff of the wind then some cursory brand massaging is only better than nothing if you're the brand with some tarnish you'd suddenly like gone.

It's the equivalent of staging a minute's silence for climate collapse during Earth Week then dusting your hands off 'job done' style.

02-05-2024, 08:10 PM
AFL platitudes are easy. Real action on gender-based violence is tougher but desperately needed


..........The AFL sometimes likes to think it’s at the forefront of these national conversations. At the beginning of the pandemic, in front of cardboard cut-outs, its players took a knee for the Black Lives Matter movement. Again, nothing changed. If anything, the racist abuse directed at players like Eddie Betts got worse.

Taking a knee was easy. Raising a rainbow flag was easy. And linking arms is easy. But in the coming days, the AFL has a decision to make on the future of one of its players. In the current environment, it should be an easy decision. But right now, some of its most prominent voices are hedging. They um and ah their way through the language of pastoral care that so many modern coaches traffic in, all the while deferring to the old trope – the more talented the player, the greater the opportunity for redemption...........

02-05-2024, 10:11 PM
Would have been rather awkward this weekend if we appointed Laidley as our senior AFLW coach

03-05-2024, 06:11 PM
John Ralph

Carey blocked from legend status after AFL intervention. Big story given the week’s events