View Full Version : Libba could lose Brownlow

The Coon Dog
24-04-2008, 08:53 AM
Tony Liberatore's bitter marriage split has taken a nasty turn with estranged wife Jane having Libba's football memorabilia valued for sale including his 1990 Brownlow Medal.

She wants the proceeds put in trust for the couples 3 children.

Now I, like most people on here was bitterly disappointed in Libba's recent tirade against the club, but I wouldn't like to see his Brownlow Medal taken from him, not for one second.

Tony Liberatore's Brownlow caught in marriage split (http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,23589233-11088,00.html)

24-04-2008, 09:21 AM
Bitter seems to be the right word. I know he was married when he won the brownlow but any claim on it seems wrong. If he isn't meeting his obligations towards his children then fine but they shouldn't come into play otherwise.

24-04-2008, 09:46 AM
This was front page news in Adelaide today!

Would be a shame if he has to part with the medals.

Sockeye Salmon
24-04-2008, 10:03 AM
Does anyone else think that with Libba's monetary issues over the years there was this woman in the background poking him in the ribs saying "go on, tell them, where's our money"?

24-04-2008, 10:12 AM
Does anyone else think that with Libba's monetary issues over the years there was this woman in the background poking him in the ribs saying "go on, tell them, where's our money"?

Not sure about that Sockeye, I would gather all the facts first otherwise you will make a dill of yourself. Its a very sad time for all concerned.

24-04-2008, 11:03 AM
Bitter seems to be the right word. I know he was married when he won the brownlow but any claim on it seems wrong. If he isn't meeting his obligations towards his children then fine but they shouldn't come into play otherwise.

Ray Parlour, ex arsenal player got taken to the cleaners by his ex-wife. The court ruled in that case that she was an integral part of his success by supporting him through his early years as a trainee with the Gunners, during the period he was establishing his career. Consequently it was only just that she reap the benefits of his success.

Applying that logic to Libba and his wife did the same (that 1990 Brownlow pic is damning!!!) and he could well lose a signifcnant amount. The medal's are difficult because whilst they are a personal momento of his footballing achievements and would typically be regarded as personal effects, they have a property value and technically should end up in the divisible property fund.

All I can say the two must have had some serious issues for his wife to be calling for the medal's to be sold!!

I was very critical of Libba and his comments re the club and am still not overly happy. However, it would be sad to see his medal's taken away. Maybe the club could buy them and put them in the Hall of Fame museum they were setting up at Whitten Oval.

Sockeye Salmon
24-04-2008, 11:22 AM
Ray Parlour, ex arsenal player got taken to the cleaners by his ex-wife. The court ruled in that case that she was an integral part of his success by supporting him through his early years as a trainee with the Gunners, during the period he was establishing his career. Consequently it was only just that she reap the benefits of his success.

Applying that logic to Libba and his wife did the same (that 1990 Brownlow pic is damning!!!) and he could well lose a signifcnant amount. The medal's are difficult because whilst they are a personal momento of his footballing achievements and would typically be regarded as personal effects, they have a property value and technically should end up in the divisible property fund.

All I can say the two must have had some serious issues for his wife to be calling for the medal's to be sold!!

I was very critical of Libba and his comments re the club and am still not overly happy. However, it would be sad to see his medal's taken away. Maybe the club could buy them and put them in the Hall of Fame museum they were setting up at Whitten Oval.

One of the weird things about divorce law is that the court divies up what the couple have at the time of the court case, not at the time of the seperation. Between the seperation and court case half of everything you spend isn't yours!

A friend of my wife seperated from her husband and between the seperation and the court case he went ballistic - taking his new girlfriend to France and making a fair few assets disappear - and the wife got screwed over at the divorce when he claimed there was nothing left.

Libba could sell the Brownlow to the club for $1 is he wanted to be nasty to her.

24-04-2008, 11:34 AM
Libba could sell the Brownlow to the club for $1 is he wanted to be nasty to her.

I think Libba might need the money too though, rather sell it for $50000 and get $25000 than get 50c, and as his wife has apparently said its for the kids trust, dont think any of us wouldnt try to look after the kids futures the best ways we can.

24-04-2008, 02:56 PM
Not sure about that Sockeye, I would gather all the facts first otherwise you will make a dill of yourself. Its a very sad time for all concerned.

I think you've got that well covered on this forum jerry.

24-04-2008, 03:13 PM
I think you've got that well covered on this forum jerry.

Jerry Lewis?

24-04-2008, 03:23 PM
Ray Parlour, ex arsenal player got taken to the cleaners by his ex-wife. The court ruled in that case that she was an integral part of his success by supporting him through his early years as a trainee with the Gunners, during the period he was establishing his career. Consequently it was only just that she reap the benefits of his success.

I think that's crap. Maybe it could be said if the person was a politician who's career depends on the person's image but it just isn't fair.

Just providing support doesn't mean you deserve everything. Then parents could divorce their kids when they're older and say that they provided them support and take all their money (if they were a genius)

Libba won the brownlow not her.

24-04-2008, 04:20 PM
I think its bullcrap that things like this can be pretty much forced for sale, although im not sure why people would want to pay all this money for a medal they didnt earn.

Libba has had a turn for the worst in recent times, but i dont think this will always be his feelings.. he will come around soon enough..

Things like this make me think twice about marriage.

24-04-2008, 06:52 PM
I am still angry with Libba for what he said about the Bulldogs earlier in the year, but no one deserves to have this happen to them, no matter what they have done.

25-04-2008, 12:24 AM
Probably the only thing any of us can say for certain in regards to Libba is that he was a damn fine footballer; one of the best footballers I have ever had the pleasure of watching play for this fine Club.

Dancin' Douggy
25-04-2008, 08:17 AM
Well it seems like Libba's really hit rock bottom. Can't help feeling sorry for the poor bastard. He's practically talked himself out of a career in the afl. A brownlow medallist usually gets a lucrative life long cocoon in the bosom of footy. As a journalist, commentator, special comments man, coach, public speaker, etc etc etc. Even Grant Thomas who came from nowhere and coached the Saints for a couple of years has his snout firmly in the trough.
Libba needs a spin doctor to 'get him back in'. Apologise to the club, blame the stress of a bitter divorce for poor judgement and lashing out. Say all the right things about loving the club( which I'm sure he does). And get his foot back in the afl/media door somehow.
What's next for Libba? A brawl in a pub? Who knows, but he seems to be on a downward spiral.
I hope for his sake he can re-build ties with the club and rebuild a career in footy.
Good luck Libba and keep the medals.

25-04-2008, 10:57 PM
If i were rich i would buy those medals and donate them to Tony Liberatore. Might be what he needs to help get him on the right path again.

Unfortunately i don't even have a job.

26-04-2008, 10:54 AM
what is your working background hujsh?