View Full Version : Favourite Journos

Bulldog Revolution
25-04-2008, 10:47 AM
Ok so we've had a shot at who peoples favourite commentators are

During the week we saw Damian Barratt pen a piece that most of us thought was not the best bit of work we'd ever read

Who are the best football journalists?

Who are the people you look forward to reading?

25-04-2008, 12:14 PM
Maybe that behind the Bar in the Herald Sun.

25-04-2008, 01:06 PM
Dont mind Mike Sheahan and Robert Walls. Most of the others put too much crap.

25-04-2008, 01:08 PM
Robert Walls and I actually don't mind Caro, she's always in there having a go and tackling sensitive issues, even though she is often not on the mark. I also used to like Mark Stevens cause he always seemed to be pro-Bulldogs and always tipped us too.

25-04-2008, 01:10 PM
Martin Flanagan. Though he doesn't work under the same time pressures as the match day reporters, he is still the most interesting football writer in the country.

I am growing to like Samantha Lane's work too. Just for the fresh perspective. She doesn't write like the fellas. She's a mile better than Tim too. He's swallowed a book on management speak.

I used to pay attention to Stephen Reilly. Not sure if he is still on the football desk.

I admire Caroline Wilson's ability to break stories, but she's not much of a writer.

Bulldog Revolution
25-04-2008, 01:35 PM
Martin Flanagan. Though he doesn't work under the same time pressures as the match day reporters, he is still the most interesting football writer in the country.

Flanagan has such a unique take on football. I've recently enjoyed both his articles on Swans Kirk and LRT

I dislike Caros muckraking tendencies - her world of insiders, informants just doesn't speak to me.

I've been impressed with what I've seen of Chip Le Grand in the Australian of late

The Coon Dog
25-04-2008, 01:46 PM
Patrick Smith is unique in that the way he writes polarises opinion. There's no half measures with Patrick, it's either a bull at a gate for or against depending upon the subject topic.

What I admire about him is that he doesn't always tailor his articles in order to court favourable opinion. Some of criticisms over Shane Warne for example has been on the money in my view. I love Warnie as much as the next bloke & what he's done for Australian cricket has been amazing, hasn't stopped Patrick telling all & sundry what a tool he is.

I could read five Smith articles in a week & agree with 3 & not the other 2, but the manner in which he writes has me wanting to shake his hand one day & throttle him the next.

Bulldog Revolution
25-04-2008, 03:19 PM
I could read five Smith articles in a week & agree with 3 & not the other 2, but the manner in which he writes has me wanting to shake his hand one day & throttle him the next.

That type of approach is completely different to a Mike Sheahan who keeps things light, is seldom critical and likes to get on the bandwagon

25-04-2008, 05:26 PM
Martin Flanagan and John Harms

25-04-2008, 10:05 PM
Martin Flanagan and John Harms

Got the pair of good ones there, Ernie, daylight the rest.

I don't see how anyone can put up with Caro's posturing and innuendo and Wallsie well when he's not totally off the track he still doesn't know what his eyes have seen. He was harping on today about the Dons high risk handball etc and completely ignored the fact that the Pies denied them any space to run and receive.

26-04-2008, 10:45 AM
I can't stand Tony Jones.
Typical brainless pies fan who thinks everything he says is gospel and everyone else is wrong.
That whole Whispers in the Sky thing made him look stupid either way.

26-04-2008, 05:14 PM
I can't stand Tony Jones.
Typical brainless pies fan who thinks everything he says is gospel and everyone else is wrong.
That whole Whispers in the Sky thing made him look stupid either way.

Too right Ernie.

It was no surprise that he was the journalist who after North Melbourne had apologised for acusing the umpires of abusing their players, continued to ask Brady Rawlings questions about. Just so happened that the umpire from the whispers in the sky game, Matthew Head, was also the umpire in the kangas game. Jones was obviuosly trying hard to find some mud to stick.

Dancin' Douggy
26-04-2008, 05:46 PM
Martin Flanagan and John Harms
I'm with you Ernie here. Martin Flanagan and John Harms are observers and thinkers. They document the soul of the game, and the characters that keep it attached to some sense of community.
They find some thread of history, and emotional meaning to every day people.

Everything else is knee jerk journalism. Pies are written off one week and next week they're the 'real deal'.
It was great to see Richo take it up to Caro on Footy Confidential, about a supposed leadership group meeting the Tigers had had.
Richo said to her face, point blank. " I'm in the leadership group and that meeting never happened". Caro, somehow in her deluded self importance, still thought she knew more about the Richmond leadership group than someone who was actually in it.
Her response went along these lines.." well I know for a fact blah blah blah"

If these journalists were under the microscope like the umpires are, and if they were dropped for making a wrong call, they'd all be writing cooking columns for the Western times by the end of the year.
And Robert Walls writes a column about Robert Walls every week.
When I was coaching the BLAH BLAH BLAH............
I'm only getting warmed up here.......... gotta go to the game...........

Bulldog Revolution
26-04-2008, 05:59 PM
TJ is another for whom insightful analysis is just too difficult, or even accuracte reporting, and so he prefers to scout around for the controversial angle.

It was interesting on Footy Confidential when talking about the Nathan Thompson depression story that Hutchy mentioned that he had held back on breaking the story for ethical reasons and it came out that TJ broke it - I think Caro nominated him as the one. Yet Hutchy was perfectly happy to run the Jon Hay footy show exclusive which I thought would be hard pressed to be seen as ethical, responsible journalism.

Dancin' Douggy
26-04-2008, 11:14 PM
TJ is another for whom insightful analysis is just too difficult, or even accuracte reporting, and so he prefers to scout around for the controversial angle.

It was interesting on Footy Confidential when talking about the Nathan Thompson depression story that Hutchy mentioned that he had held back on breaking the story for ethical reasons and it came out that TJ broke it - I think Caro nominated him as the one. Yet Hutchy was perfectly happy to run the Jon Hay footy show exclusive which I thought would be hard pressed to be seen as ethical, responsible journalism.

If a man ever walked this earth that deserved the title of 'BOOFHEAD', Hutcho is the man.

Sockeye Salmon
28-04-2008, 09:11 PM
There is no doubt the absolute best special comments man is...

Rocket Eade.

I was listening to the first quarter of the Swans - North game in the car on the way home on Sunday and then turned on the TV and watched it when I got home.

David Schwartz on Ch 7: Leo Barry is picking up Nathan Thompson. Thompson is taller but Barry will try to run off him.

Eade on MMM: Leo Barry is picking up Nathan Thompson. That's a good matchup for North. Barry likes to start a metre behind his opponent so he can get a jump at the ball to make up for his lack of size. He's lost a yard of pace as he's got older and if the ball's delivered even half OK to Thompson, Thommo will jump early and Barry won't get anywhere near the ball.

One is providing an insight, the other is stating the bleeding obvious.

28-04-2008, 09:53 PM
i looked up bleeding obvious in the dictionary and it had a picture of the ox.

28-04-2008, 10:10 PM
There is no doubt the absolute best special comments man is...

Rocket Eade.

I was listening to the first quarter of the Swans - North game in the car on the way home on Sunday and then turned on the TV and watched it when I got home.

David Schwartz on Ch 7: Leo Barry is picking up Nathan Thompson. Thompson is taller but Barry will try to run off him.

Eade on MMM: Leo Barry is picking up Nathan Thompson. That's a good matchup for North. Barry likes to start a metre behind his opponent so he can get a jump at the ball to make up for his lack of size. He's lost a yard of pace as he's got older and if the ball's delivered even half OK to Thompson, Thommo will jump early and Barry won't get anywhere near the ball.

One is providing an insight, the other is stating the bleeding obvious.

HA! That's is one of the funniest things I've read on a forum so far. Shame David.

Dancin' Douggy
28-04-2008, 11:29 PM
What about this one from the ox commenting on a game which was a tie at half time.
" well the scores are very similar, veeerrry similar'
And he keeps saying Motlop is "one of the most unique players in the AFL"
If you are unique you are unique. One only.
A team comes out and kicks the first four goals.
" well I think the coach would be pretty pleased with that"
Ox, Ox, OX.....................

29-04-2008, 08:00 AM
Martin Flanagan and John Harms

Yes - those two and Cameron Noakes. The Mongrel Punter is the funnies thing going around. I have clipped his two love letters to freo they are gold.

29-04-2008, 03:45 PM
There is no doubt the absolute best special comments man is...

Rocket Eade.

Absolutely. He has insight pouring out of his ears, the bloke. It's like he can't stop thinking!

The Underdog
29-04-2008, 04:04 PM
I've always had time for Rohan Connolly and think Emma Quayle is one of the better footy writers in The Age.

29-04-2008, 04:13 PM

Emma Quayle is a lovely writer.

I also like Rohan, especially when he gets on his high horse, because he has the writing chops to generally back it up. (Unlike a certain Andrew Dolt, who can't write to save his life)

Sockeye Salmon
29-04-2008, 10:46 PM

Emma Quayle is a lovely writer.

I also like Rohan, especially when he gets on his high horse, because he has the writing chops to generally back it up. (Unlike a certain Andrew Dolt, who can't write to save his life)
Just when you're about to get 3 Brownlow voles you kick across goal in the last minute Gubby Allen style and lose the game.

Andrew Bolt is the best journalist in Australia.

30-04-2008, 07:11 AM
There is no doubt the absolute best special comments man is...

Rocket Eade.

I was listening to the first quarter of the Swans - North game in the car on the way home on Sunday and then turned on the TV and watched it when I got home.

David Schwartz on Ch 7: Leo Barry is picking up Nathan Thompson. Thompson is taller but Barry will try to run off him.

Eade on MMM: Leo Barry is picking up Nathan Thompson. That's a good matchup for North. Barry likes to start a metre behind his opponent so he can get a jump at the ball to make up for his lack of size. He's lost a yard of pace as he's got older and if the ball's delivered even half OK to Thompson, Thommo will jump early and Barry won't get anywhere near the ball.

One is providing an insight, the other is stating the bleeding obvious.

Isn't this the Gospel according to St Robert the Wall Brain, Don't ever try to explain, elucidate or in any way help the audience to a deeper understanding of the game as this would expose a fatal flaw.

What a pity on Saturday night Voss was teamed with Blight who asked him a couple of questions about what he would do as a coach in certain situations and Voss could't answer and tried to brush Blight off.

30-04-2008, 07:15 AM
Just when you're about to get 3 Brownlow voles you kick across goal in the last minute Gubby Allen style and lose the game.

Andrew Bolt is the best journalist in Australia.

I guess we'd need to define what we mean by best journalist, Sockeye, cause he doesn't rate too highly from my brief dealings with him. Not your brother is he?

The Underdog
30-04-2008, 08:31 AM
Just when you're about to get 3 Brownlow voles you kick across goal in the last minute Gubby Allen style and lose the game.

Andrew Bolt is the best journalist in Australia.

Ha ha, you called Andrew Bolt a journalist. Funny.

30-04-2008, 10:49 PM
Rohan Connolly for me as well - great article on the day after a game and the build up to the following weeks game.

Dancin' Douggy
30-04-2008, 11:05 PM
Just when you're about to get 3 Brownlow voles you kick across goal in the last minute Gubby Allen style and lose the game.

Andrew Bolt is the best journalist in Australia.
Sockeye please tell me you're joking.

01-05-2008, 01:30 PM
Just when you're about to get 3 Brownlow voles you kick across goal in the last minute Gubby Allen style and lose the game.

I love the analogy!

01-05-2008, 01:31 PM
Yes - those two and Cameron Noakes. The Mongrel Punter is the funnies thing going around. I have clipped his two love letters to freo they are gold.
I'm also a big fan of the mongel punter. After the Sam Newman and Caro Wilson fiasco, he wrote the best piece of journalism, piss-taking TFS to within an inch of its life. Every comment was bang on the money.

Leaping Larry has been a long-time favourite of mine as well - also loved his work in Danger Lowbrow alongside Brett Duck, the Audio Asassain and Dennis Twilight on RRR many years ago (showing my age).

01-05-2008, 04:52 PM
I'm also a big fan of the mongel punter. After the Sam Newman and Caro Wilson fiasco, he wrote the best piece of journalism, piss-taking TFS to within an inch of its life. Every comment was bang on the money.

Leaping Larry has been a long-time favourite of mine as well - also loved his work in Danger Lowbrow alongside Brett Duck, the Audio Asassain and Dennis Twilight on RRR many years ago (showing my age).

LL is a legend. Still cant stop laughing whenever I see Brett Duck reading the weekend newsbreaks on TV. Geez RRR had an awesome saturday lineup in the '80s. Couldabeens, Punter to Punter, Danger Lowbrow and then Film Buffs Forecast.

Caro is my fave ATM. She knows her limitations and doesnt write to much straight footy stuff. Instead she uses her impecible sources and understands exactly how much to say and how much to leave out. Flanagin for insight and Harms for his sheer love of the game. Most of the others have trouble writing a legible match report.

Liked Emma Quayle's indepth about Cooney on the weekend as well.

The Underdog
01-05-2008, 05:03 PM
I'm also a big fan of the mongel punter. After the Sam Newman and Caro Wilson fiasco, he wrote the best piece of journalism, piss-taking TFS to within an inch of its life. Every comment was bang on the money.

Leaping Larry has been a long-time favourite of mine as well - also loved his work in Danger Lowbrow alongside Brett Duck, the Audio Asassain and Dennis Twilight on RRR many years ago (showing my age).

I'm a huge LLL fan too. Hope everyone's aware he's got a Thursday afternoon show on RRR at 2pm. Well worth a listen. Alweays look forward to the letters in the Age on Saturday's.

01-05-2008, 05:43 PM
LL is a legend. Still cant stop laughing whenever I see Brett Duck reading the weekend newsbreaks on TV. Geez RRR had an awesome saturday lineup in the '80s. Couldabeens, Punter to Punter, Danger Lowbrow and then Film Buffs Forecast.
And the Breakfasters with Chris Hatsis and co. Essential morning listening. They used to have an old work colleague of mine, Ian 'Wildcat' Bennett, who did a football segment on Friday mornings. He was brilliant - when Jade Rawlings debuted for Hawthorn, he banged on abot Hawthorn being on the road to ruin because they drafted players named Jade :D

Brett McLeod certainly did his best work 15 years ago uder his DL alias. Tell me, does the Audio Assassin moonlight as 3AW's main hourly newsreader, David Armstrong? I'd swear those dulcet tones are exactly the same set of pipes that were owned by the Audio Assassin.