View Full Version : Kelvin Templeton - Hall of Fame Bulldog!

18-06-2024, 09:26 PM
Well it's about time.

https://www.westernbulldogs.com.au/news/1581008//templeton-elevated-into-australian-football-hall-of-fame?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2tJ2LSzOvSv1xp8tEvmgEPDbiJqj 67mX1mm2MSql_plq9NH3Lr171nYoQ_aem_l-UiIckgPrjIKdrHulTTjg

The Underdog
18-06-2024, 09:28 PM
Twodogs finally did it!!!

18-06-2024, 09:29 PM
One of the greats of the club. KT was before me time but would be cool to go back in time to the game in 1978 when he kicked a lazy 15.

Bulldog Joe
18-06-2024, 09:31 PM
I saw the Hall of Fame was on TV while I waited to go into a meeting.

My comment was that it had no credibility until Kelvin Templeton was admitted.

Just out of the meeting to see that it now has some credibility.

Happy Days
18-06-2024, 09:32 PM
Someone wake Twodogs out of his standing bed.

The Doctor
18-06-2024, 09:39 PM
About time. Best player Ive seen in our colours.

18-06-2024, 09:43 PM
Congratulations Kelvin - well deserved.

I will never forget seeing you play.

My biggest regret as a Bulldog supporter happened in 1978 when I missed KT kicking 15 goals against St Kilda due to other commitments. Thankfully I have been able to watch the last quarter multiple times since.

18-06-2024, 09:45 PM
About 15 years too late.

KT is the reason I barrack for the Dogs. Tragedy that he was essentially finished at 23yo. He was the same age as Beaser and they barely got to play a handful of games together in 1982 - if he stayed injury free we win the flag in 1985 and probably 1-2 more in the decade.

18-06-2024, 09:47 PM
Someone wake Twodogs out of his standing bed.


18-06-2024, 09:51 PM
How do you post pictures?

18-06-2024, 09:55 PM
One of the greats of the club. KT was before me time but would be cool to go back in time to the game in 1978 when he kicked a lazy 13.

15 !

Happy Days
18-06-2024, 10:10 PM
How do you post pictures?

You know that episode of South Park where God comes to Earth and they get to ask him one question?

If that happened to me this is the question I would ask.

18-06-2024, 10:15 PM
15 !

Yep I corrected that.

Thanks Granty :D

18-06-2024, 10:44 PM
About time too, what a champion he was, had his big 31 on the back of my duffel coat as a young lad, was devastating when he did his knee in a night game and shipped off to the Dees.

18-06-2024, 11:16 PM
How do you post pictures?

There's a little icon of a tree in a window next to the video and URL buttons where you write a post. Hit that and there are a couple of options

18-06-2024, 11:52 PM
Brilliant, one of the best FF ever.

19-06-2024, 10:08 AM
He was at the height of his game before his knee injury, who knows how he'd have gone further into the 80s if not for that injury in 81.

19-06-2024, 11:40 AM
I never had the pleasure to see him play for the red, white and blue. I would love to hear from anyone who saw him play? His resume speaks for itself and I have watched the highlights, in particular the day where he kicked 15 goals. But would love to see hear some insights about KT and some of the nuances that made him such a special player.

19-06-2024, 11:45 AM
I never had the pleasure to see him play for the red, white and blue. I would love to hear from anyone who saw him play? His resume speaks for itself and I have watched the highlights, in particular the day where he kicked 15 goals. But love to see hear some insights on some of the nuances that made him special.

Great contested mark, lead well and a booming kick. Kicked 118 goals one year in a side that finished 11th of 12th. Moved to CHF in 1980 and kicked 75 goals in a season where we only won 5 games.

20-06-2024, 12:24 AM
As an aside from the evening, how cooked is the mirth and merrymaking over Dane Swan regaling the time he was arrested and Whateley lapping it up.

The cleaner involved received a permanent brain injury. Swan apparently didn't pay up years later after litigation resulted in a settlement.

Whateley and Robbo called it out as the best moment of the night. ****en cooked.

This is an industry struggling with how to deal with concussion, and an entire ballroom of industry people thought it was hilarious that Dane Swan righted his career after giving someone an injury that left them permanently impaired.

What a pack of ****s. Could you imagine being at home, watching on TV that unfold and it was you who was bashed by a pack of shithead footy players and the entire industry thinks it's funny?

20-06-2024, 12:39 AM
Now we find out that one of the players they put up that had passed away hadn’t and is alive and well living in Adelaide .
Thats embarrassment plus !

Dogs 24/7
20-06-2024, 09:09 AM
Great player, for 2 or 3 years his marking was right up there with the best we have ever seen.

20-06-2024, 10:04 AM
As an aside from the evening, how cooked is the mirth and merrymaking over Dane Swan regaling the time he was arrested and Whateley lapping it up.

The cleaner involved received a permanent brain injury. Swan apparently didn't pay up years later after litigation resulted in a settlement.

Whateley and Robbo called it out as the best moment of the night. ****en cooked.

This is an industry struggling with how to deal with concussion, and an entire ballroom of industry people thought it was hilarious that Dane Swan righted his career after giving someone an injury that left them permanently impaired.

What a pack of ****s. Could you imagine being at home, watching on TV that unfold and it was you who was bashed by a pack of shithead footy players and the entire industry thinks it's funny?

Totally ****ed.

How does Swan get into the Hall of fame? He wasn't that good as a player. Took Kelvin over 40 years to get in and he has achieved much more than Swan did in his playing career.

On Twitter Swan is the biggest nut case, plus I thought they take into consideration the ex players personal life and whether they pass the good citizen test. Ben Cousins, Gary Ablett are not in the hall due to this.

20-06-2024, 10:29 AM
Totally ****ed.

How does Swan get into the Hall of fame? He wasn't that good as a player. Took Kelvin over 40 years to get in and he has achieved much more than Swan did in his playing career.

On Twitter Swan is the biggest nut case, plus I thought they take into consideration the ex players personal life and whether they pass the good citizen test. Ben Cousins, Gary Ablett are not in the hall due to this.

Agree with you commentary on his personal life. Don't like his overall persona either. But Swan was a great player, to say anything lese is disingenuous.

In four consecutive seasons. His Brownlow votes.

2010 - 24 (third)
2011 - 34 (won)
2012 - 25 (third)
2013 - 26 (thid)

Premiership Player
B&F in Premiership year
Brownlow Medalist
Leigh Mathews Trophy
5 x All Australian
3 x Copeland Trophys
3 x second B&F
1 x third B&F
7 x top three finish in B&F

In the entire history of the AFL, he ranks 15th for Brownlow votes average per game at 0.78. For context, Bont averages 0.83 and Gary Ablett Jnr 0.79. He also averaged the same as Dustin Martin, Patrick Cripps and Bob Skilton.

You may not have liked him. But Dane Swan was a star. (This comes from someone who HATES COLLINGWOOD)

20-06-2024, 11:05 AM
Agree with you commentary on his personal life. Don't like his overall persona either. But Swan was a great player, to say anything lese is disingenuous.

In four consecutive seasons. His Brownlow votes.

2010 - 24 (third)
2011 - 34 (won)
2012 - 25 (third)
2013 - 26 (thid)

Premiership Player
B&F in Premiership year
Brownlow Medalist
Leigh Mathews Trophy
5 x All Australian
3 x Copeland Trophys
3 x second B&F
1 x third B&F
7 x top three finish in B&F

In the entire history of the AFL, he ranks 15th for Brownlow votes average per game at 0.78. For context, Bont averages 0.83 and Gary Ablett Jnr 0.79. He also averaged the same as Dustin Martin, Patrick Cripps and Bob Skilton.

You may not have liked him. But Dane Swan was a star. (This comes from someone who HATES COLLINGWOOD)

How many others with that record? Ok, that record looks good, but How does he get in the same year as Kelvin who has been ignored for 40 years.

Hall of fame is a joke.

20-06-2024, 11:40 AM
How many others with that record? Ok, that record looks good, but How does he get in the same year as Kelvin who has been ignored for 40 years.

Hall of fame is a joke.

KT being ingored was a joke. Agree. It doesn't mean that Swan is not deserving.

20-06-2024, 12:51 PM
KT being ingored was a joke. Agree. It doesn't mean that Swan is not deserving.

As I said agree on playing record but not off field

20-06-2024, 02:07 PM
I was listening to SEN and they mentioned Templeton's performances in State of Origin as what might have got him over the line.
Playing well under 200 games worked against him just a bit

20-06-2024, 04:25 PM
Fascinating revelation in today's Age that KT was told by an official as he walked into the 1980 brownlow function, that he was the winner and to think about his speech.

22-06-2024, 05:53 PM
I was listening to SEN and they mentioned Templeton's performances in State of Origin as what might have got him over the line.
Playing well under 200 games worked against him just a bit

That was a great segment wasn’t it?

I was too young to see KT and didn’t actually believe TwoDogs when he kept banning on about him.

I actually got shivers listening to the commentary on one of the state games.

22-06-2024, 05:57 PM
First twelve or so minutes for anyone interested.


25-06-2024, 11:49 PM

26-06-2024, 10:02 PM

Great to hear Demps. Legends both he and KT. Some nice left foot goals in that clip too.

27-06-2024, 08:25 AM
A shining light during some very dark days as a footy club. If there was a number on the back of a footy jumper or a duffel coat in the late 70s early 80s it was almost always #31.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
27-06-2024, 06:34 PM
KT was my first football hero and Bulldog idol.

I was only 4 or 5, and I didn't get to see very much football or football news on TV back then, in country Maryborough Victoria. Plus my old man was a Yank and despised 'aerial ping pong' and as with most folks back then one TV in the house was the norm, and my parents' sole domain to dominate, with a close second being my much older, football agnostic sisters.

My Mum came from England (Birmingham), but migrated post war as a 9 year old to Brooklyn, where her Dad built one of the first houses on Stenhouse Ave/St?.

So despite my Mum not being a huge football fan herself, the parochial nature of the times, meant she was still Bulldog's when it was required to nominate your affiliation. She said she went to the 1954 GF as an 18 yr old with her then boyfriend.. (I have my doubts about that though..anyway....

As such, and I'm sure I've mentioned this here, when I first joined WOOF, most likely, that I just never knew of a time when I first became a Bulldog's fan, it just gradually seeped in, from every visit to my Nan/Pop's house in Stenhouse st, or to my aunt/uncle's in Altona North.
It must've been around 77 or 78 (so I was 3-5)when I first recall being a KT fan. I 100% remember I was aware of KT kicking the ton in 78, when we were in Maryborough. And I also had this really cheap rubbery/plastic Bulldog Action figure which came with numerals to stick on, and I stuck on numbers 3 and 1 to the back- that must've been either 78 to very early 1980. So by the time we moved to Noble Park sometime during 1980 I was definitely already all aboard and seated on the KT worship train when he won his Brownlow.

I was devastated when he left the Dogs, and actually had no idea of the extent of both his injuries nor the perilous financial state the club were in.
The first VFL game of football I went to was in 1984 at VFL Park against Melbourne, we got flogged by 78 points, and I think KT kicked 7 or 8..

I was gutted leaving that hell hole of a wind tunnel and it's muddy gravel carpark.

To make matters worse my then grade 5 teacher at Harrisfield Primary School in Noble Park was a Melbourne supporter, and we'd had a sidebet on the result with homework extra/or less at stake.

I think he must've felt sorry for me and how bad we got spanked at my first game, that he didn't enforce the wager.

I suspect it wasn't until I came here onto WOOF that I started to learn and better understand the full background to those times and recontextualsze KT's move to Melbourne.

I'm not going to talk about the length of time its taken for KT to get this deserved recognition; I'm just glad it has happened.

As one who idolised him as a little kid, despite rarely seeing him on TV, and never seeing him at a game- (until he was with Melbourne!) he sure must've had some Hall of Fame skills to somehow still capture my imagination and indelibly make an impession on me.

27-06-2024, 06:52 PM
Great Story YHF, thank you for sharing. He was a very imposing figure on field, and really made his presence felt - no wonder you loved him as a kid

Axe Man
28-06-2024, 10:24 AM
From the Latrobe Valley Express:
https://i.postimg.cc/gJ5HWsVg/KT.jpg (https://postimg.cc/k6QbNxhS)

28-06-2024, 08:04 PM
About. ****ing. Time.

28-06-2024, 08:05 PM
KT was my first football hero and Bulldog idol.

I was only 4 or 5, and I didn't get to see very much football or football news on TV back then, in country Maryborough Victoria. Plus my old man was a Yank and despised 'aerial ping pong' and as with most folks back then one TV in the house was the norm, and my parents' sole domain to dominate, with a close second being my much older, football agnostic sisters.

My Mum came from England (Birmingham), but migrated post war as a 9 year old to Brooklyn, where her Dad built one of the first houses on Stenhouse Ave/St?.

So despite my Mum not being a huge football fan herself, the parochial nature of the times, meant she was still Bulldog's when it was required to nominate your affiliation. She said she went to the 1954 GF as an 18 yr old with her then boyfriend.. (I have my doubts about that though..anyway....

As such, and I'm sure I've mentioned this here, when I first joined WOOF, most likely, that I just never knew of a time when I first became a Bulldog's fan, it just gradually seeped in, from every visit to my Nan/Pop's house in Stenhouse st, or to my aunt/uncle's in Altona North.
It must've been around 77 or 78 (so I was 3-5)when I first recall being a KT fan. I 100% remember I was aware of KT kicking the ton in 78, when we were in Maryborough. And I also had this really cheap rubbery/plastic Bulldog Action figure which came with numerals to stick on, and I stuck on numbers 3 and 1 to the back- that must've been either 78 to very early 1980. So by the time we moved to Noble Park sometime during 1980 I was definitely already all aboard and seated on the KT worship train when he won his Brownlow.

I was devastated when he left the Dogs, and actually had no idea of the extent of both his injuries nor the perilous financial state the club were in.
The first VFL game of football I went to was in 1984 at VFL Park against Melbourne, we got flogged by 78 points, and I think KT kicked 7 or 8..

I was gutted leaving that hell hole of a wind tunnel and it's muddy gravel carpark.

To make matters worse my then grade 5 teacher at Harrisfield Primary School in Noble Park was a Melbourne supporter, and we'd had a sidebet on the result with homework extra/or less at stake.

I think he must've felt sorry for me and how bad we got spanked at my first game, that he didn't enforce the wager.

I suspect it wasn't until I came here onto WOOF that I started to learn and better understand the full background to those times and recontextualsze KT's move to Melbourne.

I'm not going to talk about the length of time its taken for KT to get this deserved recognition; I'm just glad it has happened.

As one who idolised him as a little kid, despite rarely seeing him on TV, and never seeing him at a game- (until he was with Melbourne!) he sure must've had some Hall of Fame skills to somehow still capture my imagination and indelibly make an impession on me.

Great post YHF. Really enjoyed reading it.

28-06-2024, 08:07 PM
About. ****ing. Time.

Why are you so worked up over something you've never mentioned before?