View Full Version : Most disliked player (opposition team)

12-06-2008, 10:02 PM
On the back of 1eyedog's favourite player thread, I thought it might be interesting to learn who you guys would class as your most disliked player from another team.

Someone that just irks you to the point you completely dislike...

Mine would be...

1. Steven Milne - OMG, this guy absolutely riles me something chronic.
2. Warren Treadrea - For some reason I have never warmed to Treadrea, just something about him I don't like.

There are a few others but those two top my list.

One ex opposition player I never thought much of was David King (North Melbourne) when he did those goal celebrations sticking his arms out and simulating a glider plane and ran halfway around the ground.

Which players annoy you?

12-06-2008, 10:10 PM
Oooh great topic

Dale Thomas...cant stand the little arrogant piece of sh*t, pardon the french but every time i see him i wanna break his hair, he is overrated. And his goal celebrations this year are patheticly cocky.

Not a Riewoltd fan, he doesnt give enough for being paid so much..

And ill go another Collingwood player, Leon Davis..so damn inconsistant. Kicking a couple of goals from the boundary every now n then is not worthy of a spot in a decent side.

And the last one would be Nathan Carroll, he always has a dirty game and he just looks like your typical feral bloke who wants to start fights.

Thats about it...u could prob say i hate Collingwoods whole list, but hey im not the only one! :D

12-06-2008, 10:11 PM
Great idea BB mine are;

1) Milne (I'm right with you there BB can't stand the way he kicks, elbows and slanders). He'd be the type of guy to pick fights at a night club then hide behind the G-train.

2) Josh Fraser (he just annoys me for some reason), actually most Collingwood players do.

The Coon Dog
12-06-2008, 10:17 PM
Like you BB, it's Steven Milne for me. Just can't stand him, trying to run around, play on, run on the spot after a goal, his voice, just everything about him.

Jeff Farmer is another I dislike, bloody good on his day tho, just those arms in the air as he looks to the heavens after a goal.

Also can't stand Kane Pettifer at Richmond. His celebrations are way over the top & that stupid tattoo on his forearm!

My wife absolutely despises Fraser Gehrig!

12-06-2008, 10:22 PM
The entire Collingwood list

Jordan Mcmahon and Nathan Brown

Daniel Kerr

Chris Tarrant

Nathan Carroll

12-06-2008, 10:22 PM
I agree about David King, arrogant...well, I couldn't stand him. There are lots of players that I really don't like, Carroll, McLean, Didak, can't say I'm a Judd fan really, B Harvey, Goodes...not denying that they're very good or great players, I just can't stand them.

12-06-2008, 10:27 PM
Dustin Fletcher - just can't stand him

Nathan Brown - obvious

12-06-2008, 10:38 PM
Mark Williams from Hawthorn. I hate him too!

12-06-2008, 11:25 PM
Adelaide - B Burton
Brisbane - A McGrath
Carlton - B Fevola
Collingwood - D Thomas, A Didak
Essendon - N L Murray
Fremantle - C Tarrant, B Schammer, J Carr
Geelong - M Scarlett, S Johnson
Hawthorn - C Brown, J Lewis, C Young
Melbourne - B Miller
North - H McIntosh
Port - J Surjan
Richmond - T Simmonds, D Polo, J King, M White
St Kilda - S Milne, F Gehrig
Sydney - B Hall, M O'Loughlin, A Goodes, L Barry (hate the lot of them really, everyone who doesn't know much about the AFL here in Canberra (a lot) responds to the "who do you barrack for" question with "Sydney Swans! they are closest" and it just makes my blood curdle because most of them obviously don't watch the AFL and so don't know that the Swans play the most unattractive brand of footy in the league)
West Coast - D Kerr, Q Lynch

12-06-2008, 11:37 PM
Milne is the Obvious one

Cant really stand Brady Rawlings either. Is good at what he does, but what he does annoys the hell out of me. normally does pretty good against westy.

The Bulldogs Bite
12-06-2008, 11:42 PM
His celebrations are way over the top & that stupid tattoo on his forearm!

What player doesn't have a tattoo plastered across their forearm these days? It's a very annoying 'trend' and if you pay attention to it, there's quite a lot. Even in U18 football there's plenty.

As far as players I dislike, Milne is one of mine too.

I can't stand Cameron Mooney & Chad Cornes either, both so similar.

The Bulldogs Bite
12-06-2008, 11:43 PM
Oh, and how could I forget Judd.

I hate Judd and can't stand the obsession CH10, Lyon etc. has with him. In 2006, you wouldn't of known there was a Finals series going on, every 'promo' was about Judd.

I really can't stand him.

13-06-2008, 11:44 AM
Jeff Farmer, cant stand the arrogant pig, and Milne like jsut about everyone else, i think many Saints supporters even like him.

Apart from that, there arnt many i dont like, just depends on the day i suppose.

Rocket Science
13-06-2008, 11:51 AM
Best. Thread. Ever.

Rack up another vote for Stevie Milne...bloke's a worm.

Would also happily second a few of the above suggestions, Thomas, Carroll, Mooney, Tarrant, Didak.

Also surprised Nathan Brown hasn't come in for more consideration.

A few others who rile me at the mere sight of them;

Matthew Richardson
Shane Crawford
Nick Davis
Robert Copeland

Plus, just about anyone in an Essendon, Richmond, Fremantle, or St.Kilda guernsey.

And, from days gone by, nobody made me pop a vein like Darren Bewick.

13-06-2008, 11:55 AM
Jeff Farmer, cant stand the arrogant pig, and Milne like jsut about everyone else, i think many Saints supporters even like him.

Apart from that, there arnt many i dont like, just depends on the day i suppose.

Got it in one Minson27. The world would be a much btter place if Jeff Farmer wasn't part of it.

13-06-2008, 02:44 PM
Got it in one Minson27. The world would be a much btter place if Jeff Farmer wasn't part of it.

Oohh thats a bit harsh.

The Bulldogs Bite
13-06-2008, 03:55 PM
Jeff Farmer, cant stand the arrogant pig

Farmer amuses me.

Does nothing all day.

All month.

All year.

Finally grabs the ball, kicks a goal from the top of the square, raises his arms & looks to the clouds as though he's god.

Nothing funnier.

13-06-2008, 03:57 PM
I could never stand Nathan Buckley.
Currently, I don't like Steven Milne, Nathan Carroll, Barry Hall, Adam Goodes. The list goes on!

13-06-2008, 04:00 PM
Anthony Rocca!
I've never liked him, just a big talentless Ogre type footballer.
My hatred for him continued to grow once he tackled Murphy and unnecessarily slung him to the ground (resulting in Murph's ACL injury).


13-06-2008, 04:03 PM
Anthony Rocca, Alan Didak, Dale Thomas, notice a trend here!

Nathan Brown is another one who I will never like in any way shape or form. Absoloute wanker on and off the field.

13-06-2008, 04:14 PM
N.Brown, A.Rocca, G.Archer (can't be just me), M.Lloyd, J.White, R.Robertson, L.Franklin, A.Goodes and finally...that most hated of all...

DALE THOMAS:mad::mad::mad:WQERQERGH!!!

13-06-2008, 04:19 PM
Milne is definately up there, Jake King after his cheap shot on Aker this year gets a disapproving nod as well.

Colin Syvia is another I don't like - his head just looks puncheable. Not a big fan of the Carr brothers, or that cheap sniper from the Pies who can dish it out but runs like a screaming b!tch whenever threatened - Brodie Holland.

13-06-2008, 04:19 PM
Here goes,

Stephen Milne - enough said already
Leon Davis - Has he earnt a years pay yet.

The pair do not do enough and are only front runners.


Jaxs :cool:

ps: anyone who does not wear red,white & blue :)

Sockeye Salmon
13-06-2008, 04:45 PM
Hird, Lloyd, Wanganeen, Long.

All good footballers in their own right and all important players in a fantastic Essendon side. That does not make them the greatest players in the history of the world and all other places.

13-06-2008, 08:35 PM
Tarrant. Oh god, he gives me the shits. Does something useful once every....er, well never? and just the way my collingwood supporting friend would repeatedly scream "TARAAAAAAAAAANT!"

He was CUT when he went to Freo. Poor Freo.

Um, Didak. Buckley (when he played. Actually, no, even now, too). Rocca (not just hit with the ugly stick, but severly bashed in the face with it), U used to like Dale Thomas, but now the mere sight of him and his stupid arrogance makes me want to.. oh I dont even know, shave his head or something.
Ok, add the whole Collingwood list.

Um, yes yes, Milne. Every time I see him I want to throw something at the tv just to block out the sight of him.

Brown, for quiiite obvious reasons. His "celebrations" of their "win" against us earlier this year in that draw was THE FUNNIEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN. Not really, but it was up there.

I have a whole list. Thats probably not a good thing, is it?

Dancin' Douggy
13-06-2008, 08:49 PM
I have a brand new villain.
Rhyce Palmer from the dockers is a bald faced diver. Watch how often he stages for the free. And how often he gets it! Boo!
Browny of course.
Maxwell from the pies I just want to run over.
Pettifer, (Phyliss Diller Look alike.)
Mooney, the most over rated player ever.

AAH I hate 'em all........................ Except for our boys!

Stand by for more episodes of " The Most Hated"

Super 27
13-06-2008, 08:58 PM
Chris Lewis from WCE when he played.

Nathan Brown, Didak, Milne & Richo.

13-06-2008, 09:07 PM
Oh, well!
Lets see, Gehrig & MILNE have topped this list for a while, all i want to do is break things when i see his face....
although Goodes and his inability to be suspended is tantrum worthy, and his stolen brownlow in 2006 (that was WESTYS DAMMIT!!).
Kosi..... just lanky & irritating.
Bazzle Hall, thug,
Lloyd (pull your shorts down and untuck yourself, fool!)
Really the whole Essendon and Richmond teams, with a selected few getting extra (cheer squad & coaching staff inc!)
Buddy's celebrations drive me crazy....

more to come!

and of course, stupid, biased Bruce McAvaney. Not a player, but still a wanker.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5PSQjA32J8 <--- just a mildly amusing Adam Goodes clip

13-06-2008, 10:05 PM
I would have said Buckley but seeing that we don't have to put up with him anymore, Lloyd (overated) and Buddy because of his arrogance.

The Coon Dog
13-06-2008, 10:08 PM
I forgot to add Adam McPhee, built like Tarzan, plays like Jane.

13-06-2008, 10:10 PM
Steven Baker
Rhyce Shaw

13-06-2008, 11:44 PM
Reading through the thread quite a few of us absolutely detest Milne. :D

At the Saints game there was an elderly gentleman (Saints supporter) sitting directly infront of me and he was telling me how much he wished 'lazy' wasn't in the side. I asked him who 'lazy' was and he replied Milne and he went on to say that he was an individualistic player, didn't chase & hesitates before deciding to tackle.

14-06-2008, 10:29 AM
This is a fun thread BB :D Some very amusing comments. Listening to myself rant while watching various neutral games on TV this season, I've come to the conclusion that I don't really like anyone not in the RW&B. Some players are tolerable, but so many are really, really irritating. Of course when our players celebrate hugely after a goal it looks perfectly fine.

Agree with the Milne comments - detestable little toad. As for that cock head Dale Thomas - he took a "mark" one afternoon but it was play on and he kept lying on the ground looking at the umpire pleading his case. I shouted out over the fence "stop lying there admiring yourself!". It is the only time I've garnered a laugh from the crowd. Good fun.

From the archives, I could never stand that little shit Phil Matera either. I remember him running up behind an umpire, tapping him on the shoulder and pointing to his chin. Dobbing on someone (can't remember which Doggies player it was) for clocking him on the chin. Contemptible.

The Coon Dog
14-06-2008, 10:48 AM
From the archives, I could never stand that little shit Phil Matera either. I remember him running up behind an umpire, tapping him on the shoulder and pointing to his chin. Dobbing on someone (can't remember which Doggies player it was) for clocking him on the chin. Contemptible.

I never liked him either, must be a family trait too as Peter did the same thing at the Whitten Oval when Steven Kolyniuk belted him.

15-06-2008, 11:45 AM
I never liked him either, must be a family trait too as Peter did the same thing at the Whitten Oval when Steven Kolyniuk belted him.

After he had "jumper punched" Kolyniuk, too...I spoke to Dimma & Kritter during the week after that game. They said Peter Matera was the biggest sook in the game.

And I still think Billy's suspension might have cost us the flag that year.

15-06-2008, 08:40 PM
Anthony Rocca!
I've never liked him, just a big talentless Ogre type footballer.
My hatred for him continued to grow once he tackled Murphy and unnecessarily slung him to the ground (resulting in Murph's ACL injury).


Yeah! he is my least favourite for that despicable effort - he makes a habit of doing that.
Today Jeff White did an encore of his effort in running into an opponent at a forward line ruck contest to try and milk a goal like he did against skip a few years ago to stop us getting into the finals.

Barry Hall

Players who try to wipe out opponents who are going for the ball.

15-06-2008, 08:47 PM
Alistair Lynch. Knob-jockey.

15-06-2008, 08:50 PM
Alistair Lynch. Knob-jockey.

Is that a Wonny expression?

I second that for sure.

15-06-2008, 08:54 PM
Today Jeff White did an encore of his effort in running into an opponent at a forward line ruck contest to try and milk a goal like he did against skip a few years ago to stop us getting into the finals.

I believe in Karma. He got what was coming to him a few weeks later when Steven King gave him a stray boot.

Rocket Science
15-06-2008, 10:19 PM
I recall feeling exactly the same way when King re-arranged White's pronounced underbite...

Couldn't believe my eyes this arvo, his effort versus Richmond was a freakin carbon copy of the Skipper incident...Must be his signature move.

15-06-2008, 10:55 PM
Colin Syvia is another I don't like - his head just looks puncheable. Not a big fan of the Carr brothers, or that cheap sniper from the Pies who can dish it out but runs like a screaming b!tch whenever threatened - Brodie Holland.
My mates and I always say the same thing about Rob Thomas from Matchbox 20. Just a head you'd love to land a few cut lunches on.

Milne the closest to the pin surely. Dale Thomas for the hyperbole over very little on-field output.

16-06-2008, 12:04 PM
Without a doubt, its Adam Goodes for me !

He always plays well against us, and he always get the good end of the stick when it comes to the AFL Tribuneral ! Can't stand him for some reason:(

16-06-2008, 12:21 PM
Here goes,

Stephen Milne - enough said already
Leon Davis - Has he earnt a years pay yet.

The pair do not do enough and are only front runners.

Another front runner from the past that i absolutely hated was Peter Sumich from West Coast! He was always the type of player that would wait at the back of the pack for the easy ball to come out ( the cheap possession and easy goal ! ) He was soft as shit - And his stupid left foot kicking style gave me the shits too !

And how about his stupid cheesey smirk as illustrated below here !

Loser !:D


16-06-2008, 12:43 PM
Brett Kirk, don't know what it is, but can't stand him
Mark Mcveigh - looks like a slime bag

16-06-2008, 01:11 PM
Milne the closest to the pin surely. Dale Thomas for the hyperbole over very little on-field output.

Heres a funny look alike for all you Dale Thomas Haters !:D


16-06-2008, 01:15 PM
Another front runner from the past that i absolutely hated was Peter Sumich from West Coast! He was always the type of player that would wait at the back of the pack for the easy ball to come out ( the cheap possession and easy goal ! ) He was soft as shit - And his stupid left foot kicking style gave me the shits too !

And how about his stupid cheesey smirk as illustrated below here !

Loser !:D


Yep, Danny Southern did not squeeze hard enough

16-06-2008, 04:19 PM
Heres a funny look alike for all you Dale Thomas Haters !:D


Now i hate the paddle pop Lion:(

16-06-2008, 11:48 PM

Will absolutely love it if he finished his career without a premiership after all the hype. It will all catch up with him sooner rather than later. Will not last the next 5 years.

17-06-2008, 12:55 AM

Will absolutely love it if he finished his career without a premiership after all the hype. It will all catch up with him sooner rather than later. Will not last the next 5 years.

Wow, you really hate the guy. I think he is overrated, but an exceptional talent all the same.

The Bulldogs Bite
17-06-2008, 01:14 AM
Wow, you really hate the guy. I think he is overrated, but an exceptional talent all the same.

I can understand people disliking him.

Overrated though?

I'm not so sure, if you mean 'over-publicized' like Judd was back a couple of years ago, then I agree, but I don't think there's too much Buddy can't do and he proved that on Saturday Night. He wasn't able to find space/finish off his work up forward, so he blitzed the midfield instead.

17-06-2008, 01:40 PM
I was surprised to learn from a mate who works for the Saints that he said Milne was a terrific bloke and one of the most liked at St.Kilda these days. apparently Milne is always picking up the spirits of the group. He did mention Goddard is a shocker and is always pretty 'pleased with himself'.

I hate the follwing:

Jeff Farmer

All greasy little small fwds that carry on like champions if they actually get a kick.

Also don't like - Buddy, Pettifer, The CHAD, Daniel Pratt and I must admit I used to hate Glenn Archer (but thats probably more the media's fault than his) If he walked down to the shops it would be deemed courageous - but you're not allowed to bag him...he's untouchable.

17-06-2008, 01:44 PM
Now i hate the paddle pop Lion:(

Gotta admit I gained alot of respect for Dale Thomas when we played them last year, and then again watching from close to the action against Geelong this year. I found him to be fearless and his attack on teh ball is super impressive.

I can understand why ppl hate him though.

17-06-2008, 01:45 PM

Will absolutely love it if he finished his career without a premiership after all the hype. It will all catch up with him sooner rather than later. Will not last the next 5 years.

I will give you another reason to hate him. Apparently a few years ago before he played for the Hawks, at the start of a match, he shook his opponents hand and said, "Bubdy Lance Franklin is the name, don't forget it I am going to be a star"

17-06-2008, 01:49 PM
I will give you another reason to hate him. Apparently a few years ago before he played for the Hawks, at the start of a match, he shook his opponents hand and said, "Bubdy Lance Franklin is the name, don't forget it I am going to be a star"

Hahaha gold.
I love hearing such stories.

In a praccie match a few years ago - Jordan Bannister had just been picked up by Carlton and he went down to pick up Johnno. Johnno looked at him and looked away at first and then stopped and said: "You're that sp@stic that used to play at Essendon!! How in the world did you get re-drafted"

Fair sledge!

17-06-2008, 03:47 PM
Leon Cameron stood Doug Hawkins in Doug's first game for Fitzroy.

Leon welcomed him with "Giddaye, old man. We've been wondering what happened to you. Give us a shout if you cant keep up and we'll slow it down just for you."

17-06-2008, 05:42 PM
I definitely have to had Franklin to my don't like list. He's a good/exciting player (especially at his age) but hearing about him all Sunday and yesterday... it annoyed me a lot. Buddy this, Buddy that. :rolleyes:

17-06-2008, 05:45 PM
It's stupid. Buddy can kick 1.6 and instead of sinking the boot into him for being an inconsistent ball-hog they'll still talk about him going into the centre and getting two touches like he was the Messiah. FFS, 95% of the players in the comp got two possessions in the middle of the ground last weekend.

17-06-2008, 06:12 PM
It's stupid. Buddy can kick 1.6 and instead of sinking the boot into him for being an inconsistent ball-hog they'll still talk about him going into the centre and getting two touches like he was the Messiah. FFS, 95% of the players in the comp got two possessions in the middle of the ground last weekend.

2 touches that lead to an opposition goal mind you.

I can not believe he did not get the old yips comment about him once. No one even mentioned his poor kicking, just said Bock did a fantastic job on him.

17-06-2008, 06:35 PM
2 touches that lead to an opposition goal mind you.

I can not believe he did not get the old yips comment about him once. No one even mentioned his poor kicking, just said Bock did a fantastic job on him.

I heard Sam Lane of all people on 774 saying his kicking is a real problem and asking Gerard Whately (of all people) whether his kicking can be coached out of him through correcting his technique. Of course it can be coached out by altering his technique. Sheez. They had a thingo on Lance saying that while he has the most goals he also has the most points, but I'm talking about Lance (I don't call him Buddy cause he ain't my Buddy) and I said I was not going to talk about him this week...

18-06-2008, 10:00 PM
Another vote for Steven Milne can't stand the muppet.

18-06-2008, 10:17 PM
I will give you another reason to hate him. Apparently a few years ago before he played for the Hawks, at the start of a match, he shook his opponents hand and said, "Bubdy Lance Franklin is the name, don't forget it I am going to be a star"
Reminds me of the rumours about Russell Crowe.

Aparently when he was "with a lady" he used to chant to himself "Go Russ, Go Russ".
Probably not true but a great story all the same

The Coon Dog
18-06-2008, 10:19 PM
Another vote for Steven Milne can't stand the muppet.

He's not faring too well is he?

Bumper Bulldogs
19-06-2008, 09:02 PM
One more for Milne, One more Farmer, Josh Carr, Chris Tarrent, Dean Solomen, Mathew the Pav, Mark Havey the water boy and all who support Freo

The Coon Dog
26-09-2009, 10:28 PM
I have a brand new villain.
Rhyce Palmer from the dockers is a bald faced diver.

Do you have a new villain after last week DD? ;)

Funny that there was such little love for the Tip Rat when this thread was started, nothing's changed either I reckon.

26-09-2009, 11:14 PM
Adelaide - B Burton
Brisbane - A McGrath
Carlton - B Fevola
Collingwood - D Thomas, A Didak
Essendon - N L Murray
Fremantle - C Tarrant, B Schammer, J Carr
Geelong - M Scarlett, S Johnson
Hawthorn - C Brown, J Lewis, C Young
Melbourne - B Miller
North - H McIntosh
Port - J Surjan
Richmond - T Simmonds, D Polo, J King, M White
St Kilda - S Milne, F Gehrig
Sydney - B Hall, M O'Loughlin, A Goodes, L Barry (hate the lot of them really, everyone who doesn't know much about the AFL here in Canberra (a lot) responds to the "who do you barrack for" question with "Sydney Swans! they are closest" and it just makes my blood curdle because most of them obviously don't watch the AFL and so don't know that the Swans play the most unattractive brand of footy in the league)
West Coast - D Kerr, Q Lynch

I could never stand Nathan Buckley.
Currently, I don't like Steven Milne, Nathan Carroll, Barry Hall, Adam Goodes. The list goes on!

Oh, well!
Lets see, Gehrig & MILNE have topped this list for a while, all i want to do is break things when i see his face....
although Goodes and his inability to be suspended is tantrum worthy, and his stolen brownlow in 2006 (that was WESTYS DAMMIT!!).
Kosi..... just lanky & irritating.
Bazzle Hall, thug,
Lloyd (pull your shorts down and untuck yourself, fool!)
Really the whole Essendon and Richmond teams, with a selected few getting extra (cheer squad & coaching staff inc!)
Buddy's celebrations drive me crazy....

more to come!

and of course, stupid, biased Bruce McAvaney. Not a player, but still a wanker.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5PSQjA32J8 <--- just a mildly amusing Adam Goodes clip

Yeah! he is my least favourite for that despicable effort - he makes a habit of doing that.
Today Jeff White did an encore of his effort in running into an opponent at a forward line ruck contest to try and milk a goal like he did against skip a few years ago to stop us getting into the finals.

Barry Hall

Players who try to wipe out opponents who are going for the ball.

It's funny how the world turns ;)

26-09-2009, 11:23 PM
It's funny how the world turns ;)

Yep, put a bloke in a Dogs jumper (or even speculate that it may happen!) and he's Mr Popularity...

Mind you, I'm not gonna be the one to tell him I used to think he was a dickhead!

"Yes, Mr Hall, no Mr Hall. How high, Mr Hall?"...

27-09-2009, 12:28 AM
Yeah! he is my least favourite for that despicable effort - he makes a habit of doing that.
Today Jeff White did an encore of his effort in running into an opponent at a forward line ruck contest to try and milk a goal like he did against skip a few years ago to stop us getting into the finals.

Barry Hall

Players who try to wipe out opponents who are going for the ball.

Hope I wasn't out of line with that crack about Barry


Lockett would be another who was into cheap shots at times and got away with it.

I see Scraggers already noted my lack of love for Barry back then. Yes I have well and truly gone over to the Dark Side! Go Barry!!

27-09-2009, 08:52 AM
The GF hack tip rat.

27-09-2009, 10:51 AM
Yes Milne covered himself in glory didn't he? w@nker

Traditionally Mathew Knights I have always severely disliked but LRT would have to be the most undeserving player ever to have a premiership medal. There is no justice.

Dancin' Douggy
27-09-2009, 10:58 AM
Do you have a new villain after last week DD? ;)

Funny that there was such little love for the Tip Rat when this thread was started, nothing's changed either I reckon.

YES I F%@#%#*%N WELL HAVE!!!!:mad::mad::mad:

27-09-2009, 11:14 AM
It's Milne for me also, can't stand the posser. I may get shot for this one but Gary Ablett, yes he has some skill but his another one that milks free kicks and is well look after by his team with blocking. When his getting beaten his at his worst for staging.

27-09-2009, 01:26 PM
It's Milne for me also, can't stand the posser. I may get shot for this one but Gary Ablett, yes he has some skill but his another one that milks free kicks and is well look after by his team with blocking. When his getting beaten his at his worst for staging.

Can't stand Ablett either, but at least he can play football.

27-09-2009, 02:47 PM
The GF hack tip rat.
He has been my most hated player for years.
He should be in jail.
Wan't it briliant when in a five minute period he duffed three shots for goal ?

27-09-2009, 03:54 PM
Add Riewoldt, as Mofra said to me I wish they gave him the Norm Smith just to rub it in.

27-09-2009, 04:14 PM
I'm also a Milne hater. Everything about the guy just shits me. He looks like a tool, acts like a tool, plays like a tool, therefore must be a tool. Before the game should rename tool of the week to the "I'm Stephen Milne and i'm a tool" award.

27-09-2009, 05:00 PM
Another one for Milne, the turd is an oxygen thief. Can't stand listening to his voice when the saints sing the song.

Can't stand Andrew Welsh, can't understand how a player gets his head on tv so much when he has done nothing in his career.

Even though it looks like Barry is coming to us i still don't like him. Anyone who flattens Chris Grant behind the play is the lowest of the low.

27-09-2009, 05:37 PM
Another one for Milne, the turd is an oxygen thief. .

It was quite amusing at the game listening to the Saints supporters turn on him after his now infamous 5 minutes. I heard him called an oyxgen thief by about 10 over the 300 seconds. Very funny how quickly they turned on him and Raph Clarke, imagine how some treat Eagle and Gia in the crowd for us and turn it up by 100000%. :)

27-09-2009, 05:42 PM
It was quite amusing at the game listening to the Saints supporters turn on him after his now infamous 5 minutes. I heard him called an oyxgen thief by about 10 over the 300 seconds. Very funny how quickly they turned on him and Raph Clarke, imagine how some treat Eagle and Gia in the crowd for us and turn it up by 100000%. :)

Raph is a whipping boy & heard all year on SEN saints supporters ringing in wanting him out of the team.

27-09-2009, 07:29 PM
Franklin for me, lazy arrogant strut and when we beat them earlier this year he wasnt even trying, the blokes a nong and wouldnt be surprised if he drops right down, i have even heard hawk supporters looking to trade him, go figure!

27-09-2009, 08:03 PM
Franklin for me, lazy arrogant strut and when we beat them earlier this year he wasnt even trying, the blokes a nong and wouldnt be surprised if he drops right down, i have even heard hawk supporters looking to trade him, go figure!

To be fair to him he was playing on Brian Lake. :D

God did he look like an arrogant flog though. It's amazing how different he was then compared to the 2008 final.

27-09-2009, 09:21 PM
Bit odd I know but Brad Green has always annoyed me and would be right up there on my list. Nath Brown of course and anyone anything Hawthorn; really more to do with their fans and their damn arrogance on the expectation of success.

Can recall going out to Waverley with a work colleague (Hawk supporter) for an infamous Dogs v Hawks match where spotfires were breaking out everwhere. As it so happened he also twighlighted as an arrogant imbocile along with his throng of Hawk social club members. My stupidity was that I found myself decked out in the red white and blue trying to support our boys stuck in the middle of a rabble of luddites. Message to myself - Just let go.

27-09-2009, 10:18 PM
Always spent a lot of energy screaming at Fraser Gehrig (sooo soft) and Mark Johnson (sniper from Ess).

Kosi and Adcock do it for me these days.

(dis)Honourable mention to Chad Cornes...

28-09-2009, 07:39 AM
hunter from west coast.

29-09-2009, 02:04 PM
Nuthery for S Milne - he is a germ of the highest order.

29-09-2009, 02:09 PM
Still hate Riewoldt, but I'm adding a new name - Travis Varcoe

The guy is a complete witches hat and his premiership medallion sullies the achievement for everyone who has ever contributed to a premiership win.

29-09-2009, 02:11 PM
hunter from west coast.

Probably hard to top for me too.
Stupid fecking hair.

29-09-2009, 02:14 PM
Rooke.....more out of jealousy that he is not playing for us!

29-09-2009, 05:16 PM
I have a little dislike for Brent Harvey. He's a diver, haven't forgotten his dive against us in Canberra a few years back. You know, the game where Johnno had three fresh air shots when the ball was on the ground 1 metre out, but eventually got it through to win the game. :)

30-09-2009, 11:59 AM
For me it is Mcveigh from ess he always seems to whack younger players and is a germ of the highest order