View Full Version : Rodney Eade - Special Comments Man On Triple M Carl vs Coll

15-06-2008, 05:55 PM
Thought this was a pretty good idea...

Didnt listen to it much as i have no interest in either side, its great to see Blues get up though.

I think its good for Eade to sit with the commentators to get that edge for our game vs Collingwood next week.

He has seen their strengths and weaknesses this week, and would of taken some notes.

(Its great to see Coll lose especially when we play em next week, they are very overrated and it showed today) :D

15-06-2008, 06:32 PM
Thought this was a pretty good idea...

Didnt listen to it much as i have no interest in either side, its great to see Blues get up though.

I think its good for Eade to sit with the commentators to get that edge for our game vs Collingwood next week.

He has seen their strengths and weaknesses this week, and would of taken some notes.

(Its great to see Coll lose especially when we play em next week, they are very overrated and it showed today) :D

I'm not convinced it was a good idea. He took a fair bit on media wise last year and cut back early on this year after the debacle of the last 7 weeks of 07 and it has been working out well.
If it's a one off then fine but I wouldn't like to think he would be doing it every other week.

15-06-2008, 07:54 PM
I'm not convinced it was a good idea. He took a fair bit on media wise last year and cut back early on this year after the debacle of the last 7 weeks of 07 and it has been working out well.
If it's a one off then fine but I wouldn't like to think he would be doing it every other week.

Think he did it on SEN one day.

Aker was on for the twilight match today.

15-06-2008, 09:19 PM
Whatever anyone at the club is doing don't change it because it all seems to be working fine:)

Dry Rot
15-06-2008, 10:40 PM
Heard him do some special comments when he was between coaching gigs - pretty good. Malthouse is pretty good too.

15-06-2008, 10:53 PM
Thought this was a pretty good idea...

Didnt listen to it much as i have no interest in either side, its great to see Blues get up though.

I think its good for Eade to sit with the commentators to get that edge for our game vs Collingwood next week.

He has seen their strengths and weaknesses this week, and would of taken some notes.

(Its great to see Coll lose especially when we play em next week, they are very overrated and it showed today) :D

This will be our biggest test for the year so far. They will come out hard next week after todays dissapointment.
I know we beat the Hawks but that was after they had won 8 in a row. Pies are a quality hard working team with a lot to play for.

16-06-2008, 12:17 AM
Heard him do some special comments when he was between coaching gigs - pretty good. Malthouse is pretty good too.

As was Leigh Mattews.

One thing I'll never understand is why networks think that the thoughts of failed coaches like Tony Shaw are worth listening too. I've nothing against Tony Shaw. I'm sure he's a lovely bloke and kind to children and little old ladies and stuff. But if I have to suffer through one more Foxtel telecast where Tone points out that a side 5 goals down "needs to kick a goal soon'' or that a team getting smashed at the stoppages "just needs to get their hand on the ball" I wont be held responsible for my actions. You can add Robert Walls, Tim Watson and Malcolm Blight to that list as well.

16-06-2008, 09:06 AM
Add Danny Bloody Frawley too!

See Danny Frawley is already thinking of life after football (commentary).

It looks as if he has started wirking for th NAB as a mobile mortgage consultnt if their latest add is anything to go by.

Take a look at the add with the young couple that live next door to the bikies.;)

16-06-2008, 09:37 AM

This will be our biggest test for the year so far. They will come out hard next week after todays dissapointment.
I know we beat the Hawks but that was after they had won 8 in a row. Pies are a quality hard working team with a lot to play for.

I hope this and Aker's article don't signal an easing up of the effort so far. I would rather have had Rocket sitting in the stand taking notes. I know he can watch the video, but unless he has the Collingwood build up all sorted there is not much time for fine tuning.

16-06-2008, 11:07 AM
He was a 'special comments' man on radio in Swans v North game a few ago in the round before we played North.

17-06-2008, 03:20 AM
Cant see what's wrong with eade sitting in a spot with the perfect view to see how Collingwood set up. The guy loves talking footy and is used enough to talking, thinking, listening and watching at the same time to allow to tuck any important information away. He's also very used to the radio special comments seat so he's in a familiar envoironment and also has the added bonus of other experienced footy types in there with him to generate ideas about Collingwoods game style.

Anyway wouldnt most of rest of the the coaching and forward scouts would have been there.

Malthouse was sitting right behind us in a box on saturday.

17-06-2008, 11:01 AM
He was a 'special comments' man on radio in Swans v North game a few ago in the round before we played North.

I rest my case.

17-06-2008, 11:29 AM
OH MY GOD and he also spent time with his family too how dare he not commit 100% of every waking moment to the Bulldogs.

Ok now the sarcasm is out of my system I don't think its a big deal it's a few hours of his time every now and again no big issue. If it was every week I could understand but its not so don't stress.

17-06-2008, 11:41 PM
No It's not a big deal, and hysteria was never my intention in spite of your reaction Mutley, but having watched this club for a very long time I am acutely conscious of the need to maintain focus on the important details.

18-06-2008, 07:51 AM
No It's not a big deal, and hysteria was never my intention in spite of your reaction Mutley, but having watched this club for a very long time I am acutely conscious of the need to maintain focus on the important details.

I was just making a poor atempt at being funny Alwaysadog i didn't mean to cause offence which I don't think I did but if I did I'm sorry if it came across that way.

I understand where your comming from and it is definantly something I wouldn't want to see happen on a ergular basis that is for sure. But I am confident that not only would Rocket have watched the game live on the day but I am sure her and the rest of the coaching staff where probably at them games taking notes in the stands as well as reveiwed it on tape and done their homework. The days have changed where it used to be only one man, the coach, doing all the work it is now a collective effort and I have read in a few articals now that Rocket likes to push his assistant coaches and encourages their imput and ideas to not only improve their development but also help with the teams overall proformance. I really think this is a storm in a teacup and not a major issue.

I am confident they are prepared and have researched Collingwood for the upcomming game. However you can always focus too much on the opposition insted of focussing on what you have to do in your own game. Also keep in mind that Rocket's responsibilities have been reduced significantly compared to last year so even if he was to do special comments every week he probably has has more time on his hands to focus on coaching than he did last year.

19-06-2008, 10:10 PM
As was Leigh Mattews.

One thing I'll never understand is why networks think that the thoughts of failed coaches like Tony Shaw are worth listening too. You can add Robert Walls, Tim Watson and Malcolm Blight to that list as well.

Blight's hardly a failed coach.

21-06-2008, 04:16 PM
Blight's hardly a failed coach.

Going on how St Kilda has performed since he left I'd say St Kilda failed.

And in spite of his sometimes convoluted way of making his point he has very good points to make. He sees the little things others miss. I think it's because he can still put himself in the position of the player and think in terms of the options available.

He would be a very useful person to employ to watch a game every now and then to comment on the way the coaches performed, and to ask why this and not that and have you noticed that so and so doesn't .... or always ....