View Full Version : Let's clear it up

30-06-2008, 10:25 PM
Now people have been worried about Aka's handstand.

According to the Herald Sun's 'the Pulse with Daryl Timms' it was a tribute to his wife's grandfather who passed away at 91 years of age who wanted Aka to do one more handstand.

The players accepted his reasoning but wish Aka had told them this before the game.

They also agreed they might do the handstand as a team:eek:

30-06-2008, 10:43 PM
Ahahaa the whole team - i would love to see it...

But i dont think its anyones business but Aker & The rest of the team... Its a one-off, he hasnt done it every week and its a tribute, hate people making issues out of nothing.

30-06-2008, 10:58 PM
I would love to see the whole team doing the hand stand. It will show unity. "One of all and all for one"
Go Bulldogs

30-06-2008, 11:14 PM
If we win the grand final this year, it would be great to see the entire team do the handstand. If that did happen that would be the best football moment for any bulldog supporter. I know it is not very likely, that would be somthing that I would never be able to forget.

01-07-2008, 12:12 AM
I want to see the whole team walk up on the dais to accept their premiership medals on their hands. that would be a special sight!

01-07-2008, 12:37 AM
I want to see the whole team walk up on the dais to accept their premiership medals on their hands. that would be a special sight!

Drape the medals over their feet you think?

01-07-2008, 11:51 AM
If we win the grand final this year, it would be great to see the entire team do the handstand. If that did happen that would be the best football moment for any bulldog supporter. I know it is not very likely, that would be somthing that I would never be able to forget.

Why wouldn't it be likely? You don't think we're going to win the premiership, or don't you think the team would all do a handstand if we did?

If we win the premiership they would jump off a bridge if someone suggested it they would be so deliriously happy. And I would be right behind them.

01-07-2008, 12:01 PM
Why wouldn't it be likely? You don't think we're going to win the premiership, or don't you think the team would all do a handstand if we did?

If we win the premiership they would jump off a bridge if someone suggested it they would be so deliriously happy. And I would be right behind them.
I guess you are right. Lets just hope we we win the premiership.

03-07-2008, 11:46 PM
screw handstands...i want acrobatics on grand final day. ;)

03-07-2008, 11:47 PM
Not good how he said he felt like punching a few blokes for the way they handled the handstand thing. Can understand his feelings but must be more careful on radio

04-07-2008, 12:07 AM
Proof of how good the Doggies are travelling this year......when the major talking point is handstands......and not on field performances! Keep it up Doggies, take it all the way this year!

Dry Rot
04-07-2008, 12:16 AM
Not good how he said he felt like punching a few blokes for the way they handled the handstand thing. Can understand his feelings but must be more careful on radio

It didn't sound real flash aimed at our leadership group.

04-07-2008, 12:31 AM
screw handstands...i want acrobatics on grand final day. ;)

You'll see some from me when we win the flag.

04-07-2008, 02:29 PM
screw handstands...i want acrobatics on grand final day. ;)

don't worry I will be doing them if we get there:D

04-07-2008, 05:26 PM
Proof of how good the Doggies are travelling this year......when the major talking point is handstands......and not on field performances! Keep it up Doggies, take it all the way this year!

Spot on!!

After so much drama over so many years, how good is it to have a storm in a teacup as our only problem?

04-07-2008, 05:45 PM
That would be funny to watch the whole team do the handstand. I wonder if they could all do it as good as Aker!

04-07-2008, 06:57 PM
I just watched "Before the bounce", apparently the leadership group are approaching Aker on Monday about the handstand, i must admit this worries me as he did say he wanted to punch a couple of players out, I dont care what anyone says, those players must know who he was talking about and it must cause some sort of tension around the club.
Also mentioned they thought Rodney Eade isnt going to get involved.
Would like to see someone higher handle this than the leadership group as this is to me like a group of players ganging up on one player.
I am really worried this could unsettle us and would rather it was handled last Monday than this one coming.

04-07-2008, 09:11 PM
I feel the same once i heard aker wanted to 'punch some blokes out'..

Its the aker of old smart@ss comments coming out that always worried me about him coming to the club.

Hopefully they resolve it as a misunderstanding. Seems the players didnt know what it was for, dont see why he didnt tell them.

Looking forward to hearing the result of that.

Rocket Science
04-07-2008, 10:11 PM
Oh...Aker felt like punching someone out did he? How bloody ironic considering it's generally the inverse.

By publically responding this way he's compounded his initial transgression and given what should be a non-issue more legs. This indulgent crap, from a 13 year veteran. Utterly inexcusable.

His current attitude needs a major adjustment. I'm deadly serious in suggesting we drop the recalcitrant wanker for the game versus Melbourne...I don't care about his form when there's a bigger, more pertinent issue at stake here and if we can afford to be without his services against anyone it's surely the Dees.

04-07-2008, 11:55 PM
Oh...Aker felt like punching someone out did he? How bloody ironic considering it's generally the inverse.

By publically responding this way he's compounded his initial transgression and given what should be a non-issue more legs. This indulgent crap, from a 13 year veteran. Utterly inexcusable.

His current attitude needs a major adjustment. I'm deadly serious in suggesting we drop the recalcitrant wanker for the game versus Melbourne...I don't care about his form when there's a bigger, more pertinent issue at stake here and if we can afford to be without his services against anyone it's surely the Dees.

I think its being made into something bigger than what it is and the media are itching to get dirt on the dogs. Did you hear Aker on Tuesday?

05-07-2008, 09:14 AM
I just watched "Before the bounce", apparently the leadership group are approaching Aker on Monday about the handstand, i must admit this worries me as he did say he wanted to punch a couple of players out, I dont care what anyone says, those players must know who he was talking about and it must cause some sort of tension around the club.
Also mentioned they thought Rodney Eade isnt going to get involved.
Would like to see someone higher handle this than the leadership group as this is to me like a group of players ganging up on one player.
I am really worried this could unsettle us and would rather it was handled last Monday than this one coming.

What's the point of having a leadership group if they go running off to the coach everytime something gets a little bit tough? If it looks like a group of players is ganging up(which i dont think it does-it's a disipline issue) wouldnt it look like the coach and the players are ganging up on one of the players?

This is a player issue. Eade had nothing to do with originally asking Aker not to the handstand and he ought not to have anything to do in this case.

05-07-2008, 11:35 AM
I did say Eade was not getting involved, I meant maybe someone like Fantasia or Smorgan.
Wasnt Fantasia employed as some sort of peace maker within the club along with other duties?

The Coon Dog
05-07-2008, 11:49 AM
If the player leadership group implement certain non negotiables, then it's incumbent upon them to discipline transgressors.

05-07-2008, 11:52 AM
He brought it with him as a player. We and I say We are a team, we were here before the handstand and will remain after. Why is everyone so into this little individualistic ritual.
I couldn't think of anything more ridiculous than 20 odd blokes trying to do a handstand after winning a grand final.
C'mon what are we, a footy team or a circus.

05-07-2008, 12:41 PM
Still seems like a storm in a teacup to me.

05-07-2008, 01:20 PM
The media have made more ouf the handstand issue than the Minson sledge issue.

05-07-2008, 01:40 PM
Oh...Aker felt like punching someone out did he? How bloody ironic considering it's generally the inverse.

By publically responding this way he's compounded his initial transgression and given what should be a non-issue more legs. This indulgent crap, from a 13 year veteran. Utterly inexcusable.

His current attitude needs a major adjustment. I'm deadly serious in suggesting we drop the recalcitrant wanker for the game versus Melbourne...I don't care about his form when there's a bigger, more pertinent issue at stake here and if we can afford to be without his services against anyone it's surely the Dees.

Aker's a recalcitrant wanker? Come on, he's a larrikin of crazy proportions, which makes him who he is -- who else will try the crazy things on the field that he pulls off regularly without some spark of madness.

I'm sure the player group and management are mature enough to know when he's taking the piss and when he's serious -- I can't imagine anyone being unemotional when a close family member just passed away and you were LITERALLY just carrying out their last, not unreasonable wishes. Yes he should have mentioned it to someone beforehand but it doesn't seem like a big deal and he sorted it out after and the player group were happy to leave it at that.

His comments about 'punching someone out' was in regards to how he felt when he was approached after the event, not how he feels currently, which for all intents and purposes, is a non-issue. I doubt anyone (Johnno etc.) whom those comments were aimed at are so petty as so really believe Aker was really going to punch them.

To suggest he misses a week for that is just patently ridiculous. If you want to create a situation where none exists that would be exactly the way to go about it.

ps. and the guy is as consummate a team man and professional as they come -- you just have to know how to read him properly. That's why I'm glad Rocket is his coach. Rocket Eade, that is.

05-07-2008, 02:02 PM
ps. and the guy is as consummate a team man and professional as they come -- you just have to know how to read him properly. That's why I'm glad Rocket is his coach. Rocket Eade, that is.

Completely agree. Until Aker turned up at the club I always went with the 'talk first, think later' conception of the man. He's so much more than that and I was doing him a misservice for a long time. He thinks deeply about the game, is happy to discuss his reasons for doing things and most importantly backs up his words with actions. He doesnt say/do things just to stand out or to be noticed, he's not a 'look at me' type-he doesnt have to be because he knows people are looking anyway.

He's pretty much the opposite of a 'recalcitrint wanker' from what I can see. They are the type who panic when the music stops and they cant find a chair to sit on and Aker's anything but. The main problem here is that he failed to inform the leadership group and he should have because they had every right to know. It was agreed before the season that he'd drop the 'stand and he knew the reasons why the playing group (it wasnt a purely leadership decision) felt it just wasnt 'us'.

Personally I would have liked this sorted out in private between the leadership group and Aker. The fault lies on both sides that it's been dragged through the media. As long as we learn the lessons within and improve our ways with dealing with disipline matters inhouse then this isnt such a bad situation. If it's the most controversial thing that happens, or that we find out about, between now and grand final day then it's not a huge problem.

BTW put 42 highly competetive blokes together for 10 hours a day, six days a week and is it any suprise that tension arises amongst them? It wont be the first time that one has felt like/threatened to thump/ing another, indeed it would actually happen on a monthly basis. I'd be disappointed if it didnt. Think about how many of your workmates you would cheerfully strangle? I can come up with six or seven of the top of my head and it's probably a good thing that I dont get the chance to line them up on a footy field because the temptation would overwhelm me. The big suprise is we dont hear about it happening more often.

05-07-2008, 03:31 PM
Does a consumate proffessional go out on public radio and say he wants to punch out a couple of team mates?
The fact he wanted to is not what worries me, we all have days like that , but to say it in the media in a media flooded sport is just ammunition to flood the papers and maybe disrupt what we have going here.
Everyone knows the media loves and thrives on negative, and tall poppy syndrome. Aker has had his moments with them and you would think have learnt from it.
My point is why say it in the media, there is nothing good in it no matter how much you spin doctor it.
I agree that the leadership group should sort the handstand part out but the actual media statements can be a blot on the club also, which is when higher people need to step in.
As i have said before i actually agree with Aker for doing the handstand, its an area we are trying to create supporters and he gave them what they were obviously asking for.
Remember this is a sport and an entertainment. If a measley handstand gets 5000 people in rhapsody whats bad about it?
I think the leadership group should have got behind him with it, spin it this way, have a go at him behind closed doors but in public say they agreed to it for his reasons for doing it.
The handstand started it but its the aftermath that worries me.

Rocket Science
06-07-2008, 07:57 AM
That Aker's a wanker is simply a matter of opinion, and probably beside the point here. I'm quite content to laud the bloke for his on-field professionalism while holding simultaneous disdain for his off-field antics.

But it's the public display of after-the-fact recalcitrance that irks me here.

To begin with, he surely should have spoken to his teammates before doing the handstand.

Despite prior events regarding this very issue, he staggeringly still chose not to, and just went and did it off his own bat without a word to anyone in advance. That's hardly the hallmark of a consumate team man, and (assuming he's not completely oblivious to reality) suggests he wasn't too fussed by the prospect of a possible negative reaction from his teammates.

Of course the handstand's neither here nor there, it's the fact his teammates weren't consulted. Still, at that point, whilst cause for mild concern the matter could have been easily dealt with in-house.

But no...instead it became a cue for more of the sort of inflammatory verbal diarrhea Aker's made his stock and trade. In today's souped-up footy media environment, of which Aker's quite familiar, you don't go on radio and boast that you want(ed) to punch out your teammates, particularly when the catalyst for the whole scenario was Aker doing the wrong thing by his teammates in the first place. And even aside from the unwanted public heat this generates, I'd imagine such a statement hardly speaks of contrition to the blokes he plays alongside.

I'm likewise at a loss as to how anyone can suppose the leadership group should incur any semblance of fault here, as if to suggest they should or could have allowed the handstand to pass without comment.

Akermanis is part of a team, which itself is going to deliberate and concerted lengths to engender an in-club culture where it consistently behaves like one, to the broader benefit of the club as a whole. If Aker or anyone else falls foul of that effort, they should expect to answer for their behaviour instead of getting their nose out of joint.

Overall, this is still a sideline issue in my book and maybe the product of the dearth of actual footy right now courtesy of the split round...but if we wanna talk about team ethic, it's a less than glowing reflection upon Aker's decision making and behaviour in this regard.

Aker, by all means keep getting a kick, but pull your bloody head in.

06-07-2008, 11:38 AM
That Aker's a wanker is simply a matter of opinion, and probably beside the point here. I'm quite content to laud the bloke for his on-field professionalism while holding simultaneous disdain for his off-field antics.

But it's the public display of after-the-fact recalcitrance that irks me here.

To begin with, he surely should have spoken to his teammates before doing the handstand.

Despite prior events regarding this very issue, he staggeringly still chose not to, and just went and did it off his own bat without a word to anyone in advance. That's hardly the hallmark of a consumate team man, and (assuming he's not completely oblivious to reality) suggests he wasn't too fussed by the prospect of a possible negative reaction from his teammates.

Of course the handstand's neither here nor there, it's the fact his teammates weren't consulted. Still, at that point, whilst cause for mild concern the matter could have been easily dealt with in-house.

But no...instead it became a cue for more of the sort of inflammatory verbal diarrhea Aker's made his stock and trade. In today's souped-up footy media environment, of which Aker's quite familiar, you don't go on radio and boast that you want(ed) to punch out your teammates, particularly when the catalyst for the whole scenario was Aker doing the wrong thing by his teammates in the first place. And even aside from the unwanted public heat this generates, I'd imagine such a statement hardly speaks of contrition to the blokes he plays alongside.

I'm likewise at a loss as to how anyone can suppose the leadership group should incur any semblance of fault here, as if to suggest they should or could have allowed the handstand to pass without comment. Akermanis is part of a team, which itself is going to deliberate and concerted lengths to engender an in-club culture where it consistently behaves like one, to the broader benefit of the club as a whole. If Aker or anyone else falls foul of that effort, they should expect to answer for their behaviour instead of getting their nose out of joint.

Overall, this is still a sideline issue in my book and maybe the product of the dearth of actual footy right now courtesy of the split round...but if we wanna talk about team ethic, it's a less than glowing reflection upon Aker's decision making and behaviour in this regard.

Aker, by all means keep getting a kick, but pull your bloody head in.

Geez it's just a hand stand. I really don't think we'll see this reverberate through the club and I don't think the incident reflects on the culture at the club either. It's done, it's over leave it dead in the dirt. Everyone makes mistakes, it's been dealt with. I'm sure everyone knows that except you. I appreciate your opinion but take a chill pill. I don't think Aker is a recalcitrant wanker and it's comments like the above that blow this thing way out of proportion. But that's just my opinion.

06-07-2008, 11:46 AM
1EYE Its not about the handstand its the wanting to punch blokes out that worries us.

06-07-2008, 12:09 PM
Don't see a problem as you stated every now and then you want to punch someone in the head. Aker is Aker, every now an then he lets something slip in the media. Sounds a bit Days of our Lives to me.

06-07-2008, 12:16 PM
I hope it is just days of our lives but as i said the media blows it up and Aker should know not to bring out in house stuff.

06-07-2008, 12:55 PM
Time will be the judge of it I spose

Rocket Science
06-07-2008, 01:03 PM
C'mon...Once again, the handstand's not the issue, it's Aker's behaviour before and after.

Also, I never suggested this incident reflects badly on the club culture, but rather on Aker himself for not towing the line.

Not sure the incident's quite 'dead in the dirt' as far as the players are concerned either...it's been reported Aker has another date with with the leadership group tomorrow over this.

I agree it's a relatively minor issue, and one that can and should be handled internally with a minumum of fuss. We're only discussing this because the human headline blabbermouth, sorry, 'consumate team man', took his unjustified gripe to the press.

06-07-2008, 01:28 PM
well said Rocket.

06-07-2008, 02:20 PM
C'mon...Once again, the handstand's not the issue, it's Aker's behaviour before and after.

Also, I never suggested this incident reflects badly on the club culture, but rather on Aker himself for not towing the line.

Not sure the incident's quite 'dead in the dirt' as far as the players are concerned either...it's been reported Aker has another date with with the leadership group tomorrow over this.

I agree it's a relatively minor issue, and one that can and should be handled internally with a minumum of fuss. We're only discussing this because the human headline blabbermouth, sorry, 'consumate team man', took his unjustified gripe to the press.

I never suggested you did say it reflected badly on the club, purely a statement off my own bat, maybe I have my head in the sand somewhat but I fail to see how this reflects badly on Aker either and where did you hear Aker has another meeting with the leadership group? I would assume this was dealt with last week and put to sleep. In a perfect world I could see this as a problem....... seriously who cares?

06-07-2008, 02:58 PM
I never suggested you did say it reflected badly on the club, purely a statement off my own bat, maybe I have my head in the sand somewhat but I fail to see how this reflects badly on Aker either and where did you hear Aker has another meeting with the leadership group? I would assume this was dealt with last week and put to sleep. In a perfect world I could see this as a problem....... seriously who cares?

Leadership group are having a meeting with Aker on monday night, why they wait a week for it i have no idea, but i am thinking maybe it is to do with his statements on radio last Tuesday about the wanting to punch some players.
I am expecting it to be all over the media on Tuesday as they try to make a big issue of it.
Of course this reflects badly on Aker, number one he did something he agreed not to do and number 2 he then goes on radio and says he wanted to punch a couple of team mates.
Point is we are all hoping it doesnt somehow split the team in some way and also we should be concentrating on this weeks game.
Fact is for him to come out and say what he did he has not let it be put to sleep.

Rocket Science
06-07-2008, 03:41 PM
As to the meeting; Can't quite recall where I came across it first earlier in the week, but have heard it mentioned more than once via various outlets...might have been 'Before the Bounce' on Foxsports, or perhaps on radio, ABC Grandstand or SEN.

As to; "seriously, who cares?" Aker's teammates apparently...and anybody else with an interest in the club who subscribes to the 'there's no 'I' in team' theory.

I agree we're devoting more time to this issue than it actually merits. But as Ledge has suggested, nobody's fanned the flames more than Aker himself.

06-07-2008, 03:56 PM
As to the meeting; Can't quite recall where I came across it first earlier in the week, but have heard it mentioned more than once via various outlets...might have been 'Before the Bounce' on Foxsports, or perhaps on radio, ABC Grandstand or SEN.

As to; "seriously, who cares?" Aker's teammates apparently...and anybody else with an interest in the club who subscribes to the 'there's no 'I' in team' theory.

I agree we're devoting more time to this issue than it actually merits. But as Ledge has suggested, nobody's fanned the flames more than Aker himself.

Well then leave it up to the team to sort it out. All this huffing and puffing is not in the interests of any party and it's really no different than the media beating it up. I take objection to Aker stepping one foot out of line and then being labeled a recalcitrant wanker. Comments like those certainly don't help anyone. Agree that Aker has brought this attention onto himself though I'm sure it can be sorted out 'in house' without the name calling and stick throwing from Bulldog supporters.

06-07-2008, 04:14 PM
Yeah one eye im not into name calling, but this is a website for forums and it is one for supporters thoughts and if they think he is a wanker they have a right to say and as long as they justify it its ok, but doesnt mean we all agree with it.
But we all agree it should be done inhouse and thats our point he is the one who has taken it out of the house.
He writes an article in the hun, hopefully its not about this subject, or its more he has done to make it out of the house.
Him as a player no one questions he is amazing, but if you are upsetting the apple cart its not good and thats what he might be doing bringing it up in the press , hopefully it doesnt .
HE took it out of the house!!

Rocket Science
06-07-2008, 04:22 PM
I'm not trying to sort anything out, I'm merely expressing a view. That's the idea of a forum, no?

It's not like I'm calling radio stations and boasting that I'd like to punch Aker out.

Like I said earlier, various assessments of Aker the individual are a matter of opinion. This is no one-off, out of the blue gaffe...In my personal view he's got major form over an extended period of time, but it's not my desire to launch into full scale dissection of the past.

Suffice to say I'm not a huge fan of the way he's often conducted himself off-field, but while he's wearing our colours and we're paying his salary the priority is that he keeps his head down and concentrates on his footy, as was explicitly requested of him when he joined the club.

06-07-2008, 04:48 PM
Absolutely not, hence our differing views. I am entitled to support Aker as much as you are entitled to berate him for his comments. IMO Aker has busted his gut to promote this footy club over the past two seasons, he's an individual no question, but better that than one of these programmed robots the AFL is so happy to push off the production line.

06-07-2008, 04:49 PM
Yeah one eye im not into name calling, but this is a website for forums and it is one for supporters thoughts and if they think he is a wanker they have a right to say and as long as they justify it its ok, but doesnt mean we all agree with it.
But we all agree it should be done inhouse and thats our point he is the one who has taken it out of the house.
He writes an article in the hun, hopefully its not about this subject, or its more he has done to make it out of the house.
Him as a player no one questions he is amazing, but if you are upsetting the apple cart its not good and thats what he might be doing bringing it up in the press , hopefully it doesnt .
HE took it out of the house!!

I have an opinion too ledge and I voiced it in opposition to RS calling Aker a wanker. Fair enough? Like you both say, it's a public forum. Did I attack someone for calling Aker names? I don't think so, I was also merely stating my opinion.

06-07-2008, 05:07 PM
I'm not trying to sort anything out, I'm merely expressing a view. That's the idea of a forum, no?

It's not like I'm calling radio stations and boasting that I'd like to punch Aker out.

Like I said earlier, various assessments of Aker the individual are a matter of opinion. This is no one-off, out of the blue gaffe...In my personal view he's got major form over an extended period of time, but it's not my desire to launch into full scale dissection of the past.

Suffice to say I'm not a huge fan of the way he's often conducted himself off-field, but while he's wearing our colours and we're paying his salary the priority is that he keeps his head down and concentrates on his footy, as was explicitly requested of him when he joined the club.


06-07-2008, 05:52 PM
Aker doing the handstand is the least of this issue. As far as I am aware the leadership group accepted his reason but his comments on SEN, albeit probably in jest, showed a lack of respect for the group and he should be taken to task for it.

He has a history of running his mouth without thinking it through and I think he now needs to go public with an apology and an explanation.

A mate of mine (who supports Brisbane) believes that if Aker wasn't in as brilliant form as he has been then this actually would be a bigger issue for most of the fans.

06-07-2008, 06:02 PM
A mate of mine (who supports Brisbane) believes that if Aker wasn't in as brilliant form as he has been then this actually would be a bigger issue for most of the fans.

Probably spot on too.

06-07-2008, 06:08 PM
Aker doing the handstand is the least of this issue. As far as I am aware the leadership group accepted his reason but his comments on SEN, albeit probably in jest, showed a lack of respect for the group and he should be taken to task for it.

He has a history of running his mouth without thinking it through and I think he now needs to go public with an apology and an explanation.

A mate of mine (who supports Brisbane) believes that if Aker wasn't in as brilliant form as he has been then this actually would be a bigger issue for most of the fans.

Yeah probably, but these comments have really come at the worst possible time. With only 2 games on this weekend the monster that is the footy media have had very little to fill up there paper's with and there on air time slots, so have sucked every ounce out of the Minson/ Cornes story and Aker's comments.

If it was a regular footy week (8 games) these stories would have been done with in 5 minutes.

06-07-2008, 06:23 PM
Yeah probably, but these comments have really come at the worst possible time. With only 2 games on this weekend the monster that is the footy media have had very little to fill up there paper's with and there on air time slots, so have sucked every ounce out of the Minson/ Cornes story and Aker's comments.

If it was a regular footy week (8 games) these stories would have been done with in 5 minutes.

I still think the media would have would have found a lot of time to discuss this.
- We have a high profile player with a history of shooting off his mouth
- We have a top four finals bound side with a genuine chance of winning the flag
- The said player mentioned that he wanted to punch out his team mates

Split round or not, these are the types of ingredients that the media love and the type of distractions a club like ours does not need.

06-07-2008, 06:43 PM
This is a little worrying as i thought the days of making silly comments in the media were over.

Just hope he doesn't slip up when we start looking for members next year.

The Pie Man
06-07-2008, 07:50 PM
My work only gets the Age every day, so I only read the Hun on weekends - was this beaten up in it after Tuesday's comments? I didn't see this in The Age at all during the week, first I heard about it ('it' being the comments on the radio) was on this forum.

I'm a little anxious about this meeting tomorrow - I hope they are approach this with smiles and laughter when letting him know 'it didn't sound great' Going by his messy end with Brisvegas, he aint someone who can admit he was wrong that often.....and a lot of the stuff that went on in Brisbane was his fault.

Still, he did away with the handstand at the group's request, at least showing he's listening to people and taking things on board. As a fan of the club and Jason, those comments clearly aren't acceptable. When he was first signed, I had an email running with my mates with the subject title 'handstands at the kennel' and I find him an entertaining character most of the time, not scared of a camera lense at all and I like that. I heard these comments, and I (like plenty of you) cringed

Anyways, if it all gets sorted tomorrow and they move on, I know I won't say/write another word on the issue, keen to move on if they do. Enjoyed reading everyone's comments though.

07-07-2008, 12:15 PM
Aker doing the handstand is the least of this issue. As far as I am aware the leadership group accepted his reason but his comments on SEN, albeit probably in jest, showed a lack of respect for the group and he should be taken to task for it.

Maybe the leadership group should of asked Aka why he decided to do the handstand after he had agreed not to instead of launching into him straight away.

If they had of asked him back in the rooms first he could of explained his reason and nothing would have come out in the media at all.

Aka may have shown a "lack of respect" by doing his handstand (I personally don't think he did) but maybe the leadership group have also shown a lack of respect by assuming Aka was trying to put himself in the spotlight again.

At the end of the day footballers are professional sportsmen and entertainers. The whole Darwin crowd were reving him up to do it anyway. Not only did he have his own personal reasons he was giving the crowd what they wanted. Every team needs a player to draw the crowd in to the game. Like it or not, Aka is one of those players. I for one always used to hang around after a win waiting for the handstand and never once thought he was putting himself ahead of the team. Now as soon as the siren goes you listen to the song once and then go.

Maybe he was banned because the other bulldogs are jealous they can't do it themselves. :p

07-07-2008, 04:00 PM
Maybe the leadership group should of asked Aka why he decided to do the handstand after he had agreed not to instead of launching into him straight away.

If they had of asked him back in the rooms first he could of explained his reason and nothing would have come out in the media at all.

Aka may have shown a "lack of respect" by doing his handstand (I personally don't think he did) but maybe the leadership group have also shown a lack of respect by assuming Aka was trying to put himself in the spotlight again.

Agree 100% with all of the above. They both (Aker and the leadership group) stuffed up to an extent. I don't think what Aker said was all that bad to be honest. It would have been fairly obvious to anyone with half a brain that Aker would have been angry.

Saying it on radio is a little silly but to take it seriously is just as silly.

The Pie Man
07-07-2008, 04:10 PM
Agree 100% with all of the above. They both (Aker and the leadership group) stuffed up to an extent. I don't think what Aker said was all that bad to be honest. It would have been fairly obvious to anyone with half a brain that Aker would have been angry.

Saying it on radio is a little silly but to take it seriously is just as silly.

Has anyone heard any news about this supposed meeting they were having today?

07-07-2008, 07:50 PM
I am just glad we are only playing Melbourne this week, imagine if it was Geelong? We need to be totally focussed when we take them on not niggling over little incidences and team disobedience.

07-07-2008, 08:03 PM
Has anyone heard any news about this supposed meeting they were having today?

Nope, but "On the Couch and "Footy Classified' both on tonight - Hutchy no doubt would've probably been camping out at the club waiting for a scoop. :rolleyes:

07-07-2008, 08:23 PM
Maybe the leadership group should of asked Aka why he decided to do the handstand after he had agreed not to instead of launching into him straight away.

If they had of asked him back in the rooms first he could of explained his reason and nothing would have come out in the media at all.

I disagree. Aker admitted that he planned to do it 'sometime' so he should have initiated the communication not the other way around.
Anyway they accepted his reason and a few days later he dropped the bomb on SEN so once again he was the prime cause of this issue.

Aka may have shown a "lack of respect" by doing his handstand (I personally don't think he did) but maybe the leadership group have also shown a lack of respect by assuming Aka was trying to put himself in the spotlight again.

The handstand is not the issue and don't let that confuse it.

At the end of the day footballers are professional sportsmen and entertainers. The whole Darwin crowd were reving him up to do it anyway. Not only did he have his own personal reasons he was giving the crowd what they wanted. Every team needs a player to draw the crowd in to the game. Like it or not, Aka is one of those players. I for one always used to hang around after a win waiting for the handstand and never once thought he was putting himself ahead of the team. Now as soon as the siren goes you listen to the song once and then go.

Once again we are focusing on if the handstand should be in or out. It's not the handstand it's his off the cuff remarks that is the problem and it's all of Akers doing.

07-07-2008, 11:30 PM
That's all good if you have a team of robots. Aker is not a robot and will never internally respond to people stifling his individuality. He enjoys doing the handstand. So what? The leadership group should put the whole handstand thing away and get on with more important matters, such as improving their own on-field performances. What improvements or changes did the other players have to make at the request of the leadership group? For some reason we don't hear about them.

I can understand that you think that the handstand is nothing to worry about either way. I don't like the handstand, but i don't think it matter much in itself. However, you don't have to be a robot to follow through on the committments you make. The team has focussed on rejecting the 'cult of the individual' (bob murphy's words), and they decided that doing away with the handstand would be a part of that. Whether or not you agree with that decision is irrelevant. Personally, i found it distasteful at times last season when after a win Aker would make himself the centre of attention even if he had barely got a kick all day, but as i said, that is irrelevant. Aker went along with the wishes of the playing group, then without giving them any reason, he opted out of that committment, and after copping the inevitable whack from the leadership group, got on radio and said he had felt like punching his teammates. It doesn't matter what the rules are, if the group commits to them, its important that they are not disregarded. Aker deserved to find himself in trouble for stepping outside team rules, and the comments he made on radio suggest he doesn't really accept that. The leadership group is right to have a problem with an experienced player showing this kind of disrespect to the values that the entire playing group has decided embrace.

Gian mentioned in an interview earlier in the year that he was told by his teammates in the review that he should be more relaxed about his footy. I suspect we don't generally hear much about the feedback that other players received because none of it would relate to something as outwardly detectable as Aker no longer doing handstands, and because no other player is as keen to make public every thought and feeling that he has.

Rocket Science
07-07-2008, 11:58 PM
I love the hackneyed angle some people are taking on this issue...oh, that the game's too sanitised these days and that rather than stifling their colourful ways we should be encouraging 'characters' like Aker to be themselves...as if non-consultation with the playing group, ignoring previously agreed upon team rules, and then mouthing off publically about your teammates is an acceptable, and in fact desirable expression of their individuality.

Even heard one moron on SEN today call up and chastise the club and it's leadership for it's stance on the astounding basis that the Bulldogs are out of line because they knew what they were getting when recruiting Aker, and that you'd think the poor old Dogs would be grateful for the publicity someone like Aker generates.

Farg me.

Anyway...apparently we've got a game this week. Can't come quick enough.

08-07-2008, 10:39 AM
The media love a beat-up. Don't tell me for one moment that Hutchy et al are actually anything resembling real journalists -- one just has to listen to the hysterical screaming headlines on commercial news and media that have little to do with any facts or reality to know that most of it is about selling a story rather than having any kind of balance or perspective.

I suspect some of us on this forum have bought into the AFL media perspective that EVERYTHING is news and BAD NEWS has to be SHOUTED FROM THE ROOFTOPS because everything is HYSTERICAL and LARGER THAN LIFE in footy.


When I heard Aker say what he said on radio, I laughed. Yes. Laughed. Because he was obviously joking. Yes, joking. Anyone remember humour? It's a sport, a game, and while it's deadly serious in many ways, it's also meant to be fun. Remember fun?

For us to be climbing on our high horses because of a throwaway comment in the media is just laughable -- I don't see much indignation in common society about the death of innocents via poverty or war, but Aker mouthing off on radio -- OH THE HAND WRINGING. Get off it.

Someone on this forum mentioned that what happened in Brisbane was Aker's fault, as if Lethal Leigh had nothing to do with it. Leigh is uber-successful precisely because he doesn't give a fug about anything except success, but if you just step back, who the heck is Leigh in the big scheme of things? No one outside a narrow segment of Australian society even knows him, but oh, the self-importance. Come off it. If the 'break-up' was Aker's fault, then it is just as much his fault the five goals he kicked in a grand final to win them a flag, and the many times he dragged the team over the line when they were down to get them into the top four when their season wasn't going too well.

If you watched the damn game up in Darwin, you would have seen that Aker actually played out of his skin. Anyone who thinks we would be up in the top two without his influence and his standing up multiple times when the game was on the line would be kidding themselves. And yes, maybe I'm overlooking this misdemeanour because of his great form this year -- it's called GRATITUDE. Look it up, those of you who would bag him. Maybe you would prefer sitting around 7th or 8th spot instead?

08-07-2008, 10:52 AM
I love the hackneyed angle some people are taking on this issue...oh, that the game's too sanitised these days and that rather than stifling their colourful ways we should be encouraging 'characters' like Aker to be themselves...as if non-consultation with the playing group, ignoring previously agreed upon team rules, and then mouthing off publically about your teammates is an acceptable, and in fact desirable expression of their individuality.

No one is saying breaking team rules is acceptable, but do you think it perhaps a coincidence that his errancy has occured the exact same time that

a. He played his best game for the year bar none, and what a year, and
b. A death in the family occured

I'm not saying 'he played his best game so he's justified', I'm saying that in Aker's case, CLEARLY he plays better when he is emotionally engaged and 'loose in the head', so to speak. His best seems to require a type of madness not usually found in your average player, and we don't want Aker to be a 'normal' player, because then it would defeat the whole purpose of picking up a maverick talent in the first place.

The same madness that causes Aker to speak stupidly and emotionally is also the same madness that would try to pick up the ball one handed and snap it over his shoulder from 50m out near the boundary.

The question is to manage the personality without stifling the creativity, and a heavy-handed approach (ie. Leigh, or suspending the 'wanker') is the surest way to shut down the creativity and ensure rebellion from a personality already tending towards anti-establishment, (as all creative mavericks tend to be, almost by definition).. the fact that Aker is still somehow the consummate professional despite himself speaks volumes for his maturity and development of character to subjugate his clearly individualistic tendencies for the good of the team (generally). Aker is NOT Stevie Milne or Nick Davis.

It's the difference between 'management' and true leadership to know how to handle the situation well and have a win-win for all concerned -- punitive measures in this case will simply be counter-productive and a sure way to kill team momentum and morale.

Do you think it's a coincidence that Rodney Eade has been PARTICULARLY quiet on this issue? He's not exactly mr. quiet but he has chosen to be almost mute on this subject. One suggests that his very capable leadership qualities are coming to the fore to find a best scenario for both Aker AND the Dogs.

08-07-2008, 11:09 AM
The media love a beat-up. Don't tell me for one moment that Hutchy et al are actually anything resembling real journalists -- one just has to listen to the hysterical screaming headlines on commercial news and media that have little to do with any facts or reality to know that most of it is about selling a story rather than having any kind of balance or perspective.

I suspect some of us on this forum have bought into the AFL media perspective that EVERYTHING is news and BAD NEWS has to be SHOUTED FROM THE ROOFTOPS because everything is HYSTERICAL and LARGER THAN LIFE in footy.


When I heard Aker say what he said on radio, I laughed. Yes. Laughed. Because he was obviously joking. Yes, joking. Anyone remember humour? It's a sport, a game, and while it's deadly serious in many ways, it's also meant to be fun. Remember fun?

For us to be climbing on our high horses because of a throwaway comment in the media is just laughable -- I don't see much indignation in common society about the death of innocents via poverty or war, but Aker mouthing off on radio -- OH THE HAND WRINGING. Get off it.

Someone on this forum mentioned that what happened in Brisbane was Aker's fault, as if Lethal Leigh had nothing to do with it. Leigh is uber-successful precisely because he doesn't give a fug about anything except success, but if you just step back, who the heck is Leigh in the big scheme of things? No one outside a narrow segment of Australian society even knows him, but oh, the self-importance. Come off it. If the 'break-up' was Aker's fault, then it is just as much his fault the five goals he kicked in a grand final to win them a flag, and the many times he dragged the team over the line when they were down to get them into the top four when their season wasn't going too well.

If you watched the damn game up in Darwin, you would have seen that Aker actually played out of his skin. Anyone who thinks we would be up in the top two without his influence and his standing up multiple times when the game was on the line would be kidding themselves. And yes, maybe I'm overlooking this misdemeanour because of his great form this year -- it's called GRATITUDE. Look it up, those of you who would bag him. Maybe you would prefer sitting around 7th or 8th spot instead?

I know you have said 'some', but you seem to be brushing anyone who has a problem with what Aker said as hysterical, and that is unfair. As i understand it, the views seem to vary from a) its not a big deal and Aker has nothing to answer for, and b) its not a big deal and the playing group is right in giving him a 'pull your head in' message. Hardly seems hysterical to me.

There has been, and continues to be, a lot of indignation about deaths resulting from poverty and war (i would agree that there should be a lot more though), but what has that got to do with it? Is it only reasonable to object to someone's actions if it is the worst thing happening on the planet? 'There are worse things going on' can be used as a deflection in discussion regarding just about any action.

It is wrong to overlook misdemeanours just because a player is in good form. It is important for the group as a whole that it doesn't work that way. Obviously, different players would have different amounts of credit in the bank, and the quality of their service would be a part of that, but that doesn't mean stuff should ever be simply ignored. Anyway, it's Aker's job to play good footy for us, its not like he is doing it as a favour.

The whole thing is not a major issue, but Aker has to be answerable to the playing group if he steps out of line, which he did, in both not at least informing the group about the handstand in advance and for the comments that followed. It's no big deal that he cops a little whack from them. I am sure he and the team won't be too concerned by it and will continue to do the business on the field.

08-07-2008, 11:14 AM
No one is saying breaking team rules is acceptable, but do you think it perhaps a coincidence that his errancy has occured the exact same time that

a. He played his best game for the year bar none, and what a year, and
b. A death in the family occured

I'm not saying 'he played his best game so he's justified', I'm saying that in Aker's case, CLEARLY he plays better when he is emotionally engaged and 'loose in the head', so to speak. His best seems to require a type of madness not usually found in your average player, and we don't want Aker to be a 'normal' player, because then it would defeat the whole purpose of picking up a maverick talent in the first place.

The same madness that causes Aker to speak stupidly and emotionally is also the same madness that would try to pick up the ball one handed and snap it over his shoulder from 50m out near the boundary.

The question is to manage the personality without stifling the creativity, and a heavy-handed approach (ie. Leigh, or suspending the 'wanker') is the surest way to shut down the creativity and ensure rebellion from a personality already tending towards anti-establishment, (as all creative mavericks tend to be, almost by definition).. the fact that Aker is still somehow the consummate professional despite himself speaks volumes for his maturity and development of character to subjugate his clearly individualistic tendencies for the good of the team (generally). Aker is NOT Stevie Milne or Nick Davis.

It's the difference between 'management' and true leadership to know how to handle the situation well and have a win-win for all concerned -- punitive measures in this case will simply be counter-productive and a sure way to kill team momentum and morale.

Do you think it's a coincidence that Rodney Eade has been PARTICULARLY quiet on this issue? He's not exactly mr. quiet but he has chosen to be almost mute on this subject. One suggests that his very capable leadership qualities are coming to the fore to find a best scenario for both Aker AND the Dogs.

From reading this post, perhaps I misunderstood the context of your last one. I think that is all pretty spot on, although i would suggest that a 'consumate professional' wouldn't be getting into this kind of situation at all.

I agree that Aker should not be subject to any punitive measures. The playing group simply letting him know that they expect better is as far as it should go.

08-07-2008, 11:22 AM
The whole thing is not a major issue, but Aker has to be answerable to the playing group if he steps out of line, which he did, in both not at least informing the group about the handstand in advance and for the comments that followed. It's no big deal that he cops a little whack from them. I am sure he and the team won't be too concerned by it and will continue to do the business on the field.

Totally agree with this, and I'm sure it has been dealt with behind closed doors. It's when it is dragged out through the media and then fans want to jump on and join the hysterical chorus of suspending the guy etc that I think brings the volume of the debate to an unhelpful level.

My point about 'indignation' is a point about perspective. Of course you can have an opinion -- Give him a whack, he'll cop it, and let's move on (as some of us said a week and a half ago), but people going on and on about it as if the guy murdered someone is just silly, isn't it? It's not about not saying anything, more a matter of degree and perspective (that I think the media has lost and have a hysterical tone that many of us pick up on and use, although WOOF is a particularly good place to escape from that stuff most of the time).

And finally, re: performance being something you are paid for -- this is very true, and a good point. However, we are very quick to jump on a player when they are in bad form, but let's recognise that good form isn't automatic and should be applauded when seen (as it is usually a product of professionalism and attitude). Clubs tend to agree, as players are rewarded with extended/upgraded contracts based on good current form (that, as you say, they are already paid for in any case), so while yes, they are paid for it, you are still rewarded for doing your job PARTICULARLY well.

Oh, and welcome to WOOF by the way, Pembleton. Good to have you on board. :)

08-07-2008, 11:55 AM
Totally agree with this, and I'm sure it has been dealt with behind closed doors. It's when it is dragged out through the media and then fans want to jump on and join the hysterical chorus of suspending the guy etc that I think brings the volume of the debate to an unhelpful level.

My point about 'indignation' is a point about perspective. Of course you can have an opinion -- Give him a whack, he'll cop it, and let's move on (as some of us said a week and a half ago), but people going on and on about it as if the guy murdered someone is just silly, isn't it? It's not about not saying anything, more a matter of degree and perspective (that I think the media has lost and have a hysterical tone that many of us pick up on and use, although WOOF is a particularly good place to escape from that stuff most of the time).

And finally, re: performance being something you are paid for -- this is very true, and a good point. However, we are very quick to jump on a player when they are in bad form, but let's recognise that good form isn't automatic and should be applauded when seen (as it is usually a product of professionalism and attitude). Clubs tend to agree, as players are rewarded with extended/upgraded contracts based on good current form (that, as you say, they are already paid for in any case), so while yes, they are paid for it, you are still rewarded for doing your job PARTICULARLY well.

Oh, and welcome to WOOF by the way, Pembleton. Good to have you on board. :)

I have admittedly come to this whole thing relatively late so perhaps my perception of how people have reacted to it is a little out of whack. I took your view to be that even thinking Aker was a bit out of line is an over reaction, but obviously you were actually referring to reactions that have been a lot stronger than that.

I tend to be largely tuned out to the media coverage of things like this, precisely because of the type of hysteria that you are talking about, so that probably means that i can be oblivious to the degree of over reaction that is taking place.

Thanks for the welcome. It's nice to be on a board where consecutive intelligent posts aren't rare. :)

08-07-2008, 12:01 PM
Lets not forget though all contracts do have more than being a good footballer now, they contain things like not bringing the game into disripute,( in no way saying he has done that)or things like upholding team and player rules, like all businesses you are expected to say only good and positive things about your employer.
Can you imagine what would happen to you if you went in the press and said you wanted to punch a couple of workmates out?
The company would probably sack you.
But yes this is a media flooded business and he is paid also to be in the media.
No one disagrees with Aker being a great footballer and a character, and i might say 99% of our supporters love the handstand and him, but we dont want to hear him say he wants to punch our own players in public radio.
Because we all know the media will jump on it and try and cause a fire, the only question we probably all ask is Aker ok you wanted to punch a couple, but why say it on radio?
Its inhouse and he has made it "out house"
Yes he might have been joking but we all know the media!
So they are PAID for more than just football.

The Pie Man
08-07-2008, 01:13 PM
Someone on this forum mentioned that what happened in Brisbane was Aker's fault, as if Lethal Leigh had nothing to do with it. Leigh is uber-successful precisely because he doesn't give a fug about anything except success, but if you just step back, who the heck is Leigh in the big scheme of things? No one outside a narrow segment of Australian society even knows him, but oh, the self-importance. Come off it. If the 'break-up' was Aker's fault, then it is just as much his fault the five goals he kicked in a grand final to win them a flag, and the many times he dragged the team over the line when they were down to get them into the top four when their season wasn't going too well.

That was me - I still think that. I'm a fan of Jason Akermanis and what he brings to our club, but I think his departure from Brisbane was mostly self inflicted...in that say what he said about any club you're playing for, and they'll turf you.

I didn't hear the comments made on SEN - read them without a tone of jest that Jason probably said them with and they sound bad - that was my main issue. I personally haven't heard anything about this outside of this forum, so I'm happy to move on, as it appears the club have.

08-07-2008, 01:52 PM
The media love a beat-up. Don't tell me for one moment that Hutchy et al are actually anything resembling real journalists -- one just has to listen to the hysterical screaming headlines on commercial news and media that have little to do with any facts or reality to know that most of it is about selling a story rather than having any kind of balance or perspective.

I suspect some of us on this forum have bought into the AFL media perspective that EVERYTHING is news and BAD NEWS has to be SHOUTED FROM THE ROOFTOPS because everything is HYSTERICAL and LARGER THAN LIFE in footy.


When I heard Aker say what he said on radio, I laughed. Yes. Laughed. Because he was obviously joking. Yes, joking. Anyone remember humour? It's a sport, a game, and while it's deadly serious in many ways, it's also meant to be fun. Remember fun?

For us to be climbing on our high horses because of a throwaway comment in the media is just laughable -- I don't see much indignation in common society about the death of innocents via poverty or war, but Aker mouthing off on radio -- OH THE HAND WRINGING. Get off it.

Someone on this forum mentioned that what happened in Brisbane was Aker's fault, as if Lethal Leigh had nothing to do with it. Leigh is uber-successful precisely because he doesn't give a fug about anything except success, but if you just step back, who the heck is Leigh in the big scheme of things? No one outside a narrow segment of Australian society even knows him, but oh, the self-importance. Come off it. If the 'break-up' was Aker's fault, then it is just as much his fault the five goals he kicked in a grand final to win them a flag, and the many times he dragged the team over the line when they were down to get them into the top four when their season wasn't going too well.

If you watched the damn game up in Darwin, you would have seen that Aker actually played out of his skin. Anyone who thinks we would be up in the top two without his influence and his standing up multiple times when the game was on the line would be kidding themselves. And yes, maybe I'm overlooking this misdemeanour because of his great form this year -- it's called GRATITUDE. Look it up, those of you who would bag him. Maybe you would prefer sitting around 7th or 8th spot instead?

Me too, but the conservatives obviously didn't, that's ok as long as they all buy their memberships. I agree with what you have said here wholeheartedly.

08-07-2008, 04:29 PM
Someone on this forum mentioned that what happened in Brisbane was Aker's fault, as if Lethal Leigh had nothing to do with it.

Not the Brisabane players. From what I have heard some of them have had a huge shot at Matthews as recently as this year over his role in Aker's departure from Brisbane.

Rocket Science
08-07-2008, 05:35 PM
"When I heard Aker say what he said on radio, I laughed. Yes. Laughed. Because he was obviously joking. Yes, joking. Anyone remember humour?"

Just on that point, I'm not oblivious to the whole 'lighten up' angle and again for the record I do feel this issue is just a blip in the bigger scheme of our season, but I did hear the radio comments and I'm curious as to how someone could construe what he said and/or the tone of delivery as anything remotely tongue in cheek.

This may not be verbatim, but he said something akin to; "To be honest, I was that disappointed (at being admonished by some teammates) at the time that I was pretty close to punching a couple of those blokes out..."

Maybe I'm a little slow on the uptake, but it sounded exactly as it reads, with no discernable jocularity.

I agree we're overanalysing here, but I'm enjoying the exchange of views nonetheless.

08-07-2008, 05:41 PM
I agree we're overanalysing here, but I'm enjoying the exchange of views nonetheless.

no kidding

08-07-2008, 05:41 PM
"When I heard Aker say what he said on radio, I laughed. Yes. Laughed. Because he was obviously joking. Yes, joking. Anyone remember humour?"

Just on that point, I'm not oblivious to the whole 'lighten up' angle and again for the record I do feel this issue is just a blip in the bigger scheme of our season, but I did hear the radio comments and I'm curious as to how someone could construe what he said and/or the tone of delivery as anything remotely tongue in cheek.

This may not be verbatim, but he said something akin to; "To be honest, I was that disappointed (at being admonished by some teammates) at the time that I was pretty close to punching a couple of those blokes out..."

Maybe I'm a little slow on the uptake, but it sounded exactly as it reads, with no discernable jocularity.

I agree we're overanalysing here, but I'm enjoying the exchange of views nonetheless.

Haha we're certainly overanalysing.. but here goes: I couldn't help but laugh, he sounded so (mock) sombre, like someone had taken away his lollies. No one could really take those words too seriously.. I mean, look at them again. Does Aker really seem like someone who would punch anyone out, regardless of what he actually says? This guy is the poster boy for hyperbole. Thus my plea for perspective. He may not always be deliberately funny, but the man is hilarious, intentionally or otherwise.

08-07-2008, 06:37 PM
"When I heard Aker say what he said on radio, I laughed. Yes. Laughed. Because he was obviously joking. Yes, joking. Anyone remember humour?"

Just on that point, I'm not oblivious to the whole 'lighten up' angle and again for the record I do feel this issue is just a blip in the bigger scheme of our season, but I did hear the radio comments and I'm curious as to how someone could construe what he said and/or the tone of delivery as anything remotely tongue in cheek.

This may not be verbatim, but he said something akin to; "To be honest, I was that disappointed (at being admonished by some teammates) at the time that I was pretty close to punching a couple of those blokes out..."

Maybe I'm a little slow on the uptake, but it sounded exactly as it reads, with no discernable jocularity.

Thats exactly the way I read it. I didn't find it funny and don't believe it was delivered in that manner. He also had plenty of chances to correct the perception.

I like a lot of what Aker says and does but this wasn't one of the highlights.

08-07-2008, 06:56 PM
If you watched the damn game up in Darwin, you would have seen that Aker actually played out of his skin. Anyone who thinks we would be up in the top two without his influence and his standing up multiple times when the game was on the line would be kidding themselves. And yes, maybe I'm overlooking this misdemeanour because of his great form this year -- it's called GRATITUDE. Look it up, those of you who would bag him. Maybe you would prefer sitting around 7th or 8th spot instead?

At least you're honest and not making crappy excuses likes everyone else for Aker's poor lack of judgment and disrespect towards the playing group.

Aker = Great player = Can break the team trust. That is what you are saying.

08-07-2008, 08:24 PM
At least you're honest and not making crappy excuses likes everyone else for Aker's poor lack of judgment and disrespect towards the playing group.

Aker = Great player = Can break the team trust. That is what you are saying.

did you hear Aker on SEN last week and this week. if not, get a tape and listen, before you think he lacks disrespect.

Rocket Science
09-07-2008, 08:53 AM
Good question...but it's Melbourne in Round 15 this week, not whoever in a GF.

Was originally of the opinion the handstand was an incidental storm in a teacup, until Aker opened his cavernous mouth days after the fact...Happy to admit I probably flew off the handle by suggesting he be dropped, it wasn't long after hearing a replay of the radio comments which riled me.

Stand firmly behind everything else I've said on the topic though.

Perhaps one mans fanaticism is another mans cop-out.

10-07-2008, 09:22 AM
Totally agree. Wayne Carey won 2 premiership medals, Barry Hall 1, Ben Cousins 1, Aker 3, etc. etc. Put them together and you have the cast for the next Batman movie. It seems they have a few things in common but the one thing Aker has at the moment that the others don't have is that he'll be playing this week. I'm also tempted to mention that our current playing leadership group have collectively zero premierships. This is one reason Eade is at the club. His experience playing in premiership teams alongside players like Brereton has hopefully taught him how to solve these sorts of issues to everyones advantage. I just hope he can put a lid on any further divisiveness before we get any closer to the finals.

Aker's a good bloke. Just talks too much sometimes, and he knows it.

Read his very funny interview with 'In The Kennel' this week. (Obviously the PR people at the Dogs are on to this.. maybe Rocket asked him to do the feel-good interview):

What is your most annoying habit?
I piss people off too much with words, apparently. I always upset people because I talk too much.

Here's the link to the whole interview:


Sockeye Salmon
10-07-2008, 09:52 AM
Totally agree. Wayne Carey won 2 premiership medals, Barry Hall 1, Ben Cousins 1, Aker 3, etc. etc. Put them together and you have the cast for the next Batman movie. It seems they have a few things in common but the one thing Aker has at the moment that the others don't have is that he'll be playing this week. I'm also tempted to mention that our current playing leadership group have collectively zero premierships. This is one reason Eade is at the club. His experience playing in premiership teams alongside players like Brereton has hopefully taught him how to solve these sorts of issues to everyones advantage. I just hope he can put a lid on any further divisiveness before we get any closer to the finals.

Our current leadership group have also not played in the same side as Brown, Voss, Leppitch, Black, Lappin or Stevens, Archer, Schwass, Longmire, McKernan, Grant etc.

One thing all premiership sides have in common is they all have lots of good players.