View Full Version : Should Brad Johnson continue as Captain?

22-09-2008, 05:50 PM
I want to make something very, very clear from the outset of this thread as I have no wish to create mass hysteria.

Brad Johnson has been and continues to be a wonderful servant of this club. His leadership and attitude on the field are valuable assets, his infectious smile and demeanour off the field make him instantly marketable and he is much loved by the media. He's been a fantastic captain and ambassador for the club.

The question I ask is this: has Johnno, like many before him, reached the stage in his career where relieving him of official leadership duties might make him a better contributor on the field.

Furthermore, Have we as a club reached the stage where we need to look at who is going to lead the club into the future. There are already several born leaders in the group. Daniel Cross, Daniel Giansiracusa and Dale Morris are all wonderful leaders, and its been discussed on here already how Murphy 'rallied the troops' at half time. Add to this Boyd, who is already in the group, and Ryan Griffen, who is not yet in the group, though it has been suggested could be a future captain, is the time right for a handover to the next generation.

I'm sure this question will be the subject of rousing debate, and rightly so as its an important question to answer going forward, but I'm of the belief that the time is right to handover to a new leader, and its not as though there are no obvious replacements.


The Coon Dog
22-09-2008, 06:05 PM
I'm happy for Johnno to remain in the role. It's not like there's someone knocking down the door to take over.

22-09-2008, 06:29 PM
I agree, I believe Johnno has done a fantastic job, but, I think it would be great to blood some youth into the leadrship roles ... but without being in the inner sanctum of the club, i couldn't say who !!

Maybe Cooney, Griffen, Murphy ... they're the first names that come to mind

22-09-2008, 06:33 PM
I voted yes, would like to here from the 5 so far that voted no and why.

22-09-2008, 06:36 PM
I voted yes, would like to here from the 5 so far that voted no and why.

I voted no ... the move of Crawford from the Captaincy lengthened his career ... I would like to see Johnno play on for a couple more years with only HIS football to worry about

22-09-2008, 06:37 PM
I voted yes, would like to here from the 5 so far that voted no and why.
I too am a little curious.

22-09-2008, 06:40 PM
I voted no.

Despite the man love i have for Johnno, unfortunately his constant diving and playing for free kicks has started to bother me and IMO is a poor example being set by the club captain.

My choice of captain would be in the mold of Cross/Morris or a young up and coming talent in Griffen.

Bulldog Revolution
22-09-2008, 06:53 PM
I think the next captain has to be one of Boyd, Cross, Morris or Murphy - I think I lean towards Boyd

I'm not sure Cooney and Griffen are yet in the leadership team and I think they are perhaps the successors to the next captain

22-09-2008, 06:55 PM
When I saw this thread I thought - Oh ffs you troll westdog picking on Johnno! And then I remembered the other day that I was thinking Johnno should probably hand over the captaincy. Not sure what that makes me.

I just think it's time for generational change whatever that is. We need the young blokes to step up more, if one of THEM was captain, it sends the message to the younger players that this is your time, your peers are ready for captaincy so you are ready to play like a grown up.

But thats just me.

22-09-2008, 06:57 PM
I voted yes he sets the tone and leads by example as for constant diving and other theatrics absolute crap if he want it he should have it if not would offer it to Murphy or Morris

Bumper Bulldogs
22-09-2008, 07:29 PM
I vote Yes,

Jonno is fantastic and puts in 100%. All the guys look up to him and I truly believe that if he can go for 2 more years this will take the pressure of the younger guys that are just a little way off the captaincy IMO.

Secondly would their be a better captain to hold up the premiership cup next year with that grin.

Thirdly the likes of grant, bouman ect may go off the rails with such a young leadership group. lets get 20-30 games into them yet.

I would however be interested in the teams view on this as they all seen to be happy and a smart person said to me one day "if it ant broken don't fix it"

We did Finnish 3rd after all. :D

The Bulldogs Bite
22-09-2008, 07:32 PM
I voted no.

Johnson has been a great player for this club but I don't think he should be leading us into next year. It's a harsh call, perhaps - but I think he's far past his best football. I thought Johnson had a poor year if not for a 4 or 5 week patch in the second half of the season where he kicked a couple bags of 4/5 goals. He improved his defensive game, but it was still lacking at times. I understand he battled through some injuries this year but IMHO that's a cop out. He's lost his pace and his hands aren't as sharp as they were. His field kicking is really ordinary and he takes too long to actually make a decision with the ball when playing up the field. Even his goal kicking wasn't as reliable.

The finals typified why we need to concentrate on the future, and start putting the pressure on the younger players coming through the system. The senior players struggled in the two big games (Johnson, Hahn, Murphy - his disposal, Hudson, Welsh etc.). Boyd was very poor in the first one, too. Aker a little quiet. Griffen was probably our best performed player in the Finals, a sure sign he NEEDS to be included in the leadership group along with Cooney.

Johnson needs to be relieved of captain duties and focus on putting in a big year for '09. His game of '08 consisted too much of falling to the ground and playing for free kicks. He was still very brave at times ala Sydney, and I'm confident he can bounce back next year with a better performance, but I personally think the club needs to develop an image of the 'future'. In important stages this year, Johnson failed to stand up (v Kangaroos, Hawks QF & Cats PF) and his bad habits crept in too often, so I think a changing of the guard is needed. He has leadership qualities, and should be kept in the leadership group, but he's not the player to take us to the next step.

I'm not sure who should though. Cross always sets the tone through work ethic, but perhaps somebody like Murphy - a match winner - is a better fit?

Bumper Bulldogs
22-09-2008, 07:50 PM
I voted no.

I'm not sure who should though. Cross always sets the tone through work ethic, but perhaps somebody like Murphy - a match winner - is a better fit?

Sums it up, I thought Jonno still kicked over 50 goals while playing injured for most of the year.

They talk about Hodge from Hawthorn - well we have Jonno and he has been doing it for years. the sydney game was why he should remain.

The Pie Man
22-09-2008, 08:35 PM
I voted no though I have no real issue with him staying in the role - which I suspect he will

I wanted him as captain when Darcy got the job, and he was very good in the role for a few years.

Talking to friends over the weekend, there's a perception (which I don't ncessarily share so please don't yell at me) that he's a sook and seems more concerned with his own performance. I don't buy it, but there's something to why that perception is there.

The Rooke non-free was interesting - it's been commented that yes, Rooke gave away what should have been a free, but wanted it more, and then got up after a pretty heavy collision for him as well to go on and kick the goal.

I think he's had a pretty good year with all the niggles he's clearly had. After a big hit last week he came back well and kicked a cracking goal.

Might serve the club's long term future to go with someone else for 09 as Hawthorn did with Crawf (or Crawf did with Hawthorn)

22-09-2008, 08:42 PM
I voted yes, but it's a worthwile discussion.

I thought he had a reasonable year, and I don't think relieving him of the job will impact his form too much. I understand the point people make about playing for frees, but I just feel that's part of Johnno.

Still the best man for the job, and I'd like to see Daniel Cross be the next one, for what it's worth.

22-09-2008, 09:04 PM
Voted no.

However, it'll depend on who the coaches think can lead.

FWIW - I think if Higgins was 2 years older he'd be the man.

22-09-2008, 09:25 PM
Wasn't Johnson AA captain last season?

22-09-2008, 11:33 PM
How much did he lift the team when he returned to the field and won the contested possesion after he was crunched by two Sydney players.

22-09-2008, 11:39 PM
Wasn't Johnson AA captain last season?

In 2006.
2007 Mcleod was captian.

22-09-2008, 11:59 PM
I voted no ... the move of Crawford from the Captaincy lengthened his career ... I would like to see Johnno play on for a couple more years with only HIS football to worry about

same reason why I voted no.

Make Cooney captain:D

Happy Days
23-09-2008, 01:06 AM
As good as he has been, I had to say no.

As previously mentioned, his constant diving and appealing is having an effect on his game and perhaps even his status amongst his peers. Time to let him play his natural game, and relieve from the expectations that come with such a high status (although this may stay with him anyway), and give it to Griffen, who is a natural leader IMO.

23-09-2008, 02:13 AM
How much did he lift the team when he returned to the field and won the contested possesion after he was crunched by two Sydney players.

He doesn't have to be Captain to do this ... he is a courageous football who leads by example

Let him worry about his footy for a couple more seasons and not the rest of the team's performance ... Give the Captaincy to another player

23-09-2008, 10:48 AM
I voted no, I agree with Scraggers that it could lengthen his career like it has with Crawford, and I'd rather he be able to worry about his own football. I'm not very passionate about who should be captain, if Johnson is next year then I will have no complaints, but I think one of our players in the 26-27 age bracket can do the job. I used to be very keen on Gia for captain, but now I think Cross stands out as the best candidate- it’s a testament to our recruiting that we have such a great list of potential leaders, I think that any of Cross, Gia, Murphy, Boyd, Morris would make great captains.

23-09-2008, 03:05 PM
I voted yes...but I'm really not sure.

Long term I think Griff is the man to be captain, but at this stage he probably isn't ready. If he is going to be able to pick up the role in the next year or two, keep Johnno on. If Griff is another 3 or so years away, perhaps one of Cross or Gia might be the better option.

Personally though, I'd like to see Griff next captain, taking over sometime in the next couple of years.

western cookie
23-09-2008, 08:15 PM
Difficult, personally i would like to see him give up the captaincy but i cant see anyone else who could take up the position at the moment, all the better prospects are still a year or two from the capacity to fulfill the role. one more year.

25-09-2008, 03:32 PM
I was shocked that this was even put up but now having read all the replies I am wavering!
Love Johnno tho so have to vote yes to at least one more year(or until Griff is ready!)