View Full Version : The Greens Aim to close down WBFC!

28-10-2008, 02:50 PM
The Hun:

THE Western Bulldogs may not survive a plan to block approval of a university at Whitten Oval, the club's president says.

Western Metropolitan state Greens MP Colleen Hartland plans to move a disallowance motion in Parliament tomorrow which, if successful, would hand planning control back to Maribyrnong Council, the Hobsons Bay Leader reports.

Western Bulldogs president David Smorgon said that could send the club broke because funding was dependent on the approval.

He said the club could not afford any further project delays.

“The club would probably not survive, given the financial repercussions, if the motion was passed,’’ Mr Smorgon said.

Planning Minister Justin Madden seized control from the council in July, saying the club’s future was at stake.

He today labelled the Greens “nuts” for trying to block the project.


Free drugs for drug users, tax-payer funded medicare rebates for those that want sex changes and the end of the Footscray Footbal Club. Interesting policy platform.

28-10-2008, 02:52 PM
Vote Greens?

28-10-2008, 02:57 PM
Nothing is ever easy for the Western Bulldogs - we have to fight just to survive :(

The Pie Man
28-10-2008, 03:07 PM
It all seems a bit dramatic to proclaim we'd die as a club should this not be passed, though I can't see what we have to gain by saying it so it must be pretty close to the truth.

What worries me is that if true, The Greens won't give a toss about us (or any sporting club) so that won't come into their considerations at all. What also worries me is that one potential blockage to a proposal of ours can have such significant implications - not really good business sense to turn it into such a risky proposition.

Watch this space

28-10-2008, 03:08 PM
Nothing is ever easy,

Bloody greens, find a tree to chain yourself to in Tasmania
and bloody council wankers go and dish out more parking fines

28-10-2008, 03:28 PM
We must never be involved with any political party on any sort ever again!!!

28-10-2008, 03:34 PM
It all seems a bit dramatic to proclaim we'd die as a club should this not be passed, though I can't see what we have to gain by saying it so it must be pretty close to the truth.

What worries me is that if true, The Greens won't give a toss about us (or any sporting club) so that won't come into their considerations at all. What also worries me is that one potential blockage to a proposal of ours can have such significant implications - not really good business sense to turn it into such a risky proposition.

Watch this space
Let me pose it this way....

The club commits most or all of it's cash and assets to invest in the project (which secureds our long term future).

But we need extra government funding to pay the bill * On one condition:
Approval for the project and getting approval was never as issue.

If the Greens win, the approval will not happen, and we wont get funding. We will have lost our money and have tens of millions of dollars debts for a building that can not be used for anything.

I'd say we are F***** if this gets up.

28-10-2008, 03:37 PM
Is there actually a reason to say no to funding this thing? Will a tree be chopped down?

Last thing we need is for the power to go to the Council. As I learnt on Double the Fist, all councils are full of weak slimy dogs.

28-10-2008, 03:45 PM
Why must everyone try to kill us off ?

28-10-2008, 06:05 PM
Libs have said they will vote against the Greens and The ALP made the right decision in the first place.

Thus, the only thing to come of this is an embarrassment to the Greens and I can only hope a voter backlash in the West against the Greens for this act of stupidity and attack on one the strongest and most positive influences in the West.

28-10-2008, 06:28 PM
Whilst I hope like hell that this doesn't get the support they are trying for it does sound like the club has backed themselves into this corner or at least didn't meet the deadlines etc

I learned long ago that if you are asking for support from people with vested interests then you need to give them the fewest reasons to say no and the most assistance so that they can say yes. Not sure if the Bulldogs strictly met everything required to help this go as smoothly as it should.

28-10-2008, 06:53 PM
Better news.....

Libs won't hurt Dogs
Brad Ryan | October 28, 2008 05:25pm

THE Greens plan to block approval of a Whitten Oval university campus now appears destined to fail. The State Opposition says it will side with the Government when a rare disallowance motion is moved by Western Metropolitan state Greens MP Colleen Hartland in Parliament tomorrow.

if successful, the motion would hand planning control back to Maribyrnong Council, the Hobsons Bay Leader reports.

Earlier today, Western Bulldogs president David Smorgon said that could send the club broke because funding was dependent on the approval.

He said the club could not afford any further project delays.

The club would probably not survive, given the financial repercussions, if the motion was passed,’’ Mr Smorgon said.

Planning Minister Justin Madden seized control from the council in July, saying the club’s future was at stake.

He today labelled the Greens “nuts” for trying to block the project.

28-10-2008, 07:30 PM
Weren't the Libs the one who promised all this?

Either way best thing they've ever done for me:D

28-10-2008, 07:32 PM
Weren't the Libs the one who promised all this?

Either way best thing they've ever done for me:D
Libs promised the cash.
ALP came to the recue.
Greens tried to **** us.

28-10-2008, 10:41 PM
Does anyone know why the Greens wants to block the planning approval. What is the reason?
Why does it have to go to parliment.
I will never vote for Green party again.

28-10-2008, 11:13 PM
Better news.....

Libs won't hurt Dogs
Brad Ryan | October 28, 2008 05:25pm

THE Greens plan to block approval of a Whitten Oval university campus now appears destined to fail. The State Opposition says it will side with the Government when a rare disallowance motion is moved by Western Metropolitan state Greens MP Colleen Hartland in Parliament tomorrow.

if successful, the motion would hand planning control back to Maribyrnong Council, the Hobsons Bay Leader reports.

Earlier today, Western Bulldogs president David Smorgon said that could send the club broke because funding was dependent on the approval.

He said the club could not afford any further project delays.

The club would probably not survive, given the financial repercussions, if the motion was passed,’’ Mr Smorgon said.

Planning Minister Justin Madden seized control from the council in July, saying the club’s future was at stake.

He today labelled the Greens “nuts” for trying to block the project.

If Ms Hartland insists on pushing through with this comical dissalowance motion it will be nothing more than a political stunt.

At least now she'll have Ian Collins handing out how to vote cards for her for the rest of her life.

28-10-2008, 11:14 PM
Good example of why you would never vote Greens or indepepndents.......selfish, ignorant pr*cks

29-10-2008, 01:16 AM
Ignorant b@stards, lost any chance of a future vote for me.

29-10-2008, 07:17 AM
The greens dont want to block it. They want the council to have control of it not the state govt.

The council, reasonably, want to have an input into planning processes around the oval development, that is their job, but this has moved into daft politics no.

Both the Council and the Dogs have buggered this up, but this is grandstanding of the worst sort by the greens - it will not make them any friends, anywhere.

Maribyrnong Council is a basket case anyway.

And if you base your vote for state or federal government on how the party treats your football club you deserve the government you get. And you do.

29-10-2008, 08:22 AM
Does anyone know why the Greens wants to block the planning approval. What is the reason?
Why does it have to go to parliment.
I will never vote for Green party again.

15 minutes of fame.

29-10-2008, 08:26 AM
This women is from your electorate Andrew (Sheoak ward-Yarraville/Footscray) in Maribynong.
So her only reason she is doing this is so the council (where her mates are at) get it back.

29-10-2008, 10:00 AM
Oh well it seems to me that the Greens will go the way of the Democrats.The need for an independant watchdog is now about grandstanding.

Sockeye Salmon
29-10-2008, 12:36 PM
And if you base your vote for state or federal government on how the party treats your football club you deserve the government you get. And you do.

If people didn't base their vote on single issues the Greens wouldn't get any votes at all.

29-10-2008, 01:08 PM
just another case of the greens screaming for attention....when i was a kid and i played up for attention dad gave me a whack over the ears.....two years time there will be one coming the greens way!!

Sockeye Salmon
29-10-2008, 03:07 PM
Well, the Libs shot that one down in flames.

You've had your 15 minutes Ms. Hartland, now **** off.

29-10-2008, 04:27 PM
If people didn't base their vote on single issues the Greens wouldn't get any votes at all.

This is very true, although the greens might suggest they also have positions on social justice as well (e.g. they have a position on the environment and on Whitten Oval!).

29-10-2008, 05:25 PM
Does anyone know why the Greens wants to block the planning approval. What is the reason?
Why does it have to go to parliment.
I will never vote for Green party again.

You have before?

29-10-2008, 06:32 PM
Well, the Libs shot that one down in flames.

You've had your 15 minutes Ms. Hartland, now **** off.

YEP, thank god for your Libs Sockeye.....funny how yesterday they were all over the greens. Anyone would think they are playing "policy on the run".

29-10-2008, 07:31 PM
My email to the Green's and there response.

Hello Ms Hartland,

It is with great fear and trepidation that I read the newspaper article stating that you had persuaded the Libs to side with you over returning planning control of Whitten Oval back to the Maribyrnong Council.

I am concerned that a planning dispute has now become a political football, and that one of the few icons of the Western suburbs that gives people pride is now under threat, especially as it was the will of the people of the Western Suburbs that the Footscray (Western Bulldogs) Football Club survives, in one of the most memorable community actions I have ever witnessed in 1989 through "Fightback'.

I can understand that I am possibly biased in favoured of the Bulldogs with regards to the planning issue. However, as someone who has worked for Local Government in the past two years, I came away very cynical of those who managed to get elected and the promise of representing the people is soon lost once elected. This would appear to be a win at any cost approach by councillors who have had their power checked by the State Government.

It is my understanding that the pokies licence that the Bulldogs hold, has been a contentious issue even though the Bulldogs want to move the pokies to another site with a reduction in EGM machines and a greater SEIFA rating. The hold up with the Whittan Oval is part of the Council's agenda to get back at the club for taking the matter to VCAT. This is all going on while down the road in Port Cook, two of the big corporations football clubs (Collingwood and Hawthorn) have opened up pokies venues without fear or protest to subsidies their northern and eastern clubs with money extracted from the Western suburbs. Surely the Greens party would have bigger fish to fry taking on the City of Hobson Bay over this.

I support most of the Green's policies, and demonstrate this at the ballot box, but it will be a miscarriage of justice if you continue to threaten the very existence of the Western Bulldogs Football Club, a Western icon that myself and my family hold very dear to us.


Thanks for your email - and particularly for the considered and thoughtful comments. Colleen's in parliament so I am answering on her behalf.

Firstly, please be assured that nothing Colleen is doing will delay the project - at least not any more than the Minister has delayed it.

Her aim is to draw attention to issues such as the local footy leagues, and the promises that the Bulldogs had made to Council that they would give good space to the western region footy league and the women's footy league, a child care centre etc in the new development, in return for funding and other support

When the Minster took over the project, we lost all those written guarantees. So Colleen's going to seek an assurance about them in Parliament tomorrow - on the record.

The Liberals will vote with the Government (as usual) so Colleen's motion will be history after tomorrow, but hopefully what the Minister says on the record will be honoured. (You read in the papers about the Minister saying this was all a deal with the Libs and the Greens - nothing could be further from the truth!)

The only other impact on the project would be fast-tracking the process a little. If Colleen's motion was not debated, it would still be on the notice paper until December. This way, the club will have certainty as at tomorrow. (If it had stayed with City of Maribyrnong, they would have deliberated on 16 September.)

The other important issue you mention is the pokies. Colleen has gone in swinging on the issue of Collingwood and Hawthorn setting up pokies in the western suburbs. Particularly the new development for Hawthorn in Caroline Springs - it was outrageous that the shire approved it, and took money for it. Colleen has been publicly scathing about it and has weathered the storm of complaint about her stance, as she should. Anyhow if you want more info, there's some on our website and I could send you still more.

But I must say I wasn't aware of this happening in Point Cooke. Point Cook was on our radar as a possible site they might move in to, but I wasn't aware it had happened - or that there was any imminent danger of it.

I'd love to get more information on this - we would campaign against it, strongly, if there is anything we can do.

We've been watching closely the problems the Bulldogs are having with their pokies at Whitten, which is exactly as you describe. Colleen is considering referring to the pokies in her speech tomorrow, as one of the things she wants an assurance about - that if VU puts a campus at Vic Uni, there shouldn't be pokies. I know that the community has said the same thing about the child care centre.


Liz Ingham
(Office of Colleen Hartland MLC)

Western Metropolitan Region

E: colleen.hartland@parliament.vic.gov.au

P: 9689 6373

W: www.electedgreensvictoria.org.au

I’m now on Facebook – click here.

29-10-2008, 08:31 PM
Funny I was sure the bulldogs wanted to move the pokies to the Bulldog Hilton but Ms Hartland oppossed that move.Sounds very much like having 2 bob each way to me.

29-10-2008, 09:12 PM
Thanks for the update DAB. Much appreciated

Raw Toast
29-10-2008, 09:17 PM
My email to the Green's and there response.

Thanks for posting this, it's good to hear the Greens side of the story.

As a passionate member of both organisations (and employee of one of the third parties involved) I find this issue to be particularly unfortunate, and agree with GvGjr that the mess can't be just blamed on one group (and a lot of people want to make mileage out of it as well).

As a general rule we don't tend to spend time denigrating political parties on the footy boards of this site, and I'd appreciate it if we kept to those standards.

The Coon Dog
29-10-2008, 09:34 PM
As a general rule we don't tend to spend time denigrating political parties on the footy boards of this site, and I'd appreciate it if we kept to those standards.

I don't usually disagree with you RT, but if a political party has the capacity to bring the footy club I support into extinction, then I'll denigrate them on here till I'm blue in the face.

29-10-2008, 10:09 PM
Very interesting read DRB and well put points

29-10-2008, 10:17 PM
RT i think as long as its constructive it doesnt matter who we decide to chat about, this being a Western Bulldog site, you can expect a backlash on anything anti Bulldogs, whether it be political or not.

Personally my question is exactly what someone else asked, how is this project greens related?
The liberals were the ones that approved it, labor is following up on it but some little council is making a mockery of it all, and it seems to be a personal issue with them.
No wonder the government stepped in.

29-10-2008, 10:19 PM
I emailed her too but I don't think she will respond to what I wrote

29-10-2008, 11:14 PM
Just remember this at election time!!!

29-10-2008, 11:28 PM
Reading the response it looks like to me a complete admittance of grand-standing!

The Liberals will vote with the Government (as usual) so Colleen's motion will be history after tomorrow

Well STFU then.

No one cares what she thinks.

Next she'll be putting up a motion that All cars should be banned.

For the history buffs (Joe Marmo) there used to be a representative of the Footscray Council on the Board of the FFC.

The Underdog
29-10-2008, 11:37 PM
Her aim is to draw attention to issues such as the local footy leagues, and the promises that the Bulldogs had made to Council that they would give good space to the western region footy league and the women's footy league, a child care centre etc in the new development, in return for funding and other support

When the Minster took over the project, we lost all those written guarantees. So Colleen's going to seek an assurance about them in Parliament tomorrow - on the record.

The Liberals will vote with the Government (as usual) so Colleen's motion will be history after tomorrow, but hopefully what the Minister says on the record will be honoured.

Reading the response it looks like to me a complete admittance of grand-standing!

Maybe TnT you should read all of what she said and not just quote selectively. She clearly outlines the reasons for doing it and to me it reads less as grandstanding than trying to make sure what was promised in the original submission and therefore the reason we got the funding for the project in the first place, is honoured.

29-10-2008, 11:53 PM
Maybe TnT you should read all of what she said and not just quote selectively. She clearly outlines the reasons for doing it and to me it reads less as grandstanding than trying to make sure what was promised in the original submission and therefore the reason we got the funding for the project in the first place, is honoured.

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the Western Suburbs footy league in quite a bit of strife at the moment, between water restrictions, the lack of players and funding? In effect what the Greens are trying to do is ensure the leagues survival.

The other point is that the Green's are doing what opposition parties should be doing and ensuring checks and balance for government, in this case ensuring that tax payers money is spent according to the original agreement that will benefit the community.

Sockeye Salmon
30-10-2008, 10:15 AM
RT i think as long as its constructive it doesnt matter who we decide to chat about, this being a Western Bulldog site, you can expect a backlash on anything anti Bulldogs, whether it be political or not.

Personally my question is exactly what someone else asked, how is this project greens related?
The liberals were the ones that approved it, labor is following up on it but some little council is making a mockery of it all, and it seems to be a personal issue with them.
No wonder the government stepped in.

The Libs joined up with Labor to shoot it down.

30-10-2008, 11:43 AM
The Libs joined up with Labor to shoot it down.

I think what Ledge is getting at is that initial funding came from a coalition government.

30-10-2008, 05:28 PM
Yes thats exactly it ,I remember little Johnnie at the Western Oval making his Promise!

30-10-2008, 06:30 PM
Maybe TnT you should read all of what she said and not just quote selectively. She clearly outlines the reasons for doing it and to me it reads less as grandstanding than trying to make sure what was promised in the original submission and therefore the reason we got the funding for the project in the first place, is honoured.

Are you saying that the only way that the Greens felt that they could get their opinion heard is the above publicity stunt?

What will they do next, wear Koala suits and chain themselves to the Statue of EJ until people take them seriously?

Sorry for flying off the handle, but hells bells.

Dancin' Douggy
30-10-2008, 07:38 PM
Has it been resolved yet?

31-10-2008, 01:39 PM
Are you saying that the only way that the Greens felt that they could get their opinion heard is the above publicity stunt? .

No, the Greens believe the planning decisions belong with the local council, simple as that.

31-10-2008, 01:39 PM
Has it been resolved yet?

Libs voted with the government.

31-10-2008, 03:22 PM
No, the Greens believe the planning decisions belong with the local council, simple as that.

I don't believe that for a second.
She did it for her mates at the Maribynong council.
Everyone including her knew the reasons behind the decision by the State government to take over. Its the right decision in most peoples book except for a few.

Happy Days
31-10-2008, 10:33 PM
Is there actually a reason to say no to funding this thing? Will a tree be chopped down?

Last thing we need is for the power to go to the Council. As I learnt on Double the Fist, all councils are full of weak slimy dogs.

No fist to the Greens.

01-11-2008, 12:08 AM
No fist to the Greens.


02-11-2008, 06:23 PM
I don't believe that for a second.
She did it for her mates at the Maribynong council.
Everyone including her knew the reasons behind the decision by the State government to take over. Its the right decision in most peoples book except for a few.

I agree. Grandstanding of the highest order.

Cutting your nose of to spite your face as well. I wont be voting or supporting the Greens anymore because of this-it stinks on many levels.

The Coon Dog
16-12-2008, 11:52 AM
So how did the recent Maribyrnong Council election end up with regards to the effects/working relationship with our Football Club?

At a function last night Smorgo said the club & council were now 'smoking the peace-pipe'.

16-12-2008, 11:57 AM
So how did the recent Maribyrnong Council election end up with regards to the effects/working relationship with our Football Club?

At a function last night Smorgo said the club & council were now 'smoking the peace-pipe'.


Geez I love this URL/site...

The Coon Dog
16-12-2008, 12:19 PM

Geez I love this URL/site...

It was the part about the effects on the working relationship I was interested in.

By the way, that link didn't work!

16-12-2008, 12:32 PM
It was the part about the effects on the working relationship I was interested in.

By the way, that link didn't work!

From wht I heard the ALP got the majority on council.