View Full Version : Hoping everyone is safe...

07-02-2009, 05:11 PM
While we all swelter in this extroadinarily hot weather its worth remembering that some of us are keeping a close eye (sometimes quite literally) on various bushfires around the state.

I have a friend at Whittlesea watching the fire there, hoping the wind shifts before they have to evacuate. It ain't nice to be worried sick about a good friend with nothing you can do.

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing please make sure you keep yourself and your family safe.

07-02-2009, 06:34 PM
Good luck to those of you up in rural victoria, stay safe.

07-02-2009, 07:46 PM
I live very close to the Bunyip bushfires, and I can tell you it's been a pretty rugged day here.

Had to make a quick decision at around 1:30 - stay or go! Opted to go, taking our 2 dogs and a few possessions with us (just my daughter and I at home at the time).
We were fortunate. Our place is just a liitle south of the Princes Highway, and the main line of fire was to the north. Didn't come back home until 5:30, when the change kicked in with a vengeance. The cool southerly was as strong as the earlier hot northerly, so the fire seems to be heading out towards Neerim South and Noojee ATM. Not good for those out there...

A couple of friends at Labertouche have lost their homes and a couple more have had near misses, eg the house next door went up, but not theirs. Lots of sheds and equipment have been destroyed. Haven't heard much on the livestock front yet, but there will be losses.

Please keep these people in your thoughts and prayers, guys.

Oh, and anyone thinking of coming down to Drouin for the picnic race meeting in a few weeks - don't. The golf course and the racecourse have been pretty badly damaged, from all reports.


PS: it appears this fire was initially a lightning strike which was brought under control fairly quickly. Then someone re-lit it...don't you love people like that?

08-02-2009, 12:40 AM
Not sure i know anyone near these fires thank god, but my cousins were near the fires last week, and was it last yr there were big fires in gippsland, or did they get the floods last yr? Either way my aunty got all of em, all around her house was burnt, her place wasnt touched, someone was obviously watching over it(my uncle im guessing).

Anyway stay safe people, and if the fires get to close jsut leave, you can replace things in your home(well most of it you can anyway, but you cant replace your life.

08-02-2009, 01:45 AM
Really scary day here, I live two little towns after Kilmore. Lots of people I know and work with have houses in Wandong/Heathcote Junction, still don't know who has lost their home and who are ok. We still don't know who the four people were that were killed in Wandong, but being a small community, if you don't know them, someone you know does.

Around 8.30pm the fire started creeping up the back way into Broadford which meant rushing down to get my step-daughter and her four dogs. Broadford was full of people who had been evacuated with their dogs, horses in horsefloats animals galore everywhere, it was really chaotic and like a scene out of a war movie. The smoke has started to clear in the air, although you can still smell nothing but smoke.

The temperature hit 47 in the shade today, god know what the real temperature was here but it was like being stuck in a oven - especially with such a hot wind.

God bless those amazing firefighters - and their support crew behind them, they do an amazing hard job.

08-02-2009, 11:20 AM
Everytime we go to my auntys place(near Traralgon) or my cousins place(churchill) we usually stop at the petrol station in Bunyip, and everytime we go to Bendigo we stop at Redesdale, i cant imagine how much Victoria has lost in these fires, its so sad.

08-02-2009, 12:25 PM
my sister lives in bendigo and she had to get evacuated. She's back in her house now.

08-02-2009, 12:44 PM
I'm absolutely shocked by the Marysville devastation. Such a pretty town almost completely wiped out, I couldn't believe it when I found out this morning.

The bushfire stories have shaken me today more than perhaps any news story of the last decade - Tsunami & September 11 included.

08-02-2009, 02:01 PM
My friend in Whittlesea is ok. They were about 2 minutes from clearing out when the wind change came. They're certain it saved the house. She was still shaking 3 hours later. I think I'll be buying her a coffee on Monday morning.

I was only a month or so old when the Ash Wednesday fires hit. I now know how the state must have been feeling at the time. I'm still in disbelief as to some of the damage that's occured, and the loss of life has been sickening. Fire must be the most terrifying and horrible ways to die, especially when it is as ferocious as yesterday.

08-02-2009, 04:00 PM
The situation in Kinglake is really really bad. People were fleeing in their cars and having collisions jamming the cars. The CFA has been going past burnt out cars with bodies inside, putting tape around them and keeping on going. It has been estimated that 100 people are dead there alone. This has not been confirmed yet officially, so hope that it is not that bad.

08-02-2009, 06:27 PM
Devistating, just desistating.

Hope everyones loved ones near the trouble are safe and well.

The Pie Man
08-02-2009, 07:31 PM
I'm absolutely shocked by the Marysville devastation. Such a pretty town almost completely wiped out, I couldn't believe it when I found out this morning.

The bushfire stories have shaken me today more than perhaps any news story of the last decade - Tsunami & September 11 included.

I stayed at the Cumberland in Marysville for a conference 2 years ago, the town was such a nice place (and ironically very wet) It really shook me to see the footage. My heart goes out to all affected.

08-02-2009, 09:12 PM
Well i got to mum and dads just a little while ago and found out one of our friends in King Lake has lost his house, lost everything, and only last week he lost his job, its shattering.

My aunty not far from Traralgon has to keep hosing down her house.

My cousins in Hazlewood know the 3 people that have died there so far.

Its been a horrible horrible weekend, i cant imagine what the death toll is like. Its times like these you realise how short life really can be and to make the most of every single day you have.

08-02-2009, 09:59 PM
my sister lives in bendigo and she had to get evacuated. She's back in her house now.

Surprsingly I didn't even see any smoke at all and I'm really not that far away. I only knew there was a fire when I went to buy some beer and heard it on the radio in there. It was really bad around 50 houses lost I'm not sure on casualities though. I haven't seen the site yet, I think it is pretty shallow looking around and having a sticky beak when people have lost everything. If people know of the Schweppes Centre here it may give them some idea were the fire was and apparently got pretty close to that as well.

08-02-2009, 10:18 PM
This is bloody horrible, my heart goes out to these people that have lost their lives and homes. I have friends and family out in Bendigo, but thankfully all of them are all safe. I hope that all theese arsonists are captured and locked up for the rest of their lives.

08-02-2009, 10:30 PM
Brian Naylor and his wife were confirmed dead.

The Coon Dog
08-02-2009, 10:30 PM
Brian Naylor and his wife were confirmed dead.

Just saw that too.

Source (http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,25026070-661,00.html)

08-02-2009, 11:08 PM
Condolences to all who have lost someone in the fires.
Marysville is one of my favourite towns and , ironicaly if my house sold on the day of the auction I would have been a resident of Marysville.
I hope all Woofers and family are safe.
And I hope they manage to catch,string and quarter the lunitics that are starting some of these fires.
And hears to Brian Naylor.( once upon a time anything you needed to know Brian would have told you so.)

Remi Moses
08-02-2009, 11:36 PM
Can't believe a worse fire tragedy than Ash Wednesday:(:(Shocking news about Brian Naylor

09-02-2009, 09:44 AM
Everybody has been touched in some way by this tragedy...I have a close mate that lives in Kinglake...he lost everything except what really matters, his family. Just going down to the bank to donate to red cross....hope that everyone that is in the position to donate does so!!

09-02-2009, 10:04 AM
Condolences to all who have lost someone in the fires.
Marysville is one of my favourite towns and , ironicaly if my house sold on the day of the auction I would have been a resident of Marysville.

Marysville is a beautiful place, we were there last year, and one of my favourite spots there is the artists garden. I don't remember the guy's name but he's a dutch immigrant who has spent his whole life creating art/sculptures, and he has turned his house in marysville into a work of art. The whole house was full of his work, including a massive rainforest garden. It was very similar to the Rickett's sanctuary up in olinda.
His work was located all over Marysville, you would see his sculptures out the front of shops and buildings, and on the news last night as i saw the devastion of the town on tv they showed a shot of the police station which was just rubble, except for 1 thing that was left standing. It was a sculpture of a gnome like creature that this artist had made out the front of the building.

09-02-2009, 10:54 AM
Couple of close friends and colleagues up north Kyneton-way with small wineries and farms have had their properties scorched to the ground. Some of them stayed to fight it but most of them evac-ed.

I'm hearing more eyewitness accounts about arsonists/firebugs from those friends this morning -- they saw guys literally following the firefighters about 5 mins behind and lighting fires the firefighters put out. What kind of nuts... ? I am at a loss to even imagine the type of human being that would do such a thing...

09-02-2009, 11:57 AM
Marysville is a beautiful place, we were there last year, and one of my favourite spots there is the artists garden. I don't remember the guy's name but he's a dutch immigrant who has spent his whole life creating art/sculptures, and he has turned his house in marysville into a work of art. The whole house was full of his work, including a massive rainforest garden. It was very similar to the Rickett's sanctuary up in olinda.
His work was located all over Marysville, you would see his sculptures out the front of shops and buildings, and on the news last night as i saw the devastion of the town on tv they showed a shot of the police station which was just rubble, except for 1 thing that was left standing. It was a sculpture of a gnome like creature that this artist had made out the front of the building.

I know Bruno's Garden, it was an amazing garden to walk around and admire.
The detail and work that he put into his sculptures and garden was amazing.
Would be crushing to lose ones life work.
One can only hope that he and his family are OK.


dog town
09-02-2009, 01:02 PM
I was up in Echuca for Southern 80 but when it was hitting 45 degrees I made the decision to go home around lunch time on Saturday. I managed to get myself caught in a pretty dangerous situation. My car was failing in the heat (47 degrees) with smoke everywhere and an ominous orange glow in the distance. I managed to get it going for a little bit at a time to get me out of trouble. I was heading the back way home to Sunbury but had no idea of the bushfires as I was camping in the bush near Echuca. Ended up having to go back through Heathcote and Redesdale but even there I was a bit worried by some of the conditions around me. Seemed like just a recipe for disaster with winds that strong and the heat that high.

To top my weekend off I participated in an exhibition 20/20 cricket match and a couple of hours after the game we saw a bunch of young guys running across the oval towards the back of our reserve. They happened to be carrying machetes and bats. Got there just in time to witness a double homicide. Two 18 year old kids died. Easily the worst thing I have ever seen.

dog town
09-02-2009, 01:05 PM
Couple of close friends and colleagues up north Kyneton-way with small wineries and farms have had their properties scorched to the ground. Some of them stayed to fight it but most of them evac-ed.

. When I was driving between Heathcote and Kyneton I could see smoke and the sky was a bit red. That must have been what I was looking at. Hope they are all ok.

09-02-2009, 02:04 PM
I was up in Echuca for Southern 80 but when it was hitting 45 degrees I made the decision to go home around lunch time on Saturday. I managed to get myself caught in a pretty dangerous situation. My car was failing in the heat (47 degrees) with smoke everywhere and an ominous orange glow in the distance. I managed to get it going for a little bit at a time to get me out of trouble. I was heading the back way home to Sunbury but had no idea of the bushfires as I was camping in the bush near Echuca. Ended up having to go back through Heathcote and Redesdale but even there I was a bit worried by some of the conditions around me. Seemed like just a recipe for disaster with winds that strong and the heat that high.

To top my weekend off I participated in an exhibition 20/20 cricket match and a couple of hours after the game we saw a bunch of young guys running across the oval towards the back of our reserve. They happened to be carrying machetes and bats. Got there just in time to witness a double homicide. Two 18 year old kids died. Easily the worst thing I have ever seen.

I don't know what to say....

What a weekend. Have you given a witness statement?

I can't believe how unlucky you guys have been, and how lucky we were down here over the weekend. Just shocking that some people choose to light fires in those conditions. I hope they are caught and severly punished. My thoughts are with all those effected.

dog town
09-02-2009, 02:14 PM
I don't know what to say....

What a weekend. Have you given a witness statement?

I can't believe how unlucky you guys have been, and how lucky we were down here over the weekend. Just shocking that some people choose to light fires in those conditions. I hope they are caught and severly punished. My thoughts are with all those effected.

The police have taken about 30 reports off myself and some mates I play with but have taken our details so they can do it more formally. Just waiting for the phone call. I just found out they have caught 8 of the people responsible so that is one good thing.

Really feeling for all of the bush fire victims though at te moment. It is just too close to home. I play football against Wallan, Kilmore and Broadford so it really hits home when it is that close. Just so many stories to hear at the moment. Some of those fires must have had amazing ferocity for that many people to get caught in them.

09-02-2009, 04:28 PM
Couple of close friends and colleagues up north Kyneton-way with small wineries and farms have had their properties scorched to the ground. Some of them stayed to fight it but most of them evac-ed.

I'm hearing more eyewitness accounts about arsonists/firebugs from those friends this morning -- they saw guys literally following the firefighters about 5 mins behind and lighting fires the firefighters put out. What kind of nuts... ? I am at a loss to even imagine the type of human being that would do such a thing...

Most likely the fire fighters back burning. To the untrained eye looks like the are 'starting fires' , but they are actually helping to control them.

09-02-2009, 05:39 PM
This is horrible. It only hit me yesterday afternoon just how bad these fires were, and the photo's in the Herald Sun this morning were unbearable.

So many people have lost their lives, but Australian wildlife and animals have been just cleaned out, too. Poor things. And the loss of so many homes.

Very sad situation.

09-02-2009, 06:19 PM
Most likely the fire fighters back burning. To the untrained eye looks like the are 'starting fires' , but they are actually helping to control them.

Good point. However, my source is one of the CFA volunteers and an old local. I submit that he would be able to tell the difference between his own guys and arsonists. Perhaps some backburning has been mistaken for arsonism, but there are guys running around starting and restarting fires.

09-02-2009, 07:28 PM
Not to dismiss the misery of the hundreds of people affected by the fires, but one of the guys who lost everything on TV tonight (in tears) was wearing an old membership hat. Even knowing a few people affected, it always strikes home when you see that extra little bit of familiarity.

What are the chances we can track this fella down?

09-02-2009, 07:41 PM
When I was driving between Heathcote and Kyneton I could see smoke and the sky was a bit red. That must have been what I was looking at. Hope they are all ok.

I also have some close friends that live in Kyneton.

dog town
09-02-2009, 07:46 PM
Not to dismiss the misery of the hundreds of people affected by the fires, but one of the guys who lost everything on TV tonight (in tears) was wearing an old membership hat. Even knowing a few people affected, it always strikes home when you see that extra little bit of familiarity.

What are the chances we can track this fella down? I would be going on the website of the station involved and it shouldnt be too hard to track down the footage and who filed the story.

09-02-2009, 08:21 PM
Not to dismiss the misery of the hundreds of people affected by the fires, but one of the guys who lost everything on TV tonight (in tears) was wearing an old membership hat. Even knowing a few people affected, it always strikes home when you see that extra little bit of familiarity.

What are the chances we can track this fella down?

I saw this as well and likewise for me it really rammed home that this is our own people suffering.

09-02-2009, 08:31 PM
Good point. However, my source is one of the CFA volunteers and an old local. I submit that he would be able to tell the difference between his own guys and arsonists. Perhaps some backburning has been mistaken for arsonism, but there are guys running around starting and restarting fires.

Fair enough.

10-02-2009, 11:41 AM
I saw this as well and likewise for me it really rammed home that this is our own people suffering.

I am pretty sure his name was Neville Goulding. There is more pictures of him in the paper today.

10-02-2009, 02:01 PM
I don't know what to say....

What a weekend. Have you given a witness statement?

I can't believe how unlucky you guys have been, and how lucky we were down here over the weekend. Just shocking that some people choose to light fires in those conditions. I hope they are caught and severly punished. My thoughts are with all those effected.
It's amazing...i work with one of the boys mother....terrible thing for her and her family to go through!! The police have made eight arrests with more to follow. Ledge you may know her as well..her family had a connection with your cricket club i believe.:(

dog town
10-02-2009, 02:22 PM
It's amazing...i work with one of the boys mother....terrible thing for her and her family to go through!! The police have made eight arrests with more to follow. Ledge you may know her as well..her family had a connection with your cricket club i believe.:( Such a waste and the boys were so young. It happened in front of some kids as well and they were obviously pretty traumatised.

10-02-2009, 03:45 PM
I would be going on the website of the station involved and it shouldnt be too hard to track down the footage and who filed the story.

Turns out my dad knows him, worked with him in Marysville years ago.

10-02-2009, 08:26 PM
One friend at Flowerdale has lost everything and another also at Flowerdale only had a burnt paddock.

Very sad to see so many suffering - haven't stopped crying since.

A friend has been working at the relief centre at Whittlesea and says we have no idea of generosity of people.

I know that the clothes, shoes, toiletries and kids toys that I have donated will be very much appreciated.

Work has arranged a donation point through payroll which the company will match dollar for dollar.

We also have a raffle for Gold Class tickets which has so far raised over $1000.

God bless them all.

10-02-2009, 09:16 PM
One friend at Flowerdale has lost everything and another also at Flowerdale only had a burnt paddock.

Very sad to see so many suffering - haven't stopped crying since.

A friend has been working at the relief centre at Whittlesea and says we have no idea of generosity of people.

I know that the clothes, shoes, toiletries and kids toys that I have donated will be very much appreciated.

Work has arranged a donation point through payroll which the company will match dollar for dollar.

We also have a raffle for Gold Class tickets which has so far raised over $1000.

God bless them all.

Makes you feel proud to be an Australian

12-02-2009, 09:34 PM
It's bad enough for the people involved but we live in Eltham not far from the St Andrews/Strathewan tragedies and we have been getting lots of birds we don't normally see feeding and drinking in our garden. We suspect they are displaced from the fire areas.
Typically they smell the water and the seeds we always have on the feeding area and watch from one of the nearby trees sussing the place out, then down they come. And they are starving.
Usually stray birds fill up in a couple of minutes but these take more than ten and then drink heaps.
We just keep filling up the seed bowl and water trough and we have a bowl we put the dog's dry food in for the flesh eaters, like the maggies, currawongs and ravens.
We have a family of galahs not normal visitors who have come in a dusk for the last 3 nights. Its easy to tell them because the young one, not yet able to feed itself is so traumatised it keeps making the alarm call all the time they are there. No amount of parental preening and feeding settles it.
We know exactly how it feels, life will never be quite the same.