View Full Version : Richard Pratt has died aged 74

28-04-2009, 08:01 PM

BILLIONAIRE packaging king Richard Pratt has died aged 74 following a battle with prostate cancer.

Visy Packaging spokesman Tony Gray has confirmed that Mr Pratt died just after 7pm (AEST) tonight.

A constant stream of prominent personalities, including politicians, football players and businessmen, have visited the home of the Visy boss over the past days to pay their respects and to say farewell.

Mr Pratt, 74, leaves behind wife Jeanne, son Anthony, daughters Heloise and Fiona and grandchildren.

The eulogies for Mr Pratt started pouring in once news of his terminal illness broke early last week.

Victorian Premier John Brumby described the self-made businessman and prominent philanthropist as a "great Victorian and a great Australian".

"He came to this country with not much and made a lot of it and built a huge business," Mr Brumby said.

"I think he's a stunning success story, one of the great Australian success stories."

Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard said her thoughts were with the Pratt family.

"Obviously, this is a very, very difficult time for the Pratt family and I would wish them well in that very difficult time," Ms Gillard said.

The Carlton Football Club expressed their sorrow.

Mr Pratt is credited with bringing Carlton back from the brink of ruin in 2007.

Coach Brett Ratten and several Carlton players visited Mr Pratt and his family today.

"He's been the catalyst to get our club off the bottom," Ratten said.

Captain Chris Judd said he couldn't imagine what the club would look like without Mr Pratt's influence.

"I doubt I would be here as well," Judd said.


The Coon Dog
28-04-2009, 08:05 PM
He would have died a happy man, seeing his beloved Blues triumph on Sunday.

28-04-2009, 08:11 PM
Rest in peace.

28-04-2009, 08:20 PM
Rest in peace.

Sockeye Salmon
28-04-2009, 09:08 PM
Is it too late for him to give back the $700 mil he stole?

Why does someone become a saint when they die?

28-04-2009, 09:17 PM
Is it too late for him to give back the $700 mil he stole?

Why does someone become a saint when they die?

A corporate crook that gave back to the arts and co.

Al Capone took money that wasn't his and gave it out as a philanthropist too.

A lifetime of some good deeds does not wash away the stain and stench of corruption. In my book he goes down as one of the worst corporate crooks, $36,000,000 fine for ripping off the Australian people.

I feel very sad for his family and friends, but he ain't no saint and was not and will never be cleared of the criminal charges he faced in Australia's worst cartel case in history.

28-04-2009, 09:20 PM
His biggest crime was saving the CFC.

RIP though..

28-04-2009, 09:47 PM

A corporate crook that gave back to the arts and co.

Al Capone took money that wasn't his and gave it out as a philanthropist too.

A lifetime of some good deeds does not wash away the stain and stench of corruption. In my book he goes down as one of the worst corporate crooks, $36,000,000 fine for ripping off the Australian people.

I feel very sad for his family and friends, but he ain't no saint and was not and will never be cleared of the criminal charges he faced in Australia's worst cartel case in history.

Couldn't agree more - God rest his soul, but I reckon he might have some explaining to do to the "big guy" upstairs :D What's that saying, "what goes round, comes round" - I do believe in Karma ;)

Dry Rot
28-04-2009, 10:55 PM
Lucky he didn't die in a prison hospital. Ripped off every Australian.

28-04-2009, 11:00 PM
I didn't like him or respect him, but he also did some good. Poured millions into fixing Australia's water problems and also has a large foundation that gave lots of donations to worthy causes.

His actions with Visy are inexcusable and the trial against him for committing perjury should have continued.

28-04-2009, 11:41 PM
Don't disagree with some of the sentiments expressed here but why does the Chairman of AMCOR get off scot free? You need more than one person to form a cartel.

29-04-2009, 10:52 AM
Don't disagree with some of the sentiments expressed here but why does the Chairman of AMCOR get off scot free? You need more than one person to form a cartel.

Because 'Mr. AMCOR' cracked under the pressure of heavy questioning and then squealed like 'Tony Loose Lips' for a deal avoiding major punishment. While Pratt thought he had a solid partner in crime.

Today's lessons - pick your criminal friends closely because loose lips sink ships.

In all my years in the police force i was always asked about who i thought were the wrst kinds of crooks. Rapists etc aside, i always said your corporate crims, like Pratt and like the rogue NAB traders. One drug depenendent person breaks into a house and steals a lap-top, that is bad and in some cases traumatic to the experience of the individual householder. Corporate crooks, i would sugest generally dont get caught but when they do the extent and reach of the misery they peddle has far more reaching negative consequences not just for individuals or towns, states, but the entire Freaking country. That our Prime Minister whispered into his ear as he died every Australian resptected him makes me sick. Perhaps Kevin could down to read eulogies at the next gangland death and heap the nations praise on them. Those that pilferd from the Jews in WW2 through Poland and France and became exteremely rich and took their new wealth to the new world and became magnamamous and philanthropic then spent a lifetime trying to use that wealth to buy their sole back. And would be lauded for tehir contribution to society, but that contribution was blood money and once a soul is sold, it cannot be brought back.

Certainly Pratt was not stealing Jewish diamonds in 1943, but he committed crimes upon the Australian people and handed some of the ill gotten money back. This was Al Capone '101'. Take what's not yours and then publicly give lots of money away so people love you so when trials come around no-one could believe you were a criminal and have loads of high profile charachter witnesses.

Pratt is no different to the directors of HIH, the NAB rogue traders or Bondy himself. In fact over time you could mount an agrument to suggest he was worse. I hope the employment of Chris Judd's mum continues in Visy and Chris continues to pursue his Visy connections.

Dame Elizabeth Murduch deserves the praise that Pratt is getting. I went to a Monash Uni benefactors night last year and i didn't realise how much Roslyn Smorgon gave to education and genuine philanthropic causes, i thought it was a lot - it was far, far more than i grasped. And you never saw her or David seeeking media for their genuine contribution to society. True philanthoropy. They showed hard work and deceny still has a place in society, and the Pratt luadings make me sick, he was never cleared and will never be. I consider it to saying well Christopher Skase never spent a day behind the wall of an Australian prison, so he must be innocent.

Again i wish only support and strenght for his family and loved ones, but please lets be beatify him for handing back some 'stolen' money and paying Australia's largest ever fine.

29-04-2009, 11:22 AM

Summed up perfectly

29-04-2009, 12:31 PM
Agree, was beautifully summarised.

But Amcor conspired every bit as complicitly as Visy to rip off the Australian public. There would have not been a crime in the first place without the direct involvement of Amcor. Therefore, it does not matter in my eyes that Amcor was the first to publicly show their hand - Amcor's intent was every bit as devious as Visy's. That they they have managed to successfully avoid any of the criticism directed at Visy is a completely undeserved by-product of the whole sorry saga.

Anyway I hope the Pratt family can get by in what would be a very difficult time for them.

29-04-2009, 11:04 PM
Just can't bring myself to speak ill of the dead...

30-04-2009, 09:24 AM
I have always been taught not to speak ill of the dead as well. Sometimes best not to say anything about the dead if you have nothing good to say.

30-04-2009, 09:28 AM
I have always been taught not to speak ill of the dead as well. Sometimes best not to say anything about the dead if you have nothing good to say.

Hitler was ok too.

30-04-2009, 10:45 AM
Hitler was ok too.
Did I say Pratt was ok?

30-04-2009, 01:21 PM
Did I say Pratt was ok?

Why can't we call a spade a spade after someone dies?

30-04-2009, 01:58 PM
Why can't we call a spade a spade after someone dies?
Each to their own, I choose not to

The Coon Dog
30-04-2009, 02:06 PM
Why can't we call a spade a spade after someone dies?
I guess it's not seen as a nice thing to do, even if the person who died did some things that were not so nice.

I'm with you on this ES.

I think people will perhaps be thought of as a bit of an awful person if they say some things less than complimentary things about someone who has just died.

30-04-2009, 03:49 PM
Now everyone wants him to get his order of Australia back.

On breakfast radio all the people who were against him getting it back had that stance because he cheated on his wife.

No mention of his crimes.

30-04-2009, 04:57 PM
On breakfast radio all the people who were against him getting it back had that stance because he cheated on his wife.

Did you see his wife, he should have an OAM for marrying her.

30-04-2009, 05:03 PM
Did you see his wife, he should have OAM for marrying her.

I am convinced she is an alien.

Definitely not human.

30-04-2009, 05:34 PM
I am convinced she is an alien.

Definitely not human.

Hey, she's not dead. Open season!

[humour intended]

Remi Moses
30-04-2009, 05:41 PM
Crook :mad::mad:Should have been in barwon

30-04-2009, 06:27 PM
Why can't we call a spade a spade after someone dies?

There is a few things like respect, manners and not wanting to cause any angst to the family.

Sockeye Salmon
30-04-2009, 09:26 PM
There is a few things like respect, manners and not wanting to cause any angst to the family.

If you want respect when you're dead, earn it while you're alive.

And don't steal $700 mil.

30-04-2009, 09:37 PM
If you want respect when you're dead, earn it while you're alive.

And don't steal $700 mil.

Simplistic view to say the least. The main thing is that people should show respect for life.

30-04-2009, 09:38 PM
If you want respect when you're dead, earn it while you're alive.

And don't steal $700 mil.

That is awesome statement, Sockeye i vote for that in the quotes of the year.

30-04-2009, 09:46 PM
I don't think it was cheating on his wife as such, more as an "open marriage"

i THINK i read it in the paper once that Dick Pratt and wife AND gf and her kid have travelled together at the same time.

Give it a day or three the papers will start to release more of the "the other side" of tricky dicky's life.

i have also heard that it was Mrs Pratt who brought the money into the family, he brought the brains.

NB if this is completely wrong these arent my opinions; just what i thought i read ;)

01-05-2009, 08:17 AM
Hey, she's not dead. Open season!

[humour intended]
Now that is funny!:D

01-05-2009, 10:17 AM
See the front cover of the Herald Scum today?

More proof of her being an alien.

01-05-2009, 10:50 AM
slightly off topic.

http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/954/pooh.jpg (http://img245.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pooh.jpg)

02-05-2009, 08:59 AM
Why can't we call a spade a spade after someone dies?

Here, here. I spoke ill of him when he was alive, why can't people do it when someone is dead.

Helped steal $700m, gave back 5% of it. God knows how much of his dirty money was as "philanthropic donations".

Skase was a top bloke also, real gem. Lets all forgive him.

02-05-2009, 09:01 AM
slightly off topic.

http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/954/pooh.jpg (http://img245.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pooh.jpg)

Racist. Pratt was Jewish ;)

02-05-2009, 05:26 PM
Crook :mad::mad:Should have been in barwon

here here...

I can't believe the media and fromer PM's and premiers saying he was a great australian OMG. If you stole billions you can afford to give away millions.

ain't karma a bitch.

02-05-2009, 07:45 PM
I don't think it was cheating on his wife as such, more as an "open marriage"

i THINK i read it in the paper once that Dick Pratt and wife AND gf and her kid have travelled together at the same time.

Give it a day or three the papers will start to release more of the "the other side" of tricky dicky's life.

i have also heard that it was Mrs Pratt who brought the money into the family, he brought the brains.

NB if this is completely wrong these arent my opinions; just what i thought i read ;)

I seriously don't understand all the justification of this. He was cheating on his wife for years, there's no other way to put it. Yes, she perhaps isn't the most attractive woman out there, but nobody forced him to marry her. The man was a crook and an unfaithful husband, I'm not at all happy that he passed away or anything, but just because he died doesn't make him some sort of legend. He may have donated a lot of money, but a lot of that was not rightfully his anyway.

02-05-2009, 07:47 PM
Yes, she perhaps isn't the most attractive woman out there, but nobody forced him to marry her.

She's supposed to be a woman? :p

02-05-2009, 07:51 PM
I seriously don't understand all the justification of this. He was cheating on his wife for years, there's no other way to put it. Yes, she perhaps isn't the most attractive woman out there, but nobody forced him to marry her. The man was a crook and an unfaithful husband, I'm not at all happy that he passed away or anything, but just because he died doesn't make him some sort of legend. He may have donated a lot of money, but a lot of that was not rightfully his anyway.

Well said

02-05-2009, 08:09 PM
I seriously don't understand all the justification of this. He was cheating on his wife for years, there's no other way to put it. .

I'm no fan of his, but wasn't his wife aware of that other woman? If so, is it still cheating on her? Or just some weird "relationship" between he and his wife? Hmmm... better stop this, it's beginning to sound like a New Idea creative meeting!:)

02-05-2009, 08:39 PM
I dont blame him, have a look at her.

02-05-2009, 09:42 PM
I dont blame him, have a look at her.

There is a time for everything. I really like what you contribute ledge, but are you sure you want to go on with this at this time?

I have a lot of thoughts I'd like to share when the time is right, but I ask myself if this was my family or your family, how would we feel about this, as like most families we have experienced the loss of loved ones, and how even if they were not your favourites they deserve some space. Even the super rich have loved ones who like we would be are particularly vulnerable at such times.

So I'd like to put off till some more appropriate time all discussion of his
supposed commercial crimes in the wider world
tanking at Carlton while he was president
the state of his marriage and other partners.

Lest you think I'm an apologist, I'm not a great fan but I acknowledge that the ledger is mixed, he also did some positive things.

In spite of his friends skillful use of the media history is more likely to judge him on the facts. Great business moghul of considerable personal charm who also was found guilty of a considerable commercial fraud and paid the biggest penalty in Australian history.

02-05-2009, 09:45 PM
I'm no fan of his, but wasn't his wife aware of that other woman? If so, is it still cheating on her? Or just some weird "relationship" between he and his wife? Hmmm... better stop this, it's beginning to sound like a New Idea creative meeting!:)

It seems worth noting that the "other woman" was not welcome at his funeral. I think this tells us all we need to know about how his wife regarded the other party.

02-05-2009, 09:47 PM
Did you see his wife.

You're better than this Ernie. Cheap shot that is below a poster I respect.

02-05-2009, 09:51 PM
If you want respect when you're dead, earn it while you're alive.

And don't steal $700 mil.

Agree Sockeye, but let's leave the family to greave. We don't have to rush into an immediate analysis of his life. The court has already given us a perspective to consider and it's a fact not a campaign driven by his friends.

02-05-2009, 10:17 PM
I dont blame him, have a look at her.

I agree with Always A Dog - why do we need to get into this discussion about his wife? I admit, reading some of the stuff on his extra-marital affair (s?) makes my blood boil, because cheating is cheating, pretty simple. But let's not bring the tone down with cheap shots at his wife. It just smacks of typical "bloke" behaviour and attitude.

02-05-2009, 10:48 PM
It seems worth noting that the "other woman" was not welcome at his funeral. I think this tells us all we need to know about how his wife regarded the other party.

But she knew about it, and stayed married...everyone say it with me: GOLD DIGGER....

Sockeye Salmon
03-05-2009, 09:18 AM
But she knew about it, and stayed married...everyone say it with me: GOLD DIGGER....

She was already married to him so she could have simply divorced him, taken more money than she could have spent in 1000 years and spent the rest of her life buying toyboys and shoes.

Sockeye Salmon
03-05-2009, 09:20 AM
It seems worth noting that the "other woman" was not welcome at his funeral. I think this tells us all we need to know about how his wife regarded the other party.

The "other woman" was given time alone with him just before he died.

03-05-2009, 09:47 AM
The "other woman" was given time alone with him just before he died.

Yes, the important point is he was still alive and could get his wishes attended to. My point about the funeral is that someone else was in charge of those arrangments.

03-05-2009, 10:09 AM
But she knew about it, and stayed married...everyone say it with me: GOLD DIGGER....

First of all she came from the wealthier family and secondly life is just a bit more complex than it is portrayed in the weekly glossies.

03-05-2009, 10:24 AM
You're better than this Ernie. Cheap shot that is below a poster I respect.

You're right and I apologise.
I wish you hadn't quoted me.

03-05-2009, 10:31 AM
She was already married to him so she could have simply divorced him, taken more money than she could have spent in 1000 years and spent the rest of her life buying toyboys and shoes.

Pre-nup? Or does adultery void it?

03-05-2009, 10:52 AM
Pre-nup? Or does adultery void it?
Pre-nups are as good as unenforceable.

More likely being married to aman of that standing rubs off at the high tea get togethers where they compare newjewellery (brought out of guilt for cheating) and so she can remain an elite and loyal wife of a very philanthropic and great man. The Pratt family in an institutuion).

Probably the good thing about marryng so young - many generations ago. That generation seems to stay married no matter what. Ask Bernie Eckllestein about marrying younger women... That generation don't seem as fussed about hob knobing at 'toff' events, but prefer the cash and divorce.

Quite an interesting inter-generartion comparison really. Older, stay together and look happy and have the perception of the world that your are happy, so you must be. Or, leave and take the money and truely make you happy even though the person you thought you once loved wasn't that person, but you don't ask for prices of things anymore. Happiness or perceptions of happiness. Or has society evolved that happiness is now different things. Have we moved past personal triggers of happiness into a soul-less era where only money brings happiness. Or is that in fact, having money happiness? What role does id/ego have in decision making?

Could it be that Jeannie thought being loyal not matter what was so intrinsically important to her, despiote what she knew was occuring, that the emotional consciousness of loyalty and standing by your man and doing what her parents and generation past told her to do, was if fact what we would considera perverse sense of happiness? I'm sure money has some ure into the argument too, without doubt, but perhaps most of us are using multi-generational lens' ona bygine era where we would be blogging/whittling into a a gum tree about this that she was a great woman and more should be like her. Her loyalty to him would seem quite logical to some generation, but we ae looking at it from an era when one of the greatest ever song writers was taken to the cleaners by a on legged gold digger and the now -ex. Mrs. Ecklstein refuses to hand back $2,000,000,000 is assets he his under her name.

But most of all, Jeannie is not the issue, the issues is he died and that is sad. That must be respected and i agree with other posters. But whilst we muse about other notions like loyalty, we must also pay attention to notions of justice as well. The notion of respect of the dead does not override the notion of justice in that he stole $700,000,000 from the Australian community and did not face his day in court. Much like Christopher Skase who died without facing the community, and understandably this will upset some as in the 80's he was involved in a scheme where many battlers lost a lot of money too. Richard's unfortunate death denies justice, but the $36,000,000 and Australia's largest fine is a fair indicator of guilt/innocence. This denial of justice may lead to unhappiness and manifest in many different ways.

I hope that whatever afterlife he beleives in he pays for the obvious 'sins' he has committed. I hope his family moves on and that Jeannie may live a very long life and recieve more respect (from her peers) for her loyalty and that she may become more happier. I hope she continues to give to worthy cause in the spirit of 'true philanthropy' (where the media isn't there to take photos for future court proceeedings) much like the Smorgons. You would be absolutely staggered if you knew how much theyn give! Yet no photos, articles or coloumns or mere attention. Just sharing passion and money for a better world.

I hope that the Australian Media (and Prime Minister who has no right to say what e said to Pratt) don't beatify him and sanctify him next to Mary McKillop. No amount of money given to charity ever covered the fact Al Capone stole it. Rod Adler, Peter Foster, Alan Bond, John Elliott (to a lesser extent) Christoper Skase and Dick Pratt. Illustrustious company. That is how many of us will remember him. That is how i will remember him.

03-05-2009, 11:09 AM
There is a time for everything. I really like what you contribute ledge, but are you sure you want to go on with this at this time?

I have a lot of thoughts I'd like to share when the time is right, but I ask myself if this was my family or your family, how would we feel about this, as like most families we have experienced the loss of loved ones, and how even if they were not your favourites they deserve some space. Even the super rich have loved ones who like we would be are particularly vulnerable at such times.

So I'd like to put off till some more appropriate time all discussion of his
supposed commercial crimes in the wider world
tanking at Carlton while he was president
the state of his marriage and other partners.

Lest you think I'm an apologist, I'm not a great fan but I acknowledge that the ledger is mixed, he also did some positive things.

In spite of his friends skillful use of the media history is more likely to judge him on the facts. Great business moghul of considerable personal charm who also was found guilty of a considerable commercial fraud and paid the biggest penalty in Australian history.

Think you have over read into it, all im saying is she isnt the best looking lady around, definitley wasnt a physical attraction.

Whether he is alive or passed away i think we all agree on that.
Beauty was definitely in the eyes of the beholder in his case.

I do wonder why the married play up though, if you dont get on physically as mentally get divorced!
Then again with his money and standing he would get plenty of offers from other women.
I take it from reading posts he didnt sleep around as far as 'around' is concerned, it was only one other woman who he must have been very close too.
Then again maybe his wife wasnt sexually active and maybe she encouraged it.

PS I dont like the bloke at all and have some knowledge of his ways with Visy brd but have not gone into it because of the reasons you posted above.

03-05-2009, 12:17 PM
First of all she came from the wealthier family and secondly life is just a bit more complex than it is portrayed in the weekly glossies.

OK I'm not gonna go there...feeling nauseous....

03-05-2009, 12:57 PM
So I'd like to put off till some more appropriate time all discussion of his
supposed commercial crimes in the wider world
tanking at Carlton while he was president
the state of his marriage and other partners.

So who decides when an appropriate time is?

The Chaser got themselves into trouble with their song "Even Arseholes become top blokes after death". I would imagine much of the trouble comes from the fact that they are absolutely right - why do we deify obviously flawed human beings whose whole behavior seems to be suddenly excused by the fact they have died?

When I die, I want drinks served well before the ceremony. Hard liquor. I'd rather people be honest about me than just give the usual funeral speil.

03-05-2009, 02:19 PM
So who decides when an appropriate time is?

The Chaser got themselves into trouble with their song "Even Arseholes become top blokes after death". I would imagine much of the trouble comes from the fact that they are absolutely right - why do we deify obviously flawed human beings whose whole behavior seems to be suddenly excused by the fact they have died?

When I die, I want drinks served well before the ceremony. Hard liquor. I'd rather people be honest about me than just give the usual funeral speil.

I'd like to go out in a similar manner Mofra, but there might be an odd one, perhaps a very odd one, who might feel some sadness and feel their greiving would only be further distressed by people choosing that as the occasion to tell the truth about me.

03-05-2009, 02:24 PM
You're right and I apologise.
I wish you hadn't quoted me.

I shouldn't have, so it's my turn to say sorry and apologise.
I should have sent you a PM, as I've now done.

04-05-2009, 11:24 AM

One decent/fresh loss and we don't want to talk about 'kept wives' and the recently deceased anymore?

You are a fickle bunch WOOFsters :)

04-05-2009, 04:09 PM

One decent/fresh loss and we don't want to talk about 'kept wives' and the recently deceased anymore?

You are a fickle bunch WOOFsters :)

Be grateful for small mercies, 42-C-3.

05-05-2009, 09:05 AM
The Chaser got themselves into trouble with their song "Even Arseholes become top blokes after death".

Here's their song.

Sums it up perfectly.


05-05-2009, 10:09 AM
Here's their song.

Sums it up perfectly.

What's the odds some big name Aussie to recently pass away make the song now!