View Full Version : The Rumour Mill #2: Big Night Outs

The Adelaide Connection
30-04-2009, 12:42 AM
I came over on the weekend to the Big V and spent some time with a mate of mine who, through his work, knows seemingly everyone who is behind the bar in every Melbourne pub. Makes for a big headache in the morning let me tell you (and thus the reason I didn't get to the social club before the game).

Anyway I was quite suprised to hear a tale from the previous Sunday night about a player (who has been completely under the pump in the Melbourne papers) getting absolutely wasted. Allegedly of course. Not sure what he was celebrating, it wasn't a win. He was also loud and strutting around hooking up with multiple girls throughout the night and not really hiding the fact apparently. He said the player was out of control by the end of it.

Coming on the back of the Bock incident, where he was alledgedly drinking for up to 10 hours, I was dumbfounded that a player (especially a very recognisable one) would be so careless. Even for this clown, who is no stranger to indiscretions.

Am I so sheltered in my two team town, where the players are only 1/5th the size of the group in Melbourne, to be naive enough to think this is suprising? Just seems like Russian roulette to me.

Oh, before you ask, I am not going to name the player for legal reasons etc. But you can probably guess anyways.

30-04-2009, 08:16 AM
I guess he is only human and represents our society. Obviously if he is well known and the media get hold of it he will be in trouble with his club as well as the general football public having a go at him.

30-04-2009, 09:16 AM
I came over on the weekend to the Big V and spent some time with a mate of mine who, through his work, knows seemingly everyone who is behind the bar in every Melbourne pub. Makes for a big headache in the morning let me tell you (and thus the reason I didn't get to the social club before the game).

Anyway I was quite suprised to hear a tale from the previous Sunday night about a player (who has been completely under the pump in the Melbourne papers) getting absolutely wasted. Allegedly of course. Not sure what he was celebrating, it wasn't a win. He was also loud and strutting around hooking up with multiple girls throughout the night and not really hiding the fact apparently. He said the player was out of control by the end of it.

Coming on the back of the Bock incident, where he was alledgedly drinking for up to 10 hours, I was dumbfounded that a player (especially a very recognisable one) would be so careless. Even for this clown, who is no stranger to indiscretions.

Am I so sheltered in my two team town, where the players are only 1/5th the size of the group in Melbourne, to be naive enough to think this is suprising? Just seems like Russian roulette to me.

Oh, before you ask, I am not going to name the player for legal reasons etc. But you can probably guess anyways.
Well he is not playing seniors, so what is the problem?;)

Sockeye Salmon
30-04-2009, 10:22 AM
Well he is not playing seniors, so what is the problem?;)

I thought he was 'injured'?

30-04-2009, 10:39 AM
I thought he was 'injured'?

Oh, I thought he played ressies last week. Might be his first game this week.

30-04-2009, 03:07 PM
I think his girlfriend has packed it in and gone home a couple of weeks ago.

The Adelaide Connection
30-04-2009, 07:56 PM
Well he is not playing seniors, so what is the problem?;)

Different player. I am not sure who you are talking about, maybe there has been a player more under the pump in the papers over there. This player has been playing senior footy, played last week and has not been listed as injured (in fact he is named this week too).

Sure it may be reflective of our society and I am not saying he is a bad bloke or anything, I was just very suprised that with his notoriety and past incidents that he would get so legless so carelessly in public. I suspect had someone snapped a photo and it made the papers the shit may have hit the fan to a degree with his club.

Dancin' Douggy
30-04-2009, 09:06 PM
I'm just too dumb to even have a vague guess as to who it might be...................DOH!

30-04-2009, 09:41 PM
This wouldnt happen to be a player from a club North of Melbourne would it?

Sockeye Salmon
30-04-2009, 09:59 PM
Maybe after a few drinks he was feeling just swell.

01-05-2009, 08:14 AM
Maybe after a few drinks he was feeling just swell.
should that last word have an "s" on it? Oh no, he is out injured. I thought you were being cryptic

Sockeye Salmon
01-05-2009, 01:52 PM
should that last word have an "s" on it? Oh no, he is out injured. I thought you were being cryptic

I was. It's a bloody anagram. C'mon, that was pretty good.

PS. I don't even know if I'm right.

01-05-2009, 02:03 PM
PS. I don't even know if I'm right.

I know who you are talking about and I don't think you are (right).

Apparantely he is a stay at home type and I'm pretty sure he got married in the off-season.... I don't think the lovely would be to impressed if he was out on the piss to all hours if she is the streotypical female (I know mine ain't to fond of the idea - and yes I'm just generalising here)

01-05-2009, 02:08 PM

i have NO idea who anyone is talking about

More out of the loop then parralel lines.

on a completely OTHER topic

Can some of the above posters please type the names of random footballers who..ummm....have nice and clean footy boots? ;)

01-05-2009, 02:11 PM
It's definitely not the bloke you guys are referring to - he has "found God", so to speak. Actually, his new-found religious awakening is causing some trouble with teammates, especially in the aftermath of recent poultry-related events.

01-05-2009, 02:15 PM
Just to spell it out for those that can't follow.

The person that The Adelaide Connection is referring to is NOT Daniel Wells. As SS said, he's a swell bloke.

01-05-2009, 02:21 PM
It's definitely not the bloke you guys are referring to - he has "found God", so to speak. Actually, his new-found religious awakening is causing some trouble with teammates, especially in the aftermath of recent poultry-related events.

Can confirm this (the first part, no idea about the inside goss at Arden St.).

01-05-2009, 02:46 PM
Can confirm this (the first part, no idea about the inside goss at Arden St.).
Ok, I am now really confused. I know who was involved in the poultry related events however I cannot piece it together. To my knowledge, these guys have not had any previous misdemeanors

01-05-2009, 02:56 PM
Ok, I am now really confused. "Doh".
I know who was involved in the poultry related events however I cannot piece it together. To my knowledge, these guys have not had any previous misdemeanors

Remi Moses
01-05-2009, 03:02 PM
Is he a prat this player?

01-05-2009, 03:09 PM
Ok, I am now really confused. I know who was involved in the poultry related events however I cannot piece it together. To my knowledge, these guys have not had any previous misdemeanors
The 'God loving' player is allegedly a little off-side with his teammates ATM because of his allegedly holier-than-thou stance following the poultry-related incident. This has nothing to do with the player alluded to in the opening post.

01-05-2009, 03:19 PM
Good God you guys are killing me!! Can we have a really EASY clue??

The Adelaide Connection
01-05-2009, 05:57 PM
Ok guys I know this is giving you all the blues but for the 25th time I am not going to be forward in giving you any names about the alleged incident in question.

/read/ - Oh look it is the word 'read' positioned between the lines. ;)

01-05-2009, 10:09 PM
I still don't get it ... Naaaaah !! Just kidding :)

01-05-2009, 10:33 PM
Got it. Like the Da Vinci code if Tom Hanks was replaced by semi-idiots.:D

02-05-2009, 08:52 AM

i have NO idea who anyone is talking about

More out of the loop then parralel lines.

on a completely OTHER topic

Can some of the above posters please type the names of random footballers who..ummm....have nice and clean footy boots? ;)

I love these threads. Basically anyone can make up a story and then say "i can't name the person for legal reasons" at the end of it. What a load of bollocks these threads are. They belong in New Idea.

02-05-2009, 11:29 AM
Ok guys I know this is giving you all the blues but for the 25th time I am not going to be forward in giving you any names about the alleged incident in question.


Rocket Science
02-05-2009, 12:45 PM
Jeez, lay off...Jezza's been retired for a while now, surely he's permitted a night on the turps in peace.

02-05-2009, 12:51 PM
Lara Bingle, where the bloody hell are ya?

The Adelaide Connection
02-05-2009, 02:01 PM
I love these threads. Basically anyone can make up a story and then say "i can't name the person for legal reasons" at the end of it. What a load of bollocks these threads are. They belong in New Idea.

Well the biggest difference is the credibility of the source. New Idea has zero credibility because it is a trash mag and they are making money out of sensationalist journalism.

There is no real incentive for me to come on here and say "X did this and that" if I have no reason to believe the incident occurred. The two 'alleged incidents' I have listed have come from a best mate who lives and works in Melbourne and is, through his work, often subject to this sort of information. But in this day and age one would have to have rocks in their heads to come on and state information, true or otherwise, without listing it as 'alleged' because "my mate told me" just doesn't stand up as much proof in a court of law and the information here can be accessed by anyone.

The player in question is not the only one I have known or heard to do this. The post raised a question of whether this happens more often than even I am led to believe, especially when it concerned a very high profile player who has had issues in the past and who has been under the pump about his form.

Whilst fairly new to the forum I hope in time to build a reputation through my posts, such as someone like the Coon Dog etc and this certainly wont be achieved by randomly making up juicy stories.

02-05-2009, 05:55 PM
I hope a few of our players get on the piss if that is the way you perform if you do... Real shame about the last kick.:rolleyes:

02-05-2009, 10:06 PM
Rumours like this abound.

Everyone's cousins aunts uncles brothers son or daughter has been out and supposedly seen a player acting disgracefully.

I just wonder what prurient satisfaction they got out of stalking a "star" and why they were so obsessed with this other person's behaviour, did they think because it was a Sunday morning that they were in a church or do they just hang out in clubs to watch people more importan than themselves?

Maybe they should get a life and then hopefully they'de be too busy to gain any sense of achievement from watching and reporting breathlessly on others.

The Adelaide Connection
02-05-2009, 10:51 PM
Rumours like this abound.

Everyone's cousins aunts uncles brothers son or daughter has been out and supposedly seen a player acting disgracefully.

I just wonder what prurient satisfaction they got out of stalking a "star" and why they were so obsessed with this other person's behaviour, did they think because it was a Sunday morning that they were in a church or do they just hang out in clubs to watch people more importan than themselves?

Maybe they should get a life and then hopefully they'de be too busy to gain any sense of achievement from watching and reporting breathlessly on others.

That's a fairly harsh assessment of a guy whose job it is to work in the bar in question and actually put up with the behaviour all night. Hang out in bars to watch people more important than themselves? Yeah, I am sure he is working for free in the hope that an AFL footballer will come in and buy a beer off him. That is close to the stupidest thing I have read on this forum.

Stalking? Obsessed with their behaviour? (actually from all reports they were doing their best to ignore him as he was pissing him off). Hardly breathlessly reporting on others when you tell a best mate, you wouldn't mention it to your best mate if you were there? People tell others when they see a player down the shops, nevermind when they are shitfaced in a bar and pashing everything in a hundred metre radius. In fact they did him a VERY big service in NOT taking photographs. By all accounts he would have had no idea by the end anyway and they could have made a few dollars I am sure.

So at the end of the day for all your posturing this post brought nothing constructive to the table at all. If you are going to citicise someone elses post, which I encourage, make sure you have read it properly first and have all your facts straight. Otherwise you just look ridiculous.

By the way, everyones cousins, aunts, uncles etc probably do have a tale to tell. Why? Well these guys are human of course and there are hundreds in the system. I have drank with numerous current AFL players and have no issues with them doing so, I was just highlighting my personal suprise that someone would get THAT loose during the season given their history and when they are under the pump.

02-05-2009, 11:32 PM
a mate of mine who, through his work, knows seemingly everyone who is behind the bar in every Melbourne pub. Makes for a big headache in the morning let me tell you (and thus the reason I didn't get to the social club before the game).

Oh, before you ask, I am not going to name the player for legal reasons etc. But you can probably guess anyways.

Have you actually read your own posts? Have a good hard look at yourself and your breathless little teasing effort which in spite of all you said to the contary just turned out to be a give up.

The Adelaide Connection
03-05-2009, 03:31 AM
Have you actually read your own posts? Have a good hard look at yourself and your breathless little teasing effort which in spite of all you said to the contary just turned out to be a give up.

I have read my posts and I actually wrote them so I am aware of the subject matter. The harsh assessment by you that I referred to was for the bloke who works in the bar, the one I don't know , who you suggest could be:

1, A stalker who is obsessed with anothers behaviour
2, Misguided enough to think that as it was Sunday that they were in a church
3, Hanging out to watch people more important than themselves
4, Should get a life
5, If they got a life that maybe they would "be too busy to gain any sense of achievement from watching and reporting breatlessly to others.

The part that you kinda missed, that I kindly pointed out, was that the guy works in the bar. Thus making it a really ridiculous, misguided piece of prose.

I don't know him very well personally, have only met the bloke twice, but he is the best mate of one of my best mates (who looks after the pubs and lives in Melbourne). Do you follow? You can pull the foot out of your mouth now.

The last post was not an exercise in teasing, just an effort to make someone realise that if they can't be bothered reading a post properly then they shouldn't cast judgement on others in such a pompous, demeaning manner.

Furthermore what you are suggesting is that if you were in that bar and witnessed the events that you wouldn't even bat an eyelid. If that is the case well that is fine, but for everyone else back in the real world that sort of a thing is slightly out of the ordinary and worth at least a casual mention.

And I always take a long, hard look at myself. Why? I don't pretend to know everything, or to be perfect and I think self-assessment is critical to self-improvement. Shouldn't put such a negative spin on it.

03-05-2009, 07:21 AM
This post has obviously grown legs due to the cryptic clues. I preferred Sockeye's way using an anagram, that way it would have been solved earlier.
All you needed to say was " A love f ling that has been known to kick goals on and off the field.";)

Dancin' Douggy
03-05-2009, 03:46 PM
This post has obviously grown legs due to the cryptic clues. I preferred Sockeye's way using an anagram, that way it would have been solved earlier.
All you needed to say was " A love f ling that has been known to kick goals on and off the field.";)

Doesn't mind a serve of veal parmigiana either.;)

The Adelaide Connection
14-05-2009, 10:57 PM
Sheesh, for those of you who saw the footy show tonight apparently a photo has surfaced from another alleged session to 7 in th morning by this player. So much for last years alcohol ban.

Sockeye Salmon
14-05-2009, 11:42 PM
Sheesh, for those of you who saw the footy show tonight apparently a photo has surfaced from another alleged session to 7 in th morning by this player. So much for last years alcohol ban.

And Carlton said he wasn't out past curfew!

How late do you have to be, a month?

14-05-2009, 11:51 PM
And Carlton said he wasn't out past curfew!

How late do you have to be, a month?

Would that mean he's pregnant?

15-05-2009, 08:11 AM
There is a rumour going around that NRL player Matthew Johns was involved in some unsavoury behaviour in NZ around 7 years ago.
Anyone else heard this? :D:D:D

15-05-2009, 08:27 AM
1. Who was the player shown in TFS last night?

2. Bob have who been living in another planet. The Johns story has been around for a week, with the latest installment being that the woman bragged about the "sex romp" with friends at work after it happened before crying foul.