View Full Version : I'm sorry!

The Coon Dog
16-08-2009, 06:37 PM
It has been brought to my attention by a fellow poster that about half of my posts are somewhat critical of other posters on the forum.

I was surprised by this as it isn't my intention to do anything other than contribute to this forum in a meaningful way, keep people aware of information I come across & interview former Bulldog greats.

If you have been offended, then I'm truly sorry & am happy to refrain from posting if it so offends fellow posters on here!

16-08-2009, 06:42 PM
It has been brought to my attention by a fellow poster that about half of my posts are somewhat critical of other posters on the forum.

I was surprised by this as it isn't my intention to do anything other than contribute to this forum in a meaningful way, keep people aware of information I come across & interview former Bulldog greats.

If you have been offended, then I'm truly sorry & am happy to refrain from posting if it so offends fellow posters on here!

I think the highlighted portion is quite true. It's not the intention, but I think a big man tempers his attitude for the common good. Well done TCD.

Rocco Jones
16-08-2009, 06:45 PM
I don't think anyone questions how much you do for the site, including quality and consistent information and your interviews. I think it would be sad if you decided to stop posting.

16-08-2009, 07:18 PM
Oh no no no ... TCD - you have nothing to answer for. There are many others who could be included in that 'some what critical of other posters on the forum' comment (you know who you are!)

I'm only a 'rookie' here with merely 100 posts, but if it weren't for you I wouldn't be here, and Seb wouldn't be the super star he is today :D
WOOF is giving me so much inspiration for my journalism course, infact, truth be known it's what gave me the push I needed to enrol!
A bit of niggling each other here and there is what it's all about , don't think any of us would be here if it wasn't- so long as it's not taken too far and all posters think twice about the words and phrasing that they use.

Please don't go anywhere TCD, we love you and the knowledge you bring to WOOF. Especially those superb interviews. Well Done!

16-08-2009, 07:28 PM
If you have been offended, then I'm truly sorry & am happy to refrain from posting if it so offends fellow posters on here!

No ones been offended and there is no need for anyone to refrain from posting.

The Coon Dog
16-08-2009, 07:41 PM
No ones been offended and there is no need for anyone to refrain from posting.
Ummm, there certainly has!

16-08-2009, 07:42 PM
Dont worry about it, I'd say the vast majority of posters value your contributions

16-08-2009, 07:46 PM
TCD, you & Bornadog were the first to contact me to help with my avatar when I joined last month. I haven't felt at all uncomfortable with any of your posts that I've read. Unfortunately when things are in writing they sometimes can be taken out of context, often in ways not intended. Keep up the good work, especially the past player interviews. :)

16-08-2009, 07:47 PM
WOOF is a broad church. It takes many people contributing, i wouldn't like to think this would stop you TCD as many rely on your contributions.


16-08-2009, 07:50 PM
we love reading your informative posts and such Coon dog! You obviously have many more supporters than those who are offended so please do not be disheartened.

16-08-2009, 07:53 PM
Ummm, there certainly has!

For every action you take someone will be offended. Thats just the way the World is unfortunately you can't please everyone. I'd be offended if you stopped posting because you offended someone else.

I'll also be offended if you take this as a compliment or as criticism.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
16-08-2009, 08:04 PM
It has been brought to my attention by a fellow poster that about half of my posts are somewhat critical of other posters on the forum.

I was surprised by this as it isn't my intention to do anything other than contribute to this forum in a meaningful way, keep people aware of information I come across & interview former Bulldog greats.

If you have been offended, then I'm truly sorry & am happy to refrain from posting if it so offends fellow posters on here!

TCD, I would hope that you continue making your contributions here, they are valued and wold be sorely missed.

16-08-2009, 08:05 PM
I think that some people have been offended by sometimes severe criticism and may have left the site.

Some criticism has been downright arrogant. Other posters may not realise this probably because they had some measure of agreement. With too many people posting alike the site starts to become cliquey. We stop getting the radical posts.

Then the site starts to get boring and predictable.

16-08-2009, 08:06 PM
In the words of the great Bob Marley - "Don't worry... about a thing, 'cos every little thing, is gonna be alright"... :)

16-08-2009, 08:10 PM
Ummm, there certainly has!

Not me. I still like you:).

16-08-2009, 08:11 PM
In the words of the great Bob Marley - "Don't worry... about a thing, 'cos every little thing, is gonna be alright"... :)

And I know a place where we can carry on....I thought this WAS the place too!;)

16-08-2009, 08:16 PM
Keep on keeping on TCD.

16-08-2009, 08:18 PM
TCD has always been critical on spelling etc but i think thats just TCD, sometimes its needed because some of us are atrocious.
I always try to check my spelling because of TCD but it does help with quality and understanding for other posters. Must admit Looser (Loser) and Tounge (tongue) are sadly a very poor example of our schools education over the years.

Another thing is typing something without being able to show expression can be read different ways.
We all have different personalities.
Actually TCD i thought you were apologizing for following Liverpool all your life, i thought you had come to your senses but alas.......

16-08-2009, 08:18 PM
Forums are for opinions, and everyone has one. People are not always going to agree with your opinion that is just life...

The Pie Man
16-08-2009, 08:28 PM
TCD has always been critical on spelling etc but i think thats just TCD, sometimes its needed because some of us are atrocious.
I always try to check my spelling because of TCD but it does help with quality and understanding for other posters. Must admit Looser (Loser) and Tounge (tongue) are sadly a very poor example of our schools education over the years.

Another thing is typing something without being able to show expression can be read different ways.
We all have different personalities.
Actually TCD i thought you were apologizing for following Liverpool all your life, i thought you had come to your senses but alas.......

Double the reason why he's a good man! ;)

I've no idea what this is specifically about, but I've taken zero offense to anything anyone's ever said on here, let alone TCD - someone like me is genuinely grateful for being a part of it.

16-08-2009, 08:36 PM
Must admit Looser (Loser) and Tounge (tongue) are sadly a very poor example of our schools education over the years.

Speaking in defence of teachers... these, and countless other words are examples of the complicated English language... sometimes there is no logic to spelling certain words, and that can be very hard to understand, and therefore, to teach!

Rocco Jones
16-08-2009, 08:42 PM
Speaking in defence of teachers... these, and countless other words are examples of the complicated English language... sometimes there is no logic to spelling certain words, and that can be very hard to understand, and therefore, to teach!

That's right. I am a teacher and I consider using "sounding out" to help you read a word a sin.

16-08-2009, 08:47 PM
That's right. I am a teacher and I consider using "sounding out" to help you read a word a sin.

Well, we might need a whole new thread! :) I think the phonetic approach has its place. Kids need to use it at times. SOME of our odd language can be read phonetically... D-0-G...

Rocco Jones
16-08-2009, 09:10 PM
Well, we might need a whole new thread! :) I think the phonetic approach has its place. Kids need to use it at times. SOME of our odd language can be read phonetically... D-0-G...

Yeah it does have it's place but the issue is that students can rely too heavily on it and as you previously alluded to, there are many words that can't be sounded out.

I still teach my students to use initial sounds, suffixes and whether it "looks right". Using a variety of decoding and comprehension strategies is the way. :)

16-08-2009, 09:15 PM
Yeah it does have it's place but the issue is that students can rely too heavily on it and as you previously alluded to, there are many words that can't be sounded out.

I still teach my students to use initial sounds, suffixes and whether it "looks right". Using a variety of decoding and comprehension strategies is the way. :)

Very good then... no need for a new thread! :)

16-08-2009, 09:16 PM
Well i wasnt picking out indivduals i just think its the system.
Calculators, computers? wheres the manual stuff gone?

Reading and memory is a big plus on learning to spell, do they use dictionarys at schools nowadays?

We all have our opinions on teaching kids to spell, I think I might have posted before how I as a child at high school was forced to read walkabout with which I had no interest in at all, but if you were given a book on your individual choice I think we would have a lot more readers in the world, thus better spellers and writers.
But now this is going off the main post.
I forgive you TCD!

16-08-2009, 09:20 PM
Well i wasnt picking out indivduals i just think its the system.
Calculators, computers? wheres the manual stuff gone?

Reading and memory is a big plus on learning to spell, do they use dictionarys at schools nowadays?

That's funny that you spelled dictionaries wrong

We all have our opinions on teaching kids to spell, I think I might have posted before how I as a child at high school was forced to read walkabout with which I had no interest in at all, but if you were given a book on your individual choice I think we would have a lot more readers in the world, thus better spellers and writers.
But now this is going off the main post.
I forgive you TCD!

One problem with that idea is that there is a guy in my tr 11 English class who's never read a novel that wasn't for school so how will he know what book to read. There's also the problem of how they explore concepts and themes (eg identity and belonging) when they've all got different books

Rocco Jones
16-08-2009, 09:20 PM
We all have our opinions on teaching kids to spell, I think I might have posted before how I as a child at high school was forced to read walkabout with which I had no interest in at all, but if you were given a book on your individual choice I think we would have a lot more readers in the world, thus better spellers and writers.

I am huge on spelling in context. I definitely agree with kids being able to pick the books they read.

My classroom has it's own library where kids can pick their own level appropriate text. They usually have a guided session or two with me where I pick their book.

That's the last post on my classroom.

16-08-2009, 09:33 PM
So what was this thread about again?

16-08-2009, 10:18 PM
I'm a sook, and I have not been offended by TCD at all.

16-08-2009, 10:39 PM
That's funny that you spelled dictionaries wrong

And missed an apostrophe in "where's".

Does this count as a critique of Ledge?

16-08-2009, 11:01 PM
If I get lazy or post something stupid i deserve to be told this is NOT big footy which is why I post here. If i deserve critisism I cop it sweet and you are not the only one who has told me to clean up my post Coon Dog but if I get lazy I for one hope you do again

16-08-2009, 11:22 PM
So what was this thread about again?

TCD apologized and we accepted,(well not the liverpool part)

16-08-2009, 11:33 PM
It has been brought to my attention by a fellow poster that about half of my posts are somewhat critical of other posters on the forum.

A lot of people with not nearly as much footy nouse and insight into the inner workings of our club as you will get things wrong and it is a good thing to set the record straight. If you play the ball not the man then there should not be an issue and I for one would support you in that.

I love what you bring to the site & hope you can continue contributing

17-08-2009, 08:36 AM

Anybody offended by you is soft. When you have intervened it has been in the form of reasoned advice as to the protocol of the site and this serves to strengthen the value of the commentary.

Keep up the good work

17-08-2009, 08:48 AM

Anybody offended by you is soft. When you have intervened it has been in the form of reasoned advice as to the protocol of the site and this serves to strengthen the value of the commentary.

Keep up the good work

That pretty much says it all. I'll close the thread.