View Full Version : Carlton/Vic Police Hush Money

The Coon Dog
27-08-2009, 10:01 PM
A woman, known only as 'Kate', claims she was raped by a Carlton AFL football player and says she was offered $20,000 by Victoria police, after it bungled its investigation of her case.

See The 7.30 Report website:

Police offer hush money to cover bungled rape case (http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2009/s2669144.htm)

Quite a detailed report on tonight's programme.

28-08-2009, 09:49 AM
Should we be shocked? Sadly, no. A perfect storm of police ineptitude, criminal connections and the Carlton football club.

28-08-2009, 10:00 AM
I have said many, many times, on this forum and others, that the Carlton Football Club CLEARLY has its grubby hands in all the wrong places.

I am not at liberty to reveal my sources, but this goes far deeper than something like this ('the tip of the iceberg' is a phrase that comes to mind), including, but not limited to (and I'm sure will come as no shock to most of the more well-informed posters here):

- Multiple cover-ups of player indiscretions
- Unhealthy/potentially illegal relationships with bookmakers
- Attempts to 'influence' individual umpires, either via social connections or, yep, money (one can easily scrounge up at least 5 games in the past few years where umpiring decisions have unduly influenced a match involving Carlton)

Far from being a conspiracy theory, many individuals involved in the CFC see this type of thing as 'business as usual' in their other dealings, be it due to an unhealthy belief in the untouchability of privilege, a lifestyle of entitlement and/or a legacy of being big fish in the small pond that is Melbourne. Luckily that this type of thing is also usually self-destructive as too many big fish get in each others' way, except when you have a really strong leader to keep everyone in check.

They had this in the biggest crook of them all in Pratt, who got them all pulling in the same direction, but now that he's kicked the bucket, more of these types of stories will be coming out as infighting begins and factions (led by the likes of Elliot et al) try to do the dirty on each other.

28-08-2009, 10:10 AM
I am a former Carlton supporter. This, unfortunately, doesn't surprise me. The culture of the club is rotten from the top to the bottom.

The Coon Dog
28-08-2009, 10:25 AM
I am a former Carlton supporter. This, unfortunately, doesn't surprise me. The culture of the club is rotten from the top to the bottom.
What prompted the change then MM?

Glad you have seen the light, by the way. ;)

28-08-2009, 10:31 AM
Far from being a conspiracy theory, many individuals involved in the CFC see this type of thing as 'business as usual' in their other dealings, be it due to an unhealthy belief in the untouchability of privilege, a lifestyle of entitlement and/or a legacy of being big fish in the small pond that is Melbourne. Luckily that this type of thing is also usually self-destructive as too many big fish get in each others' way, except when you have a really strong leader to keep everyone in check.

They had this in the biggest crook of them all in Pratt, who got them all pulling in the same direction, but now that he's kicked the bucket, more of these types of stories will be coming out as infighting begins and factions (led by the likes of Elliot et al) try to do the dirty on each other.

It was fun watching them implode at the start of the decade, and it’ll be even better the second time around.

Let’s hope we won’t have long to wait.

Dancin' Douggy
28-08-2009, 10:43 AM
The question is what will Demetriou do?

The Coon Dog
28-08-2009, 10:47 AM
The question is what will Demetriou do?

Nada, zilch, zip!!!

Would you expect anything else?

Sockeye Salmon
28-08-2009, 10:50 AM
The question is what will Demetriou do?

Stick his fingers in his ears, close his eyes tight and hum.

28-08-2009, 11:10 AM
Stick his fingers in his ears, close his eyes tight and hum.

Then he will proceed by telling us all what a great shape the competition is in and how the crowd numbers & membership figures are the highest they have ever been and totally change the subject.

Remi Moses
28-08-2009, 02:24 PM
Carlton are slime but then what would one expect with Messers Collins,and Pigs arse at the helm

28-08-2009, 04:31 PM
Stick his fingers in his ears, close his eyes tight and hum.

What a load of shit. He will stick his fingers in his ears, close his eyes tight and scream "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

28-08-2009, 11:45 PM
The question is what will Demetriou do?

Do? Andy doesn't do anything.

Of course he will bluster a lot and then go into damage control until it blows over. If it hangs around he will look for a scapegoat so that they don't have to address the problem.

This formula has worked so well in the past they are not about to change it.

03-09-2009, 03:24 PM
I began to strongly dislike the culture of the club. The blind arrogance of the club's hierarchy that the club could just buy people, buy premierships rather than earning them. I think there is something dishonest and soulless about that approach to football and life and with much sadness I could no longer support the club. There were many small things about the club that had annoyed me over the years but the recruitment of Mick McGuane and all that that signified about the club was perhaps the last straw. I detest John Elliott as well.

My family have always barracked for the Doggies, Mum grew up in Newport and Dad in West Footscray and they were always my second team. It was a hard decision though and I went to a lot of games to see whether I could barrack for the Dogs. Well, I made the switch and I couldn't be happier. There are some things more important in the world than silverware.

Go dogs.