View Full Version : Injury Advice. (Quad)

10-09-2009, 11:56 PM
Not sure if this is the right place to ask. Last week I played in the Semi Finals and came off the ground with about 5 minutes to play with a quad injury. Honestly at the time I didn't think it would take much getting over it, some ice here, heat there and a bit of strecthing in between.

Fast forward to Thursday Training. Quad felt fine. I managed to follow the appropriate recomendations of R.I.C.E. all week (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) 5 Minutes into training I limped off the track. :(

My therapist, who I'm sure I have helped pay for her house this year after all the business I have personally given her will treat me in the morning. Apart from that I'm not sure what else I can do really, I have until Saturday morning to heal up and prove that I can play in the Prelim. The coach has named me in the side (on the bench) provided I can get through a test.

At 32 going on 33 this may be my last shot. Anyone have any advice? HELP!

11-09-2009, 01:55 AM
Not sure if this is the right place to ask. Last week I played in the Semi Finals and came off the ground with about 5 minutes to play with a quad injury. Honestly at the time I didn't think it would take much getting over it, some ice here, heat there and a bit of strecthing in between.

Fast forward to Thursday Training. Quad felt fine. I managed to follow the appropriate recomendations of R.I.C.E. all week (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) 5 Minutes into training I limped off the track. :(

My therapist, who I'm sure I have helped pay for her house this year after all the business I have personally given her will treat me in the morning. Apart from that I'm not sure what else I can do really, I have until Saturday morning to heal up and prove that I can play in the Prelim. The coach has named me in the side (on the bench) provided I can get through a test.

At 32 going on 33 this may be my last shot. Anyone have any advice? HELP!

Ah, past the magic 30. Recovery starts goes out the window and injuries are easier to come by. I'm finding more and more that following the RICE method is really a great way to combat it, but here are some other things to consider:
Drink LOTS of water.
If you can borrow one from a chiro, at least 8 10 minute sessions with a stim unit along with ice packs.
Get yourself a Neoprene Sleeve. It just helps to stabalize your tissue.
take a full daily dosage of Branch Chain Amino Acids
believe that you'll be able to beat it and have a crack in your prelim
and probably most important, don't push yourself so hard that you aggrevate it again. Know your limits and play the best within those limits. You can still help the squad if you're on the field. You can't help them if you've blown your quad out chasing a 19 year gun mid-fielder who will always beat you in a foot race.

I'm going on 31 and came off the track last night hurting. Keeping up with the younger boys in the 100 degree heat of Arizona is taking its toll. Bottom line is we're getting older and there are things that we need to be careful of. There's a reason that there are not too many pros who are in their mid 30's in the AFL.

Good luck in the Prelim and I hope this helps.

11-09-2009, 10:07 AM
Thanks for the advice AZHawkie. I'll try and take most of it onboard.

I've just woken up, it's a little sore and swallon and have got the ice packs on as I type this. I actually did were a sleeve on it last night. The sleeve did help early last week when there was some discomfort so hopefully this helps. I'vce got my appointment in a couple of hours and I'm really hoping it helps a lot!

I'm trying to be positive, I really am, but my body has seemed like it is made of glass all season long. It's really difficult to keep a positive frame of mind when I have constant set backs for the past 8 - 10 weeks.

11-09-2009, 10:12 AM
When in doubt mate - I find that Voltaren and stacks of deep heat can always get me going for long enough! Your coach would be best to start you on the ground though - cooling down on the bench after the warm up won't be any good for you.

11-09-2009, 10:27 AM
Thanks for the advice AZHawkie. I'll try and take most of it onboard.

I've just woken up, it's a little sore and swallon and have got the ice packs on as I type this. I actually did were a sleeve on it last night. The sleeve did help early last week when there was some discomfort so hopefully this helps. I'vce got my appointment in a couple of hours and I'm really hoping it helps a lot!

I'm trying to be positive, I really am, but my body has seemed like it is made of glass all season long. It's really difficult to keep a positive frame of mind when I have constant set backs for the past 8 - 10 weeks.

Have a look at the photo of the great Charlie Sutton running through the streamers on that glorious day in September 1954 wearing a heavy bandage to support his quad injury.

Play through it like Charlie - what's a bit of pain?

Harden up:D

11-09-2009, 10:30 AM
When in doubt mate - I find that Voltaren and stacks of deep heat can always get me going for long enough! Your coach would be best to start you on the ground though - cooling down on the bench after the warm up won't be any good for you.

Voltaren? Is that an anti-inflammatory drug? I'm doping up on Nurofen at the moment.

11-09-2009, 10:34 AM
Yes, Voltaren is an anti-inflam.

You can get Voltaren rapid over the counter which are 25mg tablets - couple of those an hour before you run out will help.

Sockeye Salmon
11-09-2009, 11:09 AM
Yes, Voltaren is an anti-inflam.

You can get Voltaren rapid over the counter which are 25mg tablets - couple of those an hour before you run out will help.

They work amazingly well.

Eat something first or they'll rip a hole in your guts.

11-09-2009, 11:12 AM
They work amazingly well.

Eat something first or they'll rip a hole in your guts.

That is true! Gotta get a sandwich and a gatorade in first!

11-09-2009, 11:36 AM
Adam Simpson played his last game with a stuffed calf. Maybe get an injection

11-09-2009, 11:44 AM
Adam Simpson played his last game with a stuffed calf. Maybe get an injection

If that was readily available like it is to AFL footballers I would do it, it's a little harder to get a hold of in the bush leagues.

I'll do some running in the morning to test it out, kicking is an issue so will do a fair bit of that also.

As EJ said I may just have to HTFU :D

11-09-2009, 12:04 PM
As EJ said I may just have to HTFU :D

haha - I don't think you need to HTFU - playing with a quad injury is hard. Not so much that you couldn't get through it - more that you don't want to be slow off the mark or limited with kicking or jumping and let yourself/the team down.

Good luck getting through it. I've missed out on finals this year because of a fractured knee cap not coming up in time. Hard to sit back and watch.

11-09-2009, 12:48 PM
My two brother in-laws are physio's: There advice....

Ice all day and all night 20min on and 20min off. Stretch as much as possible. Do not aggrevate until game time, i.e. no heat, alcohol, running or massage otherwise bleeding increases. If possible, get some therapuetic ultrasound from a physio as this reduces swelling and promotes heeling. Get a rub down prior to match and strab quad b4 game to reduce tissue movement (better than compression sleeve). Hope it helps mate and you get up for a win.

11-09-2009, 03:11 PM
Ha ha, the glories of youth. Jeez you old fellas whine, walk it out :)

dog town
11-09-2009, 03:41 PM
Go to olympic park medical center. They will fix you up ;) Soft tissue injuries are pretty hard to deal with. If its torn more than a couple of cm's you are pretty much stuffed. If it is just a little aggravation and you are willing to risk it you can get a jab. PM me if you want a number off me.

11-09-2009, 04:01 PM
Thanks for all the advice. I've taken all of it onboard. It doesn't seem swallon anymore. My therapist looked and it and gave it some light work, she thinks I have a small tear. I'll be taking a small esky of Ice packs to the footy tonight so I'll ice on and off on the way down and hopefully have some left over for icing on and off for the trip home. I must admit I'm feeling a lot more positive today.

I'll have a light kick around in the morning and see how it is. If I can get through that I WILL play, just strap heavily and dose up on some nice pain killers. I doubt I could order a jab in such a short time as I will be leaving to go to the MCG very soon.

12-09-2009, 09:52 AM
Good luck today mate.

12-09-2009, 10:13 AM
Thanks Ozza.

I can't get a hold of the coach but I'm going to leave it up to him.

Personally I think I can get through a game. Went for a run, feels fine, picking up speed puts a little bit of stress on it, didn't try a sprint. Standing kicking was OK while kicking on the run really hurt.

13-09-2009, 10:27 AM
I played in the end, not much good it did because we lost by around 70 points. :(

Played OK considering. The leg doesn't feel to bad, a little swallon but I have heaps of time to get over it now. Well now I can set my focus on the Bulldogs winning their first flag in 55 years!

The Coon Dog
13-09-2009, 10:37 AM
Well now I can set my focus on the Bulldogs winning their first flag in 55 years!

& trying to wangle another sickie on Friday! ;)

13-09-2009, 11:50 AM
& trying to wangle another sickie on Friday! ;)

Already organised an RO swap. :)

About that Sickie last Friday, well I got busted I was on TV :o

13-09-2009, 01:32 PM
Already organised an RO swap. :)

About that Sickie last Friday, well I got busted I was on TV :o
With a face like your Avatar, it is a face that is highly recognisable :D