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16-09-2009, 09:39 PM
I signed up for a Gold Membership with reserved seating and Social Club costing about $500 a year. I pay for this each month costing approx $40 per month. However due to personal circumstances I am currently struggling financially and I cold not make the monthly payment as I simply did not have the money.

The club however has put a stop on my Membership meaning I could not purchase a members ticket for the prelim (which someone had kindly offered to pay for) and the stop means that I cannot register to purchase my guarnteed Grand Final ticket if we happen to make it, which I have paid an extra $100 a year for (social club option).

After pleading my case to the club today they simply didn't care and treated me like a piece of crap. They did not offer any compromise just said I had to pay in full by Wednesday or my ability to buy a Grand Final ticket would lapse.

I think this is an absolute disgrace especially considering where the club has come from and how it managed to survive in its hour of need 1989. Talk about kicking a guy when he is down. I have Followed the club for ever and been a member when ever I could and the last two years I have been on my current membership approx $500 a year. Yet I am shown no compassion or emparthy when I am down on my luck. It isn't like I am not going to pay the money owed I just don't have it right now.

The club left me with no option other than to cease being a member and I will now spend my $500 a year on Foxtel and watch the games at home on TV. This way I am at least guarnteed to be able to see all the games I want to.

I am sure as next year rolls around we will get David Smorgan doing his usuall once a year plea for Members to sign up, please get on board, we are doing everything we can we just need supporters to sign up etc well I am sorry but for this little black duck, I will never be a member of the club again and am ashamed to be associatted with the club in any manner. After the way I was treated today I almost hope they lose on friday night because if they make I won't be able to go and watch them play in the Grand Final after following them my whole life and with my family helping out in 1989.

16-09-2009, 09:45 PM
Sleep on it mate.
Hope ya feel better tomorrow..

16-09-2009, 09:49 PM
Slapper, sorry to hear you are in such a predicament. What do you think would have been reasonable for the club to have done?

16-09-2009, 09:50 PM
Thats pretty screwed up, how you were treated and all, but i'm sure it can be resolved?

16-09-2009, 09:57 PM
The membership department really does need to be reviewed though. I had a lot of trouble with them at the start of the year with my membership.

16-09-2009, 10:04 PM
Tough break Slapper... really feel for anyone struggling for $$$ to spend on their beloved club in the current economic climate. Understand your anger at the perceived lack of empathy from the club. Not sure, though, if they could make exceptions. I'm sure they don't go out to alienate people, but they are running a business. Not sure of a solution, as your current arrangements already involve paying the fees monthly... Hope things turn round for you...

16-09-2009, 10:08 PM
Tough break Slapper... really feel for anyone struggling for $$$ to spend on their beloved club in the current economic climate. Understand your anger at the perceived lack of empathy from the club. Not sure, though, if they could make exceptions. I'm sure they don't go out to alienate people, but they are running a business. Not sure of a solution, as your current arrangements already involve paying the fees monthly... Hope things turn round for you...

But they are running a business that survives because of us members. When the club treats members poorly and doesn't go out of their way to give some extra assistance to someone struggling, then they are the losers in the long run.

16-09-2009, 10:13 PM
You said it they are running a business, a cold hearted corporate. Only problem is a business doesn't send out raffle tickets for you to sell every year!!!! Or ask for donations when they can't balance the books. The club has also not paid players for a period of time and forced players to take pay cuts when they were crying poor(in the past). They cannot have it both ways what are they a club or a business!!!

16-09-2009, 10:17 PM
But they are running a business that survives because of us members. When the club treats members poorly and doesn't go out of their way to give some extra assistance to someone struggling, then they are the losers in the long run.

Agree in principle, but if they do it for one, do they then do it for everyone else that asks? Opens them up to being exploited -ie- people fabricating stories of hardship in order to get in on the cheap. Sadly, there are people like this around... :(

16-09-2009, 10:18 PM
You said it they are running a business, a cold hearted corporate. Only problem is a business doesn't send out raffle tickets for you to sell every year!!!! Or ask for donations when they can't balance the books. The club has also not paid players for a period of time and forced players to take pay cuts when they were crying poor(in the past). They cannot have it both ways what are they a club or a business!!!

Fair points... I'm on your side, remember :)

Dry Rot
16-09-2009, 10:19 PM
But they are running a business that survives because of us members. When the club treats members poorly and doesn't go out of their way to give some extra assistance to someone struggling, then they are the losers in the long run.

They're particularly thick treating a longstanding high value member like that.

Slapper, I suggest you type up that story with your full details and send two copies tomorrow, one to Rose and one to Smorgon. Send it in good quality typed address envelopes marked "PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL"

Let us know how you go.

16-09-2009, 10:28 PM
They're particularly thick treating a longstanding high value member like that.

Slapper, I suggest you type up that story with your full details and send two copies tomorrow, one to Rose and one to Smorgon. Send it in good quality typed address envelopes marked "PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL"

Let us know how you go.


The membership department is outsourced to the AFL and they don't give a shit about the bulldogs or their members. Slapper you need to talk to the club as DR has said.

16-09-2009, 10:39 PM
Slapper, sorry to hear you are struggling mate.

I'm assuming the Wednesday cut off was today. Did you manage to scrape the money together? Any chance the person that would have spotted you the PF ticket could have covered your payment this month - the $40 would be less than the cost of the PF ticket wouldn't it?

You will still have the GF ticket to pay for though, not sure what you can do - sell something?

16-09-2009, 10:48 PM
Thanks for the advice guys but it will be a bit late to make a difference seeing as GF pre-registration is tomorrow.

Dry Rot
16-09-2009, 10:50 PM
Slapper, sorry to hear you are struggling mate.

I'm assuming the Wednesday cut off was today. Did you manage to scrape the money together? Any chance the person that would have spotted you the PF ticket could have covered your payment this month - the $40 would be less than the cost of the PF ticket wouldn't it?

You will still have the GF ticket to pay for though, not sure what you can do - sell something?

I know this is a sincere and actually a practical post but if the system and or the club reduces a high value member to having to do this, what has happened to other members who have struggled this year? (IIRC there might have been a few economic problems in the world for the last year or two).

On the broader question of the hopelessness of our membership dept, they treat interstate members like crap too.

No wonder our membership numbers are low.

16-09-2009, 10:59 PM
Thanks for the advice guys but it will be a bit late to make a difference seeing as GF pre-registration is tomorrow.

Sorry to hear about your plight Slapper - but as a few have have already suggested try and contact Campbell Rose here is his email address - Cam.Rose@westernbulldogs.com.au and just explain it to him, you never know. Pop off an email to him now. You have until 2.00pm to get a reply from him before the P1 Registratatin closes. Good Luck.

16-09-2009, 11:16 PM
Hi Slapper

I feel really bad for you and for what it is worth I don't think it's too late. Yes, the Western Bulldogs are a business, but first and foremost they are a club, and a club that owes its existance today to its supporters and members.

I am not associated with the club (apart from being a member), but I have worked in complaint resolution for a number of high profile companies and know that when you are unhappy with an aspect of the service they provide, they place value on receiving your feedback and will do their best to rectify their image and turn your experience from negative to positive.

Surely a club values its members much more highly than a company values its clients, especially this club, considering its history. Call the club direct tomorrow (first thing) and I'm sure you'll get a much kinder response than the AFL cronies at membership HQ. It's not too late, registration ends at 2 but it might just take one keystroke to allow you to register.

16-09-2009, 11:32 PM
Might take more than that as in my fury I told her to stick the membership and cancelled it as well as a few more choice words.

17-09-2009, 12:09 AM
Slapper how much do you need to pay?

The Coon Dog
17-09-2009, 07:51 AM
I actually contacted the club over this issue for 2 reasons;

a) After hearing Slapper's story I genuinely felt for him, &

b) I hate seeing the club portrayed in a negative light.

I received a response, to which some of the key points addressed were:

* Simply, if you don’t pay your membership, there is no way we can make exceptions as the pressure on us for tickets is extreme and we have to draw a line somewhere

* When it comes to members wanting something when they have failed and often repeatedly failed to meet the terms and conditions that they have entered into, then they decide to turn against the Club.

* The staff in the membership department & personally well known to the club & always look to treat members with respect. Unfortunately sometimes members can become extremely aggressive on occasions & both parties attitudes harden somewhat.

* We obviously feel for people under financial pressure in the current economic climate, however as stated by a couple of members on the forum, we are just trying to run a business.

* Finally, saying we don’t remember where we came from, a number of us used to work in a fire escape for almost seven years, we certainly remember where we came from, and part of that is remembering that we can’t give things away for free.

Unfortunately, it is not what Slapper wanted to hear. I guess there are always two sides to every story.

17-09-2009, 08:12 AM

How are you going to be able to afford a GF ticket which may cost you $250 when you can't afford the $40 to keep up your monthly payment for your membership?

Look you have yourself in a bad situation, but I don't think the club can make exceptions to you or anyone else. Everyone is aware of the rules and while we don't like to see anyone going thru tough times I don't see what other option the club had.

17-09-2009, 08:14 AM
It is unfortunate. However from the clubs standpoint I can understand it aswell.

This would be the last 2 months of the monthly payments. They specifically introduced this kind of membership so that people who can't pay at once are able to spread the payments out over the year and be able to avoid financial hardship from members paying for the memberships. This is not like a bank where they then have the option of taking something that you own and the club have no guarantees that you will sign up again next year or even pay the rest of the membership off in the next 2 months.

Having said all that I am very sorry to hear that this has happened to you. I too would have done what gogriff suggested and skipped the PF to pay for the membership. Although the tickets for the GF are probably going to be $150 so this would again cause more problems.

BTW did you tell the membership department that you are going to the PF?

17-09-2009, 11:20 AM
2 points-

-Sorry to hear you are struggling Slapper and you had a run in with Doggies staff.

-You are struggling financially but can still shell out for Foxtel, that made me chuckle. The modern way i suppose

17-09-2009, 03:56 PM
I actually contacted the club over this issue for 2 reasons;

a) After hearing Slapper's story I genuinely felt for him, &

b) I hate seeing the club portrayed in a negative light.

I received a response, to which some of the key points addressed were:

* Simply, if you don’t pay your membership, there is no way we can make exceptions as the pressure on us for tickets is extreme and we have to draw a line somewhere

* When it comes to members wanting something when they have failed and often repeatedly failed to meet the terms and conditions that they have entered into, then they decide to turn against the Club.

* The staff in the membership department & personally well known to the club & always look to treat members with respect. Unfortunately sometimes members can become extremely aggressive on occasions & both parties attitudes harden somewhat.

* We obviously feel for people under financial pressure in the current economic climate, however as stated by a couple of members on the forum, we are just trying to run a business.

* Finally, saying we don’t remember where we came from, a number of us used to work in a fire escape for almost seven years, we certainly remember where we came from, and part of that is remembering that we can’t give things away for free.

Unfortunately, it is not what Slapper wanted to hear. I guess there are always two sides to every story.

Boy, if this is their response then they are thicker than I could ever imagine.

Being a 'business' does not automatically invalidate them from being human. After all, what is a business but a service/product provided to people? The 'we're a business' line is trotted out by the AFL and the clubs anytime they want to stooge the average Joe for more stuff -- if I hear the Dogs cry poor any more times I will seriously spew. Isn't the next TV contract we keep hearing about supposed to be close to a billion dollars or so?

Whatever it is, most of us in the corporate world know that the real movement in business is towards people now -- even beyond corporate social responsibility, being flexible, compassionate and people-oriented is a huge branding issue, as well as THE 21st century way of doing business (in an era of instantaneous information transfer and social networking, a complaint can be heard by millions almost instantly). I have to say that having worked with some of the largest corporates from around the world, we do it worst here in Australia -- our large conglomerates (Telstra, Qantas, the banks etc.) are laggards as far as customer service and flexibility goes, because we really are a small pond here and they can get away with treating most of us like crap.

Similarly, the AFL know that they have a captive audience in Melbourne, so are able to treat their marginal customers with disdain as it is not under any real competitive pressure (the competition with soccer etc. is nothing compared to real commercial competition most global firms experience).

What really sticks in the maw is that in this case, Slapper, a long-term, high-value customer, has paid essentially 80+% of his membership fee, but is tossed aside for what could be a very short-term adjustment (spreading payments over next few months, rolling it into next year's lower membership tier). The fact that they are not even set up to do this is an indictment on the professionalism and competence of this so-called 'business'. If banks or credit card companies worked like this their default rate would go through the roof.

Bad customer service is also a massive branding risk -- we are already the lowest membership base in the AFL, you would think that we would be doing everything in our power to keep those that we already have. Instead, we do our best (we really do) to alienate them, and one irate customer (like Slapper) is enough bad publicity to put off a bunch of other people. I, for one, can reel off a name of former members who, in the last 5 years, have become similarly irate (over other issues) and never bothered to renew.

All I can say is, if the Bulldogs are fair dinkum about being a 'business', they better pull their socks up, because their membership department is about as unprofessional as they come. And if I hear one more complaint from Smorgon about non-renewing members before they fix their own backyard, I will personally tear my own membership (Silver Reserve + Social Club) up and send it to him in the mail, and my wife and I will just have to get by on our MCC memberships.


Ps. Working in a fire escape is an excuse for now treating your customers like dirt? Wouldn't that mean all the more that you want to keep your members instead of chasing them away, since that is the fastest way BACK to the fire escape? It's a really small town mentality and tells me that, with all due respect, we have precisely the wrong people in those positions.

17-09-2009, 03:59 PM

How are you going to be able to afford a GF ticket which may cost you $250 when you can't afford the $40 to keep up your monthly payment for your membership?

Look you have yourself in a bad situation, but I don't think the club can make exceptions to you or anyone else. Everyone is aware of the rules and while we don't like to see anyone going thru tough times I don't see what other option the club had.

Businesses who rely on long-term relationships (mobile phone contracts, credit cards, house loans etc.) make exceptions all the time -- most of them have systems set up precisely to handle exceptions, and will do everything in their power to not lose a customer as they rather risk some short-term loss (especially in difficult economic circumstances) instead of having their customer go to a competitor. It's called good business.

The Dogs know that we won't change our allegiance to another club, so are complacent in this regard. 8,000 non-renewing members should be a wake-up call, but clearly isn't.

17-09-2009, 04:09 PM
If we win this week, I'm gonna send the club a sob story about how I knew I couldn't afford social club membership and wasn't sucked in by monthly payments. Then start a thread on here on how I've been hard done by so I get some sympathy votes. Meanwhile, I'll just upgrade my internet capacity and change my foxtel to include movies. If I can't pay the internet or Foxtel, I'm sure they will keep me connected for as long as I please.

17-09-2009, 04:15 PM
If we win this week, I'm gonna send the club a sob story about how I knew I couldn't afford social club membership and wasn't sucked in by monthly payments. Then start a thread on here on how I've been hard done by so I get some sympathy votes. Meanwhile, I'll just upgrade my internet capacity and change my foxtel to include movies. If I can't pay the internet or Foxtel, I'm sure they will keep me connected for as long as I please.

ES, you make good points, but Slapper's case isn't an isolated one. I'm not even supporting him specifically, but if your reaction is going to be the same as the Dogs' membership department, then you and I can't complain about 8,000 non-renewals NEXT year.

We have the lowest membership base, we have the supporters with the lowest income base, it's been a difficult year economically. If we have to be more sympathetic or flexible than the average club in order to keep our members, so be it. Beggars can't be choosers, is all I'll have to say to.

Ps. It's more than that -- we claim that we are a 'community club'. We pay lip service to some high-faluting set of values. Is this real, or is it just feel-good customer-hoodwinking mumbo-jumbo that so many businesses put on their websites? If it's just rubbish, and in reality the Dogs worship the almighty dollar, then we support a dead, commercial entity that might as well be called a franchise and be shipped off to Western Sydney tomorrow for all I care.

17-09-2009, 04:22 PM
ES, you make good points, but Slapper's case isn't an isolated one. I'm not even supporting him specifically, but if your reaction is going to be the same as the Dogs' membership department, then you and I can't complain about 8,000 non-renewals NEXT year.

We have the lowest membership base, we have the supporters with the lowest income base, it's been a difficult year economically. If we have to be more sympathetic or flexible than the average club in order to keep our members, so be it. Beggars can't be choosers, is all I'll have to say to.

Ps. It's more than that -- we claim that we are a 'community club'. We pay lip service to some high-faluting set of values. Is this real, or is it just feel-good customer-hoodwinking mumbo-jumbo that so many businesses put on their websites? If it's just rubbish, and in reality the Dogs worship the almighty dollar, then we support a dead, commercial entity that might as well be called a franchise and be shipped off to Western Sydney tomorrow for all I care.

Western Sydney , Western bulldogs....oh dear

17-09-2009, 04:32 PM
ES, you make good points, but Slapper's case isn't an isolated one. I'm not even supporting him specifically, but if your reaction is going to be the same as the Dogs' membership department, then you and I can't complain about 8,000 non-renewals NEXT year.

We have the lowest membership base, we have the supporters with the lowest income base, it's been a difficult year economically. If we have to be more sympathetic or flexible than the average club in order to keep our members, so be it. Beggars can't be choosers, is all I'll have to say to.

Ps. It's more than that -- we claim that we are a 'community club'. We pay lip service to some high-faluting set of values. Is this real, or is it just feel-good customer-hoodwinking mumbo-jumbo that so many businesses put on their websites? If it's just rubbish, and in reality the Dogs worship the almighty dollar, then we support a dead, commercial entity that might as well be called a franchise and be shipped off to Western Sydney tomorrow for all I care.
Ok the club should just give out social memberships free next year to those that can't afford them.
We might be a community club but we aren't a charity. 8000 didn't renew but 28K did make the financial sacrifice to keep this club here.

I doubt I'm the only member at this club or any other that couldn't afford social club upgrades and will be spewing next week if the team makes it. Am I intitled to whinge, moan and demand more respect from the club too?

My question is as far as I'm aware social club membership is capped, are those that made a commitment but didn't follow that committment financially taking away spots from others?

17-09-2009, 04:33 PM
What about the upto date prority 2 member that could potentially miss out. Sorry to be devils advocate but September why should they be punished when they are up to date.

17-09-2009, 04:40 PM
I don't think the responses from the club are unreasonable. And I don't think its as clear cut as 'we are running a business' - I think you can read into it and look at it as being really cold blooded.

The Western Bulldogs are far from a money grubbing corporation. Football clubs don't owe you anything. You support the club because you love the club - and its players - and you get enjoyment from watching them and talking the games and the players. So you can threaten to not renew your membership, or stop following them all you want - but its really only your enjoyment and presumably one of your favourite pastimes that will suffer.

17-09-2009, 04:50 PM
Businesses who rely on long-term relationships (mobile phone contracts, credit cards, house loans etc.) make exceptions all the time -- most of them have systems set up precisely to handle exceptions, and will do everything in their power to not lose a customer as they rather risk some short-term loss (especially in difficult economic circumstances) instead of having their customer go to a competitor. It's called good business.

The Dogs know that we won't change our allegiance to another club, so are complacent in this regard. 8,000 non-renewing members should be a wake-up call, but clearly isn't.

That's all good and fine, but if Slapper can't afford to keep up his monthly re-payments how will he be able to afford his GF ticket which could be as much as 6 times higher?

17-09-2009, 05:07 PM
ES, you make good points, but Slapper's case isn't an isolated one. I'm not even supporting him specifically, but if your reaction is going to be the same as the Dogs' membership department, then you and I can't complain about 8,000 non-renewals NEXT year.

We have the lowest membership base, we have the supporters with the lowest income base, it's been a difficult year economically. If we have to be more sympathetic or flexible than the average club in order to keep our members, so be it.

But why should he still be entitled to a social club membership? I think the most the club could have done was scrap the social club membership and put him on a normal membership with Priority 2 access.

Even that is pushing it though.

17-09-2009, 05:11 PM

I'm sorry for your situation. I don't know if this will actually help now, but if you change your mind and sign up again next season, rather than get a gold membership plus social club, maybe try bronze plus social club. It's cheaper, and it looks like gold, silver & bronze all have the same standing when it comes to getting Grand Final tickets if we make it. I can't afford the gold membership, and also can't afford both the Preliminary Final & the GF, so am not going tomorrow night, in case we make it to the GF. Hope things work out for you. :)

17-09-2009, 05:33 PM
I felt sorry for Slapper yesterday but then I saw that he had also written on another forum and some of his bitter comments and then it dawned on me that his main aim isn't to find a suitable resolution it's more about discrediting our club.
With that in mind if he makes it to the footy great and if he doesn't well so be it.

17-09-2009, 05:36 PM
My two bob. I think it would be grossly unfair to all the other members who would miss out on a GF ticket who remained financial. Question, Where does personal responsibility start and finger pointing end? There are rules for a reason and everyone should know them when signing up to be in a financial and contractual relationship. If you fail to adhere to your responsibilities why is it the clubs fault? The extension of the argument is you can't pay your licence renewal but you want to keep driving because you've held a licence for 20 years. Try using this argument with the boys in blue and see how quick you get a $550 fine. Is this circumstance unfair? Whilst the circumstances are not ideal as described the club should not be disadvantaging other members in order to placate those who have knowing (allbeit unavoidably) fallen short of their obligations to pay under the contract.

I'm genuinely sorry for your predicament, but place yourself in the position of being the first spectator on the 'emergency list' for a GF seat. And your position is taken by someone without a valid membership outside of the rules and regulations. I might suggest you would be unhappy that through no fault of your own you were denied access, and this is the cruxt of the issue. The rules have been applied evenly and fairly from an objective point of view. That you are a participant in the circumstances means that you can not see the circumstances with the necessary objectivity. From what i read, the club has done nothing wrong other than be straight down the line and that has left you with a bad taste in the mouth (somewhat understandably). I hope you bounce back and that things improve quickly for you. But if the club playing a straight bat is the reason for non-renewal, then you should question the depth of your perceived loyalty to the WBFC.

In any event, what is done is done. Ain't no blogging going to change it.

17-09-2009, 05:41 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen, the guy has bought a prelim ticket and has funds for a GF ticket. Suddenly he has found the money.

17-09-2009, 10:26 PM
You are a very smart man/women bornadog I am a wage earner and have to wait to get paid. Any other smart remarks?

17-09-2009, 10:29 PM
I know this is a sincere and actually a practical post but if the system and or the club reduces a high value member to having to do this, what has happened to other members who have struggled this year? (IIRC there might have been a few economic problems in the world for the last year or two).

On the broader question of the hopelessness of our membership dept, they treat interstate members like crap too.

No wonder our membership numbers are low.

As an Interstate member i totally agree, you would think WA was in another country, I wonder what KPI's the membership department have, surely 1 would have to be member satisafaction
Feel sorry for you Slapper and agree with other posts you should write to the club

18-09-2009, 12:18 AM
You are a very smart man/women bornadog I am a wage earner and have to wait to get paid. Any other smart remarks?

You are the one that needs to answer questions

18-09-2009, 07:44 AM
You are a very smart man/women bornadog I am a wage earner and have to wait to get paid. Any other smart remarks?

How come you waited until the day to call the club about not paying for the membership?
Did you inform the club that you were going to the PF?

18-09-2009, 11:07 AM
I think we're all missing the point here -- 'Slapper' didn't not have the money. It was a cash-flow issue, which means that he would have been able to pay at a pre-allocated point in the near-future. He is also a high-value, long-time member. It's not as if he just joined this year and has a 3-game membership. Long-term Reserved Seat + Social Club members do not grow on trees, and if we were a bank/credit card company, he would be in our 'valued customer' category, which has an implied higher flexibility when it comes to situations like this.

If I understand this correctly, Slapper has also paid 80% (plus) of his membership fees this year, so is hardly a slouch looking for a free lunch. Of course there is an aspect of poor personal financial management for which Slapper has to take some responsibility -- these cases usually all do -- but good companies understand that people are not perfect, and are happy to bend (slightly) to accomodate reasonable adjustments, especially for high-value customers.

In this case, it seems that a few weeks extension of a payment deadline would have been easy enough. If the Dogs membership department had a way of seeing his payment and membership history, it would show up that he was a low-risk, long-term member, but of course, we don't have this level of sophistication, and everyone (from Gold members down to Kennel Club members) are treated the same, so a high-value member has been made to feel like a delinquent over $40 measly dollars.

If this was a case in isolation, I would say Slapper, suck it up and go again, but I've heard these complaints ad nauseum (and passed them on to the club) but the responses from the membership department like the one that TCD posted are all too common.

Now, this is a club that relied on us putting our hands into our pockets 20 years ago just to survive, and we all gave generously. Now the same club turns around and treats us like we owe them something, and kicks a high-value member out the moment they are two weeks late on a $40 payment? It's a bit rich.

18-09-2009, 11:30 AM
I disagree about all this club bashing here I am a pay by the month member and have been overdrawn a couple of times the called me on both occasions and I told them when the money would go into the account.
I have had a few disagreements in the past but always the club has treated me as a valued member and gone out of their way to help me out. 4 years ago I didn't renew in time and lost my seats and they were re-allocated I called the club and they were going to upgarade me I told them I want my seats and they upgraded the people who were given my seats now I auto renew so that it will not happen again I know mine is an isolated case but so is slappers.Please people I feel for slapper but I won't cop all this club bashing I have bitten my tongue long enough our support staff may not be perfect but I am sure they are doing the best that they can for OUR club
go doggies

18-09-2009, 11:52 AM
I disagree about all this club bashing here I am a pay by the month member and have been overdrawn a couple of times the called me on both occasions and I told them when the money would go into the account.
I have had a few disagreements in the past but always the club has treated me as a valued member and gone out of their way to help me out. 4 years ago I didn't renew in time and lost my seats and they were re-allocated I called the club and they were going to upgarade me I told them I want my seats and they upgraded the people who were given my seats now I auto renew so that it will not happen again I know mine is an isolated case but so is slappers.Please people I feel for slapper but I won't cop all this club bashing I have bitten my tongue long enough our support staff may not be perfect but I am sure they are doing the best that they can for OUR club
go doggies

Well said, there is more to Slappers story than we have been told. Remember, there are always two sides to every story.

18-09-2009, 12:18 PM
I just want to ask one question ...Has Slapper had any contact with the footy club, or has he only been talking to the pen pushers in at Membership hq?

18-09-2009, 12:49 PM
I think we're all missing the point here -- 'Slapper' didn't not have the money. It was a cash-flow issue, which means that he would have been able to pay at a pre-allocated point in the near-future. He is also a high-value, long-time member. It's not as if he just joined this year and has a 3-game membership. Long-term Reserved Seat + Social Club members do not grow on trees, and if we were a bank/credit card company, he would be in our 'valued customer' category, which has an implied higher flexibility when it comes to situations like this.

That being said, what could logically be done with most likely less than 5 hours notice. The Bulldogs would have to give lists to ticketmaster by a certain time frame.

Also why should Priority 2 members who are 100% paid be disadvantaged for someone who is cat 1 but 80% paid?

I am priority 2 this year because I knew there would be occasions this year were my cash flow might not enable me to pay on time and thus I would lose my "privileges". Under your proposal I should have just bought a Priority 1 membership as I am a long time, high value member and the club just should have accommodated me if there were times that I could not pay.

18-09-2009, 03:32 PM
I just want to ask one question ...Has Slapper had any contact with the footy club, or has he only been talking to the pen pushers in at Membership hq?

Yes, he has been several months behind payments and has been very rude to membership staff.

18-09-2009, 05:11 PM
I think this has run it's course so I'll close the thread.