View Full Version : Player dislike

20-10-2009, 11:21 PM
I'd rather this thread didn't turn into a player X is crap because he is slow/soft/poor disposal/brain farts/bad hair/greedy/put my sister away/don't like his number/shorts are too tight/shorts are too baggy/one sided/missed a goal in 2003/missed a tackle in 2007 type thread, as we have enough of those anyway.

I think it's funny/curious/sad how cyber fans decide that they don't like player X and then watch the games everyweek HOPING(?) that player makes the same mistake again so they can jump on here and tell everyone.

(I'm as guilty as anyone, one player still on our list did something really soft last year, and then did something really soft towards the end of this year, and I was allmost happy that I had proven to myself that I was right, even though I must be wrong)

I know i'm not the only one who acts that way, but am I the only Woofer to admit it?

I'm curious as to the thought process when you decide that Player Y is officially no good and should be dropped (what is Eade thinking!!) and delisted immediately.

Does this process come from peer pressure, a mate at the game points out a flaw in a players game, and then you look for it hoping to see it?

Does it taint your opinion of that player, in that you allmost hope he has a carp game?

Does your opinion get built up when they are the regular "bag" player for people on here or at the game from the fans?

NB Not at all trying to single any posters out, just trying to start a thread.

PS This is a Simon Minton-Connell free zone.

The Coon Dog
21-10-2009, 07:54 AM
I see where you're coming from & can relate to it.

I don't mind a player making a mistake, particularly when he's trying to do something positive (say like Harbrow taking the opposition on).

What frustrates me is when a player makes a poor judgment type of mistake (say he's in defence & tries to mark from behind when the percentages say punch & his opponent marks it) or the mistake is one he's often made & shows no signs of changing.

I think last season a few of us us were frustrated with Crossy on occasions when he ran into the forward 50 & refused to kick for goal, preferring to stop, wait & dish off.

One thing I do hate seeing is players identifying a free opposition player & pointing to a team mate to pick the free player up & no one does, then the free player ultimately scarpers off with the ball. Not too sure who cops the blame in this situation.

The other thing I get frustrated with is when an opposition defender runs off & his opponent refuses to chase.

21-10-2009, 08:41 AM
My main gripe is when players are free in the corridor and a player has a lack of vision and drives it long only to have the ball spoiled or marked and turned over.

The free player in the middle is usually 30 meters in the clear and could have plenty of time to setup a forward entry or could run to 50 and have a shot from in front instead of a pocket.

A a number of occasions this year you would see players calling for it in the open down the corridor and get over looked or just aren't seen. very frustrating

21-10-2009, 08:42 AM
I am with the TCD I don't mind players trying to make the play but the judgement errors are what I dislike as well.

What I hate even more is when a player makes the correct call like running out of defense under immediate pressure and kicks the ball 60m clear in to open space (because there is no one infront of him) even though the other team will get the ball. By doing this it allows the defense to reset for the next attack by giving them the time to do so. This is not what frustrates me what gets me is when the old bloke behind me says "oh great kick who was that too" when it was quite cleat what he was trying to do.

21-10-2009, 09:34 AM
I hate when a player believes they deserve a spell on the pine straight after kicking a goal :D

21-10-2009, 09:44 AM
I hate when a player believes they deserve a spell on the pine straight after kicking a goal :D

I don't think its really a player choice. I think it just happens to be their turn to be off in the rotation and if they go off after a goal we notice it. It is a bit odd at the time though!

21-10-2009, 09:47 AM
I don't think its really a player choice. I think it just happens to be their turn to be off in the rotation and if they go off after a goal we notice it. It is a bit odd at the time though!

It was tongue in cheek :)

21-10-2009, 10:16 AM
I'm generally pretty positive and understand that the playing styles and ability of different players will affect their screw ups.

Nathan Eagleton is obviously the first player to come to mind for this topic, and it is understandable that it happens as he does go missing in about 30-40% of the matches he plays in. The thing is once one person points out a regular mistake you notice it more often, come to expect it and it basically bulds up to being this major incident when really it's somethign which happens 10 times a game. An example would be Will Minson flying for a mark and getting spoiled, meaning everyone goes "bloody Will catch the thing" when really that happens throughout the match to both the good and bad players.

I find it interesting how big an emphasis is put on players "hardness" though in regard to supporters liking them/disliking them. If a player throws himself at the footy supporters tend to forgive their mistakes, but a player who receives the handball and gets run down because his teammates don't protect him gets savagely attacked.

Just thank god we aren't like some of Europe's soccer leagues where players have reason to fear for their life if they miss a penalty or cause a major turnover.

Sockeye Salmon
21-10-2009, 11:31 AM
I hate it when supporters bag a player when they have no idea as to what instructions the player has been given.

21-10-2009, 11:34 AM
I hate it when supporters expend their energies niggling other supporters and trying to rile them. I only go to support my team, and if you can only enjoy the game by annoying other supporters, you're there for the wrong reasons.

The Coon Dog
21-10-2009, 11:36 AM
I hate it when supporters bag a player when they have no idea as to what instructions the player has been given.

I think we could all be guilty of that from time to time.

21-10-2009, 11:46 AM
I hate it when supporters expend their energies niggling other supporters and trying to rile them. I only go to support my team, and if you can only enjoy the game by annoying other supporters, you're there for the wrong reasons.

With you on this. Further, I detest opposition supporters who elect to bag our players. Nothing gets my back up more and stretches my resilience not to take them on as if they're abusing family.

Happens too damn regularly. Unfortunately our allocated seting row is the last of a bulldog friendly zone and what we get each week in the row behind us can be anything.

21-10-2009, 12:33 PM
Annoys me when the opposition kicks for goal and only the shorties get back on the line. Also dislike the lack of crumbers in the forward line when the ball is bombed in (due to the fact our crumbers are playing as a KPP and are flying for the mark) and the many occasions that we fail to have a player on the boundary side at throw ins. I also don't like it when a player is on the telecast and they zoom in and blows a nostril rocket.
Man, reading this thread confirms that the Bulldogs are ruining my life. I should probably stay home in future and rearrange my sock drawer.

21-10-2009, 12:45 PM
Annoys me when the opposition kicks for goal and only the shorties get back on the line. Also dislike the lack of crumbers in the forward line when the ball is bombed in (due to the fact our crumbers are playing as a KPP and are flying for the mark) and the many occasions that we fail to have a player on the boundary side at throw ins. I also don't like it when a player is on the telecast and they zoom in and blows a nostril rocket.
Man, reading this thread confirms that the Bulldogs are ruining my life. I should probably stay home in future and rearrange my sock drawer.

Ha ha great post. I don't like spitting on the field either. I'm not an elite footballer (if only!) but I played plenty of footy and never needed to spit. Some AFL players seem to even spit as they talk!

When you're done with your socks you can come and do mine.

21-10-2009, 01:09 PM
I get frustrated when we have gone man on man all over the field yet there is clearly one player who is letting the whole chain down. For some reason he is the only player that hasn't picked anyone up and it takes him a good 2 minutes to realise he's the only one.

Further on that same point, I also dislike it when the player who hasn't manned up decides to run to an opponent 2 metres away who already has one of our players on him and it just means he is covering his own backside and making his team mate find the actual loose player somewhere on the field.

I also hate when a player plays for a free kick when he could still have an effect on the immediate contest, instead of competing he turns to the umpire and allows the opposition to clear the contest far too easily.

21-10-2009, 01:15 PM
My pet hate is when you go to games and your own supporters spend all day bagging their own players.

Brian Lake is the perfect "why did you do that" player but i look at the whole game rather than just one or 2 mistakes.
He makes some errors but i think his fors way out number his againsts as shown by other clubs interests and his wage going up.
Backmen look worse as a split second decision can turn into an opposition goal immediately.

I dont bag players as i know they are trying their best, i just get frustrated for that second or two.

Ps i love Lake and always have seen him as a good player, must admit he is the only player i tend to giggle about when he does make brain fade errors, a true character of our game.

21-10-2009, 01:40 PM
I don't think anyone could bag Brian Lake. From eade down to us, we all cringe sometimes at some of the brainfades he has, but his marking, running, reading of the play and bulk more than make up for it.

Any cringes generally only last a few seconds.

A major gripe, as prev mentioned is the invisible barrier that is situated 40 meters out from goal for Cross Dog, lol.

21-10-2009, 01:55 PM
That Gia jogs around rather than joins in with the lads to break through our pre match 'run through' ;) and further that a team of big strong men can't bust through paper with some level of gusto even at times resorting to going under it.

Bulldog Joe
21-10-2009, 02:08 PM
I find it interesting how big an emphasis is put on players "hardness" though in regard to supporters liking them/disliking them. If a player throws himself at the footy supporters tend to forgive their mistakes, but a player who receives the handball and gets run down because his teammates don't protect him gets savagely attacked.

Perfect example from the GF when Raph Clarke was run down by Rooke for Geelong's first goal.

Sam Fisher was there and should have simple kept Rooke away but I saw nobody criticise Fisher, while it set up a horror day for Clarke.

With Bulldog players Eagle often cops the brunt and no-one acknowledges the running to create. Some of Eagles poor games stat wise have really been a failure of team mates to deliver and honour Eagle's effort.

21-10-2009, 08:16 PM
Ryan Hargrave used to be one that would frustrate me with his frees and turnovers. I hate gifting cheap kicks to the opposition when in defense. Callan, Tiller and Addison make me nervous these days

21-10-2009, 08:49 PM
Weak links in the chain I call them. We have a really solid group of players now with very good skills and mature bodies. We play a lot of really good football and when one player makes a mistake in that chain it is a really marked mistake. Some players may do it once every two weeks some may do it once every game. A fair bit of latitude is afforded to developing players but when mature players make those mistakes they can become the whipping boy(s).

I used to hate it how Farren Ray always thought he was in the clear and would get run down. I used to hate it how he would shank kicks under completely no pressure and that he had funny hair and a weird Lord of the Rings name. I started to think that Farren was purposefully stuffing up at the Bulldogs because he knew he wanted to go. This was reaffirmed somewhat this season when he played well with the Saints, but during the finals series I realised that it was the same old Farren, just in a different coloured jumper.

Oh and Will has to learn how to be aggressive and not give away free kicks.

21-10-2009, 09:14 PM
Oh and Will has to learn how to be aggressive and not give away free kicks.

I support this sentiment.

Also get frustrated at times when we don't create a leading target or push to find space. Roo's work rate in this area is what makes him such a gun key position forward.

21-10-2009, 09:15 PM
I used to hate it how Farren Ray always thought he was in the clear and would get run down. I used to hate it how he would shank kicks under completely no pressure and that he had funny hair and a weird Lord of the Rings name. I started to think that Farren was purposefully stuffing up at the Bulldogs because he knew he wanted to go. This was reaffirmed somewhat this season when he played well with the Saints, but during the finals series I realised that it was the same old Farren, just in a different coloured jumper.


21-10-2009, 11:18 PM
Ryan Hargrave used to be one that would frustrate me with his frees and turnovers.

Good call.

I realised I have transformed from a 'oh no it's Hargrave with the ball" to a 'nothing to worry about Hargrave's a good player" without realising it.

21-10-2009, 11:25 PM
Good call.

I realised I have transformed from a 'oh no it's Hargrave with the ball" to a 'nothing to worry about Hargrave's a good player" without realising it.

Its probably only been this year for me that I have been converted, an example of reality needing to be far removed from our own perceptions before we accept our judgement is off the mark. Being on WOOF and reading about him being undersized I now see the past differently as well

22-10-2009, 01:01 PM
Its probably only been this year for me that I have been converted, an example of reality needing to be far removed from our own perceptions before we accept our judgement is off the mark. Being on WOOF and reading about him being undersized I now see the past differently as well

Hargrave is a beautiful kick and has flourished since the pressure of not punching above his weight is off him. It used to drive me nuts when he would just grab at the bigger guy, but I had some sympathy because he didn't have a heap of other options.

22-10-2009, 05:36 PM
Is it wrong that I am unable to think of anyone for this thread Ego baffles me then does something remarkable thats all I have!!!!

22-10-2009, 06:28 PM
Is it wrong that I am unable to think of anyone for this thread Ego baffles me then does something remarkable thats all I have!!!!

Nope. I reckon that's exactly what this thread is for. Well said.;)

22-10-2009, 07:52 PM
To be honest I only really started noticing Eagles deficiency's once I started looking through bulldogs related forums. I used to think of him as a handy link up player with a long raking 60m kick but now I'm starting to notice the other side of his game. I still think he's more than handy though.

One that frustrates me a little is Hargrave. He sometimes will bomb it aimlessly when the short kick is there for the taking. Doesn't happen too often though and I generally only notice it when we are losing the match.

22-10-2009, 08:51 PM
Eagleton is the frustrater when we go to the footy. I know that because of the way he delivers the ball over distance there is a greater margin for error - but sometimes!!!!!!! Turns it over to easily. If football was a summer sport, the inside of his mouth would be sunburnt from watching the ball go back over his head just after he kicked it forward. He's a very good home and away player - but I think being a real force in finals is beyond him.

22-10-2009, 08:53 PM
One that frustrates me a little is Hargrave. He sometimes will bomb it aimlessly when the short kick is there for the taking. Doesn't happen too often though and I generally only notice it when we are losing the match.

It happens more than it should and is often noted by the MC.

He often 'bombs' the ball under pressure and this is normally when we are in a tight match or behind which is probably why your last sentence rings true.

22-10-2009, 09:06 PM
I would rather he bombed it 60 mtres away from goal under pressure, i remember as a child if in trouble in the backline kick it hard and long and get it out of there!

I have no problem with that, its when you stuff around with it and had ample time to get it out and dont that annoys me.

Sockeye Salmon
22-10-2009, 09:47 PM
I would rather he bombed it 60 mtres away from goal under pressure, i remember as a child if in trouble in the backline kick it hard and long and get it out of there!

You're better off kicking it into the crowd then.

They still get the ball but at least you give your teammates time to flood back.

Rooting around with it in the backline is a great way to keep control of it while your guys push forward after having flooded. Chaos is also a great way to break up a zone.

23-10-2009, 05:22 AM
I hate it when supporters bag a player when they have no idea as to what instructions the player has been given.
Exactly. I think a few of us have been accused of being to optimistic about a player´s performance because we doñt wholesale bag players out.

My only real gripe is when players don´t fill the gap in front of them when they have possession. Isn´t ¨take the space¨written on the clubroom walls somewhere?

23-10-2009, 12:17 PM
I don't like the attitudes of the kids behind the goals who get the stray footys and look after the official AFL ball bucket during the game.

It looks like they would rather be somewhere else sticking pencils in their eyes. For god’s sake you gen Y snapperheads, look at where you are sitting and the sharp leisure wear you get to prance around in.

23-10-2009, 12:20 PM
I don't like the attitudes of the kids behind the goals who get the stray footys and look after the official AFL ball bucket during the game.

It looks like they would rather be somewhere else sticking pencils in their eyes. For god’s sake you gen Y snapperheads, look at where you are sitting and the sharp leisure wear you get to prance around in.

ha ha ha ha ha

always right
27-10-2009, 12:38 PM
I hate it when a bulldogs player clearly sees a loose opposition player 20m away and either assumes the ball won't go to them or simply can't be bothered running over to them with any sense of urgency.

I get nervous when any of our defenders push up the ground and leave their opponent loose behind them...on the assumption they will be able to get back in time should the opposition bring the ball forward.

I hate it when we let the opposition run through the corridor unchallenged.

During the Rohde era (and the latter stages of the Wallace era come to think of it) I used to hate it how our players would let the opposition bring the ball along the wings unchallenged, choosing to head straight into defence as a means of hopefully repelling the attack once it got there. It never worked and the opposition always seemed to be able to find someone loose in the forward 50m no matter how many of our blokes had pushed back.

I get nervous when players get a mark in the goal square and decide to play on despite an opposition player bearing down on them. It generally ends up okay but I would prefer they go back and kick over the mark.

27-10-2009, 02:09 PM
It happens more than it should and is often noted by the MC.

He often 'bombs' the ball under pressure and this is normally when we are in a tight match or behind which is probably why your last sentence rings true.

Yep, and for such a laconic and usually composed player, when he panicks things go very wrong.

We have a few players that tend to jump into this basket when the pressure steps up though.