View Full Version : Shaun Higgins and the next step.

01-03-2010, 10:07 PM
A few years ago Geelong and Gary Ablett Jr were the same thing. Hugely talented, capable of the odd flash of brilliance, influential but flakey. In short despite the huge amount of abilty they each had the end results were always tantalisingly short of what they should have been.

Slowly Geelong emerged as a club, started to go places but Ablett was still the same hot and cold performer, seemingly happy to coast along on his abilty and never really impacting on a game the way he should. Then the leadership group pulled him up told him that he wasnt getting enough out of himself and that he had to work harder on his fitness and improve his team ethos. Ablett took the challenge and right now if the best player in the comp.

Looking at our team and trying to gauge where the improvement is goiung to come from one name keeps coming back to me-Shaun Higgins. Dont get me wrong Shaun has played good (and some great) footy in the last couple of years but does anyone here doubt that he has a couple of gears to go up? He needs to nail the pressure goals and hit forward targets more consistantly.

I'm not saying that he doesnt work hard but sometimes an elemental skill error can undo everything that came before it. Too many times he will make two, three or four efforts to get the ball and then miss a teammate ten yards in the clear. If he could eliminate that sort of thing from his game then he would become the truly elite player we all know he is capable of becoming

It's vital for us as a team that Shaun takes the next step and becomes elite. I have every confidence that he will and I hope the leaders around the club point this out to him at every opportunity.

The Underdog
01-03-2010, 10:12 PM
Does this thread go double for Ryan Griffen?

01-03-2010, 10:15 PM
It's vital for us as a team that Shaun takes the next step and becomes elite. I have every confidence that he will and I hope the leaders around the club point this out to him at every opportunity.

My initial thoughts were this thread should be about Griffen, but that's probably no surprise, I am a fairly keen (or maybe obsessed depending on who you ask) fan.

I do agree that Higgo has a few more gears to go up, and hope he can, but I think he has done fairly well already, especially considering the number of injuries that have prevented him from getting on the park.

We actually have a few guys in that same boat I think, very much on the cusp of becoming good, consistent footballers. If it clicks this year for both Griffen and Higgins, then we are going to have the best midfield going around. No question.

01-03-2010, 10:15 PM
Does this thread go double for Ryan Griffen?

Wow, beat me to it. Great minds an all that... ;)

01-03-2010, 10:16 PM
Hes missed a fair bit of footy through injury. Maybe a whole seasons worth in total.

Rocco Jones
01-03-2010, 10:20 PM
Does this thread go double for Ryan Griffen?


The GAB Jr transformation is one I link to Griffen more than Higgins.

Higgins has been determined from the outset. Injury, not attitude, has held him back.

The Underdog
01-03-2010, 10:21 PM
Wow, beat me to it. Great minds an all that... ;)

You had a couple of glasses of red as well?:)

I agree to an extent Twodogs but Higgins has performed pretty damn well I think. He's had some poor luck with injury and I don't think he can be questioned on too many fronts in what is so far a short career. I have no doubt that Shaun will keep improving, in fact as my previous comment hinted at, I'm much more confident of him doing so than I am of Ryan Griffen who wowed us all by matching Ablett a few years ago in a win against the Cats and yet since has been up and down. He also showed an uncanny ability last year to scrub kicks at goal on the run from 50m. There is still improvement in guys like Griffen and Higgins and this is where the main thrust towards winning a flag will most likely come from.

01-03-2010, 10:33 PM
Agree with those who have said this applies more to Griffen.

01-03-2010, 10:37 PM
If Higgins can stay injury free, he is going to be sensational and I am expecting him to take the next step up. This kid is a potential champion, and he only needs to get his confidence up, play a couple of good games in a row and he will be a star.

01-03-2010, 10:47 PM
I get where you guys are coning from with Griff, but I chose Higgins as the subject for several reasons;

1/ He strikes me as more of a barometer player for us. When Missy is on song invariably we are raining goals

2/ Leadership qualities. I love Griff but he hasnt the personality to lift others up on his shoulders and drag them over the line. And neither should we expect him to-if he wants to concentrate on his own game and how best he fits into the team then we leave him to do it. Higgins on the other hand covets a leadership position. You can see it when he talks to the media and you can see him revving up the boys out on the field. Higgins WILL captain this club, it's a case of when not if. He wants it, he will be perfect for it and he will work very hard and be successful at it.

3/ He's marketable in the same way that GAj is. Family friendly; the sort of boy men want their sons to turn out like and women want their daughter to bring home. There must be a school near Geelong where they turn these kids out.

4/ Shaun's a (or will be a) goalkicking midfielder and guys who get can get 30 inside and outside touches as well kick a lazy 3 or 4 spelling in the forward line are precious gems who must be honed just right. Griff is and always will be a rough diamond.

I'm not saying that Griff's job in the team is any less important to us than Missy's. In fact I'd argue that right now Griff is the more important player to us. But for the reasons I have outlined above it's Higgins who is the vital piece in the puzzle for us.

01-03-2010, 10:57 PM
Higgins has been determined from the outset. Injury, not attitude, has held him back.

It's a finite definition but I'm not questioning Higgin's attitude at all. In fact I'm saying he has an awesome commitment to getting the best out of himself and that's why I have picked him out ahead of some others on our list who could be in the same category. I could make the same argument that's being made for Griff for Cooney, Gia and Ward-even Sam Reid isnt far off.

What I'm hoping is all that attitude is being focused in the best direction and that Shaun becomes as good a player as Ablett.

02-03-2010, 09:37 AM
I see Higgins as the next Brad Johnson. If he steps up to the match winner Johnson has been during this season - gee we will go close.

We need 22 games plus all the finals out of Higgins.

The Bulldogs Bite
02-03-2010, 01:54 PM
I think it's a fair call Twodogs.

Higgins is the most talented player on our list IMO. He's got a great set of hands, reads the play, terrific disposal, makes good decisions and brings other player into the game. Each year he's shown improvement despite injuries. It's taken him a while to adjust his fitness but last season was a big turn around. He was able to add a defensive edge when many thought he couldn't. This may not be the year he takes the next step - but I expect he will very soon.

The only question I have on Higgins is whether he can get 25+ disposals consistently. Ablett does it every week and 99% of them count. Without looking up averages etc. I'd say Higgins gets 18-22 and whilst some might argue that's all he needs, if he can find more of the ball then he's capable of reaching Ablett status.

His goal in the PF on the run was superb and highlighted how dangerous he is. Beautiful kick on either side of his body and can be a match winner in the midfield or up forward. Really hope he can take it to the next step. His attitude is great, so long as he stays injury free I think he can become elite.

It might sound ridiculous, but I honestly think Higgins could surpass Cooney. He's that talented.

02-03-2010, 02:36 PM
I think it's a fair call Twodogs.

Higgins is the most talented player on our list IMO. He's got a great set of hands, reads the play, terrific disposal, makes good decisions and brings other player into the game. Each year he's shown improvement despite injuries. It's taken him a while to adjust his fitness but last season was a big turn around. He was able to add a defensive edge when many thought he couldn't. This may not be the year he takes the next step - but I expect he will very soon.

The only question I have on Higgins is whether he can get 25+ disposals consistently. Ablett does it every week and 99% of them count. Without looking up averages etc. I'd say Higgins gets 18-22 and whilst some might argue that's all he needs, if he can find more of the ball then he's capable of reaching Ablett status.

His goal in the PF on the run was superb and highlighted how dangerous he is. Beautiful kick on either side of his body and can be a match winner in the midfield or up forward. Really hope he can take it to the next step. His attitude is great, so long as he stays injury free I think he can become elite.

It might sound ridiculous, but I honestly think Higgins could surpass Cooney. He's that talented.

Remember his first 3 or 4 games - he just couldnt miss: snaps, long bombs on the run, set shots.. then his disposal dropped away, perhaps under the weight of expectation./