View Full Version : Are we finally being rated?

03-03-2010, 12:51 PM
For quite a few years, the Dogs have been up around the mark, getting close in 2006, 2008 & last season, but at the same time, we wearn't really rated by most scribes.

The biggest one was probably Grant Thomas, and looking back now, he was absolutely 100% correct, even though many of our supporters just couldn' cop it at the time.

Over the past few weeks, quite a few have started to really see us as a genuine contender, and not just making up the numbers in the top 4, Shane Crawford tipped us to go all the way, as well as Matthew Lloyd who today also tipped the Dogs to break our drought, he was always for teams with big forwards, and now we finally have one, and with good reason as well, i can't remember too many Premiership sides of late without those big key forwards.

The other debate is, do you want us to be rated, there seems to also be some divide, during that time of us not being so rated, quite alot of supporters as i mentioned, just couldn't cop it, yet, on the other hand, many don't want us to be rated, and fly under his imaginary radar, so which group do you belong in?

The glass half empty put a lid on it?


The glass half full lets blow the competition to shreads.

Either way, outside influences & opinions really mean diddly squat to the teams chances, you'd like to think that all the hard work over recent times, hard slogging during pre seasons, being so close in past Prelims, would be driving this group to greater things.

03-03-2010, 01:17 PM
The glass half empty put a lid on it?


The glass half full lets blow the competition to shreads.

The second one.

I dont want us to go overboard and march down to AFL headquarters demanding they engrave our name on the premiership cup now I would like to see us display a bit more confidence in public. Actually I dont know if confidence is exactly the right word I want to use. What I want to see and hear is a robustness about the club.

For example last year St Kilda let the elephant in the room effect them far too much. It was almost like they were scared to admit that they were a good team in case it put too much pressure on the players and expectation in supporters minds when it came to winning a flag. I dont what that to happen to us.

While I dont want to see Smorgo, Rocket or Johnno up on any rooftops shouting that we cant be beaten, I dont want us to hide our light under a bushell either.

03-03-2010, 02:31 PM
The second one.

I dont want us to go overboard and march down to AFL headquarters demanding they engrave our name on the premiership cup now I would like to see us display a bit more confidence in public. Actually I dont know if confidence is exactly the right word I want to use. What I want to see and hear is a robustness about the club.

For example last year St Kilda let the elephant in the room effect them far too much. It was almost like they were scared to admit that they were a good team in case it put too much pressure on the players and expectation in supporters minds when it came to winning a flag. I dont what that to happen to us.

While I dont want to see Smorgo, Rocket or Johnno up on any rooftops shouting that we cant be beaten, I dont want us to hide our light under a bushell either.

So which one are you? :p:D

Nah i think im the same. As long as the players believe they are a good side but dont get ahead of themselves, no matter where they finish at the end of the year ill be happy.

03-03-2010, 02:54 PM
The problem is so much has to go right to win a premiership. Being good, having a great list, having a great club, whatever it is that sets teams apart early in the season is so fragile. Injuries to key players, form slumps, internal strife can all turn heroes to chumps so quickly.

Should teams fear us? Yes, some should. Should we be rated? Yes, we should. Have we proven anything to date? Not a thing.
It's great to be excited for the coming year. I am.

But we need to maintain some composure. Are we the best side? On paper, we're pretty close. Top four I'd say.
But that doesn't mean much. Hawthorn weren't the best on paper in 08. But the planets aligned for them with injury and form and they were white hot at the big dance. Conversely, Geelong had some sub par performances on the day and bingo, the recipe was complete.

Let's be optimistically realistic.

And tear this year to shreds. Go Dogs.

03-03-2010, 04:07 PM
Just give us the silverware now and be done with it :)

Jokes aside it does seem an unusual and unsettling place to be in March hearing many of the scribes conveying us as the flag favourite. Think i'm just too used to the underdog status, the scarring from failed opportunities and constant jibes from my non bulldog mates (which are all of them) over the years.

03-03-2010, 04:17 PM
Think i'm just too used to the underdog status, the scarring from failed opportunities and constant jibes from my non bulldog mates (which are all of them) over the years.

Tell me about it - during the footy season walking into work after a loss is like a battlefield, working with all male colleagues all we do is discuss football. I am surrounded by Hawthorn, Geelong and Brisbane supporters...who all love to tell me how good it is to witness a premiership...I just smile and say our time is coming!! :)

03-03-2010, 05:11 PM
Over the last couple of years it has been "we think we are good enough to go all the way" what I think is a little different this year for both the players and its fans is "we know we are good enough to go all the way" so as you said. Lets tear this competition to shreads!!!

03-03-2010, 11:00 PM
The problem is so much has to go right to win a premiership.

Yep - That's why seasons like last year are so difficult to deal with - we have to have a remarkable season just to repeat that performance.

That said, good coaches and good players seem to be thereabouts every single year. Since Eade took over, 2007 was a disaster but every other year has been filled with consistent performances. 2005 was probably as enjoyable as any because of the low expectations heading in, but - 2008/9 have been my most enjoyable years as a Dogs fan since 97/98 - that week in, week out, winning form.

Which is why I get so shirty when we as fans jump all over them after a poor effort like the WCE game(s?) last year.

04-03-2010, 10:09 AM
Yep - That's why seasons like last year are so difficult to deal with - we have to have a remarkable season just to repeat that performance.

That said, good coaches and good players seem to be thereabouts every single year. Since Eade took over, 2007 was a disaster but every other year has been filled with consistent performances. 2005 was probably as enjoyable as any because of the low expectations heading in, but - 2008/9 have been my most enjoyable years as a Dogs fan since 97/98 - that week in, week out, winning form.

Which is why I get so shirty when we as fans jump all over them after a poor effort like the WCE game(s?) last year.

Great Post MJP. I agree with you 100%.

04-03-2010, 10:36 AM
Yep - That's why seasons like last year are so difficult to deal with - we have to have a remarkable season just to repeat that performance.

Succint as always mjp.

04-03-2010, 11:44 AM
In the past I've ALWAYS been one who prefers us to be the UNDERDOG, and in the past that hasn't done any bloody good, so I'll try the other line of thinking and say THIS IS OUR YEAR, GIVE US THE CUP!!!!!!!!!!

04-03-2010, 12:13 PM
Just sit back and enjoy the ride i say.
Even if we dont win it this year, who are we losing next year? Eagleton ,Aker?
Is johnno going for sure?
Thats only 3 players and the ones coming up should be hot to go by then!

04-03-2010, 03:11 PM
In 2007 the running joke through the entire town of Geelong was how tightly 'the lid' was clamped down heading into September. They didn't want to get over excited publicly, but at the same time, they just knew their time had come.

I think it was a great attitude to have and I'd like to think we'll adopt a similar approach to that. I don't want to be like Essendon circa 2000 and celebrating the flag after the qualifying final.

04-03-2010, 06:15 PM
I never cared if we were rated or not rated. I enjoy being the underdog (pardon the pun). I never get to excited by media buzz.

However one thing that you can't dispute.

Being rated = More memberships!

04-03-2010, 07:33 PM
Want proof that we are now rated as a genuine premiership threat by supporters of other teams.....just have a look at all the hate that is suddenly coming our way on other football forums.

As Aker said today...the premiership window is officially OPEN.

05-03-2010, 12:35 AM
Just sit back and enjoy the ride i say.

It really is the best way to go. Things are never as good as you hope or as bad as they might appear.

05-03-2010, 08:58 AM
It really is the best way to go. Things are never as good as you hope or as bad as they might appear.

They better be!:D

06-03-2010, 03:47 AM
Can we take the lid on and off on a needs basis?
Membership marketing = lid off
On the ground = lid on