View Full Version : Spoilers, Guns and Money - R6

30-04-2010, 05:19 PM
For the guys and girls not going to the game you can posts your thoughts as they appear on the TV. For the balance of us we can do this after the game.

Spoilers = A (One) player that did not quite measure up to expectations and the reasons why?
Guns = 3 players that stood out on the night and the reasons why?
Money = Someone who's skills stood out in the game? This can be one particular passage of play

30-04-2010, 10:21 PM
Spoilers = Gia, trying to be cute kicking over to the player in the goal square, instead of kicking it himself and stuffing it up.

Guns = 1: Harbrow, ran all night. 2: Hahn, presented well and got a bit of the ball. 3: Addison, I think he had a good game tonight.

Money = Griffen, was very good early and it was a great goal from outside 50.

30-04-2010, 10:23 PM
Spoilers: Our inability to close a deal when we should finish it.

Guns: None. What good is praising individuals when the team result is so poor?

Money: See point 1.

I'm going to bed. I'm too angry and irrational to post anything worthwhile right now.

30-04-2010, 10:30 PM
Spoilers: Our inability to close a deal when we should finish it.

Guns: None. What good is praising individuals when the team result is so poor?

Money: See point 1.

I'm going to bed. I'm too angry and irrational to post anything worthwhile right now.

what he said. going to bed. disappointed and pi$$ed off. just have to suck it up.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
30-04-2010, 10:33 PM
Spoilers- rookie errors by Williams leading to 2 goals, and Guido/Grant for not taking the opportunity to win

Guns: Harbrows intensity, poise and flair in an otherwise dour match. Griffen's first half, and Cooney's last quarter.

Money. Griffen's shot on the run just outside 50.

30-04-2010, 10:53 PM
Spoilers: Barry Hall. Not only was his performance appalling - and he gave away a crucial goal - but all he did for the entire night - was stand flat footed 30 metres out from goal. If he is going to draw 2 or 3 players - then don't make it even harder on the bloke with the ball by clogging it up even more - get to the goalsquare or lead all the way up and out. He was disgraceful and amateurish for a 33 year old.

Gun: Harbrow.

Money: Harbrow - pick out just about anything.

01-05-2010, 01:44 AM
Spoilers - hate to say it, but Bazza's free kick hurt. I can cope with him having an off night, but that kind of stuff we can't afford. And on the whole, our piss weak performance in the last quarter.

Guns - Harbrow. And the other two Harbrows.

Money - Griff's run to fifty, and slotting the long goal. A rare highlight of the game for us.

01-05-2010, 02:19 AM
Spoilers - It would take a lot to beat Tom Williams' 'Minson' moment, but Giansiracusa's ridiculous decision to not kick that goal in the fourth cost us the game.

Guns - Harbrow was brilliant; Cooney and Griffen were great.

Money - Griffen's goal.

01-05-2010, 08:00 AM
Spoilers - Gia not having a shot from 30m and the other 5000 stuff ups.

Guns - What I thought about putting to my head at the end of the game.
Seriously though Harbrow was brilliant.

Money- What we won't have next season if we don't pull our socks up.

01-05-2010, 08:07 AM
Hall having a brain fade and giving away a free kick

Harbrow for his run.
Giansiracusa for his tackling and work ethic.
Hahn for doing a lot of the hard work.

Roughead's goal in the 3rd quarter. Great to see a youngster kick a telling goal.

01-05-2010, 12:23 PM
Spoiler - Not hanging on for the win

Guns - Harbrow, great attacking game. Gia, another great game in the middle. Gilbee, setup a lot of play

Money - Roughead's goal

01-05-2010, 12:27 PM
AndrewP6 - Your Avatar says it all.

Spoiler - Just not closing the game down when we could. Silly decisions resulting in rushed-erratic kicks.

Guns - Harbrow. Sign him now. Too much of an important player to lose.

Money - Agree with everyone else, Roughie nailing the coffin of getting a game next week.

01-05-2010, 09:54 PM
AndrewP6 - Your Avatar says it all.

Spoiler - Just not closing the game down when we could. Silly decisions resulting in rushed-erratic kicks.

Guns - Harbrow. Sign him now. Too much of an important player to lose.

Money - Agree with everyone else, Roughie nailing the coffin of getting a game next week.

Unfortunately.... looking forward to changing it to something more upbeat.