View Full Version : Barry Hall Headlock

22-05-2010, 06:08 PM
Being discussed in the game day thread but thought it could do with its own

What are your thoughts? Unfair niggle or disappointing lack of self control?
Will he get suspended, and should he?

I was disappointed with that IMO. I haven't been in his shoes, but I would have hoped he could cope with what was done to him without acting like that. I suspect he will be suspended, which will hurt not only our forward line in the weeks he misses but also the progress of our forwards gelling together


22-05-2010, 06:15 PM
An absolute thing of beauty.

Disappointing about the lack of support for him from our guys. Stack, Coons, Lake, Hill I think got involved.

He'll cop a fine and we'll keep rolling on.

22-05-2010, 06:18 PM
An absolute thing of beauty.

Disappointing about the lack of support for him from our guys. Stack, Coons, Lake, Hill I think got involved.

He'll cop a fine and we'll keep rolling on.

The rest of the players were at the other end of the ground. I thought North' s tactics were gutless and reporting Barry and not protecting him by the umpires also also disgusting.

You can tell Eade was disappointed by the treatment and the umpires not doing anything about it.

22-05-2010, 06:23 PM
The rest of the players were at the other end of the ground. I thought North' s tactics were gutless and reporting Barry and not protecting him by the umpires also also disgusting.

You can tell Eade was disappointed by the treatment and the umpires not doing anything about it.

Completely agree. There is only so much a player should have to put up with, and for Barry I thought he was quite restrained.

North were trying to provoke him and the umpires sure didn't do him any favours by stepping in and putting a stop to it. Very weak from North.

22-05-2010, 06:26 PM
The 3 umpires totally lost control of that game.

Kennedy, Stevic and Kammolins must be sacked immediately.

22-05-2010, 06:27 PM
Whilst he shouldn't get suspended for it, it was officially a misconduct charge and looking through the tribunal booklet it's difficult to determine which subsection of misconduct it falsl under. Misconduct (Instigator of Melee) would be the best outcome as it's only a financial penalty but it might also be Misconduct (contact with the head including face). If it is the latter, the 'normal' penalty for this would be a lvl 2 charge and 125pts (93.75 with early plea). However, given Hall's loading (50%) and carryover points of 96.25 he may well end up at 332 pts and still 2 weeks after an early plea (249pts)

22-05-2010, 06:29 PM
Whilst he shouldn't get suspended for it, it was officially a misconduct charge and looking through the tribunal booklet it's difficult to determine which subsection of misconduct it falsl under. Misconduct (Instigator of Melee) would be the best outcome as it's only a financial penalty but it might also be Misconduct (contact with the head including face). If it is the latter, the 'normal' penalty for this would be a lvl 2 charge and 125pts (93.75 with early plea). However, given Hall's loading (50%) and carryover points of 96.25 he may well end up at 332 pts and still 2 weeks after an early plea (249pts)

Well if he ends up with that ie 2 weeks suspension, then it stinks and the club should put in an official compliant. That will open the door for every club to attack him. Imagine just before the finals.

22-05-2010, 06:31 PM
Complete result of poor officiating. Barry has won plenty of fans with his restraint over the past few weeks in the face of ongoing antagonism and I for one was not upset with his reaction today. He handled it beautifully.

That he has been put on report and that Nth got a free kick and goal from it is incredibly poor. They've rewarded utter cowardice and punished a bloke on reputation. What was Hall to do? He was getting belted in the back, copped a real cheap shot, was set upon by half the Nth squad and then attacked as he tried to get from the field. Aside from the headlock, he had his arms up to stay away from trouble.

I'm glad the others flew the flag a bit, but we need to concentrate on the game so we showed some real character and grit in that sense. Eade said as much as well, that the colour of the team shone most in this respect - disciplined, and composed.

22-05-2010, 06:34 PM
The 3 umpires totally lost control of that game.

Totally agree.

22-05-2010, 06:48 PM
The only people that should be rubbed out are the three monkeys put in charge of that game. Disgraceful, embarrassing lack of control, they had no positive influence whatsoever. The whole shemozzle was caused by their weak, lily-livered inactivity. And the week AFTER Ump Appreciation round. Pathetic.

The Bulldogs Bite
22-05-2010, 06:49 PM
Crap football sides often revert to dirty tactics in all forms of competitive sport.

I can't stand North Melbourne and all week/today was another reason why. Scott was quick to run his mouth all week and it was evident his old ploy came to the fore today when his side was getting thrashed.

If Hall gets suspended, I'll be disgusted with the AFL and particularly the inept umpires.

22-05-2010, 06:53 PM
Scott is a mongrel, was a footballer and I am not surprised to see that level of cowardice come out in players he coaches. Just a flog of a player, and man.

22-05-2010, 06:56 PM
Scott Thompson = Coward.

22-05-2010, 06:56 PM
Complete result of poor officiating. Barry has won plenty of fans with his restraint over the past few weeks in the face of ongoing antagonism and I for one was not upset with his reaction today. He handled it beautifully.

Totally agree. Thought he did everything he could without just biffing someone.

22-05-2010, 06:57 PM
An absolute thing of beauty.

Disappointing about the lack of support for him from our guys. Stack, Coons, Lake, Hill I think got involved.

He'll cop a fine and we'll keep rolling on.

The umpires did nothing to stop the play, with the ball continuing to move up the ground. Would you have preferred our blokes to run the opposite way just to fly the flag - I'd rather they try and stop North from kicking a goal.

22-05-2010, 06:59 PM
Discussion on 3AW about the tribunal lawbook suggested that a reprimand is the most likely outcome, as there is no specific reference to 'healocks' in the guide.

A headlock is effectively contact to the nck (not head or face) and Barry can use the arguement of self defence which should get him off.

Lets hope so...

22-05-2010, 07:05 PM
So that's what the shinboner spirit North have been going on about all these years is...bunch of cowards. They're happy to antagonise Hall when he's on his own and they're being protected by the umpires, they're lucky (and we're lucky) he didn't do a Brent Staker incident on them.

22-05-2010, 07:17 PM
Discussion on 3AW about the tribunal lawbook suggested that a reprimand is the most likely outcome, as there is no specific reference to 'healocks' in the guide.

A headlock is effectively contact to the nck (not head or face) and Barry can use the arguement of self defence which should get him off.

Lets hope so...

Yeah, they're not directly mentioned in the tribunal guide. Was listening to Graeme Bond talk about it as well and the only thing he didn't mention are Hall's carryover points which unfortunately even if he gets the 80pts minimum for the offence, would make it 264pts and with a 25% reduction 1 game and 98 carryover pts. Really hope I'm wrong and that this gets thrown out or is at worst a financial penalty but i'm not convinced it will happen

22-05-2010, 07:23 PM
I cannot believe he did not punch anyone in the face following his treatment, I reckon I would of. Baz showed great restraint.

22-05-2010, 07:27 PM
Makes you wonder if it was St Nick there instead of Barry what would the outcome be.

Dancin' Douggy
22-05-2010, 07:30 PM
I Remember, with great pain,
Riewoldt going down like a squealing, cheating, Jelly Baby in the goal square,
getting a free kick and putting us out of a Grand final last year.

Barry Hall should have been given a free kick in the goal square for repeated and forceful contact. Culminating in him being kneed to the ground while trying to do up his laces but what happens? Reported for retaliating and a series of 50m penalties? Does any one even know what they were for?

One freekick to Hall in the goal square and the entire situation is defused.

Pathetic and unprofessional umpiring.

I am firmly in Barry's corner on this as is probably 99.9% 0f the football world.
(the other .001% are people who actually attend North Games)
(I know that's a cheap shot but I'm in that kind of mood)
Disgraceful behaviour from the "shinboners"

22-05-2010, 07:32 PM
The treatment dished out to Bazza is just bullshit, and the AFL and the umpires doing nothing about it just means they've lost the little respect that I gave them. Its not only bad for Barry, it brings down the whole level of sportsmanship in the game. I go to watch a game of footy, if you're hard but fair, even better, but not to see gutless bumps when a guy is lacing up his boots, FFS. What message does all that give to the kids about the character of being an AFL player?

22-05-2010, 07:39 PM
Makes you wonder if it was St Nick there instead of Barry what would the outcome be.

It would have been a free & 50, plus another kick from point blank range after that!

Dancin' Douggy
22-05-2010, 07:51 PM
It would have been a free & 50, plus another kick from point blank range after that!

And 3 Brownlow votes and a free Brazilian.

Remi Moses
22-05-2010, 07:56 PM
Caught the game on the net and as stated the Football world (Bar the 90 y/o grannies who follow North)Pathetic insipid officiating sounded like .Sounded like somebody crucified by previous actions . North Melbourne represent NOTHING crap team crap fans and gutless efforts that transpired from the coaches box !Sounds like Scott had a fair idea they were Going to get pantsed by his mid week diversion along with his obvious gutless sniping tactics

22-05-2010, 09:00 PM
I agree with someone's earlier post about what a great result the umpires create straight after "Umpire's Round." I'd like to think that the boffins at the AFL think real hard and careful about how they tackle this one. Give Barry a few weeks off and next thing you know out in the suburbs kids would copy the behaviour to some degree. I think that because, "that's" the approach to everything is done corporately these days. E.G. with Barry's incident on Staker he was severly punished and the Swans dropped him like a hot potato. "Bad for the brand" and so on.

So if they encourage the protaginist behaviour that was dealt to Hall surely they'd be concerned with their image even if it wasn't copied by kids next Saturday.

I was so glad, actually ecstatic to see the boys absolutely shelack North because that's the only way you show them that if they want to come out and play mind games with players and encourage them into what now is nothing more than fisticuffs then we'll kick your arse anyway. It could've only been better if they strung a few more tap down runs from the centre by Hudson and Minson and then a handball and kick between the big sticks repetedly till the end of the game.

I was on edge hoping Barry could control himself especially not having seen what happened at first because all I heard was the North cheer squad going nuts. But was more than proud after he showed a hell of a lot of self control. There's too much scrutiny on the players these days to not clenched fist punch each other. Especially given its still very much a contact sport. An earlier post with the "he started it defence" although sounds awesome probably won't be taken on board

I'd like to think you guys as fans might in the next week send e-mails of support or even better hand written letters of support to the club for Baz (yes I know its a team game) just to show that the fans are more than 100% behind him. Because I like you have been amazed by his efforts for us (basically won us the NAB cup) and hope that even if he ignores the media in the next few days that the people of this great club want him. He was pushed so far today by such negative play and i think this proves he won't snap (despite everyone's expectations). Even listening to commentary on the radio they're just waiting for it. I want him to be able to end his career when he wants and be remembered positively.

Sorry for such a long post. I just feel thinking about it more broadly and yes it might make the game even more of a sissy sport, that if the AFL want it to be more athletic(profesional) which has over the years made it so different and yes mostly better, than they better get serious about abolishing tactics that we saw today. Yes the player should control themselves, but your only human aren't you.

I think you'll find that the physical size argument needs to be looked at with Franklin and Brown two examples of players who also get unfair treatment by umpires just because of their size. And today Hall got much less than equal treatment as well.

I'll finish after this. Brad Scott needs to have a good hard look at himself for encouraging this type of play for his team. Even Gia had a hard day at the office. At least we won it and convincingly so.

I'll stop my rant there anyway because it has certainly helped me. But won't bore you all with further points which I still have and hope we don't see todays ugliness again. Obviously because they knew they were going to be outclassed.

GO DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!

seething :mad:

22-05-2010, 09:08 PM
I cannot believe he did not punch anyone in the face following his treatment, I reckon I would of. Baz showed great restraint.

Couldn't agree more! I'm sold on his restraint. Amazing that he didn't "Staker" him. Thompson would have deserved it.

22-05-2010, 09:18 PM
Scott is a mongrel, was a footballer and I am not surprised to see that level of cowardice come out in players he coaches. Just a flog of a player, and man.

Here Here.

22-05-2010, 09:39 PM
It was Hawthorn vs Sydney all over again. When there were so many infringements North could be penalised for, they were let go, and let go, and let go. Then as soon as Barry even puts a toe out of line, they're all over him. Even when they had plenty of chance to reverse the original infringement, all that happened was North was dragged closer and closer to goal.

Any respect I had for the North Melbourne Football Club was rubbed into the turf under Scott Thompson's boots this afternoon.

North fans better get ready for plenty of pain under Brad Scott, because its clear he's decided to adopt the old 'we'll belt the opposition if we can't beat them' mentality, and its backfired bigtime.

Stack's goal from the next bounce was one of the most satisfying I've ever watched from a Dogs fan. I gave an almighty spray from 10 rows back on level 3, one I'm particularly proud of.

22-05-2010, 09:40 PM
Barry's charge has now been amended from 'misconduct' to 'rough conduct'. Not looking good.

22-05-2010, 09:44 PM
The umpires need to protect Hall, that was just unbelievable, the Pope would have swung a punch in that situation. Our players need to insulate Hall when this stuff starts happening, get around him, I felt bad for Barry cos I wanted to crack Thompson myself.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
22-05-2010, 09:44 PM
Well, according to John Ralph of the Herald Sun, the charge against Hall has been changed to that of rough conduct, which he said starts at 325 demerit points if they deem his action (ie the headlock) as deliberate, and when you add on Hall's loading for prior's that goes up to 500 points....
That means some serious weeks if he's is found guilty.
If that happens that would be a travesty for Hall and the club, not to mention a ridiculous outcome.

22-05-2010, 09:47 PM
Makes you wonder if it was St Nick there instead of Barry what would the outcome be.

All afternoon this was going through my head... if that famous for falling down Saint got a free kick right in front of goal for what Brizza did, then what should BBB have received.

I can't see the AFL letting all this off the ball nonsense go on much longer apart from its effect on BBB it's a blight on the game and it achieves didly squat, but is aped in all the junior comps I've watched in the last few years.

22-05-2010, 09:49 PM
Well, according to John Ralph of the Herald Sun, the charge against Hall has been changed to that of rough conduct, which he said starts at 325 demerit points if they deem his action (ie the headlock) as deliberate, and when you add on Hall's loading for prior's that goes up to 500 points....
That means some serious weeks if he's is found guilty.
If that happens that would be a travesty for Hall and the club, not to mention a ridiculous outcome.

You couldn't call it accidental, so I guess he is gone for a while
Not good

22-05-2010, 09:53 PM
Disgraceful behaviour from the "shinboners"

It's par for the course from their coach, however.

On the way home from the game I heard a North supporter saying how proud he was of the North FB for not taking a backward step.

I was amazed at how he had got the whole thing arse about. Thompson wasn't on the receiving end he was the instigator and so the backward step was an adequate description of his, the supporter's mind.

22-05-2010, 10:14 PM
Stack's goal from the next bounce was one of the most satisfying I've ever watched from a Dogs fan. I gave an almighty spray from 10 rows back on level 3, one I'm particularly proud of.

Was gonna mention this. Probably the loudest cheer I have heard from an 'away' team ever. Everyone was on their feet going nuts. I loved the Dogs supporters today. We were louder, prouder and much heavier in numbers :)

22-05-2010, 10:43 PM
Barry had his own umpire in the 3rd and 4th qtr lol

But it is disappointing with the umpires. Pay the man a few frees and this stuff won't happen to him. Too bad his old reputation is still in the minds of the umps

22-05-2010, 10:59 PM
If BBB gets suspended, I want him to ask the Tribunal: "what should I have done, in those circumstances?".

Would love to hear the answer!

22-05-2010, 11:58 PM
Watching replay, start of the 3rd quarter, commentators said "Number of reports laid, none for striking, which is what we're looking for"... bloody disgraceful that they openly state that's what they want to see.

23-05-2010, 12:01 AM
Hall will probably be suspended, but I agree with those saying it sets a bad precedent for football at all levels. Niggling, antagonising and elbowing kidneys will, as some like to say, go to a new level. That means juniors as well.

Like others, I also thought of that instant after half time in the preliminary final last year when Morris bumped Riewoldt, who fell over and was given a goal. Perhaps if Hall was to fall over... but when you put it like that you just know that he wouldn't be given those sorts of kicks.

I think there's actually a big dilemma for the tribunal here. They'll want to penalise Hall but everyone knows that provocation is usually a defence in law, and if we didn't see provocation in that match we will never see it. And everyone except Brad Scott thinks it's not really acceptable these days.

If Hall gets a week, then Thompson should get three or four. That's the moral, correct alternative, but under what rules can that happen? I don't think it will.

Good to see Eade supporting his players, though, and on good grounds. On the other hand, seeing Scott supporting his players at his press conference was hollow, mechanical and false. He didn't even look like he believed what he was saying. I thought Libba was the last 'win at all costs' player, and even then only because Wallace told him to do it or be dropped, but Scott is still trying it on. On the other hand, though, the Dogs won by 70 points, so really it was 'lose at all costs'.

I suppose overall I'm disappointed that a club like North could have an approach like that in 2010.

23-05-2010, 12:32 AM
Well, according to John Ralph of the Herald Sun, the charge against Hall has been changed to that of rough conduct, which he said starts at 325 demerit points if they deem his action (ie the headlock) as deliberate, and when you add on Hall's loading for prior's that goes up to 500 points....
That means some serious weeks if he's is found guilty.
If that happens that would be a travesty for Hall and the club, not to mention a ridiculous outcome.

How can a headlock be 325 demerit points and last week Mitchell pulls Nasons hair, which would hurt more than a headlock and gets fined $900. I don't get it.:mad:

Ghost Dog
23-05-2010, 12:38 AM
Scott is a mongrel, was a footballer and I am not surprised to see that level of cowardice come out in players he coaches. Just a flog of a player, and man.

Look at the scoreboard North. They are like Hawthorn; so busy trying to prove themselves as tough guys but when it comes to winning the game they can't get it done.
Barry is doing well, and we should really write him a ton of fan mail to encourage him.
Well done Bazza, have a rest.

Ghost Dog
23-05-2010, 12:45 AM
I suppose overall I'm disappointed that a club like North could have an approach like that in 2010.

Let's face it. They lost, badly. Struggling club; you could fit all of their members in a few metro trains. Let them play their ' shinboner' style. Geelong don't do it, actually none of the top teams do it. Richmond and North, Hawthorn are good at this sort of BS. Look where it gets them.

23-05-2010, 06:35 AM
It's completely insane. He holds his arms up and you can see he wants to hit guys - but he can't. But they can come at him and bump him again and again while he's trying to leave the ground - off the ball.

Now maybe I'm missing something, but I recall a certain blonde chap getting a rather controversial free kick for significantly less during a very tight preliminary final last year. It seems you can attack some players with both barrels and it's up to them to put up with it, but hit others with a feather duster and you lose a spot in the GF.

Our game is hard to officiate - rushed behind rule, holidng the ball, hands in the back - they're tough rules to judge because it's hard to see everything. I'll admit that. But this stuff is just madness. Blatant bias for certain players. And the problem comes from the Geish. He's so rubbish at his job... I find it so hard to understand.

23-05-2010, 07:49 AM
Still seething about this the AFL are quick for fining clubs and players for bringing the game into disreput well those three yellow idiots did in spades yesterday and the AFL must act if barry gets any more than a fine we should take it to court absolute crap!!!!

Weak as urine Kangas

23-05-2010, 08:05 AM
2 weeks ago a Collingwood friend of mine was at our game with me and said - Barry gets nothing and will not get anything from the umpires.

The scum of the earth were always going to get him for something before the end of the season - that was a given.

Barry hold your head up mate - just like you did your arms to restrain yourself.

Headlock - the most ridiculous charge - it happens several times in every game. Just watch the players off the ball.

Scott is and always been (to quote Sammy Newman favourite word) an IMBECILE. A no good thug.

Bring on Round 18 - might not be a good idea for North to put Thompson in the side. We can snipe too when we have too. Watch your back Thompson - we will be out to get you.

23-05-2010, 08:44 AM
What I'm really pissed off about now is the complete double standards. Had the German Diver had that happen to him he would have been awarded multiple shots on goal. Hell even his cousin got a free before the game last night because of something that happened to Hall countless time. The umpires did not look after Barry at all and their treatment was as pathetic as the pathetic roaches that ran out in Blue and White.

23-05-2010, 09:34 AM
i absolutely loved the headlock. He had him in it for a good 15-20 seconds even with 3 of them trying to pull him off. Brilliant stuff Bazza.

23-05-2010, 09:43 AM
I like a lot of other people have a North Melbourne Membership, im one of those staunch Victorians who is happy to financially help and support something with a tradition as grand as anything.

But no more.

I will not financially (admittedly membership through donation as i dont attend any games apart from vs the bulldogs) support a club that flagrantly plays with total abandon for how the game should be played.

Ok, got that off my chest.

Now as for the umpiring, facts remind there is clearly two sets fo rules, as clearly demonstrated by sooky reiwoldt and barry hall, in a prelim final, and probably the second greatest and most important match of the year last year gets decided by a free kick like that, and yet exactly the same thing happens again, and nothing is done.

There is no way in the world that Anderson, Geisch and his crowd of narrow minded idiots can possibly defend this.

Hall needs to be fined, sure, no issues there, but if he gets 1 week or more then seriously why do we even bother? Don't the AFL have a duty of care to protect players from constant abuse?

Ill gladly chip in where needed to fund such court costs, the AFL in this instance has it all wrong.

North Melbourne, you poked the nest too often and too hard, then when you got stung, your singing like snitch. A 70 point belting was clearly deserved, enjoy your relegation battle, you've lost me.

23-05-2010, 09:46 AM
i absolutely loved the headlock. He had him in it for a good 15-20 seconds even with 3 of them trying to pull him off. Brilliant stuff Bazza.

Should have changed his grip and thrown his legs over to stretch him out - could have choked him right out :).

I am surprised by the Nth fans over on other forums and on talkback - their game was incredibly poor, we dominated right across the board but the focus for them isn't about what went wrong, what allowed us to cut them to pieces and is more towards trying to claim a moral victory because they made Basil snap? Some even suggest they were right in the contest if not for our cleaner disposal. HA Not when you get flogged that hard rooboys.

I am not one to buy not the "brothers in arms" crap that people try to suggest because they too are a struggling club. Giving each other a sigh and pat on the back etc. Stuff that. I would get great enjoyment out of seeing these fall over and die. Just a shame Bazza couldn't sink it in a bit harder and we could have started with Thommo.

23-05-2010, 12:41 PM
The umpires have never protected Hall, even when he was at Sydney. And to add to the earlier post which stated Barry had his own umpire in the 3rd and 4th quarters, that was to see what Barry was doing rather than what was being done to him. This seems to be the case every week.

23-05-2010, 12:46 PM

23-05-2010, 12:47 PM
I hope we're putting together a strong case for Baz, and are prepared to fight if he does get weeks.

We can't take this lying down.

23-05-2010, 12:49 PM
Well, according to John Ralph of the Herald Sun, the charge against Hall has been changed to that of rough conduct, which he said starts at 325 demerit points if they deem his action (ie the headlock) as deliberate, and when you add on Hall's loading for prior's that goes up to 500 points....
That means some serious weeks if he's is found guilty.
If that happens that would be a travesty for Hall and the club, not to mention a ridiculous outcome.

Can anyone confirm the charge change? Was still listed as misconduct, not rough conduct, on AFL Game Day this morning

23-05-2010, 02:03 PM
The umpires have never protected Hall, even when he was at Sydney. And to add to the earlier post which stated Barry had his own umpire in the 3rd and 4th quarters, that was to see what Barry was doing rather than what was being done to him. This seems to be the case every week.

The umpires may not have protected him but the AFL certainly looked after him in the mid 2000's.

23-05-2010, 02:10 PM
The umpires may not have protected him but the AFL certainly looked after him in the mid 2000's.
They were looking after Sydney, not Barry.

Frothin at the gob
23-05-2010, 02:20 PM
We are about to find out just how fair dinkum the tribunal is.
If he goes, it means open season on Full forwards.

23-05-2010, 02:39 PM

Great Photo

23-05-2010, 02:46 PM
Yep shirt nearly ripped off,4 players after him,being head butted, hands out, but he gets reported?

23-05-2010, 02:46 PM
Stack's goal from the next bounce was one of the most satisfying I've ever watched from a Dogs fan. I gave an almighty spray from 10 rows back on level 3, one I'm particularly proud of.

Was loud wasnt it.....spewing it wasnt up the end we(cheersquad) were sitting.....but i have to say it was also a very very very loud cheer when Barry got the ball in the 3rd qtr to have his 1st shot, only for it to hit the dam post......then not long after he gets the goal.....he loved and im sure we all did as well...and to heear all the cheers when he came off the ground was awesome.......

23-05-2010, 02:49 PM
Bring on Round 18 - might not be a good idea for North to put Thompson in the side. We can snipe too when we have too. Watch your back Thompson - we will be out to get you.

I reckon leave him in the team...play him on Barry again....and Barry will give him another footy lesson...hes a crap player and did nothing yesterday.....

Whats the bet he will jsut happen to hurt himself on the training track the week we play then.....

Absolute tosser he is.....

23-05-2010, 02:54 PM
That Mcmahon is a dog act of a player as well, if you watch the video again he drives the knees into Cooneys Head then locks his head between his legs. Then sooks when he gets caught kneeing Picken
I am good mates with Brady Rawlings grew up with him in Devonport certainly let him know what dirty players they are.

P.S I always mention his dog acts on Scotty West many years back

23-05-2010, 03:11 PM
Dissapointed all the news saying no-one flew the flag from what i recall Stack and Cooney were there before the big full back good on Lake but Kudos to Stacky and Coons aswell

23-05-2010, 03:28 PM
I reckon leave him in the team...play him on Barry again....and Barry will give him another footy lesson...hes a crap player and did nothing yesterday.....

Whats the bet he will jsut happen to hurt himself on the training track the week we play then.....

Absolute tosser he is.....

And that is the exact reason he wont be in the team.

23-05-2010, 04:00 PM
Was loud wasnt it.....spewing it wasnt up the end we(cheersquad) were sitting.....but i have to say it was also a very very very loud cheer when Barry got the ball in the 3rd qtr to have his 1st shot, only for it to hit the dam post......then not long after he gets the goal.....he loved and im sure we all did as well...and to heear all the cheers when he came off the ground was awesome.......

We definitely outnumbered them yesterday.

23-05-2010, 04:39 PM
Anyone read the Hun today? This sensationalistic tripe got MY blood boiling:

"However, Hall remains the main talking point for finally blowing a fuse near halftime, wrestling Scott Thompson and swinging his arms at anyone who dared enter his personal space.

The hot-headed Sydney discard threatened to undo all his good work this year when he erupted angrily at being pushed over by Thompson as he tried to tie his bootlaces.

The red-faced full-forward retaliated furiously, putting the AFL's best niggler in a headlock Hulk Hogan would have been proud of.

The Dogs desperately tried to rush him off the ground but it was not without several more scares as Hall swung his arms in an attempt to half-whack, half-slap any Roo who tried to bait him into taking one of their heads off. Hall came close.

Translating this journo-speak, I'd say:

"Hall was not involved in direct play, when tying his shoelace, Thompson kneed him to the ground with provocation. Hall responded as most would, and showed restraint in not taking any further action. As he was trying to leave the ground, several North Melbourne players attempted to stop him from leaving the field, to which Hall raised his arms, whilst still attempting to run off. In the midst of all this to-do, the three officiating umpires and emergency umpire did nothing, further escalating a potentially volatile situation"

23-05-2010, 06:08 PM
Yeah, typical media beat up. What a load of rubbish.

23-05-2010, 08:08 PM
Loved Brian Taylors comment about dropping all charges and if he gets suspended its a joke.

23-05-2010, 08:14 PM
Loved Brian Taylors comment about dropping all charges and if he gets suspended its a joke.

Taylor is right but only if they allow provocation as a defense. I can only remember this happening once (the whole Headland vs Selwood saga) and doubt they will here.

23-05-2010, 08:14 PM
Anyone read the Hun today? This sensationalistic tripe got MY blood boiling:

"However, Hall remains the main talking point for finally blowing a fuse near halftime, wrestling Scott Thompson and swinging his arms at anyone who dared enter his personal space.

The hot-headed Sydney discard threatened to undo all his good work this year when he erupted angrily at being pushed over by Thompson as he tried to tie his bootlaces.

The red-faced full-forward retaliated furiously, putting the AFL's best niggler in a headlock Hulk Hogan would have been proud of.

The Dogs desperately tried to rush him off the ground but it was not without several more scares as Hall swung his arms in an attempt to half-whack, half-slap any Roo who tried to bait him into taking one of their heads off. Hall came close.

Translating this journo-speak, I'd say:

"Hall was not involved in direct play, when tying his shoelace, Thompson kneed him to the ground with provocation. Hall responded as most would, and showed restraint in not taking any further action. As he was trying to leave the ground, several North Melbourne players attempted to stop him from leaving the field, to which Hall raised his arms, whilst still attempting to run off. In the midst of all this to-do, the three officiating umpires and emergency umpire did nothing, further escalating a potentially volatile situation"

Unfair and biased!
What a terrible piece of journolism!

23-05-2010, 08:21 PM
Unfair and biased!
What a terrible piece of journolism!

The funniest thing is that everyone would have seen it being replayed over and over and over so the only one coming off looking like a goose is the journalist, who sounds like a blind person falling over a cliff while banging his head on the side of a train. How these idiots get a media gig is beyond me -- one would think 'adequate descriptive skills' would be a basic requirement for a so-called journalist.

23-05-2010, 08:28 PM
Taylor is right but only if they allow provocation as a defense. I can only remember this happening once (the whole Headland vs Selwood saga) and doubt they will here.

Well the plus is all the provocation is on film for all to see, even the warnings to the umpires before it happened that hew was being illegally dealt with.
I think provocation is going to be a big issue in this case.

23-05-2010, 08:35 PM
He should just get a fine.

23-05-2010, 08:47 PM
The funniest thing is that everyone would have seen it being replayed over and over and over so the only one coming off looking like a goose is the journalist, who sounds like a blind person falling over a cliff while banging his head on the side of a train. How these idiots get a media gig is beyond me -- one would think 'adequate descriptive skills' would be a basic requirement for a so-called journalist.

Here here Mr Speaker!

Dry Rot
23-05-2010, 11:14 PM
Went to Swans v Freo yesterday and then had to work today.

Have just caught up with extended vision of what happened.

Aside from the main Thompson incident discussed at length above, I was disgusted at the actions of the North players when Hall came off afterwards.

Hardly the main issue, but has anyone seen anything like that?

Also from reading here, the attacks were not limited to Hall. North seem to have turned into a team of snipers, albeit incompetent players by the scoreline.

Dry Rot
23-05-2010, 11:16 PM
The hot-headed Sydney discard threatened to undo all his good work this year when he erupted angrily at being pushed over by Thompson as he tried to tie his bootlaces.

I don't recall ever "pushing" someone over with my hips or knees.

FWIW "pushing" is an upper body act, mainly hands or arms or maybe a shoulder.

23-05-2010, 11:24 PM
Went to Swans v Freo yesterday and then had to work today.

Have just caught up with extended vision of what happened.

Aside from the main Thompson incident discussed at length above, I was disgusted at the actions of the North players when Hall came off afterwards.

Hardly the main issue, but has anyone seen anything like that?

Also from reading here, the attacks were not limited to Hall. North seem to have turned into a team of snipers, albeit incompetent players by the scoreline.

The mad dash by the Norf players to besiege Hall was the most disgraceful part of it IMO. That the umpires allowed it, which included players staging for frees and throwing punches at Hall who feigned a haymaker was an outrage.

How they ended up getting rewarded for inciting a melee, attacking a bloke who clearly wanted to remove himself from that sort of dust up and continue to take cheap shots is baffling.

23-05-2010, 11:27 PM
I don't recall ever "pushing" someone over with my hips or knees.

FWIW "pushing" is an upper body act, mainly hands or arms or maybe a shoulder.

That's right. They weren't my words, but the stupid journo.

Dry Rot
23-05-2010, 11:32 PM
That's right. They weren't my words, but the stupid journo.

Yep, understand that, you were quoting a fool journo. :)

24-05-2010, 09:44 AM
I felt we were a little stiff,
A Doggie could've been the very first.
In the area of football biff,
Bazza may be a convicted felon.
But loved to have Thommo's's head burst,
Like an overripe watermelon.
That would've been very nice,
Head caught in Bazza's bicep vice.

24-05-2010, 05:17 PM
The rough conduct charge hasn't been sustained, Hall is facing a miscounduct charge and can accept a $3000 fine and is free to play this weekend.

Great news.

Dry Rot
24-05-2010, 05:19 PM
Great news, but IMO that fine is stiff in the circumstances.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
24-05-2010, 05:25 PM
Announced on afl.com.au that Hall can accept a $3000 fine for wrestling and is free to play after rough conduct charge thrown out!!!

Great news

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
24-05-2010, 05:26 PM
Great news, but IMO that fine is stiff in the circumstances.

I reckon the fine is fair enough under the circumstances.

The Pie Man
24-05-2010, 05:29 PM
I am equal parts amazed and stoked - I was convinced he'd get weeks.

What I was most concerned about on the day was the swing that sort of connected with his shoulder on the way off the ground.

Rapt he'll play Friday. :)

24-05-2010, 05:33 PM
Awesome news!

24-05-2010, 05:35 PM
And whats Thompson got?

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
24-05-2010, 05:40 PM
And whats Thompson got?

increased scrutiny for the rest of the season. That's enough for me. Without his niggling tactics he's a pretty ordinary player.

It was obvious from the Rieowoldt-Tayte Pears incident pre-bounce in the Bombers v Tigers game that the umps were taking on board the lessons out of the Dogs v North game, where the umps lost control of that contest.

24-05-2010, 05:44 PM
How much did the umpires get fined? :rolleyes:

24-05-2010, 05:53 PM
How much did the umpires get fined? :rolleyes:

OPSM supplied them with some lens cleaning solution :D

24-05-2010, 05:53 PM
$3000 / 22 = $136 each

24-05-2010, 06:45 PM
i thought Bazza would get weeks for sure cause he is B.Hall. This is great news.

Dancin' Douggy
24-05-2010, 07:11 PM
Great news and probably about fair to be honest.
He didn't come to us with a clean slate.

The great news is he DIDN'T lose it even under such extreme provocation.
And his behaviour has basically been vindicated.
Which in theory means Defenders won't be able to pull that kind of crap on him again.

24-05-2010, 08:00 PM
OPSM supplied them with some lens cleaning solution :D

:D :D :D :D :D

Am rapt Barry only got fined! I was the expecting the worst :)

24-05-2010, 08:04 PM
And whats Thompson got?

and that other hero Pratt ?

24-05-2010, 08:34 PM
is this the afls way of saying the umpires messed up??

24-05-2010, 08:38 PM
Why is Barry Hall the only one to get any sanction out of the game??

Both of The Sniper's charges were thrown out

Happy about the Hall outcome ... Disillusioned by the rest

Bumper Bulldogs
24-05-2010, 09:15 PM
And whats Thompson got?

The AFL must be happy with his actions otherwise they would have stepped in and ensured that these type of things don't tarnish our game.

I hope that as the Jnr kids are playing this week and knee other players doing up shoe laces, the AFl brain trust look on proud.............:mad:

24-05-2010, 09:34 PM
And whats Thompson got?

A wet blanket & a light bulb to keep the lights on all night.

24-05-2010, 10:09 PM
Gieschen makes excuses for them, but says that the umpires should have paid free kicks to Hall before the eventual blowup. It's on the AFL website (http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/94946/default.aspx).

He talks about 'prohibitive conduct'. I think he actually means 'prohibited conduct'. (Prohibitive has a rather different meaning.) But anyway, is that prohibited conduct well-defined? Does it include shoving in the kidneys with an elbow? with a fist? pinching? is there going to be a list?

He also says that he will be speaking to both clubs about what is acceptable and what's not. So then perhaps we'll all get to know his view. Again, though, it'll be an 'interpretation' rather than what's actually in the rules.

As usual, it's made up as we go along, according to what comes up on the field and, sometimes, changing community attitudes — although, as we've seen this week, defining 'community attitudes' also becomes a holier than thou exercise. So everything's political. As always.

25-05-2010, 02:29 PM
I see Doc26 made it into the H/S on page 83 in the 'what you said' part. For anyone who doesn't get this paper he commented "Scott Thompson and Brad Scott should do the decent thing and offer to pay Barry's $4000 fine".

25-05-2010, 02:58 PM
What did everyone think about Jack Riewoldt hitting at Tayte Pears recently broken arm? Fair play or not?

25-05-2010, 03:03 PM
What did everyone think about Jack Riewoldt hitting at Tayte Pears recently broken arm? Fair play or not?

Poor form.

25-05-2010, 03:03 PM
Poor form.
Kretiuk on LLoyd?

25-05-2010, 03:05 PM
$3000 / 22 = $136 each

$3000 / 41 = $73.13

Or better yet, $3000 / 33,864 = $0.09

One in, all in!

:-) I'm just bored...

Great news and probably about fair to be honest.
He didn't come to us with a clean slate.

The great news is he DIDN'T lose it even under such extreme provocation.
And his behaviour has basically been vindicated.
Which in theory means Defenders won't be able to pull that kind of crap on him again.

It could be so, yeah, as long as he doesn't respond, because he has now shown the capacity to handle the situation and the umpires/AFL will expect that capacity to remain.

25-05-2010, 03:11 PM
Kretiuk on LLoyd?

Poor form.

25-05-2010, 03:13 PM
Poor form.

Yeah, I agree(on both).

25-05-2010, 03:16 PM
Yeah, I agree (on both).

If during the course of the game you have the opportunity to test out an opponents injury (previous or current) via the use of a spoil or bump I say it's fair game, but I don't agree in targetting a player when play has stopped (or hasn't even started).

I'm not sure if that's double standards, but that's the way I feel about it.

25-05-2010, 03:23 PM
If during the course of the game you have the opportunity to test out an opponents injury (previous or current) via the use of a spoil or bump I say it's fair game, but I don't agree in targetting a player when play has stopped (or hasn't even started).

I'm not sure if that's double standards, but that's the way I feel about it.I agree. Now in hindsight I think how Dimma, Southern and Kretiuk targetted Michael Gardiner in his 2nd game for memory was also poor form.
Not sure I have named all the players, however you get my drift.

25-05-2010, 03:42 PM
If during the course of the game you have the opportunity to test out an opponents injury (previous or current) via the use of a spoil or bump I say it's fair game, but I don't agree in targetting a player when play has stopped (or hasn't even started).

I'm not sure if that's double standards, but that's the way I feel about it.

That's the way I feel about it too.

25-05-2010, 03:44 PM
I agree. Now in hindsight I think how Dimma, Southern and Kretiuk targetted Michael Gardiner in his 2nd game for memory was also poor form.
Not sure I have named all the players, however you get my drift.

Same with the Scott Brothers and Mal Michael targeting a clearly injured Riewoldt.

25-05-2010, 03:49 PM
Same with the Scott Brothers and Mal Michael targeting a clearly injured Riewoldt.
Yes, good call. How can we expect much from Brad Scott after he and his brother did that. Of course he would condone what Thompson did!

25-05-2010, 05:15 PM
Yes, good call. How can we expect much from Brad Scott after he and his brother did that. Of course he would condone what Thompson did!

According to Scott(on FC) footy purists wouldn't have a problem with the way the Kangaroos went about it.

Sockeye Salmon
25-05-2010, 05:17 PM
The Riewoldt thing was pretty minor.

Only one step up from poking out your tongue.

That free kick was horrible. It almost as if the umpire got his Riewoldts confused.

25-05-2010, 05:34 PM
[QUOTE=Sockeye Salmon;154986]The Riewoldt thing was pretty minor.

Only one step up from poking out your tongue.

That free kick was horrible. It almost as if the umpire got his Riewoldts confused. [QUOTE]

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

25-05-2010, 07:47 PM
$3000 / 22 = $136 each
Aker was on the radio saying that the players are paying for Barry's fine.

From what I could gather, any time a player receives a fine they get the opportunity to ask the other players to receive a 'donation' from the players fund. Barry got up and said "Don't be tight boys", and they voted to pay it.

Compensation for not helping him as he left the ground?

25-05-2010, 07:50 PM
According to Scott(on FC) footy purists wouldn't have a problem with the way the Kangaroos went about it.

Yep footy purists like Mike Sheahan, the only one on your side here. EVERYONE ELSE -- including North legends -- is wrong. SURE, Brad. Farkwit.

25-05-2010, 08:03 PM
Yep footy purists like Mike Sheahan, the only one on your side here. EVERYONE ELSE -- including North legends -- is wrong. SURE, Brad. Farkwit.


25-05-2010, 08:04 PM
If during the course of the game you have the opportunity to test out an opponents injury (previous or current) via the use of a spoil or bump I say it's fair game, but I don't agree in targetting a player when play has stopped (or hasn't even started).

I'm not sure if that's double standards, but that's the way I feel about it.

I agree mostly, but I see it this way:

If a player sustains an injury during the match, and you target that player, it's not fair game. There's no mid-game substitution so he's likely only continuing to play to help the team where nobody else can.

If a player sustains an injury before the game (ie previous round or training) then the coaches and match committee have decided to risk his injury, usually because they have no depth. Not our fault, so he's fair game — again, only to a certain degree. Tying his shoelaces with back turned? No. Bumping him where you know it hurts — yes.

25-05-2010, 08:17 PM
I agree mostly, but I see it this way:

If a player sustains an injury during the match, and you target that player, it's not fair game. There's no mid-game substitution so he's likely only continuing to play to help the team where nobody else can.

If a player sustains an injury before the game (ie previous round or training) then the coaches and match committee have decided to risk his injury, usually because they have no depth. Not our fault, so he's fair game — again, only to a certain degree. Tying his shoelaces with back turned? No. Bumping him where you know it hurts — yes.

Actually, I have no problems with physically testing a player who has been injured in a match. If you're injured, don't come back on. If you come back on, you're fair game for whatever is dished up. I'm not talking about cheap shots here, but you don't get special treatment just because you're playing hurt.

Ditto if you're selected injured. If you're on the field, the game is not going to do you any favours.

Deliberately targeting a players' injury, NOT cool. But there is a HUGE difference between testing a player physically with fair contact, especially in play, and repeatedly hitting a person's injury behind play, which looks terrible and does the game and the teams involved a disservice. There is also a difference between hitting someone's injury and testing a player mentally by trying to intimidate them. Good intimidators don't even have to touch you to scare the hell out of you.

25-05-2010, 08:24 PM
Aker was on the radio saying that the players are paying for Barry's fine.

From what I could gather, any time a player receives a fine they get the opportunity to ask the other players to receive a 'donation' from the players fund. Barry got up and said "Don't be tight boys", and they voted to pay it.

Compensation for not helping him as he left the ground?

The umps should pay the fine, they came out and said they were in the wrong, clearly lost all control of the situation, and perhaps at least the interchange ump should have ran off with him.

Had the players ran off & protected him, there would have been a massive malee.

I think it was that big tough man Daniel Pratt, that had a little jab to the back of Barry whilst Firrito was blocking his path, how piss weak was Pratts effort!

26-05-2010, 09:05 AM
Actually, I have no problems with physically testing a player who has been injured in a match. If you're injured, don't come back on. If you come back on, you're fair game for whatever is dished up. I'm not talking about cheap shots here, but you don't get special treatment just because you're playing hurt.

Ditto if you're selected injured. If you're on the field, the game is not going to do you any favours.

Deliberately targeting a players' injury, NOT cool. But there is a HUGE difference between testing a player physically with fair contact, especially in play, and repeatedly hitting a person's injury behind play, which looks terrible and does the game and the teams involved a disservice. There is also a difference between hitting someone's injury and testing a player mentally by trying to intimidate them. Good intimidators don't even have to touch you to scare the hell out of you.


26-05-2010, 09:06 AM
The umps should pay the fine, they came out and said they were in the wrong, clearly lost all control of the situation, and perhaps at least the interchange ump should have ran off with him.

Had the players ran off & protected him, there would have been a massive malee.

I think it was that big tough man Daniel Pratt, that had a little jab to the back of Barry whilst Firrito was blocking his path, how piss weak was Pratts effort!

Yep, a total disgrace to the name…

26-05-2010, 11:08 AM
Aker was on the radio saying that the players are paying for Barry's fine.

From what I could gather, any time a player receives a fine they get the opportunity to ask the other players to receive a 'donation' from the players fund. Barry got up and said "Don't be tight boys", and they voted to pay it.

Compensation for not helping him as he left the ground?

Haha, according to Eade, Barry didn't want to accept the players' donations (long-standing tradition at the WB re wrestling fines) but they persuaded him and in the end he accepted $1000 contribution.

Interesting to see Thompson has come out (today's HUN) and kind of apologised and says he's going to cut the niggle and play the ball in future, as he wants to regain the respect of the footy community. Good of him to admit it, but we'll see if old habits die hard.

26-05-2010, 01:06 PM
Haha, according to Eade, Barry didn't want to accept the players' donations (long-standing tradition at the WB re wrestling fines) but they persuaded him and in the end he accepted $1000 contribution.

Interesting to see Thompson has come out (today's HUN) and kind of apologised and says he's going to cut the niggle and play the ball in future, as he wants to regain the respect of the footy community. Good of him to admit it, but we'll see if old habits die hard.

Takes a bigger man than I thought he was to do that. Now let's see if he backs it up.

26-05-2010, 09:59 PM
I see Doc26 made it into the H/S on page 83 in the 'what you said' part. For anyone who doesn't get this paper he commented "Scott Thompson and Brad Scott should do the decent thing and offer to pay Barry's $4000 fine".

I also posted up commentary on the Kangaroos website. As somewhat expected the comments where one sided in favour of Brad Scott. I felt an argument for the defence was due.

Note: If one feels feedback might be tough at times on Woof try posting up a counter view on opposition club forums ;)

Ghost Dog
27-05-2010, 09:19 AM
Takes a bigger man than I thought he was to do that. Now let's see if he backs it up.

I read an article where players from colac ( whre Thompson used to play ) commented he never played that way before; going the niggle.
Their view was he is under instructions from the coach. go figure.

Ghost Dog
27-05-2010, 09:20 AM
What did everyone think about Jack Riewoldt hitting at Tayte Pears recently broken arm? Fair play or not?


27-05-2010, 12:03 PM

Depends on how he does it.

27-05-2010, 12:10 PM
Depends on how he does it.

The way Riewoldt went about it was poor.

28-05-2010, 12:28 AM
The way Riewoldt went about it was poor.

Must run in the family.

28-05-2010, 03:38 PM
That was terrible.

I'm all for testing the arm out in play- we've all done it. Say Pears was going for a mark I would have excused Jack if he hit his arm there while feigning a spoil. But to do it when all Pears was doing was offering the hand for a good luck hand shake at the start of the game. Poor form. Kind of makes Mclean snubbing Kirk seem ok in comparison.

29-05-2010, 01:14 PM
That was terrible.

I'm all for testing the arm out in play- we've all done it. Say Pears was going for a mark I would have excused Jack if he hit his arm there while feigning a spoil. But to do it when all Pears was doing was offering the hand for a good luck hand shake at the start of the game. Poor form. Kind of makes Mclean snubbing Kirk seem ok in comparison.

Off topic I know, but I didn't have a problem with McLean's snubbing. Plenty of time for pleasentries at Full Time as far as I'm concerned.