View Full Version : Hall and Aker - Always The Double Edged Sword

23-05-2010, 12:22 AM
In a remarkable week, the perils in bring Jason and Barry to our club have been highlighted - just when our club has started to click as a group onfield.

We know the positives...
1 - Barry Hall and Jason Akermanis both bring premiership experience to a club remarkably bereft of this
2 - Aker initially brought the ability to break open a game with pace and extraordinary kicking power and precision at goal and to team mates
3 - Barry is the much needed KPF who can create a contest in the air, bring the ball to ground and basically provide an aerial (and ground contest)

We knew the negatives

The interviews by Andrew Maher on 10 post game of both Aker and Hall were brilliant and exposed the baggage we knew they brought
But how do any gay players or players with gay friends/family feel about Aker at the moment
How do players feel about the its all about Aker individualistic sideshow, the sideshow that the greatest ever AFL player and four time premiership coach Leigh Matthews couldn't control and still appears bitter about
What does Aker's individualistic actions do to the 'fabric' of the club (noting our form fall off after the handstand problem...
What about the apparent lack of run and penetration in Aker's aging legs...??

Regardless of the fairness of Hall's treatment by opponents and umpires (yes I've always believed he has been crucified, but lets face it he made the cross and has to bear it), Hall appears to have at least partly detonatated. What happens if/when he detonates in Round 22, or in the first final and is rubbed out of the finals series....what happens to our carefully reconstructed gameplan that revolves around having a KPF

I am interested in people's thoughts on whether we should or should not have recruited these two baggage carriers...and more importantly what can be done to manage the baggage from here on....

My thoughts are:

Move Aker to the backline, and swap him with Harbrow...Aker is good enough overhead, and is still quick enough to play back pocket and maybe the selflessness of a defensive role will help his (and the team's mindset). Harbrow's speed and kicking penetration could be better utilised through the midfield and forward.

Mitchell Hahn is quite possibly the only option (and he is not a great option) to play Hall's role, and if he isn't already, Hahn needs to be understanding and learning Hall's leading patterns so he can in effect be 'plugged' in to fill Hall's role (if/when Hall is suspended)....I know I have callled for Hahn's head but Hahn is our closest to Hall's physical size and presence who can play Hall's role

23-05-2010, 12:34 AM
Aker in the backline would be a big no from me. Way too slow and he seems to be looking for a free kick more then trying to win the ball with his skill lately

23-05-2010, 12:43 AM
Not sure Aker is quick enough to play back. Hate to say it, but it just seems he went on too long.
As for Hall, I don't agree that he 'detonated'... if putting a bloke in a headlock means, as Eddie McGuire said in the Triple M call, he's "lost the plot", then it's a soft, pathetic game we have in 2010. If needed, Hahn is probably physically closest, but a lift from others would be just as good IMO.

Ghost Dog
23-05-2010, 12:52 AM
How is that supposed to encourage them? These players need to be shown that they are doing a lot of good things. Barry has done really well so far this season. Aker, like previous seasons, is getting better as things warm up. He is a little slow, but his kicking for goal is damaging.
You don't buy a dog and get upset when it barks. Barry is a trained athlete, and you expect him to get a bit fired up. If anyone else did it there would not be such panic. Headlocks are a dime a dozen.

23-05-2010, 12:56 AM
How is that supposed to encourage them? These players need to be shown that they are doing a lot of good things. Barry has done really well so far this season. Aker, like previous seasons, is getting better as things warm up. He is a little slow, but his kicking for goal is damaging.
You don't buy a dog and get upset when it barks. Barry is a trained athlete, and you expect him to get a bit fired up. If anyone else did it there would not be such panic. Headlocks are a dime a dozen.

Yep, i don't want him to change the way he plays at all. And going by all the supporters there today, they feel the same.

Agree about Aker also, he is slowly starting to get going this season. He has been serviceable this season in my opinion, does his job without having to be the stand out, because he doesn't need to be anymore. He very rarely stuffs up with a disposal & as you say, his kicking for goal is damaging.

23-05-2010, 12:59 AM
Hall appears to have at least partly detonatated. What happens if/when he detonates in Round 22, or in the first final and is rubbed out of the finals series....what happens to our carefully reconstructed gameplan that revolves around having a KPF
If Hall didn't fully detonate today, he never will. Quality teams do not rely on a suburban footy tactic of getting completely negative key defenders with little or no actual skill to goad the opposition key forward. Today said a lot more about North Melbourne under Brad Scott than it said about Barry Hall.

23-05-2010, 06:20 AM
I thought the post game interviews were complete and utter rubbish. He kept at Hall on and on about Thompson and the niggle/wrestling - asked the same thing in 3 or 4 different ways. Surprised Hall didn't clock HIM to be honest.

And then he goes over to Aker and essentially says he played a bad game, and it was because of the article.

To be honest, there's a time and place. Our club is very good giving time to the media, and I understand that you take the good with the bad - but those 2 interviews were very, very bad IMO.

As for having Aker & Hall at the club. It's got more to do with the rest of the group. Do they get distracted? It would appear not. Is Grant getting a priceless opportunity to play alongside Hall? Absolutely. Would Aker have helped guys like Ward, Higgins, Cooney, Griffen with work rates, preparation, how to break a tag etc - absolutely. And his off field stuff isn't really that bad anymore. Controverisal article on Gays in football? Article about drugs in football? Meh - non-event if you ask me. Unless we have a few gay lads in the ranks...

Sockeye Salmon
23-05-2010, 12:13 PM
What about the apparent lack of run and penetration in Aker's aging legs...??

That's the only sentence is your OP that is relevant.

I think Aker is just about done. Could you imagine playing him in the back pocket this week against Davey or Jetta?

23-05-2010, 12:36 PM
That's the only sentence is your OP that is relevant.

I think Aker is just about done. Could you imagine playing him in the back pocket this week against Davey or Jetta?

No way, he is not a backman at all. I like him to stick to a crumbing forward. He hasn't played this role so far this season until the last two rounds and is his best position.

23-05-2010, 03:09 PM
I think Aker is just about done. Could you imagine playing him in the back pocket this week against Davey or Jetta?

No way, he is not a backman at all. I like him to stick to a crumbing forward. He hasn't played this role so far this season until the last two rounds and is his best position.

BAD, I think you might have missed the sarcasm in the SS post.

23-05-2010, 04:25 PM
The controversy surrounding a Acker's article is a reflection of the society we live in, where the minority are very vocal and hence they canned Acker. Acker just stated the reality of the time and place we live in. He just told like it is. If anyone thinks an AFL player can simply come out and make a public announcement without any consequences for him, his team mates, the club and opposition players, then I've got a bridge to sell them. Unfortunately, we live in a time of political correctness and everyone jumped on Acker beacsue of this.. I have no problem with what he said, but I have a problem with the condemnation he received. It might have affected his game yesterday, or more likely it might have been the death in his family. It didn't affect his team mates. Acker's psotives have far out weighed any perceived negatives,

Barry has anger management issues, no doubt. His by and large kept the lid on his anger, and takes attention awa from the younfer forwards that play alongside him. So far, i'm glad we got him.

23-05-2010, 04:58 PM
The controversy surrounding a Acker's article is a reflection of the society we live in, where the minority are very vocal and hence they canned Acker. Acker just stated the reality of the time and place we live in. He just told like it is. If anyone thinks an AFL player can simply come out and make a public announcement without any consequences for him, his team mates, the club and opposition players, then I've got a bridge to sell them. Unfortunately, we live in a time of political correctness and everyone jumped on Acker beacsue of this.. I have no problem with what he said, but I have a problem with the condemnation he received. It might have affected his game yesterday, or more likely it might have been the death in his family. It didn't affect his team mates. Acker's psotives have far out weighed any perceived negatives,

Barry has anger management issues, no doubt. His by and large kept the lid on his anger, and takes attention awa from the younfer forwards that play alongside him. So far, i'm glad we got him.

It's Aker.

23-05-2010, 09:23 PM
He just told like it is. If anyone thinks an AFL player can simply come out and make a public announcement without any consequences for him, his team mates, the club and opposition players, then I've got a bridge to sell them.

Have to say that I totally agree with these comments. It became public today that some of the words in the article, were in fact, not written by Aker. "..........fabric of the club" apparently weren't his words. Just the fall out from the NSW politican this week told me enough that we as a society, judge others because of their sexual preferences. Also, please correct me if I am wrong, but from memory, if any other sportsman has ever "come out" it has always been after their career was finished. Johnno was right what he said on the TV today, and that was along the lines "......the few gay friends I have, had a terrible time just coming out to the family.....". Most of us could care less about a person's sexuality, but I believe there are still others who make judgments because of it?:(

23-05-2010, 09:52 PM
Have either overstepped the line?

Hall put a guy in a headlock after being harassed all day. Big deal.

Aker wrote a very logical column on a touchy subject which no one else wants to deal with. I say good on him.

The only problem with the two incidents is in the unwanted media attention put on the club, when all everyone really wants to focus on is football.

23-05-2010, 10:47 PM
BAD, I think you might have missed the sarcasm in the SS post.

Actually, I was backing SS, and don't agree with the OP. Maybe should have phrased it differently.

23-05-2010, 11:15 PM
I'd like Aker to just concentrate on getting a kick, and a good one at that, but we knew what we were getting and, as MrMahatma said above the so-called 'playing group' doesn't seem to have been distracted. Perhaps that's because Aker and Hall came into a quiet but mature group of leaders at the club.

And I'm sure some players have learned a lot from both of them.

I've just wanted to say this about Aker's article: I'd prefer it not have existed, because I'd rather our club didn't have any extraneous matters in the public eye. But at the same time I think a lot of the reaction is pure humbug. Yes, it'd be great if a gay player was just another player and if the attitudes around gays could be said to belong to another, past era. But society doesn't yet accept gays without at the very least smartarse comments a la Eddie. My evidence for this is purely the fact that no gay AFL player has come out. If these attitudes all belonged to a past era, as we keep being told by Mr Demetriou and others, then there would be plenty of out gay players. But there are none.

As far as Hall goes, I was sceptical when he arrived at the club, but I believe in redemption (in this life only though). So when I see a bunch of cowards tackling the man in the competition with the least latitude in reacting to their pathetic behaviour, I really think the administrators and umpires are letting the game down. It's as if they're part of the desire to see just how much he will take before he snaps. If that weren't true, there would have been multiple free kicks, for the same reason Riewoldt got them in last year's Preliminary Final.

But anyway, yes, a double-edged sword, but so far it's been worth it.

24-05-2010, 09:44 AM
Good posts by MrMahatma and Lurgan. I was also impressed with the way Aker and Hall dealt with questions on the subject - low-key and not being drawn into making any rash remarks. Baz didn't come across as angry or bitter, more just accepting that was the way things were, and Aker said he had more important things to think about, his wife's grandfather having just passed away. In fact the club as a whole has shown commendable dignity all round.

Sockeye Salmon
24-05-2010, 10:42 AM
The controversy surrounding a Acker's article is a reflection of the society we live in, where the minority are very vocal and hence they canned Acker. Acker just stated the reality of the time and place we live in. He just told like it is. If anyone thinks an AFL player can simply come out and make a public announcement without any consequences for him, his team mates, the club and opposition players, then I've got a bridge to sell them. Unfortunately, we live in a time of political correctness and everyone jumped on Acker beacsue of this.. I have no problem with what he said, but I have a problem with the condemnation he received. It might have affected his game yesterday, or more likely it might have been the death in his family. It didn't affect his team mates. Acker's psotives have far out weighed any perceived negatives,

Barry has anger management issues, no doubt. His by and large kept the lid on his anger, and takes attention awa from the younfer forwards that play alongside him. So far, i'm glad we got him.

Hammer. Nail. Head.

24-05-2010, 12:43 PM
My two cents:

1. Aker played back pocket when he first started back at the Bears; granted, he's not fast enough to do it in 2010 but some are saying that Aker can't play in defense. PA-POW.

2. The most over-the-top reactions to Aker's column seem to be more to show off how progressive we boofhead bogans really are. Really, they 'doth protesteth too much'. If it really were 'no big deal' as so many of them are claiming, then why the big deal?

As a far more balanced column pointed out last week, if The Footy Show and associated media are still so regressive and primitive when it comes to talking about WOMEN, how can they pretend that they would be any better talking about homosexuality? Often, these same 'progressive' football people got themselves into tangles and knots when they tried to crucify Aker as their words would often implicate their own views -- for example:

Mark Robinson on SEN before the game on Friday, in trying to be SOOO progressive, said that Aker has a lot of influence in the general public and incites violence and fear through his article, and why is he writing about gays in the Herald Sun, a family paper anyway.. WHOOPS, IS ROBBO SUGGESTING THAT HOMOSEXUALITY DOES NOT BELONG IN A FAMILY PAPER? .. oh, no, no, not at all, any article bringing this issue to light is a good one. Nice backflip, d*ckhead.

The funniest irony was of course all these media people coming out (pardon the pun) and saying that it wouldn't be news etc. but by making a big deal about it, made it news! Listen, if Aker writing a few words about homosexuality caused such a stir for a week, you really think that a player openly coming out wouldn't? Puh-lease.

Sockeye Salmon
24-05-2010, 01:04 PM
The funniest irony was of course all these media people coming out (pardon the pun) and saying that it wouldn't be news etc. but by making a big deal about it, made it news! Listen, if Aker writing a few words about homosexuality caused such a stir for a week, you really think that a player openly coming out wouldn't? Puh-lease.

Not news?

Then why is at least one media organisation currently hunting full-on trying to find someone they can out?