View Full Version : Should The Club Suspend Aker?

The Coon Dog
29-05-2010, 07:10 PM
The club has said it will look into the Jason Akermanis situation early next week.

Given that Aker has acknowledged he lied to the club (& made them look silly in the process), should he be suspended for his actions?

My view is that he should be suspended for 2 weeks.

I know some people think we knew what we were getting when we took him on, but at the same time he's part of a team striving to win a premiership.

The club surely has to be seen to be bigger than the individual.

29-05-2010, 07:21 PM
Reports from journalists point to some players being unhappy with Aker. Mind you I tend not to take too much notice of some of these journo's as they tend to think they're bigger than the game.

I might be reading too much into this, but the way we reappeared on the ground to start the 3rd quarter was concerning. Rather than enter as a huddle or group, we were sparsely spread, so much that Hall and Gilbee were a good 20 metres behind th last player in the "peleton" for use of a better word. Division in the playing group are costly and have been all too common at our club in the past. I hope to Chris I am wrong.

29-05-2010, 08:14 PM
I don't quite understand what a minimal suspension will achieve.

The options are:

- Suspend him for a short period of time but I'm not convinced it's a strong enough message
- Get him to make a public apology to the club stating that he acted appallingly and giving a commitment that it won't happen again.
- Sack him for ignoring the conditions of his media work and placing the club under unwanted attention.
- Send him too Williamstown and see if he can regain some form and repair the trust.

Whilst they might very well suspend him for a week or two will that be sufficient to repair the damaged to the trust between Akermanis and the club plus we once again cop all the hype upon his return from the suspension.

I probably favor option 2 that clears it up quickly and places Akermanis as the person who let the club down. I wouldn't rule out option 3 if he is being pigheaded and has damaged the relationship with his team mates.

29-05-2010, 08:17 PM
Sack him. Club must come first and we need to make a statement. We gave him a go but he has let himself and the club down.

29-05-2010, 08:20 PM
It's such a tough one, isn't it? I don't really know what to think about this situation. I just hope the club makes the right decision and that the players are happy and satisfied with the result. We need a unified team to take us to the heights I know we can reach this season. Trying hard to not lose the faith and stay positive. :o

29-05-2010, 08:31 PM
I voted yes - 1 week. I think he made a mistake (a significant one) but we knew his style when we took him on. Give him a spell, make him mull it over, give the other boys a break from it all, and come back firing the week after. On current form, he needs a "break" anyway ;)

Sacking him now could get very ugly, and on-field right now, we're ugly enough...that could create even more distraction that we don't need.

29-05-2010, 08:33 PM
I don't quite understand what a minimal suspension will achieve.

The options are:

- Suspend him for a short period of time but I'm not convinced it's a strong enough message
- Get him to make a public apology to the club stating that he acted appallingly and giving a commitment that it won't happen again.
- Sack him for ignoring the conditions of his media work and placing the club under unwanted attention.
- Send him too Williamstown and see if he can regain some form and repair the trust.

Whilst they might very well suspend him for a week or two will that be sufficient to repair the damaged to the trust between Akermanis and the club plus we once again cop all the hype upon his return from the suspension.

I probably favor option 2 that clears it up quickly and places Akermanis as the person who let the club down. I wouldn't rule out option 3 if he is being pigheaded and has damaged the relationship with his team mates.

I say send him to Williamstown for a few weeks, for 2 reasons, lying to the club as well as gaining some form, plus an apology as well, make him really earn his spot back in the side.

What he did was make Rocket and the club look stupid, by defending his actions, backing him up 100%.

As Leigh Matthews said on radio today, he lost count on how many times Aker had to apologise to his team mates at Brissy, and he never really understood that his actions always hurt the club.

Always loved the way Aker goes about it with having an opinion, and not being afraid to say what he thinks, but to flat out lie to the club, that is shit.

29-05-2010, 08:37 PM
Jon Ralph just said on Channel 10, that he was definitely going to be suspended for the Collingwood match.

Rocco Jones
29-05-2010, 08:41 PM
I know the fixture but a three game suspension would mean he misses the Eagles game at Subi before the break. Means in effect we could suspend him for a month.

It's one thing to play the clown in the media and it's another thing to be make small minded, bigoted comments that damage our club's otherwise strong PR and then dare lie to the club about it. I have been a supporter of Aker in the past as I have felt most of his misdemeanours have been silly at worst but I am very disappointed in him here.

29-05-2010, 08:44 PM
Surely he would've been dropped after last night even if all of the events never transpired.

29-05-2010, 09:54 PM
I voted to suspend him for 1 week.

The article did not bother me at all. I'm not saying I agree with it but he's entitled to his opinion. The thing that upsets me is that the club went out to bat for him and then found out he was lying to everyone involved doesn't sit well with me. I couldn't give a stuff if he lied to the HUN but it really made the Western Bulldogs look silly and I think he deserves to be held accountable for his actions.

29-05-2010, 11:03 PM
I voted Yes- 2 weeks, making him play at Williamstown.

I believe in the club making a stand, but also not cutting your nose off to spite your face. I say 2 weeks because in reality his form probably dictates he be dropped anyway, if his form was red hot I'd probably say just the one.

29-05-2010, 11:05 PM
2 weeks

1 for form, 1 for lying to the club

The Bulldogs Bite
29-05-2010, 11:23 PM
2 weeks

1 for form, 1 for lying to the club


Dry Rot
29-05-2010, 11:54 PM
Doesn't it kind of depend what role we see him playing for the rest of the season?

If the game has passed him by and he'd be dropped if we had no injuries, then it doesn't matter. Drop/suspend him for month for all I care.

But if we still think both that we have a real shot at a flag this year (dunno how anyone could think that so far) AND that he will be integral part of that shot, then I'd tread warily and go for the apology line.

30-05-2010, 12:25 AM
I don't know how any reasonable person make such a massive judgement without knowing all of the facts, not just what the media has reported.

These are the facts.

- The AFLPA asked Jason to write any article about speculation that a homosexual AFL player was about to "come out of the closet" and what impact that may have on their team mates.
- Jason wrote said article and it was approved by the Bulldogs.
- Jason's ghost writer Jon Anderson reworded the article to "clean it up" for publication.
- Rodney Eade said after the article was published in the HS that the article that was published and the article that the club approved were different.
- Jason wrote an apology to the football club because their was a misunderstanding about who wrote the article. Jason acknowledged that what was published was an accurate representation of his opinion on the matter.

There has been plenty of speculation from the media that the article was changed again after Anderson reworded it, but Jason has never stated this publically. Maybe he did behind closed doors to the club - this will come out in the wash.

If he told the club privately that the article that was published were not his words, and then retracted that with his public apology, then a sanction is warranted. However if it is a misunderstanding about changes that were made to the original article and not the published one, then maybe just a request to avoid any further potentially controversial articles should suffice.

The Pie Man
30-05-2010, 01:15 AM
It may not be relevant to draw parallel's with the most recent example of a player busted lying to their club and the subsequent punishment (Didak/Shaw rest of the 08 season) as the circumstances are clearly different....but the action of lying is the same.

So I've got a few points & a question.

I believe he should be suspended (which Jon Ralph indicated on Channel 10 was likely - and also made reference to a nerve problem in his hamstring affecting his form...a side issue)

I believe that suspension should be more than 2 weeks

I would have preferred he didn't play against Essendon (easy to say in hindsight so I don't want to be overly critical on this point, they made the call and it's not a big deal)

My question - should he be suspended, what's the chance he'll pull the pin on his career immediately?

For a reasonably switched on guy, this has been extraordinarily dumb of him...playing devils advocate, if he could've got away with the lie, it may have served him a teensy bit...but how cold he have seriously thought he could get HS to admit to something they clearly didn't do to support his BS to the club?

30-05-2010, 06:41 AM
2 weeks for me. Then he should have to come back through Willi(he has a hamstring problem ATM). He has tainted our brand and lied to the people who backed him up. I wouldn't be to upset if he pulled the pin.

30-05-2010, 09:00 AM
2 weeks. Apart from anything else, he needs a rest. Aka is Aka and if you take the spirit out of the boy, you get a flat cake instead.

30-05-2010, 11:25 AM
2 weeks. Apart from anything else, he needs a rest. Aka is Aka and if you take the spirit out of the boy, you get a flat cake instead.

I don't think his form or health should even be a consideration

30-05-2010, 11:26 AM
He lied and publicly humiliated the club and the people who supported him.

They must be absolutely ropable.

He has to go. The issues around form are irrelevant although they may go some way to determining the nature of the punishment (they shouldn't but you know, we have a flag to win).

30-05-2010, 11:44 AM
My question - should he be suspended, what's the chance he'll pull the pin on his career immediately?

It would be extemely disappointing if he did this imo, his body language on Friday night looked as though he knew he let the club down, he needs to take whatever punishment on the chin, head down, ass up, and give 110% to try & finish his career with another Premiership medallion, him playing his role to the best of his abilities at this stage of his career would more than make up for his error in judgement.

You would hope he would want to leave footy in the best possible way with his head hung high after a great footy career, and not leaving everyone involved with a bad taste in their mouths.

30-05-2010, 11:59 AM
Jon Ralph just said on Channel 10, that he was definitely going to be suspended for the Collingwood match.

John Ralph also said Barry would get 4-5 weeks suspension last week:rolleyes:

30-05-2010, 01:12 PM
I voted one week, as I think the punishment is about right.

I totally blame the Club for allowing this article to be written in the first place. For starters its a controversial subject and because Aker is the author, its going to be even more controversial. So why did Fantasia and the club allow this subject matter to be explored.

How different was the approved version to the one Aker submitted. Even if it was different, the article was about gays staying in the closet. I can understand Aker has been given the right to work in the media, but the club must not approve controversial subjects in the first place.

30-05-2010, 01:16 PM
I voted one week, as I think the punishment is about right.

I totally blame the Club for allowing this article to be written in the first place. For starters its a controversial subject and because Aker is the author, its going to be even more controversial. So why did Fantasia and the club allow this subject matter to be explored.

How different was the approved version to the one Aker submitted. Even if it was different, the article was about gays staying in the closet. I can understand Aker has been given the right to work in the media, but the club must not approve controversial subjects in the first place.

Why did you vote to suspend him if you blame the club for HIS actions?

Lying to the club and writing of the article are two different things.

30-05-2010, 01:20 PM
Why did you vote to suspend him if you blame the club for HIS actions?

Lying to the club and writing of the article are two different things.

Suspension for lying.

If the article wasn't published in the first place, we wouldn't be talking about it or suspensions and thats why I voted a minimal suspension.

30-05-2010, 01:21 PM
Aker is a media man and the media love these types of performances because the public always overreact. There were people on radio last week calling for Barry Hall to be suspended for 10 weeks.

I don't think banning the handstand had an overall positive impact on the club and neither will suspending him.

I'm more concerned about his current form. As per another thread, he will come under scrutiny with other players becoming fit to return.

30-05-2010, 01:26 PM
Suspension for lying.

If the article wasn't published in the first place, we wouldn't be talking about it or suspensions.

Fair enough.

It really disapoints me that the club has to tell a 33 year old what he can and can't do.

I dont think Akermanis gets or cares how his actions effect people around him.

Out of interest wonder how many of Rob Murphy's and Barry Halls article get rejected by the club?

30-05-2010, 01:31 PM
Fair enough.

It really disapoints me that the club has to tell a 33 year old what he can and can't do.

I dont think Akermanis gets or cares how his actions effect people around him.

Out of interest wonder how many of Rob Murphy's and Barry Halls article get rejected by the club?

Do you understand where I am coming from, the buck has to stop with management.

Murphy said last week on the radio that he only had one ever rejected near the start of his media career. I doubt Hall would have any rejected. He had a good article in today's Sunday Age and yes, unfortunately, Aker is all about , Look at me look at me. We have to rein him in for the rest of the season, I would hate to have him disrupt us for this year.

30-05-2010, 01:56 PM
How different was the approved version to the one Aker submitted. Even if it was different, the article was about gays staying in the closet. I can understand Aker has been given the right to work in the media, but the club must not approve controversial subjects in the first place.

This is the crux of the issue from my perspective and why I don't think a suspension is necessarily the right thing.
If he has reworded a couple key components of the article to make it more controversial then he needs to apologise to all concerned and we need to put this behind us.
If he has reworded the article in defiance of the club and then was economical with the facts with his initial explanation of the events then I think there is a chance that the best outcome is for the player and the club to part ways.

What will a suspension provide us? All it will do is put a time when the media headlines will be all about the Akermanis return to the senior side.
This is not some youngster who defied a curfew because of his age. This is possibly the act of a senior player in his final season at the club looking to forge a bigger name from himself in the media.

Ideally he needs to front up and confess that he broke a number of the rules he agreed to. If he doesn't or can't see the errors of his ways then why give him the opportunity to potentially do something like this during the finals.

To me, suspending him is the easy option.

30-05-2010, 02:04 PM
This is the crux of the issue from my perspective and why I don't think a suspension is necessarily the right thing.
If he has reworded a couple key components of the article to make it more controversial then he needs to apologise to all concerned and we need to put this behind us.
If he has reworded the article in defiance of the club and then was economical with the facts with his initial explanation of the events then I think there is a chance that the best outcome is for the player and the club to part ways.

What will a suspension provide us? All it will do is put a time when the media headlines will be all about the Akermanis return to the senior side.
This is not some youngster who defied a curfew because of his age. This is possibly the act of a senior player in his final season at the club looking to forge a bigger name from himself in the media.

Ideally he needs to front up and confess that he broke a number of the rules he agreed to. If he doesn't or can't see the errors of his ways then why give him the opportunity to potentially do something like this during the finals.

To me, suspending him is the easy option.

Agree, we need this defused quickly and an apology in public to the club is the best way.

The club has to knock this off the media agenda as there are bigger fish to fry.

30-05-2010, 02:15 PM
This is the crux of the issue from my perspective and why I don't think a suspension is necessarily the right thing.
If he has reworded a couple key components of the article to make it more controversial then he needs to apologise to all concerned and we need to put this behind us.
If he has reworded the article in defiance of the club and then was economical with the facts with his initial explanation of the events then I think there is a chance that the best outcome is for the player and the club to part ways.

What will a suspension provide us? All it will do is put a time when the media headlines will be all about the Akermanis return to the senior side.
This is not some youngster who defied a curfew because of his age. This is possibly the act of a senior player in his final season at the club looking to forge a bigger name from himself in the media.

Ideally he needs to front up and confess that he broke a number of the rules he agreed to. If he doesn't or can't see the errors of his ways then why give him the opportunity to potentially do something like this during the finals.

To me, suspending him is the easy option.

It certainly is an interesting time for the club and Akermanis.

If we do part ways with him would that be because he lied to the club or because the game has caught up with him very very quickly?

I think it is quite obvious that Akermanis will continue to do what he thinks is best for Akermanis. He has proved that a number of times over his career.

Even if he acknowledges the error of his ways it doesnt mean he wont do it again.

Is the saying its Easier to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission?

30-05-2010, 02:42 PM
It certainly is an interesting time for the club and Akermanis.

If we do part ways with him would that be because he lied to the club or because the game has caught up with him very very quickly?

I think it is quite obvious that Akermanis will continue to do what he thinks is best for Akermanis. He has proved that a number of times over his career.

Even if he acknowledges the error of his ways it doesnt mean he wont do it again.

Is the saying its Easier to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission?

If he acknowledges the error of his way and does it again then he just looks like a petulant fool to the footy public and I think that would discredit him as a potential media reporter.

This should have nothing to do with his playing form or health.

30-05-2010, 03:26 PM
The options are too 'big brotherish' for mine and would prefer that a solution is initiated from Jason. This course would ultimately benefit all IF it could be reached.

Ideally Jason himself should be big enough to suggest / impose a sanction on himself for deceiving the Club. He should be on the front foot and offer the Club an out rather than sitting back and waiting for a Club imposed sanction. Hopefully he can see the error of his ways and see that an apology in this case is a bit short of the mark. Not sure of the nature of his media contracts but he should if possible publically pull the plug on these to show where his commitment for the next four months sits, hopefully it is with the Club and not himself.

If Jason does prove to be so self obsessed / indulgent that he can't acknowledge and sacrifice for the benefit of the Club then cutting ties now may be the best course of action. Jason needs to see that he needs football more than football needing him. He is risking becoming irrelevant and excluded from the sanctuary of the Club's he's served on the field brilliantly.

30-05-2010, 05:47 PM
2 weeks...

For the 1st week, he shouldnt play any football...he needs some rest completely away from the football field

For the 2nd week he should have a run at Williamstown...if he is among their best then he can come back, if not then he can stay at Williamstown for a few more weeks

The club needs to set an example that this type of behaviour (lies) cannot and wont be tolerated...especially to the younger players

30-05-2010, 06:04 PM
Give him a week, he needed it anyway.

Let him know that he is vital to us this year and set the ground rules. Lets be strong but supportive, lets be a team about this, he is still one of us.

30-05-2010, 07:11 PM
2 Weeks i believe.
In a way, it was bound to happen even if he didnt do this article!
His form is quite disappointing at the moment, and the club will in a way suspend him but drop him at the same time.

30-05-2010, 08:36 PM
I reckon an apology and not suspension but either a rest for a couple of weeks or play him at Willy until his form picks up.

30-05-2010, 08:56 PM
Sack Acker and every other Prick if we don't Win this Week !!!

No give them all a big hug , relax a bit, take a very deep breath, cup a tea and a bex, have a lie down for 5,
- gain a little self composure !!!

30-05-2010, 09:23 PM
I voted No. Let the punishment fit the crime - just stop him from being able to write any articles. This will lower his media profile which represents a personal hit to him, and reduces the risk of further public embarrassment to the club.

Hopefully this will shift his focus back to his footy and contributing to on-field success

The Pie Man
30-05-2010, 09:34 PM
I voted No. Let the punishment fit the crime - just stop him from being able to write any articles. This will lower his media profile which represents a personal hit to him, and reduces the risk of further public embarrassment to the club.

Hopefully this will shift his focus back to his footy and contributing to on-field success

Slight tangent - I get Jason is serious about his media career post footy....but will anyone be that interested in what he has to say once he's retired?

He's bitten not one but two hands that feed him - not a good reputation to build in any industry, and once the currency of current AFL player is gone, who is going to really care anymore?

Bumper Bulldogs
30-05-2010, 10:22 PM
Ok I voted as a warning will do... I think we are happy for him to do media so cop it sweet.

I would warn him and spell it out very clearly the expectations of the club and playing group.

I would then take the step of dropping him back to Williamstown based on form, this would make him assess things and make him accountable for his playing actions.

I think his pride would get a kick based on form more than his comments in the paper. With a few of the young guns playing well it may spur him on as he would not want to be the "Josh Hill" of finals in 2010.

Rocco Jones
30-05-2010, 10:26 PM
Slight tangent - I get Jason is serious about his media career post footy....but will anyone be that interested in what he has to say once he's retired?

He's bitten not one but two hands that feed him - not a good reputation to build in any industry, and once the currency of current AFL player is gone, who is going to really care anymore?

Definitely. He makes simple but extreme comments, very shock jock like. The majority of society don't have the time, attention span and/or desire to analyse issues. They don't want grey but black or white, especially when it's about sport. Look at the Herald Sun or our 'news' programs.

You will never go broke appealing to the lowest common denominator.

30-05-2010, 10:31 PM
Sack Acker and every other Prick if we don't Win this Week !!!

No give them all a big hug , relax a bit, take a very deep breath, cup a tea and a bex, have a lie down for 5,
- gain a little self composure !!!

The heat getting to you:D

The Pie Man
30-05-2010, 11:08 PM
Definitely. He makes simple but extreme comments, very shock jock like. The majority of society don't have the time, attention span and/or desire to analyse issues. They don't want grey but black or white, especially when it's about sport. Look at the Herald Sun or our 'news' programs.

You will never go broke appealing to the lowest common denominator.

Fair points Rocco - he will be paid attention to for subjectivity, no doubt....though say he wrote this column next year...given he won't be tied to a club, it may not generate the near hysteria it has now.

30-05-2010, 11:50 PM
Fair points Rocco - he will be paid attention to for subjectivity, no doubt....though say he wrote this column next year...given he won't be tied to a club, it may not generate the near hysteria it has now.

And IMO he has blown our trust to be able to leverage his position as an AFL player and representative of the club to attract attention

What do you think about my suggestion to impose a media ban as punishment?

31-05-2010, 02:04 AM
2 weeks for me. Then he should have to come back through Willi(he has a hamstring problem ATM). He has tainted our brand and lied to the people who backed him up. I wouldn't be to upset if he pulled the pin.

3 weeks, since doggies going to subi in round 13, let him have a rest and recover from hamstring strain. I remeber in his first season, his chasing down oppenents was fierce and very quick. I've noticed that he is chasing down oppenents less, maybe lack of bursting pace that mcveigh suggested?

31-05-2010, 05:24 AM

This. Play 2 weeks at Willy, be good for hs form anyhoos.

31-05-2010, 09:47 AM
This has to be about outcomes, not about punishment. Firstly, Aker needs a rest. Clearly his head was in the wrong place Friday night. McVeigh has said as much. Maybe no more articles so he can focus on footy.

Aker lives on the edge. It's who he is. He will cross the line. People will wring their hands. We knew this when we got him. You bear down on Aker with great pressure and history shows he will not respond the way you want. The guy is ebulient and needs to run off at the mouth. It's what keeps him going. You all have met hyperactive types or highly strung geeks (those with ideas rattling around their head). You can't pigeon hole Aker. He has to be treated slightly differently to get the best out of him, yet he is highly professional.

The question I would ask is - do Aker watchers believe he has lost sufficient pace to be no value to the side? The best outcome is for Aker to again be playing at his best for the remainder of the season, and for him to arrive at this place himself (as distinct from trying to force him there).

First off, he needs a rest from the game. He would have copped a lot of criticism. That would have hurt. He would know he has let everyone down. He would know he has made a mistake and has to pay for it. Get him out for 2 weeks with a view to getting him right for the rest of the season, IF he still has it in him. Aker needs to be up, not down.

31-05-2010, 10:01 AM
More news on this, this morning.


I don't think its very appropriate for Aker to be 'pleading his case' on radio. As always - its 'all about Aker'. I'm completely sick of it.

The Pie Man
31-05-2010, 10:24 AM
And IMO he has blown our trust to be able to leverage his position as an AFL player and representative of the club to attract attention

What do you think about my suggestion to impose a media ban as punishment?

It would be ideal, though I'm not sure how it would work....if it's part of our 'demands' for him to stay on the list, it might be curtains. Depends on how much he wants to remain on the list. He's indicated he's not retiring, but has he considered what his response will be if we tell him no more media for 2010?

As Ozza has pointed out, I don't think his spot on MTR this morning was helpful.

31-05-2010, 10:25 AM
“The real issue is that I’m playing injured and I’ve been doing it for seven weeks. I’ve got nerve damage in my hamstring. Most players do that every week, and I’m no different. But I can run at any pace without pain. I can now go and get that fixed.”

But when asked if he would rather have the chance to play this weekend, he said he would rather sit it out.

“To be honest, no. My hamstring is not right. I’m sick of getting bashed over the head and trying to help my team when I’m injured. Obviously everyone would say, ‘Hey get it right and come back when you’re ready’.”


What do we believe?

Is this correct or is he just using excuses to try and mask his poor performances this year?

31-05-2010, 10:29 AM
What do we believe?

Is this correct or is he just using excuses to try and mask his poor performances this year?

Who knows? :confused:

The Boy who cried wolf comes to mind.

31-05-2010, 11:28 AM
“The real issue is that I’m playing injured and I’ve been doing it for seven weeks. I’ve got nerve damage in my hamstring. Most players do that every week, and I’m no different. But I can run at any pace without pain. I can now go and get that fixed.”

But when asked if he would rather have the chance to play this weekend, he said he would rather sit it out.

“To be honest, no. My hamstring is not right. I’m sick of getting bashed over the head and trying to help my team when I’m injured. Obviously everyone would say, ‘Hey get it right and come back when you’re ready’.”


What do we believe?

Is this correct or is he just using excuses to try and mask his poor performances this year?

I find it staggering that he would say on the record that he 'would rather sit this week out'. Who is he to be commenting on selection outside the walls of the club?

He is completely self-absorbed and has no regard for the overall club's intentions in terms of controlling the story. I find it embarrassing as a Buldogs supporter. We don't have these issues as a footy club - its the Richmond's, Collingwood's & Carlton's that have these sort of issues with players. In the last few years we've been able to go about our business pretty quietly and be confident our players would do the right thing.

This year is too important to be having these distractions.

Sockeye Salmon
31-05-2010, 11:44 AM
The injury issue brings up an interesting quandry for players generally.

Moles was well performed at Geelong at VFL level but got cut because it was percieved that he pulled out of the side whenever he got a niggle.

As a player, do you play anyway and risk a poor performance or pull out and get labelled soft?

31-05-2010, 12:13 PM
I voted no. The club knows what we are in for when we recruited him. Drop him for his form but not for voicing his opinion. Why does he have so much attentions if the AFL do not have any issues with gay players?

One thing we should remember is that our fan numbers are growing with the popularity of the Club which he and Berry Hall contributed a lot to it.

31-05-2010, 12:18 PM
The injury issue brings up an interesting quandry for players generally.

Moles was well performed at Geelong at VFL level but got cut because it was percieved that he pulled out of the side whenever he got a niggle.

As a player, do you play anyway and risk a poor performance or pull out and get labelled soft?

Interesting stuff.

Higgins would probably be in a similiar boat as Aker in that his performances are being hampered by his body .... (well I hope they are)

31-05-2010, 12:20 PM
I voted no. The club knows what we are in for when we recruited him. Drop him for his form but not for voicing his opinion. Why does he have so much attentions if the AFL do not have any issues with gay players?

One thing we should remember is that our fan numbers are growing with the popularity of the Club which he and Berry Hall contributed a lot to it.

I don't think Aker is making himself or the club very popular at the moment. Its alright to say 'we knew what we were getting with Aker' - but how far does he have to push it.

This morning would have been a good opportunity to show some humility.

31-05-2010, 12:22 PM
I don't think Aker is making himself or the club very popular at the moment. Its alright to say 'we knew what we were getting with Aker' - but how far does he have to push it.

This morning would have been a good opportunity to show some humility.

It would have also been a good idea to keep his mouth shut and wait until he had discussued the consequences of his actions with the appropriate parties.

He has given himself a 'get out clause' now which is disappointing.

31-05-2010, 12:29 PM
Aker is behaving like a spoilt child. Give him 2 weeks off.
After his 2 week rest (or whatever you want to call it) Tell him he will play 2 weeks at Williamstown and if his form is good, he will be considered after the bye.
No more media committments, if he says no, walk.

That way, hopefully no more distractions via the media
If he has an injury, he will hopefully have overcome it.
If we are a chance at the flag, a refreshed Aker with his experience could be beneficial

31-05-2010, 12:39 PM
This has to be about outcomes, not about punishment. Firstly, Aker needs a rest. Clearly his head was in the wrong place Friday night. McVeigh has said as much. Maybe no more articles so he can focus on footy.

Aker lives on the edge. It's who he is. He will cross the line. People will wring their hands. We knew this when we got him. You bear down on Aker with great pressure and history shows he will not respond the way you want. The guy is ebulient and needs to run off at the mouth. It's what keeps him going. You all have met hyperactive types or highly strung geeks (those with ideas rattling around their head). You can't pigeon hole Aker. He has to be treated slightly differently to get the best out of him, yet he is highly professional.

The question I would ask is - do Aker watchers believe he has lost sufficient pace to be no value to the side? The best outcome is for Aker to again be playing at his best for the remainder of the season, and for him to arrive at this place himself (as distinct from trying to force him there).

First off, he needs a rest from the game. He would have copped a lot of criticism. That would have hurt. He would know he has let everyone down. He would know he has made a mistake and has to pay for it. Get him out for 2 weeks with a view to getting him right for the rest of the season, IF he still has it in him. Aker needs to be up, not down.

Agree with this. Too much is being made of the whole thing. McVeigh said as much too. The worst thing he's done is tell a fib, then apologised. Even the drug-taker over in the West has been treated better and will be back playing next week, all forgiven.

I believe Aker's unfit so a couple of weeks to get himself right would be appropriate. The VFL would not be appropriate.

As long as the team wants him (yet to be confirmed) he should play on, I reckon he's got a lot to offer.

31-05-2010, 12:40 PM
I think Robbo from the HUN has been reading WOOF. Here is a comment he made following on from what I wrote yesterday: (see http://www.woof.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=7563&page=2, post number 24)

Source (http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/tackle)

"That the Bulldogs gave him the green light to write about such a sensitive topic as homosexuality, and that the AFL Players Association approached Akermanis to publicly broach the topic, suggests those two organisations loaded the bullets and Akermanis, through his own self-indulgence, was left holding the smoking gun."

31-05-2010, 12:46 PM
Agree with this. Too much is being made of the whole thing. McVeigh said as much too. The worst thing he's done is tell a fib, then apologised. Even the drug-taker over in the West has been treated better and will be back playing next week, all forgiven.

I believe Aker's unfit so a couple of weeks to get himself right would be appropriate. The VFL would not be appropriate.

As long as the team wants him (yet to be confirmed) he should play on, I reckon he's got a lot to offer.

IMO it's more the way he about it.

31-05-2010, 12:47 PM
The knock on Aker has always been that he is a sublime footballer whose contributions to the team are diminished, sometimes greatly diminished, because Aker always puts himself before the club. Aker is currently removing any doubt that his detractors are correct.

31-05-2010, 01:19 PM
I don't know how any reasonable person make such a massive judgement without knowing all of the facts, not just what the media has reported.

These are the facts.

- The AFLPA asked Jason to write any article about speculation that a homosexual AFL player was about to "come out of the closet" and what impact that may have on their team mates.
- Jason wrote said article and it was approved by the Bulldogs.
- Jason's ghost writer Jon Anderson reworded the article to "clean it up" for publication.
- Rodney Eade said after the article was published in the HS that the article that was published and the article that the club approved were different.
- Jason wrote an apology to the football club because their was a misunderstanding about who wrote the article. Jason acknowledged that what was published was an accurate representation of his opinion on the matter.

There has been plenty of speculation from the media that the article was changed again after Anderson reworded it, but Jason has never stated this publically. Maybe he did behind closed doors to the club - this will come out in the wash.

If he told the club privately that the article that was published were not his words, and then retracted that with his public apology, then a sanction is warranted. However if it is a misunderstanding about changes that were made to the original article and not the published one, then maybe just a request to avoid any further potentially controversial articles should suffice.

I'm in agreement with this post, Flamethrower. Too much sanctimony around hearsay and what is at the end of the day a relatively minor issue, only because Aker's name is involved. Guys are running around school clinics getting minors pregnant (oh, but we can't prove anything), beating up their wives and girlfriends and getting only one week suspensions, and smoking/snorting/shooting/selling contraband, but let's get our knickers in a knot because Aker is being a relatively harmless dill. It's not as if he got into the car with a convicted murderer who killed someone in broad daylight shortly after, or has three drug related strikes against him hushed up by the AFL (btw, why aren't we chasing THAT story up?).

If our other players are that sensitive about Akers' antics I say harden the ***k up because we if that's all it takes to play like shit then we are soft as marshmallows. As others have said, if it takes that little to put them off their game, then we might as well pack up and go home now.

The media is culpable in all this too -- can anyone believe that Bazza's faux-headlock and Aker got more column inches than Michael Johnson last month (for BREAKING THE LAW), Nathan Bock last year (for BEATING HIS WIFE), or the absolute joke of a drug policy that the AFL has, and the cover up of a three-striker? Protectionist, sensationalist, biased, lowest common denominator rubbish reporting.

31-05-2010, 01:28 PM
^^^^^^^^^^^ Well said Lantern. I fully agree.

31-05-2010, 02:08 PM
I think Aker's article were not too far from the truth. People are often afraid and cautious of things that they are unfamiliar with.

Many AFL footballers are young guys brought up in a macho type environment and have little exposure to gay people.

I’m now 41 and have worked with many gay colleagues over the years who I would like to consider friends. I still have many of my old suburban footy mates who work in trade jobs who say things to me like "how can you be mates with a poofter". I am sure this attitude is just ignorance, but I am sure it will spread through a footy club and create divides.

I find it amazing that the "Stay in the closet" line that is used in the headlines was not even in the article itself. I would not be surprised if it were added by a sub editor rather than Aker himself.

Aker's form is poor at the moment injuries can take their toll and maybe he should be rested. Aker can win games off his own boot. He needs to regain full fitness.

I think that the bulldogs decision makers will be wise enough to think for themselves and ignore the outcry of the media and the minority groups who are the ones that are really making this a story.

31-05-2010, 02:19 PM
I vote for no suspension - just a clarification of the expectations from him as a journalist/media identity and representative of the club.

A suspension would only serve to increase any angst Aker & the dogs would have together at present. He's not a 19 year old who needs hard discipline to have the boundaries set - he's an adult who should be talked to as an adult.

Given he's playing injured, he should be rested to get himself right anyway.

31-05-2010, 02:46 PM
The knock on Aker has always been that he is a sublime footballer whose contributions to the team are diminished, sometimes greatly diminished, because Aker always puts himself before the club. Aker is currently removing any doubt that his detractors are correct.

There was no knock on Aker as he was winning 3 consecutive Grand Finals & a Brownlow Medal.
Clearly he burned bridges at the end of his time in Brisbane, but they were at the end of an era anyway.
He just needs to be more savvy about what topics he tackles in his articles. Some issues are just red flags for the hypocrites in the Melbourne media.

31-05-2010, 02:52 PM
There was no knock on Aker as he was winning 3 consecutive Grand Finals & a Brownlow Medal.
Clearly he burned bridges at the end of his time in Brisbane, but they were at the end of an era anyway.
He just needs to be more savvy about what topics he tackles in his articles. Some issues are just red flags for the hypocrites in the Melbourne media.

N'er a truer word was said.

31-05-2010, 03:01 PM
What is getting me fired up, at the moment, is all this talk from "unnamed sources" at the club, who are saying that Aker has lost the players, that the club is angry with him, that Aker is close to being sacked, etc.

Harden the heck up "unnamed sources", and have the guts to put your name and face to the things you are passing on to the media - these comments from unnamed sources are just as damaging to the club, if not more so, than anything Aker did.

31-05-2010, 03:16 PM
Unnamed sources are responsible for many quotes in all facets of the media these days. They're a scourge. Almost as bad are those that fit into the "insider" and "source close to the person" category.

31-05-2010, 03:33 PM
I vote for no suspension - just a clarification of the expectations from him as a journalist/media identity and representative of the club.

A suspension would only serve to increase any angst Aker & the dogs would have together at present. He's not a 19 year old who needs hard discipline to have the boundaries set - he's an adult who should be talked to as an adult.

Given he's playing injured, he should be rested to get himself right anyway.


In the big scheme of things Aker only has another 4 months left to go at the club so I am not sure what good will come from the public dressing down that the 'tabloid' journo's will inflict that will come on the back of any sanction placed upon him.

Tell him to rest his body and to go thru the correct channels with any future articles so we can put this incident to rest.

The club has better things to worry about, starting on how we can win this week against Collingwood.

31-05-2010, 03:36 PM
A very good beat up and a distraction from an analysis of what's going wrong on ground. Couldn't have come at a better time

The football dept had better not use up all their luck too early in the season.

31-05-2010, 03:57 PM
There was no knock on Aker as he was winning 3 consecutive Grand Finals & a Brownlow Medal.
Clearly he burned bridges at the end of his time in Brisbane, but they were at the end of an era anyway.
He just needs to be more savvy about what topics he tackles in his articles. Some issues are just red flags for the hypocrites in the Melbourne media.

If the only issue with Aker's behaviour is that he wrote an ill-advised article, then why is the club considering it's options regarding sanctions and why is Aker and his brother desperately defending his actions?

Aker's behaviour at Brisbane was only tolerated because he was a gun footballer. He is no longer a gun footballer and will not get away with shooting his mouth off and then lying or misleading others about the circumstances.

We are witnessing Aker being Aker: a self-interested individual above all else.

The Pie Man
31-05-2010, 04:01 PM
I thought this was taking a while - this is why


UPDATE 3.30pm: JASON Akermanis's fate is on hold for another 24 hours after the Bulldogs today delayed a decision on his future.
The Western Bulldogs’ football manager James Fantasia confirmed they club would not be making a decision until tomorrow afternoon.

Akermanis told waiting media he would “talk to you tomorrow”.

The Bulldogs met today to decide a penalty for Akermanis following the growing fallout from his Herald Sun column about gay footballers.

Akermanis shared jokes with his teammates as he joined them for a light training session this morning.

Just after 10am, Akermanis emerged from the Bulldogs' changerooms to run laps of Whitten Oval with a dozen teammates.

The mood was light, with Akermanis laughing and joking with the other players.

Akermanis said today that he would rather not play this weekend, as the club meets to decide his fate.

Rocco Jones
31-05-2010, 04:09 PM
I earlier said a 3 game suspension but I think that was rather ill informed and far too based on convenience of his injury and the fixture.

I agree with Mofra and Mantis' calls on not making it a bigger issue than it needs to be.

always right
31-05-2010, 04:20 PM
I'm more interested in knowing whether the selection panel believes Aker is in our best side or not. I've come to the view that we can't play him and Johnno in the forwardline at the same time anymore. If Johnno doesn't get back, I'd play Aker but if Johnno gets himself fit, then I'm afraid he gets the nod. Watching the opposition defense run the ball out unchallenged is unacceptable.

If Johnno was fully fit now I wonder if the decision to keep or offload Aker would be different.

31-05-2010, 04:23 PM
On Herald Sun website now, Fantasia told media no decision will be made re Aker until tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday).

The Adelaide Connection
31-05-2010, 04:24 PM
I'm in agreement with this post, Flamethrower. Too much sanctimony around hearsay and what is at the end of the day a relatively minor issue, only because Aker's name is involved. Guys are running around school clinics getting minors pregnant (oh, but we can't prove anything), beating up their wives and girlfriends and getting only one week suspensions, and smoking/snorting/shooting/selling contraband, but let's get our knickers in a knot because Aker is being a relatively harmless dill. It's not as if he got into the car with a convicted murderer who killed someone in broad daylight shortly after, or has three drug related strikes against him hushed up by the AFL (btw, why aren't we chasing THAT story up?).

If our other players are that sensitive about Akers' antics I say harden the ***k up because we if that's all it takes to play like shit then we are soft as marshmallows. As others have said, if it takes that little to put them off their game, then we might as well pack up and go home now.

The media is culpable in all this too -- can anyone believe that Bazza's faux-headlock and Aker got more column inches than Michael Johnson last month (for BREAKING THE LAW), Nathan Bock last year (for BEATING HIS WIFE), or the absolute joke of a drug policy that the AFL has, and the cover up of a three-striker? Protectionist, sensationalist, biased, lowest common denominator rubbish reporting.

^This. Very, very well said.

31-05-2010, 04:28 PM
Don't care what the penalty/non penalty is, I just want to see the Dogs senior hierarchy and Aker have a joint press conference singing from the same hymn book.

With regard to on-field matters, I'd like to see Aker rested for however long he needs to get better and then undergo a 'mini pre season' heavy training phase in readiness for a recall to the senior team in Round 14 (after 1-2 VFL games preferably) against the Hawks. If they want to call it a 4 week (3 match) suspension so be it. We don't need Aker blitzing in May any more - we need him (if physically capable) running on top of the ground and delivering killer blows to the opposition in September with his brilliant football brain, clean skills and clear decision making. If he is physically stuffed, then an early retirement beckons and we structure up for life without him for the rest of the season.

Rocco Jones
31-05-2010, 04:31 PM
Don't care what the penalty/non penalty is, I just want to see the Dogs senior hierarchy and Aker have a joint press conference singing from the same hymn book.

With regard to on-field matters, I'd like to see Aker rested for however long he needs to get better and then undergo a 'mini pre season' heavy training phase in readiness for a recall to the senior team in Round 14 (after 1-2 VFL games preferably) against the Hawks. If they want to call it a 4 week (3 match) suspension so be it. We don't need Aker blitzing in May any more - we need him (if physically capable) running on top of the ground and delivering killer blows to the opposition in September with his brilliant football brain, clean skills and clear decision making. If he is physically stuffed, then an early retirement beckons and we structure up for like without him for the rest of the season.

Totally agree with all that Sedat.

The mini pre-season is what I was trying to get at with my 3 game suspension, ties in beautifully with avoiding the trip to Subi before the break. I think we can do that without having to have an official suspension date. Best thing is to be honest and upfront with what we are doing. Out injured in R10, playing at Willy for form reasons in R11/rested again and then avoiding trip to Subi in R12 before break and up for selection in R13. Means we do away with the constant media attention about when he will be back. A months break from the senior side without the ugliness of calling it a suspension.

31-05-2010, 04:42 PM
The fact that they aren't making a decision until tomorrow is worrying. If it was just going to be a 1 or 2 game suspension then why wouldn't they announce it today? It strengthens the possibility that something more serious could come of this.

31-05-2010, 04:51 PM
The fact that they aren't making a decision until tomorrow is worrying. If it was just going to be a 1 or 2 game suspension then why wouldn't they announce it today? It strengthens the possibility that something more serious could come of this.
Also give an extra 24 hours of exposure to the Bulldogs and sponsors, not to mention diverts attention away from our poor on-field performance on Friday night.

I work in marketing so I am a born cynic :)

31-05-2010, 05:25 PM
I don't see what sacking him/forcing him into retirement will gain.

It just means he will work in the media for the rest of the year, where he will expose more information about the Dogs, further distract the team and the club and compromise our chances of winning the flag even more.

I agree with Sedat a few posts ago, that the most important thing is not the penalty but rather the way they go about it. They need Aker at a press conference with Eade, Fantasia and Co., with Aker agreeing with the penalty, accepting that he shouldn't have mislead the club and promising to be more honest with the club.

Who knows if any of this will actually sink in to Aker though.

31-05-2010, 06:06 PM
Too much sanctimony around hearsay and what is at the end of the day a relatively minor issue, only because Aker's name is involved. Guys are running around school clinics getting minors pregnant (oh, but we can't prove anything), beating up their wives and girlfriends and getting only one week suspensions, and smoking/snorting/shooting/selling contraband, but let's get our knickers in a knot because Aker is being a relatively harmless dill. It's not as if he got into the car with a convicted murderer who killed someone in broad daylight shortly after, or has three drug related strikes against him hushed up by the AFL (btw, why aren't we chasing THAT story up?).

I'm not sure that lying to your club and teammates is a minor issue... I didn't have that much issue with the original article in the paper, but the way Aker seems to have "embellished" the truth, isn't good, IMO. Interesting reading on the Age website, his comments on MTR, he claims he didn't lie to anyone, and has "proof"....

Agreed that there are worse things going on that get less column space...

31-05-2010, 06:09 PM
According to Channel 9 news, it's a football or media decision for Aker.

He either has to choose the club or continue has media work.

31-05-2010, 06:26 PM
According to Channel 9 news, it's a football or media decision for Aker.

He either has to choose the club or continue has media work.
IF this can believed the club appears to be wanting him to make the decision for them.
He stayed on this season and took a pay cut on the proviso that he could do more media work and now we are apparently not happy with that.

IF we are now laying down the law, it's several months too late. On face value, and without all the facts, it doesn't sound like we have managed this well.

31-05-2010, 06:29 PM
IF this can believed the club appears to be wanting him to make the decision for them.
He stayed on this season and took a pay cut on the proviso that he could do more media work and now we are apparently not happy with that.

IF we are now laying down the law, it's several months too late. On face value, and without all the facts, it doesn't sound like we have managed this well.

Definitely seems that way, but i thought they were trying to make a story out of nothing.

Nothing has really been released about today's meeting, so i think it is mostly speculation from some media outlets.

31-05-2010, 06:35 PM
According to Channel 9 news, it's a football or media decision for Aker.

He either has to choose the club or continue has media work.

If that's the case, then the club has lost its mind.

He earns more money doing media work than playing for us and he's on such a low salary because he showed genuine loyalty and commitment to the club.

We made the decision to sign him for another year because we thought a three time premiership player would be useful in September. How has that changed? He's injured at the moment and has been played too far up the ground all year. Give him a rest, get his body right and then let him do the job he was expected to do.

To expect a player to walk away from long term media contracts for four months more of football is imbecilic.

Rocket flew the flag against North Melbourne only nine days ago. How have we gone from looking like a strong club to a bunch of morons in only that small period of time?

31-05-2010, 06:41 PM
I'm in agreement with this post, Flamethrower. Too much sanctimony around hearsay and what is at the end of the day a relatively minor issue, only because Aker's name is involved. Guys are running around school clinics getting minors pregnant (oh, but we can't prove anything), beating up their wives and girlfriends and getting only one week suspensions, and smoking/snorting/shooting/selling contraband, but let's get our knickers in a knot because Aker is being a relatively harmless dill. It's not as if he got into the car with a convicted murderer who killed someone in broad daylight shortly after, or has three drug related strikes against him hushed up by the AFL (btw, why aren't we chasing THAT story up?).

If our other players are that sensitive about Akers' antics I say harden the ***k up because we if that's all it takes to play like shit then we are soft as marshmallows. As others have said, if it takes that little to put them off their game, then we might as well pack up and go home now.

The media is culpable in all this too -- can anyone believe that Bazza's faux-headlock and Aker got more column inches than Michael Johnson last month (for BREAKING THE LAW), Nathan Bock last year (for BEATING HIS WIFE), or the absolute joke of a drug policy that the AFL has, and the cover up of a three-striker? Protectionist, sensationalist, biased, lowest common denominator rubbish reporting.

Terrific post, Lantern.

31-05-2010, 06:56 PM
According to Channel 9 news, it's a football or media decision for Aker.

He either has to choose the club or continue has media work.

That sums it all up really. If Tony Jones says it is then it must be.

I will be extremely disappointed in the club if they force Aker to make a decision between his media commitments and footy.

The Pie Man
31-05-2010, 07:01 PM
That sums it all up really. If Tony Jones says it is then it must be.

I will be extremely disappointed in the club if they force Aker to make a decision between his media commitments and footy.

And it does seem that this is the case.


UPDATE 5pm: JASON Akermanis is believed to have been given 24 hours to decide whether it’s football or media.
The ultimatum, that it is one or the other, was delivered during an in-your-face meeting with Bulldogs teammates, coaching staff and senior administration today.

The Bulldogs veteran works as a Herald Sun columnist and on radio station MTR.

It’s not known what Akermanis’s decision will be, although he said before yesterday’s meeting at Whitten Oval he did not want to stop playing football.

It’s believed Akermanis earns more money from media work than he does playing football.

A press conference is being scheduled for tomorrow.

31-05-2010, 07:16 PM
According to Channel 9 news, it's a football or media decision for Aker.

He either has to choose the club or continue has media work.

Can they do that?

Wouldn't there be restraint of trade issues.

31-05-2010, 07:20 PM
Can they do that?

Wouldn't there be restraint of trade issues.

I suppose it depends what his contract says.

Big H
31-05-2010, 07:33 PM
I don't think that he needs suspension, But he definately needs to be dropped because of his form! He does some nice things but not often enough at the moment. If he is injured, as we are lead to believe, then drop him and let him get over it. Then if he lies again it's good bye.
I am very disappointed in the lie not the article.

Big H
31-05-2010, 07:35 PM
Terrific post, Lantern.

Great comments!!

31-05-2010, 09:29 PM
If this is true (footy or media) this has the makings of one big shit storm.

If Aker walks (which he has every right to do) there will be some interesting things said over the coming weeks which could have a negative effect on our club and possibly derail our season.

I never like ultimatiums, only bad things come of them.

31-05-2010, 09:34 PM
If this is true (footy or media) this has the makings of one big shit storm.

If Aker walks (which he has every right to do) there will be some interesting things said over the coming weeks which could have a negative effect on our club and possibly derail our season.

I never like ultimatiums, only bad things come of them.

Agreed, especially the highlighted section. You would hope that this can be sorted out amicably tomorrow.

31-05-2010, 10:30 PM
Well time will tell ........ Anyone know what time they plan to announce anything ???

31-05-2010, 11:38 PM
I agreed for once with Grant Thomas. Should never have got to this point, a simple "its Akers opinion, its not the clubs opinion, whatever he wrote or didn't write doesn't reflect what the club values etc". even when it did get out of hand it should stayed inhouse. The club has put itself and Aker in a corner. I wouldn't be surprised if he walked, and i wouldn't blame him. What shits me is that this being used an excuse for our crap form.

31-05-2010, 11:47 PM
Me to. Just let it go. Stupid media! And stupid people listening to them and taking what they say as gospel

The Bulldogs Bite
31-05-2010, 11:47 PM
If this is true (footy or media) this has the makings of one big shit storm.

If Aker walks (which he has every right to do) there will be some interesting things said over the coming weeks which could have a negative effect on our club and possibly derail our season.

I never like ultimatiums, only bad things come of them.

Agreed, especially with the second point. I can only imagine what would be said by both parties after they went their separate ways. It'd be a huge distraction and mess that I'm not sure we'd be able to deal with all that well.

Little annoyed this keeps taking the pressure off certain players' form/habits on the field. Boyd and Gia are both very quick to point the finger and blame at their team mates, but they keep making the same mistakes. Boyd's turn overs are shocking and needs to work much harder defensively, whilst Gia struggles to stand up when given any kind of attention. As senior players (and there's a few others), they should be concentrating on their own games rather than continually running others down.

01-06-2010, 12:06 AM
Agreed, especially with the second point. I can only imagine what would be said by both parties after they went their separate ways. It'd be a huge distraction and mess that I'm not sure we'd be able to deal with all that well.

Little annoyed this keeps taking the pressure off certain players' form/habits on the field. Boyd and Gia are both very quick to point the finger and blame at their team mates, but they keep making the same mistakes. Boyd's turn overs are shocking and needs to work much harder defensively, whilst Gia struggles to stand up when given any kind of attention. As senior players (and there's a few others), they should be concentrating on their own games rather than continually running others down.

Do they do this in public? I haven't heard/read of either player bagging teammates.

01-06-2010, 12:07 AM
Well time will tell ........ Anyone know what time they plan to announce anything ???

By noon, I read somewhere.

01-06-2010, 08:27 AM
I hope he puts his footy and the club first, as he always said he would. Getting fit and helping the Dogs (who helped him leave Brisbane) to win a flag should be his highest priority. Clearly the media work is too much of a distraction. The occasional guest appearance should be enough, certainly not a daily early morning radio show.

Long term, it would be better for him to leave the game on an honourable note, as a valued member of the club, whether we win the flag or not. I doubt his media career would last long if he left now.

01-06-2010, 08:31 AM
I don't think his form or health should even be a consideration


These are separate issues as are his comments on homosexuality. The only issue here is the fact he lied to the Club.

The club now demands he shelve all media roles until the end of the season or resign. This is far too strong a penalty in my view for a player in his last year setting himself up for life after football.

We have just shot ourselves in the foot.

Fine him and get on with life.

This is further evidence of thinking within the Club that a top four finish and a shot at the premiership is going to happen as a matter of course.

It aint so.

01-06-2010, 08:43 AM
Do they do this in public? I haven't heard/read of either player bagging teammates.

Boyd was seen to have a dig at Gilbee for a poor kick (he kicked one OOB) in our game vs Melbourne.

If Gilbee had a go at Boyd every time he fluffed a kick he would go hoarse.

01-06-2010, 08:44 AM
Boyd was seen to have a dig at Gilbee for a poor kick (he kicked one OOB) in our game vs Melbourne.

If Gilbee had a go at Boyd every time he fluffed a kick he would go hoarse.

Thats funny but true.:D

01-06-2010, 08:53 AM
I hope Aker choses to play and on and forgets the media bullshit.

Aker is still a valuable member of our team and still in the best 22. Although against Essendon he only picked up 11 possessions, he directly contributed to at least 4 goals. I was watching some of the replay last night and what I can remember were:

2nd quarter just outside 50, taps the ball forward to ???? and they run to 40m and kick a goal.

2nd Quarter - beautiful pass to the Beard, and he goals

4th quarter - Snap across the body, Lake in goal square.

4th Quarter tap over his head to player running on to it and handball over to player running into goal.

I am sure there was another passage of play that also resulted in a goal from Akers play.

I apologize for not remembering the players. Although he didn't play well, he still has that bit of magic that helps the team. He just needs to get the body right in the next few weeks and be ready for September.

If you are reading this Aker, forget the stupid media stuff, bond with your team mates and get us into a Grand final for the first time since 1961.

01-06-2010, 09:08 AM
Agreed, especially with the second point. I can only imagine what would be said by both parties after they went their separate ways. It'd be a huge distraction and mess that I'm not sure we'd be able to deal with all that well.

Little annoyed this keeps taking the pressure off certain players' form/habits on the field. Boyd and Gia are both very quick to point the finger and blame at their team mates, but they keep making the same mistakes. Boyd's turn overs are shocking and needs to work much harder defensively, whilst Gia struggles to stand up when given any kind of attention. As senior players (and there's a few others), they should be concentrating on their own games rather than continually running others down.

Watching 'On the Couch' last night and Sheahan pointed out a passage of play (where Stack got run down) where Gia could have shepherded and just stood back.
I think a few boys could take notice and start to play for the team!

01-06-2010, 09:19 AM
Watching 'On the Couch' last night and Sheahan pointed out a passage of play (where Stack got run down) where Gia could have shepherded and just stood back.
I think a few boys could take notice and start to play for the team!

I felt sorry for Stack, he seemed the only one prepared to take them on and no one helped him, talked to him and he ended up taking one step too many.

01-06-2010, 10:01 AM
Boyd was seen to have a dig at Gilbee for a poor kick (he kicked one OOB) in our game vs Melbourne.

If Gilbee had a go at Boyd every time he fluffed a kick he would go hoarse.

Actually, it WAS Gilbee sledging Boyd. (If the Melbourne game was Boyd's first game back after his hand injury - that's when it happened.) The commentators made a point of asking who Gilbee was remonstrating with and they replayed it and it was Boyd. Poor Boydie hasn't got his mojo back yet, and is still wearing a protective glove. Is that why he's off his game? Can we please have a united team, is that too much to ask?

01-06-2010, 10:17 AM
Actually, it WAS Gilbee sledging Boyd. (If the Melbourne game was Boyd's first game back after his hand injury - that's when it happened.) The commentators made a point of asking who Gilbee was remonstrating with and they replayed it and it was Boyd. Poor Boydie hasn't got his mojo back yet, and is still wearing a protective glove. Is that why he's off his game? Can we please have a united team, is that too much to ask?

Boyd said something to Gilbee 1st off which is why Gilbee responded.

01-06-2010, 10:29 AM
Now this:

Jason Akermanis ignores Western Bulldogs ulimatium (http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/jason-akermanis-rejects-western-bulldogs-ultimatum/story-e6frf9jf-1225873892407)

Last line - 'Presumably that will leave the Bulldogs with no alternative but to terminate his services and that could then lead to court action from Akermanis.'


Going to be an interesting day at WO.

01-06-2010, 10:37 AM
The pies would be loving this, no one concentrating on them, perfect preperation to give us a wack.

No doubt its affecting the players. This needs to be sorted out quick, and in my opinion acker needs to go.

We need our season back on track. We need a club united. Acker needs to be given his marching orders.

01-06-2010, 10:43 AM
The only people saying that he has been given an ultimatum is the media.
There has been no comment from the club about an ultimatum.

I know Aker can do some stupid things, but do we really think that if he wants to continue to play football, and was given an ultimatum, that he would defiantly turn up to MTR this morning.

I mentioned in another thread that KB has said that a reliable source told him that Aker will be allowed to continue his media work, but under very tight restrictions.

The Coon Dog
01-06-2010, 10:51 AM
I know I'll be mighty relieved when this is finally over.

Honestly its been driving me mad!

At the local footy club, down at the shops, at work, all people want to know is 'What's happening with Aker?'

I can only imagine what its doing to those at the club.

01-06-2010, 10:57 AM
No doubt its affecting the players. This needs to be sorted out quick, and in my opinion acker needs to go.
It may have the opposite effect - could be a uniting force, given Aker will be out with injury anyway.

We need something to give us that undefinable bit of mojo back that has been lacking this season - maybe this will be the spark.

01-06-2010, 10:59 AM
It may have the opposite effect - could be a uniting force, given Aker will be out with injury anyway.

We need something to give us that undefinable bit of mojo back that has been lacking this season - maybe this will be the spark.
The question that needs to be asked is, if we terminate Aker's contract and he talks badly about the club for the remainder of the season, what effect will this have on the players and the club as a whole?
Or will it galvanise the group?

01-06-2010, 11:03 AM
The question that needs to be asked is, if we terminate Aker's contract and he talks badly about the club for the remainder of the season, what effect will this have on the players and the club as a whole?
Or will it galvanise the group?

Who knows??

I would prefer that we don't have the opportunity to find out.

01-06-2010, 11:05 AM
Who knows??

I would prefer that we don't have the opportunity to find out.
I agree Mantis, if he is fit, come September his experience would be invaluable. Its almost like he needed extra ammunition to perform (I would have thought a potential premiership would do it), well now he has it.

01-06-2010, 11:06 AM
It may have the opposite effect - could be a uniting force, given Aker will be out with injury anyway.

We need something to give us that undefinable bit of mojo back that has been lacking this season - maybe this will be the spark.

The question that needs to be asked is, if we terminate Aker's contract and he talks badly about the club for the remainder of the season, what effect will this have on the players and the club as a whole?
Or will it galvanise the group?

My of the opinion it is going to/will galvanise the group.

01-06-2010, 11:10 AM
It may have the opposite effect - could be a uniting force, given Aker will be out with injury anyway.

We need something to give us that undefinable bit of mojo back that has been lacking this season - maybe this will be the spark.

This is what i hope happens.

We need a defineable moment to get this group back in the right place.

People said it was the Melbourne Win. Becuase when collingwood did it they went on to play very good football. It wasnt.

Everyone is waiting for it to click. Everyone is trying to find a Parrarell to Geelongs 2007, or Brisbanes 2001 or some other team in their Flag winning season. Some way we can see everything turn around and the team go on to dominate. I just think we need to create our own history

The playing group need to make a stand, make this season their own. Sooner rather than later or the season will be gone and we will be looking for scapegoats.

The Pie Man
01-06-2010, 11:11 AM
I know I'll be mighty relieved when this is finally over.

Honestly its been driving me mad!

At the local footy club, down at the shops, at work, all people want to know is 'What's happening with Aker?'

I can only imagine what its doing to those at the club.

I can imagine Leigh Matthews smirking at it all

01-06-2010, 11:13 AM
I can imagine Leigh Matthews smirking at it all

He would be thinking 'I told you so'.

01-06-2010, 11:42 AM
We need a defineable moment to get this group back in the right place.

Either way it will be played out as a defineable moment

I can imagine Leigh Matthews smirking at it all

He would be thinking 'I told you so'.

And his mate Brad Scott. Painfully his words a few weeks back are now appearing prophetic.

01-06-2010, 11:47 AM
Who knows when we look back whether we'll see this as a season turning moment for the club, or one of a number of reason we failed to live up to the expectations placed on us, but either way I'm dissapointed we've let this drag out so long and so publicly. This situation arose on Thursday last week yet by procrastinating over a decision we've allowed it to build up, and afforded time for modern football journalists to do what they do best- make speculations based on nothing more than the desire to create a headline, and that's exactly what they've done!

01-06-2010, 12:11 PM
I'm dissapointed we've let this drag out so long and so publicly. This situation arose on Thursday last week yet by procrastinating over a decision we've allowed it to build up, and afforded time for modern football journalists to do what they do best- make speculations based on nothing more than the desire to create a headline, and that's exactly what they done!

I feel the same. So disappointed that this is taking away the main focus of the upcoming important game against Collingwood.

01-06-2010, 12:58 PM
I willl back the club 100% in their decision.

All we are hearing atm is speculation.

The media reports that Aker has been given an Choice, Club or Media.

If this is true and Aker says that he will continue doing media then we need to sack him.

We dont know if this is true.

We need this to be resolved asap, and the focus to be moved to the pies, the longer it takes the more it will unsettle the group and cause us to lose games.

01-06-2010, 01:27 PM
Who is Acker?

01-06-2010, 02:45 PM
I am sure there was another passage of play that also resulted in a goal from Akers play.
Our first goal of the game where Aker intercepted a ground ball which prevented an Essendon fast break off defensive 50 - we were already 3 goals down at the time and it was a very smart piece of play.

01-06-2010, 03:09 PM
Press conference at 4.30pm

01-06-2010, 03:34 PM
Unconfirmed reports that Aker will play the season out.

He will however be asked to have 3 weeks off media duties to re-focus and get his body right.

01-06-2010, 03:35 PM
If this is true (footy or media) this has the makings of one big shit storm.

If Aker walks (which he has every right to do) there will be some interesting things said over the coming weeks which could have a negative effect on our club and possibly derail our season.

I never like ultimatiums, only bad things come of them.

Aker has been ostracised by his club and also by his future source of income, the media. Perhaps the Dogs have issued the ultimatum, banking on the fact that Aker's brand has been so damaged (much of it self-inflicted) by the past couple of weeks that he has little choice but to play the remainder of the season out try to repair his reputation on the field. Ballsy decision by the Dogs if true, but it has the capacity to blow up in our face if Aker doesn't dutifully tow the party line.

Patrick Smith wrote a terrific piece in yesterday's Australian, and pretty accurately surmised that there have been no winners thus far out of this saga (least of all Aker):

I hope common sense prevails in an hour's time.

01-06-2010, 03:37 PM
Unconfirmed reports that Aker will play the season out.

He will however be asked to have 3 weeks off media duties to re-focus and get his body right.

If so, looking at the fixture, that would mean he misses games against Coll, Brisbane and Hawthorn. We then have the bye (so do Williamstown).
So in effect, he will be having 4 weeks off. He will surely have to come back via Williamstown on July 4th against Sandringham.

The Pie Man
01-06-2010, 04:05 PM
Unconfirmed reports that Aker will play the season out.

He will however be asked to have 3 weeks off media duties to re-focus and get his body right.

Sounds right if Caro can be believed


Akermanis stays a Bulldog, just
June 1, 2010 - 3:44PM

Jason Akermanis will remain at the Western Bulldogs following further lengthy talks between the beleaguered footballer and his club which broke up this afternoon.

The club has softened its stance from last night’s uncompromising position in which it demanded Akermanis remove himself from all full-time media commitments until the end of the season.

In a new deal thrashed out today with club bosses, in talks which continued while his team-mates were training at the Whitten Oval, Akermanis has agreed to a short-term media ban over the coming weeks and is not expected to play senior football until after the mid-season break, returning in early July, subject to form and fitness.

01-06-2010, 04:38 PM
What the hell is taking so long? This is ridiculous!

01-06-2010, 04:39 PM
What the hell is taking so long? This is ridiculous!

A club statement is supposed to come out at 4.30pm, but nothing yet.

01-06-2010, 04:46 PM
Aker on MMM in a couple of minutes.

01-06-2010, 04:47 PM
Officially Aker has a week off for hamstring then he must play at Willi for two weeks, plus three weeks off media work. (self imposed)

I think its a good compromise, and hopefully the media who ha dies down and we get on with footy.

01-06-2010, 04:48 PM
Out for 2 weeks?

01-06-2010, 04:48 PM
Ah, 3

01-06-2010, 04:54 PM
Just got this in an email from SEN:

Western Bulldogs veteran Jason Akermanis has been given the green light to continue both his football and media careers in the long-term.

But the club has slapped Akermanis with a three week media ban, after which he can resume his radio and newspaper positions.

The club is upset by Akermanis' claims that his controversial article on homosexuality in the AFL was doctored, before admitting he was the sole author.

The Western Bulldogs have called a media conference for 4:30pm today, where they will outline the sanctions handed down.

Akermanis is expected to miss this Sunday's clash with Collingwood in order to recover from nerve damage in his hamstring.

01-06-2010, 04:57 PM
Triple M were quite harsh - saying that the club has not handled it well and that we will be back here at this point again further down the track!!! I think not - I hope that internally its been dealt with and they have taken the approach they have which has left the media with nothing..... Aker get your head and body back and lets play some great footy!!!!

01-06-2010, 04:57 PM
official statement now on WB website


01-06-2010, 05:31 PM
I'm going to disagree with a few posters here ... I think the club has handled this very well reaching a very amicable outcome.

Aka did the wrong thing, the club sought clarification and then dealt with the facts ... Aka was given his input and this was considered by the club.

This drivel about the club playing this situation out in the media is a load of manure. The only official contact we had with the media was positive both for the club and Jason.

I'm impressed and glad it's over ... Now let's get back to our core business PLEASE !!

01-06-2010, 06:40 PM
Aker writes an article in a newspapers. He's a budding media performer.

He says it's been doctored. It wasn't. He's a liar.

The club claims to be embarrassed. Why ? As long as Aker isn't criticising the club or letting out secrets, why should it be concerned ?

The playing group are concerned ? If they were playing better footy, you could take that a bit more seriously.

You don't have to be the best bloke in the land or liked by everybody to play footy. Not every player will be mates with everyone, some won't like each other. Tyson Edwards and Andrew McLeod show you that you can still play good footy.

He's getting suspended ? Why ? His job is to play footy. If he bops somebody, suspend him. If he takes a bribe and plays poorly, sack him. But writing an article in a newspapers that has nothing to do with the club ? All this energy spent over nothing to do with the club. Are our players and admin getting too precious ?

The Coon Dog
01-06-2010, 06:53 PM
Aker writes an article in a newspapers. He's a budding media performer.

He says it's been doctored. It wasn't. He's a liar.

The club claims to be embarrassed. Why ? As long as Aker isn't criticising the club or letting out secrets, why should it be concerned ?

The playing group are concerned ? If they were playing better footy, you could take that a bit more seriously.

You don't have to be the best bloke in the land or liked by everybody to play footy. Not every player will be mates with everyone, some won't like each other. Tyson Edwards and Andrew McLeod show you that you can still play good footy.

He's getting suspended ? Why ? His job is to play footy. If he bops somebody, suspend him. If he takes a bribe and plays poorly, sack him. But writing an article in a newspapers that has nothing to do with the club ? All this energy spent over nothing to do with the club. Are our players and admin getting too precious ?

I reckon the crux of the problem is that Aker said one thing & the club publicly defended him, before he then recanted.

The playing group (regardless of how they are playing) have a right to be pissed off with Aker, he's extremely selfish & always puts himself first.

Given that he's a Western Bulldog's player, it's everything to do with the club, to say otherwise is like saying Fremantle should do nothing over Michael Johnson being caught with drugs, because it wasn't to do with the club!

01-06-2010, 07:03 PM
Barrett on Triple M this afternoon was totally out of order, basically was pushing for the club to sack Aker.

I think the club has handled this well, everything has been kept in house & done through the right channels. They took there time in making the decision & they would've looked at all the avenues, i think it was done very well.

This whole thing is media driven, they're searching for a big news story to break. But the club has done the right thing & kept everything in house, good result for both parties.

01-06-2010, 07:11 PM
I reckon the crux of the problem is that Aker said one thing & the club publicly defended him, before he then recanted.


Nothing wrong with the club gratuitously sticking up for a player when he's unfairly attacked. In this case, Aker wrote an opinion piece on a touchy subject and was predictably criticised. Why did the club have to support him ? If it was so concerned, why not veto the article right from the start ? So Aker, like most of us, tells porkies to avoid trouble. Why does that merit a suspension, public posting of his way back into the ones and all this fuss ? The club would have been better off saying nothing about Aker's article. Fantasia had an opportunity of interfering before publication. He didn't take it. Quite right, too, the article didn't criticise the club or give away in house information. No need for the club to get involved. It's now turned what should have been a contentious article with a life of a couple of days into a media circus spread over at least 2 weeks and likely to be rejuvenated when Aker returns. Very poorly handled and on the eve of what may be a season defining game. C'wood can't believe its luck.

01-06-2010, 07:20 PM
Nothing wrong with the club gratuitously sticking up for a player when he's unfairly attacked. In this case, Aker wrote an opinion piece on a touchy subject and was predictably criticised. Why did the club have to support him ? If it was so concerned, why not veto the article right from the start ? So Aker, like most of us, tells porkies to avoid trouble. Why does that merit a suspension, public posting of his way back into the ones and all this fuss ? The club would have been better off saying nothing about Aker's article. Fantasia had an opportunity of interfering before publication. He didn't take it. Quite right, too, the article didn't criticise the club or give away in house information. No need for the club to get involved. It's now turned what should have been a contentious article with a life of a couple of days into a media circus spread over at least 2 weeks and likely to be rejuvenated when Aker returns. Very poorly handled and on the eve of what may be a season defining game. C'wood can't believe its luck.
The club believed that the article had been changed from the draft that they saw, and therefore supported Aker as they believed that it was the Hun, not Aker, who had made the changes.

Fantasia probably regrets giving the article the OK, but I think he did the right thing. Aker wrote the article on behalf of the AFLPA and it was not that bad.

The issue is that the club stood up for Aker, saying that he hadn't done something which it turns out he HAD done. This is the part of the issue which so many people don't acknowledge, focussing on the fact that there was nothing wrong with the article.

FWIW I'm happy with the outcome. The process could have been better handled, even if it was just a bit quicker. Sure it was a media storm which the club didn't directly encourage, but the length of time between the incident and the punishment did indirectly encourage it.

01-06-2010, 07:33 PM
The issue is that the club stood up for Aker, saying that he hadn't done something which it turns out he HAD done. .... It shouldn't have but having done so, when it was disappointed, it should have chalked it up to experience and said nothing. Instead it's got itself involved in a media beat up from which all, especially the club, lose. Bad management.

01-06-2010, 07:59 PM
too much has been said already. don't everyone think it's time to move on.?

The Bulldogs Bite
01-06-2010, 08:00 PM
I really hope Aker is able to get his body and mind right to silent the football world when he returns. He's been a wonderful player for us both on and off the field, he's undoubtedly improved our footy club. He does seem to struggle to comprehend how his actions/words can effect the club, but I wouldn't call him extremely selfish. He's taken a pay cut, he was the tackling coach when he first arrived IIRC and has mentored plenty of our younger players. Aker is aker; always has an opinion and isn't afraid to voice it and wear the consequences, but he's been good for our footy club. To have it end in pieces would be really disappointing, I never thought we'd ever have the-e Jason Akermanis running around in the tricolour let alone him nominating us as his destination at the end of 2006. I wasn't happy about what Aker did over the past week, but we need to put this into perspective. We have far bigger fish to fry, and I hope Aker can contribute to that and finish off in style because he deserves it.

01-06-2010, 08:12 PM
What has happened seemed okay to me. Hopefully Jason can get his body right and play the crumbing fast forward role (with kicking depth and accuracy) for latter part of the season.

The media train has left Aker station and is off to the Promised Land...thank christ for that...

I'm loading up on the Dogs this week at $2.15 I think its time...

Dogs 24/7
01-06-2010, 09:25 PM
I was listening to SEN today and Francis Leach gave the club a good going over about how poorly our media department handled the Akermanis situation. We have been on the back foot since day one and I don't think our media department didn't anything to spin this around.
I would normally defend the club but in this instance I think we have been lead to the ball by Akermanis and he has held the best cards from the get go.

It goes back to the initial contract we agreed to without sufficient conditions to keep him in check. I also can't work out why we had to explain that we didn't agree with the content of his article when in fact his employer for that part of his media work was the Herald Sun.
Given he broke no law we should have suggested that the HS explain why they published the article and that we would only comment on his on field exploits.

You cant sack someone for misleading the club and making them look like fools but he could have been sent to Williamstown purely based on form because I think publicly suspending him has actually strengthened his position as a straight shooting media representative.
We could have left him at Williamstown for the balance of the season

01-06-2010, 09:28 PM
I totally agree D Mitchell. I can't believe how an article written 2 weeks ago ended up in calls for Aker's head. The club didn't need to go any further than having a chat to him behind closed doors. Why does the club have to be accountable to self interested media outlets by having to explain and justify its actions... and I also agree that the leadership group needed to distance themselves from this issue and focus on their on-filed performances...
How is it that players can hate each other in teams like Chelsea, Real Madrid, AC Milan and yet still produce results on the park (under more pressure than our AFL players) and our boys get uppety about Aker's actions ? I say our boys need to play football somewhere near the edge of what they are capable of and leave these types of issues to the management of the club to deal with.

Dogs 24/7
01-06-2010, 09:31 PM
I totally agree D Mitchell. I can't believe how an article written 2 weeks ago ended up in calls for Aker's head. The club didn't need to go any further than having a chat to him behind closed doors. Why does the club have to be accountable to self interested media outlets by having to explain and justify its actions... and I also agree that the leadership group needed to distance themselves from this issue and focus on their on-filed performances...
How is it that players can hate each other in teams like Chelsea, Real Madrid, AC Milan and yet still produce results on the park (under more pressure than our AFL players) and our boys get uppety about Aker's actions ? I say our boys need to play football somewhere near the edge of what they are capable of and leave these types of issues to the management of the club to deal with.

I don't think our leadership should be getting as involved in so many issues.

01-06-2010, 10:06 PM
According to Channel 9 news, it's a football or media decision for Aker.

He either has to choose the club or continue has media work.

Aaah Channel 9 news. Missed by that much.

01-06-2010, 10:32 PM
I totally agree D Mitchell. I can't believe how an article written 2 weeks ago ended up in calls for Aker's head. The club didn't need to go any further than having a chat to him behind closed doors. Why does the club have to be accountable to self interested media outlets by having to explain and justify its actions... and I also agree that the leadership group needed to distance themselves from this issue and focus on their on-filed performances...
How is it that players can hate each other in teams like Chelsea, Real Madrid, AC Milan and yet still produce results on the park (under more pressure than our AFL players) and our boys get uppety about Aker's actions ? I say our boys need to play football somewhere near the edge of what they are capable of and leave these types of issues to the management of the club to deal with.

Couldn't agree more and it was management that allowed the article topic to be written and published. I hope Fantasia has learnt a lesson in this when approving topics and content to be published.

I like how Aker said he wouldn't do media work for three weeks, so hope he comes out talking on the footy field only.

The Coon Dog
01-06-2010, 10:37 PM
Couldn't agree more and it was management that allowed the article topic to be written and published. I hope Fantasia has learnt a lesson in this when approving topics and content to be published.

That's a few times you've said that, so you're at least consistent. ;)

How can James Fantasia though, be held accountable for Aker amending the copy after James had approved it?

Clearly the fault is Aker's & no one else's.

02-06-2010, 02:05 AM
Wasn't sure it was worth it's own thread so adding it here.

Jason Akermanis hit for six

The controversial Western Bulldogs veteran is unlikely to be eligible for senior selection for at least six weeks.

Akermanis is facing a rehabilitation program of four to five weeks before returning for a minimum of two weeks at Williamstown in the VFL.

It is understood Akermanis will be told to rest his hamstring injury for up to a fortnight before embarking on a solid training program to return him to prime fitness for his stint in the reserves

Article is from Mark Stevens who is usually a reliable source for Bulldog information. Club must clearly believe he isn't fit enough even allowing for his hamstring issues.

02-06-2010, 10:57 AM
That's a few times you've said that, so you're at least consistent. ;)

How can James Fantasia though, be held accountable for Aker amending the copy after James had approved it?

Clearly the fault is Aker's & no one else's.

Yep, the whole idea for Aker to write up his pieces is to point out his own strong opinions on whatever subject he see's fit, wouldn't it be Fantasia's role to make sure the article is fine, rather than the actual subject itself, the same subject in which the AFL PA had come to Aker with.

I kind of Agree with some of Akers points anyway, having known quite a few gay people, from the work place, one of my long time good friends is gay etc, and some of their horror stories around society, one bloke i used to work with, minding his own business, was chased & run down from behind and belted sensless, just for being gay.

Having played club cricket & footy, and knowing what some people are like, you always get those bogan/redneck types that simply see gay people as not normal people, but as faggots or poofters, what happens if some of "player x's" team mates are religious, and simply don't accept it, we can't simply close our eyes thinking that society has completely changed, it has to a degree, but not completely.

Akers blunder was that he wasn't totally honest with the club, and the story had changed, that simply cannot happen, that is breaking the trust between player & club.

I must admit i was a little suprised that Aker turned up for his radio duties yesterday, after he was strongly advised not to, it was right in the middle of this shit storm, and as much as i really like Aker, i think he also erred on that occasion, it was a little slap in the face to his club.

But, it's all done with now, and Aker can get himself right for a massive second half of the season, along with the injured players coming back [Johnno, Ward & Murph].

02-06-2010, 11:07 AM
I'd just like to know one little thing.

Where was Johnno (or Gia) during all this? If the 'playing group' are supposedly loudly and vocally concerned and involved, the captain should be right up there giving a face to this group in the press conference. If they aren't and being misreported, then they should be on the front foot in presenting a united front to the snipers in the press. I know that we don't want our players to be 'distracted' from their playing form, but Johnno isn't 100% fit anyway.

We've heard a lot of second-hand innuendo about what the 'players' think or have told Aker, where is the leadership in all of this? All this 'leadership group' crap is well and good, but we have a captain AND vice-captain, and he/they should be leading from the front in all of this.

02-06-2010, 11:17 AM
Akers blunder was that he wasn't totally honest with the club, and the story had changed, that simply cannot happen, that is breaking the trust between player & club.

I must admit i was a little suprised that Aker turned up for his radio duties yesterday, after he was strongly advised not to, it was right in the middle of this shit storm, and as much as i really like Aker, i think he also erred on that occasion, it was a little slap in the face to his club.

But, it's all done with now, and Aker can get himself right for a massive second half of the season, along with the injured players coming back [Johnno, Ward & Murph].

I thought it was poor as well especially when Steve Price asked if he would be in tomorrow and he replied, 'yes' knowing all and well that this response went against the wishes of the footy club.

To me Aker all the way through has put his own interests in front of the teams/ clubs and I will look on with keen interest to see how he goes in 2 or 3 weeks time when he hits the field again.

02-06-2010, 12:00 PM
That's a few times you've said that, so you're at least consistent. ;)

How can James Fantasia though, be held accountable for Aker amending the copy after James had approved it?

Clearly the fault is Aker's & no one else's.

Agree Aker is at fault for amending the article.

What I am saying is the subject matter is controversial and for all the people to write about it, it shouldn't have been Aker. You just know that there is trouble when he writes about these sort of subjects. Fantasia and the club should not only approve the article, but also the subject matter.

The Coon Dog
02-06-2010, 12:02 PM
Agree Aker is at fault for amending the article.

What I am saying is the subject matter is controversial and for all the people to write about it, it shouldn't have been Aker. You just know that there is trouble when he writes about these sort of subjects. Fantasia and the club should not only approve the article, but also the subject matter.

I get the feeling that this will happen in the future, though it's stable doors & horses isn't it?

02-06-2010, 12:03 PM
Agree Aker is at fault for amending the article.

What I am saying is the subject matter is controversial and for all the people to write about it, it shouldn't have been Aker. You just know that there is trouble when he writes about these sort of subjects. Fantasia and the club should not only approve the article, but also the subject matter.

My understanding is that the club had no problem with the subject matter, it was just the fact that bits were added in after the club had ok'ed it which led to the further problems arising .ie. Aker/ Herald Sun denying editing the article, etc..

02-06-2010, 12:27 PM
For someone usually so forthright and honest, Aker let himself down as well as the club, so it's a relief to see he has recognised this by accepting his punishment with no argument or hard feelings. It will be interesting to see if he can get himself back into form and fitness asap. I don't know if the captain should have spoken, we don't know if he would have been allowed, sometimes the less said the better, without too many people buying into it. Fantasia read from a prepared speech, Johnno would have had to do the same, no thanks, I've heard enough. A picture will be worth a thousand words.

02-06-2010, 12:44 PM
Aker has:

1. made statements in his article about the impact of a gay player in the playing group which the club and playing group don't support and wouldn't want published;

2. lied to, or at the very least deliberately misled the club, team mates and the public about who authored the final version of the article;

3. publicly aired his grievances with the club and enlisted the support of his brother and the radio station to bag the club in the media and increase his leverage, rather than first attempting to settle the issues with the club behind closed doors;

4. challenged the club by doing his morning radio spot whilst the matter was still being discussed with the club, even though he must have known that this was pouring petrol on the fire;

5. allowed himself to lose physical condition and then bleated that his poor form is due to playing injured, implying that he is sacrificing himself for the betterment of the team (as if many players don't do the same thing week in week out);

6. totally lost me and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Aker doesn't give a rats' arse about the club or his team mates and is purely self-interested.

A piss poor performance which makes Aker look every bit like a gun footballer who is a very ordinary bloke.

The Coon Dog
02-06-2010, 12:51 PM

Couldn't have put it better myself LW!

02-06-2010, 01:14 PM
Terrific post LongWait. I have been left with the exact same feelings from all of this.

- It also reminded me how when the 'Handstand incident' occurred how he reacted and said in the press that he felt like belting some of his teammates in the mouth about it. he undermines the whole concept of a club showing a united front.

02-06-2010, 01:17 PM
Thought I would probably be on my own in this TCD. Thanks for the nod.

02-06-2010, 01:24 PM
Terrific post LongWait. I have been left with the exact same feelings from all of this.

- It also reminded me how when the 'Handstand incident' occurred how he reacted and said in the press that he felt like belting some of his teammates in the mouth about it. he undermines the whole concept of a club showing a united front.

Agree Ozza - no individual is more important than the team. Granty gave us all the clear message when he retired that the club must stop pandering to individuals and focus on team above all else. The whole can, and must be, much more than just the sum of the parts. We won't be successful if we ignore his advice. We won't be successful if we allow self-interest to flourish at the expense of team and club.

Sockeye Salmon
02-06-2010, 01:25 PM
I'd like to bring up something that hasn't been touched on yet.

Why did Aker write the article? I know he was asked to by the AFLPA, but why?

There's been lots of speculation that a medium to high profile player is about to come out. It seems he's being hounded constantly by various sections of the media, all wanting to break the story. I wonder if Aker was offering some friendly advice?

I hadn't heard any rumours about the bloke before, but when I was speaking to a guy here at work who follows his club, the guy at work tells me every week he hears opposition supporters rip into the player as a 'raving poof'.

02-06-2010, 02:16 PM
I'd like to bring up something that hasn't been touched on yet.

Why did Aker write the article? I know he was asked to by the AFLPA, but why?

There's been lots of speculation that a medium to high profile player is about to come out. It seems he's being hounded constantly by various sections of the media, all wanting to break the story. I wonder if Aker was offering some friendly advice?

I hadn't heard any rumours about the bloke before, but when I was speaking to a guy here at work who follows his club, the guy at work tells me every week he hears opposition supporters rip into the player as a 'raving poof'.
Yes, and I wonder if he will be lining up against us this week? In recent history he has a bad record against us so I hope he plays!
Wonder whether his recent poor form has put pressure on himself to "come out"?

02-06-2010, 04:49 PM
Aker has:

1. made statements in his article about the impact of a gay player in the playing group which the club and playing group don't support and wouldn't want published;

2. lied to, or at the very least deliberately misled the club, team mates and the public about who authored the final version of the article;

3. publicly aired his grievances with the club and enlisted the support of his brother and the radio station to bag the club in the media and increase his leverage, rather than first attempting to settle the issues with the club behind closed doors;

4. challenged the club by doing his morning radio spot whilst the matter was still being discussed with the club, even though he must have known that this was pouring petrol on the fire;

5. allowed himself to lose physical condition and then bleated that his poor form is due to playing injured, implying that he is sacrificing himself for the betterment of the team (as if many players don't do the same thing week in week out);

6. totally lost me and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Aker doesn't give a rats' arse about the club or his team mates and is purely self-interested.

A piss poor performance which makes Aker look every bit like a gun footballer who is a very ordinary bloke.

Well said LongWait and agree with it all especially number 6.

02-06-2010, 05:54 PM
Aker has:

1. made statements in his article about the impact of a gay player in the playing group which the club and playing group don't support and wouldn't want published;

2. lied to, or at the very least deliberately misled the club, team mates and the public about who authored the final version of the article;

3. publicly aired his grievances with the club and enlisted the support of his brother and the radio station to bag the club in the media and increase his leverage, rather than first attempting to settle the issues with the club behind closed doors;

4. challenged the club by doing his morning radio spot whilst the matter was still being discussed with the club, even though he must have known that this was pouring petrol on the fire;

5. allowed himself to lose physical condition and then bleated that his poor form is due to playing injured, implying that he is sacrificing himself for the betterment of the team (as if many players don't do the same thing week in week out);

6. totally lost me and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Aker doesn't give a rats' arse about the club or his team mates and is purely self-interested.

A piss poor performance which makes Aker look every bit like a gun footballer who is a very ordinary bloke.

Well said Long Wait.

02-06-2010, 06:08 PM
But wait, it just doesn't add up, guys.

Why wouldn't Aker just have retired last year if he wanted to concentrate on his media stuff? It's not like he needs the money, and would have earned the same doing media anyway. Why would he come back, on less money, and do another pre-season? Just for the heck of it? Why did the other players take a pay cut to fit him and Eagle into the cap? Because they don't like him? This is all very strange, and a lot of it is based on just innuendo and hot-air from media types speculating.

I'll take Aker's word over Caro's any day, ESPECIALLY since she doesn't have any reliable informers in the Dogs' camp.

ps. And I'll bet cash money that Aker knows a thing or two more about being professional and a 'team player' (you don't win bests-and-fairests and the like otherwise) than Caroline Wilson. Hang on, this needs to go on the other thread.

02-06-2010, 08:21 PM
Yes, and I wonder if he will be lining up against us this week? In recent history he has a bad record against us so I hope he plays!
Wonder whether his recent poor form has put pressure on himself to "come out"?

Not if what I've heard is true... and I can't say any more! **Cone of Silence is up!***

EDIT: I mean "Cone of Silence is DOWN!"

Ghost Dog
02-06-2010, 08:53 PM
2 weeks for me. Then he should have to come back through Willi(he has a hamstring problem ATM). He has tainted our brand and lied to the people who backed him up. I wouldn't be to upset if he pulled the pin.

Hey that's great. What if he was done for snorting coke? ( freemantle ) or drunk driving? ( Heath Shaw, Alan Didak ).

People screw up. Make mistakes. Tell me you never have?

Take your medicine Aker and move on.


Go and watch these highlights and tell me if you would like a player of this quality to pull the pin?

02-06-2010, 09:15 PM
Hey that's great. What if he was done for snorting coke? ( freemantle ) or drunk driving? ( Heath Shaw, Alan Didak ).

People screw up. Make mistakes. Tell me you never have?

Take your medicine Aker and move on.


Go and watch these highlights and tell me if you would like a player of this quality to pull the pin?

Sorry, haven't changed my mind. We need everyone in the team on the same page or we have no hope of winning a flag.

02-06-2010, 09:17 PM
Hey that's great. What if he was done for snorting coke? ( freemantle ) or drunk driving? ( Heath Shaw, Alan Didak ).

People screw up. Make mistakes. Tell me you never have?

Take your medicine Aker and move on.


Go and watch these highlights and tell me if you would like a player of this quality to pull the pin?

Yes. A compromise has been reached so lets just forgive and move on rather than continuing with vitriol and damning of his character. These windows don't come around often and this eating of our own isn't helping from this point. Along with Shaun, hopefully Jason will regain fitness and deliver the quality that he is still capable of and that his highlight reel fully attests to.

02-06-2010, 10:29 PM
Hey that's great. What if he was done for snorting coke? ( freemantle ) or drunk driving? ( Heath Shaw, Alan Didak ).

People screw up. Make mistakes. Tell me you never have?

Take your medicine Aker and move on.


Go and watch these highlights and tell me if you would like a player of this quality to pull the pin?

Good call...He messed up, we all know it. Cop it on the chin, and let's get on with the footy! Remember that game? :)

02-06-2010, 10:37 PM
Given that the sanction has been handed out, I am probably in the minority in thinking that the Club has become too precious over this. Didn't Aker take a 50% or so pay cut to play this year ? Only a few months ago everyone was lauding him for doing this. Think back to 2009 when Aker virtually won a few games off his own boot. His form this year has been well down and he seems not to be moving freely so a rest will hopefully do him good. We need to get over this as of now and move on as the prospect of a top four result is rapidly fading.

Ghost Dog
03-06-2010, 01:04 AM
From a football point of view, it makes complete sense for Jason Akermanis to shut down any and every possible distraction for the next three weeks as he overcomes a hamstring twinge that has kept him from playing close to his best footy for the last seven weeks.

Akermanis is 33, and 33-year-old hamstrings don't recover like they used to.

He plays for a club whose premiership window is open - only just - if the form of the last few weeks can be taken into consideration and footy history is full of teams whose players made sacrifices and went the extra mile to give themselves the best preparation possible for an assault on the premiership.

So from that perspective, well done, Aker. A bit of rest, a couple of VFL games for Williamstown, and he should be cherry ripe for the run home to the finals. Fit and focussed, he still commands a place in the Bulldogs' best 22.

But why the disciplinary issues? The Bulldogs knew at the start of the year that Akermanis would undertake a heavier media load than in the past given that his base playing salary had been slashed to a fraction of what it was.

More here


The Boy From Brasil
03-06-2010, 03:20 PM
Aker has:

1. made statements in his article about the impact of a gay player in the playing group which the club and playing group don't support and wouldn't want published;

2. lied to, or at the very least deliberately misled the club, team mates and the public about who authored the final version of the article;

3. publicly aired his grievances with the club and enlisted the support of his brother and the radio station to bag the club in the media and increase his leverage, rather than first attempting to settle the issues with the club behind closed doors;

4. challenged the club by doing his morning radio spot whilst the matter was still being discussed with the club, even though he must have known that this was pouring petrol on the fire;

5. allowed himself to lose physical condition and then bleated that his poor form is due to playing injured, implying that he is sacrificing himself for the betterment of the team (as if many players don't do the same thing week in week out);

6. totally lost me and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Aker doesn't give a rats' arse about the club or his team mates and is purely self-interested.

A piss poor performance which makes Aker look every bit like a gun footballer who is a very ordinary bloke.

A really top post LongWait. I agree with what you say.

The only thing I would add is that the club should share a little of the blame for this saga, given that they benefited by him bolstering his income through the media, so they could pay him a lower payment for his football(due to salary cap restrictions) which has resulted in Aker nearly earning as much from his media as he does from football. For such a self opinated guy, this carries a degree of risk.

The problem from a practical point now as I see it, is that the media contracts are already in place for Aker. He doesn't want to give them up but even if he did, MTR won't release him from his contract. You can understand this as it is a brand new radio station and it entered into the contract with Aker in good faith.

So you have the club, as well as the players wanting him to give up his media and he either won't or legally can't. The leadership group and the club have gone down a path of action towards a player, and because of either obstinance of the player or contract legalities, it cannot facilitate this action. It doesn't set a fantastic precedent.

03-06-2010, 03:57 PM
A really top post LongWait. I agree with what you say.

The only thing I would add is that the club should share a little of the blame for this saga, given that they benefited by him bolstering his income through the media, so they could pay him a lower payment for his football(due to salary cap restrictions) which has resulted in Aker nearly earning as much from his media as he does from football. For such a self opinated guy, this carries a degree of risk.

The problem from a practical point now as I see it, is that the media contracts are already in place for Aker. He doesn't want to give them up but even if he did, MTR won't release him from his contract. You can understand this as it is a brand new radio station and it entered into the contract with Aker in good faith.

So you have the club, as well as the players wanting him to give up his media and he either won't or legally can't. The leadership group and the club have gone down a path of action towards a player, and because of either obstinance of the player or contract legalities, it cannot facilitate this action. It doesn't set a fantastic precedent.

Welcome back BFB!

Other players can handle simultaneous media careers and playing careers - within our club Murphy and Johnson enhance their own and the club's standing in the community by the way they conduct themselves in the media. Akermanis may earn significantly more from his media career than he does from football, but that does not excuse in any way his dishonesty, nor his selfishness.

As for the precedent set by the leadership group wanting a course of action that contractually was not possible without the consent of Akermanis - again the self-interest of the individual creates the problem here.

I hope that Aker reads Bobs' article in today's Age and reflects upon its' message. Sadly, I reckon Aker will think it is a crock...

24-07-2010, 01:01 PM

Hope you don't mind me bumping this thread. I found it interesting reading considering what happened this week.