View Full Version : Mid Season Review

28-06-2010, 08:05 PM
I've got a little bit of time to kill tonight, so thought I would do a brief, player by player review up to the half way mark of the season, and give each player a rating out of 10 for their efforts thus far.

1. Jarrad Grant - Has played 9 games of the season thus far, surely surpassing the wildest of internal and external expectations. He's showcased his AFL qualities, being his leg speed and mobility for a taller player, his nous in reading of the play and seeing team mates in better positions, and his great ball handling skills including his marking, crumbing and handball ability. Now how he deals with the expectation of being our most promising young forward in years will be the challenge. 6.5/10

2. Robert Murphy - Poor old Murph has again battled a few injury concerns, however has strung 10 games together for the season. A recent move to the backline on the come back from another knee complaint seems to have re-energised Murph, and our side. He's such a quality player, and from the backline we'll be able to see his run and creativity at its best. He'll also add some extra marking power down back, and his reading of the play is sure to become a feature - hopefully soon enough him, Lake and Morris will be marking every opposition kick in the forward half. 6/10

3. Andrejs Everitt - Played 7 games of the season before going out with an ankle complaint, and not having yet returned. Whilst his form was not 'outstanding', his form was very pleasing - a return to the old. He showed increased intensity and running ability, and also took some great contested marks, showing he's no slouch in the air. His body work and exactly where to play him must continue to be issues for the MC, along with him not tearing the house down at Williamstown from all reports in the State League Forim, but I think he has to return, and soon. He's got a lot of AFL qualities, and if Goddard, and Mackie and these guys can get games (and have even with iffy form), Everitt should too. 5/10

4. Daniel Cross - After perhaps a sluggish start to the season by his standards, Crossy has been back in his better form in recent weeks. Sometimes I am critical of his handballing, after thinking he was the next Scott West for quite a while. His ability to put a team mate into a better spot, or release them into space with the handball has been down over the past few seasons. Whilst he has again been shut down at times, he has also again shown his ability to win a crucial clearance and release a player with better foot skills into space. As always, his contested and defensive work has been very solid. Hopefully he continues his upward trend towards September, where he may play a few shutdown roles inside, and hopefully beat his direct opponent with hurt factor too. 8/10

5. Matthew Boyd - Has again racked big numbers and been a very important player in the contested situation. His disposal and decision making have however come under question, and if must be asked if he at times attempts to do too much. He has certainly improved his skills in his time at the club, but he's still not an elite ball user, and as such, should try to play within his limits a little more at times. His ability to win the clearance has however been very important, and he adds good ball handling and grunt into our midfield mix. I sometimes wonder if he could rest up forwards, where his overhead ability and defensive efforts could be beneficial. 7/10

6. Brad Johnson - Brad hasn't had a great run with injury thus far, but I actually don't mind that. Like it or not, I still think Johnson is one of our most important players, and we will be very reliant on him having a great September. For those reasons, I'm glad he's had a bit of a slower build up and lesser work load over the first half of the season. Keeping his body primed is crucial. In his first match of the year, he played a blinder. His field kicking and decision making, as well as leadership, was outstanding. The following week, he wasn't as good (in fact, he was poor), and then subsequently missed a few more matches with injury. In his game back against West Coast he looked good. He's so dangerous, and his football smarts get better year after year. Once he and Baz have played a few more games together up forward, they should form a potent combination. (Not rated due to lack of football)

7. Shaun Higgins - One of many who has probably suffered a little from injury, not only missing a few games but playing at less than 100%. He has again been an important player, however hasn't quite taken that next step yet that many were hoping he would. He's a good ball user, sometimes great, and is very poised and great at identifying the best option. I'm not sure if his best spot will be in the midfield, as I think he is just too dangerous a player in the forward half. When Johnson and Akermanis move on, we are really going to need someone like Higgins to kick 40 goals a year (in fact, I argue we already do!), and I think he's capable. Hopefully he can get his body right, as he could be a real wildcard in September. 6.5/10

8 - Mitch Hahn - Mitch has had, in my humble opinion, a fairly disappointing season. He hasn't been our worst contributor, but he isn't having the same impact on matches, and isn't getting the same hurt factor with his possessions, or defensive/contested efforts. As has been alluded too elsewhere, Barry Hall coming in has meant Hahn doesn't have the same, clearly defined role as last year. It's an interesting one, because in my mind, having Hall should mean Mitch has the same or worse level of defender on him, and perhaps we just haven't been exploiting him enough. It's going to be a very important few months for Hahn as he tries to cement his spot in our 22 for September. Playing well in big matches, against the top sides will certainly help his cause. 4/10

9 - Lindsay Gilbee - Gilbee has really had a pretty good season. He has been able to get involved more frequently than he did last year for mine, and his field kicking has been very good. Having a few more options to run and carry the ball down back definitely helps release him more often, and it should allow him some time in the midfield too, where I think he could be very effective. The one aspect of his game that has let him down has been his kicking for goal, particularly from 50, which was his range not too long ago. From memory, did kick a good one last match against West Coast, so hopefully he can take some confidence from that. Crucial to our finals ambitions. 8/10

10 - Nathan Eagleton - Another who has been in and out a little bit because of injury. Eagleton has been a good contributor over the years, using his speed, gut running and long kicking to advantage. At this stage of his career, he is showing signs of fading in these departments, although at other times does still show these abilities. Like Hahn, he is one who'll want to play some good games against the better sides. He does have a very good record against Geelong (maybe not in last years PF?) and can be a damaging player when he finds space. Finding that space in high intensity finals contests is extremely hard though. Important month or so for the Eagle. 4.5/10

12 - Tom Williams - Has stayed on the park for 12 games thus far, which is very good given his injury history (touch wood). Whilst his form hasn't been outstanding, much like Everitt was doing, he has done his job most weeks. He has shown his marking ability, often late in games as he seems to grow in confidence throughout each match. His run and ball use has often been shown to be good, although he still at times can make simple mistakes. Defensively he has improved, although still has a bit of work to go before becoming one of the better CHB's in the business. He certainly improves our structures, and in my mind, is a walk up start for the best 22. 5.5/10

13 - Daniel Giansiracusa - Gia has had a solid - good year, perhaps even better, as I can sometimes undersell him a little. His great games have been outstanding. When Boydy missed a few, Gia took on some midfield responsibility, and showcased his gut running, decision making and ball use. He has in more recent weeks played the defensive forward role, and has done well doing this. I however think he is more value getting more possessions, as his work by hand in close, and field kicking are all excellent, and based upon his decision making. He's a very important player, and when he is up and running, we are a better side. Hopefully he can continue on with his form. 8/10

15 - Ben Hudson - mjp has long argued that Hudson is one of our 5 most important players (or better), and based on his form this year, I'd have to agree. Hudson has been outstanding. He regularly scraps and wins the ball, or creates another contest if he can't. His body work is also very good. This year, he has also gone forward or back and stuck a few marks, as well as continuing to work on his ability to get dangerous around the ground as a link up man. I question how his body holds up over the course of a season, as he has seen to dip in form in the latter stages, and I hope we are able to rest him at times and ensure he is jumping at the bit in September, cotton wool him and all that, he is that important. 8.5/10

16 - Ryan Griffen - I'll try not to gush too much, but Griff has been very good this season. He has continued to improve his midfield work, and has been showing off his trademark run and carry to great effect this year. His long kicking has been good at times, and I understand the directive would be to move the ball as quickly as possible, but I think he could lower the vision a bit more and try to spot up more shorter passes, as he can move the short passes very quickly so not much separation is required for the forward marking the ball. Another guy who is crucial to our September ambitions, and hopefully we'll see him dashing down the wing, kicking a few long goals last weekend of September. 8/10

17 - Adam Cooney - Has been back to his best, although a little patchy at times. When he's on, he's one of the Top 5 players in the competition. He's so quick and skillful outside, strong and dynamic inside. His ability to generate run has been very important. He's another player who I'd like to see kick more goals, but besides that, Adam is putting along very nicely. I really hope he's keen for a massive September, because if he turns it on, and so does Griff, we'll blow other sides out of the water. Perhaps another who could spend a bit more time resting forward, but he is just so dangerous, that I understand the need/desire to keep him in the guts. 8/10

That will do for tonight :)

Feel free to agree or disagree with my opinions....

28-06-2010, 08:58 PM
No arguments here, good analysis Griffen 16. I'd like to read your thoughts on the rest of the players that have got a run this year.

29-06-2010, 07:39 AM
While your comments are pretty much on the ball I believe your markings have been very generous to say the least. Higgins would rate no higher than 4/10 in my opinion and atleast 4 to 6 other players would have their ratings brought down a little too. I would give slight increases to Grant, Cooney & Griffen.

I look forward to reading the rest.

29-06-2010, 11:07 AM
Grant has been one of our best imo. Cooney and Boyd haven't been that great this year imo.

29-06-2010, 03:33 PM
While your comments are pretty much on the ball I believe your markings have been very generous to say the least.

Giving a numerical rating sure isn't easy, so you are probably right. On Higgins in particular, I think he has been OK without really taking that next step. I'd certainly say we've gotten more from him than we have Hahn, or Eagleton, or even Williams. I guess expectation wise, he is well down though.

Grant has been one of our best imo. Cooney and Boyd haven't been that great this year imo.

Whilst Grant has been good, and much better than expected, I don't think his output has been much higher than what I have given him (although I'm sure some would give him a much higher rating). If Hall's output had been that of Grant's, Hall would probably be on about a 4/10 in most peoples eyes!

Disagree regarding Cooney.

Should be able to add the remainder tomorrow.

29-06-2010, 04:21 PM
I'm regarding our midfielders forms more on the games that have been close or that we've lost. And in those games cooney and Boyd go missing

29-06-2010, 04:47 PM
Nice work. So much of this is subjective.
I would have rated Williams a little higher (he has done his job without setting the world on fire) and Higgins a little lower but that probably comes from a different set of expectations. I think Higgins could be anything. I would be interested to see how you rate Lake - as he has been our best (in my opinion) by quite a margin.

29-06-2010, 05:01 PM
Interesting reading... I'd have Higgins lower, about a 5 in my book. I think Gia's a bit high, a 7 for mine. Likewise Cooney and Griffen, I'd put them about a 7/7.5

30-06-2010, 04:06 AM
I thought you were pretty much spot, apart from (in my opinion) Higgins. He would get no higher than a 5 in my book as he has had no impact whatsoever and has shown a distinct lack of leadership and courage. On the basis of the potential that he has - his year to date would rate at about a 2.

30-06-2010, 09:25 AM
Nice review,

I have a different opinion on Williams though as i'm not convinced he offers us much in today's modern style of football.

Williams is our 3rd or 4th tall option behind Lake, Morris and sometimes even Hargrave.
Tom also gives us little or no drive and simply just doesn't get enough of the ball.
When he does get it, he either kicks along the wing to an easy un-marked teammate, or he does the same sideways behind the zone. Tom's confidence in his own ability doesn't seem to be at a level where he will take any risks, which is what we need to do.

Defensively he is improving, he's quite strong when he's at the back of a contest but if he's at the front he get's nudged out very easily or get's beaten over the top.

I've also noticed that on several occasions he has jumped in from the side in a marking contest and didn't get any contact from any other player yet when coming down he landed flat on his face. Maybe he's just too top heavy or perhaps he still has trouble with the pack marking aspect of the game.

Despite all this bagging he is improving but he's not taking any major roles in defence and he offers us nothing on the rebound. I'd prefer players like Murphy and Wood taking those spots across half back to give us our run. I think this is a key reason why we have looked a sharper side the last 2 games.

Perhaps we need to give Williams a bigger role while we push Lake forward.

30-06-2010, 05:21 PM
18 - Brennan Stack - Stack is another player who has been the focus of much debate thus far this season. He's been brought into the side for the potential AFL attributes he offers, being his speed and agility, overhead marking, good hands and goal kicking. So far we have seen little teases of each of these attributes (expect perhaps, the big overhead marking) however, we have not yet seen Stack put it all together for an entire game. I think he has done enough to ensure he is at least retained beyond this season, and perhaps enough that he could become a solid crumbing, or even mid sized forward option for us over the coming seasons. He'll probably struggle to play out the remainder of the season as others come back in, but he has promising future, and I'm glad he's got an extended run in the seniors this year to build on going forwards. 4/10

20 - Josh Hill - Much like fellow small/medium forward Stack, Hill has also been under scrutiny this year for a range of reasons, including not going at the contested footy, lacking intensity, lack of defensive efforts etc. What we do know is that Hill is our second leading goal kicker with 20 goals in his 11 games. Given our side has been without Akermanis and Johnson for periods of the year, Hill has become an increasingly important player due to his ability to actually get on the scoreboard. He's the type of player that only needs a few good moments to have an impact on a game, and whilst I would certainly still like him to improve his consistency throughout a match, he is doing enough for mine. He often sneaks under the radar of opposition sides, and if he can continue to kick a couple of goals a game, he remains in the side for mine. He's another I'd like to see rotate up field a little more, but once we have some more forward options. 5.75/10

21 - Jason Akermanis - Aker has had a poor year by his standards, citing injury as a major reason. What we do know is that Aker has lost a bit of leg speed, and perhaps a little penetration in his kicking. He does remain one of the smartest players in the side though, and although his kicking may not quite be what it was, his ability to make good decisions means more often than not he uses the ball well. He's a player that I think, at his best can still demand a spot in the best 22. I think his best value will be spent around the vicinity of the goals, where his goal kicking and ball use is more beneficial. I have concerns over his ability to rotate through the midfield. Hopefully he can put the past few weeks behind him and get back to playing some good football before it all comes to an end at the close of the season. 4.5/10

22 - Dylan Addison - Addison has played 9 games for the year thus far, although is still a player very much on the fringes of the best 22. He has played some good football this year, and I've often thought that it doesn't look too far away from clicking for Addison. He still needs to continue to work on a few areas of his game, including his disposal and decision making, but he does make good decisions and can use the ball well. I think at times he can be a little scared to make a mistake, and as such can panic a little with ball in hand rather than quickly taking the first option. Nailing down a spot that he can call his own will also help. With a few guys like Ward and Reid to come back who can rotate through the middle, and Murphy and Wood playing down back, I don't see an obvious spot for him at the moment. Hopefully he can finish the year strongly as he is at worst a very good depth player, and if we lose a player or 2 at years end, could become more important from 2011 onwards.

23 - Jordan Roughead - Roughead came into the side and played a few matches whilst Minson returned to more satisfactory fitness levels. The kid can play. He's got good smarts in the ruck clearance, and is able to direct a hitout to a team mates advantage. He's got good mobility and agility for a taller player, and will very much be at home in the modern game. He also demonstrated his ability to drift forward and get dangerous, and it's a string that he'll need to become better than a solid player. He still needs to improve his strength and get his body weight up a little bit, but that will develop over the next few pre-seasons. Likely to get a few more matches at some stage this year, and it's good to know that he is able to provide back up support is necessary. (Not rated due to lack of football).

25 - Ryan Hargrave - Another who has not quite lived up to his form of the previous few seasons, and another who is likely to be able to put some of the blame on an early season neck complaint which certainly hampered his start to the year. His form against West Coast was better, and hopefully he'll be able to build up over the next few months towards September. With his size, speed and long kicking he can be a very dangerous offensive player from the back half, and in my mind it's no coincidence the sides run has been down generally with Hargrave out of form. Adds a lot of flexability to our match ups, and could potentially be thrust further upfield with a new array of attacking options from the backline. 5.5/10

27 - Will Minson - After a slow start to the year due to fitness concerns, Will has come back in solid touch. He's always going to be a bit of a maligned player, but I think he has shown improvement again this year. We know he's a fierce competitor in the clearance, and can win some crucial hit outs to advantage. He makes good position around the ground and is serviceable, whilst he has taken a few good marks this year and if he'd kicked a bit straighter he could be in double digits for goals kicked. I'd like to see him continue to work on his agility, as he looks a much better player when he's moving freely and carrying a little less bulk. He's got to continue to work on getting dangerous in the forward half, but if he can continue being good for a shot or 2 on goal a game he's doing his job. 6/10

28 - Barry Hall - Hall has been terrific since coming into the side. He hasn't always kicked big bags, and the sides fluctuating form probably hasn't assisted him much either. He really seems to be fitting in to the structures better than he was earlier in the year. He can be used up around CHF which is vital as it's often where we break down in high stakes, high intensity games. Using him closer to goal has also been a good tactic this year, and on the lead he is unstoppable. I'd like for us to try and use him in this manner more often, rather than long bombs on top of his head. If we can get the balance right between Hall and our other forwards, we'll have a very dangerous mix. At times he has looked a little loose in the hands, but I'm sure he'll be back one-grabbing the ball soon. His defensive work has been good. 7.5/10

29 - Easton Wood - The young guy has broken through to play the last 2 senior matches before the mid-season break. He's a dynamic young player, who is a smooth mover and has a great leap. His pace is good, although he's not super quick and needs to be mindful of being caught trying to do too much. He demonstrated some good long kicking thus far, although at times needs to be able to lower the eyes, and also be more mindful of kicking to our forwards advantage. He's certainly going to help our speed of ball movement from the back half. I also like his ability to get dangerous in the air, and it's a good tactic to employ at kick-ins. I hope he can continue on with his form, and no reason why he can't cement a spot in the side heading into September. (Not rated due to a lack of football)

36 - Brian Lake - Lake has again been a very good player. His contested marking ability would have to be up there with the best in the competition. He's very astute at reading the play and shutting down a contest, as well as making the decision of when to leave his man. In the finals he's going to have to be more accountable, most likely against some high quality opponents at times, which is a role he should excel in. His ability to create run from the backline is another feature of his game, and we've also seen him drift forwards with great effect thus far this year. It's certainly another move that will keep opposition sides guessing, and he adds a genuine target for the long bomb kick - which could be a godsend in September. Can still tend to try and use the ball off one step, which can lead to turnovers, just needs to ensure he doesn't get lazy or turn the ball over at crucial moments. 8/10

38 - Dale Morris - Morris has probably had a slightly lesser of a year compared to some of his previous ones, perhaps being beaten a little more. He's also played some absolute rippers though, and again demonstrated that he is the premier, shut down defender in the AFL. He just continues to quietly go about his business, and that is exactly what we need from him. His job on Fevola a few weeks back was certainly a highlight of the season for mine. Going to be an incredibly important player in the finals, and will no doubt be asked to play on all shapes and sizes. In my mind, he's another of those Top 5 most important players that we just need on the park in the business end of the season. I'm sure he'll again do an outstanding job, as he always does. 7/10

40 - Jarrod Harbrow - Harbrow has again been a very important part of our backline. His ability to create something from nothing is super important, and in the tight confines of modern day finals footy, he's again going to come to the fore. He's super quick, evasive and generally uses the ball well, without being what I would call elite. He's another who will probably have some big jobs in September, where he'll be responsible for shutting down a solid opponent, and also being responsible for a lot of our drive from the back half. Releasing him into the midfield is certainly an idea that I like. We know he has great defensive intensity, and he adds some more pure leg speed into our mix. If he's going to be matched up on a stronger forward, the midfield is where I can see him spending a lot of time. 7.5/10

42 - Liam Picken - When Picken went down, it was a very dangerous time as he is our most effective stopper. True to his dedication and no-nonsense approach, he was back into the side much quicker than was initially expected. He's again been responsible for shutting down the oppositions dangerous, 'run and carry' type players, and I think it's a good role - shutting down opposition run is almost as important stopping them winning the ball in the first place. He's shown his versatility again this year, demonstrating that he can play in the backline, and that he isn't afraid to get dangerous and kick a goal as well. He's going to be a crucial player as we move into the real stuff. 7/10

44 - Brodie Moles - Brodie was elevated off the rookie list after burning down the track and playing some reasonable (without being outstanding) football in the NAB Cup. He's a very interesting player for mine, and one who I had fairly low expectations of perhaps compared to some other supporters based on his pre-season form. I think he has continued to improve over the course of his AFL matches. He's got a bit of dash, he's strong in a contest. His kicking and decision making will need to continue to improve, as will his familiarity with our style and structures. After being fairly 'cool' on him early, I think he can be a player for us if his improvement trend continues. I know he hasn't racked great numbers in his previous couple of games, but I saw improvement in his game. Probably not going to be in our best 22 this year, but one who should be very close next year if he continues on. 4.5/10

30-06-2010, 05:42 PM
I'm regarding our midfielders forms more on the games that have been close or that we've lost. And in those games cooney and Boyd go missing

Fair enough. I thought Cooney was one of our better players against St Kilda and against Collingwood (the second time) with his game against Essendon perhaps being one that I can recall that would fit into that category.

I'm not sure Boyd often 'goes missing' but he hasn't been overly effective this year, and he hasn't been doing overly defensive jobs.

Nice work. So much of this is subjective.
I would have rated Williams a little higher (he has done his job without setting the world on fire) and Higgins a little lower but that probably comes from a different set of expectations. I think Higgins could be anything. I would be interested to see how you rate Lake - as he has been our best (in my opinion) by quite a margin.

Cheers turtle. As you say, very subjective. Have added Lake now, so will be interested to hear if you think I'm on the mark.

Interesting reading... I'd have Higgins lower, about a 5 in my book. I think Gia's a bit high, a 7 for mine. Likewise Cooney and Griffen, I'd put them about a 7/7.5

Cheers Andrew. Must be my SA-bias inflating Cooney and Griffen's ratings ;) - but in all seriousness, I think they have been right up there with our most important and best players this season - having a big impact.

Gia I think has been pretty damn good.

I thought you were pretty much spot, apart from (in my opinion) Higgins. He would get no higher than a 5 in my book as he has had no impact whatsoever and has shown a distinct lack of leadership and courage. On the basis of the potential that he has - his year to date would rate at about a 2.

Fair enough comments. I certainly think he's getting canned a little more because of 'potential' - it's the same things that have been said about Cooney and Griffen and just about any talented young player at any club. If they don't make the step up to elite rapidly, they are a little more harshly judged.

Nice review,

I have a different opinion on Williams though as i'm not convinced he offers us much in today's modern style of football.

Interesting thoughts regarding Williams CD. I can certainly see some merits to your arguments, and fitting all of Harbrow, Gilbee, Hargrave, Murphy and Wood into the backline is going to be a bit of a challenge, especially considering that Williams will need to fit back in too.

I think it's one that is really still yet to be settled, as like you say, we do have some other players capable of doing the 'tall' roles in the backline. I'm pretty confident we will go with Williams, and hope he is given a few more tough tasks in the coming weeks as he's going to be important for the 'Lake Forwards' experiment.

30-06-2010, 08:42 PM
Good work on the second group...only change I'd make score-wise is Moles (and a slight change at that!). I reckon he's been good for us, taking players on, backing himself. Gets caught a bit, but shows he can come in for others, and isn't far off being a regular senior . 5-5.5 for mine.

Good thread, makes for a thought-provoking read!

30-06-2010, 09:39 PM
Good review Griff, I'm pretty much happy with most of it.

Ghost Dog
30-06-2010, 10:18 PM
Memory is such an unreliable tool for team analysis. At times there is some irritation with a certain player, as if mental chastigation ( new word! ) could somehow telekinetically lift them up by the bootstraps. Gilbee SHOULD be able to peg 6 points every time with his leg cannon like last year!. Why can't Griffen get cut that mop to improve his peripheral vision so he doesn't get mowed down by Cyril Rioli. What is it with Barry and these little 'team-player' palm offs. Just peg it Barry! nobody does it better than you!
But then I take a step back and think of all the great stuff they do. Then I read the stats and get even more confused.

My perception of form is totally screwed depending on which moment I lay awake in bed thinking of.
It also depends if I am at the ground or watching it on TV.
Maybe the best way to judge form is by who stuffs up the least.

I liked your review ! but being a teacher ( TAFE ) I prefer maybe a HD, Pass, NP report card system.
So I will just bore you with agreeing that.....

Top of the class.
Coon ' The iceman', I cannot really fault. He always seems to make the right decisions. HD
Grant does not seem to stuff up much. Good footy Brain-waves. HD
Barry the destroyer. Has not given away many frees. Major shock. HD
Ryan ' Beatnik' Griffen. Still high on that last snap against smell-bourne. HD
'Shimmy' Harbrow. HD
Lake - HD

01-07-2010, 09:32 AM
Cheers guys.

Sockeye Salmon
01-07-2010, 10:54 AM
My perception of form is totally screwed depending on which moment I lay awake in bed thinking of.
It also depends if I am at the ground or watching it on TV.
Maybe the best way to judge form is by who stuffs up the least.

That is absolutely the worst way to decide.

The person that stuffs up the least isn't taking enough risks and that's a certain way to fail.

Ghost Dog
01-07-2010, 10:59 AM
Ah yes! good point! what was I thinking!

Ghost Dog
01-07-2010, 10:59 AM
So on that basis Will Minson is the best guy on our team ! haha

Sockeye Salmon
01-07-2010, 11:04 AM
So on that basis Will Minson is the best guy on our team ! haha

Just make two columns, one for good stuff, one for bad stuff.

(When you format you might want to make Will's 'bad' column just a touch wider).

01-07-2010, 12:01 PM
That is absolutely the worst way to decide.

The person that stuffs up the least isn't taking enough risks and that's a certain way to fail.

Or is handballing/kicking to a teammate who is under pressure and a fair chance to stuff up. The Farren Ray rule I like to call it.

01-07-2010, 10:31 PM
Well done Griff #16. Great attempts to rate the players and mostly spot on IMO (though I agree Higgins may be a bit high)

01-07-2010, 11:16 PM
Good work Griff.
My points of difference sit only around the margins.
I see Gia's half year performance with a higher std. dev. (with a lower min.) to your other worthy 8+ elite class of Hudson, Cooney, Griff, Lake, and Gilbee and as such would err on moving him down to your '7' class. Would also have Crossy in a similar grouping as he did struggle earlier on following his seriously interrupted pre season. Would be comfortable with Harbrow in your '8' elite class above and the injury afflicted Higgins is on the high side at 6.5.