View Full Version : Open Apology

25-07-2010, 07:32 PM
Fellow WOOFers,

I start this thread by saying that I love The Bulldogs with all my heart and soul. My passion for the Western Bulldogs helps to keep me sane. Today, however, I believe I have done something for which I must apologise.
An incident took place in the smoking area of the Victory Room not long after the finish of today's game against Fremantle. Someone took me to task about my rhymes. I enjoy doing ad-lib poetry and like to think that many others enjoy hearing them. I keep it PG as kids and ladies etc. hear enough swearing at the footy without me adding to it. Suddenly, I have a fellow Doggies fan trying to insult me in front of others. It is from this point on that I must apologise. Instead of ignoring the insult that came my way, I have let myself and all those who I love and respect as fellow Bulldog fans down.
What I should have ignored, I chose to return in spades. I am sorry for the language that I used. I am sorry for behaving in an uncivil manner. I am sorry for intruding upon the enjoyment of others on what should have been a celebration for all Bulldog fans. I am sorry for intimidating a fellow Doggies fan with what could be construed as threatening behaviour. There is no place violence in society, be it physical, verbal, financial or emotional, so I feel I have let every one of you down by doing so in one moment of insanity.
For today, I do most sincerely apologise.

Bumper Bulldogs
25-07-2010, 07:37 PM
DaDruid, It's not like you can hide, so I find it hard to see how you thought you would get away from it.

Did you apologies to the people in which you 'Returned in Spades"

Also my son wanted to know why you had No3 on your hair today as Everitt wasn't playing.

25-07-2010, 07:43 PM
You were fine mate, we all get a bit carried away sometimes, especially when the amber fluid is flowing. We all had your back and we all thought you were fine, so stress less buddy.

25-07-2010, 07:44 PM
I wasn't there DaDruid, but I hope you gave those pricks hell.

Super 27
25-07-2010, 07:48 PM
don't stress Adam. Great to chat before the game.

3 - three more weeks before he gets his teeth.

25-07-2010, 07:52 PM
I was inside when it all took place & i didn't think much of the situation, and was actually surprised when i seen you were involved.

I wouldn't stress too much about it buddy, as the couple of times i have spoken to you, you have been a very open, honest & enjoyable person to be around. Not sure if you remember a few weeks back, but you actually spoke to my little girl in the Victory room. She was delighted to have some there who was funny with his rhymes, and it actually made her night.

Don't stress about it champ, we're all a happy family :)

25-07-2010, 08:02 PM
DaDruid, It's not like you can hide, so I find it hard to see how you thought you would get away from it.

Did you apologies to the people in which you 'Returned in Spades"

Also my son wanted to know why you had No3 on your hair today as Everitt wasn't playing.

Unfortunately, I was unable and, at the time, unwilling to apologise to the other protagonist due to my friends escorting me inside in no uncertain terms. As for the number 3, it is the amount of rounds before I get my teeth via Sam Newman's mate Kevin King, 158 Union Rd, Ascot Vale. I'll do the right thing and give him a plug.

26-07-2010, 11:15 AM
I was right there too (dogs beanie) and thought you were fine Adam. Always have a good laugh at your rhymes....you can't make the characters of the game shutup otherwise we'll be reduced to guys like him...barely any colours and golf-clap support.

With more members than ever you'll encounter the occasional knob I guess.

P.S. You were the most famous person I'd been close to all day till Granty took a stroll past. :p

26-07-2010, 12:27 PM
Druid, Met you at the gate heading in yesterday, with our Ben Hudson scarves on, and just as you are here on the forums you are a funny guy, and all of us always have a lot of time for you.

Do not let the odd schnapperhead ruin it for you, keep doing what you are doing, as others have said, its the characters that make it for us, and you are one of the many we have, keep it up mate!

As for the Fun police, there is plenty of them around, just ignore em, they aint happy unless they are grumpy.

Bumper Bulldogs
26-07-2010, 07:38 PM
As for the number 3, it is the amount of rounds before I get my teeth via Sam Newman's mate Kevin King, 158 Union Rd, Ascot Vale. I'll do the right thing and give him a plug.

You need to get back on the footy show as with the new teeth you will be able to cut Sam's lunch with the lady friends.:D

26-07-2010, 07:56 PM
Unfortunately, I was unable and, at the time, unwilling to apologise to the other protagonist due to my friends escorting me inside in no uncertain terms. As for the number 3, it is the amount of rounds before I get my teeth via Sam Newman's mate Kevin King, 158 Union Rd, Ascot Vale. I'll do the right thing and give him a plug.

Try to limit your drinking, it makes a fool of the funniest and nicest people.

Ghost Dog
26-07-2010, 11:18 PM
I think the fact you actually wrote a heart felt apology here shows heaps Da Druid.
We have all done some pretty silly things under the influence. Live and learn! Love your poems.

Don't die with the music in you - R. Eade.

27-07-2010, 03:11 AM
Deus, Pater misericordiarum,
qui per mortem et resurrectionem FĂ*lii sui
mundum sibi reconciliavit
et Spiritum Sanctum effudit
in remissionem peccatorum,

per ministerium Ecclesiae
tibi tribuat
et pacem...

Et ego te absolvo a peccatis tuis
in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.

Go in peace, my son. :p


27-07-2010, 07:52 AM

"Fess up, apologise and the breath of God will purefy you"

Is that what that means?

27-07-2010, 10:50 AM
Never apologise for being the entertainment. :)

27-07-2010, 06:38 PM
You need to get back on the footy show as with the new teeth you will be able to cut Sam's lunch with the lady friends.:D

Got a lady friend who might have something to say if I did that. ;)