View Full Version : Fair Weather Supporters

15-08-2010, 04:28 PM
It's time I vented my spleen ...

I am sick and tired of the fair-weather supporter. I've read enough of you on here ... You know who you are, but that is not what I am posting about.

Last night against Geelong the bloke right in front of me was going off his nut in the first quarter "how good we were ... How much of an impact we were going to make in the finals" (sound familiar)

By the end of the second quarter he was yelling abuse at every player who was warming down in front of us, snapped his Bulldog flag and threw it on the ground, and screaming he wanted a refund on his membership. He left at half time (thank god)

It has been a long time between drinks for us with Premierships, but if you are not going to support the Dogs through thick and thin then go !! I for one do not want you on my team.

15-08-2010, 04:31 PM
Yep. I hate those kind of supporters. We really did play poorly last night but that kind of behaviour is never warranted. People that act in such a way aren't true supporters anyway.

15-08-2010, 04:43 PM
Fickle supporters! Every club in every sport, worldwide has em!

15-08-2010, 05:14 PM
I'm happy to say I saved the flag

15-08-2010, 05:48 PM
Really as a club we surely can't have that many fair weather supporters, as we've never really been successful enough to recruit some. These supporters are obviously annoying, and they're almost always the same supporters who make comments such as:

"Gia is soft and useless, next captain my arse"
"why is Minson getting a game. He is a spud and hopeless"
"just kick it!" followed by "who was that too?"
"don't go backwards" (when we are clearly going for the switch)
"<experienced player> is crap. We should be playing <insert high draft pick on injury list>"

These all frequently come up on talk back, and I hate them all. If you are going to support the club, support them. I'm fine with people being critical or negative, as long as it is justified and accurate, not some stupid groupthink assumption they have come across on bigfooty.

15-08-2010, 05:57 PM
The guy behind me was an absolute idiot. For the ENTIRE game (well, he only stayed until 3/4 time, but still) he called Wood 'Moles', he also called Moles 'Moles', and then one time he called Everitt 'Moles'. He also called Lake 'Morris' and Roughy 'Minson' (seriously, how can you even get that last one wrong?). To say he was angry during the game is a bit of an understatement, but I thought it was a bit rich considering he didn't know who half the team was. I was more frustrated by him then by the game, to be honest.

15-08-2010, 05:59 PM
I stayed right until the end, can't believe i put myself through it :)

Ghost Dog
15-08-2010, 06:08 PM
I stayed right until the end, can't believe i put myself through it :)

Oh you did? You have a brave constitution. Seeing Shaggy bomb it into the square, only for it to be pumped back into the f50 for about the umpteenth time made me stop watching. I didn't want to ruin my weekend with negative vibes.
It was surreal! I am still in shock I think haha.

15-08-2010, 06:09 PM
Same deal with people on facebook. I don't go on it, my missus does. I decided to read what people were saying out of boredom and so many people saying they are going to throw their memberships away. I had to vent my spleen to them (Mostly as I had quite a few drinks in my system, otherwise I would'nt have said anything)

15-08-2010, 06:21 PM
I stayed right until the end, can't believe i put myself through it :)

Ditto. I can say, I have never left a game early. To be honest though, I hated watching the team lose by that much, but with 5 minutes to go a part of me was barracking for Geelong to beat us by over 100 points. Look what happened..

15-08-2010, 06:37 PM
I stayed right until the end, can't believe i put myself through it :)

I stayed to the end brutal as it was.

They are team that I love to support win or lose.

Ghost Dog
15-08-2010, 06:47 PM
I stayed to the end brutal as it was.

They are team that I love to support win or lose.

Right on Max

Anyway, 20 Million homeless in Pakistan. It's just a game guys. Come on Dogs.

15-08-2010, 06:57 PM
Right on Max

Anyway, 20 Million homeless in Pakistan. .It's just a game guys Come on Dogs.

Who cares.

This a WB footy forum and we here a passionate supporters. If you want talk this stuff go and join a UN forum.

15-08-2010, 07:23 PM
I stayed to the end brutal as it was.

They are team that I love to support win or lose.


Can say i have or will NEVER leave a game early due to a scoreline, obviously people may leave early for other reasons apart from when their team is losing, or being belted like last night.

But those that do leave when the team isn't doing so well [there were alot of them in 2003], and alot left last night, they are simple "downhill skiier supporters", supporters all the same, but go missing when the going gets tough!!!!!

15-08-2010, 07:29 PM
The guy behind me was an absolute idiot. For the ENTIRE game (well, he only stayed until 3/4 time, but still) he called Wood 'Moles', he also called Moles 'Moles', and then one time he called Everitt 'Moles'. He also called Lake 'Morris' and Roughy 'Minson' (seriously, how can you even get that last one wrong?).

As p***ed off as I am, that made me laugh....

"I'm Brodie Moles, and so is my wife"!!!! (Apologies for the poor Monty Python reference)

15-08-2010, 07:30 PM

Can say i have or will NEVER leave a game early due to a scoreline, obviously people may leave early for other reasons apart from when their team is losing, or being belted like last night.

But those that do leave when the team isn't doing so well [there were alot of them in 2003], and alot left last night, they are simple "downhill skiier supporters", supporters all the same, but go missing when the going gets tough!!!!!

Took every ounce of strength - and a few millilitres of Black Douglas - to stay. But I did it. Just.

15-08-2010, 07:33 PM
I left at 3 quarter time. I was crook as a dog all day, almost didn't go and I wish that I didn't now! Also the road works outside of the Dome. I figured I could get out and on the highway and back to Bendigo pretty quickly if I had waited who knows when I would have got home. Probably would have took me 30 - 45 minutes before I even got onto the highway.

Meh, call me a fair weather supporter.......

15-08-2010, 07:33 PM
Why is it we go through the rest of our life not repying to idiots and morons but leaving them to their rants and raves. I mean if the person in front of me in line at the supermarket started complaining about the prices or what the checkout chick is wearing I'd ignore them.

But when it comes to footy we feel this need to dignify the stupity and ignorance of others. I've never understood it, isnt it just easier to ignore the idiots?

15-08-2010, 07:34 PM
If other members want to leave early that is their choice. I am not going to berate them over it. It would be hypocritical anyway as I have left early once or twice in the past.

The fans they get to me are those who continually bag our players, especially when they show no understanding of the game and what they are saying is garbage.

15-08-2010, 07:48 PM
I left at 3 quarter time. I was crook as a dog all day, almost didn't go and I wish that I didn't now! Also the road works outside of the Dome. I figured I could get out and on the highway and back to Bendigo pretty quickly if I had waited who knows when I would have got home. Probably would have took me 30 - 45 minutes before I even got onto the highway.

Meh, call me a fair weather supporter.......

I stayed... and found out after jumping on the 10:01 Pakenham train that it was stopping at Oakleigh, and buses would replace the rest of the trip :( ... squashed in like sardines...not fun.

15-08-2010, 07:51 PM
Right on Max

Anyway, 20 Million homeless in Pakistan. It's just a game guys. Come on Dogs.

It's more a way of life around here.

15-08-2010, 07:52 PM
Ive never left early and never will.
I once sat in front of some yanks who had no idea and a Bulldog supporter with them who was trying to explain every little detail about the game and he had even less of an idea. Question after question about why do they hit the ball? Why dont they throw it? Why do you reward a miss? Why do they run around in circles over and over until finally 10 panadols later and nearing the end of the game one of them said 'What a stupid game' ARGGGGG! Had to laugh I guess.

15-08-2010, 08:05 PM
Ended up just drinking in the social club after halftime. Does the screen there never have sound or was it turned off due to the thumping?

15-08-2010, 08:10 PM
Ended up just drinking in the social club after halftime. Does the screen there never have sound or was it turned off due to the thumping?

Never heard the sound on it, just assumed it isn't on because of all the people in there.

15-08-2010, 08:30 PM
I usually respond/bag other teams supporters stupid remarks. Not many people I sit around for our home games bag our players.

15-08-2010, 09:00 PM
Right on Max

Anyway, 20 Million homeless in Pakistan. It's just a game guys. Come on Dogs.

Who cares.

This a WB footy forum and we here a passionate supporters. If you want talk this stuff go and join a UN forum.

Agreed. Irrelevant statement is irrelevant.

15-08-2010, 09:04 PM
Ive never left early and never will.

I left a friday night game early once to go see Sparta at the HiFi bar. It was 2007 and we were coincidentally getting spanked by the Cats then too.

I'd been talking to a nice lady Geelong supporter and when I got up to leave at three quarter time, she hassled me until I showed her my ticket to the concert to prove I had somewhere else to be.

That's the only reason I would ever leave early. I stay to the bitter end. When (not if) we finally win a flag, the taste will be that much sweeter.

15-08-2010, 09:38 PM
That's the only reason I would ever leave early. I stay to the bitter end. When (not if) we finally win a flag, the taste will be that much sweeter.

Agreed. Pay good money to watch games of football, which are 4 quarters long, not 3. I hate seeing people walkout as early as first minutes of the last quarter, to me it spews lack of devotion/support. :mad:

15-08-2010, 09:46 PM
When I was a kid I would stay to the end, belting after belting, rain, hail or shine. Now I'm older and I've realised that there is more to life than footy, so if the team is being belted, and I don't want to sit thru it, I allow myself to leave. If that makes me a fair weather supporter, so be it. All I know is, I'm 40, and I've supported the Dogs all my life, always have, always will, but footy is no longer the be all and end all for me. I no longer spend all week depressed when they lose, or feel on top of the world when we win.

15-08-2010, 11:11 PM
I stayed until the final siren.. and listened to CD's all the way home in the car. It's funny how 45 minutes of Tim Rogers and You Am I still leaves you angry.

16-08-2010, 12:42 AM
Got to stick it out. Would be disappointed in myself if I didn't. My family learnt the hard way a few years ago leaving early for the drawn Richmond game which whilst a draw, was still worth it for the great last 3 minutes.

Did find it funny though when half way through the second quarter when the bloke next to me turned to his mate and said "leave at 3 quarter time?". Two very quick goals later and he upgraded that to half time.

I personally like to see what still emerges in the remaining dead time. Sometimes something worthwhile occurs, like a good game from a young bloke or a good bit of play. Often it's just so you have something irrelevant to whinge about, like I'm sure gablett ran too far when he kicked that awesome goal from that centre bounce.

16-08-2010, 12:46 AM
When I was a kid I would stay to the end, belting after belting, rain, hail or shine. Now I'm older and I've realised that there is more to life than footy, so if the team is being belted, and I don't want to sit thru it, I allow myself to leave. If that makes me a fair weather supporter, so be it. All I know is, I'm 40, and I've supported the Dogs all my life, always have, always will, but footy is no longer the be all and end all for me. I no longer spend all week depressed when they lose, or feel on top of the world when we win.

Leaving a game early doesn't make you a fair-weather supporter ... Turning on your team when they lose does !!

The Adelaide Connection
16-08-2010, 12:58 AM
Who cares.

This a WB footy forum and we here a passionate supporters. If you want talk this stuff go and join a UN forum.

I have gotta say mate, usually I enjoy reading your posts but this one is an absolute howler. The sentiment of your post is fine but it could have done without the "Who Cares" part.

Let's hope that nobody logs on who has family or friends over there.

Ghost Dog
16-08-2010, 08:46 AM
I have gotta say mate, usually I enjoy reading your posts but this one is an absolute howler. The sentiment of your post is fine but it could have done without the "Who Cares" part.

Let's hope that nobody logs on who has family or friends over there.

Agreed. Soem people need to get a little perspective.

16-08-2010, 08:51 AM
Agreed. Pay good money to watch games of football, which are 4 quarters long, not 3. I hate seeing people walkout as early as first minutes of the last quarter, to me it spews lack of devotion/support. :mad:

As long as they pay their hard earned on memberships, they can leave when they want.

Ghost Dog
16-08-2010, 08:55 AM
Agreed. Irrelevant statement is irrelevant.

If you enjoy sitting next to people swearing in front of your kids, snapping flags, booing their own players, throwing beer and threatening to tear up their memberships, the comment is irrelevent. It's all about perspective. Mantis, df4pm no comment.

16-08-2010, 09:51 AM
I stayed until the end. I spent the 2nd half reading my book though. It was a bit hard to concentrate with the negative Bulldogs supporters & arrogant Geelong supporters behind me, but I managed. ;)

16-08-2010, 10:27 AM
If you enjoy sitting next to people swearing in front of your kids, snapping flags, booing their own players, throwing beer and threatening to tear up their memberships, the comment is irrelevent. It's all about perspective. Mantis, df4pm no comment.

But in the context of this forum it is irrelevant. It's fine putting it into perspective and I'm sure that we all agree which is the bigger and more devastating event, but really that comment doesn't need to be said on this forum. Just because this isn't an event on the scale that it affects millions doesn't mean we can't talk about it.

16-08-2010, 10:30 AM
Who cares.

This a WB footy forum and we here a passionate supporters. If you want talk this stuff go and join a UN forum.


Gold Jerry!!

16-08-2010, 10:31 AM
But in the context of this forum it is irrelevant. It's fine putting it into perspective and I'm sure that we all agree which is the bigger and more devastating event, but really that comment doesn't need to be said on this forum. Just because this isn't an event on the scale that it affects millions doesn't mean we can't talk about it.

Well said.

The Adelaide Connection
16-08-2010, 10:40 AM
But in the context of this forum it is irrelevant. It's fine putting it into perspective and I'm sure that we all agree which is the bigger and more devastating event, but really that comment doesn't need to be said on this forum. Just because this isn't an event on the scale that it affects millions doesn't mean we can't talk about it.

I don't think that the issue here is not wanting to talk about bigger issues in the world. It's a football forum, that part is obvious.

But the point could have been made, or rather the opinion could have been given, with far more tact and sensitivity.

16-08-2010, 10:49 AM
I was jumping up and down at the 1st quarter, and still waves my flag when we boot the goal .Deep down I do sad when we loose, but no one want to loose the game even the PLAYERS...
I love Western Bulldog and will always supporting them even when they loses

Ghost Dog
16-08-2010, 10:58 AM
Well said.

the basis is to put things into perspective. If I wish to make a comment drawing an analogy or emphasise a point I see no problem. If the administrator does, I am sure they will let me know. Otherwise, sorry guys. *shrug* free world.

16-08-2010, 11:04 AM
I agree with the OP. There's a bloke near where I sit that does nothing but bag players, even if we are 10 goals in front.
He is a very lucky character to still have a straight nose after some of the crap he was sprouting in the last two weeks.

16-08-2010, 11:45 AM
2 cents: I care passionately about the Dogs, I think that much is obvious. I also work for a humanitarian agency (not the UN, but I do work with UN guys regularly), and the two guys I sit with in the office (when I'm in the office, which I am now) are currently in Pakistan dealing with the flood. So I can see both sides of the point. I regularly think about how I can feel as -- sometimes more -- passionately about a game as I do about something affecting millions of people, and the answer for me is that sometimes it's just easier to care more about something that is relatively harmless. With the humanitarian work sometimes you just have to shut your mind off, especially when the scale is literally mind-boggling (most difficult situations include Aceh post-tsunami, cyclone Nargis, the Haiti situation briefly, and some of the war camps in sub-Saharan Africa).

Part of me knows that it's a game, but when I go off at Gia on WOOF for missing that shot against the Saints, or when I sat for an hour in the 'G after the '97 prelim, its good to just feel something, anything, and to allow myself to care about something (apart from family and friends, of course, which is another thing entirely). It's also why I take my sport so seriously -- not because I don't care about the world, but because its an outlet for my emotions that you can't really bring to the emergency/humanitarian work.

But after a game like last weekend's and the devastating scale of the loss, one just really has to move on or the season is shot.

ps. I don't leave games early because the tactical/coach side of my brain finds the mechanics of an entire game fascinating -- even when a team is getting slaughtered, there are always things to watch -- movement patterns, set plays, different players' mental reactions etc. (admittedly harder when it's your team). It's the same reason I never leave a movie before the end of the credits -- as someone with some involvement in the creative scene I actually like listening to the theme song(s), looking at the behind-the-scenes mechanics of the movie (who the grip was, which SFX studio did the CG, etc.), and of course, wait for any easter eggs at the end.

16-08-2010, 01:18 PM
I stayed til the end,always have,always will.
I also have one of those blokes behind me that are NEVER happy and constantly get the players mixed up,poor Tommy gets blamed and he's not even on the field!

16-08-2010, 01:23 PM
Yep the favourite players to bag are Hargarve, Gia and Williams. Bloke behind me is constanly bagging them.

16-08-2010, 01:33 PM
No-one will ever be criticised more than Jade Rawlings!

16-08-2010, 01:42 PM
No-one will ever be criticised more than Jade Rawlings!
Sam Power raises an objection sir!

16-08-2010, 01:51 PM
Yep the favourite players to bag are Hargarve, Gia and Williams. Bloke behind me is constanly bagging them.

Gia gets it all the time in my section. Williams used to but they've laid off him a bit.

16-08-2010, 02:04 PM
Sam Power raises an objection sir!

So does Eagleton!

16-08-2010, 02:30 PM
No-one will ever be criticised more than Jade Rawlings!

And rightly so. The bloke signed a contract, was happy to take our money and then sooked like a baby for 2 years while happy to collect his pay. We gave him the chance to go to North so he could play in the same team as his brother, which he'd been bitching and moaning about, and then the guy dumps on us as he walks out the door.

Jade Rawlings can get ****ed!

16-08-2010, 04:39 PM
2 cents: I care passionately about the Dogs, I think that much is obvious. I also work for a humanitarian agency (not the UN, but I do work with UN guys regularly), and the two guys I sit with in the office (when I'm in the office, which I am now) are currently in Pakistan dealing with the flood. So I can see both sides of the point. I regularly think about how I can feel as -- sometimes more -- passionately about a game as I do about something affecting millions of people, and the answer for me is that sometimes it's just easier to care more about something that is relatively harmless. With the humanitarian work sometimes you just have to shut your mind off, especially when the scale is literally mind-boggling (most difficult situations include Aceh post-tsunami, cyclone Nargis, the Haiti situation briefly, and some of the war camps in sub-Saharan Africa).

Part of me knows that it's a game, but when I go off at Gia on WOOF for missing that shot against the Saints, or when I sat for an hour in the 'G after the '97 prelim, its good to just feel something, anything, and to allow myself to care about something (apart from family and friends, of course, which is another thing entirely). It's also why I take my sport so seriously -- not because I don't care about the world, but because its an outlet for my emotions that you can't really bring to the emergency/humanitarian work.

But after a game like last weekend's and the devastating scale of the loss, one just really has to move on or the season is shot.

ps. I don't leave games early because the tactical/coach side of my brain finds the mechanics of an entire game fascinating -- even when a team is getting slaughtered, there are always things to watch -- movement patterns, set plays, different players' mental reactions etc. (admittedly harder when it's your team). It's the same reason I never leave a movie before the end of the credits -- as someone with some involvement in the creative scene I actually like listening to the theme song(s), looking at the behind-the-scenes mechanics of the movie (who the grip was, which SFX studio did the CG, etc.), and of course, wait for any easter eggs at the end.

Well said Lantern - a very even and balanced view. I care about what happens in the world but when I'm watching my beloved Bulldogs, nothing else really matters!

Sockeye Salmon
16-08-2010, 05:23 PM
Gia gets it all the time in my section. Williams used to but they've laid off him a bit.

Rocket asked us why Gia cops it so much from supporters. Rocket thinks he's a gun.

I wonder what the Gia bashers would have to say if he wins our best and fairest this year, as he very well could (or the even more prestigious Joe Marmo Medal)?

16-08-2010, 05:27 PM
It's time I vented my spleen ...

I am sick and tired of the fair-weather supporter. I've read enough of you on here ... You know who you are, but that is not what I am posting about.

Last night against Geelong the bloke right in front of me was going off his nut in the first quarter "how good we were ... How much of an impact we were going to make in the finals" (sound familiar)

By the end of the second quarter he was yelling abuse at every player who was warming down in front of us, snapped his Bulldog flag and threw it on the ground, and screaming he wanted a refund on his membership. He left at half time (thank god)

It has been a long time between drinks for us with Premierships, but if you are not going to support the Dogs through thick and thin then go !! I for one do not want you on my team.

Have to agree with you there. Well put mate!

16-08-2010, 05:31 PM
I stayed right until the end, can't believe i put myself through it :)

Im a sucker aswell NEVER leave a game early.

Remi Moses
16-08-2010, 09:53 PM
If other members want to leave early that is their choice. I am not going to berate them over it. It would be hypocritical anyway as I have left early once or twice in the past.

The fans they get to me are those who continually bag our players, especially when they show no understanding of the game and what they are saying is garbage.

I agree it's your right to leave early in particular after a sub standard effort Saturday night!Personally I praise a good effort (Last week)but supporters who get on and claim your a fair-weather fan because you dare criticize
Give me break please

Remi Moses
16-08-2010, 09:58 PM
Im a sucker aswell NEVER leave a game early.

Should we draw up a medal or what ! I've left early numerous times doesn't make you less a supporter.Try going to 22 games when you win only two. I left because I was extremely pissed of and angry:mad:

16-08-2010, 10:08 PM
Im a sucker aswell NEVER leave a game early.

If we are getting beaten like Saturday night I have no problems leaving once we hit time on.

16-08-2010, 11:14 PM
If we are getting beaten like Saturday night I have no problems leaving once we hit time on.

The only time I have left is into time-on because I hate to listen to the oppositions theme song.

The Adelaide Connection
16-08-2010, 11:26 PM
If we are getting beaten like Saturday night I have no problems leaving once we hit time on.

Personally I always stay, even when I fly over and am excruciatingly hungover and we are getting belted by Carlton. But I say each to their own, you pay your money and you can do whatever pleases you.

What I will say is that I think that those who are there for the whole journey (whether that means staying till the final siren or just not switching the channel) are the ones that can really, truly appreciate the good times.

As a kid I was a Fitzroy and Centrals supporter. It's a wonder that I even still like football. Comparitively things are going fairly well still at the moment ;)

16-08-2010, 11:57 PM
2 cents: I care passionately about the Dogs, I think that much is obvious. I also work for a humanitarian agency (not the UN, but I do work with UN guys regularly), and the two guys I sit with in the office (when I'm in the office, which I am now) are currently in Pakistan dealing with the flood. So I can see both sides of the point. I regularly think about how I can feel as -- sometimes more -- passionately about a game as I do about something affecting millions of people, and the answer for me is that sometimes it's just easier to care more about something that is relatively harmless. With the humanitarian work sometimes you just have to shut your mind off, especially when the scale is literally mind-boggling (most difficult situations include Aceh post-tsunami, cyclone Nargis, the Haiti situation briefly, and some of the war camps in sub-Saharan Africa).

Part of me knows that it's a game, but when I go off at Gia on WOOF for missing that shot against the Saints, or when I sat for an hour in the 'G after the '97 prelim, its good to just feel something, anything, and to allow myself to care about something (apart from family and friends, of course, which is another thing entirely). It's also why I take my sport so seriously -- not because I don't care about the world, but because its an outlet for my emotions that you can't really bring to the emergency/humanitarian work.

But after a game like last weekend's and the devastating scale of the loss, one just really has to move on or the season is shot.

ps. I don't leave games early because the tactical/coach side of my brain finds the mechanics of an entire game fascinating -- even when a team is getting slaughtered, there are always things to watch -- movement patterns, set plays, different players' mental reactions etc. (admittedly harder when it's your team). It's the same reason I never leave a movie before the end of the credits -- as someone with some involvement in the creative scene I actually like listening to the theme song(s), looking at the behind-the-scenes mechanics of the movie (who the grip was, which SFX studio did the CG, etc.), and of course, wait for any easter eggs at the end.

2 more cents: Lantern that's a brilliant post on a number of fronts. I too want to see how players react to things going against them and so on. I've never left early and I don't believe in it, but if others want to, I don't criticize (well, not publicly, anyway). And I certainly believe 'through thick and thin' means you're a supporter all the time, so people who want to tear up their (plastic) memberships or swear never to come again... well, do it, but don't come back when we're winning and say you care about the club.

I think actually we all have great reserves of 'caring about' (emotion, if you like) but we often don't see that we have avenues to express what we feel. For me, yes of course football's a game, or 'just a game' if you like. But somehow it stands for more and supporting the Dogs has historical and political overtones that may be only half true in 2010 but, look, half a truth is better than nothing.

And it seems to me that in a world where we 'know' more and more about what's happening out there (Pakistan floods for instance), but really either feel frustrated because we can't really act on what we know, or just get bored and glaze over, there's some elemental realism in a couple of hours at the football. Even if it hurts like hell because you get shellacked.

At least it's there in front of you and you're part of it, part of the Club, part of something that matters, in its own way, and has 100 times more authenticity than most of what you'll see on TV. And I kinda hope that somehow this emotion and authenticity can translate into something more global, allowing us more humanity rather than the less we often have while pretending, like politicians, to have more.

17-08-2010, 10:11 AM
I have my share of fair-weathers in my bay, berating players for any small transgression, real or otherwise. But to the credit of the majority of everyone near me, they all stay to the end.
I stay to the end for many reasons. I spend more money than my income says I should on memberships, apparel, memorabilia, events, travel, Spotless (far too much!!:eek:) and other incidental costs like time off work and away from my partner, to then leave early.
I too like to see what transpires on the field. Who kept having a dip to the end? Who took that hanger in time on? Who got reported in the after siren barmy? If you leave early, you won't know.
I certainly do not suffer syntactical aphasia, and not shy in letting people know my point of view. But when the Dogs are getting trounced, I still cannot abuse them the way some do. I love my team as a parent loves a child, unconditionally. Football teams are very much like one's child. We invest in the team's future success via memberships etc as we invest in our children's education etc. We do this as fans at varying levels of commitment and competence. Just like some parents. I do not have any fruit-of-loins running around but I have had a former partner's 2 kids ask me if they could call me Dad even though their real father was sort of still around.
So proud I cried!! :D:D:cool::D
I am not saying that I have never made a negative comment or ever sworn out loud at the footy. But I try to be mindful of the fact that as one of the more recognizable fans in footy at the moment, I feel a great amount of responsibility in regards to my perceived overall behaviour. I cop plenty every single week from opposition fans, regardless of how the Dogs are going. I enjoy returning serve sometimes with a rhyme or 2, using humour and irreverency to take any nastiness out of those situations that could easily go either way. It isn't hard to find something funny to say when your team is 15 goals down, folks. Well, it isn't for me. Twisted mind and all that.

Ghost Dog
17-08-2010, 12:18 PM
I certainly do not suffer syntactical aphasia, and not shy in letting people know my point of view. But when the Dogs are getting trounced, I still cannot abuse them the way some do. I love my team as a parent loves a child, unconditionally.

You're an inspiration Druid! My hair style is more ' Barry Hall' so I am always amazed at how you get that thing to defy gravity so deftly. Must be hard in these windy days.

I can't abide fans who swear and spit on their own team and so forth. Agreed.

Remi Moses
17-08-2010, 02:23 PM
Got no problem with people staying or leaving but supporters who won't purchase a membership on "how we're going" really shit me!
I've got mates who buy memberships every year and don't go for a variety of reasons doesn't make them less passionate.

17-08-2010, 03:59 PM
The Western Bulldogs football team has gotten me through some very tough times the past ten years, especially after I turned down a position to return to Melbourne and my former school in January 2003 to stay here to take care of my seriously ill father. I have absolutely no regrets about my decision, but none of you can ever imagine how much I look forward to my visits to Melbourne and how much I really treasure every minute I'm at our matches. Anyone who saw the segment about my 2006 visit which was on Fox Footy's Saturday Central would have seen the embarrassing display of emotion from me when we beat Richmond in Round 1 of that year. It was the only match I was able to be in Melbourne for that trip and the first one after my father's passing six years ago today. I've had tears in my eyes after every last match I've been to on my visits, because I never know when I'll be at another match.

I rarely left games early, though I have to admit sometimes I'd leave VFL Park a few minutes early to catch a bus to take me to Waverly Station to take me to Flinders Street Station to catch a train back to Box Hill or a tram to Maribyrnong back in my first years in Melbourne.

And I did wear my Footscray scarf and jumper to every West Coast Eagles match at the WACA and Subi when I lived in Perth in 1989! :p

17-08-2010, 04:27 PM
If you enjoy sitting next to people swearing in front of your kids, snapping flags, booing their own players, throwing beer and threatening to tear up their memberships, the comment is irrelevent. It's all about perspective. Mantis, df4pm no comment.

But I'm not talking about those things happening. A statement about people dying and starving is irrelevant here, that's what I meant :rolleyes:.

I apologise if that was unclear.

If you want to leave a game early, go ahead, for whatever reason. But I'm staying.

Ghost Dog
17-08-2010, 04:37 PM
It was the only match I was able to be in Melbourne for that trip and the first one after my father's passing six years ago today. I've had tears in my eyes after every last match I've been to on my visits, because I never know when I'll be at another match.

Touching story. It's what it's really all about. I see the sport as symbolizing Protection and maintainance of family. I hope the AFL can try to see that and keep it family oriented.
On the topic of fair weather supporters, how about fair weather players?
Take Richo - never won a premiership or even had a lot of on field success in club terms, but really respected. Jason A. on the other hand. Full trophy cabinet but nobody give two cents now. Premierships are not everything. But just one would be very nice...:)

Ghost Dog
17-08-2010, 04:39 PM
But I'm not talking about those things happening. A statement about people dying and starving is irrelevant here, that's what I meant :rolleyes:.

I apologise if that was unclear.

If you want to leave a game early, go ahead, for whatever reason. But I'm staying.

Well, I'm sorry too if I caused confusion. What I meant was ' It's not the end of the world' referring to flag snappers and membership burners.

17-08-2010, 04:43 PM
Well, I'm sorry too if I caused confusion. What I meant was ' It's not the end of the world' referring to flag snappers and membership burners.

Well we are in agreeance there.

Flag snappers and membership burners can fark right off IMHO.

17-08-2010, 04:44 PM
The Western Bulldogs football team has gotten me through some very tough times the past ten years, especially after I turned down a position to return to Melbourne and my former school in January 2003 to stay here to take care of my seriously ill father. I have absolutely no regrets about my decision, but none of you can ever imagine how much I look forward to my visits to Melbourne and how much I really treasure every minute I'm at our matches. Anyone who saw the segment about my 2006 visit which was on Fox Footy's Saturday Central would have seen the embarrassing display of emotion from me when we beat Richmond in Round 1 of that year. It was the only match I was able to be in Melbourne for that trip and the first one after my father's passing six years ago today. I've had tears in my eyes after every last match I've been to on my visits, because I never know when I'll be at another match.

That's awesome C1. Thanks for sharing.

17-08-2010, 05:26 PM
Only left early once and that was the 2nd round in 1996 when North took us apart and Carey was dominating. I think that they were 90 odd points in front at three quater time. I left middle of the last quarter. Final result was a loss by about 22 goals I think. Never left early since or before despite many thrashings.Don't ask me why!

Remi Moses
17-08-2010, 05:42 PM
Left early at the game I think we were 90 Pts down halfway through the second!Very limp effort that one.Left a game in 94 (Wheelers last game) at Geelong at half time I think we were 80 odd pts down,then ran out of petrol on the way home! (happy day that one):mad:

17-08-2010, 06:57 PM
I have left early before and regretted it. This time I stayed to the end only because I went with my daughter who is over here for 2 weeks from the US where she is living for a while. Unfortunately she was only here for 2 games, the one in Adelaide (didn't go there) and this one against the Cats. But it was just lovely to be there with her. Thanks to the lovely ladies I sit with for the home baked custard tarts and home made date loaf, coffee and hot chocolate...we had a lovely night, only spoiled by the footy, hehe, but we still enjoyed being there together. Ended up hoping we would get to 10 goals before they got to 20 goals...did't happen. We need to get out more:D. Any way we stayed, could tell that something was NQR with the team.