View Full Version : Gia wants captaincy

22-09-2010, 02:42 PM
If we want to be taken seriously, we must choose Morris ahead of this guy.
Apologies if the link does not come thourgh via AFL website

Ghost Dog
22-09-2010, 02:51 PM
Adam Cooney is a must.
I have no idea why they would not choose a Brownlow medalist.
Dale would also be great, although he does tend to say 'stuff' alot when interviewed har har.

Will be disappointed if it is Gia but he may grow into it. Big shoes to fill.

22-09-2010, 02:57 PM
Adam Cooney is a must.
I have no idea why they would not choose a Brownlow medalist.
Dale would also be great, although he does tend to say 'stuff' alot when interviewed har har.

Will be disappointed if it is Gia but he may grow into it. Big shoes to fill.

Maybe he's not a natural leader off-field and he seems pretty quiet on-field. Mind you I'd love Coons to be captain but we (or I at least) don't know the group dynamics and the level of respect and leadership qualities of players behind closed doors.

Honestly though if Nick Maxwell can be captain of an AFL club then I have no problem with anyone in the leadership group.

22-09-2010, 02:58 PM
Just because you want something doesn't mean you should get it. Gia seems great at the meetings and off field side of things. I'm sure he planned a ripping Mad Monday.

But when it comes to leadership and inspiration on field, we have much better candidates.

22-09-2010, 02:59 PM
Maybe he's not a natural leader off-field and he seems pretty quiet on-field. Mind you I'd love Coons to be captain but we (or I at least) don't know the group dynamics and the level of respect and leadership qualities of players behind closed doors.

Honestly though if Nick Maxwell can be captain of an AFL club then I have no problem with anyone in the leadership group.

Maxwell controls the best defensive group in the league and is about to lead his Club to a premiership. Whilst it was an unfashionable choice at first, picking an unassuming defender has paid absolute dividends - as it did for Geelong.

Perhaps we should take note.

22-09-2010, 03:00 PM
As I have said before it would be like when Ritchie Vandenberg or Stuart Maxfield were appointed.
Appoint someone that is universally respected, not someone who can organise where to take the new recruits to eat in their 1st month in Melbourne

22-09-2010, 03:01 PM
Maybe he's not a natural leader off-field and he seems pretty quiet on-field. Mind you I'd love Coons to be captain but we (or I at least) don't know the group dynamics and the level of respect and leadership qualities of players behind closed doors.

Honestly though if Nick Maxwell can be captain of an AFL club then I have no problem with anyone in the leadership group.

I think Nick Maxwell is an excellent captain.

22-09-2010, 03:03 PM
Maxwell controls the best defensive group in the league and is about to lead his Club to a premiership. Whilst it was an unfashionable choice at first, picking an unassuming defender has paid absolute dividends - as it did for Geelong.

Perhaps we should take note.

Yeah but as a player he's basically a glorified Jason Cloke. I was actually using him as an example of someone who is a good captain but not a great player.

22-09-2010, 03:04 PM
I think Nick Maxwell is an excellent captain.

So do I. I just don't rate him as a player.

22-09-2010, 03:12 PM
Look appoint him to some role of off field Captain if it will finally put this topic to bed but please don't consider Gia as our next on field leader if for no other reason that I fear becoming the butt of all jokes with my mates not to mention the sore neck I would develop from the regularity of turning it in disbelief. This surely can't be a serious option we would consider, would it ?

Yes have him in our best 22 but there are better candidates that show far stronger on field leadership qualities than someone who regularly goes missing when it matters most. Dale Morris for mine, then Boyd if we must.

22-09-2010, 03:15 PM
If you're on board the Dale Morris for skipper bandwagon, make him your avatar as a show of support


Ghost Dog
22-09-2010, 03:16 PM
Look appoint him to some role of off field Captain if it will finally put this topic to bed but please don't choose him as our on field leader if for no other reason that I fear becoming the butt of all jokes with my mates not to mention the sore neck I would develop from the regularity of turning it in disbelief.

Yes have him in our best 22 but there are better candidates that show far stronger on field leadership qualities than someone who regularly goes missing when it matters most.

Doc, I have to agree. And Morris would be good too. The advantage of appointing someone like Morris is you know they will tear a gut to do everything possible. An unassuming backman has had to sacrifice their game on a week in week out basis.
Gia may be able to do that, willing to give him a chance but he has not really had a stand out year. Makes it hard to swallow in the bitter aftermath of season 2010.

Comrade - your wish is my command.

22-09-2010, 05:35 PM
Yeah but as a player he's basically a glorified Jason Cloke. I was actually using him as an example of someone who is a good captain but not a great player.

So do I. I just don't rate him as a player.

I think he's better than Jason Cloke, but it's a reasonable comparison. I rate him as a captain because I love the way he speaks. He was on tv the other night, can't remember which show, and the question put to him was along the lines of "is there any way in your mind that you can see you not winning the game?" and with no hesitation, and a steely look in his eyes he just said "no.". I liked it.

If you're on board the Dale Morris for skipper bandwagon, make him your avatar as a show of support


Ok, done.

22-09-2010, 05:36 PM
Sorry double post. Computer troubles.

22-09-2010, 05:42 PM
Rocket said it would be Gia or Boyd. Prepare yourselves for Gia and tell your friends to go stuff themselves, Doc26. It could be the making of him as a player.

22-09-2010, 07:56 PM
Dale Morris would be a great choice - widely respected, tough, rarely gets beaten.
I would like to think that if Gia is given the gig, that he will transform into a true leader on the field, but somehow i doubt it.....

22-09-2010, 08:04 PM
I think he's better than Jason Cloke, but it's a reasonable comparison. I rate him as a captain because I love the way he speaks. He was on tv the other night, can't remember which show, and the question put to him was along the lines of "is there any way in your mind that you can see you not winning the game?" and with no hesitation, and a steely look in his eyes he just said "no.". I liked it.

Hence why I wrote glorified Jason Cloke...;)

Yeah he does speak well and seems to rally the troops quite well; he always seems to have a voice out on the ground as well. I guess it's similar to what those at the club see in Gia. I don't agree with the choice of Gia but maybe I'm just being old fashioned and want our best player (Cooney) to be captain despite any deficiencies on his part.

Bumper Bulldogs
22-09-2010, 08:11 PM
If you're on board the Dale Morris for skipper bandwagon, make him your avatar as a show of support

I've changed my Avatar and would ask why would we not give him one year to really show the sort of thing it takes to lead a group all the way.

I would put Boyd then Morris behind Hall, Gia had a chance and he blew it. The finals and announcement of Jonno was all he needed to put his best foot forward.

It may also send a shock through the club that we are not happy with the leadership #$@! our boys have dished up over the last few years.

In 12 months the landscape may change and the likes of C.Ward could perhaps be the next captain.

22-09-2010, 08:16 PM
Rocket said it would be Gia or Boyd. Prepare yourselves for Gia and tell your friends to go stuff themselves, Doc26. It could be the making of him as a player.

With that logic I propose we anoint Josh and Andrejs our next Co-Captains.

22-09-2010, 08:17 PM
Not for me Comrade, he had a chance and he blew it. The finals and announcement of Jonno was all he needed to put his best foot forward.

I've changed my Avatar and would ask why would we not give him one year to really show the sort of thing it takes to lead a group all the way.

It may also send a shock through the club that we are not happy with the leadership #$@! our boys have dished up over the last few years.

In 12 months the landscape may change and the likes of C.Ward could perhaps be the next captain.

How did Morris fail? He fronted up without player for 5 odd weeks and by all reports finished the game with a broken hand.

22-09-2010, 08:19 PM
Not for me Comrade, he had a chance and he blew it. The finals and announcement of Jonno was all he needed to put his best foot forward.

Huh? Are you referring to the guy that came back from a broken vertebrae?

Bumper Bulldogs
22-09-2010, 08:22 PM
Huh? Are you referring to the guy that came back from a broken vertebrae?

No sorry should have been clear with that. I was having a crack at Gia. a few times this year he had a chance to step up and failed. Still a good player but i cant say that I would bleed for the guy.

Morris and Boyd I wouldn't mind but I would put Hall ahead just to shake things up and change the status quo.

Bumper Bulldogs
22-09-2010, 08:25 PM
How did Morris fail? He fronted up without player for 5 odd weeks and by all reports finished the game with a broken hand.

Sorry again I'll just go and edit my post. I'm saying no to Gia.

22-09-2010, 08:26 PM
No sorry should have been clear with that. I was having a crack at Gia. a few times this year he had a chance to step up and failed. Still a good player but i cant say that I would bleed for the guy.

Morris and Boyd I wouldn't mind but I would put Hall ahead just to shake things up and change the status quo.

I think Barry is a leader by default, just with his presence. The fact he's probably only got a year left means he'd be better suited concentrating on his footy and helping some of the young guys out in a mentor role.

We need to look longer term with our choice of captain.

Morris has 4 or 5 years left at the top.

22-09-2010, 08:34 PM
Of course Gia wants it, what a great coup and a real symbol of status, but he just doesn't deserve it because he is everything a captain is not on the field. I don't dislike Gia, his finishing skills and assists are second to none, I'm just a staunch believer that a captain should put their body on the line in order to lead by example.

22-09-2010, 08:53 PM
In my opinion, No to Gia. Dunno about off field, but I haven't seen anything on field that fills me with confidence.

I wouldn't mind Morris ... he leads by example.

But for me ... C O O N E Y !!! (my signature says it all) :D

22-09-2010, 09:31 PM
I want to shag Jennifer Hawkins and Claudia Schieffer but I'm not likely to get the chance to. Sometimes you don't always get what you want and for mine Gia's inability to assert himself in 2 finals when we really needed him to counts against him getting the captaincy. He is a good player. Better than that a quality player. A captain though needs more than that. He has to be able to assert himself on the field and dictate to his team mates what they should be doing. Sorry, but we have better candidates.....Morris, Cooney, Higgin and Ward are 4 that spring to mind.

22-09-2010, 10:30 PM
No to Gia, yes to Morris

Ghost Dog
23-09-2010, 06:39 AM
I've changed my Avatar and would ask why would we not give him one year to really show the sort of thing it takes to lead a group all the way.

I would put Boyd then Morris behind Hall, Gia had a chance and he blew it. The finals and announcement of Jonno was all he needed to put his best foot forward.

It may also send a shock through the club that we are not happy with the leadership #$@! our boys have dished up over the last few years.

In 12 months the landscape may change and the likes of C.Ward could perhaps be the next captain.

What a fantastic idea. Totally agree But I doubt the club is that flexible. He would be a stellar captain.

23-09-2010, 08:08 AM
If you're on board the Dale Morris for skipper bandwagon, make him your avatar as a show of support


Look at all the Morris Avatars popping up. Gold work, Comrade.