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03-03-2011, 12:13 AM
Hinch also tweeted this today

Rumour getting stronger. At one football club initiation ceremony you have to give head to get ahead.

I was told about this rumor by a police officer in early december and laughed at him. This was before the photos came out.

Makes me wonder

Ghost Dog
03-03-2011, 12:22 AM
So is it the saints?

03-03-2011, 12:24 AM
So is it the saints?

The thread name answers your question

Ghost Dog
03-03-2011, 12:32 AM
The thread name answers your question

Yes. Asked almost in disbelief. How terrible to write such a thing in your club's pages of history.

03-03-2011, 11:15 AM
Simply revolting.

You mean 'Riewoldting'?

Anyone still doubting a very serious culture problem down there needs to get their heads out of the sand. Even THIS is still 'tip of the iceberg' stuff.

Believe. Me.

03-03-2011, 03:25 PM
Anywhere I can get more info on this? Sounds shocking...

03-03-2011, 05:52 PM
You mean 'Riewoldting'?

Anyone still doubting a very serious culture problem down there needs to get their heads out of the sand. Even THIS is still 'tip of the iceberg' stuff.

Believe. Me.

Given what has developed in the media, it's not hard to imagine that there are problems at St Kilda.

Knowing some of your posting history Lantern, I don't doubt that it's possible/probable that you have heard more than what has been said, and I don't mean to sound disrepectful to you. But.

I don't see any point just saying "believe me, the problems go deeper". It's a little bit like New Idea quoting "a source close to the couple". I'd be more interested in making a decision based on what can be revealed or said here rather than just accepting something because someone on a forum says "believe me".

Again, I'm not taking a pot at you, and if it sounds like it I apologise, because that isn't my intent.

Sockeye Salmon
03-03-2011, 06:28 PM
Given what has developed in the media, it's not hard to imagine that there are problems at St Kilda.

Knowing some of your posting history Lantern, I don't doubt that it's possible/probable that you have heard more than what has been said, and I don't mean to sound disrepectful to you. But.

I don't see any point just saying "believe me, the problems go deeper". It's a little bit like New Idea quoting "a source close to the couple". I'd be more interested in making a decision based on what can be revealed or said here rather than just accepting something because someone on a forum says "believe me".

Again, I'm not taking a pot at you, and if it sounds like it I apologise, because that isn't my intent.

"Ben Cousins has never tested positive for drugs".

Sometimes you can't say where you got information from so the credibility of the poster needs to be considered. If the poster is someone you know - in this context anyway - and if you know that what he says is usually correct, then this probably is too.

Equally if you know that this guy usually posts bollocks then there's a good chance this information is also bollocks.

The question you need to ask yourself is, "is Lantern credible?"

The Bulldogs Bite
03-03-2011, 08:27 PM
WTF is wrong with some of these individuals, let alone the club itself?


That's messed up.

03-03-2011, 10:18 PM
Suppose the Ainters will pick up Fev, just to get another wanker at the club so as to disgrace them

Ghost Dog
03-03-2011, 10:27 PM
Given what has developed in the media, it's not hard to imagine that there are problems at St Kilda.

Knowing some of your posting history Lantern, I don't doubt that it's possible/probable that you have heard more than what has been said, and I don't mean to sound disrepectful to you. But.

I don't see any point just saying "believe me, the problems go deeper". It's a little bit like New Idea quoting "a source close to the couple". I'd be more interested in making a decision based on what can be revealed or said here rather than just accepting something because someone on a forum says "believe me".

Again, I'm not taking a pot at you, and if it sounds like it I apologise, because that isn't my intent.

From Moderator - Fig Booty

Re: Hinch says huge new scandal to rock Saints and AFL.
I have heard rumous of this video over the last few months. I have sought confirmation that it is true. One or two persons have told me that it is "real" but no-one has ever claimed to have a copy of the video and only these two persons have claimed to have seen a snippet of it. This is anecdotal - it is not evidence as far as I am concerned. I seriously doubt it exists. These rumours are as persistent as the rumours of Collingwood's cheating with human growth hormone in 2010. The AFL have assured us that those rumours are false.

If it is true - then my information is that the "promiscuous girl" who has allegedly feigned a pregnancy, allegedly stolen images from a player's computer, allegedly released pornographic images on the internet with no restrictions to protect minors, allegedly having done so because her alleged $20,000 blackmail attempt failed, she allegedly engaged in sexual relationships with a policeman and ruined his career, and she allegedly engaged in sexual entrapment to punish a player manager hoping to ruin his career but is allegedly innocent because she is 17.

Ghost Dog will believe it when he sees it.

04-03-2011, 01:33 AM
The question you need to ask yourself is, "is Lantern credible?"

Well, I tried to be clear in my original post. I have found Lantern to usually be pretty fair minded, so I believe it's possible/probable that he's not talking malarkey.

The crux of my post is more, if you've got something or know something but can't reveal it, then it's better off not mentioning anything.

04-03-2011, 10:21 AM
I'm a bit torn with this.

If you read into everything thats either come out in the media - or been speculated on - then the St.Kilda footy club is a deadset circus.

Having said that, a close mate works at St.Kilda and speaks highly of the vast majority of the players and their characters. And lets face it - over the last couple of years they've made 2 (well - sort of 3) Grand Finals whilst dealing with situations like Andrew Lovett, Milne/Malthouse, the bungling of Luke Ball, and then their best player having a serious injury. And they were within the ball bouncing the other way from winning a premiership.

Their may be 'cultural issues' off the ground at St.Kilda - but what I do know is that they currently have a very resillient football culture that has got them very very close to two premierships. So I'm not going to be bagging them, personally.

04-03-2011, 03:40 PM
Well, I tried to be clear in my original post. I have found Lantern to usually be pretty fair minded, so I believe it's possible/probable that he's not talking malarkey.

The crux of my post is more, if you've got something or know something but can't reveal it, then it's better off not mentioning anything.

Hey dfa, absolutely spot on mate, this is not New Idea and baseless gossip can be damaging. It's something I would normally never do but I'm so sorely tempted to spill some beans because:

a. It's the Saints, and
b. The place is SO f*****-uped it has to be seen/first-hand knowledge to be believed.

But I can't, so 'believe. me.' was the best I could do...

I can post a bold prediction though -- the Saints will miss the finals this year. They'll start crazily to try and 'prove' something, then fall away mid year. From what I've been reading they've been going gangbusters in the NAB cup that no one else cares about.. they'll burn out (if they don't kill each other first).

04-03-2011, 03:55 PM
Hey dfa, absolutely spot on mate, this is not New Idea and baseless gossip can be damaging. It's something I would normally never do but I'm so sorely tempted to spill some beans because:

a. It's the Saints, and
b. The place is SO f*****-uped it has to be seen/first-hand knowledge to be believed.

But I can't, so 'believe. me.' was the best I could do...

I can post a bold prediction though -- the Saints will miss the finals this year. They'll start crazily to try and 'prove' something, then fall away mid year. From what I've been reading they've been going gangbusters in the NAB cup that no one else cares about.. they'll burn out (if they don't kill each other first).
Lantern, can you pm me details ;)

04-03-2011, 06:09 PM
Lantern, can you pm me details ;)

Me too mate:)

The Adelaide Connection
04-03-2011, 07:04 PM
Me too mate:)

You may have to PM everyone on here! :)

04-03-2011, 07:05 PM
No details I can really share -- suffice to say it's basically the crazy insular Bloods culture that Lyon tried to import from Sydney minus the 'no dickheads' rule and without as strong and mature leaders as Roos had. In fact, it's exactly what the Bloods culture would be WITH dickheads; over-the-top macho crap, misplaced masculinity and out-of-control braggadacio, a very dangerous mix when coupled with an oversized sense of entitlement and plenty of people happy to go along for the ride (while the fun lasts) or take advantage of it, legality or morality be damned.

Pardon the US-reference, but think 'rich college kid fraternity' and you'll be in the ballpark.

Remi Moses
05-03-2011, 12:15 AM
Did anyone just notice capt. Diver having a whinge to Giecschen on the bench
Spare me Pleeeeeeease!:eek:

05-03-2011, 12:17 AM
Did anyone just notice capt. Diver having a whinge to Giecschen on the bench
Spare me Pleeeeeeease!:eek:

I did, talk about having your head up your own arse! He's the most looked after player since Gavin Wanganeen. :rolleyes:

Remi Moses
05-03-2011, 01:01 AM
Ya gotta love their fan website ''Saintsational''
They wanted mark Robinson tarred and feathered after all the photo/schoolgirl drama.
Now they're blowing wind up his backside after his fluff piece in the daily tabloid!!:rolleyes:

08-03-2011, 10:38 AM
I didn't see the game on the weekend however I have heard that a piece on onfield action was potentialy revealing in relation to the as yet unseen StKilda Video.

Apparentely there was a passage of play where Nick was handed the ball on a platter resulting in a goal. The typically post goal hugging and bum slapping (undertaken by all players) did not occur and whilst the players both initially ran towards each other to celebrate, they both diverged at the last moment.

Did anyone watch the game and or notice this piece of play? and if so who was the other player?

08-03-2011, 10:47 AM
Did anyone watch the game and or notice this piece of play? and if so who was the other player?
I'd like to know too - would love to see their season derailed by player friction.

08-03-2011, 11:16 AM
I must say that I am still struggling to subscribe to the rumors that Nick is at the centre of the latest StKilda rumor, considering that back in 2006, he offended the gay community during a live-to-air word association game on a local radio station, he responded to the word "homosexual" with "die", but subsequently apologised for the episode.

08-03-2011, 11:30 AM
I must say that I am still struggling to subscribe to the rumors that Nick is at the centre of the latest StKilda rumor, considering that back in 2006, he offended the gay community during a live-to-air word association game on a local radio station, he responded to the word "homosexual" with "die", but subsequently apologised for the episode.

I'm certainly not saying he is gay or has participated in gay acts however that kind of extreme reaction is typical with people who are trying to cover up for something.

08-03-2011, 02:27 PM
I'm certainly not saying he is gay or has participated in gay acts however that kind of extreme reaction is typical with people who are trying to cover up for something.

Agree wholeheartedly. It's pretty well accepted that most gay bashers are repressing their sexuality.

09-03-2011, 01:26 AM
Agree wholeheartedly. It's pretty well accepted that most gay bashers are repressing their sexuality.

While I don't agree with gay bashing.
Homophobic is a better word.
This is a very general comment .
Does this mean most racist are supressing their multi cultral heritage, liberals are supressing their labour feelings, out spoken athiests are really believers that can't bring themselves to admit it ?
One thig is certain they are all scared of change and having their way of life and lifestyle challenged.

09-03-2011, 11:29 AM
While I don't agree with gay bashing.
Homophobic is a better word.
This is a very general comment .
Does this mean most racist are supressing their multi cultral heritage, liberals are supressing their labour feelings, out spoken athiests are really believers that can't bring themselves to admit it ?
One thig is certain they are all scared of change and having their way of life and lifestyle challenged.

I'm an atheist. I'm not scared of change or having my way of life and lifestyle challenged. I just don't believe in fairytales (ducks for cover). I actually find that generalization a bit insulting.

09-03-2011, 11:41 AM
I think the point Twodogs and Topdog were making is that people who react with such extreme apparent loathing and/or violence (eg gay-bashing) are quite likely projecting a deep unease with an aspect of their own identity that they are unable to face.

Someone who feels comfortable with their own sexuality (or religious beliefs or whatever) usually doesn't feel any need to torment or belittle others. Homophobia, like misogyny, xenophobia, and every other senseless prejudice, is born of fear.

09-03-2011, 01:26 PM
A bit like saying our hatred of Carlton is truely because we love them,hiding our real love for them.
Spin doctoring at its best?

Ghost Dog
09-03-2011, 01:35 PM
A bit like saying our hatred of Carlton is truely because we love them,hiding our real love for them.
Spin doctoring at its best?

Haha - Well spun. Yes, time for all you Carlton fans to come out of the closet.

09-03-2011, 03:27 PM
For me the teams I hate are usually the ones that are succesful. If they drop down the ladder and we are constantly beating them I tend to feel less animosity towards them. Except for North. They annoy the living bejesus out of me for some reason.

fear of gays or foreigners etc is generally just lack of understanding though isn't it? On the other side of the coin why do we tend to love to beat our nearest neighbours so much. eg freo/weagles etc

09-03-2011, 03:45 PM
Except for North. They annoy the living bejesus out of me for some reason.

I think we have all grown tired of their hard done by attitude.

09-03-2011, 03:46 PM
A bit like saying our hatred of Carlton is truely because we love them,hiding our real love for them.
Spin doctoring at its best?
Homophibia, by definition, is a fear of homosexuality - not a hatred of it.

Murphy's Lore summed it up well methinks.

09-03-2011, 04:18 PM
A bit like saying our hatred of Carlton is truely because we love them,hiding our real love for them.
Spin doctoring at its best?

Maybe not love, but envy perhaps?

09-03-2011, 04:29 PM
Homophibia, by definition, is a fear of homosexuality - not a hatred of it.

Murphy's Lore summed it up well methinks.

Am I homophobic then?, i fear the act of a bloke going near my bottom.:D
Seriously I do have gay friends, it interests me in the way of is it a genes thing or can you turn, one of my freinds is gay has been with a guy for years but was also married for years and has 2 children. Top bloke and great for a laugh.
Personally I believe its in your genes.
Basically who cares what a person prefers sexually, a good person is a good person and whether any are gay big deal.

Without getting my arse kicked I played football over 20 years ago, if i was showering with a gay then I dont know how i would have felt, mates are mates in the end I suppose and you stick with your mates, even though in those days you might have given him shit off the field, I think on the field you probably would be more protective of him.

09-03-2011, 04:33 PM
Homophibia, by definition, is a fear of homosexuality - not a hatred of it.

Murphy's Lore summed it up well methinks.

Lucky I said hate and not fear them then.:D

Ghost Dog
09-03-2011, 05:24 PM
For me the teams I hate are usually the ones that are succesful. If they drop down the ladder and we are constantly beating them I tend to feel less animosity towards them. Except for North. They annoy the living bejesus out of me for some reason.

fear of gays or foreigners etc is generally just lack of understanding though isn't it? On the other side of the coin why do we tend to love to beat our nearest neighbours so much. eg freo/weagles etc

I'm not sure why but I burst out laughing when I read this, grain of truth. What is it about North Melbourne that makes them so annoying?

15-04-2011, 05:51 PM
Went to the SEN Footy Show at the Westside pub at Laverton today. Robbo said that he believed the case against Steven Milne from years ago will be reopened !

15-04-2011, 07:21 PM
God i hope so.

Remi Moses
16-04-2011, 11:02 PM
Went to the SEN Footy Show at the Westside pub at Laverton today. Robbo said that he believed the case against Steven Milne from years ago will be reopened !

Not surprised after we heard that the Brighton cop shop's top knob was involved with Stkilda!

21-04-2011, 10:36 PM
In trouble on the field too. Q3 vs the Lions and in danger.

21-04-2011, 11:05 PM
Sorry I forgot about the delayed telecast.

27-04-2011, 11:27 PM
Since it is fun to rehash that Saints are troubled.
Can anyone confirm what I heard today?
At some point in the weekends game between Stk and Lions, Sam Gilbert (I was told) was running with the ball looking to deliver it to Nick the d$%k. But Riewoldt refused to lead, and just stood in the one spot. After stepping around a few brissy players Gilbert was called for carrying then threw the ball down in anger. This action resulted in a 50m penalty.
If correct so much for BFFs.

27-04-2011, 11:51 PM
Since it is fun to rehash that Saints are troubled.
Can anyone confirm what I heard today?
At some point in the weekends game between Stk and Lions, Sam Gilbert (I was told) was running with the ball looking to deliver it to Nick the d$%k. But Riewoldt refused to lead, and just stood in the one spot. After stepping around a few brissy players Gilbert was called for carrying then threw the ball down in anger. This action resulted in a 50m penalty.
If correct so much for BFFs.

I find that very, very, very hard to believe.

27-04-2011, 11:53 PM
It's a good story, but I'm sceptical. I think Gilbert just stuffed it up. I also think they're not as chummy as that damage control "special" program led us to believe.

28-04-2011, 08:31 AM
That run was shown on After the Game?? (foxtel show hosted by Dunstell) but I was only looking and laughing at Gilbert. Will try and watch it again to see if it shows Nick

28-04-2011, 06:39 PM
Like I said I heard it from a guy at work. He's not the type of person to BS either. He mentioned Mathews asking to see a replay during the broadcast because he thought it was unsual. Did anyone out there in woof land watch the game on TV???

The Adelaide Connection
28-04-2011, 08:05 PM
Like I said I heard it from a guy at work. He's not the type of person to BS either. He mentioned Mathews asking to see a replay during the broadcast because he thought it was unsual. Did anyone out there in woof land watch the game on TV???

I saw it but I don't recall seeing Nick downfield and I am pretty sure the cameras didn't pan out. It may be a case of only those at the game saw it (if indeed it did happen). More than likely he was just a victim of today's footy (the whole emptying out the forward half to clog the defensive half). We struggled with this on the weekend too, preferring to boot the ball into an empty pocket or down the throat of a Freo sweeper.

05-05-2011, 12:17 PM
and so it continues.


The report also reveals Riewoldt didn’t believe media reports about Nixon’s involvement with the teen, but that if they turned out to be true he would feel "completely let down and would believe the handling of the photo incident had been jeopardised"

The report quoted Riewoldt as saying “if he was in a room on his own with Nixon he would punch his lights out", 3AW said

05-05-2011, 01:12 PM
I think there may be more than one habitual liar in this whoe saga.

05-05-2011, 04:20 PM
I think there may be more than one habitual liar in this whoe saga.

Freudian slip?
He said "WHOE".
Giggling childishly.................

Remi Moses
05-05-2011, 06:54 PM
Ross Lyon on the box. Asking himself a question and answering it himself!
Is it a distraction ? Yes it's an unwanted distraction.

Can someone tap Ross on the shoulder and inform him he's going bald

05-05-2011, 07:03 PM
Ross is getting more and more of a nutty professor vibe going every time I see him.

I will be very interested to see him transition this team and rebuild.

Ghost Dog
06-05-2011, 08:32 AM
Ross is getting more and more of a nutty professor vibe going every time I see him.

I will be very interested to see him transition this team and rebuild.

This genuinely made me laugh out loud :D

06-05-2011, 10:20 AM
This genuinely made me laugh out loud :D
Gee, he is hard to listen to. Always talks to the 3rd person.
Is the offfield saga affecting our performance? No it does not occupy a moment of the players minds.

Are Sam Gilbert & Nick Riewoldt talking? Yes they are both professionals and wont let outside influences effect their working relationship blah blah blah.

06-05-2011, 06:20 PM
Gee, he is hard to listen to. Always talks to the 3rd person.
Is the offfield saga affecting our performance? No it does not occupy a moment of the players minds.

Except of course all the times that the players go in front of the media to talk about it....:o

15-05-2011, 07:36 PM
I can post a bold prediction though -- the Saints will miss the finals this year. They'll start crazily to try and 'prove' something, then fall away mid year. From what I've been reading they've been going gangbusters in the NAB cup that no one else cares about.. they'll burn out (if they don't kill each other first).

Posted the above on the 4th of March. Just saw the results from this round -- funny thing is my prediction was actually conservative.

Funny stories from inside the club too. :)

15-05-2011, 07:45 PM
Couldn't happen to a nicer team.

15-05-2011, 07:49 PM
Funny stories from inside the club too. :)

Goddard looks like he couldn't give two shits anymore.

15-05-2011, 07:59 PM
goddard looks like he couldn't give two shits anymore.

15-05-2011, 08:57 PM
Posted the above on the 4th of March. Just saw the results from this round -- funny thing is my prediction was actually conservative.

Funny stories from inside the club too. :)


15-05-2011, 09:09 PM
Finally can rejoice in there misery with a win of our own.