View Full Version : Vale Gary Crane

The Coon Dog
15-01-2011, 11:14 AM
This week the Bulldogs lost a very loyal & dedicated supporter & member in Gary Crane.

Many around the club would know Gary & be aware of his love & dedication to the club, a former Secretary of the Top Dog Kennel Coterie Group for many years.

Sadly missed.

15-01-2011, 11:21 AM
Tragic news.

Condolences to his family.

15-01-2011, 06:08 PM
Gary was a lovely bloke and very passionate about the Dogs.

Condolences to Gary's sister.

Remi Moses
17-01-2011, 12:03 AM
I think he was involved with the Footscray cricket club as well .
Loyal hardworking servant of both

17-01-2011, 08:14 AM
I think he was involved with the Footscray cricket club as well .
Loyal hardworking servant of both

Secretary for a number of years - good bloke - very sad.

Bulldog Revolution
17-01-2011, 09:48 AM
I think he was involved with the Footscray cricket club as well .
Loyal hardworking servant of both

If I remember correctly I'd heard Doug Hawkins publicly talk about how he'd played cricket for teams organised by Gary

R.I.P Gary

28-01-2011, 10:57 PM
Gary Crane who died recently was a Bulldog through and through. Some are made but others are born and fortunately for us that was Gary’s lot in life; Footscray and its football club were the core of his existence.

For years I’d seen this committed character in his old grey coat orchestrating the rag tag bunch that season after season have been our Little League teams. I thanked whatever it was that made dedicated characters like him who carry out this thankless task during the main event and make so many kids feel important for at least 20 minutes.

Until about 5 years ago I knew little about him other than his passion for the club, the respect and affection that many of the club’s champions had for him and his uniquely Aussie voice. Then he joined the committee of the TopDogs; he let us see aspects of his character but he remained a distant figure, for me at least. Always pleased to respond to a greeting and never considering himself better than his fellow man, he exemplified an old fashioned humility. On the other hand he could be frustrating and take time to work through a point, but one always knew that it was because if it involved the Club it needed our best and had to be worked on thoroughly and completely, nothing less was acceptable.

That is how he lived his life never asking what was in it for him instead he asked how can I help. It was a way of life founded on respect, honesty and contributing, and if anyone criticised the club he would want a thorough explanation because loyalty was his suit and he always assumed that club officials were trying to do their best, rather than the contrary position.

Doug Hawkins came to address us one night and I heard the affection and passion in his voice when he recognised Gary in the audience and the tributes he paid to his tireless work for the young kids around the club and his private taxi service running them to state training etc even if it was for cricket. Somehow although he didn’t seem to have a lot, what he did have he was determined to put to good use.

At the end of last year Gary resigned from the TopDogs committee, claiming advancing age. It now seems likely that he had warnings about his health, but he never sought nor would have known what to do with sympathy and while the TopDogs approached the club seeking the waiving of membership fees in the light of his lifelong contribution, he is not going to enjoy that privilege. I’m not sure he would have known how to receive, after all his life was about giving

28-01-2011, 11:04 PM
Thanks for that AAD, a great write up for a great club man.

30-01-2011, 04:46 PM
Lovely write up AAD.
Gary was a Dog through and through.
His volunteer work branched even further from the Dogs .
From what I am led to believe Gary had been unwell for some time before he passed away.
As you mention this is likely why he resigned from the TopDogs.

30-01-2011, 09:48 PM
Lovely write up AAD.
Gary was a Dog through and through.
His volunteer work branched even further from the Dogs .
From what I am led to believe Gary had been unwell for some time before he passed away.
As you mention this is likely why he resigned from the TopDogs.

They broke the mould after Gary was made.

31-01-2011, 08:25 PM
I am sure that Gary Crane lived in Launceston many years ago as I becane to know him though a friend and we always chatted about the doggies until he moved to Melbourne to live.

I recall he was keen to get involved with the club when he got to Melbourne.

Sad to hear he has passed away.