View Full Version : Western Bulldogs players in YouTube disgrace

07-02-2011, 01:04 AM

Over the top headline. Nothing to see here.

Is that Cooney on that does a big slide down the road on an esky lid or similar (2min15sec in)?

07-02-2011, 01:43 AM
Was only saying to my Dad last season, that we as a club seem to be very well behaved, then we see this clip.

Remi Moses
07-02-2011, 02:48 AM
Just gotta pull yer head in these days.Like it or not everything an AFL player does is heavily scrutinized.Carry on to much and these guys will have shortened AFL careers.

07-02-2011, 02:55 AM
Just gotta pull yer head in these days.Like it or not everything an AFL player does is heavily scrutinized.Carry on to much and these guys will have shortened AFL careers.

As much as i think it's all just a laugh, you simply can't do anything anymore.

07-02-2011, 07:09 AM
I thought the video was hilarious and was particularly impressed with Hopper's worm.

You have to love the Herald Sun. They won't probe beyond the surface of St Kilda's schoolgirl issue or Collingwood's HGH issue or Hawthorn's alleged drug culture through fear of pissing off their cash cows, but will take a swipe at us. YouTube disgrace, FFS?

This will be lining waste paper bins tomorrow (if it even made it to print).

Before I Die
07-02-2011, 07:41 AM
I think we are very lucky we didn't experience a headline that read "Western Bulldogs players injured on end of season trip". I also wonder how many shop windows were urinated on that night, though perhaps that is standard behaviour for that distict.

Disappointing and certainly worthy of a stern warning from the club. If Cooney had won the Captainship of the club then the headlines would have been twice as big.

Before I Die
07-02-2011, 07:45 AM
Also, before we laugh it off, drivers were intimidated and cars were clearly damaged. It was drunken, loutish behaviour involving drunken group think. Not a hanging offence because no-one was hurt, but so easily could have been.

07-02-2011, 07:54 AM
Well there is a couple of parts to this story.

Firstly the players KNOW they should put themselves in a position like this, foolish and reckless.

Secondly Has the herald sun ever had a reporter out after 10pm on any night in the city? this is the sort of stuff that happens every night of every day, is it acceptable? no certainly not, is it back page newsworthy "disgrace?" heck no.

The good news about this is that the club will revoke some of the access that the Hun has been able to get over the years as they have just shot themselves in the foot, Well done herald sun, way to sensationalise with your mindless drivel.

07-02-2011, 08:03 AM
Is that Cooney on that does a big slide down the road on an esky lid or similar (2min15sec in)?

Certainly is.

Quality effort from Adam... Just glad he didn't stack!

07-02-2011, 08:03 AM
Shock horror, man in bunny ears!

07-02-2011, 08:05 AM
Shock horror, man in bunny ears!

Umm, yes and he already has a fair set on him!:p

07-02-2011, 08:08 AM
I don't agree with the sensational headline "disgrace...." but I am extremely disappointed that the boys didn't work out that someone was filming them, but I guess after 50 beers, you aren't quite as aware of your surroundings! Silly, silly, boys - I'm glad no-one was hurt (public and players) as it could have ended up much worse. Still, not a good look for our club.:(

07-02-2011, 08:08 AM
Is that Cooney on that does a big slide down the road on an esky lid or similar (2min15sec in)?

It is Cooney and if you look carefully, he has taken some bark off his left elbow during the slide because later, when he's putting his toes under the taxi wheel, he is bleeding and the left back of his shirt is wet/dirty.

07-02-2011, 08:53 AM
Embarassing for the boys, but the footage seems to have been taken in Soho during the Halloween Festival in Hong Kong which pretty much turns the wheel area into a nightclub.

At least that explains the bunny ears, as for Cooneys dancing, thats another matter.

07-02-2011, 09:12 AM
Bit of stupidity on an end of season trip. I couldn't care less - it doesn't make me disappointed, shocked, appalled - or anything. In terms of footage from late at night on a footy trip...well I'm pretty happy that is the 'scene' that is out there.

07-02-2011, 09:14 AM
hahaha brilliant stuff. I love those little alley ways, this happens literally every week and BID the drivers are mostly taxi drivers, they wouldn't be intimidated.

Only disappointing thing is that it is recorded.

07-02-2011, 09:17 AM
Can I be the first to say.

That is why Cooney shouldn't be captain. :rolleyes:

07-02-2011, 09:20 AM
Simon Garlick was just on SEN. I only heard the first minute or so as I had to go in to work. All I heard was 'disappointing, youtube video' etc. Was really dreading what I was going to find out when I logged into WOOF. Relieved there are no sexual aspects as far as I can tell, but any AFL player really needs to understand that he cannot play up in this day and age. With the internet and our media sensationalising everything they just have to behave. Hope the headlines disappear quickly. :(

07-02-2011, 09:27 AM
Yes it's dissapointing but the only thing that i thought was really out of hand was the guy that did the worm over the roof of the car.

Could of seriously hurt himself and probably damaged the taxi.

Interesting to see that there weren't any senior players or leadership group members.
Cooney and ex bulldog Tim Callan the most senior of the group,
everyone else seems to be the pups of the club.

The only good thing to me is that just as it appears as though it was escalating, (each one egging on the next to do something to top the other) it just winds up all of a sudden.
Not exactly sure what happened there.

07-02-2011, 09:33 AM
Interesting to see that there weren't any senior players or leadership group members.
Cooney and ex bulldog Tim Callan the most senior of the group,
everyone else seems to be the pups of the club.

Jon Ralph mentioned this morning that Daniel Cross was there.

07-02-2011, 09:35 AM
We didn't rip off the antenna or belt the taxi driver, it ranks on the minor scale of indiscretions.
When was the last team to win a flag with no off field incidents? Can't think of one in recent memory.

07-02-2011, 09:41 AM
Jon Ralph mentioned this morning that Daniel Cross was there.

His exact words were "and was that Daniel Cross I coud see in the background"

07-02-2011, 09:42 AM
Can I be the first to say.

That is why Cooney shouldn't be captain. :rolleyes:

Yet you flop your old fellow out, play up with a teammate and get it photographed and many still love you as a captain

07-02-2011, 09:50 AM
Well done boys, although not enough genitals for the AFLs' liking.

07-02-2011, 10:07 AM
That was a pretty lame effort at a disgrace. I guess the Saints have now just set the bar to high.

07-02-2011, 10:13 AM
Fair suck of the sav people did they play up yes they did they are on holiday from a very demanding job and deserve to let their hair down.
Are we really so consumed by their lives that they can't let their hair down it is not preseason it is not during the season it is a end of season trip GET OVER IT !!!

07-02-2011, 10:20 AM
Adam Cooney's cameo appearance at 2:15 was genius! Up until then it was just a bunch of bogans doing what most bogans do, then in comes Adam to add a bit of unexpected creativity and abstract brilliance!!!!

07-02-2011, 10:53 AM
Fair suck of the sav people did they play up yes they did they are on holiday from a very demanding job and deserve to let their hair down.
Are we really so consumed by their lives that they can't let their hair down it is not preseason it is not during the season it is a end of season trip GET OVER IT !!!

I'd be pissed off if someone decided to jump on the bonnet of my car as Jarrad Grant did or act a lout as Hooper did by playing worm over it. More than fine with the boys letting their hair down, as most appeared to be doing quite innocently including Adam, but not when it extends to property damage however small as Grant and Hooper would appear to have put on show.

07-02-2011, 10:53 AM
A bit disapointed but this will be water under the bridge by the next pre season story. Cant wait for Wackermanis next article... I told you so!! ner ner

07-02-2011, 10:59 AM
Stupid? Yes

A disgrace? Give me a break

Newsworthy, four months after the event? You must be joking

07-02-2011, 11:01 AM
Has anyone thought about our sponsors and their reputations? After all, we need our sponsors. This episode not only brings about disgrace to our Club, but to our long suffering supporters of the WB. So much work is being done off the field by the Football department and the Board to help ensure that we can be successful on game day. Will these men ever "grow up"!!

07-02-2011, 11:05 AM
Has anyone thought about our sponsors and their reputations? After all, we need our sponsors. This episode not only brings about disgrace to our Club, but to our long suffering supporters of the WB. So much work is being done off the field by the Football department and the Board to help ensure that we can be successful on game day. Will these men ever "grow up"!!

I think disgrace is too harsh a word in this case.

There are some silly acts in the footage, but I can't see how anything that's been done is 'disgraceful'.

The Coon Dog
07-02-2011, 11:07 AM
Has anyone thought about our sponsors and their reputations? After all, we need our sponsors. This episode not only brings about disgrace to our Club, but to our long suffering supporters of the WB. So much work is being done off the field by the Football department and the Board to help ensure that we can be successful on game day. Will these men ever "grow up"!!

I accept we need sponsors, but let's be honest, this is hardly the type of incident to bring about the condemnation or shame you suggest.

Does anyone out there seriously think this will affect sales of Mission Foods?

I accept that the Board & Football Department have done much, including Tom Williams & Daniel Cross on a previous Hong Kong visit, pity they didn't get the type of page 3 coverage this has generated.

High spirited hi jinx, hardly a major incident.

07-02-2011, 11:19 AM
Agree, can't see it doing any long term damage to our sponsors, or even short term damage, really!

There's been much worse behaviour from private school boys on muck up day. Silly and naughty, maybe, but hardly shameful. If this is honestly the worst thing these boys have ever done, we are a very lucky club.

Scratch that, not so much lucky as well-managed.

07-02-2011, 11:22 AM
I accept we need sponsors, but let's be honest, this is hardly the type of incident to bring about the condemnation or shame you suggest.

Does anyone out there seriously think this will affect sales of Mission Foods?

I accept that the Board & Football Department have done much, including Tom Williams & Daniel Cross on a previous Hong Kong visit, pity they didn't get the type of page 3 coverage this has generated.

High spirited hi jinx, hardly a major incident.

Great post.

Susie, as a long suffering fan (though not as long as others) I'm not disgraced by this incident at all. We're talking about humans here, not robots.

07-02-2011, 11:26 AM
To give the 'scene' some perspective; The bar they are out the front of is very tiny and in that area everyone just drinks out on the street. The street’s not even a street really, its an alley. So I'm surprised that there were so many taxi’s going through it.

07-02-2011, 11:33 AM
Whilst I agree that 'disgrace' is too strong a word to describe the actions in this video, I do believe that this is disrespectful. Both to the drivers of the taxis and the football club itself.

I also think that there is very much a double standard here; if this was Fevola or the St.Kilda FC we would be using stronger words than disgraceful to describe the behaviours.

07-02-2011, 11:42 AM
Whilst I agree that 'disgrace' is too strong a word to describe the actions in this video, I do believe that this is disrespectful. Both to the drivers of the taxis and the football club itself.

I also think that there is very much a double standard here; if this was Fevola or the St.Kilda FC we would be using stronger words than disgraceful to describe the behaviours.

Fevola and the Saints have been involved in genuine incidents. Assaulting people, threatening cops, sexual assaults, sex with a school girl, urinating in public etc.

None of what our players did warrants the same reaction as what Fev and St.Kilda have invoilved themselves in.

07-02-2011, 11:42 AM
So it is okay to go out and drink until you are "silly", put yourself at risk of harm and to other road users. Maybe, I am old fashioned but you can still have a good time without becoming so drunk that you do not know you are acting like fools and having your activities filmed for circulatiion. This must not be repeated again.

07-02-2011, 11:44 AM
Has anyone thought about our sponsors and their reputations? After all, we need our sponsors. This episode not only brings about disgrace to our Club, but to our long suffering supporters of the WB. So much work is being done off the field by the Football department and the Board to help ensure that we can be successful on game day. Will these men ever "grow up"!!

I'm not sure it is disgraceful behaviour, and I doubt it will have any effect on our sponsors. Pretty much any discussion is going to be:

"Did you see that Doggies thing in Hong Kong?"
"Yeah. Pretty funny. No nudity but"
"Yeah, the Saints would have snuck a sausage in there somewhere"

I'm pretty sure many of the people who saw it would just find it amusing (that worm over the car, whilst not the friendliest action, is hilarious, as is Cooney's esky slide).

Whilst I agree that 'disgrace' is too strong a word to describe the actions in this video, I do believe that this is disrespectful. Both to the drivers of the taxis and the football club itself.

I also think that there is very much a double standard here; if this was Fevola or the St.Kilda FC we would be using stronger words than disgraceful to describe the behaviours.

Yes but that is because unlike Fevola and St.Kilda this is our first offence in years.

07-02-2011, 11:46 AM
So it is okay to go out and drink until you are "silly", put yourself at risk of harm and to other road users. Maybe, I am old fashioned but you can still have a good time without becoming so drunk that you do not know you are acting like fools and having your activities filmed for circulatiion. This must not be repeated again.

I agree that it is silly behaviour, but I don't think it's going to harm peoples perceptions of our club too much. I do agree that this mustn't turn into an ongoing thing though.

07-02-2011, 11:54 AM
I was at Lan Kwai Fong only a couple of weeks ago and it really is a mecca for young westerners on holiday/working overseas to hit the turps and generally muck about with some juveline behaviour. To be perfectly honest, this is pretty tame stuff by 'off-field disgrace' standards (if it was anything sinister or significant, it would have seen the light of day immediately, not 4 months later), but I appreciate that some people don't like to see the image of our some of our players being relatively immature pissheads, notwithstanding the fact that they are on their end of season trip and deserve the opportunity to let their hair down a little.

Tame as it is, I don't mind the fact that the playing group has been given a bit of a kick up the arse. What nausiates me is hearing journalists take the moral high ground for such relatively harmless hi-jinx. I'm sure the likes of Mark Roninson, Jon Ralph, Hutchy and co spend their vacation time holding hands around a campfire reading excerpts from the bible :rolleyes:

The Pie Man
07-02-2011, 11:55 AM
Agree with most that 'disgrace' isn't the word for this kinda funny/mostly stupid video, though can you imagine how people internally at the club would be reacting? They'd be having kittens...or puppies as it might be...

Would not want to have been around Rocket this morning

07-02-2011, 11:56 AM
I agree that it is silly behaviour, but I don't think it's going to harm peoples perceptions of our club too much. I do agree that this mustn't turn into an ongoing thing though.

How do you/ we know that this type of behaviour doesn't occur every year?

Because this one was filmed doesn't mean that it's a one-off and having been on many off-season trips this sort of sky-larking occurs quite often.

07-02-2011, 11:57 AM
This incident borders on 'disgraceful'. They are professional football players on large six figure salaries (which puts them in the top few percent of income earners in this country). I expect this behavior from uneducated boozed up bogans, not professional sportsmen. They are paid handsomely for what they do which means they must be committed to upholding the standards required of them by the club and the AFL regardless of if its an end of season trip, their annual leave or whatever. The truth of the matter is that when you get paid as much as these blokes do, you are never really on leave or divorced of your responsibilities to your employer.

07-02-2011, 11:57 AM
I'm sure Captain Groenewegan would find this to be a storm in a teacup ;)

07-02-2011, 12:00 PM
Would not want to have been around Rocket this morning

Simon Garlick mentioned on SEN this morning that the club knew about & dealt with the issue late last week.

I guess it shows our group how what they see as a bit of letting off-steam at the end of the season and possibly harmless fun can be turned around by the media to bringing the club into a state of shame and disgrace.... Best the boys check for camera's next time.

07-02-2011, 12:23 PM
Noone hurt, no damage to taxi or shops, boys having some fun, gee this is news.

07-02-2011, 12:39 PM
From a sponsors viewpoint it may give them a reason to break a sponsorship.We cannot let this happen.As for Adam Cooney's hi jinx was it not only a few weeks earlier he was not playing for us in our finals campaign with a hamstring injury.Dont believe Esky lid sliding would be part of his recuperation.Hope this is a wake up call we need to focus on 2011 premiership aspirations.

07-02-2011, 12:40 PM
So it is okay to go out and drink until you are "silly", put yourself at risk of harm and to other road users. Maybe, I am old fashioned but you can still have a good time without becoming so drunk that you do not know you are acting like fools and having your activities filmed for circulatiion. This must not be repeated again.

It's easy to laugh this off but the problem is that if a strong message doesn't get sent with the whole boys being boys thing it is very likely to escalate next time.

Its a great test of our leadership team to see who was there and what they tried to do to curb it.

I agree that we don't need this repeated.

07-02-2011, 12:41 PM
Simon Garlick mentioned on SEN this morning that the club knew about & dealt with the issue late last week.

I guess it shows our group how what they see as a bit of letting off-steam at the end of the season and possibly harmless fun can be turned around by the media to bringing the club into a state of shame and disgrace.... Best the boys check for camera's next time.

You would hope that there wouldn't be a "next time".

07-02-2011, 01:05 PM
It probably works in our favor that the Hun used such an over the top headline , seems like when people see it they are almost disappointed that it's not that bad .

07-02-2011, 01:08 PM
Other than Cooney potentially getting a new nickname, Cool Runnings or Barbados come to mind, it has been blown out of proportion.
The last time we hit the news was when Browny played up at KFC. I'll take one stupid minor bad news story every 7 years over a number of major issues like the Aints.
Obviously preferred for it not to happen, it will not effect our season and does not tarnish our brand.

07-02-2011, 01:38 PM
To give the 'scene' some perspective; The bar they are out the front of is very tiny and in that area everyone just drinks out on the street. The street’s not even a street really, its an alley. So I'm surprised that there were so many taxi’s going through it.

I was at Lan Kwai Fong only a couple of weeks ago and it really is a mecca for young westerners on holiday/working overseas to hit the turps and generally muck about with some juveline behaviour.

These kind of posts will continue to get ignored because they are true and don't allow people to get all in a fuss about nothing. I have been to many "bars" like this and the reality of the situation is that cars should not be driving down these "streets".

I actually wouldn't be surprised if the cars were there illegally.

07-02-2011, 01:41 PM
If that is the worst that happened on a Footy trip in Hong Kong then we should think ourselves lucky. I'd rather it not have been the Bulldogs but I really don't care to much about it.

We're all human and I'm sure a lot of us have don some pretty stupid things when we've been drunk before. I get tired of hearing the saintly responses of so many.

07-02-2011, 01:45 PM
Other than Cooney potentially getting a new nickname, Cool Runnings or Barbados come to mind, it has been blown out of proportion.
The last time we hit the news was when Browny played up at KFC. I'll take one stupid minor bad news story every 7 years over a number of major issues like the Aints.
Obviously preferred for it not to happen, it will not effect our season and does not tarnish our brand.

Cool Runnings is a good one.

Hooper will forever be known as Worm.

07-02-2011, 02:07 PM
Cool Runnings is a good one.

Hooper will forever be known as Worm.

Quick work Comrade -- maybe too quick -- you might want to correct your new signature... :p

07-02-2011, 03:44 PM
It's easy to laugh this off but the problem is that if a strong message doesn't get sent with the whole boys being boys thing it is very likely to escalate next time.

Its a great test of our leadership team to see who was there and what they tried to do to curb it.

I agree that we don't need this repeated.

You would hope that there wouldn't be a "next time".

Of course there'll be a next time, for every club. What matters to me is the way the club responds. If they kick asses, then we've nothing to worry about, it becomes a case of "young fella gets a chance to mature very bloody quickly, as we're all professionals here" but if we go about it the same way the Saints have, the whole "boys will be boys" just becomes the starting point to something worse.

I don't think the incident even warrants a Youtube video. But as with all things connected to young men and our constant need to "out-do each other", let's just hope they got the message and settle down now.

07-02-2011, 03:47 PM
How do you/ we know that this type of behaviour doesn't occur every year?

Because this one was filmed doesn't mean that it's a one-off and having been on many off-season trips this sort of sky-larking occurs quite often.

I meant in terms of an ongoing issue, much like St.Kilda are experiencing.

I understand that atm it's only an issue when we get caught, and regardless of how many times we've done stuff like this previously from now on we can't afford to do it/be caught doing it again because then it becomes an activity more heavily associated with our club.

07-02-2011, 04:25 PM
Of course there'll be a next time, for every club. What matters to me is the way the club responds. If they kick asses, then we've nothing to worry about, it becomes a case of "young fella gets a chance to mature very bloody quickly, as we're all professionals here" but if we go about it the same way the Saints have, the whole "boys will be boys" just becomes the starting point to something worse.

I don't think the incident even warrants a Youtube video. But as with all things connected to young men and our constant need to "out-do each other", let's just hope they got the message and settle down now.

Doesn't quite add up. You are convinced that there will be another incident at our Club...I'm not worried about other Clubs. Then you say what matters most is how the Club responds and "if they kick asses we've got nothing to worry about".

Surely if the Club handles this incident appropriately they way you suggest then wouldn't that stop any future similar pranks or worse. As you say yourself "we've got nothing to worry about".

07-02-2011, 04:36 PM
His exact words were "and was that Daniel Cross I coud see in the background"

He seemed to be keeping an eye out to make sure it didn't get to out of hand, Morris was there too on the same side as Cooney.

Who is the guy that comes out of the bar, stands behind Crossy and calls everyone in. It's at 4.44.

07-02-2011, 04:36 PM
This incident borders on 'disgraceful'. They are professional football players on large six figure salaries (which puts them in the top few percent of income earners in this country). I expect this behavior from uneducated boozed up bogans, not professional sportsmen. They are paid handsomely for what they do which means they must be committed to upholding the standards required of them by the club and the AFL regardless of if its an end of season trip, their annual leave or whatever. The truth of the matter is that when you get paid as much as these blokes do, you are never really on leave or divorced of your responsibilities to your employer.

Fantastic interpretation of the worm right at the start. Super stuff that.

Unfortunately footballers on end of season trips ARE uneducated boozed-up bogans. I'd love our team to be full of surgeons and lawyers, but that's hard to achieve when football has been your sole focus since you were a kid.

Our guys have stressful jobs, and deserve a chance to let their hair down and act like the kids that they are. They've done a fantastic job at keeping out of the headlines thus far, and this 'story' is nothing more than a chance for papers to cover the AFL during the off-season.

07-02-2011, 04:48 PM
Many of our team members are studying for Degrees at Universities and Tafe Colleges, but this does not excuse their stupid behaviour. Whether they like it or not, they are Ambassadors for our Club and role models to our children who aspire to be elite sportsmen and sportswomen themselves. As I have stated previously you can have a great time with your mates without drinking to such excess that you do not know what is going on and at the same time being caught on camera and then distributed to all and sundry. We are better than that at the WB. It is now 2011, not 1970.

07-02-2011, 05:00 PM
I understand what you are saying Susie, but honestly when I heard and read about our stars being involved in disgraceful drunken behaviour on the streets of Hong Kong I expected it to be far worse, so that may explain why I (and possibly others) don't think this is as serious as it is being made out to be.

By the way, on players in the video that appears to be markovic doing the wiggling worm thing at the start, Williams in the reddish flannelette shirt, Tutt with the "You look good tonight" sign, Morris in a black shirt drinking a beer on the right, Cross in a black shirt on the other side of the road, Higgins on the right, Jones who helps Hooper up after the worm, Howard in the background, Prato in the skinny jeans, Rose as the small redheaded bloke who is everywhere at the start and Everitt in the background in a white shirt.

07-02-2011, 05:02 PM
Yeah crossy had the pink flashing glasses.

That made me chuckle and shake my head..the worst part as people have said is just the fact it was caught and released for all to see.

Jarrad Grant doing the 'Garry Lyon Warning' to that car = :D

07-02-2011, 05:38 PM
I understand what you are saying Susie, but honestly when I heard and read about our stars being involved in disgraceful drunken behaviour on the streets of Hong Kong I expected it to be far worse, so that may explain why I (and possibly others) don't think this is as serious as it is being made out to be.

By the way, on players in the video that appears to be markovic doing the wiggling worm thing at the start, Williams in the reddish flannelette shirt, Tutt with the "You look good tonight" sign, Morris in a black shirt drinking a beer on the right, Cross in a black shirt on the other side of the road, Higgins on the right, Jones who helps Hooper up after the worm, Howard in the background, Prato in the skinny jeans, Rose as the small redheaded bloke who is everywhere at the start and Everitt in the background in a white shirt.

That's exactly what i was thinking as well, i was bracing for the worst, and in a way was actually quite relieved when i watched the footage.

Having been on MANY end of season sporting trips [doesn't justify things], and i understand the group or parts of the group were a little "silly" and obviously had a bit too much to drink, but in these current days of professionalism and having to be on their best behaviors 99.999% of all times otherwise you will become headline news, i honestly don't see alot wrong with letting their hair down.

Yeah ok, the wiggly car worm wasn't great, and the placing their bodies on cars etc, and lacked a certain amount of respect, my big thing in life is respect, and i have had someone get on my car one time out of fun, i wasn't impressed, however, the group wasn't totally out of control to the point of something really bad happening.

Silly yes, anything more than that, not too sure about that.

07-02-2011, 05:47 PM
The most offensive thing about the whole affair was that rubbish of a song being played in the background towards the end of the video.

07-02-2011, 05:56 PM
The most offensive thing about the whole affair was that rubbish of a song being played in the background towards the end of the video.

That and Hopper's crack.

07-02-2011, 06:03 PM
Who is the guy that comes out of the bar, stands behind Crossy and calls everyone in. It's at 4.44.

Looks like Hahn to me, a bit.

07-02-2011, 06:17 PM
I would be suprised if the club could think up a greater punishment for the players than having the whole world see what a goose you can be when you've had a skinfull.

Hopefully we may now be the first VFL/AFL club ever to celebrate a premiership with a dry turn.

07-02-2011, 06:18 PM
Showed the clip to a couple of guys at work and they laughed and said "is that it?".

I'm expecting a celebratory worm at some point during the year.

07-02-2011, 06:29 PM
Showed the clip to a couple of guys at work and they laughed and said "is that it?".

I'm expecting a celebratory worm at some point during the year.
That worm on the car should become an Olympic event, it was that impressive. You would not attempt it sobre and the finish was sublime, landed on both feet with no hint of a slip, 10/10. I now have more respect for the worm than I ever did! Coons and the robot dance was average, keep your dancing on the footy field

07-02-2011, 07:07 PM
Just another opportunity for the wowsers to throw their opinions down everyone elses throats.

We really are becoming a nanny state.

People need to lighten up. Life is too short to not enjoy yourself.

07-02-2011, 07:08 PM
When i played football our end of season trip was camping out bush in the middle of nowhere so we couldnt upset anyone or do damage except to ourselves and im talking back in the early 80s.

07-02-2011, 07:20 PM
all im going to say is I wish i could do the worm like that!

07-02-2011, 07:36 PM
Has anyone thought about our sponsors and their reputations? After all, we need our sponsors. This episode not only brings about disgrace to our Club, but to our long suffering supporters of the WB. So much work is being done off the field by the Football department and the Board to help ensure that we can be successful on game day. Will these men ever "grow up"!!

Do we really think they're rocket scientists? (Well, WILLLLBUR may well be ;) )... no one was seriously hurt, it was fairly low key stuff mostly.

07-02-2011, 07:41 PM
So it is okay to go out and drink until you are "silly", put yourself at risk of harm and to other road users. Maybe, I am old fashioned but you can still have a good time without becoming so drunk that you do not know you are acting like fools and having your activities filmed for circulatiion. This must not be repeated again.

Sorry Susie, but for those guys ages (say, average 24 or so), that stuff isn't unusual behaviour. They weren't the only ones outside the club.

07-02-2011, 07:46 PM
This incident borders on 'disgraceful'. They are professional football players on large six figure salaries (which puts them in the top few percent of income earners in this country). I expect this behavior from uneducated boozed up bogans, not professional sportsmen. They are paid handsomely for what they do which means they must be committed to upholding the standards required of them by the club and the AFL regardless of if its an end of season trip, their annual leave or whatever. The truth of the matter is that when you get paid as much as these blokes do, you are never really on leave or divorced of your responsibilities to your employer.

Just because they happen to get paid a lot for what they do, doesn't mean they automatically become super-intelligent. Nor does it mean they age ten years (in maturity). I agree with the "never on leave" thing in principle, but I know for a fact highly paid executives get drunk and do stupid things too. They've had a smack, no one was killed, raped, assaulted...

Ghost Dog
07-02-2011, 07:51 PM
I was in Hong Kong last week. In that district, that's pretty much how it goes. Clubs are going to be very defensive about their end of year events from now on. Agree with another poster, go camping, confiscate all mobiles, cameras and let them go for it,
While it is a bit funny, have to draw the line at jumping on someone's taxi. That's not right.

07-02-2011, 08:09 PM
When my Filth-loving mate told me about this earlier today, I feared the worst. It was anti-climactic. Yes, they did some dumb things. Yes, I'd rather the YT footage didn't exist. Yes, they hold great responsibility as representatives of our fine football club. But, gee, as many here have noted, what a beat-up! Perhaps it's our clean skin that makes it appear so bad (to some others). They messed up, copped their whack, end of story.

After viewing that, I'm not sure whether the most disgraceful thing was a) unidentified plumber's crack early in the piece , b) Jarrad Grant's ears covering his already imposing ears, c) people placing their feet in the path of slow-moving vehicles, or d) Coon's ridiculous dancing.

Come to think of it, it's d)... no doubt about it.

07-02-2011, 09:35 PM
Didn't see a whole lot wrong with it until Hooper does a very impressive worm on a taxi. I get sick of people saying that the players are just letting their hair down. We all go out and let our hair down after a stressful time at work but jumping on cabs and stopping people from doing their jobs is where i draw the line.

07-02-2011, 09:46 PM
I agree with anfo. It is unacceptable what they did. But it is still a media beat up. When I let my hair down I don't throw myself into taxis. Still it was a media beat up.

07-02-2011, 09:48 PM
not to bad some funny bits and at least st kilda woke up this morning and said thank god it's not us

07-02-2011, 10:01 PM
Didn't see a whole lot wrong with it until Hooper does a very impressive worm on a taxi. I get sick of people saying that the players are just letting their hair down. We all go out and let our hair down after a stressful time at work but jumping on cabs and stopping people from doing their jobs is where i draw the line.

You're saying it was wrong but impressive?? Isn't that a bit contradictory?

07-02-2011, 10:47 PM
[QUOTE=AndrewP6;198886]You're saying it was wrong but impressive?? Isn't that a bit contradictory?[/Q
I'd rather have seen him do that on the sidewalk or after he kicks the winning goal in the grand final not on someones car.

07-02-2011, 10:50 PM
You're saying it was wrong but impressive?? Isn't that a bit contradictory?

It WAS impressive! But that doesnt mean he should have done it...

07-02-2011, 10:53 PM
Are St Kilda conspiring against us???????

Before I Die
08-02-2011, 12:12 AM
Just another opportunity for the wowsers to throw their opinions down everyone elses throats.
We really are becoming a nanny state.

People need to lighten up. Life is too short to not enjoy yourself.

I find this offensive. Give your opinion on whether you think the behaviour of the players was appropriate or not. But keep your opinion of other posters to yourself.

08-02-2011, 08:52 AM
It would not at all surprise me if Hoops is remembered for 2 things in his career, the one game and doing the worm during the offseason. Thats 2 more than me! :D

Daughter of the West
08-02-2011, 09:04 AM
Having finally seen the video (no youtube at work),I was pretty relieved given how bad it could have been (and potentially sounded). I think what they did was not particularly disgraceful or shameful, just stupid and unnecessary. I would have freaked out completely if I had have been in the car and the boys were opening to doors on me as I was driving.

When i played football our end of season trip was camping out bush in the middle of nowhere so we couldnt upset anyone or do damage except to ourselves and im talking back in the early 80s.

Not such a silly idea.

08-02-2011, 09:24 AM
I think that big worm on the way to Phillip island has got some stiff competition.

Could you imagine 25 thousand or so doggies supporters doing the worm everytime hoops wiggled through another goal.

Ghost Dog
08-02-2011, 11:50 AM
Garlik makes a response


not a good look,(imagine the reaction of an Indian driver if you did that to his cab!)
but may turn a positive result.
Not serious enough to do damage on a Fev, Saints scale, but they'll get a bake,
Grants ears will be red, not pink I imagine. ^_^

hope it forces boys to keep their heads down, arse up.

Nanny state, agreed,but Simon is right,
IF you want to pocket from AFL, expect the sharks to follow you.

08-02-2011, 12:02 PM
I find this offensive. Give your opinion on whether you think the behaviour of the players was appropriate or not. But keep your opinion of other posters to yourself.

Apologies for the confusion. I was not attacking the views of other posters.

I am referring to the double standard media outlets (that make money on highlighting issues yet extole the evils of the matter at hand) that thrive on the misfortune and misjudgement of the general public (with a particular focus on celebrity types) and make spotlight seeking politicians want to legislate every individual choice away from us, the poor stupid common man, who cannot make any decisions for ourselves.

Hence a nanny state.

08-02-2011, 02:55 PM
Many of our team members are studying for Degrees at Universities and Tafe Colleges, but this does not excuse their stupid behaviour. Whether they like it or not, they are Ambassadors for our Club and role models to our children who aspire to be elite sportsmen and sportswomen themselves. As I have stated previously you can have a great time with your mates without drinking to such excess that you do not know what is going on and at the same time being caught on camera and then distributed to all and sundry. We are better than that at the WB. It is now 2011, not 1970.

I agree Susie. Leave all the drinking up to me ;)

08-02-2011, 02:56 PM
Woo Hoo. I'm now upgraded to a Senior Player

08-02-2011, 03:22 PM
I agree Susie. Leave all the drinking up to me ;)

I am happy to help Shnookie:D

08-02-2011, 04:30 PM
I guess that will mean lemonade for senior players. One must watch their sugar intake these days. I am glad to see that Shnookie is a player sponsor of Sam Reid. This saved your skin as far as I am concerned. Perhaps I can become a senior player soon and join their esteemed rank.

Before I Die
08-02-2011, 06:13 PM
Apologies for the confusion. I was not attacking the views of other posters.

I am referring to the double standard media outlets (that make money on highlighting issues yet extole the evils of the matter at hand) that thrive on the misfortune and misjudgement of the general public (with a particular focus on celebrity types) and make spotlight seeking politicians want to legislate every individual choice away from us, the poor stupid common man, who cannot make any decisions for ourselves.

Hence a nanny state.

No worries :)

08-02-2011, 09:41 PM
Hilarious, the media smell blood and cry havoc .

No screaming, swearing, vomiting , fighting , no woman assaulted, no genitals on display , no Police or Ambulances , no vehicles being driven , no drugs or drug paraphernalia , no criminal damage , no one's or two's being distributed , no animals were killed or injured.

To stop the media blowing things way out of proportion would be like trying to push butter up a porcupine's ass with a knitting needle on a hot day

Maybe its time for a little culture

“Only by joy and sorrow does a person know anything about themselves and their destiny. They learn what to do and what to avoid.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Ghost Dog
08-02-2011, 11:14 PM
Hilarious, the media smell blood and cry havoc .

No screaming, swearing, vomiting , fighting , no woman assaulted, no genitals on display , no Police or Ambulances , no vehicles being driven , no drugs or drug paraphernalia , no criminal damage , no one's or two's being distributed , no animals were killed or injured.

To stop the media blowing things way out of proportion would be like trying to push butter up a porcupine's ass with a knitting needle on a hot day

Maybe its time for a little culture

“Only by joy and sorrow does a person know anything about themselves and their destiny. They learn what to do and what to avoid.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Sure, they had a bit much, fine, but Jumping on a taxi like that is a very dumb thing to do in Asia. I Can tell you a thousand stories of drunken parties gone horribly wrong in places like Hong Kong.
Not much seperates an embarrassing memory and serious consequences with that kind of stunt. Rules are very different overseas.

09-02-2011, 04:29 AM
I'm with Susie here.

If it's not cool to do in the middle of Melbourne, it's not cool to do it in a foreign country. As already said, they are not just ambassadors of our club, but as international tourists, ambassadors of our country and culture, and enough people already think of us as uncultured bogans -- I guess the fact that so many of us think that behaviour like that is 'normal' (it wouldn't be in plenty of other cultures) speaks for itself. The consequences would also have been a lot worse if someone was charged with an offence overseas, where consular representation would have to be made and the issue blown up. I agree with most that it IS a media beat-up, which is the media's wont, but we provided the bait, which there really is no excuse for in 2011.

Finally, as the 'community club', we have a responsibility to our own family-friendly reputation to remain squeaky clean, as we have invested heavily in being a role model organisation for the fast-growing Western suburbs, an investment that will pay off in a big way over the next 10 to 15 years, but only if we remain professional and differentiate ourselves from the other 'bogan-culture' clubs. Most new Western suburbs residents are young families and new immigrants, two target demographic groups with generally conservative values with low tolerance for louts, and the Dogs cannot afford to alienate them for any reason if we are to have any chance of building our supporter and membership base over the long term.

But then again, I guess that makes me old-fashioned too.

ps. Having said all that, I'm glad it wasn't worse (didn't really expect anything horrendous, truth be told), and if the group moves on and learns from this (and it doesn't snowball into a cultural problem), no real harm done.

09-02-2011, 09:24 AM

Well said Lantern. :)

09-02-2011, 09:26 AM
Well-considered post as usual Lantern. I think you've swayed me. Maybe it is a bigger deal than I initially thought.

09-02-2011, 09:32 AM
Well-considered post as usual Lantern. I think you've swayed me. Maybe it is a bigger deal than I initially thought.

He has a tendancy to do that. Resist!


09-02-2011, 09:36 AM
Our blokes acting up in Hong Kong makes back page news and is titled - "Disgrace"

Albert Proud belts a copper and gets two paragraphs on page 16.

Go figure

09-02-2011, 09:57 AM
This ripped off the thread about this story on BF - As posted by a HK local:

Local media has jumped onto this story.

Made all the news bulletins on Monday night.

Story on Page 2 of the Standard Newspaper - 2nd biggest English language newspaper in Hong Kong.

Funny quote from the story

Caroline Chow Yuet-yu, Corporate Business Development Director, Lang Kwai Fong Entertainment

"Such incidents are commonplace and this one only attracted media attention because of those involved ".

09-02-2011, 11:06 AM
Our blokes acting up in Hong Kong makes back page news and is titled - "Disgrace"

Albert Proud belts a copper and gets two paragraphs on page 16.

Go figure

Did we get back page news for our last "incident" in Hong Kong?

09-02-2011, 02:40 PM
This ripped off the thread about this story on BF - As posted by a HK local:

Local media has jumped onto this story.

Made all the news bulletins on Monday night.

Story on Page 2 of the Standard Newspaper - 2nd biggest English language newspaper in Hong Kong.

Funny quote from the story

Caroline Chow Yuet-yu, Corporate Business Development Director, Lang Kwai Fong Entertainment

"Such incidents are commonplace and this one only attracted media attention because of those involved ".

Looks like our Hong Kong membership numbers are going to take a hit.

09-02-2011, 02:57 PM
Looks like our Hong Kong membership numbers are going to take a hit.

I guess we will have to get our coffee cups and members merchandise made elsewhere then. ;)

09-02-2011, 09:51 PM
Are St Kilda conspiring against us???????

"Outside Forces"

10-02-2011, 08:29 AM
Western Bulldogs accused of earlier, 'raunchier' video

THE Western Bulldogs are believed to have pulled a video off YouTube months before the Hong Kong footage was discovered.

The club has refused to comment on the removed footage, but it's believed the video showed past players behaving in a manner that could be considered inappropriate and unsuitable.

It is believed the video contained nudity



Surely they're not refering to the elephant walk video from Year of the Dogs? If so, what a ****ing disgrace the Herald Sun is. Mark Stevens, if you're reading, you should be embarrassed to work for that paper.

On a funnier note, this bastion of journalistic integrity made mention of a post of mine from Big Footy....



They even left in my spelling mistake, the pricks.

10-02-2011, 08:36 AM
Western Bulldogs accused of earlier, 'raunchier' video

THE Western Bulldogs are believed to have pulled a video off YouTube months before the Hong Kong footage was discovered.

The club has refused to comment on the removed footage, but it's believed the video showed past players behaving in a manner that could be considered inappropriate and unsuitable.

It is believed the video contained nudity



Surely they're not refering to the elephant walk video from Year of the Dogs? If so, what a ****ing disgrace the Herald Sun is. Mark Stevens, if you're reading, you should be embarrassed to work for that paper.

On a funnier note, this bastion of journalistic integrity made mention of a post of mine from Big Footy....



They even left in my spelling mistake, the pricks.

Ha Ha classic Comrade. Re: the HUN, Hopefully it is that footage from the Year of the Dogs.
(crosses fingers):o

10-02-2011, 12:19 PM
Ha Ha classic Comrade. Re: the HUN, Hopefully it is that footage from the Year of the Dogs.
(crosses fingers):o

According to a WOOFer on the other thread on this same topic it is the 'Elephant Walk' from 1996. What a joke the Herald Sun are. Gutter journalism. :mad:

10-02-2011, 02:52 PM
According to a WOOFer on the other thread on this same topic it is the 'Elephant Walk' from 1996. What a joke the Herald Sun are. Gutter journalism. :mad:

Can anyone confirm if this is actually the case?

Daughter of the West
10-02-2011, 03:11 PM
Western Bulldogs accused of earlier, 'raunchier' video

THE Western Bulldogs are believed to have pulled a video off YouTube months before the Hong Kong footage was discovered.

The club has refused to comment on the removed footage, but it's believed the video showed past players behaving in a manner that could be considered inappropriate and unsuitable.

It is believed the video contained nudity


I was just trying to find the story again to check out the comments, is it just me or has it disappeared from the HUN website??

10-02-2011, 04:37 PM
I was just trying to find the story again to check out the comments, is it just me or has it disappeared from the HUN website??

Maybe they realised it was a complete NON STORY!!

Ghost Dog
11-02-2011, 02:21 PM
May as well bung this article in here.


WESTERN Bulldogs stars have been sent back to behaviour school for their drunken high jinks in Hong Kong.

But fines or suspensions will not be imposed on the players, with the club instead issuing a stern warning and putting all involved on notice.

It was revealed last night the players were unlucky to be exposed, with the footage taken by a local woman who regularly captures incidents in the notorious party district of Lan Kwai Fong.

The woman had no idea she was filming high-profile Bulldogs players and posted the footage on YouTube without any mention of the AFL link.


Ok *raises hand sheepishly* put your hand up if you put Adam forward as a captain

11-02-2011, 02:48 PM
Ok *raises hand sheepishly* put your hand up if you put Adam forward as a captain

Both Boyd and Johnno were present at the nightclub in Hong Kong also.

Ghost Dog
11-02-2011, 03:08 PM
Both Boyd and Johnno were present at the nightclub in Hong Kong also.

Yeah - but they were not the ones surfing on plastic trays just after having knee surgery.

19-02-2011, 12:51 PM
Move along people nothing to see here. It's a slow news day if this draws so much attention. No sex scandal, no fights, no drug taking, no urinating on club patrons or defecating in hotel corridors. The media should get a life.