View Full Version : Is Obama now a Bulldog

08-03-2011, 12:50 PM

Julia, sign him up.

08-03-2011, 12:53 PM
Laces out

08-03-2011, 01:03 PM
That's why they call it the oval office ;)

08-03-2011, 01:11 PM
We need a Bulldogs scarf on him quicksmart.

08-03-2011, 01:17 PM
That would be great

08-03-2011, 01:40 PM
We need a Bulldogs scarf on him quicksmart.

A people beard tshirt/scarf would be better. When do the g20 world leaders next meet in Australia? I'd love to see them all decked out in Ben Hudson T-shirts and scarfs at the tradional photo call they have at the end of the meeting.


If I had any photoshopping skills at all I'd give it a burl.

08-03-2011, 01:49 PM
In all seriousness I've always thought that our red, white and blue colours could be turned to our advantage in capturing some promotion in the USA. There must be some way that we could turn our colours into some sort of American membership type deal.

08-03-2011, 02:09 PM
I guess I can tell the story now. Last year Campbell Rose told me that the club had been hoping to sign up President Obama during the trip the President was to make in 2010. Unfortunately the President's March trip was canceled and the June trip also had to be canceled. I had been asked to email the President in support of the membership during my visit in March/April! After all, I am a Chicagoan, a Western Bulldogs member and a registered Democrat. However, the canceled trips ended that. I had been hoping for an invitation to the White House if the President would have become a member. :D

Now that I have seen him playing a bit of footy with the Prime Minister, I just might invite him over for a kick in our backyard the next time he visits his home in Chicago. You never know... ;)

I wonder if there's any way that I can meet the Prime Minister? Hmmm... maybe I could invite her to become a Chicago Cubs fan before the President converts her into becoming a nasty Chicago White Sox fan!:eek:

08-03-2011, 02:28 PM
I guess I can tell the story now. Last year Campbell Rose told me that the club had been hoping to sign up President Obama during the trip the President was to make in 2010. Unfortunately the President's March trip was canceled and the June trip also had to be canceled. I had been asked to email the President in support of the membership during my visit in March/April! After all, I am a Chicagoan, a Western Bulldogs member and a registered Democrat. However, the canceled trips ended that. I had been hoping for an invitation to the White House if the President would have become a member. :D

Now that I have seen him playing a bit of footy with the Prime Minister, I just might invite him over for a kick in our backyard the next time he visits his home in Chicago. You never know... ;)

I wonder if there's any way that I can meet the Prime Minister? Hmmm... maybe I could invite her to become a Chicago Cubs fan before the President converts her into becoming a nasty Chicago White Sox fan!:eek:

Is it just me or do we all cringe when we see our leaders doing these silly stunts.
I mean they are the leaders of 2 of the worlds big first world nations (granted 1 is more larger than the other), and the first thing Julia does is to kick a footy around?
Is this to humanise them somehow?, i really don't get it and it makes me cringe. I just think that anyone from the USA looking on would think we are a pack of idiots.
Or am i wrong?

What would the everyday american think about this little performance (the ones that know where Australia is that is) :p

08-03-2011, 03:44 PM
Politicians around the world do the same thing. I'd expect there are more foreign leaders with New York Yankee baseball caps around the world than the total number of fans the Gold Coast have in Melbourne, or even on the Gold Coast! President Obama has thrown out the first pitch at the baseball All Star game last year, a 2005 White Sox playoff game in 2005 and at last year's first game in Washington. That's fine as long as he doesn't attempt to sing the national anthem at a Super Bowl like Christina. :p

Sport is the universal language. Sometimes it gets lost in translation, but what the heck. I'd rather see the President handball to the Prime Minister rather than listen to him speak about hog prices and commodities. Of course I never, ever want to see a pic of Tony Abbot again in a pair of budgie smugglers. Never. Ever. Again.

08-03-2011, 04:22 PM
Is it just me or do we all cringe when we see our leaders doing these silly stunts.
I mean they are the leaders of 2 of the worlds big first world nations (granted 1 is more larger than the other), and the first thing Julia does is to kick a footy around?
First thing? It wasn't even the first day.

Pollies work 12-14 hour days on these trips, I'm prepared to cut them 5 minutes of slack.

08-03-2011, 04:37 PM
First thing? It wasn't even the first day.

Pollies work 12-14 hour days on these trips, I'm prepared to cut them 5 minutes of slack.

I think you may be missing the point slightly. :confused:

08-03-2011, 04:52 PM
That's why they call it the oval office ;)

They should have it renamed to the Whitten Oval Office, in the Red, White and Blue House. :D

Is it just me or do we all cringe when we see our leaders doing these silly stunts.
I mean they are the leaders of 2 of the worlds big first world nations (granted 1 is more larger than the other), and the first thing Julia does is to kick a footy around?
Is this to humanise them somehow?, i really don't get it and it makes me cringe. I just think that anyone from the USA looking on would think we are a pack of idiots.
Or am i wrong?

What would the everyday american think about this little performance (the ones that know where Australia is that is) :p

Absolutely not! What better thing for world leaders to do than kick a footy? If leaders all had an annual footy match, and took their frustrations and egos out there, maybe we'd have some world peaceā€¦

08-03-2011, 05:24 PM
If Julia is successful in signing up President Obama imagine what she'd get in return for her role as a "Dogcatcher"

08-03-2011, 06:14 PM
I'm sorry but are you kidding me?

Australia's first female Prime Minister who just happens to be the Western Bulldog's number one ticket holder is kicking a Sherrin around the Oval Office (THE OVAL OFFICE) with the first African American President of the United States of America (THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD) and you people aren't excited?

It should be a national holiday!

Oh ffs I know we are all a bit cynical but can't we just take a moment to say - Oh my goodness, how utterly excellent is that. And also: Goddamit Jules sign him up today!!!!

Really you people, are you thinking about the brand at all?

08-03-2011, 06:38 PM
I'm sorry but are you kidding me?

Australia's first female Prime Minister who just happens to be the Western Bulldog's number one ticket holder is kicking a Sherrin around the Oval Office (THE OVAL OFFICE) with the first African American President of the United States of America (THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD) and you people aren't excited?

It should be a national holiday!

Oh ffs I know we are all a bit cynical but can't we just take a moment to say - Oh my goodness, how utterly excellent is that. And also: Goddamit Jules sign him up today!!!!

Really you people, are you thinking about the brand at all?

Well said!!!!!:)

08-03-2011, 06:47 PM
OK, OK... I am willing to become the second most famous Chicago Western Bulldogs member.

But was HE at EJ's funeral? Did HE ever drop one and two cent pieces in front of a certain "traitorous" ex-Footscray player as he sat in the Whitten stand? Has HE named any pets after Bulldogs players(Grant the turtle and the late Westy *tears*)? Does HE have an autographed footy from the 1977 team? Has HE kept a bottle of Footscray Centenary Vintage Port 1983 which is only to be opened when we win a Premiership? Has HE ever stood in the outer at the Western Oval in the pouring rain trying to eat a pie and a cup of wet chips watching Footscray get beaten? Where was HE in 1989? Yes, President Obama, let's hear from you! :rolleyes::D

08-03-2011, 06:58 PM
I heard on the radio this morning they had a footy out, and was hopeful that it meant Obama would be donning a Dogs scarf. The radio station that reported it were quick to suggest that hopefully he wasn't (Adelaide media).

08-03-2011, 07:31 PM
Bloody Julia took the wrong sponsors jumper, so this photo couldn't be used.

I got it from Wikileaks.

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5019/5508858122_f5943a8180_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/34664426@N04/5508858122/)
obama WBU (http://www.flickr.com/photos/34664426@N04/5508858122/) by Gougoodthing (http://www.flickr.com/people/34664426@N04/), on Flickr

NB yes, it's a rush job!

08-03-2011, 07:50 PM
Julia, sign him up.

So long as we're not asked to chip in to bulldoze his debt I'm more than happy to have Obama and co. on board, more the merrier.

08-03-2011, 08:19 PM
Is it just me or do we all cringe when we see our leaders doing these silly stunts.
I mean they are the leaders of 2 of the worlds big first world nations (granted 1 is more larger than the other), and the first thing Julia does is to kick a footy around?
Is this to humanise them somehow?, i really don't get it and it makes me cringe. I just think that anyone from the USA looking on would think we are a pack of idiots.
Or am i wrong?

What would the everyday american think about this little performance (the ones that know where Australia is that is) :p

If it was Keating or Howard and they were just jumping on the AFL bandwagon I agree it would be cringeworthy. But Julia has established her credentials as a bulldog supporter and I reckon good on her for sharing her love of the club with el Presidente. After all if I were the PM the first thing I would pack for an OS trip would be a sherrin.

I say cut her some slack. At least now they dont think we are Austrians...


Sockeye Salmon
08-03-2011, 08:29 PM
If it was Keating or Howard and they were just jumping on the AFL bandwagon I agree it would be cringeworthy. But Julia has established her credentials as a bulldog supporter and I reckon good on her for sharing her love of the club with el Presidente. After all if I were the PM the first thing I would pack for an OS trip would be a sherrin.

I say cut her some slack. At least now they dont think we are Austrians...

Howard never did jump on the AFL bandwagon except when he announced he was giving us a lazy $8M and never pretended he baracked fo us (or anyone else).

He was a legit cricket and St. George fan

Keating in a Collingwood jumper was cringeworthy.

08-03-2011, 08:41 PM
Actually, he MAY be a WBU fan having a closer look at this photo~

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5138/5508960388_4ec2d6424d.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/34664426@N04/5508960388/)
obama WBU2 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/34664426@N04/5508960388/) by Gougoodthing (http://www.flickr.com/people/34664426@N04/), on Flickr

08-03-2011, 09:26 PM
i'm sure ol' Obama used to eat doughnuts on the hill near the scoreboard during the 80's......hell, he was so loud we nicknamed him ' barrack '


08-03-2011, 09:54 PM
Good one 'John Gent Stand'!!

Raw Toast
08-03-2011, 11:14 PM
Is it just me or do we all cringe when we see our leaders doing these silly stunts.
I mean they are the leaders of 2 of the worlds big first world nations (granted 1 is more larger than the other), and the first thing Julia does is to kick a footy around?
Is this to humanise them somehow?, i really don't get it and it makes me cringe. I just think that anyone from the USA looking on would think we are a pack of idiots.
Or am i wrong?

What would the everyday american think about this little performance (the ones that know where Australia is that is) :p

Generally, but when it comes to supporting the Scray (and playing footy) I'm very happy that our PM is a fan, and it's been a key aspect in helping keep my eldest daughter leaning towards the one true faith against the evil empire that both of our partners support...

Howard never did jump on the AFL bandwagon except when he announced he was giving us a lazy $8M and never pretended he baracked fo us (or anyone else).

He was a legit cricket and St. George fan

Keating in a Collingwood jumper was cringeworthy.

True, although Howard looks comically uncomfortable in the Bulldog scarf he was wearing when he made the announcement and then turned the sod. I had a student do a project last year on the grant and the Howard photo which was very interesting and got to hear some behind the scene tales of what was going on.

The Adelaide Connection
08-03-2011, 11:34 PM
I'm sorry but are you kidding me?

Australia's first female Prime Minister who just happens to be the Western Bulldog's number one ticket holder is kicking a Sherrin around the Oval Office (THE OVAL OFFICE) with the first African American President of the United States of America (THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD) and you people aren't excited?

It should be a national holiday!

Oh ffs I know we are all a bit cynical but can't we just take a moment to say - Oh my goodness, how utterly excellent is that. And also: Goddamit Jules sign him up today!!!!

Really you people, are you thinking about the brand at all?

I sense the construction of an excellent cartoon.

09-03-2011, 07:52 AM
Yeah, let's just sign him up.........waiting on the cartoon FirstDog!:cool:

09-03-2011, 09:36 AM
So long as we're not asked to chip in to bulldoze his debt I'm more than happy to have Obama and co. on board, more the merrier.

Or Hers (aka Carbon Tax) isn't it about time that every country that has a Red, White and Blue flag were visited by the PM and given a Bulldog Flag to fly beside their own.
Now that's showing how much of a multi cultural team we are :D

09-03-2011, 10:04 AM
I'm sorry but are you kidding me?

Australia's first female Prime Minister who just happens to be the Western Bulldog's number one ticket holder is kicking a Sherrin around the Oval Office (THE OVAL OFFICE) with the first African American President of the United States of America (THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD) and you people aren't excited?

It should be a national holiday!

Oh ffs I know we are all a bit cynical but can't we just take a moment to say - Oh my goodness, how utterly excellent is that. And also: Goddamit Jules sign him up today!!!!

Really you people, are you thinking about the brand at all?

Up there amongst your best posts firstdogā€¦

OK, OK... I am willing to become the second most famous Chicago Western Bulldogs member.

But was HE at EJ's funeral? Did HE ever drop one and two cent pieces in front of a certain "traitorous" ex-Footscray player as he sat in the Whitten stand? Has HE named any pets after Bulldogs players(Grant the turtle and the late Westy *tears*)? Does HE have an autographed footy from the 1977 team? Has HE kept a bottle of Footscray Centenary Vintage Port 1983 which is only to be opened when we win a Premiership? Has HE ever stood in the outer at the Western Oval in the pouring rain trying to eat a pie and a cup of wet chips watching Footscray get beaten? Where was HE in 1989? Yes, President Obama, let's hear from you! :rolleyes::D

Does HE have the ability to nuke Subiaco? YES, he does!

09-03-2011, 10:13 AM
Did HE ever drop one and two cent pieces in front of a certain "traitorous" ex-Footscray player as he sat in the Whitten stand?

That is Gold!!!

I would of loved to have seen that. :D