View Full Version : AFL in 2011 as seen by First Dog on the Moon

27-03-2011, 07:33 PM
Hi cartoon fans! Here is my sad and not particularly well thought out, angry, drunken cartoon to kick off Rd1 Season 2011.


27-03-2011, 07:55 PM
Heh. Normally your cartoons are a bit cerebral for me FD, but that's pretty overt.

Oh the pain.

27-03-2011, 08:03 PM
Hi cartoon fans! Here is my sad and not particularly well thought out, angry, drunken cartoon to kick off Rd1 Season 2011.


sums up the day very accurately.

Daughter of the West
28-03-2011, 09:48 AM
Hi cartoon fans! Here is my sad and not particularly well thought out, angry, drunken cartoon to kick off Rd1 Season 2011.


As someone who catches the train home on the Craigieburn line, I agreed with the last frame absolutely (I did stay to the death knell this week though, just went to the pub afterwards to avoid the red and black hordes instead).

28-03-2011, 12:19 PM
You should have dropped by the Buckingham on the way home. The philosophical discussion continued for hours after the game and emcompassed many interesting topics.

28-03-2011, 12:39 PM
I never leave before final siren, however I couldn't get away quick enough to avoid their theme song.
The trip home on the train was "Hell"
Dropped into Local in Ivanhoe and copped it again.
Couldn't drown my sorrows quick enough, well any further as I'd already drowned them at the game.

BTW good job with the cartoon 1stdog

28-03-2011, 02:46 PM
I have never left early in my life. Was giving the cheersquad members who walked out with their tails between their legs an absolute flogging. Told them to make sure they leave early next week if we're smashing Brisbane, and if they're not happy they could always go and buy a Richmond membership…

Nothing in football is worse than a supporter who walks out early. It's the lowest act possible.

29-03-2011, 09:24 AM
Nothing in football is worse than a supporter who walks out early. It's the lowest act possible.

What an extraordinary load of crap. Get off your horse while you're getting over yourself. Set whatever standards you like for yourself and mind your own business.

29-03-2011, 09:45 AM
Nothing in football is worse than a supporter who walks out early. It's the lowest act possible.

What an extraordinary load of crap. Get off your horse while you're getting over yourself. Set whatever standards you like for yourself and mind your own business.

Hmm. I'm not a leave early guy, but I don't begrudge those that choose to their right to do so. I'm gonna go with firstdog on this.

29-03-2011, 09:47 AM
What an extraordinary load of crap. Get off your horse while you're getting over yourself. Set whatever standards you like for yourself and mind your own business.

Shows you're there to partake in the glory but not willing to endure the pain. Wasn't a personal attack as such, was a bit harsh and I should have included that I really did like the cartoon and love your stuff, but have to stand by what I said. Happy to wear your wrath if you think I'm being unfair.

It's kinda funny how nobody cares about beating the traffic when we're belting somebody. Or how those same people who take off early don't take off early when we're winning. I just see it as an incredible display of selfishness and poor character.

Sockeye Salmon
29-03-2011, 10:19 AM
Shows you're there to partake in the glory but not willing to endure the pain. Wasn't a personal attack as such, was a bit harsh and I should have included that I really did like the cartoon and love your stuff, but have to stand by what I said. Happy to wear your wrath if you think I'm being unfair.

It's kinda funny how nobody cares about beating the traffic when we're belting somebody. Or how those same people who take off early don't take off early when we're winning. I just see it as an incredible display of selfishness and poor character.

Or you just hate listening to smug opposition supporters or their annoying song?

The Coon Dog
29-03-2011, 10:22 AM
Or you just hate listening to smug opposition supporters or their annoying song?

Don't you hate it when you are walking out as their song is blaring & some ****ing tosser screams in your face Go Pies/Bombers/Saints etc...

29-03-2011, 11:00 AM
Don't you hate it when you are walking out as their song is blaring & some ****ing tosser screams in your face Go Pies/Bombers/Saints etc...

I do. But I would hate it more if I hadn't seen plenty of our supporters do the same. It's a two way street, and we have our share of ferals.

29-03-2011, 11:07 AM
I'm just wondering if sticking my head in a book when we're getting smashed counts as 'leaving early'? I'm still there in body but my mind has already left the game. ;)

29-03-2011, 12:08 PM
In for a penny, in for a pound if you ask me.

I sat through the Geelong game last year with my Richmond supporter 14 year old nephew bagging me about how crap we are! A Richmond supporter telling me we are crap for gods sake!!!!!!!

That was the one game that I seriously considered leaving early. I felt that if the players are not fair dinkum then why should I be. Then I realised that I should man up and stop being such a wuss.

Each to their own though.........

29-03-2011, 01:05 PM
There are occasions when I literally have to refrain from belting someone my frustration is so great. There are occasions when the disappointment is excruciating. There are occasions when I simply cannot remain in my seat and watch what is unfolding before me.

I feel my football experience deeply, it is both a deeply private and personal activity as well as one I like to share publicly with joyous like minded folk. It is good to share the joy, the pain I like to keep to myself.

There are times when it is simply impossible to sit and watch.

There are times when I am personally offended by the performance I have seen and I am too humiliated and furious to remain and watch the team as they disgrace themselves in front of thousands and thousands of baying opposition supporters. It is sometimes too much.

Am I weak? Perhaps. Do I feel things too strongly? Maybe. Do I invest too much of myself in the outcome of a football game? It would seem so.

For anyone to suggest that I have poor character because of this, that I am selfish because of this is their prerogative. I reserve the right to disagree and will keep my opinion about that person's character to myself.

I certainly find it offensive that that my behaviour is supposedly worse than yelling racist comments, spitting on people, throwing stuff, picking fights, getting so drunk I can't walk, throwing up, hurling abuse at opposition players or supporters, using vile language in front of kids.

The Coon Dog
29-03-2011, 01:09 PM

Well said FDOTM.

29-03-2011, 01:20 PM
There is no right or wrong. We are all individuals and can make our own choices.

29-03-2011, 01:25 PM
There is no right or wrong. We are all individuals and can make our own choices.

Absolutist relativism? I think the rejoinder for that is usually 'booyah'.

29-03-2011, 01:26 PM
I'm sleepy I'm going to bed.

29-03-2011, 01:33 PM
I'm a stay to the end kind of guy. Watching that last quarter when you're down can often mean you see something in a player, and i also think that if I'm going to consider myself a more passionate supporter then I should be one of the last to leave.

It's only ever paid off once. There was a certain match against Richmond that ended in a draw and my family was so disgusted that we weren't going to beat Richmond that they left 5 minutes early. I stuck around and while we didn't win, watching the Tiger fans reactions was almost as good.

I don't mind those fans at the end so much who celebrate and maybe yell out some things to the opposition fans (as long as it isn't personal, abusive or literally in your face), at least they turned up and invested their money and day in a match which they could have lost.

The ones I can't stand are the supporters you run into the next day. These are the ones who use all those crappy lines, bag your team out for half an hour, and parade around the place like they've won the premiership. They annoy me most though because almost invariably they are the type to have not attended a game since 3 years ago when their company got a corporate box, watch two games a year, still think James Hird and Matthew Lloyd are at the club in a playing capacity and only found out the final score a minute before they updated their Facebook status to "Whooo! Bombers are the shit this year! Go Essendon!!!".

29-03-2011, 01:47 PM
There is no right or wrong. We are all individuals and can make our own choices.

I'm not!
(with apologies to Monty Python)

29-03-2011, 01:51 PM
I have never left early in my life. Was giving the cheersquad members who walked out with their tails between their legs an absolute flogging. Told them to make sure they leave early next week if we're smashing Brisbane, and if they're not happy they could always go and buy a Richmond membership…

Nothing in football is worse than a supporter who walks out early. It's the lowest act possible.

I left early on Sunday. My seven year old was busting for the toilet and I thought we could make a quick getaway and get an earlier train, and I'd seen more than enough. I usually stay to the end but have left early because it is too painful to listen to the opposition song and supporters after a devasting loss.

Mouthing off at our supporters leaving is just stupid. Some of these might decide not to come back next week, if even their own supporters are bagging them.

29-03-2011, 02:05 PM
'Lowest act possible'? Really?

29-03-2011, 03:22 PM
I'm not!
(with apologies to Monty Python)

That's just contradiction.

(apologies again to Monty Python)

29-03-2011, 03:48 PM
I have never left early in my life. Was giving the cheersquad members who walked out with their tails between their legs an absolute flogging. Told them to make sure they leave early next week if we're smashing Brisbane, and if they're not happy they could always go and buy a Richmond membership…

Nothing in football is worse than a supporter who walks out early. It's the lowest act possible.

Dramatic much?

Worse than spitting on the players as than walk down the race?
Worse than throwing beer on a player from the boundary line?
Worse than screaming personal insults at your coach making his way through the crowd?

Seriously... :rolleyes:

29-03-2011, 04:49 PM
Alright, alright, I'll retract and clarify that part. How about “Nothing in football shits me more than a supporter who walks out early.” And I'll leave it at that.

29-03-2011, 05:31 PM
Alright, alright, I'll retract and clarify that part. How about “Nothing in football shits me more than a supporter who walks out early.” And I'll leave it at that.

What!? What!? More than.....:D

P.S. Not potting you stache. I agree with what you said.

29-03-2011, 06:59 PM
That's just contradiction.

(apologies again to Monty Python)

No it isn't! (with even MORE apologies to Monty Python) :)

29-03-2011, 07:01 PM
There are occasions when I literally have to refrain from belting someone my frustration is so great. There are occasions when the disappointment is excruciating. There are occasions when I simply cannot remain in my seat and watch what is unfolding before me.

I feel my football experience deeply, it is both a deeply private and personal activity as well as one I like to share publicly with joyous like minded folk. It is good to share the joy, the pain I like to keep to myself.

There are times when it is simply impossible to sit and watch.

There are times when I am personally offended by the performance I have seen and I am too humiliated and furious to remain and watch the team as they disgrace themselves in front of thousands and thousands of baying opposition supporters. It is sometimes too much.

Am I weak? Perhaps. Do I feel things too strongly? Maybe. Do I invest too much of myself in the outcome of a football game? It would seem so.

For anyone to suggest that I have poor character because of this, that I am selfish because of this is their prerogative. I reserve the right to disagree and will keep my opinion about that person's character to myself.

I certainly find it offensive that that my behaviour is supposedly worse than yelling racist comments, spitting on people, throwing stuff, picking fights, getting so drunk I can't walk, throwing up, hurling abuse at opposition players or supporters, using vile language in front of kids.

Well put.

29-03-2011, 07:06 PM
Don't you hate it when you are walking out as their song is blaring & some ****ing tosser screams in your face Go Pies/Bombers/Saints etc...

Happened on Sunday... I hadn't said a word to any other supporter, save for a bit of a chat to the woman next to me about Browny's facial injury. I sat through the whole debacle. Couple of blokes standing behind (disabled bays are right in front of this area) had been smart-mouthed the whole time. As I passed them, one gave me the two-fingered salute and said "Suck s*** Bulldogs, you'll do nothing in the finals!".... I simoly said "Mate, it's March"

30-03-2011, 09:51 AM
I'm sleepy I'm going to bed.


I have left games when we are 10 goals in front at 3/4 time and I have left games when we are behind by 10 goals at 3/4 time. My dad's kidneys are shot and he finds it hard to walk. He can walk for a distance and then has to stop and wait for the pain to subside until he can walk any more. That's impossible to do when people are swarming past you. Particulalrly if you're worried that your son is going to take the bait of the next smartarse who walks past and get's in his face. Personally for me the fact that he can make it to a game in the first place shows more internal fortitude than anyone who stays sitting in their seat until the end.

Other than that I have no problem when other people want to leave a game. That's their business, not mine.

30-03-2011, 10:42 AM

I have left games when we are 10 goals in front at 3/4 time and I have left games when we are behind by 10 goals at 3/4 time. My dad's kidneys are shot and he finds it hard to walk. He can walk for a distance and then has to stop and wait for the pain to subside until he can walk any more. That's impossible to do when people are swarming past you. Particulalrly if you're worried that your son is going to take the bait of the next smartarse who walks past and get's in his face. Personally for me the fact that he can make it to a game in the first place shows more internal fortitude than anyone who stays sitting in their seat until the end.

Other than that I have no problem when other people want to leave a game. That's their business, not mine.

Now that puts whether you leave or stay in perspective!

30-03-2011, 02:42 PM
If we are not going to win I will leave before the end of a game to get home early. I used to do it all the time when I lived in Leopold, long way to go and all. I don't feel bad about leaving early.

The worse act I have seen at the footy over the past two seasons is what the Western Bulldogs served up on Sunday. I left early because they had abandoned me by half time anyway and I'm not into one-sided relationships.

I'll be back next week and I will keep paying my membership until I die but if the club is not going to play football for the entire four quarters-regardless of the result- then I reserve the right not to watch it.

30-03-2011, 05:25 PM
What if everyone left early?

30-03-2011, 05:43 PM
Why does leaving a game early or not matter. The only thing that matters is what you feel is the right thing to do.

30-03-2011, 05:57 PM
What if everyone left early?

Well then there would be no-one there!

30-03-2011, 06:24 PM
I guess it's quite simple: it's all about your reasons for being there. You're either there to spectate, or there to support the team. If the former, then sure, come and go as you will — and I have no issue with people just there to spectate — but I find it hard to hear people rabbit on about being a good supporter whilst withholding that support. Those I gave a hard time to on Sunday were in the cheer squad.

Maddog had a good point: What if everybody had've just got up and left? What if, by half-way through the final quarter, there was not one single red, white and blue flag or scarf or whatever in view? As a player, I'd be thinking, “Well, those assholes better not give me a hard time when I accept offers from rival clubs, it's bloody Round 1 and they're pissing off already…”

30-03-2011, 08:10 PM
I won't buy into the 'to leave or not to leave' debate but, First Dog, do you live in Seddon and frequent Le Chien cafe? I've seen a guy wearing your cartoon t-shirts there and wondered, was I actually seeing 'Yourself'?:p

30-03-2011, 09:22 PM
I don't leave early. I'm more the get shitfaced in the bar and try to ignore what's going on outside type of person haha.

30-03-2011, 09:38 PM
I won't buy into the 'to leave or not to leave' debate but, First Dog, do you live in Seddon and frequent Le Chien cafe? I've seen a guy wearing your cartoon t-shirts there and wondered, was I actually seeing 'Yourself'?:p

This guy you saw. Was he incredibly handsome with an obvious charisma?

If so, definitely not First Dog! :p

30-03-2011, 10:46 PM
I won't buy into the 'to leave or not to leave' debate but, First Dog, do you live in Seddon and frequent Le Chien cafe? I've seen a guy wearing your cartoon t-shirts there and wondered, was I actually seeing 'Yourself'?:p

Did he have an IPAD with him

31-03-2011, 12:32 PM
Don't you hate it when you are walking out as their song is blaring & some ****ing tosser screams in your face Go Pies/Bombers/Saints etc...

O Yeah! Sure do hate that! I don't ever try and engage opposition supporters, because its just not worth the drama and it's not my style anyway. I enjoy a certain amount of satisfaction and smugness from just knowing how my team performed and won!

31-03-2011, 12:33 PM
[QUOTE=firstdogonthemoon;205009]Hi cartoon fans! Here is my sad and not particularly well thought out, angry, drunken cartoon to kick off Rd1 Season 2011.

Pretty well sums up how I feel after a belting by some other team FirstDog!

31-03-2011, 12:36 PM
Not going to buy into the leaving early stuff either like other Woofers - I think we are all able to make up our own minds about these issues. However, I will say that because I use a walking stick, I do sometimes leave early, especially if there is a big crowd. It is difficult to negotiate the crowd at the end of a game, as a lot of people don't seem to care if they walk in front of you, or push you, etc. Makes it a little tricky!:o

31-03-2011, 01:02 PM
I was just playing devils advocate in this thread but it is amazing the passion people have about small issues when it comes to footy. Sometimes I wish I could leave early when we lose but something in me will not allow it. I have left early when we have won comfortably to beat the traffic though.

02-04-2011, 01:53 PM
I won't buy into the 'to leave or not to leave' debate but, First Dog, do you live in Seddon and frequent Le Chien cafe? I've seen a guy wearing your cartoon t-shirts there and wondered, was I actually seeing 'Yourself'?:p

It is quite possible that it was me because I am quite shallow and wear my own shirts all the time. You should say hi!

The Underdog
02-04-2011, 02:30 PM
Sometimes I leave so early I was never even there.
Like next week, I probably won't even appear at the Gold Coast game. Does that make me better or worse than someone who leaves early, you know, if I I don't turn up at a game in the first place for whatever reason I have that's not particularly anyone's business?
Oh yeah nice work on the cartoon First Dog.

04-04-2011, 07:06 PM
It is quite possible that it was me because I am quite shallow and wear my own shirts all the time. You should say hi!

Well I'm bashful and was afraid I would start gushing that I love your work:o while you're attempting to be just a regular guy ..