View Full Version : Candidacy - Senior Coach - Western Bulldogs

Kelso @ Mt Eliza
23-05-2011, 02:38 PM
Essential Competencies:
Must be able to beat a top 4 team, must be able to develop, foster and improve young talent, must not play favourites, must instil confidence and inspire the group.. and most importantly must be able to counter the press (not the print variety - but the forward zone variety).

Previous applicants need not apply....

Can we start some dialogue on the best new talent available to replace Rocket?
Can think of nothing better or more productive at present - it is good therapy...

Who's the next Chris Scott? Who is the next Damien Hardwick? Do we have a Bulldogs version of the Essendon strategy.. i.e. Senior mentor above a club great?

Any thoughts?

23-05-2011, 02:48 PM
Why start a thread and not give your opinion?

Who do you think should be the next coach? When should we start interviewing? When do you want Eade to finish? What should our goals be for the rest of the season, next year, and in 3 years time?

23-05-2011, 02:54 PM
I'm not touching this one, although I'm sure Dougie would back Fevola to captain/coach.

23-05-2011, 02:56 PM
I see no value whatsoever in a) firing Rocket mid season and b) hiring an interim coach that would only be Rocket's least ambitious assistant (no serious prospective senior coach in their right mind would take a job on mid season). I'd much rather Rocket sees through his full term and then we can assess everything post season. Donald McDonald, Mark Riley, Darren Crocker, Jade Rawlings - not exactly an honour roll of the most recent interim coaches. Paul Roos worked well but they fail far more often that not.

Remi Moses
23-05-2011, 03:02 PM
For the life of me I can't work out why we haven't implemented or countered that forward press! What were Rocket and his cohorts doing over the summer months? Not Good Enough
If we're cactus 3/4 in, it will be bye bye Rocket.

Kelso @ Mt Eliza
23-05-2011, 03:03 PM
Bulldogs website under coaches states the following for Eade;
Senior Coach - Rodney Eade - 2010 sees Rodney Eade enter his sixth season at the helm of the Western Bulldogs and only the seventh person to both play and coach 250 games.
Has anybody told Rocket he's in 2011? it seem our strategy and our thinking are not the only things stuck in 2010.
We are back where we were on the Rocky Rohde of 2004. It took a re-energised Rocket to help turn us into a formidible attacking unit... however it is clear that we have become too predictable of late, and the message is lost in translation to the players. Rocket has reached his use by date. How can you argue against this.. what is our top 4 performance of the past 4 years - can you tell me?!??
A review of P.Dean, P.Williams, Monty, Maple and German should also be triggered at this time.
This post is an idependant thought is it not? and it comes from a very experienced, passionate and intelligent supporter who travels, who barracks his heart out and will not accept mediocre performances.. and the 56 rear drought to continue to drag along... show some respect bornadog.. and step out of your shell and attack the staus quo

23-05-2011, 03:17 PM
i think this thread is a legitimate topic to be discussing the way this season has gone. Refusing to answer is just turning a blind eye and hiding away from the real truth of the situation (something the bulldogs themselves seem to be doing).

There were several aspects of our game of last year that needed fixing.

1. Forward Pressure
2. Beating the forward press
3. Stoppages

NONE have been improved whatsoever and whats worse they have both gotten worse. Our gameplan is severely outdated and all clubs are growing and passing us by.

Eade has done our club proud and has taken us from mediocre pretenders to serious contenders. He has given our club respect and made us a force of the AFL. But his time is up and he has past his use by date. We need a fresh start. A new coach as well as a review of the coaching panel. We need to clear out the deadwood like richmond have done and like collingwood did a few years ago.

There is no way Eade should be sacked. He deserves respect and should see out his contract. We will see what the boys are made of next week but in all reality it doesn't matter. our season is cooked. A new coach should start the 2012 campaign but until then Eade is our man

23-05-2011, 03:38 PM
If we lose by 120 points in the next two games will it still be too early???

I think Sanderson or Neeld would be ideal.

End of year if change has to be made.

The more I think about it I reckon Rocket already knows we have missed the boat and is playing kids accordingly.

23-05-2011, 04:49 PM
I think Sanderson or Neeld would be ideal.

What do you know about them?

Kelso @ Mt Eliza
23-05-2011, 04:53 PM
[QUOTE=Maddog37;216493]I think Sanderson or Neeld would be ideal.

Sanderson or Neeld - now we are humming...

I'm sure there are a raft of options inside the current framework of assistant coaches throughout the league... an immediate scouting process with a coaching steering commitee in place should be the way to go...

Whilst no official replacement will be named until due course.. behind the scenes negotiations should start to take place.. a candidate will emerge i've no doubt.

If there is to be any caretaker implemented/required in the coming weeks for the remainder of the season.. I would suggest Paul Williams - he seems a likely leader of late.

Scott Burns, Leon Cameron, Simon Goodwin, Adam Simpson, Blake Caracella and Peter Sumich as a smokey.

Then there is the alternate tried and true path with Paul Roos.

Either way, any change or suggested change will be a positive one. I am not doubting that Rocket has been tremendous for our club - however it is better to react early in these situations history has shown..

I know it's easy to take a pot from outside and suggest to know 'what is best' or 'who is best' - however it is clear from early on this season - that all is not right - let's not sit on our hands, cover our eyes and hope it turns.. decisive action sounds much more progressive don't you think?!

The Pie Man
23-05-2011, 04:54 PM
If we lose by 120 points in the next two games will it still be too early???

I think Sanderson or Neeld would be ideal.

End of year if change has to be made.

The more I think about it I reckon Rocket already knows we have missed the boat and is playing kids accordingly.

Let's say for argument's sake that this bit is true - wouldn't you then allow Rocket more time to develop a new/turned over/renovated squad? Pretty rare a team full of kids challenges for top 4/flag.

Ghost Dog
23-05-2011, 04:55 PM
As Sedat said, you don't sack coaches mid season in a panic.
Take your time and do it right, if you're going to do it at all.


23-05-2011, 05:00 PM
As Sedat said, you don't sack coaches mid season in a panic.
Take your time and do it right, if you're going to do it at all.


Agreed, I would rather go through a proper process. Firstly assess the performance of the coaching panel at the end of the season. Then if you feel you need a change, advertise the role, go through a proper interview process and pick the right candidate.

One of the biggest mistakes Smorgon made was to appoint Rhode without going through a proper process. This was rectified when we chose Rocket. A panel was set up which included Robert Walls and the cluib went through a professional process to choose the right person.

Talking about it now, doesnot help the club, the players or any one.

23-05-2011, 05:00 PM
I think he definitely should be one of the people in the mix but the club owes it to itself to canvas all options.

23-05-2011, 05:02 PM
We need to clear out the deadwood like richmond have done and like collingwood did a few years ago.

What is the deadwood on our list though?

Is it the underperforming/unfit stars in Lake, Hall and Cooney?

Is it the inconsistent yet undoubtably talented developing young players like Grant, Jones and Wood?

Is it the continual scapegots in Stack and Hill?

Is it the over 28's who are quite rightly on the fringe of the 22 now like Gilbee and Hahn.

Is it the handful of players that have attributes we need but are yet to command a spot like Hooper and Djerrkurra?

Where is the deadwood on our list? Every player on our list could conceivably be an AFL standard player next year, with the exception of maybe Hudson and Hallwill be gone next year anyway. Certainly there are players that haven't shown as much as we would like, but does that mean you cut them (Howard, Tutt and Cordy atm)? We don't have deadwood like Tim Fleming on our list, or a Paul Dooley.

Who do you suggest we cut? ATM I am expecting to see Hall, Hahn, Hudson and Gilbee on the retirement list at the end of the year, but I can't think of anybody else who obviously shouldn't be at the club next year.

I think Sanderson or Neeld would be ideal.

Why would these two be ideal? There isn't an ideal replacement coach, because they're all either unproven, failed, or already committed to another club.

23-05-2011, 05:10 PM
I think because they have been in successful environments and are very highly respected within the football world.

So should we not bother at all if there is no ideal coach? What is your point?

23-05-2011, 05:13 PM
I think because they have been in successful environments and are very highly respected within the football world.

So should we not bother at all if there is no ideal coach? What is your point?

Just wondering why those two were singled out. The second part is more a badly written reference to how people can easily get caught up in saying someone is going to be much better and is an "ideal candidate", when really they are just as speculative as anyone else. Not a criticism.

The Underdog
23-05-2011, 05:21 PM
This post is an idependant thought is it not? and it comes from a very experienced, passionate and intelligent supporter who travels, who barracks his heart out and will not accept mediocre performances.. and the 56 rear drought to continue to drag along... show some respect bornadog.. and step out of your shell and attack the staus quo

An independent thought or independent of thought?
To be fair you accept the performances you're given mediocre or not. You, as I, have no power to change performance.

I don't disagree that Eade may be done but to be fair to him, he should be allowed to see out his contract and then hopefully treated with dignity. He has after all just led us through one of the most successful periods in the club's VFL/AFL history (I understand what this says about the club, but it's true) and is likely one of the top 3 coaches in our history. All coaches come with an expiry date and his might be coming, but let's treat him with the respect he deserves for where he has taken the club since the dark Rohde days.

Oh and on a side note, while you're going the coach, at what point do the players take some responsibility? I doubt the coaches orders were to go out, panic and then not give a *!*!*!*!.

23-05-2011, 07:01 PM
Oh and on a side note, while you're going the coach, at what point do the players take some responsibility? I doubt the coaches orders were to go out, panic and then not give a *!*!*!*!.

Very good point.

23-05-2011, 07:03 PM
Any thoughts?

Whilst it wouldn't surprise me to see Eade given the A, I think it's a terrible approach mid-season. Allow them the dignity of seeing out their contract, and as others have said, go through the relevant processes when and if change is deemed necessary. Unless the players drive it (by saying he's lost their support), axing him now would achieve nought.

23-05-2011, 07:11 PM
Blaming the coach is the coward's way out.

In times of crisis, clubs with poor culture sack the coach.

Clubs with a successful culture get to the root of the problem and don't look for scapegoats.

23-05-2011, 07:23 PM
Blaming the coach is the coward's way out.

In times of crisis, clubs with poor culture sack the coach.

Clubs with a successful culture get to the root of the problem and don't look for scapegoats.

Hasn't every club at some point sacked a coach mid season?

If we continue to play like this I think we would be stupid not to throw a Cameron or someone like him in just to see how he goes.

Bumper Bulldogs
23-05-2011, 07:42 PM
Who do you suggest we cut? ATM I am expecting to see Hall, Hahn, Hudson and Gilbee on the retirement list at the end of the year, but I can't think of anybody else who obviously shouldn't be at the club next year.

I would throw Cross and Murphy up, Cross as next year the kids will go past him and have better disposal skills, Murphy as I keep hearing that his Knees are no good (bone on bone)

With these 6 we just couldn't turn that many guys over so based on form/injuries and our secession plan who knows. In order I would retire

Hahn, Gilbee, Cross, Hudson, Hall, Murphy

Also we should go out and get a true leader before a new coach, someone that demands the team do the right thing just like J.Brown, I have been concerned with things I heard about the likes of Higgins promised leadership roles, Cooney to me isn't a good fit ether.

I think this is the side of the game we need addressed, Rocket has done a good job in getting us to our current state, but yet again it's between the ears that lets us down.

23-05-2011, 08:18 PM
Blaming the coach is the coward's way out.

In times of crisis, clubs with poor culture sack the coach.

Clubs with a successful culture get to the root of the problem and don't look for scapegoats.

What crap! There have been significant concerns over Eades' coaching for some time. In the face of abject failure we can't ignore the obvious truth...or should Eade take neither the credit for our megre success, nor the blame for our failure? To not hold the coach accountable is to encourage the search for scapegoats!

23-05-2011, 08:48 PM
Blaming the coach is the coward's way out.

In times of crisis, clubs with poor culture sack the coach.

Clubs with a successful culture get to the root of the problem and don't look for scapegoats.

The club often quoted as the paragon of 'excellent culture' is Sydney. Guess what...they sacked Eade.

Essendon is one of the more successful teams of the modern era..they ruthlessly sacked Knights, they also moved on Sheedy.

Let's not kid ourselves that it is poor culture to sack coaches (and coaches aren't sacked after they win a flag - unless your name is Mick). It is a fact that most coaches are sacked at some stage and it will always be when the club is in 'crisis' ie not performing. I would suggest that our worst performance in the the last 20 years or so is a time of crisis.

Having said that, if the season is shot by Round 18, I don't see why Eade couldn't be moved on. Start our process early, get a new coach in place prior to the trade and draft period.

And having said that if somehow the club turns around well who knows Eade may have got himself an extension (I'd go with the bookies here who have us at 34/1 for the flag)

23-05-2011, 09:29 PM
The club often quoted as the paragon of 'excellent culture' is Sydney. Guess what...they sacked Eade.

Bzzz, wrong. Eade Walked mid season.

Essendon is one of the more successful teams of the modern era..they ruthlessly sacked Knights, they also moved on Sheedy.

Knights was sacked at the end of the season, and a thorough process was undertaken to replace him. Sheedy coached for 27 seasons and 600 games for 4 premierships, and survived calls for his sacking several times through that time.

Let's not kid ourselves that it is poor culture to sack coaches (and coaches aren't sacked after they win a flag - unless your name is Mick). It is a fact that most coaches are sacked at some stage and it will always be when the club is in 'crisis' ie not performing. I would suggest that our worst performance in the the last 20 years or so is a time of crisis.

But why does it seem that sacking the coach seems to be the only option offered up here?Why aren't you asking for the playing group to be made accountable as well?

Having said that, if the season is shot by Round 18, I don't see why Eade couldn't be moved on. Start our process early, get a new coach in place prior to the trade and draft period.

If our season is shot by Round 18 I can see Eade walking of his own accord, the same as how he walked from Sydney... Oh, wait, you forgot about that bit. Why does a coach have to be moved on by Round 18 to ensure he's in place for the trade period? Hird came in well after the end of Essendon's season and was making

I can imagine that this playing group would frustrate him to tears at times and there will come a stage where he'll have had enough.

And having said that if somehow the club turns around well who knows Eade may have got himself an extension (I'd go with the bookies here who have us at 34/1 for the flag)

By your own logic if the club does turn itself around then Eade should be kept. It all seems pretty cut and dry in your world.

23-05-2011, 10:20 PM
Robert Walls on " One week at a time " has said that Eade has 14 games to state his case for still being the Dogs coach next season , winning less than 7 could see him in trouble

badly thrashed in a away game , Hawthorn ( 3rd ) next when we have to try and get back on track then Geelong ( 1st ) at Skilled Stadium, two more losses will just intensify the pressure and two more losses could be on the cards

I,ll give the guys my full support but they have to lift and work together or this could ugly


23-05-2011, 11:00 PM
Hasn't every club at some point sacked a coach mid season?

If we continue to play like this I think we would be stupid not to throw a Cameron or someone like him in just to see how he goes.

I agree with the ideas here.

The whole management must be looked at, it's up to the coaching staff and to a lesser extent, the leaders to motivate the team. I didn't see desire out there on Sunday. Also, the fitness team should be under scrutiny.

Cameron would be worth a shot. Whatever it takes, something must change, we can never capitulate like that again. Even if we were playing a far better team we would not get beaten like that if the team was motivated.

23-05-2011, 11:01 PM
Bzzz, wrong. Eade Walked mid season.

Knights was sacked at the end of the season, and a thorough process was undertaken to replace him. Sheedy coached for 27 seasons and 600 games for 4 premierships, and survived calls for his sacking several times through that time.

But why does it seem that sacking the coach seems to be the only option offered up here?Why aren't you asking for the playing group to be made accountable as well?

If our season is shot by Round 18 I can see Eade walking of his own accord, the same as how he walked from Sydney... Oh, wait, you forgot about that bit. Why does a coach have to be moved on by Round 18 to ensure he's in place for the trade period? Hird came in well after the end of Essendon's season and was making

I can imagine that this playing group would frustrate him to tears at times and there will come a stage where he'll have had enough.

By your own logic if the club does turn itself around then Eade should be kept. It all seems pretty cut and dry in your world.

Mate a lot of this is wrong. Eade only went after the president made it clear he would not be reappointed, so rewrite history if you like but don't expect me to swallow your revisionism

And Hird made no changes to his list maybe because he was too late getting to the club to do so.

And the fact was Sheedy was moved on after a sustained period of no success post their 2000 flag. (roughly about as long as Eade has been at the club).

So no I don't accept your arguments, and yes it should be pretty cut and dried that the coach goes if the team's performance isn't there (and stays if it is) Simple fact is we can't sack 40 players.

23-05-2011, 11:05 PM
So no I don't accept your arguments, and yes it should be pretty cut and dried that the coach goes if the team's performance isn't there (and stays if it is) Simple fact is we can't sack 40 players.

but doing that now won't achieve anything. So lets assess the perfomance at the end of the year.

23-05-2011, 11:08 PM
I agree with the ideas here.

The whole management must be looked at, it's up to the coaching staff and to a lesser extent, the leaders to motivate the team. I didn't see desire out there on Sunday. Also, the fitness team should be under scrutiny.

Cameron would be worth a shot. Whatever it takes, something must change, we can never capitulate like that again. Even if we were playing a far better team we would not get beaten like that if the team was motivated.

As much as I disagree with sacking Eade.
For contructive debate I don't think Cameron would be the right fit, IMO we need a coach from outside of the club who has not played or formed friendships with our players.
That way he can come in and have an unbiased opinion and make the right choices.
I also would not strike out Malthouse, he is strict and get the players well drilled and they play disciplined football.
Something lacking at the Doggoes at the moment.

23-05-2011, 11:10 PM
What an embarrassing performance, it takes some very poor management to make a whole team underperform that much. Not for the first time this season, the Essendon game was nearly as bad. Sorry but I am so angry over that effort on Sunday.

23-05-2011, 11:11 PM
but doing that now won't achieve anything. So lets assess the perfomance at the end of the year.

No not now, the season isn't gone. If its gone by Round 18, that give us 6 weeks to find a new coach, and then the finals period to assess the list and develop trading strategies. (clearly assuming we don't take an existing coach coaching finals)

23-05-2011, 11:13 PM
No not now, the season isn't gone. If its gone by Round 18, that give us 6 weeks to find a new coach, and then the finals period to assess the list and develop trading strategies. (clearly assuming we don't take an existing coach coaching finals)

ok, thats different, I can agree to that, but what is your pass mark?

23-05-2011, 11:21 PM
ok, thats different, I can agree to that, but what is your pass mark?

Not different to what I said in my initial post.

Pass mark - hard to say.

Finals Scenario 1 - We scrape into finals on back of Lake, Murphy, Hudson and Hall. No development from younger group like Hill, Wood, Grant, Higgins, etc

Close to gonsky - lineball I would think - I would say gone, not sure club would.

Finals Scenario 2 - We scrape into finals on back of great performances from our younger players like Grant, Higgins, Hill, (yes Stack), Wood, etc

Pass - 1-2 yr extension

No finals


We make a prelim or better

1-2yr extension

23-05-2011, 11:27 PM
Not different to what I said in my initial post.

Pass mark - hard to say.

Finals Scenario 1 - We scrape into finals on back of Lake, Murphy, Hudson and Hall. No development from younger group like Hill, Wood, Grant, Higgins, etcClose to gonsky - lineball I would think - I would say gone, not sure club would.

Finals Scenario 2 - We scrape into finals on back of great performances from our younger players like Grant, Higgins, Hill, (yes Stack), Wood, etc
Pass - 1-2 yr extension

No finals

We make a prelim or better
1-2yr extension

Sounds fair.

I would like to see more debuts as well this year to help prepare us to replace all the 30 plus year olds over the next couple of years.

23-05-2011, 11:33 PM
Sounds fair.

I would like to see more debuts as well this year to help prepare us to replace all the 30 plus year olds over the next couple of years.

Great we agree I can go to bed with clear mind.;)

But in referring 'all the 30 plus year olds' we are steering dangerously close to my hobby horse that we should have traded some of our older players while they had currency in order to rebalance the list with quality youth. Reckon that ship has nearly sailed though.

23-05-2011, 11:37 PM
As much as I disagree with sacking Eade.
For contructive debate I don't think Cameron would be the right fit, IMO we need a coach from outside of the club who has not played or formed friendships with our players.
That way he can come in and have an unbiased opinion and make the right choices.
I also would not strike out Malthouse, he is strict and get the players well drilled and they play disciplined football.
Something lacking at the Doggoes at the moment.

I agree somethings lacking at the moment, but Malthouse isn't going to fix it. If this had been 2 years ago we would be falling overourselves to get Allison or Bomber Thompson to the club. Now that thet Pies are the best thing since sliced bread all sins are forgiven and Mick the traitor Malthouse is welcomed back with open arms.......why don't we just extend the olive branch to Terry Wheeler or Alan Joyce or Terry Wallace........

23-05-2011, 11:39 PM
I'll start by saying that rocket has been a good coach for the club, however, he has lost the players. I was concerned with him since last year, I think finishing 4th flattered us. At the b&f rocket said he was pleased that we had 10 scoring shots in last Qtr against saints. Big deal! The game was lost in 3rd Qtr.

This year he keeps saying that we have won just as many qtrs as collingwood. Who cares? We need to win games.

Our game plan hasn't evolved with the rest of the competition.

24-05-2011, 12:14 AM
Mate a lot of this is wrong. Eade only went after the president made it clear he would not be reappointed, so rewrite history if you like but don't expect me to swallow your revisionism

You're undoing your own argument here. Eade was not sacked mid-season as you claim. I'm not the one rewriting history.

And Hird made no changes to his list maybe because he was too late getting to the club to do so.

Not sure Bachar Houli and Jason Laycock will share the view that no changes were made to the list. Not sure how comfortable Jay Neagle is on the Rookie List either.

And the fact was Sheedy was moved on after a sustained period of no success post their 2000 flag. (roughly about as long as Eade has been at the club).

Before that, Essendon had gone 8 years without a flag (85-93) followed by another 7. Why is post 2000 so different? 27 years is a bloody long time.

So no I don't accept your arguments, and yes it should be pretty cut and dried that the coach goes if the team's performance isn't there (and stays if it is) Simple fact is we can't sack 40 players.

But as you've identified, if things have turned around then he should stay.

Your original point was that the argument that successful clubs don't sack coaches mid-season is wrong. You'vesince put up nothing credible to support it.

24-05-2011, 12:55 AM
Leon Cameron is not the answer.

We need someone from a successful background who dosen't have a relationship with any of the playing group so that hard decisions can be made.

24-05-2011, 08:29 AM
Leon Cameron is not the answer.

We need someone from a successful background who dosen't have a relationship with any of the playing group so that hard decisions can be made.

When Paul Roos started coaching at Sydney Swans, he did not have a successful background and he already had a relationship with the players..........they achieved ultimate success.

24-05-2011, 08:41 AM
When Paul Roos started coaching at Sydney Swans, he did not have a successful background and he already had a relationship with the players..........they achieved ultimate success.

What exactly has Leon Cameron done at the Bulldogs or Hawthorn that has you convinced he is the right man for the job?

Any specific examples of structures, game plans or examples of his ability to man manage?

24-05-2011, 09:36 AM
What exactly has Leon Cameron done at the Bulldogs or Hawthorn that has you convinced he is the right man for the job?

Any specific examples of structures, game plans or examples of his ability to man manage?

I didn't say he was definately the man, i'm just trying to say that you can't just rule him out because he hasn't won a premiership or because he has a relationship with the players

24-05-2011, 09:41 AM
I didn't say he was definately the man, i'm just trying to say that you can't just rule him out because he hasn't won a premiership or because he has a relationship with the players

But what is about about his coaching ability has you 'not ruling him out'?

24-05-2011, 10:07 AM
But what is about about his coaching ability has you 'not ruling him out'?

I'm not qualified to say whether he will be a good coach or not, most people on this forum wouldn't be able to comment on current assistant coaches unless they are in the inner sanctum.

But to answer your question, i obviously like the fact that he is a Bulldog at heart and that he has done an appreticeship at two different clubs.

If you read my posts, I have not called for him to be immediately signed, i'm just pointing out that you can't dismiss somebody because they have not played in a premiership or because they have a relationship with the players....and i used evidence (Paul Roos) to back up my arguement.

24-05-2011, 10:08 AM
But what is about about his coaching ability has you 'not ruling him out'?

what would anyone really know about any assistant coach in the league though?

24-05-2011, 10:08 AM
I wouldn't want our coach to be someone who has coached our group before in any capacity.

The group needs to be energised, and as much as I respect Eade's ability, I'm not sure that energy can come from our current list of football staff.
Who of our players has increased their currency this year?

Jones perhaps? Was always going to happen to a young KPP after 4 games last year.
Minson worked super-hard and has helped his cause. Sherman is about as good or slightly better than expectations suggested.
Markovic, Wallis & Libba have - but they had no currency to begin with, being debutants this year.
Grant has gone backwards, a 3 year deal to Djerkurra looks shaky already, Roughy was treading water and is now injured. Take out the Richmond game and Ward is about back to his debut season.

The Pie Man
24-05-2011, 10:10 AM
what would anyone really know about any assistant coach in the league though?

Outsiders (i.e footy public) do have precious little to go off - how they present in the media is about the only thing I can think of, which can only vaguely hint at their philosophies.

24-05-2011, 10:29 AM
what would anyone really know about any assistant coach in the league though?

I agree, which is why it's odd to start a thread debating the merits of one assistant compared to another.

24-05-2011, 10:34 AM
When Paul Roos started coaching at Sydney Swans, he did not have a successful background and he already had a relationship with the players..........they achieved ultimate success.

There have been several ex players who have made the transition to coach of the club they played with..

John Worsfold
James Hird - 8 games doesnt make a trend
Dean Laidley
Brett Rattern

24-05-2011, 11:11 AM
I think Chocco Williams will come into contention if we can't get Malthouse

24-05-2011, 11:16 AM
I think Chocco Williams will come into contention if we can't get Malthouse

Choco Williams is at GWS and is seen as the person most likely to replace Sheedy as head coach after a couple of seasons.

always right
24-05-2011, 11:20 AM
I'd like Brereton as coach. He has an amazing football intellect...just ask him.

24-05-2011, 11:22 AM
I'm a Rocket advocate and think he can adapt. Why he hasn't up until now I don't know which does cause me some concern. If the Football Dept feels they need to change could we hire a rookie coach like Scott West who has been looking after the Melbourne mids? At least he has some exposure, would be a good fit and is cheap. Could he be supported by a more senior assistant who has had AFL coaching experience?

24-05-2011, 11:23 AM
Bzzz, wrong. Eade Walked mid season.

Knights was sacked at the end of the season, and a thorough process was undertaken to replace him. Sheedy coached for 27 seasons and 600 games for 4 premierships, and survived calls for his sacking several times through that time.

But why does it seem that sacking the coach seems to be the only option offered up here?Why aren't you asking for the playing group to be made accountable as well?

If our season is shot by Round 18 I can see Eade walking of his own accord, the same as how he walked from Sydney... Oh, wait, you forgot about that bit. Why does a coach have to be moved on by Round 18 to ensure he's in place for the trade period? Hird came in well after the end of Essendon's season and was making

I can imagine that this playing group would frustrate him to tears at times and there will come a stage where he'll have had enough.

By your own logic if the club does turn itself around then Eade should be kept. It all seems pretty cut and dry in your world.

To think Eade wasn't pushed is to be naive

always right
24-05-2011, 11:30 AM
Got it the first time:)

Nuggety Back Pocket
24-05-2011, 11:53 AM
I'm a Rocket advocate and think he can adapt. Why he hasn't up until now I don't know which does cause me some concern. If the Football Dept feels they need to change could we hire a rookie coach like Scott West who has been looking after the Melbourne mids? At least he has some exposure, would be a good fit and is cheap. Could he be supported by a more senior assistant who has had AFL coaching experience?

The club could do a lot worse than to talk to both West and Cameron, who are both well regarded. Ratten, whom I met last week for the first time has cemented his position at Carlton. A hard nosed player who was taken on trust at Carlton and is now succeeding.
Chris Scott, James Hird and Damien Hardwick have all revitalised their team's fortunes, which rather suggests if you can get the right person,then change is good.
Rodney Eade has served our club well and should be given every possibility to continue, but there would need to be a compelling case and improvement in the second half of the season, for his services to be retained.

24-05-2011, 12:22 PM
There have been several ex players who have made the transition to coach of the club they played with..

John Worsfold - just squeaked in a flag with the one of the best midfield groups ever, in a very week period. Has also won a spoon.

James Hird – proven nothing

Dean Laidley – won nothing

Brett Rattern – proven nothing

Not a very compelling list.

Kelso @ Mt Eliza
24-05-2011, 12:41 PM
John Worsfold - just squeaked in a flag with the one of the best midfield groups ever, in a very week period. Has also won a spoon.

James Hird – proven nothing

Dean Laidley – won nothing

Brett Rattern – proven nothing

Not a very compelling list.

What is your critique of Rodney Eade comrade.... most would say successful.. and indeed our most successful... does that mean he 'deserves' the remainder of the season to turn our ship... will history prove as harsh on rocket as it currently proves on these three in your eyes?

There seems to be a feeling amongst the posts that is is too early to react, and too harsh on rocket to pull up stumps before season end. I particularly do not agree with those assessments as I have made clear throughout my brief posting history on this site. But I don't want to keep repeating my thoughts.. the fact that I have tried to start this dialogue shows where my views lay.. and they are not with Rodney...
Whilst i'm at it.. I also do not believe that Smorgon's apology is justified yesterday.. it comes across as a sign of weakness in my book... why does it need to be communicated? it will serve as marker for the press and nothing more.. poor leadership in my eyes..maybe I might think differently in a few days.. but at present I would much rather see actions, see some direction, see some heart.. see some counter press intiatives.. and no longer have to hear words and excuses from Rocket and Smorgo.. it is beginning to remind me of Plough's exit at Richmond where he talked about process every 5 minutes.. will be an interesting month ahead... looking forward to it serving as turning point nonetheless...

24-05-2011, 12:44 PM
Essential -rutless and street smart do anything to get the 4 points and obsessed with getting the club a premiership
As a long time supporter we have had 2 coaches only who had these characteristics -Goggin and Malthouse. Iwill give you a few examples Goggin in a game at Essendon swapped the jumper numbers of a few players (which was illegal at the time) to confuse the opposition -it worked a treat -we won by 100 points -kicked a record score. He also dropped Laurie Sandilands who was captain at the time for a couple of games .Goggin kept saying a premiership a Footscray premiership not 4th or 5th had to be the goal
With Malthouse he didnt care whose ego he pricked eg Hardie ,and he wouldnt play Beasley in the wet ,and from memory when he was at West Coast he also dropped his captain Malaxos from an entire finals campaign.

No more media savvy coaches (Eade and Wallace) we want some one who craves a premiership.

the banker
24-05-2011, 12:45 PM
There are only a very small handful of coaches that achieve ultimate success.
Malthouse Thompson Clarkson Roos Worsfold Williams Matthews - thats 7 in the past 10 years. They also coached quite a few runners up. Don't know how many others there were that failed - lots.

Rocket has had real success at the Dogs and I think he can still get a result with this group if they are on board. The Grant Thomas and Jason Akermanis comments are resonating with me. Have thought the leadership group has been weak for a while. Comments on by Aker on Gia and Cooney seem relevant even given Akers issues. Not knowing but Brian Lakes attitude seems a problem?

If there is dissention amongst the leadership group and Rocket, they need to talk it out and move on quickly. Or those with an issue should give up their leadership role and concentrate on tehir own games.

24-05-2011, 12:48 PM
With these 6 we just couldn't turn that many guys over so based on form/injuries and our secession plan who knows. In order I would retire

Hahn, Gilbee, Cross, Hudson, Hall, Murphy

Pretty harsh on Murphy. Would probably be winning our B&F atm. Cross is the other harsh one, but i understand the justification with him, especially when you consider the mixture of similiar players at the club (hard at it one paced players like Boyd, Addison, Ward, Reid, Liberatore).

Also we should go out and get a true leader before a new coach, someone that demands the team do the right thing just like J.Brown, I have been concerned with things I heard about the likes of Higgins promised leadership roles, Cooney to me isn't a good fit either.

But realistically where do you find another Jonathan Brown? How many are in the entire league? There would be barely any. I agree that I would love a leader of the ilk of Brown, but you can't just go out and "recruit" one.

24-05-2011, 12:54 PM
Although I'm not necessarily advocating for a change of coach I do advocate for a change in our leadership culture across the board.

Should Rodney take sole responsibility for all of this ? I don't think so although that's not to say he may now inadvertantly be playing some part in the cultural issue. I do feel it would be short sighted and narrow minded to simply change the coach as the panacea to our fall when there are more systemic issues regarding broader leadership, list management and development that has been going on for many years.

Cultural and leadership issues aside I am concerned with our inability to play with intent to the modern game plan. The injuries to key players has not helped our cause but it is concerning how amateurish we have looked trying to handball our way out and generally cope with Collingwood's and West Coast's press. This is an area that Rodney should take responsibility for.

If we must entertain a change to our coaching panel I would be giving Scott Burns a call as he has been able to get his troops engaged and with great discipline to the modern game plan. Getting him though will be no easy task as I suspect Buckley probably has him high on his shopping list.

24-05-2011, 12:56 PM
But realistically where do you find another Jonathan Brown? How many are in the entire league? There would be barely any. I agree that I would love a leader of the ilk of Brown, but you can't just go out and "recruit" one.

St Kilda did, they went out and bought Aaron Hamil, who they credit for turning around their on field culture. Not saying it's easy, or that there's even a candidate around at the moment, but it can be done.

24-05-2011, 01:44 PM
There have been several ex players who have made the transition to coach of the club they played with..

John Worsfold
James Hird - 8 games doesnt make a trend
Dean Laidley
Brett Rattern

I could coach Carlton with that many number 1 draft picks. :D

What is your critique of Rodney Eade comrade.... most would say successful.. and indeed our most successful... does that mean he 'deserves' the remainder of the season to turn our ship... will history prove as harsh on rocket as it currently proves on these three in your eyes?

There seems to be a feeling amongst the posts that is is too early to react, and too harsh on rocket to pull up stumps before season end. I particularly do not agree with those assessments as I have made clear throughout my brief posting history on this site. But I don't want to keep repeating my thoughts.. the fact that I have tried to start this dialogue shows where my views lay.. and they are not with Rodney...
Whilst i'm at it.. I also do not believe that Smorgon's apology is justified yesterday.. it comes across as a sign of weakness in my book... why does it need to be communicated? it will serve as marker for the press and nothing more.. poor leadership in my eyes..maybe I might think differently in a few days.. but at present I would much rather see actions, see some direction, see some heart.. see some counter press intiatives.. and no longer have to hear words and excuses from Rocket and Smorgo.. it is beginning to remind me of Plough's exit at Richmond where he talked about process every 5 minutes.. will be an interesting month ahead... looking forward to it serving as turning point nonetheless...

I would like to see Rocket continue as coach. I believe that he has tried to win a premiership with this group by tweaking and adding some quality players along the journey. His plans didn't work but so didn't 15 other coaches every season! He is a intelligent coach who may have to rebuild the list and deserves another crack at it. It took Mick Malthouse 10 years to win a premiership at Collingwood. Yes they made two previous grand finals but it took 7 years of rebuilding the team to finally win it. We have been pretty close to making the GF too. Eade can coach and there is no doubt about that. He is our most successful couch to date without winning the big one. Why get another coach who might make us go backwards rather than forward. Eade wants a premiership just as much as you and me. We have had some well documented changes to our team this season and it might be one step back to take two steps forward.

It's a delicate decision that needs to be made but I'm still strongly in Eade's corner.

Kelso @ Mt Eliza
24-05-2011, 01:59 PM
Have thought the leadership group has been weak for a while. Comments on by Aker on Gia and Cooney seem relevant even given Akers issues. Not knowing but Brian Lakes attitude seems a problem?

If there is dissention amongst the leadership group and Rocket, they need to talk it out and move on quickly. Or those with an issue should give up their leadership role and concentrate on tehir own games.

Agree with these comments.... i was told by a 'source' that Rocket and Brian had a falling out after the Collingwood game.. and that his playing for Williamstown banishment was more to do with attitude reasons, and far less to do with form as was reported in the media at the time...

I would hope that if this is indeed true, that it was addressed soon after and not left to fester.. there has been plenty made of Brian's attitude... but what if he is not an orphan here.. and what his his side if indeed this rumour and inuendo is near true...

Also... strongly disagree with some posts against Bob Murphy... he has been a shining light to date this season and has really turned it around... have to say I am now a big Bob Murphy fan.. even Gilbee is worthy of a further chance to prove his worth... Gia, Hudson & Grant however... must be banished to willy...
also... am I alone to think that J.Hill is being harsly dealt with? his form does not seem to warrant the in and out nature of his spot in the team.. I would perservere with him on a HBF, Wing or HFF and allow him freedom to create..

24-05-2011, 02:12 PM
Agree with these comments.... i was told by a 'source' that Rocket and Brian had a falling out after the Collingwood game.. and that his playing for Williamstown banishment was more to do with attitude reasons, and far less to do with form as was reported in the media at the time...

I would hope that if this is indeed true, that it was addressed soon after and not left to fester.. there has been plenty made of Brian's attitude... but what if he is not an orphan here.. and what his his side if indeed this rumour and inuendo is near true...

Also... strongly disagree with some posts against Bob Murphy... he has been a shining light to date this season and has really turned it around... have to say I am now a big Bob Murphy fan.. even Gilbee is worthy of a further chance to prove his worth... Gia, Hudson & Grant however... must be banished to willy...
also... am I alone to think that J.Hill is being harsly dealt with? his form does not seem to warrant the in and out nature of his spot in the team.. I would perservere with him on a HBF, Wing or HFF and allow him freedom to create..

Outside of a 6 goal one off game up forward Gilbee's form for the last 18 months has been abysmal. With better list management, fewer injuries, or stronger selection decisions he'd be playing at Willi.

Kelso @ Mt Eliza
24-05-2011, 02:26 PM
Outside of a 6 goal one off game up forward Gilbee's form for the last 18 months has been abysmal. With better list management, fewer injuries, or stronger selection decisions he'd be playing at Willi.

Fair call - I stand corrected after some thought.. perhaps the Richmond game has made me lighten my appraisal.. truth be told I was keen to have him up as trade bait at the end of last year along with Gia in the hope of luring some draft picks from GC... having said that though... I was also not upset when we retained them since I believed we were at 11.47PM on the premiership clock... seems we forgot to allow for daylight savings...

Ghost Dog
24-05-2011, 02:31 PM
Essential -rutless and street smart do anything to get the 4 points and obsessed with getting the club a premiership
As a long time supporter we have had 2 coaches only who had these characteristics -Goggin and Malthouse. Iwill give you a few examples Goggin in a game at Essendon swapped the jumper numbers of a few players (which was illegal at the time) to confuse the opposition -it worked a treat -we won by 100 points -kicked a record score. He also dropped Laurie Sandilands who was captain at the time for a couple of games .Goggin kept saying a premiership a Footscray premiership not 4th or 5th had to be the goal
With Malthouse he didnt care whose ego he pricked eg Hardie ,and he wouldnt play Beasley in the wet ,and from memory when he was at West Coast he also dropped his captain Malaxos from an entire finals campaign.

No more media savvy coaches (Eade and Wallace) we want some one who craves a premiership.

We will never succeed as long as we are not prepared to drop any underperforming players, without reservation, if needed and that means ANYONE - even Cross / Boyd etc.

24-05-2011, 02:39 PM
Agree with these comments.... i was told by a 'source' that Rocket and Brian had a falling out after the Collingwood game.. and that his playing for Williamstown banishment was more to do with attitude reasons, and far less to do with form as was reported in the media at the time...

Without burning your source are you able to shed any light on the 'falling out'?

I guess I'm interested in knowing more about the supposed attitude problems.

24-05-2011, 02:46 PM
Without burning your source are you able to shed any light on the 'falling out'?

I guess I'm interested in knowing more about the supposed attitude problems.

I will tell you one thing, Greystache and I watched training two weeks ago and Brian looked way out of shape. He had a session with one of the coaches running up and down, about 100m back and forth, with Hall. They didn't push themselves but Brian could barely run. Wood and Higgins also did the same and they looked good.

24-05-2011, 02:49 PM
also... am I alone to think that J.Hill is being harsly dealt with? his form does not seem to warrant the in and out nature of his spot in the team.. I would perservere with him on a HBF, Wing or HFF and allow him freedom to create..

Not alone at all.

How Hill gets dropped and Stack is allowed to play on and have his confidence completely killed is remarkable.

24-05-2011, 02:50 PM
How Hill gets dropped and Stack is allowed to dish up that sort of garbage week after week without consequence is remarkable.
Hill was much worse than Stack against Richmond and wouldn't have been in our bottom 10 against West Coast.

24-05-2011, 03:06 PM
I will tell you one thing, Greystache and I watched training two weeks ago and Brian looked way out of shape. He had a session with one of the coaches running up and down, about 100m back and forth, with Hall. They didn't push themselves but Brian could barely run. Wood and Higgins also did the same and they looked good.

As we all know he had three fairly significant back to back operations over the pre season. I'm not sure we're really giving Brian enough credit and respect here. I fear there is a production line mentality going on with his recovery timeline.

Although it is hurting us now as we desperately want him to return in all his glory, I'd prefer we err on the side of letting Brian know how how his body is fairing post op rather than having to swallow the line that 'all players play through injury', that he should be somehow pushing through it harder.

Absolutely, lets encourage him to regain his fitness and confidence but I'm struggling to condemn him for his lack of progress.

24-05-2011, 03:13 PM
As we all know he had three fairly significant back to back operations over the pre season. I'm not sure we're really giving Brian enough respect here. I fear there is a production line mentality going on with his recovery timeline.

Although it is hurting us now as we desperately want him to return in all his glory, I'd prefer we err on the side of letting Brian know how how his body is fairing post op rather than having to swollow the line that 'all players play through injury', that he should be somehow pushing through it harder.

Absolutely, lets encourage him to regain his fitness and confidence but I'm struggling to condemn him for his lack of progress.

Nobody rates Lake higher than I do, but as Bornadog said Lake looked seriously underdone. Underdone to the point where you have to wonder what's been going on, how could such a key player be so far off the pace at this time of year.

24-05-2011, 03:18 PM
Not alone at all.

How Hill gets dropped and Stack is allowed to dish up that sort of garbage week after week without consequence is remarkable.

and what sort of garbage are you referring to?

Look, I do stick up a bit for Stack, because I am prepared to give him some slack. He has played less than 20 games and shown something. Yes he does struggle with his decision making but he also shows potential. Between the development of Wood and Stack, I would say they are even. I compare them as they are fighting for a similar role in the team, and they have both played around the same number of games. Stack just needs to ensure his intensity is up nfor 100% of the game and not less as is the case sometimes.

If you are not prepared to develop players with some pain along the way, we will have to keep the older players as long as possible.

24-05-2011, 03:23 PM
Nobody rates Lake higher than I do, but as Bornadog said Lake looked seriously underdone. Underdone to the point where you have to wonder what's been going on, how could such a key player be so far off the pace at this time of year.

Having said that, I hope he plays this week, because if he can play VFL, then he can play AFL and we need him.

24-05-2011, 03:23 PM
Hill was much worse than Stack against Richmond and wouldn't have been in our bottom 10 against West Coast.

In my opinion I would prefer Hill to Stack every day of the week. Hill will fluctuate with form, but he is 10 times the footballer Stack is.

I would like to see Josh back in the forward line, he is a tricky match up and even when he is not in the game he still manages to kick goals.

This is Josh's last chance at the club as far as I can see. We have a plethora of forwards who are struggling, I just can't see how he is not given an extended run.

24-05-2011, 03:33 PM
and what sort of garbage are you referring to?

Look, I do stick up a bit for Stack, because I am prepared to give him some slack. He has played less than 20 games and shown something. Yes he does struggle with his decision making but he also shows potential. Between the development of Wood and Stack, I would say they are even. I compare them as they are fighting for a similar role in the team, and they have both played around the same number of games. Stack just needs to ensure his intensity is up nfor 100% of the game and not less as is the case sometimes.

If you are not prepared to develop players with some pain along the way, we will have to keep the older players as long as possible.

How much slack can you give a bloke?

It's not only his decision making that is questionable, he plays purely on instinct and doesn't have the disposal to think on the run. He fumbles more time than not and offers no drive with his run or disposal. He constantly plays on and runs right into a pack of opposition players.

I 'm scratching my head at how you can compare Stack's development to Easton Wood????:eek: equal amount of games is the only similarity, their development couldn't be anymore polar opposite.

24-05-2011, 03:34 PM
Having said that, I hope he plays this week, because if he can play VFL, then he can play AFL and we need him.

I would be absolutely staggered if you really believe this....

24-05-2011, 03:35 PM
I would be absolutely staggered if you really believe this....

Should have put in a small proviso, ie as long as his fitness is up:)

24-05-2011, 03:36 PM
Nobody rates Lake higher than I do, but as Bornadog said Lake looked seriously underdone. Underdone to the point where you have to wonder what's been going on, how could such a key player be so far off the pace at this time of year.

Having said that, I hope he plays this week, because if he can play VFL, then he can play AFL and we need him.

Apologies to the OP as we're now off topic (although not all a bad thing :rolleyes:)

He's most certainly underdone in both fitness and form.

Although not unprecedented it would be a remarkable turnaround if this week he was to be selected in our first 22 and hold his own against the Hawthorn forward line.

As already conveyed his performance last week barely stood up to VFL standard, it would be a brave MC call to promote him on the output I saw.

24-05-2011, 03:38 PM
Although I'm not necessarily advocating for a change of coach I do advocate for a change in our leadership culture across the board.
Should Rodney take sole responsibility for all of this ? I don't think so although that's not to say he may now inadvertantly be playing some part in the cultural issue. I do feel it would be short sighted and narrow minded to simply change the coach as the panacea to our fall when there are more systemic issues regarding broader leadership, list management and development that has been going on for many years.

Cultural and leadership issues aside I am concerned with our inability to play with intent to the modern game plan. The injuries to key players has not helped our cause but it is concerning how amateurish we have looked trying to handball our way out and generally cope with Collingwood's and West Coast's press. This is an area that Rodney should take responsibility for.

If we must entertain a change to our coaching panel I would be giving Scott Burns a call as he has been able to get his troops engaged and with great discipline to the modern game plan. Getting him though will be no easy task as I suspect Buckley probably has him high on his shopping list.

This sounds great but what does it mean? Dropping players as an example? Ommitting others from the group? Sorry, I don't see any cultural or leadership issues you have discussed so why do you set them aside?

24-05-2011, 03:41 PM
As already conveyed his performance last week barely stood up to VFL standard, it would be a brave MC call to promote him on the output I saw.

I wasn't there last Saturday and I am not sure whether it was you or someone else who said that Brian looked like he didn't want to be there. Is it now his fitness (we are up to round 10 for the year, so surely he is getting close to full fitness)) or his attitude and demeanour and maybe he is just better off in the AFL?

24-05-2011, 03:42 PM
Pretty harsh on Murphy. Would probably be winning our B&F atm. Cross is the other harsh one, but i understand the justification with him, especially when you consider the mixture of similiar players at the club (hard at it one paced players like Boyd, Addison, Ward, Reid, Liberatore).

But realistically where do you find another Jonathan Brown? How many are in the entire league? There would be barely any. I agree that I would love a leader of the ilk of Brown, but you can't just go out and "recruit" one.

I will assume he means he will retire Murphy in 2-3 years time.

24-05-2011, 03:46 PM
Should have put in a small proviso, ie as long as his fitness is up:)

All reports coming back is that his fitness is below the standard required so until it improves he needs to continue to play in the VFL.

24-05-2011, 03:52 PM
All reports coming back is that his fitness is below the standard required so until it improves he needs to continue to play in the VFL.

Thats fine, but why did we play him against Freo and Collingwood? Was he fit then? If so, what happened, did he reinjure himslef. I just don't get it.

24-05-2011, 03:53 PM
I wasn't there last Saturday and I am not sure whether it was you or someone else who said that Brian looked like he didn't want to be there. Is it now his fitness (we are up to round 10 for the year, so surely he is getting close to full fitness)) or his attitude and demeanour and maybe he is just better off in the AFL?

Or is it his attitude toward training that is affecting his fitness? I can't understand if he's been training at 100% intensity for the past 12 weeks how he can still be so unfit. Something doesn't add up.

24-05-2011, 04:07 PM
Or is it his attitude toward training that is affecting his fitness? I can't understand if he's been training at 100% intensity for the past 12 weeks how he can still be so unfit. Something doesn't add up.

Yes thats what I am saying. We haven't been told the truth.

24-05-2011, 06:15 PM
Or is it his attitude toward training that is affecting his fitness? I can't understand if he's been training at 100% intensity for the past 12 weeks how he can still be so unfit. Something doesn't add up.

On the Dog's Day forum there is a story about him settling his legal dispute with the Bald Eagle. We can only hope that this can become a catalyst for a lift in his mental fitness.

24-05-2011, 06:52 PM
We will never succeed as long as we are not prepared to drop any underperforming players, without reservation, if needed and that means ANYONE - even Cross / Boyd etc.

Amen to that!

24-05-2011, 07:16 PM
What exactly has Leon Cameron done at the Bulldogs or Hawthorn that has you convinced he is the right man for the job?

Any specific examples of structures, game plans or examples of his ability to man manage?

He made our mid field one of the best in the league(ans he is now doing the same with Hawthorn). He has been a huge loss IMO.

Bumper Bulldogs
24-05-2011, 07:20 PM
Pretty harsh on Murphy. Would probably be winning our B&F atm. Cross is the other harsh one, but i understand the justification with him, especially when you consider the mixture of similiar players at the club (hard at it one paced players like Boyd, Addison, Ward, Reid, Liberatore).

Don't get me wrong I agree Murphy has been fantastic, my concern is more around the talk that he is going to have a short career due to the knee problems he has. I just think they need to have a back up plan as I'm not convinced that as the years go past he could play 20 games a year.

24-05-2011, 07:22 PM
To think Eade wasn't pushed is to be naive

Perhaps, but he saw that his situation was untenable and walked, and it was a good decision in the circumstances. He wasn't dismissed by press release. If things haven't turned around then quite frankly I'd trust him to do the same. Eade seems like he'd be the type of bloke who's wise enough to know when he can do no more.

The point that was being made was that clubs with good cultures don't sack the coach mid-season. While there may have been some pushing that's completely different to simply sacking the coach.

24-05-2011, 08:37 PM
The bad loss to the Eagles last week was a culmination of poor decision making by Eade over the course of his tenure. At the time of his appointment as coach of The Bulldogs I thought that Eade was President of the Dumb Coaches Association. I have already given my reasons why I thought that Eade has lead a charmed life (ie his questionable coaching successes have been due to the influence of other people) and have previously outlined a number of his critical errors and lost opportunities.

Rather than declare that Eade is perhaps one of the most successful coaches in our history, taking us to 3 successive preliminary finals I would rather say that he has been one of the most disastrous coaches in our history and due to his poor coaching has screwed up 3 successive grandfinals.

When you make the right decisions instead of the wrong decisions you live in a completely different world.

I am very disappointed by the lack of outrage from several of the frequent posters on this forum. It was outrage from the Sydney supporters that forced Eade to resign.

Last Saturday after the match I was fortunate to run into two guys who were Bulldog employees and I gave them a lift back to their hotel. One was to do with memberships and the other equipment. I made several suggestions to them with messages for the coach, all the way back to their hotel. But, could they give a rats? No! One of them barracked for Collingwood and the other Richmond. They reckoned that there must have been a policy at the club not to employ supporters, who might like the players better than doing their job.

When we get a new coach I would hope that we employ a professional recruitment company which takes into account the candidate's intelligence. We would not have their best mates on the selection panel.

Ghost Dog
24-05-2011, 09:24 PM
The bad loss to the Eagles last week was a culmination of poor decision making by Eade over the course of his tenure. At the time of his appointment as coach of The Bulldogs I thought that Eade was President of the Dumb Coaches Association. I have already given my reasons why I thought that Eade has lead a charmed life (ie his questionable coaching successes have been due to the influence of other people) and have previously outlined a number of his critical errors and lost opportunities.

Rather than declare that Eade is perhaps one of the most successful coaches in our history, taking us to 3 successive preliminary finals I would rather say that he has been one of the most disastrous coaches in our history and due to his poor coaching has screwed up 3 successive grandfinals.

When you make the right decisions instead of the wrong decisions you live in a completely different world.

I am very disappointed by the lack of outrage from several of the frequent posters on this forum. It was outrage from the Sydney supporters that forced Eade to resign.

Last Saturday after the match I was fortunate to run into two guys who were Bulldog employees and I gave them a lift back to their hotel. One was to do with memberships and the other equipment. I made several suggestions to them with messages for the coach, all the way back to their hotel. But, could they give a rats? No! One of them barracked for Collingwood and the other Richmond. They reckoned that there must have been a policy at the club not to employ supporters, who might like the players better than doing their job.

When we get a new coach I would hope that we employ a professional recruitment company which takes into account the candidate's intelligence. We would not have their best mates on the selection panel.

What were those decisions?

There are quite a few posters here who are ready to be done with Rodney. When backed up with logic, their views are good to read, while not always agreeing with the points. Tend to skip outrage.
Clearly we are all done with the top four 'glass ceiling'.

24-05-2011, 09:31 PM
He made our mid field one of the best in the league(ans he is now doing the same with Hawthorn). He has been a huge loss IMO.

Leon is the forwardline coach at Hawthorn.

24-05-2011, 09:51 PM
Rather than declare that Eade is perhaps one of the most successful coaches in our history, taking us to 3 successive preliminary finals I would rather say that he has been one of the most disastrous coaches in our history and due to his poor coaching has screwed up 3 successive grandfinals.
2008 PF - opponent Geelong. Record 22-1. Structure up to take advantage of Geelong's defrenders peeling off. Higgins kicks 1.4 in 1st qtr on Milburn. Dogs dominate general play for most of 2nd half, kicking 0.8, 3 OOF and one from Eagle that doesn't make the distance from 35m dead in front. Oh, and two of our most important line-breakers Cooney and Murphy had fractured kneecaps. Rank outsider was 2 goals down and pressing hard approaching time-on in the last qtr and were finally killed off by wretched non-decision against Rooke on Johnson.

2009 PF - opponent St Kilda. Record 22-1. Some inspired structural match-ups (Murphy on Gilbert, Griffen on Goddard) wreak havoc on a team that conceded an average of 35 inside 50's for the season (Dogs get it inside 50 almost 60 times for the match). Gilbert terrorised and turned into a liability, ditto Goddard. Raph Clarke pulls the only excellent game he's ever had in his career out of his arse. Diving blone forward and umpire craving the spotlight conspire to shift momentum at a critical stage. Oh, and Reiwoldt's direct opponent had a fractured leg. Saints also kick 6 of 9 goals from frees, some dubious to say the least. Rank outsider who outplayed favourite and was extremely unlucky not to record a famous win.

2010 PF - opponent St Kilda. Grand finalist, one bad bouce from being premiers. Dogs had 9 players requiring surgery the week after, yet conspired to restrict fitter and fresher opponent to 4 goals in the first half, again with excellent structure and tactics. Team shot and blown away after half time to the surprise of nobody.

Failed post on so many levels it's laughable.

24-05-2011, 10:00 PM
He made our mid field one of the best in the league(ans he is now doing the same with Hawthorn). He has been a huge loss IMO.

I actually think it's been a blessing to have him go to the Hawks. I just don't think he has the temperament or the communication skills to add value to a club as a senior assistant coach let alone as a head coach.

24-05-2011, 10:01 PM
Terrific post Sedat and spot on.

24-05-2011, 10:03 PM

I am very disappointed by the lack of outrage from several of the frequent posters on this forum. It was outrage from the Sydney supporters that forced Eade to resign.

It was also the fact that Sydney told him he wouldn't be reappointed :eek:

24-05-2011, 10:11 PM
Terrific post Sedat and spot on.

what he said.

24-05-2011, 10:16 PM
Just what are you getting at Sedat? ;)

24-05-2011, 10:24 PM
Eade for mine is still the best person to coach the Doggies. Our situation this season is a combination of things whcih Eade can control and things that Eade can't control. Of the things he has been able to control he is at least breakeven.

Yes he hasn't come up with a game style that copes with the Press, but is it really that easy to change a system without changing the whole team? Some posters here assume that in a matter of one pre-season you can radically alter the way in whcih a team is structured and take players who have no foot speed and implant the genes of a 100m runner. You can't. Hence Eade plays a game plan which suits the type of players we have.

People forget that we lost over 1000 games of experience at the end of last season and have played without a further 500 games of experience for much of this year. No matter how talented the kids are they need the hard bodies and experienced heads around them to guide them. Just look at how long it has taken Carlton's kids to come good. Same with the Dee's.

I really believe that this season is a step back to take a step forward. Getting games into guys like Wood, Stack, Jones, Libba and Wallis as well as cementing roles for guys like HIll, Minson, Ward and Higgins will pay long term dividends. We can sack Eade now and restart and maybe, just maybe we will make the top 4 (though I doubt it). Most likely if we sack Eade now it will be more of the same dribble for the rest of the season as fringe guys start to play for their place on the list.

What Eade does need to do though, and I believe he has started doing this, is assessing who will be at the club at the end of 2011.

Ghost Dog
24-05-2011, 10:55 PM
Eade for mine is still the best person to coach the Doggies. Our situation this season is a combination of things whcih Eade can control and things that Eade can't control. Of the things he has been able to control he is at least breakeven.

Yes he hasn't come up with a game style that copes with the Press, but is it really that easy to change a system without changing the whole team? Some posters here assume that in a matter of one pre-season you can radically alter the way in whcih a team is structured and take players who have no foot speed and implant the genes of a 100m runner. You can't. Hence Eade plays a game plan which suits the type of players we have.

People forget that we lost over 1000 games of experience at the end of last season and have played without a further 500 games of experience for much of this year. No matter how talented the kids are they need the hard bodies and experienced heads around them to guide them. Just look at how long it has taken Carlton's kids to come good. Same with the Dee's.

I really believe that this season is a step back to take a step forward. Getting games into guys like Wood, Stack, Jones, Libba and Wallis as well as cementing roles for guys like HIll, Minson, Ward and Higgins will pay long term dividends. We can sack Eade now and restart and maybe, just maybe we will make the top 4 (though I doubt it). Most likely if we sack Eade now it will be more of the same dribble for the rest of the season as fringe guys start to play for their place on the list.

What Eade does need to do though, and I believe he has started doing this, is assessing who will be at the club at the end of 2011.

Roos' ethic - Plan first, players second. St Kilda has shown that ordinary players like Gwilt, Baker and other 'pawns' can hold together a side with a few stars like Lenny Hayes and Reiwoldt to form a disciplined unit that gets results. It's no accident Lyon worked under Roos.

25-05-2011, 12:33 AM
Roos' ethic - Plan first, players second. St Kilda has shown that ordinary players like Gwilt, Baker and other 'pawns' can hold together a side with a few stars like Lenny Hayes and Reiwoldt to form a disciplined unit that gets results. It's no accident Lyon worked under Roos.

It hasn't quite worked this year for them though has it? Also its not like they have won a flag is it? I'm not saying that Eade is doing everything right, but given the options being bandied around, I'd prefer Eade to most of them.

We have deficiencies yes, but I think that they are more to do with players......senior players rather than the game plan. Guys like Gilbee have gone down hill rapidly. The game has gone past Cross and whilst he puts in 100% effort every week, poor disposal, just kill us. Cooney has been a huge disappointment this season and in Griffin and Higgins wonder whether we will ever see them live up to their high draft pick status.......

Most of all though this season has shown that whlst we struggled to keep pace with the top 4 competiitors this year, guys like Aker, Johnno, Hahn and The eagle gave us an experienced and hard bodied edge over our opponents outside the top 4. These guys have largely been replaced by kids (Sherman the only exception) - inexperienced kids. It is completely understandable that we are not doing anywhere near as well as we all thought we would. When you throw in the disrupted starts of Lake, Hargrave, Cooney and Higgins its little wonder we are where we are.

25-05-2011, 06:42 AM
Leon is the forwardline coach at Hawthorn.

How's there forward line travelling ATM?

25-05-2011, 06:49 AM
I actually think it's been a blessing to have him go to the Hawks. I just don't think he has the temperament or the communication skills to add value to a club as a senior assistant coach let alone as a head coach.

Really?, I can't see how.

May I ask how you know this about him.

Ghost Dog
25-05-2011, 07:08 AM
It hasn't quite worked this year for them though has it? Also its not like they have won a flag is it?

We have deficiencies yes, but I think that they are more to do with players......senior players rather than the game plan.

They were one bounce of a ball, a point away, from winning a final.
So lets not use their lack of a flag to say they are a rubbish team because clearly, they have been doing something right. More right than us at least.

Players fit the plan, not plan to fit players.

25-05-2011, 07:13 AM
Really?, I can't see how.

May I ask how you know this about him.

Some functions I went to last year plus some talks to people connected at the club.

25-05-2011, 07:33 AM
I like the saints comparisons. They didn't win the premiership either which is the same goal as ours and are traveling as well as us ATM. If you want talk about ifs and buts about the saints campaigns then you have to talk about ours as well.

25-05-2011, 07:42 AM
Some functions I went to last year plus some talks to people connected at the club.

Fair enough. Nice article about the matter in the Hun.

Where will Leon Cameron coach next year?

25-05-2011, 08:48 AM
How's there forward line travelling ATM?

No idea... Buddy is playing well, but I wouldn't know about the rest.

I did read early in the season Hawks fans on their BF board questioning Cameron's role, but now that they are winning they probably think he is the best thing since sliced bread.

25-05-2011, 09:04 AM
I'm not so sure about Cameron. I'm of the opinion i would like a coach who has never been in the Bulldogs' system. It would be nice to get a fresh start with a fresh outlook and ideas. Yes he is with Hawthorn now but he was assistant to Eade for 6 years. But if he is a perfect fit for the role, and i trust Smorgon to make the right choice, then why not.

25-05-2011, 09:36 AM
It hasn't quite worked this year for them though has it? Also its not like they have won a flag is it? I'm not saying that Eade is doing everything right, but given the options being bandied around, I'd prefer Eade to most of them.We have deficiencies yes, but I think that they are more to do with players......senior players rather than the game plan. Guys like Gilbee have gone down hill rapidly. The game has gone past Cross and whilst he puts in 100% effort every week, poor disposal, just kill us. Cooney has been a huge disappointment this season and in Griffin and Higgins wonder whether we will ever see them live up to their high draft pick status.......

Most of all though this season has shown that whlst we struggled to keep pace with the top 4 competiitors this year, guys like Aker, Johnno, Hahn and The eagle gave us an experienced and hard bodied edge over our opponents outside the top 4. These guys have largely been replaced by kids (Sherman the only exception) - inexperienced kids. It is completely understandable that we are not doing anywhere near as well as we all thought we would. When you throw in the disrupted starts of Lake, Hargrave, Cooney and Higgins its little wonder we are where we are.

Yes that's right I agree

25-05-2011, 09:45 AM
He made our mid field one of the best in the league(ans he is now doing the same with Hawthorn). He has been a huge loss IMO.
Jon Ralph certainly gave a positive write up on Cameron.

I would think our recruiting over the past decade made our midfield one of the best in the preceding seasons.

25-05-2011, 11:01 AM
2008 PF - opponent Geelong.

2009 PF - opponent St Kilda. Record 22-1.

2010 PF - opponent St Kilda. Grand finalist, one bad bouce from being premiers.

Failed post on so many levels it's laughable.

Eloquently put, but it'll fall on deaf ears I'm afraid.

Unfortunately Mr Cuming has a rule, never let the facts get in the way of a good rant against Rocket.

25-05-2011, 12:40 PM
2008 PF - opponent Geelong. Record 22-1. Structure up to take advantage of Geelong's defenders peeling off. Higgins kicks 1.4 in 1st qtr on Milburn. Dogs dominate general play for most of 2nd half, kicking 0.8, 3 OOF and one from Eagle that doesn't make the distance from 35m dead in front. Oh, and two of our most important line-breakers Cooney and Murphy had fractured kneecaps. Rank outsider was 2 goals down and pressing hard approaching time-on in the last qtr and were finally killed off by wretched non-decision against Rooke on Johnson.

2009 PF - opponent St Kilda. Record 22-1. Some inspired structural match-ups (Murphy on Gilbert, Griffen on Goddard) wreak havoc on a team that conceded an average of 35 inside 50's for the season (Dogs get it inside 50 almost 60 times for the match). Gilbert terrorised and turned into a liability, ditto Goddard. Raph Clarke pulls the only excellent game he's ever had in his career out of his arse. Diving blonde forward and umpire craving the spotlight conspire to shift momentum at a critical stage. Oh, and Reiwoldt's direct opponent had a fractured leg. Saints also kick 6 of 9 goals from frees, some dubious to say the least. Rank outsider who outplayed favourite and was extremely unlucky not to record a famous win.

2010 PF - opponent St Kilda. Grand finalist, one bad bounce from being premiers. Dogs had 9 players requiring surgery the week after, yet conspired to restrict fitter and fresher opponent to 4 goals in the first half, again with excellent structure and tactics. Team shot and blown away after half time to the surprise of nobody.

Failed post on so many levels it's laughable.

Love your work Sedat.

Eade is the best available coach for the bulldogs.

25-05-2011, 01:02 PM
Love it Sedat.

Hey, some of us called for those exact match-ups here on WOOF (especially the 2009PF Murph on Gilbert, Griff on Goddard ones -- can't be bothered going and pulling up the posts) and sometimes copped howls of derision, but if we're calling Rocket inspired, does that mean some of us are also tactical geniuses? (Or more likely, talk so much crap that sometimes we are right by accident?)

25-05-2011, 01:07 PM
Love it Sedat.

Hey, some of us called for those exact match-ups here on WOOF (especially the 2009PF Murph on Gilbert, Griff on Goddard ones -- can't be bothered going and pulling up the posts) and sometimes copped howls of derision, but if we're calling Rocket inspired, does that mean some of us are also tactical geniuses? (Or more likely, talk so much crap that sometimes we are right by accident?)
I definitely fit into the latter camp :D

25-05-2011, 05:24 PM
...some of us are also tactical geniuses?

Eade was called a genius post Tiges for playing Gilbee forward...as I said at the time, he also played forward against Freo - was he a genius then as well?

Players make coaches tactical geniuses.

26-05-2011, 07:40 PM
Eade was called a genius post Tiges for playing Gilbee forward...as I said at the time, he also played forward against Freo - was he a genius then as well?

Players make coaches tactical geniuses.

And who recruit and develop the players?? Chicken and egg really.

26-05-2011, 07:56 PM
Perhaps, but he saw that his situation was untenable and walked, and it was a good decision in the circumstances. He wasn't dismissed by press release. If things haven't turned around then quite frankly I'd trust him to do the same. Eade seems like he'd be the type of bloke who's wise enough to know when he can do no more.

The point that was being made was that clubs with good cultures don't sack the coach mid-season. While there may have been some pushing that's completely different to simply sacking the coach.

Don't wish to harp on this but you are playing semantics and you are very wrong. If I am your manager and call you into my office and say. 'You will not have a job in 3 months' - is your contract not renewed or are you sacked? The effect is the same. In not being asked to leave immediately (possibly because his boss wasn't talking to him) he was told choose your way to die - slow poison until Rd 22 or quick bullet now. Rocket chose the bullet.

And if you go to Rocket's authorised biography, Rocket Science, Mike Sheehan's article is reprinted and article clearly states Rocket was 'dumped', as this was clearly Rocket's own view, can I suggest again that you are mistaken.

The quote is "Rodney Eade was damaged goods when the Swans dumped him in Sydney Harbour mid-season in 2002"


30-05-2011, 11:10 PM
Watching Footy Classified, can't believe what i am hearing.

Hutchy putting forward his so called plan for the Bulldogs, saying we should trade Murphy, Gilbee. Lake, Minson etc... retire Hall, phase out guys like Gia & Rocket should announce this as his last season, so the club can prepare for next year and beyond, because he has been there 10 years already.

I don't mind people like Hutchy having an opinion about Rocket and the club, but get your facts right.

Hutchy, Rocket hasn't been at the cub for 10 years. He first started coaching in 2005, if you're going to lay the boots into a guy who is down, get it right first.

30-05-2011, 11:18 PM
Watching Footy Classified, can't believe what i am hearing.

Hutchy putting forward his so called plan for the Bulldogs, saying we should trade Murphy, Gilbee. Lake, Minson etc... retire Hall, phase out guys like Gia & Rocket should announce this as his last season, so the club can prepare for next year and beyond, because he has been there 10 years already.

I don't mind people like Hutchy having an opinion about Rocket and the club, but get your facts right.

Hutchy, Rocket hasn't been at the cub for 10 years. He first started coaching in 2005, if you're going to lay the boots into a guy who is down, get it right first.

That means we won't have any one at the club over 25 years old:eek:

30-05-2011, 11:21 PM
That means we won't have any one at the club over 25 years old:eek:

No, but by Hutchy's ridiculous "plan", in 2015 we'd have Coons, Griff and Morris as senior leaders...

31-05-2011, 07:07 AM
Watching Footy Classified, can't believe what i am hearing.

Hutchy putting forward his so called plan for the Bulldogs, saying we should trade Murphy, Gilbee. Lake, Minson etc... retire Hall, phase out guys like Gia & Rocket should announce this as his last season, so the club can prepare for next year and beyond, because he has been there 10 years already.

I don't mind people like Hutchy having an opinion about Rocket and the club, but get your facts right.

Hutchy, Rocket hasn't been at the cub for 10 years. He first started coaching in 2005, if you're going to lay the boots into a guy who is down, get it right first.

We could not do the above as it would send us spiraling down the ladder for many years. In which time the likes of Cooney and Griffen would be at the twilight of their careers. Not too mention we could not afford to lose even more members.

31-05-2011, 09:35 AM
We could not do the above as it would send us spiraling down the ladder for many years. In which time the likes of Cooney and Griffen would be at the twilight of their careers. Not too mention we could not afford to lose even more members.

Yeah and we would be using Cooney and Griffen as our scapegoats as they would be the future Gia and Gilbees nand we would be asking them to retire:D

31-05-2011, 11:55 AM
Caroline Wilson shot his plan down pretty quickly. Actually, I agree with much of what she said last night. The only thing from Hutchy that I agreed with, was that there needs to be a few players phased out this year if things don't improve. I guess there are a few players who have 13 games to put forth their best case for being retained.

31-05-2011, 12:10 PM
Hutchy wants to jettison players for draft picks in a draft that is raped by GWS!!!!!!!! Say no more.

31-05-2011, 12:22 PM
And who recruit and develop the players?? Chicken and egg really.


Gilbee played forward against Freo - no impact.
Gilbee played forward against Richmond (2 weeks later) - 6 goals.

What are you talking about? Are you trying to say that it was the development of Gilbee - a 10 year vet - in the two weeks between those games that made the difference to his output?

What chicken and egg are you talking about? If you want to look at whether youngsters are improving from season to season, then yeah - some of that is on the coach...the fact is though that some improve in leaps and bounds and others stagnate - even when exposed to the same teachings. Why is that? People looking to blame the coach will say 'Well, he just didn't find a way to communicate with player x' whilst ignoring the results achieved with 'player y'. Others still will say that 'player x' "simply didn't work hard enough".

There is truth in all of that but Gilbee playing well one week and poorly the next in the same ROLE says more about him than Eade and the match committee.

31-05-2011, 04:59 PM
That means we won't have any one at the club over 25 years old:eek:

What made it worse, was the fact he had Skinner in the list of players for the future.

I know he might be showing some signs at Williamstown, but it's stretching the argument a bit.

31-05-2011, 06:06 PM
Caroline Wilson shot his plan down pretty quickly. Actually, I agree with much of what she said last night. The only thing from Hutchy that I agreed with, was that there needs to be a few players phased out this year if things don't improve. I guess there are a few players who have 13 games to put forth their best case for being retained.

What did Caroline have to say?

31-05-2011, 06:28 PM
When the club planned for 2011 I am sure they would not have expected the sharp deterioration in our key players, from injury, age or weariness at having gone to the well once too often.

Lake, Hudson, Cooney, Higgins, Hargrave, Gilbee, Hall et al have all dropped off the pace. The experience of Eagle, Johnson and even Aker is no longer.

So a group of young players is thrust into the limelight and expected to play with the wisdom and experience of veterans. They cannot sustain it, especially with our core missing in action.

Hard to gain confidence in this situation, no matter how hard you try, given the defensive way the game is played now and how accuracy in disposal and intuitive decision making have become the essence.

Maybe Rocket has passed his use by date. I don't know. But what I do know is that, on last week's effort, we are in there trying, and we demonstrated some flashes of excellent play.

To lose the players we have is NOT the fault of the coach.

It's how he develops the team from here that I will be watching, especially as he appears to have at his disposal a number of players who are not yet ready or who appear to resist sheer hard physical contact in order to get the ball. And especially as we can expect to lose more games than we win.

Continually swapping the team around and just putting in more young players is a recipe for disaster. I feel we have a huge task in managing our list...managing the older players so they don't succumb to injury and weariness, and managing our younger players so they don't develop a losing mentality from being asked to do too much too soon. They certainly can't be expected to lead the game plan on the field when it is stuttering. Neither Wallis nor Libba have the engines yet.

I also assume the bang the ball into the forward line in any old fashion is a result of the fact that we can't beat the press with handball and our inaccurate kicking to a forward would open us up on the counter attack. Are we saving legs by just kicking it and hoping? Is this an admission we are not good enough?

31-05-2011, 06:37 PM
I,m just waiting for someone to start the rumour that Brian Royal had a meeting with Smorgon :rolleyes:


10-07-2011, 08:28 PM
Essential Competencies:
Must be able to beat a top 4 team, must be able to develop, foster and improve young talent, must not play favourites, must instil confidence and inspire the group.. and most importantly must be able to counter the press (not the print variety - but the forward zone variety).[/B]Previous applicants need not apply....
Can we start some dialogue on the best new talent available to replace Rocket?
Can think of nothing better or more productive at present - it is good therapy...

Who's the next Chris Scott? Who is the next Damien Hardwick? Do we have a Bulldogs version of the Essendon strategy.. i.e. Senior mentor above a club great?

Any thoughts?


Here's a thought for you Kelso:

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

10-07-2011, 08:32 PM

Here's a thought for you Kelso:

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

Stuff waiting for the end of season ... The biggest vote of confidence we can give both the coaching and playing group is to sign Eade NOW !!

(Maybe Callan Ward will follow suit !!)

10-07-2011, 08:53 PM
Nope wait til the end of the season. I said in the bad times that I'm ok with Eade staying if he does x and x and so far he has responded brilliantly however I still want a full review of everything and that can only occur at the end of the season.

Re-signing now just smacks of doing something on emotion.

10-07-2011, 09:01 PM
The one thing the last 4 weeks have proved is Eade has not lost the players and after today they proved they believe in him.
Wait until the end of the year only if he isnt getting poached.
Dont wait until its too late.
I suppose after the last few Eade interviews he wants to stay anyway.

10-07-2011, 09:13 PM
He is a fine coach who wants to be there and the players still believe in him. That will do me nicely

10-07-2011, 09:28 PM
Actually quite funny what Kelso posted in hindsight, Hardwick?? Hird? did he want us to go backwards?

10-07-2011, 09:58 PM
The Mark Stevens' article on Gilbee includes this -

Gilbee has played in the past three wins and credits Eade with sparking the revival.

"Rodney's teaching methods are so good. Even though it's been a testing time this year, I think his true coaching has probably come out in the hardest of times and you realise how good he is," he said.

11-07-2011, 09:56 AM
"Rodney's teaching methods are so good. Even though it's been a testing time this year, I think his true coaching has probably come out in the hardest of times and you realise how good he is," he said.
Sounds similar to what Mick Malthouse says about coaching.

Nuggety Back Pocket
12-07-2011, 01:47 PM
[QUOTE=Maddog37;216493]I think Sanderson or Neeld would be ideal.

Sanderson or Neeld - now we are humming...

I'm sure there are a raft of options inside the current framework of assistant coaches throughout the league... an immediate scouting process with a coaching steering commitee in place should be the way to go...

Whilst no official replacement will be named until due course.. behind the scenes negotiations should start to take place.. a candidate will emerge i've no doubt.

If there is to be any caretaker implemented/required in the coming weeks for the remainder of the season.. I would suggest Paul Williams - he seems a likely leader of late.

Scott Burns, Leon Cameron, Simon Goodwin, Adam Simpson, Blake Caracella and Peter Sumich as a smokey.

Then there is the alternate tried and true path with Paul Roos.

Either way, any change or suggested change will be a positive one. I am not doubting that Rocket has been tremendous for our club - however it is better to react early in these situations history has shown..

I know it's easy to take a pot from outside and suggest to know 'what is best' or 'who is best' - however it is clear from early on this season - that all is not right - let's not sit on our hands, cover our eyes and hope it turns.. decisive action sounds much more progressive don't you think?!

Some of the names you have thown up could be alright but still unproven at a senior level, which is why the likes of Malthouse and Sheedy survived for such a long time. It is hard to be critical of our past 3 pre-lim finals under Eade. Our performance against Carlton was probably our best for two years and you would have to give credit for Rocket's team placements. The emergence of Daulhaus, Wood and Jones shows promising signs plus at long last Williams at centre half back. Boyd, Griffen, Morris, Murphy and Ward have shown great leadership throughout the year with Gia's past 4-5 weeks possibly his best ever. The current signs are positive and encouraging.
We fiddle with the coaching position at our peril!