View Full Version : Chris Grant lashes Akermanis

The Coon Dog
01-06-2011, 07:59 AM
Jason Akermanis is a 'sad, lonely person': Chris Grant

Mark Stevens & Jon Ralph - Herald Sun - 1 June

WESTERN Bulldogs legend Chris Grant has described Jason Akermanis as a "sad, lonely person" who couldn't accept his sacking.

Grant, arguably the most respected figure at the Bulldogs, let fly at Akermanis after the former star's latest attack on the club.

"I don't know of anybody who thinks highly of him," Grant said.

Asked whether Akermanis was in danger of leading a lonely life, Grant replied: "I think he's a sad, lonely person now."

Grant's comments on superfooty.com.au's Front & Square program came days after Akermanis criticised current Bulldogs, including Brian Lake, Adam Cooney and Daniel Giansiracusa.

Article in full... (http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/jason-akermanis-is-a-sad-lonely-person-chris-grant/story-e6frf9jf-1226066848091)

01-06-2011, 08:05 AM
I just wish everyone involved with the Dogs would just forget about him and act like he's irrelevant.

01-06-2011, 08:28 AM
On radio this morning Aker has already dismissed Grant's comments saying he is surrounded by good people and calls the likes of Shaun Hart, Craig McRae, Dale Morris & Brad Scott close friends.

He is made mention of a 1 on 1 chat he had in his first year at the club (2007) with Grant where they spoke about the cultural issues we had.... Many of these issues are the ones he is speaking about.


In conversation on SEN Andy Maher described Aker as a mosquito bite, if you leave it alone it goes away, but if you scratch at it gets irritated and causes problems..... We just have to leave it alone and even though Granty was trying to do the right thing he is just giving Aker the opportunity to respond and inflame the situation.

01-06-2011, 08:35 AM

In conversation on SEN Andy Maher described Aker as a mosquito bite, if you leave it alone it goes away, but if you scratch at it gets irritated and causes problems..... We just have to leave it alone and even though Granty was trying to do the right thing he is just giving Aker the opportunity to respond and inflame the situation.

I'm surprised Maher said that. Was it before or after they spoke to Aker? To me Andy Maher is on your side if you are speaking to him and he is very agreeable.

Chris Grant was in a hard place with that interview, he is now a media figure so I guess being an independent person he had to answer the question as a media person first and bulldog second.
Also Chris Grant being Chris Grant he is very honest and from what I've heard on ABC radio and in the interview he is very open and honest and calls it how he see's it.

01-06-2011, 08:39 AM
In conversation on SEN Andy Maher described Aker as a mosquito bite, if you leave it alone it goes away, but if you scratch at it gets irritated and causes problems..... We just have to leave it alone and even though Granty was trying to do the right thing he is just giving Aker the opportunity to respond and inflame the situation.

Before our game on Sunday, Rocket was asked about Aker and did his best to ignore the question and give no response. Terry Wallace and Maher both agreed that giving no response was STILL a response and proved that Aker had gotten under Rocket's skin.

Bit of a contradiction from Maher this morning.

01-06-2011, 09:17 AM
I'm surprised Maher said that. Was it before or after they spoke to Aker? To me Andy Maher is on your side if you are speaking to him and he is very agreeable.

Aker was on MTR this morning and part of what he said was discussed on SEN by Maher & Watson.

Chris Grant was in a hard place with that interview, he is now a media figure so I guess being an independent person he had to answer the question as a media person first and bulldog second.
Also Chris Grant being Chris Grant he is very honest and from what I've heard on ABC radio and in the interview he is very open and honest and calls it how he see's it.

I agree with that, but all Aker (and the media) see is ex- Bulldog Chris Grant speaks out about Aker's comments and it snowballs from there.

Granty wasn't trying to inflame the situation, and was just answering a question as honestly as he could, but that honesty gives Aker's comments the airplay he is after such that he has something to talk about.

01-06-2011, 09:20 AM
I agree with that, but all Aker (and the media) see is ex- Bulldog Chris Grant speaks out about Aker's comments and it snowballs from there.

Totally agree.

01-06-2011, 09:34 AM
I've said it once and I'll say it again, Aker is a TWAT!

01-06-2011, 09:45 AM
I just wish everyone involved with the Dogs would just forget about him and act like he's irrelevant.

It was a long interview with Grant (and totally worth watching if you haven't) and really
he only touched on Aker briefly, and what he said was quite mild if you take it in context.
It's not in the Herald Suns interests though to be subtle or to worry about context .

01-06-2011, 09:57 AM
I take on board what you are all saying about Chris giving Aker mileage, but in all honestey, he was just answering a question fired at him. What would we expect/like him to do - I think he is very honest and I admire him for this! Yes, he gives that dip s**t ammunition, but Aker is never going to go away! Does he (Aker) still work on that radio station (MTR = Men Talking Rubbish)? Great example of well-educated and measured commentary on lots of things there I hear!:eek: (I fess up, I have never listened to that station after hearing people talk about it!)

01-06-2011, 10:32 AM
Chris the ultimate good guy even when talking about some twat he was very careful and respectful, but just read between the lines if CG is saying something isnt right about someone that someone has done something very wrong.
Even at the end he said he was a good bloke to a certain extent.
Aker I would love to ask, how the hell can you say bad things about CG?
Chris wasnt giving any mileage at all he is in the media, if the media asks a question he is employed to answer it.
Love the way the media asks questions out to get some sort of reaction so they can write it up.
Chris would have known it was coming and had his answer ready.

01-06-2011, 11:04 AM
Hindsight is a wonderful thing but we should have let him rot at Williamstown for the rest of the season last year (I was pro sacking and totally understand why we did this at the time). Easier said than done as he would have provided an internal distraction in our late season push for September, but the reality is that he is winning the ensuing PR battle out there now purely because he is fanning the flames via his many and varied media platforms and causing damage to the Bulldogs brand in the process. And we are being too nice to the scumbag by refusing to respond, allowing his tainted views to fester out there with no rebuttal - the media are lapping it up as he is a human headline and they trade in headlines.

So how do we handle this from now on? Continue to ignore it? That hasn't helped us all that much to be honest, and the media won't allow us to ignore it. I'd like to see a mysterious leaked memo somehow land in the hands of the media outlining all the written warnings he had over the course of his tenure at the Dogs and the reasons for these written warnings. Let the footy world know that has was warned repeatedly about his behaviour over a long period of time (highlighting specific incidents) and was only lucky that the benevolence of the Dogs prevented him from being thrown out of the game in disgrace from his self-inflicted wounds. Watch the media and the public (including some of our own supporters) turn on him then. We'll be asked about the memo and we can play dumb and say that any such discussions were private and personal, and that "we've moved on from the situation long ago and we had hoped by now that Jason and the media would have". Then let the media continue to feast on the Akermanis carcass as he then flails about and hangs on his own rope by trying to defend himself from factual proof that his behavouir was unacceptable and that he was warned time and time again to change. The story then becomes wholly and solely about Akermanis.

It's getting to the point that somerhing needs to be done once and for all to shut him up and expose the full story behind his justified sacking. Time to play dirty.

01-06-2011, 11:38 AM
Hearing him say he had lost the passion to play at the end of his career was of more interest than the Aka stuff for me.

01-06-2011, 12:13 PM
I don't worry about the Aker too much. Whilst there might be some valilidity in what he says, its done with such malice that it removes any currency due to lack of objectivity.

I was more interested in the great man's view of the list and the coach. It's the most most honest assessment of the position of our list I have heard from someone connected to the club. In a lot of ways we are at the crossroads. Fo we reload and have another crack with the guys being fitter or look completely at the younger guys coming through and getting them to 30-50 games ASAP.

Re: Rocket, I have been wavering a little bit on him in the last few weeks. I was getting the feeling that maybe the message is getting a little bit old, but after hearing Chris talk about him in such glowing terms, I hope we keep the faith and give him all the support he needs

01-06-2011, 12:27 PM
Sedat, I to question the tactic of simply keeping silent and it will go away.

I'm sick of us being caught in the ropes whenever he sees it as opportune to vent his spleen. This is not going away in a hurry as he's building his post AFL career out of it and he will look for mileage whenever he can.

Like Brisbane have now managed to achieve, we now need to find a way to pass on the Akermanis baton.

Not unlike the tactics employed by political parties we should be looking to put out in the public domain, of course unbeknowns to us and unrelated to anything to do with his time at the Dogs, some skeletons of his past. We need to manufacture a distraction for him, one that he's forced to defend and one that finally will divert attention from us.

As he's only ever been a mouthpiece away from p,ssing people off, I'm sure there would be many suitors willing to oblige.

01-06-2011, 12:40 PM
I watched the interview this morning and I thought it was very loaded question by Jon Ralph.
To be honest Im sick of journos who ask a loaded question and when someone like Chris Grant agrees with it all of a sudden it's reported that Chris Grant says Akermanis is sad and lonely.

Ralph and Stevens have basically tried to get Chris Grant to bag a colleague of theirs.

01-06-2011, 12:43 PM
This was always going to be a by-product of the falling out, we need to give the general football public some credit in being able to see that Aker clearly has an axe to grind and his motives aren't innocent.

I have highlighted below the first 6 comments at the bottom of the H/S article that people have left, clearly people can see beyond Aker's hidden agenda.

J G L of Melb. Posted at 8:51 AM Today
The Akermanis philosophy on life? ... Everyone is an idiot,except me(Akermanis).

Tom Posted at 8:58 AM Today
What a sad individual. If Gia did not have a say in getting rid of Aker, would Aker have said Gia is a good ordinary player? The anser is no as Aker claimed Gia was a good mate of his prior to getting sacked. Sour Grapes. I would much rather here what Chris Grant has to say about the club then this miserable human being.

Mon Posted at 9:14 AM Today
Ackermanis's problem is that he recalls discussion in private, publicly and with his view of it. Not saying that that's a bad thing, it's just he's almost unaware that these are perhaps "venting" sessions. That said, i'd say he's as honest to a fault in the modern world of squeeky clean image in the front and pandemonium out back.

Alex of Footscray Posted at 9:15 AM Today
What will happen to your media career when you run out of stuff to say about your ex clubs Aker? Its pretty sad that MTR keep using you for a headline. In a year or two when your comments about the dogs and Lions are not relevent what will you do then? With an ability to talk Sh#t like you, i bet you end up in real estate.

heyman Posted at 9:18 AM Today
Never been a more delusional man in the game. You almost feel sad for him.

Robert Charles of AU Posted at 9:49 AM Today
The more Aka fades out..the louder he will scream for attention...

01-06-2011, 12:52 PM
Like Brisbane have now managed to achieve, we now need to find a way to pass on the Akermanis baton.

They only got to pass the "baton" by another club taking him on in an official capacity.

Ghost Dog
01-06-2011, 12:54 PM
Aker belongs! the same way mosquitos belong. The comparison is a good one. Noisy, miniscule and very annoying. But, Part of the food chain.

In Buddhism, they say you need someone like this. Who gets under your skin, and brings up negative emotions, in order to practice resolve and dedication. Can't see it doing anything but bringing us together. It really just serves to remind me how much I love Chris Grant.

I'm in Hamilton at the moment, and he was around here playing for heywood. Anyone heard of Heywood? Nope, thought not. ...

01-06-2011, 12:57 PM
What is also interesting we as posters are also giving Akermanis air time. (I myself have posted 3 times in this thread). Not a week goes by where we as a forum feel compiled to comment on his comments.

The real shame is the other link TCD / and someone else posted (sorry for forgetting) has had hardly any replies to it and it was a brilliant piece of audio.

01-06-2011, 01:51 PM
What is also interesting we as posters are also giving Akermanis air time. (I myself have posted 3 times in this thread). Not a week goes by where we as a forum feel compiled to comment on his comments.

The real shame is the other link TCD / and someone else posted (sorry for forgetting) has had hardly any replies to it and it was a brilliant piece of audio.

Took the words right out of my mouth. I for one would be very happy to make this an "Aker Free" Forum.

Remi Moses
01-06-2011, 02:26 PM
I take on board what you are all saying about Chris giving Aker mileage, but in all honestey, he was just answering a question fired at him. What would we expect/like him to do - I think he is very honest and I admire him for this! Yes, he gives that dip s**t ammunition, but Aker is never going to go away! Does he (Aker) still work on that radio station (MTR = Men Talking Rubbish)? Great example of well-educated and measured commentary on lots of things there I hear!:eek: (I fess up, I have never listened to that station after hearing people talk about it!)

Never listened to it either ,it's one of those try hard American Fox News stations

Ghost Dog
01-06-2011, 04:01 PM
Hindsight is a wonderful thing but we should have let him rot at Williamstown for the rest of the season last year (I was pro sacking and totally understand why we did this at the time). Easier said than done as he would have provided an internal distraction in our late season push for September, but the reality is that he is winning the ensuing PR battle out there now purely because he is fanning the flames via his many and varied media platforms and causing damage to the Bulldogs brand in the process. And we are being too nice to the scumbag by refusing to respond, allowing his tainted views to fester out there with no rebuttal - the media are lapping it up as he is a human headline and they trade in headlines.

Time to play dirty.

Ha! Come off it. How is he winning anything? It'll just come back to bite him in the arse.
You cannot WIN with a guy like Jason. Going toe to toe just gives him ammunition.
I think all Bulldogs supporters need to take a step back and remember.
The guy, IMO, has a mental illness, ADD or insecurity complex and I don't say this disparigingly,
I truely believe he has some mental health issue. In light of that, no need to play dirty. It'll just stick to us.

01-06-2011, 05:26 PM
Took the words right out of my mouth. I for one would be very happy to make this an "Aker Free" Forum.

I understand your sentiments, but that type of approach is better left to the Bulldogs forum in the Communist Republic of China.

We new that when you choose to dance with the devil, its possible that you may get burnt.

01-06-2011, 07:23 PM
What is also interesting we as posters are also giving Akermanis air time. (I myself have posted 3 times in this thread). Not a week goes by where we as a forum feel compiled to comment on his comments.

The real shame is the other link TCD / and someone else posted (sorry for forgetting) has had hardly any replies to it and it was a brilliant piece of audio.

Spot on. He's been called irrelevant sooo many times, and yet his interviews/commentaries still gain attention.

Also interesting the comments about Granty being honest and calling it as he sees it - characteristics used as criticisms of Aker.

Yes, I know, he isn't always honest... but you get the point. Don't you??? :)

01-06-2011, 07:59 PM
I don't worry about the Aker too much. Whilst there might be some valilidity in what he says, its done with such malice that it removes any currency due to lack of objectivity.

I was more interested in the great man's view of the list and the coach. It's the most most honest assessment of the position of our list I have heard from someone connected to the club. In a lot of ways we are at the crossroads. Fo we reload and have another crack with the guys being fitter or look completely at the younger guys coming through and getting them to 30-50 games ASAP. Re: Rocket, I have been wavering a little bit on him in the last few weeks. I was getting the feeling that maybe the message is getting a little bit old, but after hearing Chris talk about him in such glowing terms, I hope we keep the faith and give him all the support he needs

This ^^^^ in bold. Thought Chris made some very sensible and valid comments about the club and where we are at.

02-06-2011, 03:36 PM
If Chris Grant seems fit to respond to Aker (he didn't have to answer that question loaded as it was he may have known it was coming) then I think its a valid response. You can't let someone attack the core of the team and not respond in my opinion. I loved Aka when he played for us, and feel quite sad its become what it is.
I think Chris is a stronger personality than is evident in public, its starting to show now he is gaining confidence in the media. Enjoying his contribution. Best player i have ever seen just in front of the Hawk...

03-06-2011, 12:08 AM
Jason Akermanis is a 'sad, lonely person': Chris Grant

Mark Stevens & Jon Ralph - Herald Sun - 1 June

Grant, arguably the most respected figure at the Bulldogs, let fly at Akermanis after the former star's latest attack on the club.

Not arguably, plain and simple IS !

Ghost Dog
03-06-2011, 12:11 AM
Not arguably, plain and simple IS !

Ah yes, but Grant also says, he's a very likeable guy to talk to. I think the headline skews it a bit.
Grant is fairly gentle to Aker in some ways.

03-06-2011, 12:13 AM
Ah yes, but Grant also says, he's a very likeable guy to talk to. I think the headline skews it a bit.
Grant is fairly gentle to Aker in some ways.

And this changes Grant from being the most respected figure at the Bulldogs how ?

Ghost Dog
03-06-2011, 12:58 AM
And this changes Grant from being the most respected figure at the Bulldogs how ?

I didn't say it did. Nothing can change that.
I think his criticism of Aker is actually all the more telling
for the fact he couches it with a the concession that Jason has his upsides as a person
, on a personal level, 1 on 1. It's his media work that really gets up people's nose and
refusal to respect others.