View Full Version : Greater Western Sydney throws $2m carrot at Callan Ward

08-06-2011, 12:38 AM
WESTERN Bulldog Callan Ward may have to sacrifice $2 million to remain loyal to his club, his manager Paul Connors says.
Connors revealed the size of the carrots being thrown by Greater Western Sydney, conceding he could not yet guarantee star client Dale Thomas would re-sign at Collingwood.

Ward is out of contract and being pursued by GWS, with the Bulldogs unable to match its five-year deal.

Connors, one of the league's most influential agents, told Superfooty's Front & Square players such as clients Thomas, Ward and Brisbane's Daniel Rich were being offered once-in-a-career deals.

Asked if the difference was as much as $400,000 a season, Connors replied: "More. (Their offers) are outrageous.

"If Callan Ward does want to stay at the Dogs, and I hope he does, for guys like him the quantum is huge.

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Related CoverageNew deal: Player pay deal a long way off Video: Front and Square with Paul Connors
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"(Ward) would love to stay, but no doubt I would have thought the GWS boys wouldn't mind him in their backyard either.

"I can't even believe we're debating that players probably will stay at their clubs even though there's a $500,000 per annum difference. It wouldn't happen in rugby league, but it happens in ... AFL."

Given GWS is prepared to offer Ward at least $800,000 a season, he could pass up more than $2 million in the next five years.

Thomas will probably stay at Collingwood, but Connors said the Giants were pushing hard.

"Dale has given an indication he would like to stay at Collingwood," Connors said.

"They are his instructions to me and I am currently negotiating slowly with Collingwood.

"Would GWS like Dale Thomas? I am sure they would like him on their list.

"It just gets down to that GWS has this pile of money.

"He wants to be at Collingwood, but until he's signed I can't guarantee anything."

Connors is certain Adelaide forward Taylor Walker has signed with the Giants and says he believed Fremantle midfielder Rhys Palmer would head to the AFL's 18th club.

"They seem pretty confident they have got a few, but we haven't heard the names bandied around like with Gold Coast," he said.

"Taylor Walker for mine is going. Rhys Palmer is another I would have some money on going."

Connors has signed the certain No. 1 draft pick for GWS this year in tall Melbourne marking forward Jonathan Patton, and said his potential showed glimpses of Jonathan Brown and Wayne Carey.

He hoped Rich and Matthew Leuenberger would stay at Brisbane, but said the final year of the club's payout to sacked forward Brendan Fevola meant the club's salary cap was tight.

Prince Imperial
08-06-2011, 12:50 AM
Hopefully there's a bit of the manager talking up/exaggerating their offer to get a better deal for his client but the awful truth for us is that they are offering Ward far, far more money. :(

08-06-2011, 01:34 AM
If this guy stays, he deserves a parade.

Remi Moses
08-06-2011, 01:43 AM
I think Callan's a really good young footballer, but not at that sort of money!
The land of the burnt out car and where they perceive AFL as a fairies game.
Not exactly appealing:eek:

08-06-2011, 05:18 AM
Yikes! How can we compete with that?

08-06-2011, 09:16 AM
He is not worth that.

We should get extra compensation because we have lost 2 up-and-coming players. Harbrow and Ward.

We should be ruthless and off load Minson, Hill, Gilbee and maybe Cross to free up cash.

08-06-2011, 09:34 AM
We could try and get Malthouse in the hope that Callan will stay with us. Not a good time to have an ordinary season (if there is ever a good time)

08-06-2011, 09:39 AM
Ward doesn't strike me as the type of player that will ever command that sort of money during his playing career. He'd be crazy not to take it. Although if he stays he'd become a club great.

08-06-2011, 09:39 AM
If we get malthouse, 100-1 I believe, we won't have any money to keep Ward.

08-06-2011, 09:41 AM
If we get malthouse, 100-1 I believe, we won't have any money to keep Ward.
That may be true, however he would not want to price himself out. That said, I think we would have competition for his services in Melbourne, Adelaide & St Kilda

08-06-2011, 09:44 AM
The issue with all this extra pay in the market is that the players price becomes inflated just by linking them to GWS. We end up paying over the odds to keep him which affects our whole list.
I think we offer him what he's worth. Hate these new franchises!

The Coon Dog
08-06-2011, 10:24 AM
The issue with all this extra pay in the market is that the players price becomes inflated just by linking them to GWS. We end up paying over the odds to keep him which affects our whole list.
I think we offer him what he's worth. Hate these new franchises!

Get used to it, Free Agency is just around the corner.

08-06-2011, 10:27 AM
Take the money Cal.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to set yourself up for life.

08-06-2011, 10:34 AM
I'd take that and run as well.

PS funny, off topic observation, a lot of junior kids i know (primary school etc) that are crows supporters, have decided that barracking for the GC is now the trendy thing to do., and are aboard.

08-06-2011, 11:14 AM
Ward is worth what he is worth - I'd hope that we enter contract negotiations fairly and with respect to the entire playing group. Throwing great big wads of cash to Ward won't make the problem go away, it will only shift the problem out by a year until the big money comes for Jones, or Roughead, or Wood, etc...

Dustin Martin and Andrew Swallow were both offered similarly 'stupid' money by GWS but they had little hesitation in staying at their current clubs. Money is not the sole determinant in retaining players. Ward thoroughly deserves a pay rise, one that is commensurate with his improved performance and importance to our on-field future - that amount sure as hell isn't what has been bandied around in the paper today.

08-06-2011, 11:32 AM
We could heavy load the first 2 years of his contract which will fend off GWS. This will mean we would have to trade/retire the likes of Cross, Hudson, Hall, Gia & Gilbee.

08-06-2011, 11:39 AM
Get used to it, Free Agency is just around the corner.

Isn't there a clause surrounding years of service in the free agency agreement? Hopefully to stop rich clubs mining the youth of the poorer teams.

Bulldog Joe
08-06-2011, 11:45 AM
A very difficult position for both the club and the player.

There is no way we can match the offer, without severely depleting the playing list.
We would then be no hope for a considerable time and dependent entirely on kids, without having the access allowed to Gold Coast and GWS.

While you would hope he would stay you simply cannot expect him to forgo that level of money.
How many of us wouldn't change employers to do the same job for an extra $200K a year, but as supporters we expect Callan to say no and be loyal.

While Chris Grant knocked back the money to stay, he was an established star and comfortable in himself and his life. I suggest the quantum was also significantly less than what is being thrown at Ward.

Longer term the salary cap needs to be properly policed, counting things like the Visy deal for Judd. If that occurs free agency will allow players to go to a club of choice but not allow clubs to simply get all of the best players.

Collingwood and Carlton would (should) only be allowed to offer what their salary cap allows and the original club does have the opportunity to match it. Free agency could even put a squeeze on the salary cap at the cashed up clubs.

08-06-2011, 11:59 AM
Why would this manager go out naming players and publicly stating that Ward would have to turn his back on 2mill to stay there?

When the GWS was poaching no manager did the same with guys like Ablett and Harbrow.

So obviously Ward wants to stay a bulldog and this manager is trying to scare the club/supporters into pressuring them to pay more money for him.

Well that's what i read into it anyway, otherwise why even bother talking at all?
If he was going Connors wouldn't say a thing.

08-06-2011, 12:11 PM
If this guy stays, he deserves a parade.

He'll get one.

I think Callan's a really good young footballer, but not at that sort of money!
The land of the burnt out car and where they perceive AFL as a fairies game.
Not exactly appealing:eek:

You can call me a fairy if you're paying me 800 big ones every year. Shit, I'll even wear a tutu and wings.

We could heavy load the first 2 years of his contract which will fend off GWS. This will mean we would have to trade/retire the likes of Cross, Hudson, Hall, Gia & Gilbee.

What would this achieve? Those players have to be replaced. What happens when we draft someone to replace, say Gia for example, and they turn out to be an absolute gun? Then we need to find money in 2-3 years to keep them, and we can't because we've given it all to Ward.

The new clubs are not really an inflationary pressure, because the collective worth is the same due to the salary cap. It's just a few years of pain to get the new clubs on their feet, which delivers money back to the entire competition. What worries me more is free agency with the poorly policed cap.

All the club needs to do is start putting together a strong case sans the cash. If he stays, he stays. If he goes, say thanks and goodbye.

08-06-2011, 12:17 PM
It's like art, a player is worth whatever someone will pay for him.

The Coon Dog
08-06-2011, 12:35 PM
Isn't there a clause surrounding years of service in the free agency agreement? Hopefully to stop rich clubs mining the youth of the poorer teams.

Yes, 7 years, but my analogy was more the ability to pay players inflated salaries in order to retain them.

08-06-2011, 12:37 PM
While you would hope he would stay you simply cannot expect him to forgo that level of money.
How many of us wouldn't change employers to do the same job for an extra $200K a year, but as supporters we expect Callan to say no and be loyal.

Honestly I'm not sure how many here would "expect" Ward to stay with us if the offer rumoured is accurate. Supporters here expect loyalty within reason I believe, if it was half the increase rumoured (200k) I'm not sure I could be angry, let alone what is likely to be at least double what we can pay him. That kind of wage increase is frankly ridiculous and I'd certainly find it very difficult to pass on if I was in Wards situation.

08-06-2011, 01:00 PM
I could be mistaken, but I watched the actual interview and cannot recall Paul Connors ever once mentioning a $2m figure??

08-06-2011, 02:03 PM
I could be mistaken, but I watched the actual interview and cannot recall Paul Connors ever once mentioning a $2m figure??

I think the HS are guesstimating there.

08-06-2011, 02:17 PM
He is not worth that.

We should get extra compensation because we have lost 2 up-and-coming players. Harbrow and Ward.

We should be ruthless and off load Minson, Hill, Gilbee and maybe Cross to free up cash.

Who are you expecting to be our number 1 Ruckman once Hudson retires? Could be reality by the end of the year, possibly earlier. Roughead and Cordy aren't ready to take it on by themselves.

We need Minson more than ever at the moment.

You need to temper ruthlessness with a touch of common sense

08-06-2011, 02:25 PM
Take the cash Cal.

Daughter of the West
08-06-2011, 02:32 PM
Can you imagine being 21 and being offerred that sort of cash? Mind boggling. I would certainly understand if he left. Would be disappointed though.

08-06-2011, 04:56 PM
While Chris Grant knocked back the money to stay, he was an established star and comfortable in himself and his life. I suggest the quantum was also significantly less than what is being thrown at Ward.

Actually no. It was widely reported that Turtle was offered double his salary at the Bulldogs, which was about $500, 000. So Chris was offered about 1 million a year, which would have made him and Kouta the highest payed players in the league. You are right though he was an established star with endorsements from Cadbury and such.

Remi Moses
08-06-2011, 05:47 PM
Take the cash Cal.

Wonder if us long time long suffering types can take up the option of supporting another club
Money Money Money

Remi Moses
08-06-2011, 05:52 PM
Actually no. It was widely reported that Turtle was offered double his salary at the Bulldogs, which was about $500, 000. So Chris was offered about 1 million a year, which would have made him and Kouta the highest payed players in the league. You are right though he was an established star with endorsements from Cadbury and such.

Great point! If Ward goes he'll be remembered as someone who took the cash . Simple

08-06-2011, 06:13 PM
Maybe Dimma can offer him a very well paid part time ambassador role in one of his restaurants, ala Judd and Visy

08-06-2011, 06:17 PM
I could be mistaken, but I watched the actual interview and cannot recall Paul Connors ever once mentioning a $2m figure??

Nobody has offered anything.

Connors referred to other players being offered outrageous money. He was reported to say that Ward would love to stay but no doubt the GWS boys wouldn't mind him in their backyard either.

08-06-2011, 06:43 PM
There was a small item in the liitle paper last week about trainers' night. Bob Murphy was MC of a panel in which Cal participated. Murph gave Cal a 'spelling test'. Don't remember exact words, but it progressed something like:

Cal took the banter in good humor apparently, and could even spell all the answers! :)

08-06-2011, 06:49 PM
He may leave but if he decides to stay it could be a massive step forward for the club.

A show of leadership to build a future on.

08-06-2011, 07:16 PM
Yikes! How can we compete with that?

You can't, just take the best deal we can get.

08-06-2011, 08:04 PM
Nobody has offered anything.

Connors referred to other players being offered outrageous money. He was reported to say that Ward would love to stay but no doubt the GWS boys wouldn't mind him in their backyard either.

Caro said on 3AW tonight that GWS are pised off with Connors. Silvagni has said that they have not offered anything. She than said that Connors has admiited that he maybe said to much.

08-06-2011, 08:38 PM
Caro said on 3AW tonight that GWS are pised off with Connors. Silvagni has said that they have not offered anything. She than said that Connors has admiited that he maybe said to much.

Personally I thought it was a great interview all round. Shame nectar copped flack for it.

08-06-2011, 10:01 PM
The idea just frustrates and upsets me.

The fact another cashed up team (who I still believe won't be successful and hope they fail miserably) can come along and take another of our young upcoming stars. Cal may not be the most decorated youngster around but damn is he a good footballer.

Kid has a big choice to make...looking at our on-field performances this year, and a possible rebuild in the near future (just throwing possibilities out there).. I would understand why a 21 year old would go for it. Setting yourself and family up for a future, has to come into consideration.

We need to show him he is a part of our future and would move heaven and earth to keep him. Sit him down and tell him how much he is valued..'we see you as a future captain' or 'we see you in the leadership group for years to come'

I know Im rambling on a bit but I don't wanna see our future leaving the club for some coin, it would be shattering. He isn't the only upcoming leader (Wallis and Libba of course) but I believe he could make a damn good one.

Ghost Dog
08-06-2011, 10:04 PM
I firmly believe he won't go. I may be wrong, but I may be right.

08-06-2011, 10:12 PM
There was a small item in the liitle paper last week about trainers' night. Bob Murphy was MC of a panel in which Cal participated. Murph gave Cal a 'spelling test'. Don't remember exact words, but it progressed something like:

Cal took the banter in good humor apparently, and could even spell all the answers! :)

Yep, I was there and there was a great deal of clapping for Bob's ingenuity - everyone was happy to send Cal a message that Sheedy = DEVIL!!!

08-06-2011, 10:13 PM
OMG - how do we compete with figures like that? Tough decision.....

08-06-2011, 10:50 PM
Don't have a good feeling about this at all. If he goes, as Remi has said, he'll be remembered as someone who took the money and ran. At least in Gablett's situation, he could try and argue that he'd had success at Geelong and was looking for new challenges. For mine, if Cal leaves, he's gone for the cash. Loyalty it seems, if not yet dead, is on the endangered species list.

And it's only going to get worse :(

As an aside, my school had 3 Melbourne boys out today for a clinic. Tom Scully, and, well... OK I have no idea who the others were. I went to say hi to Tom (a former student of mine), and was greeted with "G'day Mr Power!!!" I told him he didn't need to call me that any more! :D Was VERY tempted to press him on the GWS question, but he's such an honest lad he might've told me his decision, and I'd have been burdened with that information all year long. ;). He's a good lad though.

08-06-2011, 10:58 PM
I really like Ward.
But if this is true and he doesn't go then I think he is a moron.
There are things in life bigger than football, and setting himself and his family up in life is one of those things. If we were arguing over 50k or so then fair enough, hassel the young man about loyalty etc. but 400k a year! Come on. He is going to be good, but he isn't going to be Garry Ablett or Chris Judd, no one else will offer him the kind of money GWS are throwing around.
If he leaves there will be no ill felling towards him from me.............
The AFL and GWS.....probably.

08-06-2011, 11:29 PM
I really like Ward.
But if this is true and he doesn't go then I think he is a moron.
There are things in life bigger than football, and setting himself and his family up in life is one of those things. If we were arguing over 50k or so then fair enough, hassel the young man about loyalty etc. but 400k a year! Come on. He is going to be good, but he isn't going to be Garry Ablett or Chris Judd, no one else will offer him the kind of money GWS are throwing around.
If he leaves there will be no ill felling towards him from me.............
The AFL and GWS.....probably.

My thoughts exactly.

Ghost Dog
08-06-2011, 11:55 PM
I really like Ward.
But if this is true and he doesn't go then I think he is a moron.
There are things in life bigger than football, and setting himself and his family up in life is one of those things. If we were arguing over 50k or so then fair enough, hassel the young man about loyalty etc. but 400k a year! Come on. He is going to be good, but he isn't going to be Garry Ablett or Chris Judd, no one else will offer him the kind of money GWS are throwing around.
If he leaves there will be no ill felling towards him from me.............
The AFL and GWS.....probably.

I'm not so sure really. People make decisions for all kinds or reasons and to be close to family is really important for some people. As you say, if we lose him, no ill feelings. It's a wad of cash and then some

09-06-2011, 12:04 AM
I think he should go, take the money, then come back. Hahahahah I wish.

09-06-2011, 07:57 AM
C'mon Dimma, if you really want to help the club do what Carlton did with Judd.

09-06-2011, 11:18 AM
I really like Ward.
But if this is true and he doesn't go then I think he is a moron.
There are things in life bigger than football, and setting himself and his family up in life is one of those things. If we were arguing over 50k or so then fair enough, hassel the young man about loyalty etc. but 400k a year! Come on. He is going to be good, but he isn't going to be Garry Ablett or Chris Judd, no one else will offer him the kind of money GWS are throwing around.
If he leaves there will be no ill felling towards him from me.............
The AFL and GWS.....probably.

The opposing view is there is more to life than money. There are alot of unhappy rich people out there. Core values and family are what really matters in life.

If he was going from 100k to 400k like Mumford you could not deny the merits in his decision. If we are talking 350k versus 750k then it is a different kettle of fish. He will be independantly wealthy regardless. How many yachts can you waterski behind..........

09-06-2011, 01:36 PM
If he was going from 100k to 400k like Mumford you could not deny the merits in his decision. If we are talking 350k versus 750k then it is a different kettle of fish. He will be independantly wealthy regardless. How many yachts can you waterski behind..........

Yeah...in the second example, the 'KETTLE' is bigger!

And I don't think too many footballers - how ever well they get paid - are skiing behind a yacht. Independently wealthy? I don't think so. If he does a knee mid-contract this might be the only pay-day in his life...and it is not as if Callan is the latest Tim Callan who is only playing footy whilst waiting for his corporate life to get going - this is his best chance in LIFE.

09-06-2011, 01:53 PM
Dustin Martin and Andrew Swallow were both offered similarly 'stupid' money by GWS but they had little hesitation in staying at their current clubs. Money is not the sole determinant in retaining players. Ward thoroughly deserves a pay rise, one that is commensurate with his improved performance and importance to our on-field future - that amount sure as hell isn't what has been bandied around in the paper today.
No doubt he isn't worth $800k pa, but Martin & Swallow were reportedly offered contracts that were at least comparable with what GWS could offer, as both are either the best mid in their side, or one or two years away from it.

Ward isn't in our best 3 (when Cooney is fit) and it is doubtful he ever would be our best if he stayed.

I'd prefer him to stay but wont hold my breath. I hope we get better compo than we did losing Harbrow but I wont hold my breath for that either.

09-06-2011, 02:21 PM
How do those player salaries work tax wise? Tax on a $1 mill is about about $440,000. So maybe the cash-in-the-hand isn't going to be all that different. I know there are legal and illegal means to reduce the tax payable, but how much can he really get away with? Speaking to my accountants, having your employer buy you a house means the tax payable is the same as if you took the money cash, same with cars unless you high Km's and spend under $55k for a luxury car.

Speaking of what we can offer outside of $, 12-24 months ago, the lure to play in a premiership side was one thing we could offer players. Is that realistic now?

09-06-2011, 06:14 PM
I really like Callan but what GWS has offered him (if true) is absolutely ridiculous. No other club in the AFL would offer him more than 350K At that far over the odds he would be hard pressed not to take it.

10-06-2011, 09:45 AM
We today's Age article would suggest that Paul Connors has well and truly overplayed his hand!
