View Full Version : 2012 - Strong Rumors Gathering...

Kelso @ Mt Eliza
17-06-2011, 04:00 PM
Ponder this if you will fellow Bulldog Fans...

2012 -
President: Paul Dimmatina
Head Coach: Leon Cameron
Assistant Coach: Chris Grant
Potential additional Assistant Coach: Brad Johnson

Rumor mill is running on this one, I have heard it today from a normally very reliable source...

A well connected businessman and fan is keen on the club, is interested in making a substantial contribution to eradicate our current debt.. on the proviso that the above comes in... and that the current setup runs it's course and is out the door at years end...

ponder away people... nothing more to add here.. just wanted to share it..

17-06-2011, 04:02 PM

Grant: No/little experience assistant coaching at AFL level
BJ: Likewise
LC: Unproven senior coach/inexperienced

It's fresh, it's Footscray through & through, but is it what we're after? Maybe one or two A/coaches who played @ the club but also a mix of external senior coach & other assistants?

17-06-2011, 04:09 PM
Not a premiership or even a Grand Final appearance between them, and almost no exposure to a winning culture. No thanks.

17-06-2011, 04:10 PM
God I hope not. This is not the way to run a club.

17-06-2011, 04:11 PM
The only thing worth pondering here is how many u's are in the word "Rumour".

17-06-2011, 04:12 PM
I,ll believe that after I hear about Brian Royal having a meeting with Smorgon


17-06-2011, 04:12 PM
God I hope not. This is not the way to run a club.

Couldn't agree more. That has got to be the worst coaching line up of all time.

17-06-2011, 04:16 PM
Couldn't agree more. That has got to be the worst coaching line up of all time.

Absolutely. We could rename ourselves the Lions and move north.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
17-06-2011, 04:25 PM
What constitutes this rumour either being strong or gathering?
This is the first location I've heard this mentioned, and so far the only information supporting its veracity someone heard it from a reliable source.
Not having a go at you personally Kelso, I appreciate you are just sharing what you heard but the details make it sound like a plan dreamed up in internerd land and which has now attained certification as being a strong gathering rumour by virtue of it being verbalised by a good bloke.

17-06-2011, 04:27 PM
None of those players could deliver the ultimate success for the club as players. None have been involved in a premiership away from the bulldogs. Strong culture change is required! We need to find assistants involved in a winning playing or coaching culture in the past five years. This may or may not involve eade as coach. We need better and a greater amount of assistants. If. New regime can offer the funds and structure to do this then great if not it's wasteful.

17-06-2011, 04:34 PM
None of those players could deliver the ultimate success for the club as players. None have been involved in a premiership away from the bulldogs. Strong culture change is required! We need to find assistants involved in a winning playing or coaching culture in the past five years. This may or may not involve eade as coach. We need better and a greater amount of assistants. If. New regime can offer the funds and structure to do this then great if not it's wasteful.

If this is Dimma's suggestion I can't wait to fight it at the AGM. It's a great line-up for an event "legends of the 90's" but it's ridiculous to suggest as our coaching team. I like what we hear about this mystery block less and less as weeks go by :(

17-06-2011, 04:35 PM

That is all.

The Coon Dog
17-06-2011, 04:39 PM
Thanks for passing it on Kelso.

I suppose what I find disappointing if true, is that there is a 'white knight' out there prepared to tip in money if x, y & z happens. Surely if you love the club then you would just help out, no strings attached.

The names do give a 'feel good factor' about it as some fans gush over those who bled for the club returning ala the prodigal son, but to me, you get the best possible people, irrespective of where they have come from.

Really, what more do the board have to do?

Because the team is struggling at present on the field shouldn't be reason to change all the good that's been happening off field.

17-06-2011, 04:50 PM
Thanks for passing it on Kelso.

I suppose what I find disappointing if true, is that there is a 'white knight' out there prepared to tip in money if x, y & z happens. Surely if you love the club then you would just help out, no strings attached.

The names do give a 'feel good factor' about it as some fans gush over those who bled for the club returning ala the prodigal son, but to me, you get the best possible people, irrespective of where they have come from.

Really, what more do the board have to do?

Because the team is struggling at present on the field shouldn't be reason to change all the good that's been happening off field.

Agreed TCD, our current board are the one aspect of the I have no concerns about.

17-06-2011, 05:23 PM
Ponder this if you will fellow Bulldog Fans...

2012 -
President: Paul Dimmatina
Head Coach: Leon Cameron
Assistant Coach: Chris Grant
Potential additional Assistant Coach: Brad Johnson

Rumor mill is running on this one, I have heard it today from a normally very reliable source...

A well connected businessman and fan is keen on the club, is interested in making a substantial contribution to eradicate our current debt.. on the proviso that the above comes in... and that the current setup runs it's course and is out the door at years end...

ponder away people... nothing more to add here.. just wanted to share it..

While you are at it, why not bring Doug Hawkins back in, in a marketting role, SMC as forward coach (again), Scragger the Bulldog as the development coach, Rohan Smith in charge of downhill ski-ing, Mark West in charge of player grooming, etc etc etc

If the above happens i will not renew my social club membership.

It wont happen.

17-06-2011, 05:28 PM
Couldn't agree more. That has got to be the worst coaching line up of all time.

I call bullshit!

17-06-2011, 05:30 PM
Thanks for passing it on Kelso.

I suppose what I find disappointing if true, is that there is a 'white knight' out there prepared to tip in money if x, y & z happens. Surely if you love the club then you would just help out, no strings attached.

The names do give a 'feel good factor' about it as some fans gush over those who bled for the club returning ala the prodigal son, but to me, you get the best possible people, irrespective of where they have come from.

Really, what more do the board have to do?

Because the team is struggling at present on the field shouldn't be reason to change all the good that's been happening off field.

Very good post. Wouldn't mind Cameron returning though (under Eade) , everyone at Hawthorn seems to love him.

17-06-2011, 05:53 PM
Very good post. Wouldn't mind Cameron returning though (under Eade) , everyone at Hawthorn seems to love him.

This is only Leon's first year at Hawthorn (I think I'm correct). He has worked under Eade so it's good that he goes and gets more experience before perhaps at one time coming back to the fold!

17-06-2011, 05:55 PM
As for the rumours - well, as much as I love Dimma, Granty and Johnno, there is nothing that makes me feel we would move forward with these untried, inexperienced coaches running our side. As someone else has posted, why not then get Dougy back, etc., etc. Just because they were great players for our club, doesn't equate to great coaches!

17-06-2011, 06:15 PM
Kelso, this is getting a little obsessive so I hope further contributions from you aren't just focused on replacing Eade.

17-06-2011, 06:31 PM
Rumor mill is running on this one, I have heard it today from a normally very reliable source...

What the?

No offense, but I highly doubt that one single individual can 'reliably' predict those changes.

It sounds more like the pipe dream of an impatient supporter who thinks that by completely changing the brains trust at the Club and bringing back favourite sons into roles of power, we'll magically win a flag. Putting aside the fact that none of those you have listed have actually even won a flag :o

I'd be throwing this one in the crank file and finding a new source if I was you, Kelso.

17-06-2011, 07:15 PM
Just heard Barry Hall from the board talk about Dimma's challenge and it has no merit to it.
Hall is a great and loyal guy and I trust his word.

17-06-2011, 11:47 PM
While you are at it, why not bring Doug Hawkins back in, in a marketting role, SMC as forward coach (again), Scragger the Bulldog as the development coach, Rohan Smith in charge of downhill ski-ing, Mark West in charge of player grooming, etc etc etcIf the above happens i will not renew my social club membership.

It wont happen.

I do not appreciate negative sarcastic comments about Mark West's hair! T&T please retract this statement. Next you'll be saying Danny Southern had a rude head too???

17-06-2011, 11:52 PM
Ponder this if you will fellow Bulldog Fans...

2012 -
President: Paul Dimmatina
Head Coach: Leon Cameron
Assistant Coach: Chris Grant
Potential additional Assistant Coach: Brad Johnson

Rumor mill is running on this one, I have heard it today from a normally very reliable source...

A well connected businessman and fan is keen on the club, is interested in making a substantial contribution to eradicate our current debt.. on the proviso that the above comes in... and that the current setup runs it's course and is out the door at years end...

ponder away people... nothing more to add here.. just wanted to share it..

Wow. Just Wow.

You think this year has been bad, if any of that goes ahead it is a catastrophe waiting to happen.

Piss weak and rubbish rumour.

Remi Moses
18-06-2011, 12:29 AM
Not even worth talking about.

Dancin' Douggy
18-06-2011, 08:06 AM
how about this?

2012 -
President: David Smorgon
Head Coach: Rodney Eade
Assistant Coach: Leon Cameron.

18-06-2011, 08:55 AM
Wow. Just Wow.

You think this year has been bad, if any of that goes ahead it is a catastrophe waiting to happen.

Piss weak and rubbish rumour.

You know what annoys me if true - it's a complete copy of the hird / essendon model. Why would we adopt a system that copies another club's idea. Here's a novel idea let's create our own success by what suits our club's objectives, current resources, playing list..etc... Create something that other clubs want to replicate

Sometimes I think the club and supporters still have an inferiority complex and think if clubs like Collingwood, Geelong, Essendon are doing something we should be also. We should have confidence to forge our own ideas and stick to them

Ghost Dog
18-06-2011, 10:03 AM
While you are at it, why not bring Doug Hawkins back in, in a marketting role, SMC as forward coach (again), Scragger the Bulldog as the development coach, Rohan Smith in charge of downhill ski-ing, Mark West in charge of player grooming, etc etc etc

If the above happens i will not renew my social club membership.

It wont happen.

Doug Hawkins in marketing...I'd like to see that...:D

22-06-2011, 12:33 PM
Thanks for passing it on Kelso.

I suppose what I find disappointing if true, is that there is a 'white knight' out there prepared to tip in money if x, y & z happens. Surely if you love the club then you would just help out, no strings attached.

My initial reaction as well. The club shouldn't just bow down to a supporter because they can erase some debt. The proper decisions should be made end of year regardless of his (likely uninformed) ideas.

22-06-2011, 12:54 PM
Rumours I have heard

* The rumour I heard some time ago was Leon Cameron as head coach, sooner rather than later. I wrote to Simon Garlick about the rumour and he rang me and said any decision on the coaching role would be sorted at the end of the year.

Yesterday, the person that told me that rumour is still adamant that it will be Leon, plus Pelchen, plus the IT man at the Hawks. The IT guy has some super duper software that analyzes the opposition and the rumour is the Dogs want it.

* Another rumour has come from a friend that sat next to someone in a corporate box last Friday. He said he was a good friend of Dimma. He said Dimma has lined up a new president who will pay the debt and will install Roos as the coach.

So many rumours, so much bullshit, but I guess we will find out at the end of the year.

22-06-2011, 01:52 PM
At the rate we are going there wont be much of a debt to pay with the current administration, was 5million, down to 3, hardly find this administration needs changing at all, maybe one or two with the usual progression but as far as the top heads go why change?

Funny how we win a game and the media seems to have gone a little quiet on the Dimma thing and the Eade coaching.
I believe the board and coach are still a good thing, just a bad year on the field with injuries , retirements and a few kids expected to pick up havent yet.

Make no mistakes Rodney knows what he is doing, cast our minds on Geelong under Thommo and Magpies under Mick, Rodney did what he could with the list he inherited now its his list coming on.

Kelso I have no doubt of the rumour you heard but in my mind and looking at it in a sane way it is just that, a rumour.
On the Beasley one wasnt he found guilty of money laundering of some sort, does that make him ineligible to run on boards ?
I am no law graduate though but I know certain crimes dissallow you from being on boards dont they?

22-06-2011, 02:49 PM
On the Beasley one wasnt he found guilty of money laundering of some sort, does that make him ineligible to run on boards ?
I am no law graduate though but I know certain crimes dissallow you from being on boards dont they?

Money laundering:confused:

He was a corporate bookmaker, and they are only allowed to take bets over the phone, if they are actually on the racetrack.

He was taking bets on his phone, at his office.

Stewards found out, he lied to stewards, banned from being a bookie.

22-06-2011, 03:00 PM
So is we believe all the rumours we are going to have two head coaches next year so far, two recruiters, three club presidents, a fancy IT system, no debt and most of our list will be at GWS.

Sounds plausible.

22-06-2011, 03:03 PM
Ponder this if you will fellow Bulldog Fans...

2012 -
President: Paul Dimmatina
Head Coach: Leon Cameron
Assistant Coach: Chris Grant
Potential additional Assistant Coach: Brad Johnson.

Rumours I have heard

* The rumour I heard some time ago was Leon Cameron as head coach, sooner rather than later. I wrote to Simon Garlick about the rumour and he rang me and said any decision on the coaching role would be sorted at the end of the year.

Yesterday, the person that told me that rumour is still adamant that it will be Leon, plus Pelchen, plus the IT man at the Hawks. The IT guy has some super duper software that analyzes the opposition and the rumour is the Dogs want it.
Kelso/BAD, thanks very much for sharing your source information. What concerns me with these rumours is that seemingly every single senior position at the club is in active review and discussion behind closed doors, with the notable exception of head of footy dept. It would be disappointing in the extreme if the person muddying the waters out there with such rumour and innuendo is in fact the same person that heads our footy dept, and is resorting to such activity to shore up their own position.

22-06-2011, 03:20 PM
Kelso/BAD, thanks very much for sharing your source information. What concerns me with these rumours is that seemingly every single senior position at the club is in active review and discussion behind closed doors, with the notable exception of head of footy dept. It would be disappointing in the extreme if the person muddying the waters out there with such rumour and innuendo is in fact the same person that heads our footy dept, and is resorting to such activity to shore up their own position.

I don't believe any rumours, but just wanted to show that there are plenty out there.

22-06-2011, 03:23 PM
It would be disappointing in the extreme if the person muddying the waters out there with such rumour and innuendo is in fact the same person that heads our footy dept, and is resorting to such activity to shore up their own position.

That's a pretty big assumption/theory

22-06-2011, 03:44 PM
Money laundering:confused:

He was a corporate bookmaker, and they are only allowed to take bets over the phone, if they are actually on the racetrack.

He was taking bets on his phone, at his office.

Stewards found out, he lied to stewards, banned from being a bookie.

Thanks for the facts Aker was mainly a thought on the laws of being on a board, so he can still be on a board.
I read somewhere he said he had no interest anyway.

22-06-2011, 03:47 PM
That's a pretty big assumption/theory

Goes with the rumours then, Big fat assumptions and theories so it could be true:D

Dry Rot
22-06-2011, 04:31 PM
Ponder this if you will fellow Bulldog Fans...

2012 -
President: Paul Dimmatina
Head Coach: Leon Cameron
Assistant Coach: Chris Grant
Potential additional Assistant Coach: Brad Johnson

Hope not - that's a recipe for mediocrity at best.

22-06-2011, 04:42 PM
Hope not - that's a recipe for mediocrity at best.

And we wouldn't want to accept that, would we?

22-06-2011, 04:46 PM
And we wouldn't want to accept that, would we?

We dont accept mediocrity, Richmond does.

Dry Rot
22-06-2011, 05:02 PM
And we wouldn't want to accept that, would we?

Might as well start with a chance of success, which we lessen with that crew.

22-06-2011, 07:42 PM
So is we believe all the rumours we are going to have two head coaches next year so far, two recruiters, three club presidents, a fancy IT system, no debt and most of our list will be at GWS.

Sounds plausible.

If we adopt this strategy we may win the next 10 flags :D

22-06-2011, 08:14 PM
A few questions....

Why would you replace David Smorgon with Paul Dimmatina? What has he done for the Bulldogs since he ceased as a player? Has he ever nominated for a board position? Did he attend the Bulldoze the Debt function at the Whitten Oval?

If .... and a big if...... if Rocket was to be replaced, why would we seek a former Bulldog player and overlook what else is out there? Maybe Malthouse could be available?

Chris Grant has stated that he is not interested in an assistant an assistant coaching role. Why would you suggest he take this role.

I think you are dreaming of the old days with your selection.

22-06-2011, 08:54 PM
A few questions....

Why would you replace David Smorgon with Paul Dimmatina? What has he done for the Bulldogs since he ceased as a player? Has he ever nominated for a board position? Did he attend the Bulldoze the Debt function at the Whitten Oval?

If .... and a big if...... if Rocket was to be replaced, why would we seek a former Bulldog player and overlook what else is out there? Maybe Malthouse could be available?

Chris Grant has stated that he is not interested in an assistant an assistant coaching role. Why would you suggest he take this role.

I think you are dreaming of the old days with your selection.

It wasnt his selection it was a rumour, dont shoot the messenger.

23-06-2011, 03:38 AM
It wasnt his selection it was a rumour, dont shoot the messenger.
Was it?

I could say I've got an insider at the club who tells me Boyd is going to step down as captain and Higgins is on his way to Freo next yr.

Don't shoot the messenger...

23-06-2011, 05:21 AM
Was it?

I could say I've got an insider at the club who tells me Boyd is going to step down as captain and Higgins is on his way to Freo next yr.

Don't shoot the messenger...

Whats the heading of the post say again?

23-06-2011, 05:38 AM
Whats the heading of the post say again?

Well it says strong rumours, which indicated that many people are hearing them.

So far only the OP has heard these rumours which is probably because he/she is the only one that can hear those voices.

23-06-2011, 08:05 AM
Was it?

I could say I've got an insider at the club who tells me Boyd is going to step down as captain. Don't shoot the messenger...

I heard that on the weekend.

23-06-2011, 09:23 AM
Well it says strong rumours, which indicated that many people are hearing them.

So far only the OP has heard these rumours which is probably because he/she is the only one that can hear those voices.

You missed my post

23-06-2011, 10:18 AM
Kelso, this is getting a little obsessive so I hope further contributions from you aren't just focused on replacing Eade.

Why is this a problem? Can you or can't you report rumours on this thread?

Personally I think they have no credibility, but that doesn't mean I don't find some of them to make interesting reading.

23-06-2011, 10:31 AM
If we adopt this strategy we may win the next 10 flags :D
Yep - and we'd do it in only 3 years :cool:

23-06-2011, 11:31 AM
The thing I dislike most about the internet is that "rumours", myths and outright lies are given momentum and quickly become accepted as "facts", then are given more legs by lazy forum-trawling journalists. Before you know it the club, and all those named, are under siege, to varying degrees, and everyone's time is wasted issuing "statements" (which don't satisfy the conspiracy theorists anyway).

I'm sure a lot of people have fun creating mischief in this way.

Not meaning to include Kelso.

23-06-2011, 08:03 PM
Yep - and we'd do it in only 3 years :cool:

I'm now totally convinced we should follow this strategy.

On a slightly different note, after we win the next 2 games (without getting ahead of ourselves) and are verging, or into, the 8 with a few key players starting to hit form, we could still be around the mark. Yes, we haven't been impressive thus far, but the tide could start turning. I hope everyone inside the club isn't concerning themselves with this stuff at the moment, and wait till the end of the year.

23-06-2011, 11:00 PM
The thing I dislike most about the internet is that "rumours", myths and outright lies are given momentum and quickly become accepted as "facts", then are given more legs by lazy forum-trawling journalists. Before you know it the club, and all those named, are under siege, to varying degrees, and everyone's time is wasted issuing "statements" (which don't satisfy the conspiracy theorists anyway).

I'm sure a lot of people have fun creating mischief in this way.

Not meaning to include Kelso.

Don't tee off at the internet. Blame the people!

23-06-2011, 11:40 PM
You missed my post

No I saw it. The rumours you heard are different.

23-06-2011, 11:51 PM
I'm now totally convinced we should follow this strategy.

On a slightly different note, after we win the next 2 games (without getting ahead of ourselves) and are verging, or into, the 8 with a few key players starting to hit form, we could still be around the mark. Yes, we haven't been impressive thus far, but the tide could start turning. I hope everyone inside the club isn't concerning themselves with this stuff at the moment, and wait till the end of the year.

If we win this week i'll bring IT back (abridged version)

24-06-2011, 11:31 AM
Rumour has it that the club is trying to eradicate the individual culture of the team by introducing a new rule that every player gets his jumper number based on alphabetic order of the players names. Thus no more numbers of greats handed down to kids with potential and eradicating the individual mindset of the club and instilling a real TEAM culture.

* I may have made this up.

24-06-2011, 11:46 AM
No I saw it. The rumours you heard are different.

I can reveal that my rumours are from someone at the Hawks

Sockeye Salmon
24-06-2011, 12:05 PM
Rumour has it that the club is trying to eradicate the individual culture of the team by introducing a new rule that every player gets his jumper number based on alphabetic order of the players names. Thus no more numbers of greats handed down to kids with potential and eradicating the individual mindset of the club and instilling a real TEAM culture.

* I may have made this up.

Collingwood actually used to do this in the 20's and 30's

24-06-2011, 06:57 PM
Collingwood actually used to do this in the 20's and 30's

They did. I think one particular player ended up with about 11 different guernsey numbers over his career. League record.

24-06-2011, 08:11 PM
Collingwood actually used to do this in the 20's and 30's

Jarrad Grant is "rumoured" to be changing his name to Alan Aardvark!

Sockeye Salmon
25-06-2011, 12:06 AM
They did. I think one particular player ended up with about 11 different guernsey numbers over his career. League record.

Jack Regan, l think.

25-06-2011, 08:17 PM
Jack Regan, l think.

The name rings a bell.