View Full Version : On the couch - Matthew Boyd

18-07-2011, 07:50 PM
For those of you who have Foxtel - tonight at 8.30pm (Melb time) on 'On The Couch', Matthew Boyd will be the special guest.

18-07-2011, 08:06 PM
Hopefully they ask some decent questions

18-07-2011, 08:09 PM
Thanks BB, will tune in.

18-07-2011, 09:32 PM
Sorry people but not much to report

18-07-2011, 09:43 PM
Some key points for those that missed:
Asked about accountability..how do they know who is on who. Said it is difficult because defense switches so quickly to offense. Not necessarily defined match ups, they may have to make decisions on the spot on who to pick up.
The improvement over past few weeks has been in a focus on keeping ball in fwd line.
Conceding so many inside 50s ( 8 more than any other in this round) was unacceptable, indicated they didn't work hard enough.
During the awful slump everyone stuck tight - no finger pointing, back stabbing..this made it easier for him as new captain.
Ward..don't know if I read too much into his reply to questions on his future. Said he was highly valued, respected, local boy, would all love him to stay BUT when asked whether they have asked him outright has he signed and what they would be saying to persuade him, seemed a bit non committal..private matter for Callan and his management team. I felt I'd have liked a more passionate heartfelt response, made me wonder if they all sense Ward is gone.:(

I hope this is reasonably accurate. To be honest I felt it was a bit of a tense, colorless performance from Matt but I guess the timing, after a poor loss, may not have made him too relaxed.

19-07-2011, 10:47 AM
Ward..don't know if I read too much into his reply to questions on his future. Said he was highly valued, respected, local boy, would all love him to stay BUT when asked whether they have asked him outright has he signed and what they would be saying to persuade him, seemed a bit non committal..private matter for Callan and his management team. I felt I'd have liked a more passionate heartfelt response, made me wonder if they all sense Ward is gone.:(

I hope this is reasonably accurate. To be honest I felt it was a bit of a tense, colorless performance from Matt but I guess the timing, after a poor loss, may not have made him too relaxed.

Haven't seen it yet, hopefully there'll be a repeat this afternoon. I don't think Boydy is comfortable with his media duties, an area that Gia would perform much better if he was captain. I know which one will be more likely to go for a media role post footy.

I also hear they got stuck into him for doing something to Boomer's hand, and that he passed it off as a joke, which it would have been. Clutching at straws by the Couch.

19-07-2011, 11:44 AM
Some key points for those that missed:
Asked about accountability..how do they know who is on who. Said it is difficult because defense switches so quickly to offense. Not necessarily defined match ups, they may have to make decisions on the spot on who to pick up.
The improvement over past few weeks has been in a focus on keeping ball in fwd line.
Conceding so many inside 50s ( 8 more than any other in this round) was unacceptable, indicated they didn't work hard enough.
During the awful slump everyone stuck tight - no finger pointing, back stabbing..this made it easier for him as new captain.
Ward..don't know if I read too much into his reply to questions on his future. Said he was highly valued, respected, local boy, would all love him to stay BUT when asked whether they have asked him outright has he signed and what they would be saying to persuade him, seemed a bit non committal..private matter for Callan and his management team. I felt I'd have liked a more passionate heartfelt response, made me wonder if they all sense Ward is gone.:(

I hope this is reasonably accurate. To be honest I felt it was a bit of a tense, colorless performance from Matt but I guess the timing, after a poor loss, may not have made him too relaxed.

Yep, accurate report. As far as Boyd's performance, I think that's just him, by his own admission he's all business!

19-07-2011, 12:10 PM
Some key points for those that missed:
Asked about accountability..how do they know who is on who. Said it is difficult because defense switches so quickly to offense. Not necessarily defined match ups, they may have to make decisions on the spot on who to pick up.

He means how offense switches to quickly to defence, considering how we are turnover city under any kind of pressure.

Just not good enough to be 'making decisions on the spot' -- players who can read games broadly generally pick up patterns within games so they are thinking ahead of these 'decision on the spot' type players, which is why they always look a step ahead of everyone. We need more players with this skillset who is then able to direct play out there. Wallis looks like someone who will blossom into this role, and the quicker the better.

During the awful slump everyone stuck tight - no finger pointing, back stabbing..this made it easier for him as new captain.

Good to hear, since he is generally finger-pointer-in-chief.

As captain, he just needs to take some responsibility for the overall momentum of the game ie. communicating in real-time re: structures, balance between offense/defence if we are starting to commit turnovers etc. However, I don't think he is capable of this as he is a very 'me' focused player (not a bad thing per se, as it has gotten him to where he is today), and like I said previously, probably not a great game reader in the macro sense -- so his tendency is to play harder when things are going bad, but not necessarily have the nous to understand the appropriate team (as opposed to individual) response to specific situations within games. You can see this by his natural response to team mistakes being a tendency to blame or ask for more effort rather than make structural adjustments on the fly.

When we keep making the same mistake over a 5/10 minute patch without even looking like making an adjustment, it just speaks of a lack of game-sense from our leaders. Boomer, ever savvy, just sat off waiting for the same mistake and just rinsed and repeated.

19-07-2011, 06:27 PM
He doesn't seem to divulge a great deal when interviewed. Plays the party line somewhat.

Did anyone ask him about turning the ball over?

19-07-2011, 06:37 PM
He was asked about Matthew Lloyd comments that he is a one way player..not accountable. He was clearly displeased and said he only listens to feedback within the club and from the coaches.

19-07-2011, 07:39 PM
He doesn't seem to divulge a great deal when interviewed. Plays the party line somewhat.

Did anyone ask him about turning the ball over?

No. However Matthew was asked about why he felt he fell through to be ultimately rookie selected. One part of Boydy's answer was "perception on ball use".

Matty, I love much of what you bring but I'm sorry to say that from where I sit it's more than a perception regarding ball use.

I would prefer that Matthew's game evolves to be more like what a Cameron Ling is to Geelong's midfield. With Cal and Adam playing the part of Selwood and say Kelly. You want your better users of the ball inflicting offensive damage. I want to see Matthew sacrifice his game to shutdown the key opposition mid and lead by example with defensive efforts.

19-07-2011, 07:43 PM
No. However Matthew was asked about why he felt he fell through to be ultimately rookie selected. One part of Boydy's answer was to quote a "perception on ball use".

Matty, I love much of what you bring but I'm sorry to say that from where I sit it's more than a perception regarding ball use.

I would prefer that Matthew's game evolves to be more like what a Cameron Ling is to Geelong's midfield. With Cal and Adam playing the part of Selwood and say Kelly. You want your better users of the ball inflicting offensive damage. I want to see Matthew sacrifice his game to shutdown the key opposition mid and lead by example with defensive efforts.

I think Cal's disposal needs to be worked on, his kicking is overrated by some.

19-07-2011, 07:49 PM
I think Cal's disposal needs to be worked on, his kicking is overrated by some.

Desi, I dont disagree with you but using my example, Selwood's efficiency has lifted given time and experience. I guess I see Cal. tracking to Selwood.

I see something of a shake up needed with our mids and for me it's with Matty's role.

20-07-2011, 06:52 AM
Desi, I dont disagree with you but using my example, Selwood's efficiency has lifted given time and experience. I guess I see Cal. tracking to Selwood.

I see something of a shake up needed with our mids and for me it's with Matty's role.

Given we have not had much of Cooney this year perhaps that is why he has become more of an attacking midfielder? I do see where you are coming from.

20-07-2011, 10:12 AM
He was asked about Matthew Lloyd comments that he is a one way player..not accountable. He was clearly displeased and said he only listens to feedback within the club and from the coaches.

That's Boydy's stock response to this question, and it's just not good enough. A smart player takes in feedback wherever he can find it (after filtering out the crap of course) so he can continuously improve. A teacher's pet only focuses on what the teacher is saying so he can please that source of authority. It's no secret that he's a coach's favourite (and no surprise, considering his workrate and attitude), but Matty needs to lift his horizons beyond simply pleasing Rocket and the coaching staff.

20-07-2011, 10:14 AM
He was asked about Matthew Lloyd comments that he is a one way player..not accountable. He was clearly displeased and said he only listens to feedback within the club and from the coaches.

That's Boydy's stock response to this question, and it's just not good enough. A smart player takes in feedback wherever he can find it (after filtering out the crap of course) so he can continuously improve. A teacher's pet only focuses on what the teacher is saying so he can please that source of authority. It's no secret that he's a coach's favourite (and no surprise, considering his workrate and attitude), but Matty needs to lift his horizons beyond simply pleasing Rocket and the coaching staff and be open to constructive criticism from elsewhere.

Getting defensive about a relatively innocent observation is also a sign of a player too stubborn to easily change in his ways.

I have to say that while I've always been a great supporter of Boydy as a player and as a person, I have been less than impressed with him as captain this year.. every time I've seen him he's been almost too intense, as if the responsibility weighed heavily on him, as opposed to guys like Kirk or Harley or Johnno, who wore the responsibility lightly and generously, especially off the field.

20-07-2011, 10:41 AM
That's Boydy's stock response to this question, and it's just not good enough. A smart player takes in feedback wherever he can find it (after filtering out the crap of course) so he can continuously improve. A teacher's pet only focuses on what the teacher is saying so he can please that source of authority. It's no secret that he's a coach's favourite (and no surprise, considering his workrate and attitude), but Matty needs to lift his horizons beyond simply pleasing Rocket and the coaching staff and be open to constructive criticism from elsewhere.

Getting defensive about a relatively innocent observation is also a sign of a player too stubborn to easily change in his ways.

I have to say that while I've always been a great supporter of Boydy as a player and as a person, I have been less than impressed with him as captain this year.. every time I've seen him he's been almost too intense, as if the responsibility weighed heavily on him, as opposed to guys like Kirk or Harley or Johnno, who wore the responsibility lightly and generously, especially off the field.

Lantern don't agree with you. Basically Boyd is saying he has a coach and he listens to the coach not commentators on the radio who don't know what his instructions are or what the game plan is. I agree with Boyd all the way. You can't have players listening to commentators and supporters about what they should and shouldn't do, that is just not right and under mines the coach and the club.

I don't think Boyd is a natural at speaking in public, but as a captain, he is a leader by example. His training standards, his preparation for games and his on field performance are all at a high standard.

Nuggety Back Pocket
20-07-2011, 12:32 PM
Lantern don't agree with you. Basically Boyd is saying he has a coach and he listens to the coach not commentators on the radio who don't know what his instructions are or what the game plan is. I agree with Boyd all the way. You can't have players listening to commentators and supporters about what they should and shouldn't do, that is just not right and under mines the coach and the club.

I don't think Boyd is a natural at speaking in public, but as a captain, he is a leader by example. His training standards, his preparation for games and his on field performance are all at a high standard.

Agree with these comments. Boyd has been a good choice as leader. Our lack of accountability in the midfield is a problem and this is where Matthew might be best utilised in the future. Picken who is honest as they come struggles against the more classy midfielders and might be better suited in defence. Boyd on the other hand has the ability to match it with the more elite midfielders if he was to change his current modus operandi,
by restricting the ball getting abilities of the best in the opposition.