View Full Version : Who will coach the Dogs, Dees & Crows?

Rocco Jones
28-08-2011, 12:01 PM
Your tips? For mine...

Crows= Bickley the favourite with Scott Burns my outsider.

Dogs= Goodwin vs Cameron, hard to spilt this one. My guess is Cameron just.

Dees= This is the hard one. They probably want a senior coach but I don't see Ross Lyon and Malthouse as a real chance and I believe Godfather Gary Lyon doesn't rate Eade. I think the sternest decent rookie coach they can find will get the gig.

28-08-2011, 12:13 PM
Your tips? For mine...

Crows= Bickley the favourite with Scott Burns my outsider.

Dogs= Goodwin vs Cameron, hard to spilt this one. My guess is Cameron just.

Dees= This is the hard one. They probably want a senior coach but I don't see Ross Lyon and Malthouse as a real chance and I believe Godfather Gary Lyon doesn't rate Eade. I think the sternest decent rookie coach they can find will get the gig.

I think we should ask about Harvey. I doubt he will be over there for much longer to be honest. I would be interested to hear from W.A Woofers what their opinion is.

Bickley to stay with Crows

Maybe Laidley to Melbourne.

28-08-2011, 12:42 PM
Melbourne - Rodney Eade
Adelaide - Scott Burns
Western Bulldogs - Leon Cameron

The Coon Dog
28-08-2011, 01:13 PM
I apologise if this sounds terrible, but it just how I feel at present.

Adelaide & Melbourne, couldn't really care.

Western Bulldogs, only slight lukewarm interest. Not one candidate that's been mentioned anywhere remotely enthuses me.

28-08-2011, 01:32 PM
My tips

Adelaide - Bickley
Melbourne - Eade :(
Bulldogs - Cameron

28-08-2011, 02:56 PM
I apologise if this sounds terrible, but it just how I feel at present.

Adelaide & Melbourne, couldn't really care.

Western Bulldogs, only slight lukewarm interest. Not one candidate that's been mentioned anywhere remotely enthuses me.

What worries me is the new coach has to be better than Rocket, so who is better than Rocket and available realistically?

28-08-2011, 02:58 PM
I just wonder if Mick M has a soft spot for us after all these years.

28-08-2011, 03:11 PM
What worries me is the new coach has to be better than Rocket, so who is better than Rocket and available realistically?

Not saying that I want him, but Mark Williams for one.

Eade was a good coach, not a great one.

28-08-2011, 03:16 PM
Isnt Mark going to take over from Sheedy?
Im sorry but the mess Port are in now I wouldnt want him near us.

28-08-2011, 03:25 PM
Adelaide - Mark Bickley

Melbourne - Mick Malthouse

Western Bulldogs - Leon Cameron

01-09-2011, 09:18 AM
Crows - Burns

Demons - Malthouse

Bulldogs - Neeld

Blues - Eade

01-09-2011, 11:17 AM
Crows - Burns

Demons - Malthouse

Bulldogs - Neeld

Blues - Eade

IF Malthouse is DEFINATELY off limits, then I'd go after Mark Neeld in a heartbeat

01-09-2011, 11:24 AM
IF Malthouse is DEFINATELY off limits, then I'd go after Mark Neeld in a heartbeat

What do you know about him?

01-09-2011, 11:27 AM
I have a good friend who I rate as one of the most astute football minds play under him at Geelong and he cannot understand the fuss about Neeld. Said he was uninspiring and only interested in his own rewards.

edit. pretty off the cuff conversation though.

01-09-2011, 11:29 AM
I have a good friend who I rate as one of the most astute football minds play under him at Geelong and he cannot understand the fuss about Neeld. Said he was uninspiring and only interested in his own rewards.

edit. pretty off the cuff conversation though.

I have heard he lacks a hard edge.

09-09-2011, 01:30 PM
Smorgon said today the club was well on the way in its search for a new coach and were hoping to make a decision before the draft period. He said the club will not rush into any decision as they want to ensure they get the right person.

09-09-2011, 01:52 PM
Smorgon said today the club was well on the way in its search for a new coach and were hoping to make a decision before the draft period. He said the club will not rush into any decision as they want to ensure they get the right person.

He said the right things but I now don't have the confidence to just accept what he says.

09-09-2011, 01:56 PM
He said the right things but I now don't have the confidence to just accept what he says.

We hope they make the right decision.

09-09-2011, 02:09 PM
If you read between the lines it looks like Leon is a done deal.

The Bulldogs like to make easy decisions and continue to do so.

All we can hope for is a fair process for all applicants....

Has Brendan McCartney been linkied at all?

09-09-2011, 02:13 PM
If you read between the lines it looks like Leon is a done deal.

The Bulldogs like to make easy decisions and continue to do so.

How did you come up with that?

What easy decisions are you talking about that have been made in the past?

09-09-2011, 02:16 PM
My guess

Crows Scott Burns

WBU Leon Cameron

Dees Rocket

09-09-2011, 02:28 PM
I apologise if this sounds terrible, but it just how I feel at present.

Adelaide & Melbourne, couldn't really care.

Western Bulldogs, only slight lukewarm interest. Not one candidate that's been mentioned anywhere remotely enthuses me.

Feeling a bit the same Coon Dog - just hope we find the right person for the job and it's given for all the right reasons, i.e., ability to coach, motivate and hopefully be 2 steps ahead of an opposition coach! Is that too much to ask?

Sockeye Salmon
09-09-2011, 03:08 PM
Dees Rocket

Won't happen. Garry Lyon is only interested in 1980s Melbourne players.

Peter Rhode is more chance to coach Melbourne than Rocket is.

09-09-2011, 03:13 PM
Steven Stretch then

The Doctor
09-09-2011, 03:14 PM
Won't happen. Garry Lyon is only interested in 1980s Melbourne players.

Peter Rhode is more chance to coach Melbourne than Rocket is.

Haha it does seem a bit of an old boys club.

09-09-2011, 03:30 PM
I have a good friend who I rate as one of the most astute football minds play under him at Geelong and he cannot understand the fuss about Neeld. Said he was uninspiring and only interested in his own rewards.

edit. pretty off the cuff conversation though.

Heard similar things about Neeld when he was coaching the jets no thanks.

Leon is the man.

09-09-2011, 03:44 PM
Heard similar things about Neeld when he was coaching the jets no thanks.

Leon is the man.

What about Scott Burns?

Remi Moses
09-09-2011, 04:38 PM
Leon or Scott Burns.
Leon's going to get it

09-09-2011, 06:04 PM
Leon's going to get it

And watch the players continue to rule the roost :(

We need FRESH blood. Someone who has helped implement a winning game plan in the modern style. Someone who isnt "friends" with some players, but if the board thinks he is the best to get, then i guess he is.

09-09-2011, 06:27 PM
Heard similar things about Neeld when he was coaching the jets no thanks.

What year was that I wonder?

And from the previous poster, by 'Geelong' do you mean 'Ocean Grove' in local footy?

Remi Moses
09-09-2011, 06:31 PM
And watch the players continue to rule the roost :(

We need FRESH blood. Someone who has helped implement a winning game plan in the modern style. Someone who isnt "friends" with some players, but if the board thinks he is the best to get, then i guess he is.

Let's wait and see, Who really Knows!

10-09-2011, 02:33 AM
How did you come up with that?

What easy decisions are you talking about that have been made in the past?

Ill be here all night in regards to taking the easy options......Choosing Cameron is another example.

Lets hope he has the steel to be a good gaffer. Good luck leon!

The Bulldogs Bite
10-09-2011, 02:43 AM
Surely we would want to appoint a senior coach a few weeks prior to the draft. That way, he has time to analyse our list and make appropriate action for what we 'need' ... otherwise, we're drafting with no direction - or at the least - a lack of.

10-09-2011, 07:05 AM
Surely we would want to appoint a senior coach a few weeks prior to the draft. That way, he has time to analyse our list and make appropriate action for what we 'need' ... otherwise, we're drafting with no direction - or at the least - a lack of.

Based on a David Smorgon interview I heard I think the position might be filled within 10 days giving the new coach enough time to address the playing group and make his assessments.
You would have to think that the interview process would have a strong focus on that anyway.

Given the draft isn't until late November his first priority will be to determine the approach we should take with the trade week so he certainly needs an understanding of who stays and goes.

It would appear that it's Cameron's job to lose but I hope we are strong enough in our determination to get the best candidate that we can take each interview on it's merit.

10-09-2011, 11:49 AM
Based on a David Smorgon interview I heard I think the position might be filled within 10 days giving the new coach enough time to address the playing group and make his assessments.
You would have to think that the interview process would have a strong focus on that anyway.

Given the draft isn't until late November his first priority will be to determine the approach we should take with the trade week so he certainly needs an understanding of who stays and goes.

It would appear that it's Cameron's job to lose but I hope we are strong enough in our determination to get the best candidate that we can take each interview on it's merit.

I heard on radio they would be doing the main interviews in 10 days.

13-09-2011, 10:28 AM
Anyone think we should be chasing Lyon as well?

The Coon Dog
13-09-2011, 10:31 AM
Anyone think we should be chasing Lyon as well?

No, no & no!

Heard from someone last night that our search is down to 4; Williams, Neeld, Cameron & Burns.

13-09-2011, 11:38 AM
Anyone think we should be chasing Lyon as well?

No way we want him let him go to Melbourne I think Burns may get a run with Leon having too many close ties with the group.As an aside I just hope they appoint someone and let him lead and tell the players to play bloody football and not run the club.

13-09-2011, 02:26 PM
No way we want him let him go to Melbourne I think Burns may get a run with Leon having too many close ties with the group.As an aside I just hope they appoint someone and let him lead and tell the players to play bloody football and not run the club.

Rumour is Lyon to Melbourne on 5 year deal and Rocket to Saints.

13-09-2011, 02:28 PM
Maybe Rocket can sort them out.

13-09-2011, 04:41 PM
Rumour is Lyon to Melbourne on 5 year deal and Rocket to Saints.

I would hate that if true ... I would like to support Rocket at his next team (you know hope he does well etc) but I couldn't do that if it was the Saints.

the banker
13-09-2011, 04:47 PM
Always liked Scott Burns demeanour and footy attitude. He squeezed the most out of what he had and seemed very secure in his belief. If he can translate that to coaching I like the idea of him at the Dogs rather than Leon who IMO doesn't present as a creative appointment for us.

Dogs Burns
Dees Lyon
Saints Rocket

The Underdog
13-09-2011, 05:04 PM
No, no & no!

Heard from someone last night that our search is down to 4; Williams, Neeld, Cameron & Burns.

Some Herald Sun doof (Jay Clark) just tweeted that he thinks an upset is brewing in the race to win the Dogs coaching job. If that's the case, here's hoping it's Neeld or Burns and not Williams. Of course it could be speculation...

The Underdog
13-09-2011, 05:05 PM
I would hate that if true ... I would like to support Rocket at his next team (you know hope he does well etc) but I couldn't do that if it was the Saints.

Yeah but imagine the look on Grant Thomas' face when that appointment was made.
Personally I can't see them going for him, but who knows.

Rocco Jones
13-09-2011, 05:08 PM
No, no & no!

Heard from someone last night that our search is down to 4; Williams, Neeld, Cameron & Burns.

Do you think there is any chance Cameron won't get it?

13-09-2011, 05:23 PM
Rumour is Lyon to Melbourne on 5 year deal and Rocket to Saints.

Wow that would be huge -- weren't the Saints pretty dismissive of Rocket's capacity for a while there when he was our coach? I guess they know better than most how close we've come to pulling off upsets purely due to Rocket's tactical nous.

13-09-2011, 05:25 PM
Some Herald Sun doof (Jay Clark) just tweeted that he thinks an upset is brewing in the race to win the Dogs coaching job. If that's the case, here's hoping it's Neeld or Burns and not Williams. Of course it could be speculation...
No disrespect to Leon, but part of me is really hoping we get someone else. Someone from outside of the Bulldogs circle.

13-09-2011, 05:26 PM
I prefer Burns to any of the others but have no idea why.

The Underdog
13-09-2011, 05:32 PM
No disrespect to Leon, but part of me is really hoping we get someone else. Someone from outside of the Bulldogs circle.

Yeah, I feel the same. If the whole point was to get a new voice, then I don't see how an old voice helps. If he comes through the interview process as the clear winner that's fine, but it's going to be hard to not make it look like nepotism or at least prove that it wasn't.
On the other hand, if it's Wiliams I may go all Richmond supporter...

13-09-2011, 06:12 PM
Wow that would be huge -- weren't the Saints pretty dismissive of Rocket's capacity for a while there when he was our coach? I guess they know better than most how close we've come to pulling off upsets purely due to Rocket's tactical nous.
Ross Lyon would be the first to admit that Rocket coached the pants off him in the 09 PF. He admitted as much in the post-match presser.

Rocket would be in the best 4-6 coaches still going around and I hope for his sake that he gets a senior coaching gig elsewhere. He is simply too good at his craft not to be doing it somewhere else in 2012.

13-09-2011, 06:27 PM
No disrespect to Leon, but part of me is really hoping we get someone else. Someone from outside of the Bulldogs circle.

me too. Currently Burns is my preferred.

The Coon Dog
13-09-2011, 06:35 PM
Do you think there is any chance Cameron won't get it?

I have no idea.

13-09-2011, 08:15 PM
Ross Lyon has come to agreement with the St Kilda Football Club and will be staying on throughout 2012 & beyond.

From that list of 4 TCD mentioned, none get me excited and say "Yes Yes Yes go and get them"

Remi Moses
13-09-2011, 08:27 PM
Ross Lyon has come to agreement with the St Kilda Football Club and will be staying on throughout 2012 & beyond.

From that list of 4 TCD mentioned, none get me excited and say "Yes Yes Yes go and get them"

Stkilda will continue to be unwatchable. Exciting times indeed:eek:

Dancin' Douggy
13-09-2011, 08:48 PM
Crows. Gloria Jean
Dees. Ikea
Dogs. Ronald MacDonald.

13-09-2011, 09:05 PM
Stkilda will continue to be unwatchable. Exciting times indeed:eek:

If I was a saints fan, that would be the least of my worries. I prefer winning over game style everytime.

Rocco Jones
13-09-2011, 09:29 PM
If I was a saints fan, that would be the least of my worries. I prefer winning over game style everytime.

Exactly. Let the neutrals/opposition fans worry about it.

13-09-2011, 09:44 PM
Do you think there is any chance Cameron won't get it?

It's his job to lose. I think the other candidates would be best served by highlighting strengths in their own skill set that might be a weakness of Cameron's.

13-09-2011, 11:11 PM
Feeling a bit the same Coon Dog - just hope we find the right person for the job and it's given for all the right reasons, i.e., ability to coach, motivate and hopefully be 2 steps ahead of an opposition coach! Is that too much to ask?
spot on. we need a coach with no ties to the playing group and can make sone tough decisions on the playing group ie hardwick . Also one who can shape the playing list to play and able to beat the top 4 teams. Burns for me!

14-09-2011, 12:11 AM
Burns sounds like a done deal in adelaide unfortunetly.

14-09-2011, 12:33 AM
Has been some hushed talk around that Neeld might win the race to coach us ahead of Cameron but no idea how reliable it is.

14-09-2011, 11:23 AM
Interviews this week in todays paper if that is anything to go by.

14-09-2011, 02:09 PM

McCartney has coach talks with Bulldogs
By Kim Hagdorn
14 September 2011 12:18PM

HIGHLY respected AFL assistant coach Brendan McCartney is among frontline contenders to be the Western Bulldogs next coach after making the final list of four interviews.

McCartney was due to present his case to be Bulldogs new senior coach to the Dogs coaching recruitment committee in Melbourne on Wednesday.

He joins prime favourite and former Bulldogs playing star Leon Cameron and Dogs interim senior coach Paul Williams among four final candidates to win the full-time coaching appointment left vacant with the departure of Rodney Eade a month ago.

The other final Bulldogs candidate is unclear but it is understood to be widely respected Geelong assistant Brenton Sanderson.

Sanderson is also a candidate to join Collingwood's revised coaching support panel under new boss Nathan Buckley at the conclusion of the 2011 premiership race.

McCartney and Sanderson are both highly regarded by Dogs coaching committee consultant Tom Harley, who worked with both assistants at the height of his accomplished Geelong playing career as Cats premiership captain in 2007 and ’09.

McCartney is highly rated at Essendon under senior coach James Hird after he was a top priority recruit when Bombers management put together a support structure which included dual Cats premiership coach and former playing great Mark Thompson.

The Bombers are understandably anxious to retain McCartney in Hird’s football administration after just one season at Windy Hill.

He was a highly efficient right hand assistant to Thompson throughout his accomplished decade at the Cats as an astute football tactician.

McCartney is renowned through AFL circles for his explicit communication skills with players, especially developing young stars.

McCartney and Sanderson remain good mates with Harley, who was a surprise choice to sit in judgement on the Bulldogs prospective new senior coach.

Sanderson, 37, continues to rise in his standing through coaching ranks.

In his five seasons as an assistant, the first four under Thompson, Sanderson was associated with Geelong’s two premierships, a runner-up finish in 2008 as well as preliminary finals last year and again this season

Rocco Jones
14-09-2011, 02:12 PM
Good to see that every panel member now has a friend applying for the job.

14-09-2011, 02:14 PM
Good to see that every panel member now has a friend applying for the job.
I am surprised Granty did not put up Illija Grgic's name forward.

14-09-2011, 02:17 PM
This is great news, love to have Sanderson as our coach, or MCCartney. Forget the others.

The Doctor
14-09-2011, 02:25 PM
not sure what to make of this article but it raises a few issues for me.

Both Sanderson and McCartney were overlooked for the Geelong job just 12 months ago for an outsider. I find that curious.

Is Paul Williams really a better alternative than Rodney Eade?

Leon Cameron has been gone less than 12 months and is hardly a refresh. Good candidate he may be but there is no premiership experience and doesn't fit the refresh criteria?

What about Neeld?

Perhaps i'm being a bit sceptical about the whole thing but I would have liked to have seen a full on tilt at Roos or Malthouse despite what we hear about them not coaching next year.

While we're on important appointments what about Neil Craig as Football Manager. He would seem perfect for that kind of role and I would wager good cash he would be better at it than the bloke we have now.

Rocket Science
14-09-2011, 02:25 PM
I am surprised Granty did not put up Brad Wira's name forward.

Fixed it for you.

Cameron, Williams, McCartney, Sanderson...

Well, I can think of at least one area of savings within our football spend. Perhaps we should hire a coach named Peter and a list manager named Paul.

14-09-2011, 02:30 PM
not sure what to make of this article but it raises a few issues for me.

Both Sanderson and McCartney were overlooked for the Geelong job just 12 months ago for an outsider. I find that curious.

Is Paul Williams really a better alternative than Rodney Eade?

Leon Cameron has been gone less than 12 months and is hardly a refresh. Good candidate he may be but there is no premiership experience and doesn't fit the refresh criteria?

What about Neeld?

Perhaps i'm being a bit sceptical about the whole thing but I would have liked to have seen a full on tilt at Roos or Malthouse despite what we hear about them not coaching next year.

While we're on important appointments what about Neil Craig as Football Manager. He would seem perfect for that kind of role and I would wager good cash he would be better at it than the bloke we have now.

Geelong , wanted someone from outside the club, although Sanderson was close.

Williams - no way better than Eade. Eade is better than all the candidates.

Neeld - someone said going to Adelaide? Not sure whats happened to Burns?

Craig will most likely end up at the Lions, he is currently in discussions with them.

14-09-2011, 02:33 PM
So we now know the candidates and I have no idea on any them as coaches in fact do any of us know them coaching wise, I am not talking facts and figures I am talking about personally how they go about the business of coaching?
Has anyone here actaully seen them in action?

14-09-2011, 02:41 PM
To me their doesnt seem to be a candidate I would be over the moon to get but are we all going to back whoever it is ?
Seems a bit wierd to give Rodney no extension and take on someone who is hasnt done a senior job.
But then again we have had a bit of success with blokes like Wheeler, Wallace and Malthouse.
The wage will no doubt be lower and maybe allow for a list manager.
Seems we will be filled with Geelong names but thats not a bad thing, successful clubs have been coached by someone coming from a successful club as a player.

14-09-2011, 02:48 PM
To me their doesnt seem to be a candidate I would be over the moon to get but are we all going to back whoever it is ?
Seems a bit wierd to give Rodney no extension and take on someone who is hasnt done a senior job.
But then again we have had a bit of success with blokes like Wheeler, Wallace and Malthouse.
The wage will no doubt be lower and maybe allow for a list manager.
Seems we will be filled with Geelong names but thats not a bad thing, successful clubs have been coached by someone coming from a successful club as a player.

The AFL will pretty much be paying for the list manager with the extra money they will be giving us (and other clubs) that has to be used on the footy dept.

14-09-2011, 02:50 PM
Fixed it for you.

Cameron, Williams, McCartney, Sanderson...

Well, I can think of at least one area of savings within our football spend. Perhaps we should hire a coach named Peter and a list manager named Paul.
Grgic was best man at his wedding, please change back.

14-09-2011, 02:54 PM
The AFL will pretty much be paying for the list manager with the extra money they will be giving us (and other clubs) that has to be used on the footy dept.

Money wise we could be looking okay, the savings on a coach, AFL paying for list manager in roundabout way and the Ward saving a blessing in disguise?

The Underdog
14-09-2011, 02:55 PM
not sure what to make of this article but it raises a few issues for me.

Both Sanderson and McCartney were overlooked for the Geelong job just 12 months ago for an outsider. I find that curious.

Is Paul Williams really a better alternative than Rodney Eade?

Leon Cameron has been gone less than 12 months and is hardly a refresh. Good candidate he may be but there is no premiership experience and doesn't fit the refresh criteria?

What about Neeld?

Perhaps i'm being a bit sceptical about the whole thing but I would have liked to have seen a full on tilt at Roos or Malthouse despite what we hear about them not coaching next year.

While we're on important appointments what about Neil Craig as Football Manager. He would seem perfect for that kind of role and I would wager good cash he would be better at it than the bloke we have now.

I'm absolutely bemused that Williams is in the last 4 if true. They can't bang on about needing a new voice and choose the Senior Assistant Coach. I'm a bit Anti-Cameron for the same reasons. And if the other 2 candidates are ex-Cats then it all seems a bit wierd. Given Neeld is clearly advanced in the Crows interviews I'd be bemused (again) if he couldn't make the final 4 of our job. Burns to be honest may not be interested in our job, sounds like he's pretty happy to stay at the Eagles

14-09-2011, 03:12 PM
I'm absolutely bemused that Williams is in the last 4 if true. They can't bang on about needing a new voice and choose the Senior Assistant Coach. I'm a bit Anti-Cameron for the same reasons. And if the other 2 candidates are ex-Cats then it all seems a bit wierd. Given Neeld is clearly advanced in the Crows interviews I'd be bemused (again) if he couldn't make the final 4 of our job. Burns to be honest may not be interested in our job, sounds like he's pretty happy to stay at the Eagles

Williams must have a good Power Point presentation:D

McCartney is with Essendon now.

On Geelong:

In the past 8 years have only missed the finals once, ie in 2006. In that time they have made 3 GF and possible one more this year, 3 prelims (includes TY), and a semi in 2005. I would be more than happy to have some one who has been at Geelong and had that sort of exposure.

14-09-2011, 03:27 PM
Money wise we could be looking okay, the savings on a coach, AFL paying for list manager in roundabout way and the Ward saving a blessing in disguise?

Yeah, whatever. :rolleyes:

The money that was to be spent on Ward still needs to be spent, but the return is an unknown.

We may save money on a coach, but in a way you get what you pay for so who knows how that will go.

Because we have been tight arses our list is suffering so is it a case of better late than never?? I doubt it.

14-09-2011, 03:28 PM
While we're on important appointments what about Neil Craig as Football Manager. He would seem perfect for that kind of role and I would wager good cash he would be better at it than the bloke we have now.
He wouldn't be the lone ranger there.

14-09-2011, 03:35 PM
Any chance the Geelong guys might be able to entice Wells as our list manager if they get the job?

Nuggety Back Pocket
14-09-2011, 04:14 PM
I'm absolutely bemused that Williams is in the last 4 if true. They can't bang on about needing a new voice and choose the Senior Assistant Coach. I'm a bit Anti-Cameron for the same reasons. And if the other 2 candidates are ex-Cats then it all seems a bit wierd. Given Neeld is clearly advanced in the Crows interviews I'd be bemused (again) if he couldn't make the final 4 of our job. Burns to be honest may not be interested in our job, sounds like he's pretty happy to stay at the Eagles

Very surprised that Scott Burns wouldn't be a contender. Given his pedigree he would be bound to attract interest at the Crows. Burns background is very sound with a fine career with Collingwood and highly regarded as an Assistant with the Eagles. Appeals as one of the better prospects!

The Underdog
14-09-2011, 04:23 PM
Williams must have a good Power Point presentation:D

McCartney is with Essendon now.

On Geelong:

In the past 8 years have only missed the finals once, ie in 2006. In that time they have made 3 GF and possible one more this year, 3 prelims (includes TY), and a semi in 2005. I would be more than happy to have some one who has been at Geelong and had that sort of exposure.

Understand that McCartney is at Essendon now but obviously knows Harley pretty well.
Not necessarily against McCartney or Sanderson given the successul era they've been involved in, but the fact that the 4 mentioned in this article have close relations with either the Dogs or Tom Harley is a little odd.

Very surprised that Scott Burns wouldn't be a contender. Given his pedigree he would be bound to attract interest at the Crows. Burns background is very sound with a fine career with Collingwood and highly regarded as an Assistant with the Eagles. Appeals as one of the better prospects!

I agree, but it doesn't mean he wants to be a contender for our job. He may indeed be a contender at the Crows but he may not be applying for all the jobs available. Maybe if he doesn't get Adelaide he'd prefer staying in Perth as an assistant.

14-09-2011, 05:00 PM
My reaction to the names metioned is completely Ho Hum. If we choose Cameron or Williams I wil be completely peed off. Somebody please tell me what they will bring to the table we don't already have.

Personally, I would have vigorously chased anyone with experience with Collingwood or West Coast as both teams have the rest of the competition stuffed with the forward press and it seems to me without it, all others are peeing into the wind.

Neeld for me.

Rocco Jones
14-09-2011, 05:04 PM
It really annoys me that the 'final' list of four are either Bulldogs or guys Harley knows. Not really up for thinking outside the square here!

14-09-2011, 05:07 PM
It really annoys me that the 'final' list of four are either Bulldogs or guys Harley knows. Not really up for thinking outside the square here!
Thats the dogs for you.

14-09-2011, 05:12 PM
It really annoys me that the 'final' list of four are either Bulldogs or guys Harley knows. Not really up for thinking outside the square here!

Thats the dogs for you.

I can't accept that. We are not privy to the presentations and interviews and whether other candidates want to actually coach us.

14-09-2011, 05:22 PM
not sure what to make of this article but it raises a few issues for me.

Both Sanderson and McCartney were overlooked for the Geelong job just 12 months ago for an outsider. I find that curious.

Is Paul Williams really a better alternative than Rodney Eade?

Leon Cameron has been gone less than 12 months and is hardly a refresh. Good candidate he may be but there is no premiership experience and doesn't fit the refresh criteria?

What about Neeld?

Perhaps i'm being a bit sceptical about the whole thing but I would have liked to have seen a full on tilt at Roos or Malthouse despite what we hear about them not coaching next year.

While we're on important appointments what about Neil Craig as Football Manager. He would seem perfect for that kind of role and I would wager good cash he would be better at it than the bloke we have now.

Terrific points Doc.

I share the same concerns about Cameron and I'm more than surprised not to see Neeld's name still in the mix. Some of his strengths offer a good alternative to Cameron.

McCartney is an interesting one but the fact that he is at Essendon isn't ideal given what they have stood for in the last 12 to 18 months.

I heard Sanderson on the radio the other week, I liked the content of what he said but he isn't an overly impressive talker.

I can understand why we didn't have a tilt at Malthouse and Roos but it would have been nice.

Craig as the football manager would be great but I think Fantasia has another year to run.

14-09-2011, 06:17 PM
I find the desire to pot the choices strange. What better place to get someone from than Geelong. A club that has been a massive success recently and guys that have been roundly applauded by all and sundry for their part in that success.

On the other hand a couple of candidates with intimate knowledge of the list and club and exposure to other cultures in their resume.

No matter who we choose people will whinge and moan and point out with glee "I told you so" if the choice fails.

14-09-2011, 06:22 PM
No matter who we choose people will whinge and moan and point out with glee "I told you so" if the choice fails.

Not true. I'm sure if we chose any of Roos, Malthouse, Neeld or Burns most people here would be okay with the choice.

Just because most of us have reasonable doubts about the quality of the process and reservations about the candidates shortlisted doesn't mean that we're only here to pot the system. Most WOOFers have pretty old football heads on their shoulders and been around the industry a long time, at least give them some credit that they're not just being negative for the sake of it.

14-09-2011, 06:29 PM
I have spent time with Williams, Cameron and McCartney (but not Sanderson). Of the three, I would say McCartney was the most impressive - just in his passion for footy and the role he had ('Does it matter I didn't play AFL footy. My oath it matters - it burns in my guts every day. I tell those blokes - I am telling you blokes to cherish the opportunity you have in front of you....' - I am sure you get the idea) but nothing that really screamed senior coach.

Williams is quite impressive as well - more measured and thoughtful...I thought he was good and am surprised he is seen as a poor choice. Cameron to me was a little bit left field in some of his ideas but that isn't a bad thing - he got his points across.

None of these guys have a coaching record - none of us really know. Everyone was excited that Harley and co were involved in the search/appointment process - now there is criticism because percieved Harley 'favorites' are monopolising the short-list? Well, that is what you get...Harley will have faith in people he knows and be more comfortable in recommending them.

14-09-2011, 06:35 PM
Not true. I'm sure if we chose any of Roos, Malthouse, Neeld or Burns most people here would be okay with the choice.

Just because most of us have reasonable doubts about the quality of the process and reservations about the candidates shortlisted doesn't mean that we're only here to pot the system. Most WOOFers have pretty old football heads on their shoulders and been around the industry a long time, at least give them some credit that they're not just being negative for the sake of it.

I have doubts too and would prefer Lethal if we could get him but people need to be given a chance before they are deemed not good enough etc.

14-09-2011, 06:36 PM
Everyone was excited that Harley and co were involved in the search/appointment process - now there is criticism because percieved Harley 'favorites' are monopolising the short-list? Well, that is what you get...Harley will have faith in people he knows and be more comfortable in recommending them.

I wasn't -- I always said we needed an older head on the panel precisely to avoid a situation where a recently retired player either recommends coaches he worked with, or other recently retired players he played with. Not that there's anything wrong with that per se from a quality perspective, and we could accidentally still stumble over a good coach, but the entire process just lacks objectivity. Mates for jobs is neither a good look nor has it ever been a good recruiting policy. Ever.

14-09-2011, 06:38 PM
I have doubts too and would prefer Lethal if we could get him but people need to be given a chance before they are deemed not good enough etc.

True -- I don't think anyone is saying that these blokes are crap, but there is a very 'meh' feeling about them, especially if we are saying we want change and two leading candidates are our assistant coaches (which is basically what Leon is, despite his year at Hawthorn).

14-09-2011, 06:39 PM
Mates for jobs is neither a good look nor has it ever been a good recruiting policy. Ever.

Has always been a good policy for me - people I know and have worked with before over an unknown? People who I understand and have a good bead on strengths/weaknesses (especially under pressure)...knowledge of your employees is a good thing - it prevents you from hiring someone who simply isn't up to the task.

Who cares how it looks - the right person is the right person is the right person.

14-09-2011, 06:46 PM
the right person is the right person is the right person.


But how can you come to this conclusion if you're only looking at your mates? I'm not talking about a clear standout either.. yes, there can be a mate who is a clear standout, and you won't not give him a job because he's your mate.

But 'jobs for mates' is different -- it's limiting your perspective to only people you know, without even considering the possibility that there are better candidates out there.

If we were using the 'familiar is better than the unknown' line as justification though, why did we get rid of Rocket again?

14-09-2011, 06:58 PM

But how can you come to this conclusion if you're only looking at your mates? I'm not talking about a clear standout either.. yes, there can be a mate who is a clear standout, and you won't not give him a job because he's your mate.

But 'jobs for mates' is different -- it's limiting your perspective to only people you know, without even considering the possibility that there are better candidates out there.

If we were using the 'familiar is better than the unknown' line as justification though, why did we get rid of Rocket again?

But who says they are only looking at their mates? Do you know the full list of who was interviewed? I believe there have been others interviewed and they are down to a short list.

14-09-2011, 07:02 PM
But who says they are only looking at their mates? Do you know the full list of who was interviewed? I believe there have been others interviewed and they are down to a short list.

No I don't -- but are you saying that it's purely coincidence that the final four are (for all intents and purposes) two Dogs assistant coaches and two Geelong assistant coaches?

14-09-2011, 07:04 PM
No I don't -- but are you saying that it's purely coincidence that the final four are (for all intents and purposes) two Dogs assistant coaches and two Geelong assistant coaches?

No, I don't know.

Cameron is at Hawthorn
McCartney - Essendon
Sanderson - Geelong and of course Williams.:D

If Sanderson and McCartney were not so highly rated by the general football industry then I would say jobs for mates.

14-09-2011, 07:08 PM
No, I don't know.

Cameron is at Hawthorn
McCartney - Essendon
Sanderson - Geelong and of course Williams.:D

If Sanderson and McCartney were not so highly rated by the general football industry then I would say jobs for mates.

(I know Cam is at Hawthorn and McCartney moved across with Bomber Thompson, that's why I said 'for all intents and purposes' -- they've both spent most of their respective coaching careers as Dogs and Cats and a year of work experience elsewhere doesn't really change the equation that much IMO.)

Anyway, not having a crack either way -- just responding to Maddog's original post about WOOFers being overly negative! :)

14-09-2011, 07:12 PM
Williams is quite impressive as well - more measured and thoughtful...I thought he was good and am surprised he is seen as a poor choice. Cameron to me was a little bit left field in some of his ideas but that isn't a bad thing - he got his points across.
What I liked about Williams from the get-go was that he put his hand up immediately and expressed a strong desire for the permanent gig - that says to be that he is ambitious and confident in his ability. By stark contrast Bickley and Viney, when confronted by the same circumstance, were decidedly half-hearted in their desire to be senior coach.

None of this makes Williams more ot less qualified than the other candidates but I don't share the pessisism about him that others do.

14-09-2011, 08:53 PM
Happy with the final 4, would have liked to see Neeld's name in there as well.

One of Sanderson or McCartney would be my current choice and that's only from reading websites and newspapers, so its not really that informed.

Cameron and Williams are too close to this group of players, i think we need an outsider to go over it and make some hard decisions

In the end i wouldn't be overly disappointed with any of these choices, and hope the clubmakes the right choice for our future.

Rocco Jones
14-09-2011, 09:05 PM
What I liked about Williams from the get-go was that he put his hand up immediately and expressed a strong desire for the permanent gig - that says to be that he is ambitious and confident in his ability. By stark contrast Bickley and Viney, when confronted by the same circumstance, were decidedly half-hearted in their desire to be senior coach.

None of this makes Williams more ot less qualified than the other candidates but I don't share the pessisism about him that others do.

It's funny, I don't think the widespread pessissism towards both Cameron and Williams here on has much to do with them respectively as individuals. I think it primarily stems from the lack of faith we collectively have in the club at present and the pair are tarred with the same brush.

The Underdog
14-09-2011, 10:22 PM
It's funny, I don't think the widespread pessissism towards both Cameron and Williams here on has much to do with them respectively as individuals. I think it primarily stems from the lack of faith we collectively have in the club at present and the pair are tarred with the same brush.

As I've also qualified in most posts on this topic, my problem with Williams and Cameron stems from the whole theory that the players need a new voice. Surely picking the 2IC to Eade defeats the whole purpose and not far behind is picking a guy who 80% of the team have been coached by before in some capacity. It makes the decision to sack Eade look faintly ridiculous wherever you stand on it. I have no problem with either of the Geelong guys, I just found it interesting that we've possibly ended up with 4 people with a relationship to the club or Harley whether that's right or wrong or doesn't matter. Anyway as has been pointed out what would I or any of us really know about the candidates as a senior coaches and at this point I'm not sure I *!*!*!*!ing care.

14-09-2011, 10:41 PM

As always, GT provokes some interesting discussion. The following paragraphs certainly raised my eyebrows:

"Leon Cameron will be appointed coach of the Western Bulldogs - that's a no-brainer guarantee. We will go through all of the froth and bubble but get ready for the announcement - it's more inevitable than Ross coaching the Saints next year and I would expect that anyone attending an interview there would be completely wasting their time. I am of the strong belief this "marriage" was consummated over twelve months ago. The "in" crew at the Bulldogs are best mates Simon Garlick and Luke Darcy with lapdog James Fantasia licking at their heels performing tricks on demand.

Leon Cameron is a business partner with Luke Darcy in three hotels and they are the closest of mates. Darcy doesn't have the courage or nerve to disclose these facts in any of his developing media outlets which calls to question his integrity and disclosure capabilities. I am equally surprised he has not been called to task on this by his fellow commentators - but then again I am not because unfortunately that is the type of situation that prevails too much within the industry. The lack of transparency, honesty and compromise is reaching epidemic proportions.

How could the Bulldogs not be interested in Ross Lyon? He is exactly what they need - discipline, leadership, professionalism and intensity. Without the slightest bit of disrespect to Leon Cameron how could anyone with any semblance of intelligence or expertise put him in front of Ross Lyon? Cameron is an emerging talent and has terrific qualities and football nous but is not in the same ballpark as Lyon."

I never really considered Ross Lyon as a viable alternative to coach the Bulldogs. His game style is hard to watch but clearly he is a vastly experienced coach who is not easily surprised in the box, and has the capacity to pull players out of their confort zone and demand sustained excellence. It's all a moot point because he is staying at St Kilda.

I wasn't aware that Simon Garlick an d Luke Darcy are best mates, nor did I know that Darce and Leon Cameron are business partners. I really hope the assertions made by GT are uninformed supposition - I would hate for a clique to have been developed at senior management level and the detailed process being exposed as window dressing. Hutchy and Fantasia are close mates, so GT would have some reasonable mail sitting right next to him on Monday nights, you'd have thought.

14-09-2011, 10:47 PM
Gee, thanks for that happy bed time reading Sedat.

The Underdog
14-09-2011, 10:49 PM
The "in" crew at the Bulldogs are best mates Simon Garlick and Luke Darcy with lapdog James Fantasia licking at their heels performing tricks on demand.

That bit's funny

14-09-2011, 11:01 PM
Come on, Sedat, come clean.

You are Grant Thomas, aren't you?


14-09-2011, 11:11 PM
Come on, Sedat, come clean.

You are Grant Thomas, aren't you?

In the interests of full disclosure, I am not Grant Thomas :D

I am glad that someone out there in the media is asking some difficult questions of our leaders.

The Bulldogs Bite
15-09-2011, 02:12 AM
When do we find out? Grand Final week?

I was present at the President's lunch in round 24, and am almost certain Smorgon said they planned to announce a coach in the week leading up to the Grand Final, but I did consume a few beverages. :D

Anyone able to confirm?

Remi Moses
15-09-2011, 05:25 AM
Gee best mates getting a gig at a football club.
Sounds familar Grant Does it?
Maybe they'll sue each other?
You can find conflicts anywhere if you look hard enough.

15-09-2011, 11:05 AM
Of all the people to be preaching transparency, integrity and honest!!!!!!

Also here is an exert from a herald sun article in 2008 with comments from "GT" about his appointment

"Blight told Watson, "'They had a right to hire and fire. I've done it to people over my life; people have done it to me. I don't have a problem with that."

''The problem I have, and I reckon the honest football world has, is that you are replaced by a guy who, nearly 10 years ago, coached unsuccessfully at an amateur league club. How that ever happened …"

Thomas told Fairfax Media he stood by his credentials and his performance – taking St Kilda to consecutive preliminary finals.

''Can I remind Malcolm, every coach starts from nothing, There are many successful premiership coaches that had never coached before. I had at least coached successfully in the past,'' Thomas said."

So in other words it was alright to replace Blight with himself but not alright to favour Cameron over Lyon. The man is a joke.

15-09-2011, 11:06 AM
Leon Cameron is a business partner with Luke Darcy in three hotels and they are the closest of mates. Darcy doesn't have the courage or nerve to disclose these facts in any of his developing media outlets which calls to question his integrity and disclosure capabilities. I am equally surprised he has not been called to task on this by his fellow commentators - but then again I am not because unfortunately that is the type of situation that prevails too much within the industry. The lack of transparency, honesty and compromise is reaching epidemic proportions.


Is GT just an idiot? What the hell has Darcy got to do with the process of picking a new coach? So what he has a business relationship with Leon and doesn't disclose it? Why should he disclose it, even if he is building his media interests?

Sedat, its a good laugh to read this but the guy cannot be taken as serious.

15-09-2011, 12:44 PM
Reported today that we have approached Roos and he said no, just as he did to Melbourne and Adelaide.

The Coon Dog
15-09-2011, 12:58 PM
Reported today that we have approached Roos and he said no, just as he did to Melbourne and Adelaide.

I understand the approach to Roos was more along the lines of the things we should be looking at, rather than asking him to coach.

15-09-2011, 02:27 PM
I understand the approach to Roos was more along the lines of the things we should be looking at, rather than asking him to coach.

Gee that's strange if that is the case as I read he was mentoring Leon in his quest to become our coach. Wonder what he told the dogs?

15-09-2011, 02:51 PM
I understand the approach to Roos was more along the lines of the things we should be looking at, rather than asking him to coach.

Sorry I had that incorrect, he was approached by one of the three but won't say which club:

Roos knocks back approach (http://www.sen.com.au/display-afl/Roos-knocks-back-approach/32627)

Former Sydney coach Paul Roos has re-affirmed he is not interested in any of the vacant coaching positions, despite being approached by at least one of the clubs without a coach for next season.

Speaking on Tuesday morning, the 2005 premiership coach said he wouldn't be re-entering the fray after spending a year out of coaching since stepping down from his role at the Swans last season.

When asked on Melbourne radio station SEN whether he was interested in the Crows, Demons or Bulldogs, Roos responded with a laugh.

"The Bulldogs I am," he declared.

"The under-16 Bulldogs, they lost in the grand final and I have to re-apply for that job."

"I'm battling to save my own career at the Eastern Suburbs Bulldogs down at Trump Park."

But he was more serious when he admitted at least one of the clubs had made enquiries into his availability next season.

"I'm not going to say who it was," Roos said.

"All clubs, and I think what they do now is, they're all very good at doing their due diligence and finding out and making a phone call and sorting out the candidates."

"And, that's the role they've got to play and I respect (that)."

"I said when they rang, 'it's fine but I'm not interested now'."

"Obviously if I said I was interested I suspect you would then go through the process and you'd do all those sort of things."

Roos may not be in the frame, but rumours have strengthened throughout the week that West Coast assistant Scott Burns may now be headed to Melbourne.

Originally it was thought Burns may be set to return to his native Adelaide to take over at the Crows.

But, with Ross Lyon now apparently staying at St Kilda, reports have indicated he may come to Melbourne, where he will be joined by former Adelaide coach Neil Craig, who will act as a Mark Thompson-style mentor to the rookie coach.

Roos' former sparring partner in the 2005 and 2006 grand finals, West Coast coach John Worsfold, refused to make any comment on these reports when asked on Wednesday.

But the Eagles' coach was adamant the job offers were not distracting Burns from the job at hand as he helps his side prepare for Saturday night's cut-throat semi-final against Carlton.

"I think Burnsy will put the required time into that when he's got some down time," Worsfold said.

"I've got no doubt he's 100 per cent focused and will get the job done for us."

"It would be a big loss but it would be awesome for him if he could get a senior position."

15-09-2011, 09:32 PM
I think we should ask about Harvey. I doubt he will be over there for much longer to be honest. I would be interested to hear from W.A Woofers what their opinion is.

Bickley to stay with Crows

Maybe Laidley to Melbourne.

I was right. I would like to look at him, do we still have time or are we well into the selection process?

15-09-2011, 10:02 PM
I was right. I would like to look at him, do we still have time or are we well into the selection process?

You are psychic !!

15-09-2011, 10:02 PM
When do we find out? Grand Final week?

I was present at the President's lunch in round 24, and am almost certain Smorgon said they planned to announce a coach in the week leading up to the Grand Final, but I did consume a few beverages. :D

Anyone able to confirm?

Yup ... confirmed, that's what he said

The Coon Dog
16-09-2011, 05:52 PM
Mike Sheahan is going with Neeld to coach the Demons.

Link (http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/collingwood-assistant-coach-mark-neeld-poised-to-coach-demons/story-e6frf9jf-1226139072436)

16-09-2011, 07:46 PM
StevoHeraldSun Mark Stevens
Shortlist for Dogs believed to include: Cameron, Hinkley, McCartney ... Williams and Montgomery

16-09-2011, 07:57 PM
StevoHeraldSun Mark Stevens
Shortlist for Dogs believed to include: Cameron, Hinkley, McCartney ... Williams and Montgomery

No SAnderson, Burns and Neeld? Monty, really:eek:

16-09-2011, 08:04 PM
No SAnderson, Burns and Neeld? Monty, really:eek:

We were last in line. Neeld et al will already be part of another club's set up by the time we finish our process. We'll be able to pick from whatever's left over after other clubs snap up the best candidates available.

16-09-2011, 08:08 PM
We were last in line. Neeld et al will already be part of another club's set up by the time we finish our process. We'll be able to pick from whatever's left over after other clubs snap up the best candidates available.

Hinkley would be good.

The Underdog
16-09-2011, 08:32 PM
StevoHeraldSun Mark Stevens
Shortlist for Dogs believed to include: Cameron, Hinkley, McCartney ... Williams and Montgomery

Peter Dean must be wondering what he did wrong. If Monty got the gig you reckon you could say goodbye to Lake.
Hope that list is more inspiring in hindsight

16-09-2011, 08:46 PM
No SAnderson, Burns and Neeld? Monty, really:eek:

They probably weren't interested in coaching the Dogs.

Raw Toast
16-09-2011, 09:07 PM
No SAnderson, Burns and Neeld? Monty, really:eek:

Yesterday he tweeted he was hearing Sanderson a bit, and he posted this after Neeld was pretty much confirmed to the Dees.

Haven't seen Burns linked to us so far, so he must be a cert.

19-09-2011, 06:24 PM
Crows poised to reveal new coach - Burns hot Favourite (http://www.sportsnewsfirst.com.au/articles/2011/09/19/crows-poised-to-reveal-new-coach/)

19-09-2011, 07:00 PM
Mike Sheahan reporting Adelaide to go with Sanderson.

19-09-2011, 07:35 PM
Mike Sheahan reporting Adelaide to go with Sanderson.

A few of the radio stations are advising that Sanderson has informed the Cats.

19-09-2011, 10:05 PM
A few of the radio stations are advising that Sanderson has informed the Cats.

Confirmed on AFL website.

19-09-2011, 10:06 PM
My tips

Adelaide - Bickley
Melbourne - Eade :(
Bulldogs - Cameron

0 from 3... great job Andrew :eek:

19-09-2011, 11:52 PM
Ill be here all night in regards to taking the easy options......Choosing Cameron is another example.

Lets hope he has the steel to be a good gaffer. Good luck leon!

This was spot on:rolleyes:

19-09-2011, 11:55 PM
I have spent time with Williams, Cameron and McCartney (but not Sanderson). Of the three, I would say McCartney was the most impressive - just in his passion for footy and the role he had ('Does it matter I didn't play AFL footy. My oath it matters - it burns in my guts every day. I tell those blokes - I am telling you blokes to cherish the opportunity you have in front of you....' - I am sure you get the idea) but nothing that really screamed senior coach.

Good one

Remi Moses
20-09-2011, 01:06 AM
Apparently whispers( Gerard Healy's mate Andrew Thompson) reckons Burns informed the Crows he needs more experience.
Gee wonder how much money the betting agencies took for Cameron not getting the Gig?