# Jon Ralph
# From: Herald Sun
# March 16, 2011 12:00AM

Let's not get bogged down with premiership windows and missed finals chances and levels of motivation at Whitten Oval.

The Bulldogs' chances of hoisting that long-awaited premiership cup this year come down to five fundamental questions.

Can Adam Cooney and Ryan Griffen become the killer one-two midfield punch the club is crying out for on a weekly basis?

Is Barry Hall capable of reprising last year's reputation-saving season, at least in impact if not in total goals scored?

Will Easton Wood's rapid upward graph climb quickly enough for him to replace Jarrod Harbrow as the money-in-the-bank defensive linebreaker?

Might Robert Murphy's fragile body finally allow him to fulfil his potential as one of the game's most talented players?

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