Maybe I'm sick. Maybe I'm scarred. Maybe I'm a masochist. Maybe I need serious help or maybe I'm just constantly in brace position for my budget flight to fall out of the sky. But I almost welcome shocktober. English to eagles for pick 1. Naughton to SOMEWHERE for pick ?. B. Smith to cats for pick 8. trade 10 and 17 for 4. Go to the draft with 4 top 10 picks including 1.

BTW I do love those 3 players but.........

Logic says this. 1. You don't need a million dollar ruckman to win a flag. 2. Naughton's kicking is probably always going to be a problem and we have a conga line of tall emerging forwards for the first time in my life. 3. Smith seems to be a ' tiny weeny bit' self obsessed and...... man.........his kicking has become hideous.
4. Last time this happened we won a flag.
Total apocalyptic, scorched earth, shock and awe, agent orange, volcanic, shocktober mayhem might be the answer.

I am probably totally wrong, and will also be relieved if none of this happens. I'm just the hysterical person in the disaster movie screaming "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE" 'til someone slaps me across the face and the plane levels out and starts cruising again. Complete with a soothing announcement from the pilot and in flight service resuming.